Duncan research files of |
1830-1840 Haywood Co. TN Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Haywood Co. TN Census
Page number without parens is stamped page number, within parens is handwritten number
Pg.65 (130), #858, William D. DUNCAN 25 KY farming $0
Jane 18 TN (mar/in/year)
(MAD: 1860 Prairie Co. AR census)
1860 Haywood Co. TN Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Haywood Co. TN Census
District 4, P.O. Brownsville
Pg.277, #1-1, DICKUSON, J.J. (m) 50 AL (white) farmer $5000-$2500
Rebecca 39 NC keeping house
Martha 20, Elizabeth 17 TN at home
Hanah (f) 15 TN at home
John C. 12 TN farm hand
Mary 9, Lillian (f) 6 TN at home
Regnial (m) 3 TN at home
Pusb? (Purb?) (f) 7/12 TN b.Dec. at home
CLARK, Joseph 14 TN (white) farm hand
DUNCAN, H.L. (m) 24 TN (white) farm hand
Haywood Co. TN Deed Index, v.1-2 1823-1881 (FHL Film 1,006,904; SLC 5/31/2011; copied by CVD, years added by MAD from FHL catalog)
E-160: Duncan, L.H. from J.W.P. McGhemprey P.A. (1833-1836)
Q-13: Duncan, A.G. to Wm. Black (1850-1852)
5-78: Duncane, James to B.P. Boyd, Trust (1875-1879)
Haywood Co. TN Deeds (SLC 9/27/2011 and 3/26/2012)
E-160/161: [Heading: No.105. John W.P. McGimsey to Power of Attorney Lemuel H. Duncan to sell and convey land. Registered Febry. 11th, 1835.] I, John W.P. McGimsey of Madison Co. MS for divers good causes & reasons nominated, constituted & appointed Lemuel H. Duncan of Columbia, Tennesse, my true and lawful attorney ... to sell ... that tract or parcel of land in Haywood Co. TN containing about 541 acres, being part or the residue of a 957 acre tract granted by TN to John McGimsey which land lies on the south side of Big Hatchee River, ajoining James Walker's 5000 acre survey on the south, the exact boundries of said land is not known at this time, & reference must be had to the original grant issued at aforesaid in one or more places ... 24 January 1835, /s/ J.W.P. McGimsey. John W.P. McGimsey appeared 24 Jan. 1835 before William E. Gillespie, Clerk & Master of Chancery Court at Columbia for 6th Judicial Circuit. (FHL film 1,006,907) (MAD: Columbia, Maury Co. TN)
E-161/162: [Heading: No.106. J.W.P. McGimsey Deed to William Miller, tract of land in Haywood Co. on waters of Bear Creek in Dist.10 Range 5 Sect.6 Contg. 541 acres, being part of a tract of 957 as. granted by Tenn. to John McGimsey. Registered Feby. 11, 1835.] Jan. 30, 1835, Fayette Co. TN, indenture between J.W. McGimsey of Madison Co. MS by his attorney in fact Lemuel H. Duncan of Maury Co. TN, to William Miller of Haywood Co. TN, for $1082 paid, sold 30 Jan. 1835 to said William Miller a certain tract of land in Haywood Co. TN on waters of bear Creek, being a Southern branch of Big Hatchee, in the 10th district, Range 5, Section 6, containing by estimation 541 acres more or less, being the residue of a tract of 957 acres originally granted to John McGimsey by the State of TN, adj. James Walker's 5000 acre survey, and the other part of said tract of 957 acres being previously sold to Sam. Conegan and Jacob Sorrel of said Haywood Co., warrant title. 30 Jan. 1835. /s/ J.W.P. McGimsy by his attorney in fact, L.H. Duncan. L.H. Duncan appeared in Fayette Co. TN before Thos. C. Hudson, Clerk of Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, as attorney in fact for J.W.P. McGimpsey, who was personally acquainted with him and ack. the deed, 30 Jan. 1835. Fees paid 30 Jan. 1835, Thos. C. Hudson, Clk. (FHL film 1,006,907)
Q-13/14: [Heading: Number 662, A.G. Duncan deed to Wm. Black, filed 27 Oct. 1851, registered 30 Oct. 1851.] State of TN, Haywood Co., 2 Jan. 1835, A.G. Duncan of county & state afsd to Wm. Black of Humphreys Co. TN, for $350 paid, have sold to Wm. Black a tract or parcel of land in Haywood Co. TN containing 38 acres in Range 5 and Section 6 North part of said county in the name of Wm. Lawrence, beginning in the northwest corner of said county and running east 80 poles and then south 76 poles, then west 80 poles, then north 76 poles to the beginning, warrant title. /s/ A.G. Duncan. Wit. Ths. (X) Black, James Black. Thos. Black, one of the subscribing witnesses, appeared 13 June 1842 before Littleton Joyner, Clerk of the Haywood Co. TN County Court. James Black, one of the subscribing witnesses, appeared 25 Jan. 1845 before W.P. Morris, Clerk of the Benton Co. TN County Court. Filed 27 Oct. 1851. (FHL film 1,007,503)
1885-1887 "History of TN; Lauderdale, Tipton, Haywood and Crockett Cos." by Goodspeed (from Evelyn Sigler 11/1983)
No Duncan biography in Haywood Co. TN
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