Duncan research files of |
1900 "History of Hickman Co. TN" by W. Jerome D. Spence & David L. Spence (from Evelyn Sigler and Dale O. Duncan and Louis Boone)
Pg.10: Duty of making expedition against Indians assigned to Evan's Battalion of NC, Battalion was delayed, so Col. Robertson asked for volunteers, 130 men responded, ... "Among the number was Capt. John Rains' company of spies or scouts, a body which for efficiency in border warfare was never surpassed." Other members of the party whose names have been preserved were: ... Martin (or Morton) Duncan, ... (pg.31)
Pg.64: Perkins, like Bell, was also looking alone to his own interest, and, gathering his slaves and employees, he in a short time erected two forges between those he had sold to Bell and commenced to operate them. Bell abandoned the field, and Perkins continued to operate his forges until 1835. In 1825, and for several years previous to this, David Duncan was manager for Perkins. He was succeeded by Daniel McCord. Duncan was the father of Thomas Duncan, of the Seventh District. Mill Creek received its name from the mill built near its mouth in the Seventh District, this being the first mill erected in the county. (pg.167)
Pg.88: Some of the magistrates of later years ... The present incumbents are ... J.T. Duncan.
Pg.123: Early settlers on Fall Branch were ... Martin Condor lived here in 1823. William Duncan, the father of W.H., James A., David M., Marcenus, and John Duncan, came from Kentucky and bought land at this point from the original owners. The father of Wm. Duncan was killed by Indians. In recent years much phosphate has been mined in this section. (pg.320) (MAD: son of James & Mary Crockett, from Jessamine Co. KY)
Pg.124: Richard Meece, who came here from Maury County about 1860, married Margaret Ann, a daughter of Wm. Duncan. He became the owner of a large portion of the McMinn lands and died here. (pg.325)
Robert Whiteside, b. 1800 SC, came to Maury Co., in 1825 to Swan Creek. Had dau. Mary Ann Duncan. (pg.325)
Pg.126: One of the natural curiosities of this district (#12) is "Bat Cave," near where J.M. Bates and D.M. Duncan now live.
Pg.165-168: Hickman Co. Magistrates: 1825, David Duncan; 1836, William Duncan; 1846, Wm. Duncan; 1872, J.W. Duncan; 1896, T.H. Duncan.
Pg.170: David Duncan and Josiah Thornton were magistrates here at an early date. (no date)
Pg.170: Militia Officers, 1826, Capt. John Duncan.
Pg.176: In this season of distress the Bible class was reorganized on July 4, 1846. Among the names on roll ... John Duncan.
Pg.177-8: Mexican War. When Gov. Aaron V. Brown made the call for volunteers in 1846 ... among the fourth corporal were George A. Duncan, John C. Duncan. The following names, not included in this roll, have been furnished by survivors of Whitfield's company ... David Duncan.
Pg.179: Federal Soldiers. The following is a partial list of Hickman Countians who, during the Civil War, served in the Federal Army ... Wid (sic) Duncan (died in the service).
Pg.185: The 42nd TN Inf. was organized about Oct. 1, 1861. Roll of Co. B: ... Thomas Duncan.
Pg.324: The lands where David M. Duncan and Jonathan Tolles now live were in 1835 the property of ---- Carothers, an early settler. William Harder, Sr., a brother of Jere Harder, was an early settler and lived where Thomas Duncan now lives.
Pg.325: Robert Whitesides, who was born in 1800, came from SC to Maury Co. and from Maury Co. to Swan Creek in 1825. He married Sarah, a sister of Joseph Webb, of Pine River, and was the father of Mrs. Mary Ann Duncan, ...
Pg.329: Some of the magistrates of the (12th) District were ... William Duncan. One of the natural curiosities of this district is "Bat Cave," near where J.M. Bates and D.M. Duncan now live.
1886 "History of Lawrence, Wayne, Perry, Hickman and Lewis Co. TN" by Goodspeed (from Sue Duncan 1985 and Evelyn Sigler 1983)
Pg.788, Perry Co.: Minnie Duncan of Perry Co., 1 year old dau. of William R. and Lizzie Duncan, has more living ancestors than any other person in the state. On paternal line: E.T. and Catherine Duncan, grandfather and grandmother; Elijah and Nancy Duncan great-grandparents. Maternal line her grandfather and great-grandmother Mrs. Mary McDonald.
Pg.790, Hickman Co.: Between 1807-1810 settlements were made as follows: James Peery (and sons George, Levi and Buchanan), James Anderson, William Duncan, Samuel Aydelott, Henry Jones, Hugh Wallace, Henry Young, William and Jerry Horder, James Campbell, Joseph Morris, John and Boswell Clayton, John Buchanan and Jonathan Tall, on Swan Creek.
12th District: Going down Swan Creek to the Lewis County line, the first tributary on the east side is Horse Branch. William Duncan, father of W.H., James A., David M., Marcenus, and John Duncan came from KY and bought land at this point from the original owners. Father of William was killed by Indians. William was magistrate in district. Richard Meece, from Maury Co. about 1860, married Margaret Ann, daughter of William Duncan. Richard became owner of a large portion of the McMinn lands and died there. (pg.320, 325, 329, 433, 435)
Robert Whitesides, born 1800 from SC to Maury Co., and from Maury Co. to Swan Creek 1825. He died there 1885. Owned over 600a, was magistrate in district and member of legislature. Married Sarah Webb, sister of Joseph Webb of Pine River, and was father of Pleasant, Luther and Lafayette Whitesides. Daughters were Mary Ann Duncan, Peggy Jane Sharp, Nancy E. Sharp and Kesiah Curcham.
1889 "Biographical Souvenier of State of TX" by F. Battey (FHL book 976.4 D3bs; also from Lucille Mehrkam, Lenox Baker, Evelyn Sigler; sketches alphabetical, good index)
Part of Preface: "No pains have been spared to make the facts to be found within these covers accurate. With but few exceptions the material has been gathered from those most immediately interested and then submitted in type-written form for correction and revision."
Pg.264-5: John W. Duncan, born Hickman Co. TN, March 11, 1825, son of John and Nancy (Myatt) Duncan, grandson of David Duncan, and great-grandson of William Duncan, of pure Scotch descent on both paternal and maternal sides. John Duncan, father of John W., was a machinist, a colonel in State militia of TN, and died in 1867 at age 74 years. His wife, Nancy (Myatt) Duncan, died 1840 at 40 years of age. John W. Duncan was reared and educated in TN, came to TX Dec. 1859, located first Marion Co., then in 1860 to Upshur Co., 3 years later to Anderson Co., 7 years later to Fannin Co. In 1863 enlisted in Conf. army, Co. H, 18th TX Inf., trans-MS department, and served as capt. of Co. H. two years. Blacksmith by trade, became farmer after war. Served as Justice of Peace in Lawrence Co. TN as well as constable. In 1885 appointed postmaster at Bonham, TX. Jan. 26, 1843, at early age of 18, (John W.) Duncan married Miss Mary A. McAnally, dau. of Dr. Martin McAnally; 5 children: Evaline, Minerva, Martin G., Wylie N., and Charles L. He a Mason. (MAD: married in Lawrence Co. TN)
"Hancock's diary, or, A history of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry : with sketches of First and Seventh battalions, also, portraits and biographical sketches." by R.R. Hancock; pub. Nashville, Tenn.: Brandon Print. Co., 1887, 663 pgs. (LH12688, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL fiche 6,082,669)
Pg.33: June 1861. ... Muster roll of Captain E.D. Payne's Company (D): Duncan, J.H., d.
Pg.38: September, 1861. ... Monday, 9th ... It was about this time that Captain Payne left the battalion, and Duncan was made Captain of Company D.
Pg.176: Seventh Battalion, Company A., ... Duncan (MAD: no first name), Fourth Sergeant. Captured at Medon, West Tennessee, and mortally wounded July 15, 1864.
Pg.584: E.O. Elliott served as quartermaster of the Second Tennessee until it and Wilson's Regiment were consolidated, about February, 1865. He was then sent into West Tennessee with a detachment under Captain William Duncan, in search of absentees from Forrest's command. ...
Pg.599-601: CAPTAIN JAMES HARVEY DUNCAN. J.H. DUNCAN, second son of Alexander C. and Hannah Duncan, was born March 10th, 1817, in Pulaski County, Kentucky. His grandfather, James Duncan, who was born at Culpepper Court House, in Culpepper County, Virginia, July 18th, 1764, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was at the siege and capture of Yorktown, Virginia, when Lord Cornwallis surrendered to General Washington on the 18th of October, 1781; and in 1790 he settled in Kentucky, where he was killed the next year by the Indians, leaving a widow and three small children. The oldest was the Captain's father, who was born in Russell County, Virginia, June 30th, 1788; the other two, William and Sallie (the latter became Mrs. McGee), were twins, and born in Jessamine County, Kentucky, in 1790. After the war of 1812, William settled in Hickman County, Tennessee, where, after raising a large family, he died in 1869.
The Honorable Ralph Williams, the captain's grandfather on his mother's side, also served in the Revolutionary War under General Greene and the famous Marion.
The subject of this sketch, who was educated in the common country schools, learned the carpenter's trade when a young man, and was a very successful contractor for ten or twelve years in Lancaster, the county seat of Garrard County, Kentucky.
In 1843 he married Mrs. Fannie Dawson, who died in 1847, leaving no children. He was married again in 1848 to Miss Louisa B. Hudson, who was born in Garrard County, Kentucky, in 1830. He left Kentucky in 1849, and settled in Davidson County, Tennessee, where he was engaged in farming and trading in horses, mules, and cattle when the war broke out.
J.H. Duncan enlisted in the Confederate service as a private in Captain E.D. Payne's company, which, about the first week in July, 1861, became Company D of the First Battalion of Tennessee Cavalry. About September following he was, much against his own will, unanimously elected captain of Company D, Captain Payne having resigned. Captain Duncan served at the head of his company with the First Battallion during the two campaigns into Kentucky under General Zollicoffer, who was warmly attached to the captain. It has been said that the latter was the only man who could make the former laugh.
Pg.600. R.R. Hancock's Diary.
After the action and defeat at Fishing Creek, Kentucky, the captain fell back with the Confederate army through Middle Tennessee to North Mississippi, where, in May, 1862, the First Battalion re-enlisted and reorganized and Companies B and D were consolidated, and Captain William Parrish commanded the consolidated company.
Captain Duncan now returned to Middle Tennessee, and soon after joined Wheeler's Cavalry,* (*He raised and commanded an independent company of scouts, but reported to Wheeler.) with which he did valiant service until wounded in the foot at Chickamauga September 20th, 1863, where he was captured and sent to prison on Johnson's Island. He was exchanged in time to take part in General Hood's campaign against Nashville on the staff of General Granberry. He served on faithfullly to the close of the war; surrendered to General James Wilson near Selma, Alabama, and was soon after with loved ones at home in the northern portion of Wilson County, Tennessee, to which place his family had removed in 1863. His occupation after the war was farming and trading in stock.
Captain Duncan was very lively - always had an anecdote to suit the occasion, and was a favorite with all soldiers. He was a warm partisan in all elections, and was always a States' Rights Democrat. He was a devoted husband and a kind and affectionate father. His last wife bore him three daughters - Cora (now Mrs. Birthright), Eudora (now Mrs. Buchanan, of Nashville, Tennessee), and Lizzie (who died in 1880), and two sons - James McAfee, of Saundersville, Sumner County, Tennessee, and Mongolia (of Texas).
In reference to her father's death Eudora says, in a letter to her uncle, S.M. Duncan:
"Pa's death was caused by taking an overdose of morphine through mistake. He was in wretched health, and went himself to Starkes' store in Saundersville, Sumner County,* (*The captain lived in Wilson County and had crossed the Cumberland River to attend church as above named.) and purchased a bottle of morphine, THINKING it was quinine. .... (MAD: elipses theirs) He took it at ten o'clock A.M. and lived until ten at night, October 15th, 1873. Everthing that could be done was administered for his recovery, but all of no avail. Brother Jesse Sewell was carrying on a protracted meeting at Saundersville at the time. Pa was so anxious to hear the discourse through, as he was a strict member of the Christian Church, and had been one year previous to his death, he took the quinine, as he thought, as a stimulant. .... (MAD: elipses theirs) We never knew until after services that he had taken anything, as ma did not attend church that day. Brother Sewell assisted him home. He never spoke but once after returning. He said: 'Ma, I cannot be with you long; I am almost gone,' then fell asleep in Jesus, never to wake with us in this old, unreligious world."
The remains of the gallant captain were interred at the McLean graveyard, in the first district of Wilson County. The captain's widow is still (1887) living.
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