Duncan research files of |
1850 Fayette Co. TX Census (and from Lucille Mehrkam 1983)
Pg.210, #313-313, John DUNCAN 27 NC (blank occupation) $0 (alone)
1860 Fayette Co. TX Census
LaGrange P.O.
Pg.304, #695-908, R.F. DRY (m) 24 TN watch maker $1500-$4000
C.J. (f) 31 GA
William CHANDLER 16 AL
Margaret 12 TX
Hanah DUNKIN (f) 64 SC
(MAD: ? 1850 DeKalb Co. GA census; or ?? see Mrs. Hannah Jones mar. Isaac Duncan 1853 Ft.Bend Co. TX, he from Austin Co. TX; name plainly DRY, not DAY)
Pg.317 (118), #883-1187, N.J. SANDERS (f) 35 AL (blank) $1050-$600
Margrett 17 AL
Isaac 12, David 10 TX
Elishia (m) 4 TX
Nancy J. 2 TX
(MAD: 1850 Gonzales Co. TX census; Nancy Jane Duncan born 3/3/1824 Jackson Co. AL mar. 1st Thomas J. Sanders, mar. 2nd William Adams 11/14/1861, she the dau. of David Duncan who had other ch. David, William and Mary (Polly), from Bible record per Elaine Perkins, 1870 Hays Co. TX)
1870 Fayette Co. TX Census
Between Halletsville Road and Buckners Creek
Pg.442, #636-597, HALSTON, Jane 44 AL keeps house
Wm. 21 AL teamster
Clay 19 AL teamster
Asa 17 MI farm hand
Bettie 14 TX at home
(MAD: 1860 Chambers Co. TX census)
P.O. Cistern
Pg.449, #698-698, DUNCAN, R.M. (m) 44 MS farm hand $0-$0
Ann Eliza 26 MS keeps house
Dollie (f) 9, Bob (m) 1 TX
(MAD: Robert M. Duncan mar. Ann Eliza Butler 9/10/1860)
P.O. LaGrange
Pg.459, #23-23, DUNCAN, G.W. (m) 26 AL farming $0-$0 (white); with others
Pg.477, #299-291, DUNCAN, Jennie (f) 9 TX BLACK
Jno. Lee (m) 23 GA BLACK field hand
Malissa (f) 22 GA BLACK field hand
(MAD: ages as given)
P.O. LaGrange, West of Caldwell Road
Pg.483, #67-66, DUNKIN, Isaac 22 LA BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
Sarah 22 TX BLACK farm laborer
Thornton (m) 7, Morris (m) 4 TX BLACKS
Nathan 3, Katie 10/12 TX (no month of birth) BLACKS
Pg.483, #71-70, HUNT, Lucinda (f) 49 AL keeps house $0-$0
Mattie (f) 21 TX "without"
Alex 19 TX field hand
Eveline 15, Mollie 13 TX
Alice 10, Willis (f) 6 TX
DUNCAN, Joe 23 AL (white) field hand
Corporation of LaGrange, P.O. LaGrange
Pg.507, #25-21, DAY, Robert F?. 34 TN watchmaker $4000-$200
Elizabeth J. 40 AL keeps house
Mary 8, Jno. F. 3 TX
DUNCAN, Hanna (f) 70 SC (white)
LOYLESS?, Sarah 18 TX
(MAD: "DAY" was written as "DRY" in 1860 census)
1880 Fayette Co. TX Census (partial)
Justice Precincts 6&5, Pg.27, S.D.5, E.D.61
Pg.177C, #238-239, HOLSTEIN, Ace M., w/m, age 25 mar. farmer MS GA AL
Mancey E., w/f, age 18 wife keeping house mar. TX -- --
Ida, w/f, age 1 dau. single TX MS TX
DUNCAN, Henry, w/m, age 15 nephew single farm laborer TX -- AL
(MAD: 1910 Liberty Co. TX census)
5th District, pg.54, S.D.5, E.D. 163
Pg.240D, #450-474, THORNELL, Andrew, w/m, age 38 mar. laborer AL GA GA
Marthy, w/f, age 35 wife mar. keeping house AL AL AL
John, w/m, age 10 son single TX AL AL
Mary, w/f, age 8 dau. single TX AL AL
Asa, w/m, age 4 son single TX AL AL
(MAD: Andrew Thornell's age indexed as 35 but looks more like 38; Martha Mahala Holstein, widow of David Duncan and mother of William Henry Duncan b.ca 1865 TX with Ace M. Holstein in 1880 Fayette Co. TX, mar. Andrew Jackson Thornell; from info of Marc LeClere 5/2006; Andrew Thornell and William Henry Duncan not found 1870)
1894 "Memorial and genealogical record of southwest Texas : containing biographical histories and genealogical records of many leading men and prominent families" pub. by Goodspeed Brothers (Houston, TX, library book 976.4 M533; from Lucille Mehrkam 2/1984 and Denzil Mauldin 3/1984; and FHL book 976.4 D3mg)
Pg.301-2: J.T. DUNCAN. Among the leading attorneys of La Grange, TX, is J.T. Duncan, a man of unquestioned integrity, and competent in his profession. To a thorough knowledge of the legal science, he joins the general culture derived from a varied and extended course of reading, and is skillful in the presentation of the most involved or intricate facts, and forcible in his manner of dealing with difficult and entangled subjects. He was born in Washington Co. TX in 1854, and is the son of George J. and Elizabeth (Dallas) Duncan, natives of Kentucky. This family was one of the earliest and most prominent ones of Virginia. The grandmother of our subject on the paternal side was a native of North Carolina, but the maternal grandparents were natives of Pennsylvania. The latter came to the Lone Star State in 1833, and settled near Independence, Washington Co. TX. In 1839 the father of our subject came to Washington County, and engaged in farming. He was a single man then, but married Miss Dallas in 1851, afterward residing in Washington County until 1880, when he moved to Milam County, where he died in 1893. He was in Summersville's campaign against the Mexicans in 1840, and proceeded as far as Laredo. This expedition was for the purpose of forever settling the boundary line between Mexico and Texas, and this body of hardy Texans suffered many hardships on this trip. At one time Mr. Duncan got lost from his command, and before reaching the main army suffered greatly. To his marriage were born five children. J.T. Duncan was educated in Baylor University, of Independence, graduating from that institution in 1877, and immediately afterward he came to La Grange, TX, where he entered the law office of Timmons & Brown. In June 1878, he was admitted to the practice of law in this state, and subsequently formed a partnership with R.J. Andrews, the same continuing until 1881, and was then elected to the office, his term expiring in 1882. Since that time he has not aspired to public positions. Mr. Duncan is attorney for the San Antonio and Arkansas Pass Railway Company, a position he fills to the entire satisfaction of all the people interested. Jan. 1, 1885, Mr. Duncan formed a partnership with Judge L.W. Moore, the style of the firm being Moore & Duncan. Judge Moore is one of the oldest and best known attorneys in the state, being ex-member of Congress and ex-judge of this profession, and is remarkably well adapted to the requirements of the same, and his strength lies in his great fairness and liberality, coupled with a keen discernment of motives behind actions.
1902 "Fayette Co. Her History and Her People" by Frank Lotto (from Lucille Mehrkam 5/1984; FHL film 824,295 item 2)
Pg.208: Members of Fayette Co. Bar - J.T. Duncan - (LM: same as pg.301-2 in 1894 "Memorial and genealogical record of southwest Texas)
Pg.209: The subject of this sketch, their son, J.T. Duncan Jr., was born in Washington Co. TX in 1854. Educated in Baylor University at Independence and graduated in 1877 ... admitted to bar June 1878. .... He was married Jan 11, 1861 to Miss Genelle Harris of Bellville, TX, the eldest duaghter of Ben T. Harris, decd. This union was blessed with three children, Miss Josephine, Miss Frankie and Douglass, all at home.
Some early Duncans in Fayette Co. TX:
John Duncan, 1840, on tax list, 0 white poles, patent title to 2222 acres (pg.36, perhaps "1840 Citizens of TX; Tax Rolls" Vol.2, by Gifford White, FHL book 976.4 R2wge and fiche 6,100,365; from Lucille Mehrkam 1984)
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