Duncan research files of |
1830 McNairy Co. TN Census Pg.142 William B. Duncan 1000,1 - 0001 Thomas Duncan 1000,1 - 0000,1 1840 McNairy Co. TN Census Pg. 30 Lemuel Saunders 1112,201 - 1112,0100,001 (MAD: probably from Lincoln Co. NC, wife Milly Duncan) 31 George Duncan 0000,0000,01 - 1101,0001 35 John Duncan 0101,0001 - 1020,001
1850 McNairy Co. TN Census (pg.121 from Roy Hall 2/1989)
Page number without parens is stamped page number, within parens is handwritten number
1st District
Pg.43 (86), #583-583, Joseph L. ROSSON 42 TN farmer $6000
William 18 TN student
Eliza 13, Mary 11, Martha 9 TN
John 7, George 1, Malissa 2/12 TN
Ruthy RAY 22 TN
John ROSSON 22 TN farmer $0
(MAD: see 1860 Hardeman Co. TN)
2nd District
Pg.54 (107), #739-739, Milly SANDERS 48 NC (blank) $4000
Sarah 18, Alfred 15, Lemuel 13 TN
Nancy 10, Francis (m) 8, Taylor 3 TN
Joseph 22, Mary 17 TN
(MAD: Lemuel Saunders, b. 6/9/1798, d. 11/26/1849, mar. Lincoln Co. NC 9/1/1820 Milley Duncan, b. 5/9/1801, d. 5/22/1870, both bur. Mt.Pleasant Cemetery; partly from info from R. Harold Cox to Pat Vincent)
10th District
Pg.121 (242), #1678, A.S. McKINZIE (m) 62 VA farmer $900
Elizabeth 62 NC
Elizabeth DUNCAN 14 TX
George 9, Alexander 7 TX
David 5, Lacy (m) 1 TX
(MAD: 1860 Anderson Co. TX census)
1860 McNairy Co. TN Census
Pg.510 (294), #2104, John DUNCAN 64 NC farmer $450
Charles BARNES 30 (sic) TN day laborer -- $100
Nancy 38 NC
Elizabeth 16, Robt. 14 TN
William 12, Henry 10 TN
Cilus (Silas) (m) 7, Mary 5 TN
Susan 2 TN
(MAD: ? 1850 Hardin Co. TN census; not 1850 TN in Monroe, McNairy, Henry, Benton, or Warren Co. TN)
1870 McNairy Co. TN Census
9th Civil Dist., P.O. Purdy, TN
Pg.296, #10, DUNKAN, L.C. (m) 40 TN farmer $0-$200
Mary C. 31 NC keeping house
Martha J. 10, Victory A. (f) 8, Robert E. 6 TN
Nancy E. 4, James E. 1 TN
(MAD: Landreth Carter Duncan, per Charla Spraggen; wife Mary Caroline Cates b. 30 Jan. 1838 NC, she on 1880 McNairy Co. TN census, d. 5 May 1922 Jones Co. TX; MAD: see ? 1860 Rutherford Co. TN)
10th District, P.O. Stantonville
Pg.317, #142-142, SANDS, Thomas L. 37 TN (white) farmer $0-$300
Ameriller? (f) 26 AR keeping house
Lurane? (f) 2 TN
DUNKIN?, Sarah (f) 28 AR (white) painter
Tennessee Land Grants Index (FHL film 1,002,730)
Copied all Duncan, Dunkin, etc. (no Duncomb) through 1849; did not copy later index. Film consists of small index cards for each grant; some grants are repeated if they appear in two books.
Name, Grant #, Acres, Date, County, Book & Page, District (Actual grant books are in series by District, then book volume & page)
William L. Duncan, 1893, 20a, 12/20/1831, McNairy, 3A-73, West
(see also Hardeman Co. TN)
TN Land Grants, West District (FHL film 1,013,340)
3A-73: 20 Dec. 1831, TN Grant #1893 to William L. Duncan, assignee of John May, by virtue of Cert. #1645 dated 21 Sept. 1824 issued to Alfred W. Taylor for 20 acres, Entry #1681 dated 27 Nov. 1824 in 9th Dist. in name of John May, assignee originally of Alfred W. Taylor; grant 20 acres by survey 20 Aug. 1825 in McNairy Co. on waters of Big Hatchee River in Range 1, Sec. 1, adj. NE corner and N line of Occupant Entry #86 in name of John F. Duncan.
McNairy Co. TN Deeds (FHL film 983,082 Index 1835-1873)
D-607: 20 April 1853, E.G. Duncan to W.S. Wisdom, $150, 100a by estimation in McNairy Co. TN, part of entry 2819 in my name for 200 acres in Range 1, Sec. 1, the portion intended to convey is that portion that lies on south side of Tuscumbia, a fork of Hatchee River, in SE corner of #2819 (from Tuscumbia River south to boundary). E.G. Duncan appeared 20 April 1853. (FHL film 983,084) (See Hardeman Co. TN)
F-391: 23 Feb. 1857, W.G. Campbell to Joseph Duncan, both of Hardin Co. TN, $600, 200 acres on west side TN River on waters of Lick Creek, Range 5, Sec. 1. Wit. Larkin F. Bell, James W. Bell. (FHL film 983,085)
H-329: 30 Aug. 1860, John (+) Duncan Jr., Charles (+) Barns/Barnes and Nancy (+) Barns/Barnes (wife of sd. Charles Barns and formaly (sic) Nancy Duncan), to John T. Stancil and N.G. Ward, $300, our undivided interest of 2/3 of land that descended to us as heirs at law of John Duncan Sr. deceased, in the 14th Civil Dist. in McNairy Co. TN in Range 2&3 and Sec. 5, beg. at NE corner of Entry 536 for 25 acres in name of J.W. Boyd, to NE corner of Entry 977, by estimation 150 acres. All appeared in McNairy Co. TN. (FHL film 983,086)
Quit after 1861.
McNairy Co. TN Circuit Court Minutes, Civil & Criminal, 1856-1865 (FHL film 983,061)
No index
TN Confederate Pension Application (FHL film 969,801)
#14,652: James K.P. Duncan; resident of Adamsville, McNairy Co. TN; born Hardin Co. TN Nov. 1846; enlisted in 1862, Co. B, 45th TN Vol. Infantry. Application 2 April 1915, wife is dead, only had one child, she is married. Statement in file by W.F. Powers, Capt. Co. B, 45th Reg. TN Vol., 14 June 1915: J.K.P. Duncan made a good soldier as did also his brother Joseph Duncan.
Hardin Co. TN Deeds (SLC 5/4/2013 and 5/6/2013)
J-404 (second): 2 Jan. 1854, John Duncan of Co. of Hardin McNairy (sic) & State of TN sell to Robt. J. Talley of Hardin Co. TN for $400 paid, tract of land in Hardin Co. in Dist. No.12 containing by estimation 142.60 ?acres? more or less, beg. on a stake east of the most SW of Reserve Entry No.438 for 134 acres in the name of H. Tompkins, then ... line of Reserve Entry #130 in name of S.T?. Renfrow, ... warrant title. /s/ John (X) Duncan. Wit. Jno. Barham, R.D. Day. Ack. 2 Jan. 1854. Registered 4 Jan. 1854. (FHL film 469,200)
Roane Co. TN Deed (FHL film 560,108)
G-519: 11 Dec. 1832, William B. Duncan of McNairy Co. TN to Joseph Duncan of Hardin Co. TN, $75, 48 acres on White Oak Creek, a seventh part of 340 acres, the real estate of Robert Duncan decd. Wit. William G. Norwood, Jeremiah Yarns.
Tishomingo Co. MS Deed (FHL film 895,885)
Z-81: 11 May 1866, James E. Stewart of Tishomingo Co. MS to Thomas D. Duncan of same, $2,220, per trust deed of 25 Feb. 1861 by Thomas Irion and wife Deliah F., William M. Irion and wife Mary A., rec. 25 Feb. 1861 in Trust Book B, pgs. 192, 193 and 194, and in McNairy Co. TN Book H pgs. 531, 532, 533, and 534, on 23 March 1861; today sold to Thomas D. Duncan, the SW 1/4 Sec.11 T2 R7E, and NE 1/4 Sec.33 and 64 acres off SE 1/4 Sec.33, all T1 R8, in NE corner, also lot 4 in Block 53 in city of Corinth, and SW 1/4 Sec.33 T1 R8E and tracts in McNairy Co. TN at SE corner fractional Sec.5 T1 R6E adj. Mill Creek of 229 acres, and in McNairy Co. TN the tract purchased by Thomas Peters of Hugh Davis adj. town of Chewolla of 300 acres; no wit.
1882 "Reminiscences of Early Settlement and Early Settlers of McNairy Co. TN" by Marcus J. Wright (FHL film 570,812)
Pg.20-21: Sketches of Lindsey and Aaron Saunders; no dates or gen. info; Lindsey Saunders b. NC 1800, Quaker ancestry, to TN early boyhood.
Pg.25: Wm. S. Wisdom was leading financier (letter 1881)
Pg.54: Wm. S. Wisdom d. 19 Nov. 1871, age 75, b. Rockingham Co. NC 14 July 1796, son of James Wisdom who moved to Anderson Co. TN 1809, to Overton Co. TN 1811, in 1820 to Western TN near Henderson Station, then in 1821 to McNairy Co. TN.
No Duncan, Evans sketch.
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