Duncans in Knox Co. TN


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised January 13, 2012


Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (SLC 5/30/2011 copied by CVD)
      Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
      Index cards to grants made in western lands, now Tennessee, prior to the cession of the lands to the U.S. government in 1789; including grants made on military warrants, patents issued after the cession date; includes WESTERN, MIDDLE AND EASTERN DISTRICTS, ca. 1778-1800 ---- "A" - David Ginn (to be cont.) (FHL Film 1,942,646)
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.010, Knox Co., 400 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: S.side of Holston river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.012, Eastern Dist., 200 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: S.side of Holston river. (MAD: See also Green Co. TN)
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.013, Eastern Dist., 640 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered -- 1795, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: S.side of Holston river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.014, Eastern Dist., 250 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered 14 Oct. 1795, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: On waters of Abner Witts creek.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.015, Eastern Dist., 225 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered 15 Oct. 1795, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: S.side of Holston river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.016, Eastern Dist., 1000 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.---- entered -- 1795, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: On waters of New river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.326, Eastern Dist., 640 acres, Grant No.266 issued 7 Mar. 1796, Entry No.594 entered 7 June 1780, Book No.88, page no.200, Location: On S.side of Holston.
            Duncan, Stephen: Ass., File No.356, Eastern Dist., 400 acres, Grant No.273 issued 20 July 1796, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.88, page no.434, Location: On S.side of Holston river.
            Duncan, Stephen: Ass., File No.357, Eastern Dist., 281 acres, Grant No.274 issued 20 July 1796, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.88, page no.434, Location: On S.side of Holston river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.427, Eastern Dist., 1000 acres, Grant No.294 issued 8 June 1797, Entry No.105,357 entered 8 Feb. 1780, Book No.90, page no.329, Location: E. fork of New river.
            Duncan, Stephen, File No.428, Eastern Dist., 1000 acres, Grant No.295 issued 8 June 1797, Entry No.784 entered 3 Oct. 1783, Book No.90, page no.330, Location: On Buffalos Creek.

Tennessee Land Grants Index (FHL film 1,002,730)
      Copied all Duncan, Dunkin, etc. (no Duncomb) through 1849; did not copy later index. Film consists of small index cards for each grant; some grants are repeated if they appear in two books.
      Name, Grant #, Acres, Date, County, Book & Page, District (Actual grant books are in series by District, then book volume & page)
      Benjamin Duncan, 17875, 50a, 7/6/1833, Knox, 17-854, East
      Stephen, 266, 640a, 3/27/1796, Eastern Dist. South side of Holston River, 9-47, NC
      Stephen, 274, 281a, 7/20/1793, Eastern Dist. Head waters of Sinking Creek, 9-46, NC
      Stephen, 294, 1000a, 6/8/1797, Eastern Dist., 9-243, NC
      Stephen, 295, 1000a, 6/8/1797, Eastern Dist., 9-244, NC

East TN Land Grants (FHL film 1,012,808)
      17-854: 6 July 1833, Grant #17875 to Benjamin Duncan, Knox Co., Entry #616 on 3 Feb. 1833, 50 acres on north side of Holston River on waters of Big Flat Creek, beg. small post oak on Duncan's own line, thence with Cobb's line ... said Duncan's former corner, surveyed 8 April 1833.

NC Land Grants in TN
      9-46: 20 July 1796, Grant #274 for 50 shillings every 100 acres, paid by William Cauthorn, grant to Stephen Duncan assignee of said Cauthorn, 281 acres in Eastern District on head waters of Sinking Creek. (FHL film 1,013,319) (MAD: recorded Knox Co. TN Deed B1-314)
      9-47: 17 March 1796, Grant #266 for 50 shillings every 100 acres, paid by Stephen Duncan, grant to Stephen Duncan 640 acres in Eastern District on S.side Holston River above the confluence of French Broad and Holston on Swann Pond Creek. (MAD: recorded Knox Co. TN Deed B1-315)
      9-243: 8 June 1797, Grant #294 for 50 shillings every 100 acres, grant to Stephen Duncan 1000 acres in Eastern Dist. on E. fork of New River at waters of Cumberland River. (MAD: recorded Knox Co. TN Deed E/V1-58)
      9-244: 8 June 1797, Grant #295 for 50 shillings every 100 acres, grant to Stephen Duncan 1000 acres in Eastern Dist. on Buffalo Creek waters of New River beg. top of a ridge. (MAD: probably recorded Knox Co. TN deed E/V1-59; sold Anderson Co. TN, Deed C1-1, 1804)

Knox Co. TN Land Entries, 1809-1904; most volumes individ. indexed
   1806-1807 (FHL film 502,437 item 3)
      Pg.62: #165, Dist. South of French Broad and Holston; survey Aug. 21, 1807, for John Duncan on E.Fork Pistol creek in Blount Co., claimed by right of improvement, occupancy and presentation, 523 acres 2 roods 4 chains, per plat (creek shown but not named, no neighbors named); C.C. [chain carriers] James McGentry, Wm. Bateman; /s/ J. Wilkinson, D.C.
   1815-1819 - no Duncan (FHL film 502,437 item 4)
   1824-1828 - no Duncan (FHL film 502,437 item 5)
   #1, 1824-1850 (FHL film 502,438 item 1)
      Pg.236: #616, Knox Co., Benjamin Duncan enters 50 acres on N.side Holston River on waters of Big Flat Creek adj. lands of the est.? of "Phrow" Cobb and G.C. McBee, in said Duncan's line; entered 3 Feb. 1833; /s/ Benj. (X) Duncan, wit. D.P. Armstrong.
   1817 - no index (FHL film 502,438 item 2)
   1836-1874 - no Duncan (FHL film 502,438 item 4)
   1850-1875 - no index (FHL film 502,438 item 5)

Knox Co. TN Deed Index, v.A-C (FHL film 464,119 item 1)
      Index is only to surnames A to C

Knox Co. TN Deed Indexes, pg.97 (direct index on FHL film 503,108; reverse index on FHL film 503,390)
      C1/V1-28, Duncan, John, to Jack, Jeremiah, 7 May 1794, French Broad River & Holston Island, 44a, 52-1/4a
      B1/V1-54, Duncom, John, to Campbell, David, 17 May 1794, 206a Holston & Fr. Broad Rivers
      E1-53, Duncum, Stephen to Finly, John, 24 Dec. 1796, 1a below Knoxville
      E1-55, Dunkin, Stephen to Finly, John, 24 Dec. 1796, 400a N/s Holston River W Fork 3rd Creek
      E1-337, Duncombe, Stephen, to King, William, W.B. (not "W.D." - deed), 24 Aug. 1798, L 20 Market & 4th St.
      E2/V1-148, Duncomb, Stephen by sheriff to Jack, Patrick, Quit claim, 8 July 1799, 15 sq Miles Tellico River
      (MAD: Following deeds did not have last name filled in)
      E2/V1-199, Stephen to McClung, Charles, sheriff deed, 6 Feb. 1798, 400a Holston River
      G1-23, Stephen, to Ozburn, Daniel, 23 April 1800, 164a, grant 251
      G1-27, Stephen to Witt, Abner, 31 Jan. 1801, 12a
      G1-179, Stephen, to Morrow, William, 19 Feb. 1801, 640a 1st Creek
      E2/V1-261, Joseph, to McAffry, Terrance, 19 Feb. 1802, L Tropper Spring
      C2/V1-212, Stephen, to Jones, Isaac, 9 Jan. 1801, 100a
      L1-42, Stephen, to Finley, John, 22 March 1798, 277a
      L1-57, Stephen, to Rhea, John, sheriff deed, 14 April 1803, 1/2a Cumberland St.
      L1-69, Stephen, to Park, James, et al., sheriff deed, 12 Jan. 1804, L 42
      L1-193, Stephen, to Morrison, William, et al., sheriff, 15 Jan. 1805, Tract 2nd Creek
      L1-195, Stephen, to Luttrell, James C., sheriff, 26 March 1803, 281a Sinking Creek
      N1-145, Stephen by sheriff to McNutt, George, 10 Oct. 1808, 400a Sinking Creek
      S1-453. John, to Jack, Jeremiah, 17 May 1794, 96-3/4a French Broad & Holston Rivers
      E2-96, Phillip, to Chaimberland, N. (trustee), trust deed, 14 April 1841, personal
      U2-498, Isaac and Martha to Croft, Samuel, bill of sale, 12 May 1856, slaves
      W2-406, James, Matilda, W.S., Samuel H., to Duncan, Caroline, W.B., 7 Oct. 1857, 300a 11 D (? dark page)
      W2-408, Caroline, Matilda, James (Est), Samuel, William, to King, David (et ux), W.B., 21 Dec. 1857, none/same (? dark page)
      X2-333, Evan E. to Steel, Ninian, 13 Sept. 1856, 100a Hinds Valley
      X2-335, Evan E. to Steel, Ninian, 13 Sept. 1856, 100a Hickory Creek
      Y2-416, trust deed, Caroline Duncan to W.M. Cox, 27 Sept. 1859, slaves, rec. 4 Oct. 1859
      Y2-439, trust deed, Caroline Duncan and estate of James Duncan to William S. Duncan, 7 Oct. 1859, 60a 11th Dist. & personal, rec. 19 Oct. 1859
      Z2-205, Isaac & Martha Duncan to Samuel Craft, 10 April 1860, T Holston River, rec. 9 June 1860
      Z2-219, Isabella Duncan to David King, 16 June 1860, marriage contract, rec. 19 June 1860
      Z2-167, trust deed, James B. Duncan to W.W. Wallace, 3 May 1860, 69-3/4a, rec. 3 May 1860
      Z2-347, bill of sale, Isabella E. & Caroline Duncan to W.S. Duncan, May 6 May 1858, rec. 8 Oct. 1860
      Z2-347, bill of sale, Caroline Duncan to W.S. Duncan, 11 Oct. 1859, slaves, rec. 8 Oct. 1860
      A3-239, Gift, Caroline Duncom to W.S. Duncan, 18 March 1861, estate of Wm. Wright, rec. 9 Jan. 1862
      F3-473, W.B., W. Duncum to George M. Branner, 13 April 1869, L.S. Hardee & Brigham Sts., rec. 5 May 1869.
      J3-347, James B. & Caroline (estate) Dunkin to Isabella King, 1 Sept. 1865, 64a 11 D (11th Dist.), rec. 9 Dec. 1871
      K3-262, James M. Duncombe to Weaver & Brothers, 18 Sept. 1872, L 13th Dist. McGhee's Add. McGhee St., rec. 20 Sept. 1872
      M3-308, A.J. Duncumb to C.E. Lucky, 13 April 1874, L 1st Dist. Spring & Poplar Sts., rec. 20 Apr. 1874
      N3-552, James M. & A.E. Duncumb to Wiley B. Wright, 1 Oct. 1875, L McGhee & Chamberlain Sts. 12th Dist, rec. 6 Oct. 1875
      TD 1C-284, title bond, James M. Duncan et ux to Thomas H. Dill et al, 6 March 1876, L 17 McGhee's Add, rec. 17 March 1876
      Q3-163, decree, Leddy Duncumb et al by C&M (Clerk & Master of court) to N.G. Cashion, 24 April 1877, tract 11 D, rec. 12 June 1877
      Q3-452, James M. Duncan to Thomas H. Dill, 17 Oct. 1877, L 17 McGhee Add, rec. 19 Oct. 1877
      Q3-412, William Duncan to Davis Crowley, 1 Oct. 1877, L 24 Hardy Add., Spring St., rec. 24 Oct. 1877
      S3-78, W.B., James B. Duncan to Nancy Ann Duncan, 31 Dec. 1878, Tract 11th Dist. TN River, rec. 31 Dec. 1878
      T3-438, Thomas Duncumb to E.J. Kinzel, 15 March 1880, L 90 12th Dist., rec. 17 March 1880
      W3-339, trust deed, B.F. and Sarah J. Duncumb to Hopewell Braine, 25 April 1882, tract 3rd Dist., rec. 25 April 1882
      TB F1-541, trust deed, B.F. and Sarrah J. Duncumb to Hopewell Braine, 25 April 1882, 6-1/4a 3rd Dist., rec. 25 April 1882
      X3-490, Benjamin F. & Sarah J. Duncumb to Henry E. Byerly, 1 Jan. 1883, 61-1/4a 3rd Dist, rec. 2 Jan. 1883
      Y3-358, Cannon and Hannah Duncumb to James W. Shipe et al, 20 Feb. 1882, 126a 3rd Dist, rec. 1 May 1883
      (later not copied here)

      No deed indexed for 1833 Land Grant #17875 to Benjamin Duncan or Duncum.
      A1-173, Dunkin, Stephens, from White, James, 27 July 1793, Lot #43
      E1-51, Duncan, Stephen, from West, Joseph, 12 Dec. 1793, Lot 26 Knoxville
      C1-58, Duncum, Stephen, from White, James, 9 Aug. 1794, 1a Knoxville
      C1-76, Duncumb, John, from State of NC, Grant, 26 Dec. 1791, #992 for 302a Fork bet. Holston & French Broad
      C1-170, Duncom, Stephen, from Wood, Robert, trust deed, 26 Oct. 1794, 600a Second Creek, slaves
      C2/V1-34, Duncombe, Stephen, from Finley, John, 24 Sept. 1795, tract Tellico River
      C2/V1-88, Stephen, from Jack, Patrick, 1 Aug. 1795, 3500a Dist Ky
      B1-63, Stephen from Jack, Patrick, power of attorney, 29 July 1795, 15 square miles S. bank TN River
      B1-315, Stephen from State of NC, grant, 17 March 1796, 640a Swan Pond Creek, Grant #266
      B1-314, Stephen from State of NC, grant, 20 July 1796, 281a Sinking Creek, Eastern D., Grant #274
      B1-250, Stephen from Wall, John Jr., 19 April 1796, 320a N.s. 2nd Ridge N. Holston River
      B1-345, Stephen from White, James, 5 Nov. 1795, tract
      B1-346, Stephen from Walker, David, 6 Nov. 1795, 25a Fork 3rd Creek N.s. Holston River
      B1-349, Stephen from Walker, David, 6 Nov. 1795, 400a W. Fork 3rd Creek N.s. Holston River
      B1-348, Stephen from White, James, 5 Nov. 1795, tract
      B1/BV-6, Dunken, Stephen, from White, James, 2 Nov. 1796, 1/2a
      A1-386, Duncan, Stephen from State of NC, grant, 20 July 1796, Grant #173, 400a S. Holston River
      C2/V1-181, Stephen from Donelson, Stokeley, et al, 9 May 1795, 640a Bet 1st & 2nd Creek
      E/V1-56, Stephen from Wood, Robert, trust deed, 29 Dec. 1796, 600a Little Valley, 2nd Creek
      E/V1-58, Stephen from State of NC, grant, 8 June 1797, 1000a New River, Grant #294
      E/V1-59, Stephen from State of NC, grant, 8 June 1797, 1000a Buffalo Creek
      E/V1-60, Stephen from Wall, John, 2 April 1796, 320a N.s. Holston River
      E/V1-425, Joseph, from White, James, 14 Jan. 1799, Lot Water St.
      E2/V1-56, Stephen from Donelson, Stokley, 10 April 1797, 180a Clinch River
      E2/V1-54, Stephen from Ferguson, Robt., 18 March 1797, 400a
      E2/V1-58, Stephen from Perkins, Isaac, 9 March 1798, 1/2a Knoxville
      Z/V1-515, James from Wright, Isaac, 18 July 1828, 24a bet Holston & Clinch Rivers
      Z/V1-519, James from Wright, Isaac, 8 July 1828, 100a mouth Little River
      D2-100, James from Smith, Thomas, trust deed, 2 May 1840, personal
      T2-341, Evan from Harden, George D., 19 Jan. 1855, 100a Hinds Valley, Hickory Creek
      V2-138, Eben E. from Davis, Jonathan L., 18 June 1856, 100a Hickory Cr.
      W2-406, Duncan, James Jr., Samuel, William, from Duncan, Caroline, 7 Oct. 1857, "W.B.", 60a
      W2-406, Duncum, Matilda from Duncan, Caroline, "W.B.", 7 Oct. 1857, slave
      W2-412, Duncombe, James, Samuel, William, from King, David et al, 7 Dec. 1857, "W.B.", bond
      W2-446, Duncumb, Caroline, from Roberts, Joshua, trust deed, 13 Jan. 1858, personal
      X2-273, James Duncan's estate, Wm. Duncan from David King et al, title bond, 6 May 1858, 300a to 400a Dist. 11, rec. 24 Aug. 1858.
      Y2-438, Heirs of James Duncans from James Park Estate, 13 July 1859, 111a 11th dist. N.S. Holston River, rec. 19 Oct. 1859.
      Z2-219, Isabella F. Duncom from David King, mar. con., 16 June 1860, rec. 19 June 1860
      H3-297, Wm. L. Duncom from David L. King et ux, T.D., 25 Jan. 1871, lot Bridge & Morrow St., rec. 30 Jan. 1871
      J3-554, William S. Duncan from William S. King, 12 Dec. 1871, 60-1/4a 11th Dist., rec. 23 March 1872
      J3-666, William S. Duncan from A.P. & Mary A.L. Rudder, 27 Dec. 1871, 60-1/4a 11th Dist., rec. 16 May 1872.
      K3-264, Agnes JDE? Duncom from C.M. McGhee, 20 Sept. 1872, lot #17 McGhee's Add. Chamberlain St.; rec. 20 Sept. 1872
      K3-263, James M. Duncom from C.M. McGhee, 20 Sept. 1872, lot #13 McGhee's Add, McGhee & Cumberland, rec. 20 Sept. 1872
      L3-272, A.J. Duncom from Isaac Joseph et al, S.S., 23 May 1873, lot Spring & Poplar, rec. 24 May 1873.
      O3-36, Cannon Duncan from E.N. & Rebecca M. Sawtell, 22 Sept. 1875, 76a 4th Dist., rec. 10 Nov. 1875.
      S3-334, J.C. Duncum from P.M. & Florence D. Williams, 3 April 1879, lot 2 Main St. near Henley St., rec. 3 April 1879
      T3-517, Decree, Thomas Duncan from M.L. Patterson (C.&M.) (Clerk & Master of Court), 9 April 1880, lot near Main & Cumberland Junction, rec. 23 April 1880
      U3-137, Cannon Duncun from Jacob C. & Mary M. Troutman, 20 Aug. 1880, 126a 3rd Dist., rec. 20 Aug. 1880.
      U3-299, Thomas Duncan from S.H. Johnston, quit claim, 15 Dec. 1880, L near junction Main & Cumberland Sts., rec. 15 Dec. 1880
      V3-551, Evan F. & William S. Duncan from Joseph & Rachel J. McClain, 7 Oct. 1881, 62-1/4a Black Oak Ridge, rec. 10 Jan. 1882
      W3-236, W.S. Duncan from R.N. Badgett, 31 March 1882, 5a 11th Dist., rec. 31 March 1882
      W3-325, Sarah J. Duncan from Henry C. & Martha Byerley, 21 April 1882, 61-1/4a 3rd Dist., rec. 22 April 1882
      Z3-92, Sarah J. Duncan from James B. & Melvis Duncan, 12 May 1883, tract 11th Dist., rec. 11 Aug. 1883
      (Later not copied here)

Knox Co. TN Deeds
      B1-54: 17 May 1794, John Duncan of Knox Co., Ter. South of River Ohio, to David Campbell Esq. of Jefferson Co., $500, 206 acres beg. South Branch of Holston River 176 poles above mouth of French Broad River, down meanders of Holston to the mouth of French Broad River. Wit. H. Ramsey?, Jeremiah Jack. (FHL film 503,041)
      C1-28: 17 May 1794, John Duncan of Knox Co., Ter. South of River Ohio, to Jeremiah Jack of same, $500, 96-3/4 acres (similar to above) on North bank of French Broad River, including the First Island in said River above the mouth thereof, 44 acres on the bank and 52-3/4 acres on the island. Wit. H. Ramsey, Thomas Gillespie. (FHL film 503,044)
      C1-76: 26 Dec. 1792, Grant #992 N.C. to John Duncan, £10 per 100 acres, 302 acres in Green Co. in fork between Holston and French Broad River, including 1st Island. (FHL film 503,044) (MAD: see Jefferson Co. TN)
      E1-425: 14 Jan. 1799, James White of Knox Co. TN to Joseph Duncan of same, $100, 1/5 part of an acre adj. Knoxville, incl. where said Joseph Duncan now lives. Wit. R. Houston, James Miller. (FHL film 503,048)
      E2-96, Phillip Duncan to Chaimberland, N. (trustee), trust deed, 14 April 1841, personal - looked for deed; not found book E2, page 96
      E2-261: 19 Feb. 1802, Joseph Duncan of Knox Co. TN to Terrance McAffry of same, $300, 1/5 acre adj. Knoxville, including where Joseph Duncan now lives. Wit. Patrick Campbell, John Bright. Joseph ack. deed Oct. 1802. (FHL film 503,048)
      L1-42: 22 March 1798, Stephen Duncan of Knox Co. to John Finley of same, $1800, several tracts; (1), one beg. at a stake, then S. 60 deg. W 16 poles to stake near the creek (no acreage) ...; (2) tract beg. at a stake near a Still House, then 42 deg. W 3 poles to a stake in the branches, then ... (no acreage); (3) tract which the said Stephen Duncan bought of a certain Jane Perkins adj. corner to John Childress, corner to the ally, containing 1/2 acre; (4) tract in Knox Co. adj. a 400 acre tract the said John Fir? purchased from said Stephen Duncan on Third creek, beg. at ?? of third creek, to land formerly belonging to Joseph ??ey (tight binding) now belonging to Benjamin White, containing 25 acres; (5) also tract in Knoxville where the said Stephen Duncan's two houses burnt when in the tenant and occupancy of Michael Sweetman adj. the lot where the courthouse now stands, Capt. Spark's lot and Nathaniel ?n's lot (tight binding); also (6) a lot in Knoxville opposite the last mentioned, having a sink hole thres?, adj. Capt. Henley's lot, John Stones? lot, the late Dr. Johnston's lot; together with all the ways, water courses, etc. and the reversions, etc.; wit. J.H. Jack, William Morrow. (FHL film 503,058; tight binding, dark edges, could not always read names)
      L1-57: Pursuant to writ of Firi Facias 4 Sept. 1802, from Hamilton District Court, suit by Wilson Hunt, surviving partner of late House of ?? & Hunt (tight binding) merchants of Philadelphia against Stephen Duncan for $1,029.33 ... (FHL film 503,058)
      S1-453: 17 May 1794, John Duncan of Knox Co. of United States South of River Ohio, to Jeremiah Jack, (same as Deed C1-28). Recorded on oath of Thomas Gillespie Aug. 1794; registered Oct. 10, 1822. (FHL film 503,058)

Knox Co. TN Deed Books
      Land Grants & Indentures, v.W1, 1831-1833 - no index (FHL film 503,074 item 1)
      Land Grants & Indentures, v.X1, 1833-1834 - not looked at (FHL film 502,433 item 1)
      Land Grants & Indentures, v.Y1, 1834-1835 - not looked at (FHL film 502,434 item 2)
      Land Grants & Indentures, v.Z1, 1835-1837 - not looked at (FHL film 502,435)

Knox Co. TN Deeds from index
      T2-341: 19 Jan. 1855, George G. Hardin of Knox Co. TN to Evin Duncan of Roane Co. TN, $550, 100 acres in Hicks (Hinds?) Valley on Hickory Creek, adj. corner George Rolins tract that said Rolins purchased from David King, cond. line between Robert Hardin and John Hardin, Beaver Ridge, Steels line. Wit. A.C. Hardin, Joseph R. Hardin. (FHL film 503,071)
      V2-138: 18 June 1856, Jonathan L. Davis of Knox Co. TN to Evan E. Duncan of Roane Co. TN, $300, 100 acres on Hickory Creek, adj. Ninian Steels line, Bever Ridge, formerly Isaac M. Reeses corner, Cannons line. Wit. Ezekiel L. Duncan, William G. Clawson, William test brow (??). (FHL film 503,073)
      W2-406: Article of Agreement, Caroline Duncan Admx. &c with Samuel Duncan & others; 7 Oct. 1857, Caroline Duncan, Admx and widow of James Duncan decd, late of Knox Co., and Samuel Duncan and William Duncan and James Duncan Jr. and Matilda Duncan and Robert and Mary Rudder his wife and David King and Isabella his wife, all of Knox Co. TN; they agree to divide the estate of said James Duncan decd. among themselves as follows: they agree to estimate his property as follows, his lands in Knox Co. in Civil Dist. 11 adj. lands of Richard Bearden, ---- Whitehead, Felix Getzendanner?, Jacob Stoop, Thomas Price, John Currier and Samuel Flannigan, containing 300 or 400 acres more or less, 40 acres of which came by descent from the father of said Caroline and to which James had no title but Caroline agrees to allow it to be considered as part of the estate of her husband and be so divided; and agree to allow her $600 of the estate and agree to estimate the lands containing 300 or 400 acres at $4000 exclusive of the dower yet to be assigned; and agree to estimate the personalty at $6500; and agree to permit James Duncan Jr., Samuel Duncan and William Duncan to take the land; and agree that the interest of each of the six distributive shares shall be $1266.66-1/3 each; in payment of which Matilda has taken the negro girl Zilpha at $1000 and King & wife Isabella have taken nego girl Jennie at $700 and Robert Rudder & wife have received $900 and James Jr., William and Samuel agree to take the land aforesaid at $4000 excluding the dower and agree to execute each his note to Caroline for $66.66-2/3 each with good security and interest from date; and agree that Caroline shall take into her possession the residue of the personal estate of her husband and pay the debts and pay King & his wife Isabella $566.66-2/3 being the balance of their share, and pay Robert Rudder & wife Mary $366.66-2/3, and pay Matilda $266.66-2/3; Caroline agrees to execute a bond; the balance if any shall remain her own, she to have full power to sell the slaves not yet disposed of, and they confirm all previous sales; David King agrees to execute a bond that his wife will, on arriving at full age, execute all such agreements etc.; Caroline Duncan to pay the costs of the sale of slaves and other costs; /s/ Mary A.L. Rudder, R.P. Rudder, James Duncan, Caroline Duncan, Isabella King, David King, Samuel H. Duncan, W.S. Duncan, Matilda N. Duncan; wit. H?.Y.C. Humes?, Joshua Roberts. (FHL film 503,074 item 2)
      W2-408: Bond, 21 Dec. 1857, Caroline Duncan, Matilda Duncan, Samuel Duncan and William Duncan to David King and Isabella his wife, Robert Rudder and Mary his wife, for $2500, that on 7 Oct. 1857 an agreement was made between Caroline Duncan as widow and the children and heirs at law of James Duncan decd to divide the estate, that the share of each heir should be $1266.66-2/3, that Caroline is to pay the amounts agreed (wording similar to the agreement); /s/ Caroline Duncan, Wm. S. Duncan, Matilda N. Duncan, Samuel H. Duncan; wit. Seth (X) Lea, William L. Lea. (FHL film 503,074)
      W2-412: Bond, 7 Dec. 1857, of David King and Daniel (X) King to Samuel Duncan, William Duncan and James Duncan, for $566.66-2/3; that the heirs of James Duncan agreed on 7 Oct. 1857 for the division of the estate, and that Samuel, William and James Duncan should take the land in fee simple, containing 300 or 400 acres excluding the dower (neighbors not copied), and David King & his wife Isabella formerly Isabella Duncan, one of the heirs of Jas. Duncan decd, signed the agreement, Isabella being a minor; bond that she confirm the agreement when she reaches maturity and the age of discretion; wit. W.Y.C. Humes, Saml. McCameron. (FHL film 503,074)
      W2-413: Mortgage, 23 Dec. 1857, David King to Daniel King, both Knox Co. TN, for $1, a two horse wagon & harness, two horses, colt 6 months old, and assign & transfer a note on Caroline Duncan for $75 executed Oct. 7, 1857 and a note on William Duncan for $20 executed the same day; that David King by two notes dated Dec. 18, 1857, one for $100 and one for $70, owe Daniel King, and will also owe him for rent of land I now live on for 1858 the further sum of $70, to secure payment; Daniel King is to collect the above notes and apply the proceeds to liquidate and pay the debts due him; if I pay the balance of the debt within 12 months, the property above is returned to me, otherwise sold at public sale; no wit. (FHL film 503,074)
      W2-414: Deed of trust, 23 Dec. 1857, David King to Daniel King, both Knox Co. TN, for $1, a negro girl Jenny aged about 12 years, one cow and calf and heifer, and $566.66-2/3 now in the hands of Caroline Duncan as the distributive share still due my wife Isabella as an heir of her father the late Jas. Duncan decd, and to collect the $25 due from Samuel, William and James Duncan for rent of my wife's part of her father's land up to time of division on 7 Oct. 1857 and $6.25 due from Robert Rudder interest on money coming to my wife from her father's estate; Daniel King to hold these items in trust for the benefit of my wife Isabella free from my control; no wit. (FHL film 503,074)
      W2-446, Duncumb, Caroline, from Roberts, Joshua, trust deed, 13 Jan. 1858, personal - from index only, not copied
      X2-273, James Duncan's estate, Wm. Duncan from David King et al, title bond, 6 May 1858, 300a to 400a Dist. 11, rec. 24 Aug. 1858. - from index only, not copied
      X2-333: 13 Sept. 1856, Evan E. Duncan of Roane Co. TN to Ninian Steel of Knox Co. TN, $500, 100 acres in Hinds Valley, on Hickory Creek (land in T2-341). Wit. Daniel Vinsant, R.W. Harden. (FHL film 502,433)
      X2-335: 13 Sept. 1856, Evan E. Duncan of Roane Co. TN to Ninian Steel of Knox Co. TN, $400, 100 acres on Hickory Creek, adj. Ninian Steels line, Bever Ridge, formerly Isaac M. Reeces corner now said Duncan's, (land in V2-138). Wit. Daniel Vinsent, R.W. Harden. (FHL film 502,433)
      Y2-438, Heirs of James Duncans from James Park Estate, 13 July 1859, 111a 11th dist. N.S. Holston River, rec. 19 Oct. 1859. - from index only, not copied
      TD 1C-284, title bond, James M. Duncan et ux to Thomas H. Dill et al, 6 March 1876, L 17 McGhee's Add, rec. 17 March 1876 - from index only, not copied
      Z2-205: Burleson Co. TX, 10 April 1860, Isaac (X) Duncomb and wife Martha (X) formerly Martha Magget, both now residents of TX, to Samuel Croft of TN, $200, their interest in lands formerly belonging to the late Hugh B. Magget of Knox Co. TN by inheritance from said brother of Martha and son of said Hugh who had acquired an interest in the land by will of his father, the brother Hugh B. Magget; wit. Jno. Thomas, G.M. Moore. (FHL film 502,436)
      Z2-219: 16 June 1860, marriage contract between David King and Isibella E. Duncan, she to keep all her property, negroes, etc.; both signed; wit. W.N. Maxwell?, Daniel (X) King; signed by parties before marriage, /s/ W.N. Maxwell JP. (FHL film 502,436)
      K3-262: 18 Sept. 1872, James M. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN to Weaver & Bro. of Knox Co. TN (D.H. and W.H. Weaver), $960, back of Lot #13 in McGhee's Addition to Knoxville; no wife, no wit. (FHL film 503,058)
      K3-263: 20 Sept. 1872, C.M. McGhee of Knox Co. TN to Jas. M. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN, $1250, lot #13 in McGhee's addition to Knoxville; wit. E. Washington. (FHL film 503,058)
      K3-264: 20 Sept. 1872, C.M. McGhee of Knoxville, Knox Co. TN to Agnes J.D.E. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN, $500, lot #17 in McGhee's Addition; no wit. (FHL film 503,058)
      L3-272, A.J. Duncom from Isaac Joseph et al, S.S., lot Spring & Poplar, rec. 24 May 1873. - from index only
      M3-308, A.J. Duncumb to C.E. Lucky, 13 April 1874, L 1st Dist. Spring & Poplar Sts., rec. 20 Apr. 1874 - from index only
      N3-552: 1 Oct. 1875, James M. Duncan and wife A.E. Duncan of City of Chattanooga, TN, to Wiley B. Wright of Knoxville, TN, $700 payable by notes in 3 equal installments, Jan. 20, 1876, $233.33-1/2; July 20, 1876, $233.33-1/3; and Jan. 20, 1877, $233.33-1/3; lot in 12th Civil District, Knox Co. TN, on McGhee Street and Chamberlain Street in McGhee's addition to Knoxville; they appeared in Hamilton Co. TN court 4 Oct. 1875, reg. Knox Co. 6 Oct. 1875. (FHL film 503,062 item 2)
      O3-36, Cannon Duncan from E.N. & Rebecca M. Sawtell, 22 Sept. 1875, 76a 4th Dist., rec. 10 Nov. 1875. - from index only
      Q3-163: 24 April 1877, M.L. Patterson, Clerk & Master of Chancery Court, to N.G. Cashion of Knox Co. TN; that at May term 1871 (sic) Chancery Court in case of J.W. and D.L. King vs. Leddy Duncan and others, to sell to highest bidder lot in 11th Civil District on Dunkins line, dower line (acres not given), sold on 30 Sept. 1872 for $150 to highest bidder N.G. Cashion, sale reported March 1877 (sic). (FHL film 503,067)
      Q3-452, James M. Duncan to Thomas H. Dill, 17 Oct. 1877, L 17 McGhee Add, rec. 19 Oct. 1877 - from index only
      S3-78: 31 Dec. 1878, James B. Duncan to his wife Nancy Ann Duncan for love and to secure her a comfortable home, convey tract (no acres) in 11th Civil Dist. on the Tennessee River adj. farms of Elijah Flennekin, Nathan Hasson, and heirs of Samuel Duncan decd; no wit. (FHL film 503,070 item 3)
      S3-334, J.C. Duncum from P.M. & Florence D. Williams, 3 April 1879, lot 2 Main St. near Henley St., rec. 3 April 1879 - from index only
      T3-438, Thomas Duncumb to E.J. Kinzel, 15 March 1880, L 90 12th Dist., rec. 17 March 1880 - from index only
      T3-517, Decree, Thomas Duncan from M.L. Patterson (C.&M.) (Clerk & Master of Court), 9 April 1880, lot near Main & Cumberland Junction, rec. 23 April 1880 - from index only
      U3-137, Cannon Duncun from Jacob C. & Mary M. Troutman, 20 Aug. 1880, 126a 3rd Dist., rec. 20 Aug. 1880. - from index only
      U3-299, Thomas Duncan from S.H. Johnston, quit claim, 15 Dec. 1880, L near junction Main & Cumberland Sts., rec. 15 Dec. 1880 - from index only
      V3-551: 7 Oct. 1881, Joseph (X) McClain and wife Rachel J. (X) of Knox Co. TN to William S. Duncan and Evan F. Duncan of Knox Co. TN, $700, 62-1/4 acres adj. N.side Black Oak Ridge, McClains and Keaths corner, John Brown's line, McClain and Jas. P. Sanders corner; wit. J.S. Brown, J.F. Ellis. (FHL film 503,073 item 3)
      Y3-358, Cannon and Hannah Duncumb to James W. Shipe et al, 20 Feb. 1882, 126a 3rd Dist, rec. 1 May 1883 - from index only

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