Duncan research files of |
Loudon Co. TN Deeds (index 1874-1925 on FHL film 565,007; from index from Judy Player 1990; extracts also from Judy Player 1/1991)
Book A (FHL film 565,008)
A-85: 4 Oct. 1870, Edward Rausin and wife Parthena formerly Parthena Duncan, of Monroe Co. TN, to Wm. B. Hope, of Loudon Co. TN, $400, our undivided interest and title as heirs at law of Evan E. Duncan decd. in Roane now Loudon Co. TN, embracing the homestead where our father said Evan E. resided at time of death on south side Clinch River adj. said Hope and several small tracts. Mentions dower interest of widow. Wit. Wm. L. Wilkes, M.M. Hope.
A-86: 20 Sept. 1870, Hugh L. Shinpaugh and wife Eliza P. formerly Eliza P. Duncan, and Samuel A. Daniel and wife Martha E. formerly Martha E. Duncan of Loudon Co. TN, to Wm. B. Hope, $1,000 (similar to A-85).
A-87: 26 Dec. 1870, W.G. Clawson and wife Nancy Ann formerly Nancy Ann Duncan of Bute Co. CA, to Wm. B. Hope, $500 (similar to A-85).
A-88: 11 June 1870, Columbus M. Duncan of Franklin Co. AR to Wm. B. Hope, $450 (similar to A-85).
A-90: 11 June 1870, Ezekiel L. Duncan of Franklin Co. AR to Wm. B. Hope, $450 (similar to A-85).
A-114: 20 July 1869, William F. Barham and wife Tennessee E. formerly Tennessee E. Duncan of Greene Co. MO, and James K.P. Duncan of Lawrence Co. MO, appoint Hale S. Duncan of Lawrence Co. MO their attorney to collect by suit or otherwise their interest as heirs in the estate of Evan E. Duncan, our grandfather, late of Roane Co. TN. Reg. Greene Co. MO.
A-116: 25 Feb. 1869, Hugh R. Duncan of Cole Co. MO appoint Hale S. Duncan of Lawrence Co. MO his attorney ... in margin: Noted in the "Note Book 'A' p.14" at 2:00 on 10 Aug 1871 and registered same date by Loudon Clerk. Reg. Cole Co. MO.
A-131: 8 Oct. 1870, William S. Duncan of Loudon Co. TN to Wm. B. Hope, $500 (similar to A-85).
A-131: 2 Aug. 1871, Hugh R. Duncan, Hale S. Duncan, James K.P. Duncan, and William F. Burrham and Tennessee E. Burrham, all formerly of Loudon Co. TN, to Wm. B. Hope, ... Evan E. Duncan our grandfather ... $500.
A-331: 15 Feb. 1872, E.H. Mounger and wife Jane formerly Jane Duncan of Loudon Co. TN, to Wm. B. Hope, $500?.
Book 3 (FHL film 565,009)
3-369: 29 Sept. 1870, Mary A. Duncan widow of Evan E. Duncan of Loudon Co. TN, to W.B. Hope, $800, dower interest of 1/3 of the land.
9-260: 24 May 1893, E. Floyd Duncan to Wm. B. Hope (index only; ... book 9 not on film)
9-284: 7 June 1893, Mary Stinnet to Wm. B. Hope.
Loudon Co. TN Court Minutes Book, Vol.5, July 1890-1894 (FHL film 565,005; copy of page from Judy Player 1/1991)
Pg.372: 1893 (only date on this page) Said Committee reported the following resolution which was adopted by the Court and ordered to be placed upon the minutes of the Court and the clerk ordered to give the same to the Loudon County Record for publication, asking other papers to copy.
Whereas we learn that one Henry Duncan who was charged with murder, was on last night taken from the Jail of Loudon County by force and violence, by parties unknown and hung by the neck until dead; we the members of the County Court of Loudon County, hereby enter and express our disapproval of all mob violence, and hereby pledge and offer the assistance of the County in aiding and vindicating the magesty of the law. And do hereby tender our aid and assistance to the officials of the State in ferreting out the perpetrators of said crime and bringing those engaged therein to justice. /s/ W.D. Watkins, Robt. M. Johnston, S. Matthews?. To the County Court of Loudon County Jo... 1893. (too dark)
Roane Co. TN Deed (FHL film 560,115)
S-596: 10 Jan. 1875, Mary A. Duncan, "Elizabeth" L. Duncan (/s/ E.L. Duncan), Evan F. Duncan, Samuel A. (signed Saml. S.) "Duncan" & Martha E. Duncan his wife formerly Martha E. Duncan (sic), Hugh L. Shinpauch (sic) & Eliza P. Shinpauch his wife formerly Eliza P. Duncan of Franklin Co. AR, and Mary J. Stennet widow of Benjamon Stennet formerly Mary J. Duncan of Crofford Co. AR, appoint William S. Duncan of Franklin Co. AR our attorney; Mary A. Duncan who is the widow and Ezekiel L. Duncan, Even F. Duncan, Martha E. "Duncan", Eliza P. Shenpauch & Mary J. Stinnet, who are the children & heirs at law of Evin E. Duncan, late of Roane Co. now Lowden, TN, decd, and as such are entitled to a portion of the estate of said Evin E. Duncan; the attorney is empowered to ask for, receive, etc. property due us from the estate of said Even E. Duncan ... and upon the receipt of any property ... from the said Edward H. Mounger and Robert D. Duncan or either of them, to make receipts. Reg. Franklin Co. AR 26 Jan. 1875.
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,458)
Duncan, Evan E., widow Mary Ann; WO 40880, WC 32015; BL 35918-80-50, 36714-80-55; Private Capt. Jack McKarney's Co. TN Mil. 11/13/1814 to 5/12/1815; Sol. res. 1851, 1855 Roane Co. TN; widow res. 1881 Knox Co., P.O. Vancouver, Loudoun Co. TN; Maiden name of widow: soldier's 1st wife Elizabeth Price, 2nd wife Elizabeth Jenkins, widow Mary Ann Jenkins m. 1831 Roane Co. TN; soldier d. Sept. 15, 1862, Roane Co. TN; Remarks: a letter from soldier to claimant dated May 4, 1849.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Pharoah, alias Duncum, Pharough, widow Duncan, Louisa; H 4 Tenn. Inf.; E 3 Tenn. Inf.; 1869 June 12, Invalid Appl. #144532, Cert. #107800; 1871 Dec. 26, Widow Appl. #200901, Cert. #182324. (MAD: Loudon Co. TN; 1850 Grainger Co. TN; she in 1890 Knox Co. TN, widow of "Thorough")
Duncum, Pharough, alias Duncan, Pharoah, widow Duncan, Louisa; E 3 Tenn. Inf.; H 4 Tenn. Inf.; 1869 June 12, Invalid Appl. #144532, Cert. #107800; 1871 Dec. 26, Widow Appl. #200901, Cert. #182324.
Dunkin, Robert P., widow Dunkin, Adaline; H 5 Tenn. Inf., I 5 Tenn. Inf.; 1879 Sept. 30, Invalid Appl. #311805, Cert. #314840, Tenn.; 1883 March 22, Widow Appl. #302341, Cert. #231824, Tenn.; remarks, not identical with (Serv?) C. 398704, Robt. P. Duncan H 5 Tenn. Inf. (MAD: Blount & Monroe Cos. TN; 1890 pension in Loudon Co. TN)
1912 "Reminiscences of the Boys in Grey 1861-1865" (Texas) by Mamie Yeary (FHL film 1,000,598 item 1; pages 202-204, in alphabetic order by surname)
Forward: In offering to the public these "Confederate Reminiscences" my only apology is to place in permanent form, and in the very words of the participants, as far as practicable, the personal experiences of the "men behind the guns," the "boys in the line," ... Many interesting papers, too lengthy for the scope of this work, have been abridged to contain the most important parts. ... While editing the data so kindly sent me, I have entered fully into each skirmish, battle, march and campaign. ...
George W. Duncan, San Angelo [Tom Green Co.], TX; was born May 18, 1845, near Winchester, [Franklin Co.] TN. Enlisted in the Confederate Army in July, 1862, at Louden [Loudon Co.], TN, as private in Co. D, 17th TN Regiment, Infantry; Gen. Bushrod Johnson's brigade, Cheatham's division, Hardee's corps, Army of TN. Thos. Finch, first Captain, and Newman, first Colonel. Our regiment was sent with Longstreet to attack Burnside at Knoxville, TN; thence to VA where we remained until the close of the war. I was wounded at Beans Station, shot in left arm, between elbow and wrist, but did not break the bone. Was taken prisoner, with the most of my regiment, in front of Petersburg, VA, June 1864. Was first sent to Point Lookout, MD, and then to Elmira, NY, remaining in prison nearly 8 months. Was in the battles of ... I arrived at home the last of April, 1865, with the remainder of Lee's disbanded men, and found everything on my mother's plantation destroyed. Every building gone and most of the fencing, not enough material of the buildings left to build a respectable hencoop; the brick chimneys had been hauled off to their headquarters. (MAD: See McLennan Co. TX)
Family Bible of Samuel A. Daniel and Martha E. Duncan (b. March 15, 1841) and Obituary of Rev. William S. Duncan, 83, of Knoxville [Knox Co.], son of Evan E. Duncan.
Copy of these items and other documents from this Bible were sent by Judy Player 11/1990. The items are on the following website:
Scroll down and click on Bible Records and then choose Daniel's Family Bible
Or go directly to the Bible transcription at http://www.tngenweb.org/loudon/bible/daniel.html
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