Duncan research files of |
1830-1840 Marion Co. TN Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Marion Co. TN Census (and from Roy Hall 2/1989)
Page numbers without parens are stamped page numbers, within parens are handwritten numbers
Pg.445 (889), #941, Robert DUNKIN 37 NC farmer $300
Mary 32 TN
Thomas 12, Franklin 10 TN
Nicklas 8, Catharine 5 TN
Sarah 3, Robert 9/12 TN
Pg.445 (889), #944, Robert DUNKIN 52 IRE farmer $300
James 12, Mary 9 TN
Nancey 4, Elizabeth 3 TN
Permelia 35 TN
1860 Marion Co. TN Census
District 8
Pg.268 (86), #632-586, James DUNCAN 22 TN farmer $0-$250
Barbary 24 TN, mar/in/year
Pg.268 (86), #633-587, Robert DUNCAN 67 b.Antrim, IRE, farmer $15000-$16000
Eliza 34 b.Linster? IRE
Michael HOGIN 11 LA
Richard McGILL 7 TN
Julia HOGEN 15 NY
Robert DUNCAN 3 TN
William HART 28 b.Linster? IRE day laborer $500-$300
District 10
Pg.277 (104), #761-709, Patton ANDERSON (m) 47 TN farmer $5000-$300
Mary 40 KY
Caroline 19, William P. 17 TN
Margaret 12, Mary 11 TN
Teracy (f) 5 TN
Elijah DUNCAN (m) 1/12 TN twin
Elisha DUNCAN (m) 1/12 TN twin
1870 Marion Co. TN Census
8th Civil District, P.O. Shellmound
Pg.460, #22-22, DUNCAN, Eliza (f) 44 IRE keeping house $3000-$500
Michal 20 [born:] L.A.Ireland, farm laborer
(all children had checked: mother of foreign birth)
Mariah (f) 24 TN
Richard 18 TN farm laborer
Robert 12 TN at home
Lewis 8 TN
Pg.460, #25-25, DUNCAN, Isaac? (Jason?) 28 TN BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
Martha 30 GA BLACK keeping house
Betsy A. 3, Ellen E. 6/12 b. Nov. TN BLACKS
Polly A. 60 VA BLACK
Solomon 10 TN MULATTO
(MAD: Isaac also indexed as Jason, name written over; Isaac 28 TN in 1880 census)
Pg.460, #27-27, DUNCAN, James 32 TN farmer $1000-$300 mother of foreign birth
Barbara 37 TN keeping house
Sarah 12, James 6, Maggie (f) 3 TN
11th Civil District, pg.1
Pg.479, #8-8, COPE, John 39 NC farm laborer $0-$0
Susan 21 IN keeping house
George 3 MO
(MAD: John Cope's second wife Susan Faye Duncan, from info from Eugene Cope 1/2003)
11th Civil District
Pg.481, #35-35, DUNCAN, Chesly (m) 34 TN farm laborer $0-$0
Adaline 27 NC keeping house
Franklin (m) 13 KY at home
Charles 3, Joseph 4/12 b.Feb. TN
(MAD: 1860 Whitley Co. KY)
1900 TN Soundex (from Mary F. Hudson 2/1984)
Marion Co., Dist. 16, South Pittsburg, Cedar Ave., Vol.46, E.D. 93, Sheet 3, Line 21
J.T. DUNCAN; b. Oct. 1855, 44, AL; enumerated with Vince LADD (boarder).
Marion Co. TN General Index to Deeds & Trust Deeds, Books A-N, 1819-1883 (FHL Film 593,421; SLC 5/31/2011; grantees copied by CVD to Book K; rechecked for grantors SLC 9/27/2011; have put in order by deed book & page)
C-229: Duncan, Charles from Bedsher, Wiley
G-448: Duncan, Robert to Hargis, W.A. & Love, S.C.
H-297: Duncan, Robert to Brophy, Richards, slave deed, 10/30/1858
H-352: Duncan, Robt. from Rice, G.W.
H-391: Duncan, Robert Love & sons S.C. to Ellis, Jacob, slave deed, 12/20/1859
H-423-424: Duncan, Robert from Jackson, Richards
H-515: Duncan, R. & Conatser, Esther from Conatser, J.H.
I-71: Duncan, Robert to Byrne, Wm.
I-188: Duncan, Robert to Ford, Mary Ann & Heirs
I-371: Duncan, James from Duncan, Robert
K-392: Duncan, Polly from Duncan, Henry
L-740-741: Duncan, Eliza et al to Ramsey, A.P. et al
L-742-3: Duncan, Eliza to Moore & Byrnes
M-208: Duncan, Eliza to Burns & More
M-218: Duncan, Eliza to receipt from Hoge trustees
Marion Co. TN Deeds (SLC 9/27/2011 and 3/27/2012)
Deeds, Vol.A-D (FHL film 593,422)
C-229: 5 March 1834, Wiley Belsher of Marion Co. TN for $1,000 paid by Charles Duncan of Franklin Co. TN, sell to Charles Duncan one negro man slave named Will about 25 years old of black color and one negro girl slave named Betsey about 16 years old of dark complexion which I warrant sound and healthy and slaves for life ... /s/ Wiley Belsher. Wit. James H. Wilkinson. Wiley Belsher appeared 5 Sept. 1834, document registered 10 Sept. 1834. (FHL film 593,422, typed)
Deeds, Vol.G-H (FHL film 593,424; typed deed books)
G-448: 24 Nov. 1856, Robert Duncan (no locality) to Wm. A. Hargis and Samuel C. Love for $7,000, slaves Polly 55 years, Margret 22 years, Thomas 18 years, Catherine 16 years, Isaac 15 years, Ellen 12 years, John 9 years, Frances 6 years, Henry 5 years, Benjamin 3 years, Calvy 18 months, warrant title ... /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. John H. Havron, John Rogers. Witnesses appeared 1 Dec. 1856, document registered Dec. 5, 1856. (FHL film 593,424, typed)
H-297: Deed of Trust, From Robt. Duncan To R. Brophy. I have this day sold my negro slave to Richard Brophy, for the sum of 424 dollars and 40/100 paid, and the other considerations hereinafter mentioned. I warrent him to be sound in body and mind and a slave for life; but this sale is made upon this express condition, that if I or my representatives do pay to the said Richard Brophy or his representatives the sum of $424.40 with the interest thereon on the 1st day of March 1859, according to a note under seal this day executed by me to said Richard Brophy, then this instrument to be void, but not otherwise. This 30th day of Oct. 1858. /s/ Robert Duncan. Signed, sealed and delivered on the 30th day of Oct. 1858. Test: J.M. Carroll, Isaac Adarn. Personally appeared Isaac Adarn who saw Robert Duncan sign the same, also Jackson Pryor & David Chaudoin who say they are acquainted with James M. Carroll, the other witness, and consider the signature to be his own writing, 24 Feb. 1859, W. Byrne, Clk, Marion Co. TN. Registered March 4, 1859. (FHL film 593,424)
H-352: Deed, G.W. Rice to Robert Duncan. This Indenture made 16 Aug. 1859 between George W. Rice and Robert Duncan, for $760 paid, sell to said Robert Duncan a piece or parcel of land in Marion Co. TN in the Ocoee District, in the Seventh Range west of the base line, first fractional township, sixteenth section, being the north west fractional quarter of said Section, beginning at the north east corner of said fractional quarter, containing 20 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Geo. W. Rice. Personally appeared before W. Byrne, Clerk of the County Court, Geo. W. Rice, with whom I am personally acquainted, and ack. the deed, 16 Aug. 1859. Registered 17 Aug. 1859. (FHL film 593,424)
H-391: Bill of sale, Robert Duncan & A.C. Love to Jacob Ellis. We have this day sold and do hereby convey to Jacob Ellis, for $400 paid, a boy slave named John, we warrant title to said slave to the said Jacob Ellis, and warrant to be sound, healthy and sensible and a slave for life. /s/ Robert Duncan, Samuel C. Love. Attest: A. Kelly, Jr., D.O. Kelly. Marion Co. TN, personally appeared before W. Byrne, Clerk of the County Court, A. Kelly Jr. and D.O. Kelly with whom he is personally acquainted, witnesses to the foregoing Bill of Sale, and they heard Robert Duncan and Samuel C. Love acknowledge the execution of the same, 20 Dec. 1859. Received for registration 20 Decr. 1859. (MAD: Heading of A.C. Love as typed) (FHL film 593,424)
H-423/424: Title Bond, Richard Jackson to Robert Duncan. Indenture 11 Jan. 1849, Richard Jackson of Marion Co. TN to Robert Duncan of Marion Co. TN, bond for $75, Richard Jackson to convey to Robert Duncan by way of a grant from TN to Richard Jackson, in consideration of an entry in the 7th District of No.5118 dated 22 Feb. 1842 by Richard Jackson as general, there was granted by State of TN to said Richard Jackson a parcel containing 40 acres in Marion Co. in said District in south range west of the Basis line "forst" fractional township and 22 section, being SE corner of NW quarter of said section, beg. at SE corner of said quarter, with its appurtenances to said Richard Jackson, now to said Robert Duncan all of the houses, waters and appurtenances including the 40 acres of land on which the said Richard Jackson now lives. /s/ Richard (X) Jackson. Wit. John W. Havron, H.L. Marony. Personally appeared H.L. Marony and James P. Havron who knew the handwriting of John W. Havron, before W. Byrne, clerk of county court, 27 Jan. 1860. (FHL film 593,424; typed deed book)
H-424/425: Deed, Richard "Duncan" to Robert Duncan. This indenture 20 Jan. 1849 between Richard Jackson of Marion Co. TN bond to Robert Duncan for $25, dated this 12 Jan. 1849, conditioned that Richard Jackson shall convey to Robert Duncan by way of a grant from TN to Richard Jackson, in consideration of an entry made in Ocoee District of No.3119 dated 22 Feb. 1842 by Richard Jackson as General Entries, there was granted by TN to Richard Jackson a parcel containing 40 acres in "Mation" in said District in the 7th range west of the basis line "forst" fractional township and 21 section, being SE corner of NE quarter of said section, beg. at SE corner of said quarter with appurtenances, to the said Richard Jackson and now the said Robert Duncan, all the wood, water and water courses whatever may be attached to the aforesaid land claimed by said Jackson and now sold to said Duncan. /s/ Richard (X) Jackson. Wit. J.M. Havron, H.L. Maroney. Appeared H.L. Marony, and James P. Havron who is acquained with the writing of John M. Havron, before W. Byrne, Clk., 27 Jan. 1860. (FHL film 593,424; typed deed book)
H-515: Deed of Trust, J.H. Conatser to R. Duncan & Esther Conatser. I, James H. Comatser (MAD: sic), have this day bargained and sold and do hereby convey to Esther Conatser and Robert Duncan, for $1 paid and the other considerations hereinafter mentioned, the following tracts & parts of tracts of land in Marion Co. TN, District No.4, bounded as follows, to wit: Beg. of the first tract on the bank of Hal's Branch, then ... corner to F.M. Read's heirs, then ... with Isaac and F.M. Reads, then ... up Halls Branch with Reads lands and Mary Ann Conatsers lands to the beginning, including about 40 or 45 acres, being the lands conveyed by Stephen Layne to J.H. Conatser and the deed witnessed by Joseph Clay and one other witness and duly registered in Marion Co.; the 2d, 3d & 4th tracts beginning in the same district adj. each other, being a 125 acre tract, 25 acre tract, and 10 acre tract, containing together 160 acres, said lands belong to Daniel Conatser, deceased at his death, and by partition were assigned Caroline Anderson, F. Malvina R. & Dorinda V. Conatser by R.W. Stone, Sam Brown & B. Mitchell, commissioners as their share of the lands of said Daniel Conatser and undivided part or share in said land of the first named being conveyed to me in remainder life estate to Esther Conatser, also the fifth tract of the 1,000 granted to me & James A. Kilgore being on Cumberland Mountain, adj. Nancy Kilgore and others 3/4 of said now belonging to me. To have and to hold said tracts of land to said Esther Conatser and Robert Duncan. But this deed is made for the following use and trust and for no other purpose. I have this day been appointed guardian to John Elliott Conatser by the County Court of Marion County and said Esther Conatser and Robert Duncan have become my sureties in the bond given by me as guardian as aforesaid, said bond of this date ... for $2,000 ... now if I shall duly perform my guardianship and secure and save harmless said Esther Conatser and Robert Duncan, then this obligation to be void, ... 6 August 1860. /s/ J.H. Conatser. Attest: S. Raulston, L.B. Wynne, W. Byrne. J.H. Conatser personally appeared and ack. the deed, 6 August 1860. Recd. for registration 20 Aug. 1860. (FHL film 593,424)
Deeds, Vol.I-K, 1866-1875 (FHL film 593,425)
I-71: Robert Duncan to W. Byrne, Deed of Trust. I, Robert Duncan, have this day bargained and sold and do hereby transfer and convey to W. Byrne for $1 paid and other considerations, a certain tract or parcel of land in 8th Civil District of Marion Co. TN, bounded on south by the Edmanson lands, east by James Williams land, and the N. and West by the Tennessee River, and covenant that I am lawfully seized of said land and it is unencumbered, and warrant title. But this deed is made for the following use and trusts, that is, Stephen A. Rogers is my security on a note executed to the Branch Bank of Tennessee at Sparty bearing date about the month of March 1860 for the sum of $500. Now if I shall pay the note, then this is void, otherwise said W. Byrne may sell the same after 40 days notice. 11 July 1866. /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. J.M. Carroll, W.J. Kelly. Robert Duncan personally appeared before E.K. Hamilton, Clerk of the County Court, 11 July 1866. Received for registration 12 July 1866. (FHL film 593,425)
I-188/189: Deed, Robert Duncan to Ford, Mary Ann and her children. Simple deed with warranty. This indenture made 1 Nov. 1865 between Robert Duncan of Marion County, TN, to Mary Ann Ford and her children, for $600 paid, [sell] tract or parcel of land in the 8th Civil District, Marion Co. TN, known as the two Forties (2) (40) bounded by Grayham Williams and others, together with all tenements, etc. and all the estate title & interest of the party of the first part who is the lawful owner and seized in fee simple, and will warrant title. 1 Nov. 1865. /s/ Robert Duncan. Teste: Mike Ford. Robert Duncan personally appeared before E.K. Hamilton, Clerk of County Court, 10 Aug. 1866. Filed and noted for registration June 13, 1867. Registered 17 July 1867. G.F. Smith, D. Reg. (FHL film 593,425)
I-371: Duncan, Robert to Duncan, James, Deed of Conveyance. For the sum of $250 paid, I have sold to James Duncan a tract or parcel of land in the 8th Civil District of Marion Co. south side of Tennessee River, beg. on the bank of said river at the south west corner of the north west fractional quarter of section 16 first fractional township, range seven west of the base line of the Ocoee District, then ... east 20 deg. south to the outside fence, then north 20 east with the fences to the top of the hill, then ... to the Tennessee River, then down the river with its meanders to the beginning, containing 30 acres more or less. Warrant title. 23 June 1859. /s/ Robert Duncan. Robert Duncan personally appeared before H.G. Blansett, Clerk of County Court, 9 March 1869. Filed and noted for registration March 9, 1869. (FHL film 593,425)
K-392: Deed of Gift, Henry Duncan to Polly A. Duncan. 25 Aug. 1873, Henry Duncan of Marion Co. TN to Polly A. Duncan of same place, for $100 paid, sold all that property, one horse, 4 head cattle, 8 head hogs, 25 bushels wheat, 150 bushels of corn, together with all title and interest of party of first part, warrant title. 27 Aug. 1873. /s/ Henry Dencan [MAD: "Dencan" as typed] Wit. W.R. Gilliam, W.G. Tate. Henry Duncan appeared before W. Byrne, Deputy Clerk of County Court, 18 Sept. 1873. Received for registration 18 Sept. 1873. (FHL film 593,425)
Deeds, Vol.L-M, 1875-1882 (FHL film 593,426)
L-740: Deed of Conveyance, Eliza Duncan to G.W. Moore & Allen C. Burns. Know all men by these presents that I, Eliza Duncan have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey unto G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns for the consideration of $1997.96 paid me, ... the following tract of land, 396 acres and half situated in the 8th Civil District of Marion Co. TN, being that portion of the 16th, section in the first fractional township range___ (MAD: end of this document) (FHL film 593,426)
L-740/742: Eliza Duncan et al vs. A.P. Ramsey et al and J.B. Hoge Trustee vs. Eliza Duncan & Heirs of Robt. Duncan Dec'd. This cause came on this day to be heard upon the report of sale heretofore ordered, from which it appears that after due advertisement the Master on 2 July 1873 proceeded to sell the lands to highest bidder on credit ... with the same being offered in parcels or lots as represented on a map furnished by Eliza Duncan on the day of sale, no bid was offered either of said parcels or lots separately, and being offered as a whole, the entire tract was struck off to A.A. Hyde sole for complt. Hoge at the sum of two hundred and eighty five dollars & 75, the highest bid, said $2085.75 (MAD: amounts as given). It further appearing from said report that since said sale, the trustee has transfered the bid to said Eliza Duncan, she paying the costs and comissions and executing a note to the Trustee for the Debt, being the sum of $1997.96 bearing interest at 10% per annum, and ... J.H. Graham ... security of said Duncan as a joint maker of said note, if I shall fail to pay the interest on the 2nd July 1874 or regularly, then my bid for said land is to be transfered to J.H. Graham ... 25 October 1873. /s/ Eliza Duncan. Attest: A.A. Hyde, W.A. Hyde. The foregoing expresses the terms upon which I became the surity of Eliza Duncan upon the note specified in the foregoing instrument, Oct. 27, 1873, J.H. Graham. Which contract was duly proven in open court ..., ordered that title to the 396-1/2 acres in the 8th Civil District, being that portion of the 16th section in first fractional township, range seven west, Ocoee District, South of the Tennessee River, known as the Duncan School Land, be divested out of the state of TN for the use of the Trustee of Marion Co., the heirs or legatees of Robt. Duncan decd, the common School commissioners, and Scholastic population of said fractional township, and be vested in Eliza Duncan her heirs and asssigns forever, subject to a transfer of title to J.H. Graham upon stipulation ... of record in my office in Book C, pages 118, 119 & 120. 27 June 1879, J.A. Walker, C.&M. J.A. Walker Clerk & Master appeared 26 June 1879, received for registration 27 June 1879. (MAD: spelling as given) (FHL film 593,426)
L-742/744: Deed of Conveyance, Eliza Duncan to C.W. Moore & Allen C. Burns. I, Eliza Duncan, have this day sold and transfer to G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns for $1997.96 paid, 396 acres and a half in 8th civil district of Marion Co. TN, being that portion of 16th Sec. in 1st Frac. Township, range 7 West, .. being the tract bid off by J.B. Hoge Trustee in the cases in the Chancery Court of Marion Co. TN of Eliza Duncan against A.P. Ramsey and others and James B. Hoge Trustee against Eliza Duncan and others, which bid was afterwards transfered to Eliza Duncan, to have & hold the same to the said G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns in fee simple. I am lawfully seized of the said lands and have a good right to convey it, ... but the following boundary of land included in the boundaries above specified is expressly reserved and not intended to be conveyed by this deed, to wit, beg. at the mouth of the spring branch on the south side of the Tennessee River about opposite the center of Looneys Island, it being the branch or hollow on which Mike Hogan now lives, then up said branch ... opposite a sink hole on the west bank of the said branch, then north and east to the last boundary line of the section so as to include 90 acres on the northeast side of the branch or hollow and the southeast corner of said section, then south with said section line to the southeast corner of said section, then west with the section line to the southwest corner of said section, then north with said section line to the Tennessee river, then up the river to the beginning. But the said G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns have advanced to the said Eliza Duncan $700 to pay off purchase money that was due, and it is agreed that said G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns shall have a lien on the land so reserved for the payment to them of the $700 so advanced, secured by seven promissory notes, they to have an easement or right of way to have a road or passway along the hollow which forms the western boundary of my 90 acres ... the branch that comes down the main hollow which extends up by Mike Hogan house and on by the Carter house situated on the land of Mrs. Nancy W. Burns. 27 June, 1879. Eliza Duncan. Wit. Foster V. Brown, A.L. Spears. Eliza Duncan appeared before J.L. Minter, Clerk of Marion Co. Court, 27 June 1879. Received for registration 27 June 1879. (FHL film 593,426)
M-208/209: Eliza Duncan deed from/to Allen C. Burns, G.W. Moore. On 27 June 1879, G.W. Moore and Allen C. Burns bought a tract or parcel of land from Mrs. Eliza Duncan, said land in the NE part of fractional Sec.16 fractional Township 1, Range 7W, being fully described in her deed to them dated 27 June 1879, registered in Book L pages 742-3. The aforesaid land has been held in common by us, the said Moore and Burns, up to this time but we have now determined to separate our interest and have agreed upon a dividing line, ... west of the house where R. McGill now lives, and east of the house recently erected by said Allen C. Burns and now occupied by M.B. Vann, then ... G.W. Moore transfers to said Allen C. Burns his interest in that part of the land lying west of said division, and Allen C. Burns transfers to G.W. Moore in that part lying east of said division line. Release by N.E. Moore, wife of G.W. Moore; release by Ella N. Burns, wife of Allen C. Burns. All signed. Hamilton Co. TN, appeared Allen C. Burns and Ella N. Burns, 10 Jan. 1880. Marion Co. TN, appeared G.W. Moore and wife N.E. Moore, 6 Sept. 1880. Received for registration 6 Sept. 1880. (FHL film 593,426)
M-218: Received of Eliza Duncan, $1997.96 the full amount due from her for the school land bought by her sold by order of the Chancery Court at Jasper it being the school land lying in the 8th Civil District of Marion Co. sold as aforesaid her note for said purchase money is hereby paid and surrendered June 27th, 1879. /s/ J.B. Hoge Trustee of Marion Co. Received for registration the 15th day of Sept. 1880. (FHL film 593,426)
1889 "History of Laclede, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Wright, Texas, Pulaski, Phelps and Dent Cos. MO" by Goodspeed (FHL film 599,833 item 1 & 2)
Pg.1171: Biographical Appendix, Wright Co. MO. Thomas Duncan, blacksmith, of Hartville, MO, was born in East TN Oct. 20, 1839, being the son of Robert and Pollie (Duncan) Duncan, and was reared under the reign of slavery, but was a single man when the emancipation proclamation was issued. He then came to MO and he and Anderson Hogue and Hugh White were the first colored men who located in Wright Co. Thomas Duncan learned the trade of blacksmith in TN, and in 1872 he located in Hartville and purchased an outfit and has been engaged in the business there ever since. ... He was married to Miss Ellen Vernon, dau. of Lill Vernon, who is the son of Col. Vernon, of Laclede Co. MO, she having been the dau. of a slave in that family. By her marriage with Mr. Duncan, she became the mother of five living children: Mary, Clarence, Flora, Toby and Clara. ...
His nephew, Prof. Solomon Gilliam, was born in Marion Co. TN, Sept. 17, 1858, his parents being Solomon Sr. and Margaret (Duncan) Gilliam. Solomon Gilliam was also a native of TN, and died there before the emancipation. He was a slave in the family of Dr. Gilliam, of Jasper, TN. Margaret Duncan (sic; Gilliam) became the mother of four children, of whom Prof. Solomon Gilliam is the youngest and the only one now living. Margaret Gilliam died in TN Oct. 3, 1864, and the subject of this sketch was left in the care of grandparents and uncles, and remained with them in TN until Jan. 1880, when he joined his uncle, Thomas Duncan. He farmed one season here, and then (went back to college).
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