Duncan research files of |
1830 Pickens Co. SC Census Pg.287 Susanna Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1000,1 Nathaniel Duncan 0100,01 - 2000,1 John Duncan 0000,1 - 1000,1 293 Nathaniel Duncan 0010,0000,1 - 0002,0001 296 Daniel Duncan 0000,0000,1 - 0000,1001 297 Nancy Duncan 201 - 0110,01 (MAD: widow of William Duncan) 1840 Pickens Co. SC Census Pg.349 Nordace McKinney 3100,01 - 0100,1 (MAD: looking for Mordeca McKinney mar. Margaret Duncan 1839 Stewart Co. GA) 381 Nathaniel Dunkin 1101,001 - 1210,01 382 John Dunkin 1110,01 - 0110,01 383 Daniel/David? Duncan 0000,0000,01 - 0000,1000,1
1850 Pickens Co. SC Census (also from Vivian Biddle 7/1983)
Eastern Division
Pg.473, #315c, Mordeca McKINNEY 44 SC farming
Margaret 42 SC
John 17, Wm. 15, Francis (m) 13 SC
Zachary 12, Catharine 10, Melinda 8 SC
Frederick N. 6, Elizabeth J. 2 SC
(MAD: looking for Mordicae McKinney mar. Margaret Duncan in 1839 in Stewart Co. GA; no Mordicae McKinney or McKeny in GA or AL 1840 or 1850)
Pg.476, #371, John DUNCAN 35 SC farming
Mary 26 SC
Josiah 7/12 SC
Margaret 45 SC, Mary A. 26 SC
(MAD: ? John Duncan in 1860 Cherokee Co. AL census)
Pg.477, #376, Henry HESTER 65 VA farming $800
Nancy DUNCAN 52 NC
Betsey 23, Polly 17 SC
Thos. 14, Abram 11 SC
Wm. 21 SC farming
(MAD: Nancy the widow of William Duncan)
Pg.499, #699, Henry HESTER 27 SC farming m/in/yr
Malissa 25 SC m/in/yr
Caswell (m) 15 SC
(MAD: looking for Henry Hester, wife Mary (Looper); see 1860 estate of Daniel Looper, Henry "Duncan or Hester")
Pg.506, #798, John DUNCAN 45 SC farming
Mary 35 SC
Cynthia 21, John V. 17 SC
Miles L. 13, Ivy (m) 11 SC
Alexander 6, Sarah 3/12 SC
Pg.506, #801, HENDRICKS family (& others)
Pg.506, #802, David DUNKIN 41 SC farming $700
Nancy 37 NC
Mason 16, Madison 14 SC
Benj. 12, Josiah 10 SC
Jane 8, Dorcus (f) 6 SC
Ann 4, Caroline 2 SC
Pg.506, #808, Nathaniel DUNCAN 54 GA cabinet maker $600
Elender (f) 20, Nathaniel 18 SC
John C. 16, Sarah A. 14 SC
Eliza H. 9 SC
Pg.509, #845, David DUNCAN jun. 25 SC farming
Delila 19 SC, mar. in year
Pg.509, #857, Wm. KILLINGSWORTH fam.
Pg.524, #1058, Jeremiah LOOPER 28 SC farming
Temperance 29 SC
James P. 4, Wm. A. 2 SC
Pg.524, #1059, Jeremiah LOOPER 73 NC farming $4000
Mary 70 SC
Pg.524, #1060, Samuel LOOPER 37 SC farming
Penina 35 SC
Pg.525, #1061, Solomon LOOPER 26 SC farming $600
Lydia 24 SC
(no children, not mar. in year)
Pg.525, #1062, Daniel LOOPER 65 NC farming $1800
Joice 55 SC
Emily C. 22, Arminta 16, Ellenor 13 SC
Joicy E. 11, Samuel 7 SC
(MAD: Estate of Daniel Looper Sr. 1860, heirs Rachel wife of John Pritchett, Mary wife of Henry Duncan or Hester, Ellender wife of John L. Rackley, Arminda A. wife of Charles Holcombe, Joicey Elizabeth wife of John M. Pinson, Samuel Looper, Carolina wife of Peter Phillips; cannot identify Henry Duncan & wife Mary)
Pg.525, #1063, Daniel LOOPER 25 SC farming $600
Ellenor 22 SC
Athalinda 4, James T. 3, Sarah 1 SC
1850 SC Mortality Schedule (FHL film 1,294,287; film blue and faint)
Pickens Co., pg.4, Allen Duncan, 7, male, free (in column for married), b. SC, d. March of ?? (illeg.), sick ??
1860 Pickens Co. SC Census
2nd Reg.
Pg.18, #260-261, Charles DUNCAN 35 SC farm laborer $0-$0
Mary A. 35 SC
John 13, Mary 9 SC
Stephen 7, Tobitha (f) 5 SC
Thursa (f) 2 SC
Pg.19, #277-278, David DUNCAN 51 SC farmer $2100-$1240
Nancy 46 SC
Josiah 21, Darcus (f) 16 SC
Ann 14, Caroline 12 SC
David C. 10, John 8 SC
Carrol (m) 6 SC
(MAD: 1870 Oconee Co. SC census)
Pg.19, #278-279, Mason DUNCAN 30 SC farmer $250-$120
Nancy 24 SC
Henrietta 1 SC
(MAD: Mason Duncan mar. Nancy Ann Riley 9/27/1857; 1870 Oconee Co. SC census)
Pg.19, #279-280, Ben DUNCAN 23 SC farmer $0-$120
Margaret 18 SC mar. in year
(MAD: B.N.J. Duncan mar. Margaret Riley 1/28/1860)
2nd Reg., P.O. Oconee Sta.
Pg.26, #393, Elizabeth TODD 55 SC farmer $4500-$300
David H. TODD 21 SC farmer
Thomas C. 18, Margarett E. 23, Martha 13 SC
William C. 25, Jane 21 SC
(MAD: Jane Duncan, dau. of David, mar. 1/3/1860 Carlile Todd; she mar. 2nd Samuel Massey; see Oconee Co. SC)
P.O. Walhalla
Pg.76, #1170, A.J. CAPS (m) 30 SC day laborer
Licena 26 SC
(MAD: no children, not mar. in year, no other A. Capps indexed; one Andrew J. Capps mar. Nancy Ann Duncan 5/2/1858)
2nd Reg.
Pg.50, #774-774, Turner DUNCAN 63 SC farmer $0-$0
Mary 32 SC
Huldah 28, Eliza 26 SC
William 22 SC farming
John F. 18 SC farming
Andrew 14, Elizabeth 13 SC
James 6, Jane 4 SC
Emma 2 SC
John MASSEY 28 SC farm laborer
(MAD: 1850 Greenville Co. SC census; 1870 Oconee Co. SC census)
5th Reg.
Pg.142, #554-537, John V. DUNKIN 26 SC farmer $0-$150
Malissa L. 21 SC
Mandy (f) 1 SC
Pg.143, #567-550, Abraham DUNCAN 22 SC farmer $0-$15
Elizabeth 18 SC
Nancy DUNCAN 64 SC
Pg.143, #572-555, William DUNCAN 30 SC farmer $0-$300
Nancy 25 SC
Lucretia 6, Perry 4 SC
Martha 2 SC
Pg.155, #760-738, Nathaniel DUNCAN 27 Pickens SC farmer $700-$100
Clementine 26 SC
Harriet R. 2, Martha E.C. 7/12 SC
Pg.163, #882-860, Miles L. DUNCAN 25 Pickens SC farmer $0-$25
Martha E. 17 Pickens SC mar. in year
Pg.163, #884-862, John DUNCAN 55 SC farmer $300-$200
Mary M. 51 SC
Cintha 31, Ira (m) 18 SC
Alexander 15 SC
Sarah 10 SC (none younger)
Pg.164, #889-867, John C. DUNCAN 26 Pickens SC farmer $0-$250 (alone)
Pg.183, #1180-1158, David DUNCAN 25 Pickens SC farmer $0-$25
Delilah 30 SC
Elizabeth 6, Allen 5 SC
Martha 3, Ellen 9/12 SC
1870 Pickens Co. SC Census
Pickens C.H. Twp.
Pg.445, #200-200, DUNCAN, David 46 SC (white) farm laborer $0-$0
Delila (f) 40 SC housekeeper
Elisabeth 15, Allen 13 SC "without"
Martha 11, Ellen 9, William 7 SC "without"
Pickensville Twp.
Pg.458, #151-151, DUNCAN, John 33 SC (white) farmer $0-$0
Arminda (Arminida?) (f) 25 SC house keeper
TROTTER, Jane 61 SC "without" $300-$100
Pg.458, #152-152, DUNCAN, Nathaniel 37 SC (white) farmer $300-$250
Clementine 33 SC house keeper
Harriet 11 SC at school
Martha 9, Julia 8 SC "without"
Laura 5 SC "without"
Robert 1 SC
Pg.459, #165-165, DUNCAN, Cynthia 42 SC (white) house keeping $50-$0
CORBIN, Etr?abelle (f) 13 SC "without"
Pg.459, #166-166, DUNCAN, Alexander 24 SC (white) farmer $0-$0
Sarah 24 SC house keeper
James 4, Martha 2 SC
GUNTER, Margaret 18 SC "without"
Pg.459, #167-167, DUNCAN, John 66 SC (white) farmer $0-$0
Mary 64 SC house keeper
Sarah 19 SC at school
Pickens Co. SC Plat Books (FHL film 24,290)
Book A, 1828-1838 - no index
Book B, 1836-1860 - no "D" names
Pickens Co. SC Deed Indexes 1828-1956, C-E (grantors on FHL film 24,276; grantees on FHL film 24,282)
B1-22: 1831, Nathaniel Duncan to Daniel Durham, 197-1/2a Wolf Creek, rec. 1831
B1-45: 1798, Joseph Duncan to Charles Durham, 262a, rec. 1831
C1-274: 1836, R.B. Duncan to John T. Ligon, 150a Saluda River, rec. 1837
C1-557: 1837, Robert B. Duncan et al to John Gossett, 149a Georges Creek, rec. 1838
C1-558: 1837, Robert B. Duncan et al to John Easly, 382a Georges Creek (Big), rec. 1838
D1-288: 1840, John Duncan to Eliga Barnet, 17a Georges Creek, rec. 1840
D1-315: 1841, Daniel Duncan to Moses Hendricks, 42a Georges Creek, rec. 1841
D1-332: 1839, R.B. Duncan et al to Richard Burdine, 232a Georges Creek, rec. 1841
F1-29: 1842, John Dunkin to Govin G. Smith, 52a Georges Creek, rec. 1847
F1-48: 1833, David & Susannah Duncan to Nathaniel Duncan, 100a Georges Creek, rec. 1848
F1-49: 1826, John Humphreys to Nathaniel Duncan, 90a Georges Creek, rec. 1848
F1-426: 1850, David Duncan to McElroy Jameson, land on Rices Creek, rec. 1850
G1-131: 1852, Alexander White to David Duncan, 746a Oconey Creek, rec. 1852
I1-332: 1858, Nathaniel Dunkin (Duncan) to John R. Trotter, 35a Georges Creek, rec. 1860
I1-413: 1859, David Duncan to Thomas Watson, 200a Goldens Creek, rec. 1860
(next grantee and grantor deeds 1879)
U-471: 1838, Brinkley Rains et al, grantee (Book U not found in microfilm index)
Pickens Co. SC Deeds
B1-22: 19 March 1831, Nathaniel Duncan to Daniel Durham, both Pickens Co., $300, 197-1/2 acres, part of grant to Ferdinand Hopkins of Chester Dist. on Wolf Creek, waters of 12 Mile River, corner Charles Dunham's line; wit. Robert Singleton, Hiram (X) Saturfield; no wife. (FHL film 24,270)
B1-45: 4 May 1798, Joseph Duncan of Pendleton Dist. SC to Charles Durham of same, $150, 262 acres (no neighbors or waterway given); wit. Jesse Cole, Joseph Harod; reg. on oath of Joseph Harwood 24 Jan. 1801; rec. 25 July 1831. (FHL film 24,270)
B1-46: 9 April 1819, John Tatum to Charles Durham, $100, 34 acres on Wolf Creek, waters of 12 Mile River, adj. William Hunter's line, Charles Durham's line; wit. Levi Murphree, James Hunter. (FHL film 24,270)
B1-47: 4 April 1823; land resurveyed for Charles Durham, find it contains 278 acres adj. Allen Durham, James Felding, Isaac Miller, Daniel Durham's land; part of 3 tracts, 1st surveyed by David Hopkins for Newton Hopkins, and granted 10 March 1787; 2nd surveyed for Reuben Reed 18 Nov. 1791 and granted to him 2 July 1792; 3rd surveyed by James Jett for Joseph Duncan 2 Dec. 1797 and granted to him 1 Jan. 1798. /s/ by surveyor. (not an actual deed; sketch shows Charles Durham's house next to Wolfe Creek). (FHL film 24,270)
B1-247: April 1830, Brinkley Rains to Martin Cobb, $47, 23-1/2 acres on Rice's Creek, waters of 12 mile river. (FHL film 24,270)
C1-274: 2 Sept. 1836, Robert B. Duncan of Greenville Dist. SC to John T. Ligon of same, $160, 150 acres on Saluda River opposite Pasis? Ford adj. lands of John Gossett & others in Pickens Co., the same land conveyed by Sheriff of Pickens Dist. to R.B. Duncan under an order of Court of Ordinary as belonging to estate of Thos. Allen. Wit. B.F. Mauldin, Westly Brooks. (FHL film 24,270)
C1-515; E1-544: Brinkley Rains deeds; not copied (FHL film 24,270)
C1-557: 30 Dec. 1837, Elizabeth D. Sloan, Robert B. Duncan, Jno. M. Roberts and Mary Jane Roberts of Greenville Dist. SC, to John Gossell of Pickens Dist., $450, 149 acres in Pickens Dist. on waters of Georges Creek of Saluda River, bounded by lands of John Easley, Jno. Flemming & Richard Burdine. Wit. B.F. Mouldin, Charles B. Roberts. (FHL film 24,270)
C1-558: same to John Easly, $1528, 382 acres on Big Georges Creek of Saluda River, bounded by lands of John Easly, Anel? Underwood, John Hossell, John Bowen and William Bowen. (FHL film 24,270)
D1-288: 25 Jan. 1840, John (X) Dunkin (Duncan) to Elijah Barnett, $51, 17 acres on Georges Creek of Saluda River adj. lands of said John Dunkin, Nathaniel Dunkin & Thomas Barnet. Wit. J.M. Smith, Lewis T. Barnett. (FHL film 24,271)
D1-315: 28 Jan. 1841, Daniel Dunkin to Moses Hendricks, $178, 42 acres, part of tract of 227 acres granted to William Rose, on George's Creek of Saluda River. Wit. Abel Hendrick, James Mansell. (FHL film 24,271)
D1-332: 28 Jan. 1839, Elizabeth D. Sloan, Robert B. Duncan, Jno. M. Roberts and Mary Roberts, and George F. Townes & Elizabeth A. Townes of Greenville Dist. SC, to Richard Burdine, 232 acres on George's Creek. (FHL film 24,271)
F1-29: 3 Nov. 1842, John (X) Dunkin to Govin G. Smith, $208, 52 acres on branches of Georges Creek, adj. William Jamisson's line, Abraham Burdine, E. Barnett; wit. Robert Norris, Enoch Hollingsworth; no dower release or wife mentioned. F1-30; 11 Dec. 1847, Smith sold the land to David J. Harris for $200. (FHL film 24,272)
F1-48: 5 Oct. 1833, David Duncan and Susannah Duncan (X) to Nathaniel Duncan, $175, 100 acres on George's Creek adj. Barnett's line; wit. Micajah Hughs, Nancy Duncan. /s/ David Duncan, Susannah Duncan. No release of dower, she not called "wife" in deed. (FHL film 24,272)
F1-49: 23 Feb. 1826, John Humphreys to Nathaniel Duncan, $185, 90 acres on Georges Creek, corner Levi Allred's line. Wit. Levi Bentz? (Burtz?), Brinkley Raines. (FHL film 24,272)
F1-426: 16 Feb. 1850, David Duncan to McElroy Jameson, $250, (no acres), land on head branches of Rices Creek, waters of 12 Mile River, adj. lands of David Duncan, Moses Henderson?, Robt. Norris & others. Wit. Barnett Miller?, George Miller?. Wife Nancy Dunken examined. (FHL film 24,272)
Go to the Pickens Co. SC Estate Records
Pickens Co. SC Journal, Court of Common Pleas, Vol. A, 1828-1843 (FHL film 24,291)
No index
Pickens Co. SC Court of Common Pleas, Record Book, 1828-1841 (FHL film 24,292)
No index
Pickens Co. SC Court of Ordinary, Minutes, 1842-1867 (FHL film 24,322)
Pg.286-7: July 28, 1862, Mason Duncan petitioned for letters of admin. on estate of Benjamin Duncan decd; granted Aug. 11, 1862, and order to sell estate on 27th instant.
Pg.299: Jan. 7, 1863, 2nd appraisal and sale bill of estate of Benjamin Duncan filed.
Pg.326: May 27, 1864, Benjamin Duncan decd, admin. made first return.
Pg.346: Jan. 22, 1866, Ben Duncan decd, admin. made return. (MAD: no details given)
Pickens Co. SC Court of Equity, Commissioners report book, 1841-1868 (FHL film 24,298)
Vol.1, 1841-1853 - no Duncan
Vol.2, 1853-1868 - no Duncan, no Joshua Roper
Pickens Co. SC Equity Court Minute Book, Vol.1, 1832-1860 (FHL film 24,293)
No Duncan; Sloan names but not identifiable as connected with Duncan.
Secona Baptist Church, Pickens Co. SC, Church minutes 1795-1938 (FHL film 984,337 item 2)
Pg.3: Dec. 1795, Wm. Murphree a member.
Oct. 1796, Br. Duncan and others appointed to look at place?.
Pg.4: April 1797, appointed Joshua Reeder and James Murphree .... At meeting, Wm. King brought forward a distress with br. Joseph Duncan concerning his breaking the Lord's Day in doing things unlawful ... the church decided he should do so no more.
Pg.5: Oct. 1797, Joseph Duncan's case again considered.
Pg.6: 1st Saturday in Jan. 1798, excluded Joseph Duncan for withdrawing himself from his seat in the church.
1st Saturday in May 1798, a letter of dismission granted to Sr. Susannah Duncan at general fast day.
(looked through to ca 1805, no other Duncan spotted, quit.)
(MAD: "SC Baptists 1670-1805" by Leah Townsend, pg.236-237, Secona Church claims it was constituted in 1785, but it was probably organized just before its entrance into the Bethel Assn. in 1790 or 1791. Statistics of Secona Church, 1790-1802: Other messengers to association: 1791, Joseph Duncan.)
Shoal Creek Baptist Church, Oconee Co. SC, Church Records 1796-1853 (FHL film 22,812 item 1)
(MAD: "SC Baptists 1670-1805" by Leah Townsend, pg.231-236, The beginnings of the churches in the Oconee Co. section of what was formerly Pendleton District were in the main closely connected with Shoal Creek Church, a congregation of Franklin Co. GA not far across the Tugaloo from Chauga. The 1st entry in the earliest extant Shoal Creek Church book is dated January, 1796, ... The center of the congregation had so shifted in the meantime as to necessitate the removal of the constitution and church book to South Carolina and the adoption of the name Chauga Church in January, 1811. Chauga is located about halfway between Westminster and Chauga Creek. Footnote: Following is list of members of Shoal Creek (Chauga) Church, 1796-1804, spelled as in the church book: ... Ledey Dunken)
First membership list, undated: #32, Liddy Dunkin, dis. #59, Thomas D?unkin, exc.
"226 members in full fellowship which has not been dismist this 30 Jan. 1808." (first minutes were in 1796)
Pg.41: Saturday before 4th Lords day in February 1802, Sister Ledey Dunken aplys for a letter of dismission. Granted by the church.
(Looked to Feb. 1808, pg.62. No Thomas Dunken found. Quit)
(MAD: This may be the Thomas Duncan, wife Lydia Graham married in Wilkes Co. NC 1787, moved to Posey Co. IN, per Ilo Turner; see Posey Co. IN file; wife of that Thomas Duncan said by 1915 DAR Query to be Lydia Allen, no source given)
Minutes of the Reedy River Baptist Church, North Greenville Baptist Association, SC, 1799-1914 (FHL film 984,336 item 2)
Unnumbered: May 4, 1833, Miss Elizabeth Roberts joined by letter from the Wooloney (Pickens D, SC) dated 16 Feby 1833. (MAD: Elizabeth Roberts now Duncan on 1839 list)
JAMES AYRES, "son of Daniel Ayers", Rev. Pension Application, rejected, R334, SC-VA (FHL film 970,098)
Declaration, Pickens Dist. SC, 6 Oct. 1834, of James Ayres, aged 73; that when he was age 20 as well as he recollects?, his father entered him in what was called the minute service called to guard the frontier of Georgia, his enlistment was as he believes for 18 months; he served out his tour of 18 months under Capt. William Ayres, Col. John Stewart and ... (in crease of page) ... most of the time on the frontier of Georgia and South Carolina against the Indians? and was discharged in Augusta Georgia in the year 1775 as well as he recollects. Soon after his arival? home to Kershaw, he turned out volunteer under Capt. William Nettler? under Col. John Marshall, was marched toward Savannah in the lower part of SC and discharged at Granby? at the end of his tour, he is positive he served at this time not less than two months. Afterwards in the year 1778 he went from Kershaw Co. SC where he then lived into Henry Co. VA where he had moved from and on Smiths River, said county, he enlisted with James Kelly and was taken to Brunswick C.H. NC, there the recruits were formed into companies. He was under Capt. James Dunkin of the 4th VA (he believes) Regiment commanded by William Drennon, from there went to headquarters at Hico where we joined the main army under the command of Gen. Nathaniel Green, marched to Petersburg and to Norfolk River? ... under General Green to the south and under Col. Drennan at the Battle at Eutaw the town of his enlistment ... he was discharged at Cheraw SC about the time of the Battle at the Cowpens by Col. Drennan and Genl. Green; he then returned home to Kershaw Co. and afterward turned out volunteer in Kershaw Co. under Capt. G?? Col. John Marshall and Gen. Marion? and was with those officers at the Battle of Orangeburg SC ... Interrogatories from War Department: He was born in Cumberland Co. VA on 6 Jan. 1761. He has a record in his Bible at home taken from his father's Family Bible. He was living in Kershaw Co. SC when he entered the service; when he was very young his father moved to Henry Co. VA; he was about 4 years old when his father moved into Kershaw Co. SC where he lived at the time he entered the service; when he enlisted in VA he was on a visit to see his friends there; he lived in Kershaw till 1792; he moved into Greenville SC, lived there 6 years, moved to Buncomb NC, lived there 6 years, moved to Greenville, lived there one year in 1805 and he moved to Pendleton now Pickens and has lived in the same district ever since; he enlisted twice in volunteer army; he recollects Gen. Green, Col. Drennan and Capt. James Dunkin; he got only two discharges, by Capt. Ayres and Col. Stewart, and one by Col. Drennan and Genl. Greene, he lost the other? discharges; he believes all who knew him would testify to his veracity ...
Declaration 20 Dec. 1834, Pickens Dist. SC, by James Ayres; that from old age and consequent loss of memory, there may be some inaccuracies in ... original declaration; his age when he entered service might have been fourteen years, he was small and his father enlisted him, and took him with him; that he enlisted in VA as stated; he joined the company at Brunswick in NC and from there marched to headquarters near Hillsboro and then was marched to Pittsburg VA from there to Norfolk, then returned into NC, the army was then divided and his division marched into SC under Genl. Greene; he well recollects that head? in the service; the precise dates he does not pretend to give or the time period. He also states he does not know whether he was in VA, NC or SC when he entered? VA. He has lately by accident found out one of his companions in the war of the Revolution of wherein? he served? anything f... years until the 18th instant when Benjamin O'Bannon who resided? in Habersham Co. GA but within half a mile of Tugalo River which is the state boundary came to this deponent to testify ... acquainted with deponent from the time he was small boy, but deponent is too sick for testimony and has no relative able to assist him. This deponent saith he was with the army the greater part of the time from the time of his first enlistment by his father to the close of the war.
20 Dec. 1834, Declaration of Benjamin (X) O'Bannon of Habersham Co. GA, who lives within half a mile of the State & District Line, who says he lived in the Dist. of Kershaw, SC, during the war of the Revolution; that James Ayres now resident in Pickens Dist. SC lived near him; they lived for many years seven? miles of each? other?; this deponent was well acquainted with the father of the said James Ayres, Daniel Ayres, who was a good Whig and who was much in the service; deponent was at the house of said Daniel Ayres the morning that he and his son James Ayres left ...; Mrs. Ayres mother of the said James was in great distress, blaming her husband for entering and taking her son a lad or boy not over fourteen years of age to? leave as he was quite small about a good size to send ...; that Daniel Ayres was much in the army and did his duty well; the said James Ayres was much in the army with the patriots struggling for liberty; the said James Ayres lived so near that when at home deponent knew and when out was informed of the duties and times ... This deponent was with the said Ayres on? service about one month under Capt. William Nettles of Col. John Marshall's Regiment; they were both in the same service on another tour under Col. William Richardson; deponent was in Capt. Watson's Company and the said James Ayres was under Capt. William Dearon?; the said James Ayres was with deponent at the Battle at Eutaw and ... were long and intimately acquainted; the deponent believes the said James Ayres was in the service of the US the greater part of the time from the year 1775 to the close of the war ...
Declaration 21 Feb. 1835 by Robert Ashley of Macon Co. NC, that he knew James Ayres now of Pickens Dist. SC, applicant for a pension, enlisting as a Regular Soldier under Capt. Wm. Ayres all under the command of Col. John Steward?, to guard the frontiers of Georgia in a tower (sic) of one year and six months; he personally knew the applicant was a regular soldier in Gen. Greens Army Landcaster Co. SC in another 18 month tower under Capt. Wm. Dunkin and Colo. Wm. Drennon and after his tower with Gen. Green he knew the applicant volunteered his service in the militia under Capt. Wm. Greson. (MAD: see William Duncan married Mahala (Gooch) Coil in Lancaster Co. SC.)
JOHN HALL, wife Hetty, NC Line; Rev. War Pension File R-14699 (FHL film 971,162; frames 611 to 744+ end; abstracts were given in "Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files" by Virgil D. White; FHL book 973 M28g; and "Revolutionary War Period Bibles, Family & Marriage Records" Vol.16, by Chan Edmondson; FHL book 973 M2L)
(Abstract: widow applied 17 April 1853 Rockcastle Co. KY aged 100 years, soldier enlisted in or near Warren Co. NC, soldier mar. Hetty Duncan 15 Oct. 1770 in Pickens Dist. SC, soldier died in March 1810 in Warren Co. TN, sons John Jr. b. in 1776 & James b. in 1790 were mentioned, the son James served in War of 1812, in 1858 widow living in Madison Co. KY, an Elihu or Elisha Smith made a lengthy affidavit in 1858 in Rockcastle Co. KY.)
Condensed additional info: John Hall and wife Hetty were married before the war by proclamation in SC; moved to Warren Co. NC after marriage; after the war they moved to Warren Co. TN where he died before the War of 1812. They had two living children when he died, James and John, who were known to Elihu Smith since 1812. John, the eldest, if living in 1858 would be in his 70's; James was in the War of 1812. Hetty had continued to reside in Warren Co. TN until a few years back when she went to live in an adjoining county. Affidvit of Col. Elisha Smith (who made several very lengthy affidavits). Hetty lived in Polly Miller's house (after John Hall's death) as a widow to raise her children. Affidavit of Polly Miller, age 85, now a resident of Jackson Co. KY, affidavit 15 March 1858, she was born and raised in TN and resided there until she was a grown woman, both the Hall children are now decd. Letter, Warren Co. NC was part of Halifax District NC in which the payments were made. Her son John Hall was b. 1776, and her son James in 1790; James was in War of 1812 and his widow drew warrant under act in 1850 or 1855 from KY.
Frame 663, letter 23 April 1859, census returns for Rockcastle and Madison Co. KY, names of Hetty Hall and Polly Miller not found; there is no Jackson Co. KY; claim denied, no proof found there were such persons ... Later letters from Elisha Smith and others. The controversy seemed to be requiring proof that the payments to John Hall after the Rev. War were for services. He was the Quartermaster and the payments included reimbursement for supplies, and there was no distinction made. Frame 744, one child born 1776, one child born 1790.
(MAD: no Hall family indexed 1850 Rockcastle Co. KY; 1850 Madison Co. KY had Allen p.233, John F. p.238, Jesse p.259, but no Hetty Hall in their households. No Miller household in Jackson Co. TN printed 1850 census with Polly Miller who made affidavit for Hetty Hall.) (See 1860 Garrard Co. KY)
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL films 840,458 and 840,459; and from Mildred Hofer 4/1980)
Duncan, William, widow Nancy; WO 9874, WC 6562; BL 37213-160-55; Private in Capt. Garrison's Co. SC Mil. 11/6/1814 to 3/12/1815; wid. res. 1855 Pickens Co. SC, 1872 "Pickens, Pickens Co. SC?", 1875 Greenville Co. SC; maiden name Nancy Grainger mar. Jan. 7, 1812, Greenville Co. SC; sol. d. Dec. 26, 1830, Greenville Co. SC; wid. d. about 1880.
"SC Troops in Confederate Service" Vol.II (2nd, 3rd and 4th Regt. S.C.V.) by A.S. Salley (FHL film 982,339; the record of each company is given, including location and battles during the war; not copied)
2nd Regiment, S.C.V.
Pg.252: Company K (Brooks Guard Volunteers). First muster roll, May 23, 1861. Organized in Charleston 8 May 1861, left for Virginia 12 May, mustered into Confederate service at Camp Davis near Richmond, VA, May 23, 1861, by Captain Scott, Mustering Officer. The following muster rolls of the company are available and from them, the succeeding roster of the company has been compiled: May 23, 1861; July 1, 1861; Jan. 1, 1862; Feb. 10, 1862; May 30, 1862; Nov. 1, 1862; Jan. 1, 1863; March 1, 1863; July 1, 1863; Sept. 1, 1863; Oct. 31, 1863; Feb. 29, 1864; April 30, 1864; June 30, 1864. (MAD: locations of muster rolls given, not copied)
Pg.254-5: Election held for First Lieutenant, Sept. 29, 1864, 12 votes cast; non-commissioned officers and privates reported as voting ... William Duncan.
Pg.267: Private: Duncan, William M., enlisted at Pickens by Capt. Hagood, July 1, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; reported on muster rolls of Jan. 1 and March 1, 1863, as in hospital at Richmond, VA; reported on muster roll of July 1, 1863, as present; reported on muster roll of Feb. 29, 1864, as having been sent to hospital, sick, Oct. 1, 1863; reported on muster roll of April 30, 1864, as on furlough, sick; reported on muster roll of June 30, 1864 (the last available) as in the hands of the enemy; present at election, Sept. 29, 1864.
Greenville Co. SC Deed (FHL film 24,022)
X-733: 15 Jan. 1857, A.S. Duncan; that my father Robert B. Duncan for himself and on my behalf during my minority, with my grandmother Mrs. E.D. Slone and other heirs of Alexander Sloan decd, deeded land of Alexander Sloan decd; and that R.B. Duncan received part of the money belonging to me as a minor; I have recently attained age; I, Alexander Sloan Duncan, for $2,000, in order that the deeds be good and "affectual", convey to said Robert B. Duncan, all my right etc. to lots in Greenville Town and District, etc., in Pickens Dist., and Anderson Dist. Wit. T.B. Roberts, A.R. McDavid.
According to Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist, in his "Counties in SC" (FHL film 954,248, and from Louis Boone)
Extinct counties after the Revolution included:
Washington County or District. Was formed for a time and included parts of Greenville, Pickens and Oconee. It was not in existence for very long. Records for lands granted are in Columbia. Other records scattered in Spartanburg, Greenville, Anderson & Pickens, S.C.
Many early Pickens Co. SC records have been abstracted and published, as well as tombstones and newspapers in Pickens and Oconee Co. SC:
"A Collection of Upper SC Genealogical and Family Records" Vol.I, 1979; Vol.II, and Vol.III, ed. by James E. Wooley, pub. by Lucas (FHL book 975.7 D2c; and from Evelyn Sigler and Kit Smith); Vol.I includes among many others, the estates of Thomas Allen in 1835, Moses S. Emerson in 1869, Daniel Looper Sr. in 1860, Joshua Roper in 1853-1857 which includes a share paid Elizabeth Duncan, William Todd in 1863 admin. by David Duncan, and a petition regarding G.C. Trotter. Vol.II includes more estates including a reference to Samuel P. Breazeale and wife Sarah Ann, and James Hitt and wife Elendor, heirs in 1858 of Nathaniel Duncan decd. Vol.III includes references to Nathaniel Duncan, an heir of Elijah Barnett's estate in 1845; Stephen Burdine in 1896 who had land adj. Nathaniel Duncan; Abraham Crenshaw whose will in 1807 mentions his children including dau. Nancy, witnessed by Henry Hester, and the equity court record in 1834 naming his children including William Dunkin and wife Nancy Dunkin; and other references to Duncans.
"Genealogical Collection of SC Wills and Records; and Brief History & Tombstone Inscriptions of Old Little River Church, Abbeville Co. SC" Vol.1, Vol.2, and Vol.3, by Pauline Young, reprint 1969 pub. by Lucas (FHL book 975.7 P2y)
"Real Estate Sales, Pickens Co. SC" author not given (from Steven D. Fiser 12/1992)
"Equity Notices Published in the Pendleton Messenger (SC) 1826-1848 & Equity Records from orig. documentary records in courthouse" by Janie Revill (FHL film 1,421,847 item 7; town of Pendleton now in Anderson Co.)
"SC Equity Notices" by Janie Revill, 1936 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,229)
"Pickens Co. SC Cemetery Survey" Vol.1 and Vol.2, by Pendleton Chapter of SC Gen. Society (from Evelyn Sigler 8/1984; FHL book 975.723 V3p)
"Cemetery Records" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,224)
"Oconee Co. SC Cemetery Survey" Vol.1 and Vol.2, by Pendleton Chapter of SC Gen. Society [by B.W. and Sarah Roach] (from Evelyn Sigler 8/1984; FHL book 975.721 V3o)
"Greenville Co. SC Cemetery Survey" Vol. 1, 2, 3 (have Vol.4, 5) by Greenville Chap. SC Gen. Society; includes some Pickens Co. SC cemeteries (FHL book 975.727 V22a)
"Marriages & Death Notices from Pendleton (Anderson Co. SC) SC Messenger 1807-1851" author not given; includes mention of Nathaniel Duncan d. Fri. Feb. 22, 1833, in 75th year of his age, Methodist. (Memphis Public Library book 929.357 H725; from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"The Keowee (Oconee Co. SC) Courier 1849-1851, 1857-1861 & 1865-1868" by Colleen M. Elliot (FHL book 975.72 V28k)
"Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths from Pendleton Messenger 1826-1848 and Keowee Courier 1857-1871" by Janie Revill, 1933-1936 (FHL book 975.72 V2r)
"SC Death Notices from Pendleton Messenger 1826-1848" by Janie Revill (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,223 and 855,229)
"SC Marriages & Deaths from Keowee Courier 1857-1871" (Pickens Co. to 1868, then Oconee Co.) by Janie Revill, 1935 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,229)
"SC Baptists 1670-1805" by Leah Townsend, 1935 (FHL book 975.7 K2t)
"Settlers of Northeast AL" Vol.22, 1983; includes reference to Ann Duncan, wife of S.P. Brezeal, b. Pickens Co. SC, d.1866, bur. in Steele Cemetery, Cherokee Co. AL. (from Evelyn Sigler 10/1984) (MAD: dau. of Nathaniel d. 1858 Pickens Co. SC)
"Jane Massey's Journal, 1897-1900; A Personal Diary of Jane Duncan Massey in Oconee Co. SC" by Sarah Hunter Kellar, 1991 (FHL book 975.721 D39m) and a review in "Genealogical Helper" Nov.-Dec. 1994, of "Upcountry Reflections 1900-1903 and 1906, some Personal Diaries Belonging to Jane Duncan Todd Massey and Other Bits of History from Oconee Co. SC" by Sarah Hunter Kellar, 1993. Jane Duncan Massey was born in 1841 to David Duncan and Nancy Trotter. She married William Carlyle Todd in 1860. He died in the Civil War and Jane married S.V. Massey in 1866. She died in 1906. This book contains entries from her journals.
"The Passing of the Pines: A History of Wilcox Co. GA" 1984, by Mary Lou Laidler McDonald & Samuel Jordan Lawson III (FHL book 975.8845 H2m; Vol.1 and Vol.2; also from Lucille Mehrkam 5/1985); Vol.2 pg.57 includes information on Miles L. Duncan b.1835, of Pickens Co. SC, killed in the Civil War, whose widow Martha mar. James M. Lawson, to Franklin Co. GA 1870, then Gwinnett Co. GA by 1900.
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