Duncan research files of |
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (SLC 5/30/2011 copied by CVD)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Index cards to grants made in western lands, now Tennessee, prior to the cession of the lands to the U.S. government in 1789; including grants made on military warrants, patents issued after the cession date; includes WESTERN, MIDDLE AND EASTERN DISTRICTS, ca. 1778-1800 ---- "A" - David Ginn (to be cont.) (FHL Film 1,942,646)
Duncan, John, File No.560, Sullivan Co., 400 acres, Grant No.543 issued 17 Nov. 1790, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.76, page no.192, Location: On the Falling branch of Horse Creek.
Duncan, John, File No.674, Sullivan Co., 50 acres, Grant No.622 issued 9 July 1794, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.81, page no.628, Location: On waters of Horse Creek.
Duncan, William, File No.788, Sullivan Co., 20 acres, Grant No.720 issued 2 Dec. 1796, Entry No.441 entered 22 Apl. 1780, Book No.91, page no.276, Location: On Beaverdam Creek.
Duncan, Chas., son of Robt, File No.296, Wash. Co., 198 acres, Grant No.163 issued 24 Oct. 1782, Entry No.672 entered 9 Dec. 1778, Book No.47, page no.79, Location: S. fork of Horse Creek.
Tennessee Land Grants Index (FHL film 1,002,730)
Copied all Duncan, Dunkin, etc. (no Duncomb) through 1849; did not copy later index. Film consists of small index cards for each grant; some grants are repeated if they appear in two books.
Name, Grant #, Acres, Date, County, Book & Page, District (Actual grant books are in series by District, then book volume & page)
Alfred Duncan, 25319, 50a, 6/4/1845, Sullivan, 26-649, East
John Duncan, 543, 400a, 11/17/1790, Sullivan, 15-86, NC
John Duncan, 622, 50a, 7/9/1794, Sullivan, 15-134, NC
NC Land Grants 1792-1798 (FHL film 18,062; 9/1982 from Mary Sims)
Sullivan Co. - John Duncan 50a
NC Land Grants in TN
15-7: #144. State of North Carolina, No.163. For consideration of 50 shillings for every 100 acres, hereby granted, paid into our treasury by Charles Duncan son of Robert Duncan decd, have granted ... to said Charles Duncan son of Robert Decd. a tract of land containing 198 acres of land in our County of Washington on the fourth fork of Horse Creek, beg. on a dividing line between sd. Duncan and Isaac Titsworth, as by the plat hereunto annexed, providing that said Charles Duncan son of Robert Duncan decd. shall cause this grant to be registered in the register's office of said county of Washington within 12 months from the date hereof. 24 October 1782, /s/ Alexander Marten, Esq., governor. (MAD: see Sullivan Co. TN)
15-86: 7/17 Nov. 1790, Grant #543 to John Duncan, 400 acres in Sullivan Co. "falling branch of Horse creek where his improvement", beginning upper end of bottom beginning, dividing line between said Duncan and Isaac Titsworth. (FHL film 1,013,322)
15-134: 9 July 1794, Grant #264 to John Duncan, 50 acres in Sullivan Co. on Horse Creek, beg. stake in former survey of said Duncans, then on Isaac Titsworths line, on Charles Duncans line, said John Duncans old line. (FHL film 1,013,322)
NC Land Warrant File, Washington County [Tennessee] (MAD: see Sullivan Co. TN)
Index Card: Duncan, Chas., son of Robt, No.296, Wash. Co., 198 acres, Grant No.163 issued 24 Oct. 1782, Entry No.672 entered 9 Dec. 1778, Book No.47, page no.79, Location: S. fork of Horse Creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Land Warrant File No.296: Cover: No.296; County: Washington Tennessee; Name: Duncan, Charles, Son of Robert Duncan Decd; Acres: 198; Grant No.163; Issued: 24 Oct. 1782; Warrant No. (blank); Entry No. 672; Entered: 9 Dec. 1778; Book No.: 47; Page No.: 79; Location: South fork of Horse Creek; Remarks: (blank).
Small folded paper, handwritten: State of North Carolina, Washington County, Decmbr. 4? 1778, No.672: To the surveyor of said county you are hereby requested to measure and lay of two hundred acres of land for Charles Duncan according to law; on the south forke of Hors creek joining Isaac Titsworth, runing up for complement. Given under my hand this 13 day of March 1779. /s/ John Carter, S?.T.
Reverse of paper: No.672. No.63. Charles Duncan, 200, Executed the within precept according to the tenor thereof. Decr. 1st, 1779, James Stuart, Dec. 9th, 1778.
Plain paper: [rectangular sketch of land, 126 poles by 252 poles, roughly north and south, 198 acres.] No.672. This plat is the form of a tract of land surveyed for Charles Duncan son of Robt. Duncan decd. Decemr. 1st 1779 situate in North Carolina Washington County on the south fork of Horse Creek and bounding ... dividing line between sd Duncan & Isaac Titsworth, containing 198 acres. /s/ James Stuart, C.S. (FHL film 1,928,914)
NC Land Warrant File, Sullivan County [Tennessee]
Index Card: Duncan, John, File No.08, Wash. Co., 404 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.14 entered 25 Feb. 1778, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: On Falling branch of Horse creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Index Card: Duncan, John, File No.09, Wash. Co., 400 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.14 entered 25 Feb. 1778, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: On Falling branch of Horse creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Index Card: Duncan, John, File No.560, Sullivan Co., 400 acres, Grant No.543 issued 17 Nov. 1790, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.76, page no.192, Location: On the Falling branch of Horse Creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Land Warrant File No.560: "There were no documents in this shuck at time of filming" Cover: No.560, Tennessee, Sullivan County; Duncan, John; 400 acres; Grant No.543; Issued 17th November 1790, Warrant No. (blank); Entry No. (blank); Entered (blank); Book No.76; Page No. 192; Location: on the falling branch of Horse Creek. (FHL film 1,928,903)
Index Card: Duncan, John, File No.674, Sullivan Co., 50 acres, Grant No.622 issued 9 July 1794, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.81, page no.628, Location: On waters of Horse Creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Land Warrant File No.674: "There were no documents in this shuck at time of filming" Cover: No.674; Tennessee, Sullivan County; Duncan, John; 50 acres; Grant No.622; Issued 9 July 1794, Warrant No. (blank); Entry No. (blank); Entered (blank); Book No.81; Page No. 628; Location: on waters of Horse Creek. (FHL film 1,928,904)
NC Land Warrant File, Sullivan County [Tennessee]
Index Card: Duncan, William, File No.788, Sullivan Co., 20 acres, Grant No.720 issued 2 Dec. 1796, Entry No.441 entered 22 Apl. 1780, Book No.91, page no.276, Location: On Beaverdam Creek. (Index on FHL film 1,942,646)
Land Warrant File No.788: Cover: No.788; County: Sullivan Tenn.; Name: Duncan, William; Acres: 20; Grant No.: 720; Issued: 2 December 1796; Warrant No. (blank); Entry No.: 441; Entered: 22 Apr. 1780; Book No.: 91; Page No.: 276; Location: On Beaver Dam Creek; Remarks: (blank). (FHL film 1,928,914)
Small paper: No.441. Sullivan County, State of No. Carolina, Aprl. 22, 1780. To the Surveyor of said County, Greeting. You are hereby required to measure and lay off according to law twenty acres of land for William Duncan entered by Wm. King & from him transfd to Joseph Smith? & from sd Smith transfd the afforesaid to Wm. Duncan on the south side Holston river, & on the waters of Horse Creek joining Jno. Crawford on the sd creek above extending? down the valley & to include the land on both sides of the Co? & Cabbin at the Flag Spring. 26 Feb. 1795.
Reverse of small paper: Wm. Duncan, 20 acres, No.441
Small paper: Sketch of land, No.441. January 31, 1795, by virtue of a warrant to me directed of No.441 containing 20 acres entered April 22, 1780, I have surveyed for William Duncan twenty acres of land more or less being in the territory south of the River Ohio, Sullivan County, including his plantation, beg. at a dogwood on Wm. Dykes line, then along the rd? South 45 deg. east 166 poles to ... then along the several courses? (corners?) of the Nobs to a stake on sd Dykes line, then with his line 60 poles to the beg., ploted by a scale of ... /s/ Sur. George Vincent, C.S. Wm. Dykes, Isham Dykes, C.B.
Reverse of paper: No.6. Wm. Duncan, 20 acres, No.441, Sullivan County, No.720, 22nd April 1780.
East TN Land Grant (FHL film 1,012,799)
8-643: 23 Aug. 1833, Grant #17281 (?#17982), per entry in Surveyor's Office in 6th Dist. #3948 dated 10 June 1817 founded on Cert. #2553 issued to James P. Taylor for 500 acres dated 17 Dec. 1816, 22 acres of which were assigned to Jesse Duncan the enterer, grant to said Jesse Duncan 2 acres in Washington Co. in said Dist. on N. side Holston River incl. said Duncan's ferry landing just below the mouth of the Watauga River, crossing the line from Washington into Sullivan, surveyed 19 Dec. 1817. (MAD: grant numbers are written on a dark background, very difficult to make out)
Washington Co. TN surveyors books 1824-1896 (FHL film 825,542; page by page)
Book 1824-1835, index at back of book, following from page by page
Pg.233: Surveyed 17 Nov. 1826 by Nathan Shipley, by order from the Entry Taker's Office 9 Oct. 1826, #116, for William Engle, 75 acres in Washington Co. on waters of Horse Creek adj. lands of heirs of John Duncan decd, heirs of Alexander Whitlock, and Lewis Keen, on Duncan's corner and line, Whitlock's line, Lewis Keens corner & line, Gabriel Morgan's line & corner, said Engles corner; chain carriers Lewis Keen, John Whitlock. (MAD: see Sullivan Co. TN Deed 10-494)
Sullivan Co. TN Deeds
Book 1, 1775-1790 (FHL film 24,836, Part 1, typed abstracts, and FHL film 972,705 originals)
1-17: 24 Oct. 1782, NC grant #163 to Charles Duncan, son of Robert Duncan decd, 50 shillings per 100 acres, 198 acres on south fork of Horse Creek, between line of said Duncan and Isaac Tetsworth. No Reg. date.
1-169: 10 Oct. 1783, NC Grant #188 to Thos. Titsworth Sr., 50 shillings per 100 acres, 400 acres in Sullivan Co. on Horse Creek including Able Lewis (or Levi or Lenis) improvements and adjacent to John Mullins line and on a dividing line between said Titsworth and Isaac Titsworth and on Marshal Duncan's branch.
1-180: 23 Oct. 1782, NC Grant #145 to Isaac Titsworth, 286 acres on Horse Creek, including Titsworth's improvement.
1-237: 10 Nov. 1787, NC Grant #357 to Jane Carr, 460 acres in Sullivan Co.
1-242: 9 Aug. 1787, NC Grant #418 to Francis Berry, 10 acres on both sides of Sinking Creek between the great Knobs.
1-275: 11 March 1788, Alexander Laughlin to Francis Berry, 148 acres on both sides of Sinking Creek, a branch of Holston, including where said Berry now lives. No wit.
1-321: 5 Aug. 1783, Michael Masingale and wife Dorcas to William Cobb, land sold on Pg.678. Wit. Edmond Bean, Bartley Amoshel.
1-339: 9 March 1789, Garrett Fitzgerald to Moses Cavett, both Sullivan Co. NC, £100, 63 acre grant to said Fitzgerald #211 on 30 Oct. 1783, on Horse Creek between a line formerly Marshall Duncan's and Charles Smith's old line, on John Mullins line, James Hollis' corner, John Chastain (Chasteen) line & corner.
1-385: 5 Oct. 1789, Isaac Titsworth to Thomas Vincent, 136 acres on Horse Creek where Margret Titsworth did live containing all the land between George Vincent line, David Braggs line and bounded by their said lines & Wm. Hollands, & with Ann Berrys & Charles Duncans orphans line. Wit. Geo. Vincent, William Berry. Reg. March 1790.
1-386: 5 Oct. 1789, Isaac Titsworth to William Berry, 100 acres on fall branch of Horse Creek, beg. Isaac Titsworth's line at East Bank and running west to white ash tree on Charles Duncans orphans line. Wit. George Vincent. Rec. March, 1790.
1-460: 5 Aug. 1789, Jane Kerr to Anthony Sharp, 460 acres granted on Pg.237.
1-463: 21 April 1789, Isaac Titsworth to Wm. Nolland, 300 acres on Fall Branch of Horse Creek. Wit. George Vincent, William Berrey. Proven Dec., 1789 on oath of George Vincen (sic). Reg. 22 July 1791.
1-465: 25 Sept. 1790, John Mullin Sr. of Franklin Co. GA to Thomas Bragg of Sullivan Co. NC, £60.13.4, 50 acres on N.side Walking Fork of Horse Creek incl. part of a plantation where Larking Peairpoint now lives. Wit. William Swift, John Bryans, L. Pairpoint (sic); reg. on oath of Luke Perkins a witness. (Charles Gordon: shows migration from TN to Franklin Co. GA where a Marshall Duncan was on the tax list in 1801 and 1802. See also Thomas Mullins deed F-172 in Granville Co. NC in 1762, no later Granville Co. NC deed for a Mullins; related?)
1-467: 21 March 1791, Vachal Dallingham to George Vincent, 149 acres on Horse Creek including plantation where Prudence Hambleton now lives. Wit. John Bernard, John Light, Vadral? Light.
1-468: 1 March 1791, Vachal Dallingham to Samuel Bofman (sic), 940 acres on Horse Creek, incl. where said Samuel Bofman now lives. Wit. George Vincent, Wm. Anthony, Jerey Molat. Proven on oath of George Molat (sic).
1-486: 9 Sept. 1781, David Bragg to John Taylor, 107 acres including where sd. Bragg now lives. Wit. George Vincent, Ellener Vincent, Thomas Vincent. Proven by oath of George Vincent Sept. 1791.
1-493: 10 Sept. 1790, David Shelby to Wm. Carr, 100 acres.
1-497: 13 Sept. 1791, Wm. White of Sullivan Co. to Alexander Willock, £100, 136 acres on Fall Branch of Horse Creek beg. at John Duncon's line; wit. William Berry, Bird Deathrage; rec. on oath of Bird Deathreange 17 Feb. 1792.
1-498: 17 Nov. 1790, NC grant #543 to John Duncan, 50 shillings for every 100 acres, 400 acres in Sullivan Co., N.C., on falling branch of Horse Creek where his old improvement begins. Reg. 3 March 1792.
1-502: 25 Feb. 1792, William Carr to Samuel Willard, 60 acres.
1-560: 5 Oct. 1789, Isaac Titsworth to George Vincent, 100 acres on Horse Creek at upper part of tract of land where Isaac Titsworth formerly lived. Wit. Thomas Vincent, William Berry. Proven Dec. 1792 on oath of Thos. Vincent. Reg. 13 Nov. 1792.
1-563: 15 Feb. 1790, James Stuart to George Vincent, 12 acres on Kendrick's Creek incl. Double Spring & plantation where John Howser formerly lived & all land in survey made in name of Andrew Reedtook of the survey the sd George Vincent transferred to John Howser. Wit: John Yancey, Michael Craft, Robert Easley. Proven on oath of Robert Easley.
1-564: 31 Jan. 1792, William Berry to William Edgeman, 100 acres on fall branch of Horse Creek. Wit. George Vincent, Thomas Vincent. Proven on oath of George Vincent.
1-594: 11 March 1793, Patrick Carr by attorney Edmon Warren to William Carr, £50 VA money, 200 acres.
1-649: 27 June 1793, NC Grant #591 to George Vincent, 150 acres on a branch of Clear Creek.
1-662: 2 Sept. 1793, Garret Fitzgerald of Jefferson Co., Terr. South of River Ohio (TN), to Garret Moore of Sullivan Co., Ter. afsd, for 5 sh. and love to his nephew and son of Alexander Moore, 200 acres on both sides of Beech Creek, adj. Joseph Duncan's land. No wit. (Charles Gordon: This is probably Joseph Duncan, son of Elizabeth.)
1-707: 9 July 1794, NC Grant #622 to John Duncan, 50 shillings every 100 acres, 50 acres in Sullivan Co. NC on Horse Creek.
1-709: 12 Jan. 1793, NC Grant #607 to Samuel Kerr, 200 acres on Fall Creek.
1-713: 19 July 1790, NC Grant #638 to Henry Mock, 50 sh. per 100 acres, 450 acres on Rich Bottom branch on N.side of Holston River, incl. Henry Mock's improvement, adj. John Shoemaker's line, foot of a high ridge, John Duncan's line. Reg. 14 Sept. 1794. (Charles Gordon: Geo. Birdwell also here).
1-729: 5 Nov. 1793, Thomas Braggs Senr. to David Braggs (son?), 100 acres on Walker's Fork of Horse Creek, including plantation where Larkin Learpoint formerly lived. Wit. George Vincent, Thomas Vincent. Proven on oath of George Vincent.
Deed Book 3, 1795-1802 (FHL film 24,836, Part 2, typed, and FHL film 972,706)
3-318: 16 May 1800, Michael Craft to Thomas Titsworth, 192 acres on South Side Holston River opposite Long Island of Holston, including the sd. Richard (sic) Craft plantation. Wit. Walter King, Daniel Ealy.
3-324: 8 Nov. 1799, Charles Duncan of Green Co. KY to William Eagman of Sullivan Co., 198 acres on horse creek, dividing line between said Duncan and Isaac Titsworth, "that I have the only right, title, ... to sell." Wit. George Vincent, William Stevenson; proven on oaths of witnesses.
Deed Book 5, 1807-1808 and 1834-1838 (FHL film 24,836, Part 3, typed, abstracts)
5-200: 13 Aug. 1808, Thomas Vincent to Samuel Hall, 200 acres on Horse Creek incl. plantation where sd. Thomas Vincent now lives containing all land lying between line of Thomas Pierson, Gaspral Morgan, William Edgman, John Vincent and the land included Linches old field. Wit. George Vincent, Nathaniel Peoples, George Vincent (twice).
Deed Books 10 on, from FHL films of original books (Index A-E film 972,701; Deeds 1-2 film 972,705; Deeds 3-5 film 972,706; Deeds 6-8 film 972,707; Deeds 9-11 film 972,708; Deeds 12-13 film 972,709; Deeds 14-16 film 972,710; Deeds 17-18 film 972,711; Deeds 19-20 film 972,712; Deeds 21-22 film 972,713; Deeds 23-24 film 972,714; Deeds 25-26 film 972,715)
Deed Books 9-11 (FHL film 972,708)
10-494: 6 January 1827, Joseph Melvin and Charles N. Dunworth of County of Washington, State of Tennessee, to William Engle of County of Sullivan, for $1000, 206 acres in Sullivan County on Horse Creek, adjoining the lands of John Duncan deceasd. and Gabriel Morgan, beg. at the fall branch at John Duncans ..(?).. patent line, thence .. corner of Gabriel Morgans, .... /s/ Joseph Melvin (seal), Charles N. Dunworth (seal). Wit. George? Bower?, John Bower?, Joshua Hunt.
11-165: 14 Nov. 1829, sheriff's sale (no acreage) of land of Philemon Bohannon on reedy creek to Alfred Duncan. Reference to judgment by Alfred Duncan.
11-287/288. 21 September 1833, William Goad of Sullivan Co. TN to John Vincent of aforesaid, for $186.87, tract of land in county & state aforesaid, on Horse Creek including the mouth of Fall Branch, beginning at a corner stone on the south side of Horse Creek & stone stands in the place that an old sugar tree corner stood, the beginning of an old tract of land granted to Charles Duncan son of Robert decd., then on said line south 87 & 3/4 west 70 poles to a stake on said line, then on a line made between Thomas and George Vincent north 43 west 22 poles to a stake near a broken ??, then on a new line made between said Goad and John Vincent north 64 east 36 poles crossing the branch said Vincent lives on to an elm and sugar tree on the North bank of said branch, then down the middle of said branch south 67 east 31 poles to a sugar tree on sd. line, (MAD: more not copied) ... to a stake on Gabriel Morgans line on the top of said Clift which line was made by Thomas Vincent and said Morgan, then on said Morgan's line ... on John Vincent's line, ... line of Isaac Titsworth ... on Charles Duncan's orphan's line, then with their line ... /s/ William Goad (seal), wit. J.J. James, George W. Vincent, Thomas T. Vincent. Proved by J.J. James, George W. Vincent, two of the subscribing witnesses, 23 Sept. 1833. Recorded Nov. 12, 1833. (FHL film 972,708; SLC 2/2009)
11-337: 7 Nov. 1833, from Samuel Moore; Phillip Foust & wife Margaret (formerly Bohannon); George Foust & wife Susanna (formerly Bohannon); Alfred Duncan who has purchased from Arthur Smith & wife Polly (Bohannon); George Foust, attorney for Valentine Catron who married Frances Bohannon who is deceased; Andrew Eakin and wife Mildred (Bohannon); and John Bohannon of Sullivan Co. TN, to Samuel D. Gaines, land whereon widow Bohannon now lives, being land owned by Phillaman Bohannon decd., except the widow's dower, land on old Pendleton patent line; mention's "said creek" unnamed.
11-351: 14 Sept. 1833, John Waller Senr. to Alfred Duncan, 194 acres on Kindrick's Creek. Wit. Moses Cox, John Waller, F.A. Vincent.
Deed Books 12-13 (FHL film 972,709)
12-156: 6 March 1838, John Snapp to Rice Duncan and Ellenor H. Duncan his wife daughter of said John Snapp, for love and affection, land on both sides Sinking Creek. No wit.
13-267: 22 Oct. 1842, Alfred Duncan to Walter James, for "a valuable consideration", 20 acres, same land Walter James bought of John Waller, on south side Holston River. Wit. Henry Anderson, David Perry.
13-393: 2 Aug. 1843, John Snapp to Rice Duncan, both of District 14, Sullivan Co., $1,100, all my right ... to land, 149 acres, on Gillihams Branch on Sinking Creek. /s/ John Snapp. Wit. B.L. Yoakley, Blake Carlton. Recorded on oaths of wit.
13-395: 2 Aug. 1843, agreement between John Snapp and Rice Duncan, transfer of personal property from John Snapp to Rice Duncan in return for maintenance of John Snapp and also Nancey during our natural lifetimes, and also Mary G. Baker and Sarah E. Baker to be fed and clothed till they marry or arrive at 18. /s/ John Snapp, Rice Duncan. Wit. B.L. Yoakley, Blake Carlton. Recorded on oaths of wit.
Deed Books 14-16 (FHL film 972,710)
14-104: 15 March 1845, David Williard, exec. of George Williard decd, to Rice Duncan, both Sullivan County, that George Williard executed title bond to Daniel B. Profitt 29 Nov. 1837 for land (except that 20 acres sold by Daniel B. Profitt to John A. Viars), trade of 20 acres with Rice Duncan; 20 acres of land on south side of Holston River to Rice Duncan. Wit. L? R. Pickens.
16-308: 30 Dec. 1850, power of attorney to Levi L. Waterman to receive from Chancery Court of Rutherford Co. TN, that part of the estate of Dr. Wm. Ward, decd, late of Rutherford Co., devized by said William Ward decd to Rachel Ward afterwards Rachel Duncan of Washington Co. VA, and descended through her to us as heirs of said Rachel Duncan. /s/ Abner Duncan, A.J. Duncan, John Andis, Rhoda Andis. Wit. L? S. Booher, D.J. Waterman. (MAD: see Rody Anders in 1870 Lee Co. VA census)
16-320: 1 Sept. 1847, John A. Viers to Rice Duncan, both of Sullivan Co. TN, $61, 14 acres land on Sinking Creek. Wit. John Yoakley, William Cox.
Deed Books 17-18 (FHL film 972,711)
18-328: 20 Nov. 1854, agreement between John Pickens and Margaret Duncan, both of Sullivan Co., that John Pickens for love and good will he has for said Margaret Duncan, to take her child and feed and clothe it and assist in raising it and is to treat said child in all respects as a father; and John Pickens agrees not to have anything to do with any part or portion of property or money that may fall to said child from the estate of Alfred Duncan, decd; and John Pickens not to have anything to do with property or money said Margaret Duncan may have on hand. /s/ John Pickens, Margaret Duncan. Wit. John A. Viars, Micajah B. Hale. Personally appeared 3 Sept. 1855 John Pickens and Margaret Duncan now Margaret Pickens, and acknowledged the agreement.
MAD: James Pickens' nuncupative will made at home of Sarah Fink in Sullivan Co. dated 28 Sept. 1850 filed 6 Jan. 1851 in Greene Co. TN, exec. William Mullinnise, witnessed by John Duncan and James L. Haise; from pg.72, "Greene Co. TN Wills, 1783-1890" by Goldene Fillers Burgner (FHL book 976.891 P28b, and from Evelyn Sigler and Ann Kunkel)
Deed Books 19-20 (FHL film 972,712)
19-134: 10 Oct. 1856, Ellen H. Duncan to John Yoakley, trust deed, $4, 74-1/2 acres in District 14, on both sides of Sinking Creek, land contains 149 acres, Ellen indebted to R.P. Gott and to Jas. A. Wells. Wit. W.E. Shanks, Wm. M. Shanks.
19-238: 13 Feb. 1857, John P. Duncan to Elmira M. Pearce, both Sullivan Co., $200, 1/2 dower interest of Margaret Duncan, widow of Alfred Duncan, decd, to land owned by Alfred Duncan on south side of Holston River; dower laid off to Margaret Duncan after the death of her husband Alfred, then conveyed by Margaret Duncan to Madison and John P. Duncan ... I, John P. Duncan, sell to Elmira M. Pearce my half of aforesaid dower. Wit. M.M. Duncan, Thomas Light.
19-239: 13 Feb. 1857, same to same.
19-241: 19 Feb. 1856, D.B. Wexler and wife Elizabeth Wexler formerly Duncan, and Elmira M. Pearce, formerly Elmira M. Duncan, sell to M.M. and J.P. Duncan our distributive share of two tracts of land of Alfred Duncan, decd, 250 acres. Wit. Wm. Galloway, Margaret Slaughter.
19-241: 30 June 1857, Benjamin Birdwell and wife Lydia, formerly Lydia Duncan, to M.M. and J.P. Duncan (similar to 19-241 above).
19-242: 16 April 1857, Elmira M. Pearce to Jacob Douglass, my interest in two tracts of land, 250 acres, three shares and 1/2 dower taken by Margaret S. Duncan in the lands of Alfred Duncan, decd, ... Elmira M. Pearce guardian for "my children John Pearce and Elizabeth Pearce" and Levi Moore, Benjamin Birdwell and M.M. Duncan are my securities (apparently a trust deed for her to act as guardian). Wit. D.B. Wexler, Elizabeth J/G? Wexler.
19-275: 3 Oct. 1857, Elmira M. Pearce to M.M. Duncan, $750, my interest in two tracts of land (same as earlier). Wit. D.B. Wexler, Elizabeth G. Wexler.
20-560: 5 Oct. 1859, Edmund B. Duncan to J.P. and M.M. Duncan for $300, my interest, being a child's part, in two tracts of land (same as earlier). Wit. R.P. Chase, Mahlon Ritter.
20-562: 8 Jan. 1862, Matison (sic) M. Duncan to John P. Duncan, my interest (same as earlier). Wit. R.P. Chase, Mahlon Ritter.
20-574: 28 Jan. 1859, Richard H. Murrell to Charles Duncan, land on which said Duncan now lives, south of Holston River on south side Roseberries Ridge (not all copied).
Deed Books 21-22 (FHL film 972,713)
22-403: 2 Feb. 1870, John P. Duncan to William Rutherford, 250 acres (Alfred Duncan's land). Wit. M.M. Duncan, Charles R. Bell.
Deed Books 23-24 (FHL film 972,714)
24-1: 12 May 1870, Joseph G. Duncan to George R. Duncan, my interest in land belonging to heirs of Rice and Ellenor H. Duncan, decd, on Sinking Creek. Wit. George Copp, S.D. Mitchell.
24-48: 31 May 1870 William Mullinix Clerk of the Chancery Court of Sullivan Co. TN, to George Rice Duncan & Nancy Ford, wife of John Ford, witnesseth that said George R. Duncan, John Ford and wife Nancy and John (sic) G. Duncan had on 27 Aug. 1869, filed their bill in the Chancery Court against Sarah Emaline Barnes widow and the other heirs of John Barnes Jr., decd, and against R.P. Gott, John Yoakley, John Barnes Sen., Jane L. & Wilberforce Wells, Exr. and Exrx. of J.A. Wells, decd, Joseph Birdwell, Samuel V. Duncan and John S. Duncan, setting forth among other things that they, the complainants, were children and heirs at law of Rice & Ellen H. Duncan who had departed this life before the filing of the bill; and further alleged that said Rice & Ellen Duncan were owners of 183 acres in Sullivan Co., which land was charged with the support of one John Snapp and also one Nancy Sullins,
and the said Nancy Sullins having in 1858 filed her bill in this court against John Barnes, adm. of sd Rice Duncan & others to enforce her lien for her support, and by Decree of Chancery Court the land was sold,
and the cause of Samuel Duncan et al by next found against R.P. Gott, J.N. Wells, et al, which two causes were consolidated and heard together,
that the land was firmly sold 7 May 1859 and purchased by John Barnes Jr., now deceased,
and whereas complainants G.R. Duncan & others had filed their bill against the widow and heirs of John Barnes Jr., decd, and others, alleging that there was purchase money still due and unpaid,
cause finally heard and determined at May term 1870, of Chancery Court, in which final decree it appears that said defendant Sarah E. Barnes, according to an agreement and compromise made between the complainants and defendants, which agreement is made a part of the decree of the court "in the premises was adjudged to be the owner of a portion" of the 183 acres of about 50 acres which is set out by metes and bounds in the decree, and the rest of the 183 acres was divested out of all the parties to the suit and vested in the complainants, Jos. G. Duncan, George R. Duncan and Nancy Ford,
the decree further shows that complainant Jos. G. Duncan had sold to George R. Duncan his undivided interest in the remainder of the 183 acres, thus vesting George R. Duncan with 2/3 interest in the remainder of the 183 acres,
J. Wm. Mullinix, clerk, is directed to make a deed to the said George Rice Duncan of 2/3 of the remainder of the 183 acres after allowing 50 acres to Sarah E. Barnes, and of 1/3 the remainder to Nancy Ford;
said Mullinix grants to George Rice Duncan and Nancy Ford in consideration of the premises to the said George Rice Duncan 2/3 interest and to the said Nancy Ford 1/3 interest to the remaining portion of the 183 acres, on the south side of Holstein River on Sinking Creek, known as part of the farm on which John Barnes lived at the time of his death, ... stone in a road Emaline Barnes corner, thence on G.W. Slaughter's line, ... middle of Sinking Creek, ... John Ford's corner and line, ... Elbert Jacksons line ... John Sproles line ... said G.W. Slaughters line ... widow Barnes corner of a fifty acre tract, ... with her line ..., ... crossing Sinking Creek ... containing 133-3/4 acres, ... accordance with the final decree. "None of said 50 acres tract allotted to Mrs. Sarah Emaline Barnes embraced in this 133-3/4 acres."
24-515: 21 Dec. 1869, Samuel D. Duncan to J.P. & M.M. Duncan, $200, a child's part of 250 acres (Alfred Duncan's land). Wit. Mahlon Ritter, J.P. Chase.
24-516: 11 Jan. 1870, partition of land descended from Alfred Duncan and by deed from Lydia A. Birdwell, Elizabeth G. Wexler, Elmiry M. Pearce, E.B. Duncan, S.D. Duncan, A.L. Duncan, and Eliza G. Duncan; we M.M. Duncan and John P. Duncan, hold title in land (200 acres and 50 acres), have made partition of land ....
24-517: 31 March 1871, A.L. Duncan to J.P. & M.M. Duncan, a child's part ... interest in 250 acres.
Deed Books 25-26 (FHL film 972,715)
25-71: 2 July 1870, George R. Duncan and Nancy A. Ford and John W. Ford to George W. Slaughter, land on Sinking Creek known as part of farm on which John Barnes lived at the time of his death, 133 acres. Wit. P. Yoakley, J? P. Snodgrass.
25-363: 7 Aug. 1873, legal document that one of the guardians of Eliza Duncan, one of heirs of Alfred Duncan decd, filed petition in 1857 asking for sale of her interest in 250 acres, this is to replace lost deed ... to Madison M. Duncan.
25-401: 6 Aug. 1873, M.M. Duncan and wife Rebecca sell to William Perry 100 acres.
26-159: 17 Sept. 1873, John P. Duncan to William Perry, 90 acres ... /s/ John P. Duncan, Martha L. Duncan.
Did not check further in index.
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