Duncan research files of |
1800 Kershaw Co. SC Census Pg.415 Hinson Duncan 10200 - 00000 1810 Kershaw Co. SC Census Pg.156 James Dunkin 01010 - 01011 168 Peter Dunkin 00201 - 41110 169 John Dunken 00100 - 00100 Person Dankin 31x10 - 12010 (next to John) (MAD: bottom of page torn for males 16-26) 1820 Kershaw Co. SC Census No Duncan indexed 1830 Kershaw Co. SC Census (alphabetic) Pg. 10 George Duncan 0012,01 - 1210,001 (MAD: ? 1840 Perry Co. AL census; see also Anderson Co. SC) William Duncan 2111,201 - 0012,01 James Duncan 1110,001 - 1112,01 1840 Kershaw Dist. SC Census Pg.352 Wm. Duncan 0221,1000,1 - 0000,1011 (MAD: 1850 Lancaster Co. SC census)
1850 Kershaw Co. SC Census (and from Vivian Biddle 7/1983)
Pg.90, #284, Wyatt PATTERSON 48 SC farmer $15,000
Mary 37 SC
Robt. 18, Amelia 16 SC
Wyatt Jr. 14, Floride 12 SC
Wm. 9, Mary 7 SC
Louisa 4, Joseph 1 SC
Thos. DUNCAN 18 SC
Joseph COATS 55 SC
(MAD: perhaps should be Ellen "Duncan"; no William Duncan pg.90-95; Millie Hilliard age 54 w/Bartlett Hilliard 53 SC & ch. on p.94 #354 in 1850, she age 64 in 1860 w/Wm. Duncan 40, Jane 34 & ch.)
Pg.94, #354, Bartlet HILLIARD 53 SC farmer $700
Milly 56 SC
A.A. (m) 32 SC
Mary E. 20, Amanda 17, Milly 15 SC
Bartlet (m) 13 SC
Molly 11 SC
(MAD: 1830 Lancaster Co. SC census; Milly Duncan, dau. of Jesse Duncan & Rebecca Farrell; see "Memoirs of GA" Hart Co., for son William A. Hilliard)
1860 Kershaw Co. SC Census
Pg.75, #40, Wm. DUNCAN 40 SC planter $4000-$5000
Jane 34 SC
Mahala 13, Hilliard (m) 10 SC
Sallie 5 SC
Millie HILLIARD (f) 64 SC
(MAD: Ingram family on pg.74; William G. Duncan from Lancaster Co. SC mar. Jane Amanda Hilliard 12/19/1844; see Caston Genealogy in Lancaster Co.; ?? see 1870 Greenville Co. SC census p.478, Wm. C. Duncan 52, dau. Mahala)
1870 Kershaw Co. SC Census
Flat Rock Twp.
Pg.224, #366-412, DUNCAN, Isaac 75 SC BLACK farmer $0-$135
Fanny (f) 60 SC MULATTO keeping house
Pg.231, #469-530, DUNCAN, Hilliard 21 SC (white) farmer $1000-$659
Jane A. 46 SC keeping house
Sally L. 15 SC at home
Pg.231, #472-533, DUNCAN, Malinda 35 SC BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
Scott (m) 12, Charlotte 8 SC BLACKS at home
Thomas 6, Frank 1 SC BLACKS at home
Wateree Twp.
Pg.260, #308-342, DUNCAN, Simeon 72 SC (white) farmer $30-$0
Martha 40 SC keeping house
James 13 SC at home
Kershaw Co. SC Wills (FHL film 24,052)
Packages indexed but not filmed
1A-54/6: 20 Oct. 1776, will of Patrick Duncan of Camden Dist., Colony of SC; to my son Thomas Duncan 150 acres formerly improved on by the said Thomas Duncan and adj. plantation whereon I now live; to my son James Duncan 201 acres whereon I now live, the said James Duncan paying to my dau. Margaret Duncan the full sum of £100 currency as four different payments, viz, 1st of £25 one year and a day after my decease; remainder at £25 per year; to my son John Duncan one cow and calf; to each of my sons, viz, Robert Duncan, Benjamin Duncan and William Duncan 5 shillings sterling; to each son-in-law, viz, James Kerr, John Alexander, John Garvan and James Lusk 5 shillings sterling; to my granddaughter Mary Garvan £5 currency; all remaining personal estate be sold at public vendue and the monies ... equally divided between my daughters, viz, Jean Kerr, Mary Lusk, Rachel Alexander, and my granddaughter Violet? Duncan daughter of my son Jno. Duncan so that each of them may have share & share alike. Appoint John Duncan and William Watson executors and my cousin Charles Moore overseer. Wit. William Watson, Andrew Barry, Chs? Moore. (No probate dates given). Account of sales of part of the estate of Patrick Duncan (no date); inventory of goods left unsold (no date). Next item is account of sales of estate of John Franklin, Jan. 7, 1783; earlier item was inventory of estate of John Franklin Decd. dated Jan. 23, 1783. (MAD: see Violet Duncan in 1793 in York Co. SC; administration also in York Co. SC)
1A-66/7: 6 Dec. 1782, will of James Duncan of Craven Co. SC, in low condition; to my wife Margaret Duncan the third of my moveable effects to be enjoyed and freely possessed by her, also black horse and benefits of negro fellow that is due me at this present time when recovered, to her in order to assist in raising my little children to the years of maturity; to my son Robert Duncan 209 acres whereon I now live providing also that he when come to years of maturity shall pay half the value of the same tract to his brother William Duncan or if the babe now in the womb should be a boy and spared to come to the years of maturity he shall enjoy an equal part, Robert paying 2/3 to those two last mentioned legatees and enjoying himself, in these circumstances, the 1/3; the thirds of my personal not yet willed, I think proper after the whole being brought to sale and value known to give and bequeath it unto my children, Robert, William and Mary Duncan, the Babe now in the womb whether it be a boy or girl shall enjoy an equal part with the others, each of them when arrived to proper years shall receive their part of the same equally; the negro fellow above mentioned I will after the children are brought to the years of maturity, he shall then be so disposed of that each of my children, whether they be sons or daughters, may receive an equal part of his value; appoint John Duncan my beloved brother, Joseph Ratchford my brother-in-law, both of the county and State aforesaid, to have the care of my fatherless children and widow ... Wit. Wm. McLean, Joseph Jewel, Thomax (X) Duncan. No probate date given. (MAD: see Margaret in York Co. SC)
Kershaw Co. SC Wills (FHL film 24,052)
Book #1, 1812-1824 - no Duncan or Dinkin
1824-1840: no Duncan
1840-1868: no Duncan
Book A - no Duncan or Dinkin
No will on file for Thomas Dinkins or Duncan (reference in deed to death ca 1805)
Kershaw Dist. SC Will of William Hood (from typed copy in genealogy section of Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, Main Branch, at Charlotte, NC, complete transcription by Joan Raney, 9/2002; MAD's extract; may also be on FHL film 1,433,936 item 1)
Vol.2, 1775-1839, Section N, pg.8: Will of William Hood (very poor spelling), weak in boday, my wife jane have negroes Mime Beckey Robeson & Dick also her own Bead and furnituer one Dun mare Sadle & Bridle also four Cows & Calves and a Life Estate in that Land I purchised from Alexander Archer with a Seport for her and hers out of the present Crop; my son John Hood son William Hood should have $300;
my son William Hood, Andrew Hood, James Hood, Archy bald Hood, Isarel M D Hood, Samuel Hood, Sarah Sumervill, Elisa Jane Dunkin, Sara Sarah Sebena Dunkin, & Jane Noteman Sumervill, and Mahala Cuningham, (crossed out: Should Share and Share Eaquill all the Rest of My Esta) and Elisabeth owings Should Shear & Shear Eaqual all the Rest of My Estate Except the Negro farl Naimed Mime at the Death of My wife to Be My son Isral D Hood and the Land I purchised from Alexan Archer to Belong to My Son Samuel Hood, and one Hundred Dollars over and aBove an Equal Devid to Be paid out of My Estate to My son William Hood, and that the aBove Named Elisa jane Dunkin, and Sarah Seleana Dunkin, Should Both have the Saim Sheare as Though there Mother was Living and to take one Shear Betwin them Both and the Land Named aBove to Be Samuel Hood over and Above an Eaquil Devid and the Negro Naimd Mime to Be Isreal M Hood, over and aBove an Eaquel Divid
... appoint "My true and trust" Sam Samuel Hood executor ... 5 Oct. 1827. /s/ Wm. Hood (-/h his mark). Witnessed by F Russel, Jesse Giles, Geo m perry. Recorded Will Book N, pg.123, Feb. 8, 1828, Ord. D. Schrock; Apt. 32, Pkg. 1162.
Kershaw Co. SC Estate Record Books (FHL film 1,029,442)
Book C, 1791-99, 1800-11 - no Duncan
No Thomas Dinkins/Duncan
No late books
Kershaw Co. Index to Equity Court Records, Probate Estates 1780-1960 (FHL film 361,678)
Apt. 22, Pkg. 747, 1829, Wm. Duncan, gdn; Eliza Jane and Sarah Ilena Duncan.
Apt. 22, Pkg. 748, James Duncan
Apt. 22, Pkg. 749, Patrick Duncan
Apt. 22, Pkg. 750, Wm. G. Duncan, Jane A. Duncan ex., 1868
(Note: Microfilm rolls skip from Roll 646 to Roll 853, noted in catalog that many roll numbers missing; packages not on film)
Kershaw Co. SC Equity Court Records (FHL film 361,682)
Indexed by roll; no dates; no Duncan found through roll 952
Kershaw Co. SC Equity Court, Direct and Indirect Index to Abstract of Judgements, 1771-1880 (FHL film 361,677)
Duncan?, Ri? & Davis, Chas. R., roll 952, pg.40 (rolls numbered this high not on microfilm)
Duncan?, Peter, roll 2317, pg.92
Dinkins, Gilbert et al, roll 510, pg.23 (X-index)
Dinkins, John, roll 677, pg.28 (X-index)
Duncan, Theodore & Henrietta, roll 952, pg.40 (X-index) (MAD: see Clay Co. MO)
Dinkins, Sarah, roll 1550, pg.62 (X-index)
Kershaw Co. SC Equity Court Rolls (FHL film 361,695)
Roll 510, pg.23: Suit; John Harris was father of Barton Harris, Susannah wife of John K. Carter, Mary wife of Gilbert Dinkins, Sarah wife of Joseph Brown; about 1779 John Harris bargained with John Abbot decd. and bought land; John Abbot died before executing title and his son Henry Abbot then a minor, by his guardian on 26 July 1790 executed title bond when Henry Abbot age 21; John Harris died in 1793 leaving real estate, and left a will, no copy now found; the complainants in right of their wives are entitled under act abolishing rights of primogeniture to equal shares with deft. Barton Harris. Barton Harris fraudulently obtained title from Henry Abbot in his own name. Defendant replied among other things that the will of John Harris was destroyed by Gilbert Dinkins. (No date found for this suit, no filed date shown on cover page; per Leonardo Andrea file, reference Court Order Book, 6/16/1812, Gilbert Dinkins et al vs. Barton Harris.)
Kershaw Co. SC Direct and Indirect Index to Abstract of Judgements, 1771-1880 (FHL film 361,677)
Miller, Eli -- many references (MAD: Deed M-513, 7/8 Jan. 1833, James Duncan bought 2 slaves for $900 at public sale from estate of Eli Miller, decd; reference to suit in equity on Miller's estate. Newspaper, James Duncan mar. Margaret Miller 8/25/1832; could not find an equity suit on Miller's estate to name heirs)
Duncan, Theodore & Henrietta; Davis, Chas. R.; roll 952, pg.40 (rolls numbered this high not on microfilm) (MAD: ? see Clay Co. MO)
Duncan?, Peter, roll 2317, pg.92 (MAD: not filmed, may be late)
Dinkins, Sarah, roll 1550, pg.62 (X-index; rolls this high not on film)
Index to SC Land Grants, Class 2 (FHL film 22,531)
Dunkin, James, 68a Kershaw, Barnette Road, 7 Jan. 1811, 55-472
SC Land Grants (FHL film 22,565)
Land grants begin with Vol. 1 through 22; then apparently all or most were recorded in a second series, "Class 2" starting again with Vol. 1 and are identical in the 2nd series.
55-472: 7 Jan. 1811, grant to James Dunkin, 68 acres surveyed for him June 13, 1810, in Kershaw Dist. on both sides of Barnett's road, adj. Robt. Rowan, Peter Dunkin, William Clark, John Franthem, Zachariah Denisden/Demsden.
Kershaw Co. SC Deeds (Index 1793-1840 and 1840 & later on FHL film 24,043)
(Handwriting in index very hard to read)
No grantee deed to Pierson Duncan; no grantor deed Bowden to Pierson Duncan (reference in deed when Pierson Duncan sold land); no Bradford to Bowden deed.
A-150: not Duncan (FHL film 24,044)
F-148: Dickins, not Dinkins or Duncan (FHL film 24,045)
L-326: Dureu, not Dinkins or Duncan (FHL film 24,047)
Kershaw Co. SC Deeds
A-170: 7 Feb. 1795, John Kershaw of Town of Camden, to Thomas Dinkin (sic) of same; John Kershaw and Joseph Kershaw, exec. of last will of Joseph Kershaw Esq. decd, in Feb. 1793 obtained judgement against Joshua Dinkins in Kershaw Co. for sum of 85 lbs 13 shillings and 5 pence sterling besides costs; whereas said Joseph Kershaw during his lifetime about 25 Feb. 1790 by indenture assigned over all his property to William Ancrum?, Edward Danell, James Fisher, Robert Kenny and James Kershaw, 5 of the commissioners of the said Joseph Kershaw decd, interest for the purposes specified in the same indenture, which included the debt upon which the judgement was obtained; the trustees appointed John Kershaw their attorney; Witnesseth ... that John Kershaw as attorney for the trustees and creditors of Joseph Kershaw decd for 45 lbs sterling, acquits and discharges the said Lewis (sic) and Thomas Dinkins; assigns to the said Lewis and Thomas Dinkins the said dated judgement and all money due ... Wit. Geo. Brown. (FHL film 24,044)
B-363: 25 Jan. 1794, Peter (X) Dunkin and wife Tabitha (X) Dunkin to Henry Vallandingham, all of Kershaw Co. SC, 50 lbs, 100 acres on waters of Little Flat Rock Creek, part of tract laid out for William (illeg. in margin), likewise a tract laid out for said Dunkun (sic) containing one hundred and --ty acres, bounded NE by said Dunkun, N. by John Daren, SW by John Twaddle, --? by Rowans, E. --. Wit. John Nixson, Winifred Peak, John Peak; Reg. 1 May 1794 on oath of witnesses. (FHL film 24,044)
B-461: 29 May 1794, Wm. Clarkson and Archibald Brown, exors. of will of Aaron Loocock? Esqr. decd, to John Dinkins (sic), house and lots in Camden; 350 lbs; sold to highest bidder. (not copied further) (FHL film 24,044)
E-61: 11 Jan. 1805, Jno. Craven mortgage to Thomas Dinkins (sic), for $1669.16, slave and 500 acres in Camden Dist. on Timber Branch and town lots in Camden; Craven owes Thomas Dinkins ... (FHL film 24,045)
E-361/2: 21 Feb. 1806, Thomas Dinkins in his lifetime was seized and possessed of ... lots hereinafter mentioned, and whereas said Thomas Dinkins died on or about 14 June 1805, having previously made his last will and testament; ... to Buren M. Boykin, $1200, sell all those lots of lands in town of Camden, lots #59 and #60; sold by John Dinkins, administrator. Wit. Robert L. Witherspoon, Robert Mickle. Rec. on oath of wit. 5 May 1807. (FHL film 24,045)
G-5: 1 Jan. 1805, Pierson (X) Duncan to John Ballard, both Kershaw Dist. SC, $322, 75 acres more or less, according to the boundaries or extremeties of the lines when they are run out by a lawful surveyor, on the waters of Brown? (Bear?) Creek, part of a tract originally granted to William Thompson then from Thompson to John Kile, to Thomas Bradford, to Simon Bowden, to Pierson Duncan, bounded on land at this present time occupied by James Miller?, Thos.? Bradford, Laben Delay?, Walter Shaopahn?, Widow Brown and Hanna (blank). Wit. Alexr. McRae, Benjamin Ellis. Rec. on oath of Alexr. McRae 14 March 1806. (FHL film 24,046)
K-192: (no date) Henry (X) Vallandingham of Lancaster Dist. SC, $100, to James Peache of Kershaw Dist. SC, 100 acres on waters of Little Flat Rock, part of a tract laid out for William Clark NE side of said tract, ... laid out for said Duncan 192 acres, NE by said Duncan lands, ... John Davis? land, John Twenty? lands, Robert Rivers? ... Wit. Monroe? Roach?, Robert Bowan; registered 3 July 1820 on oath of wit. (FHL film 24,047)
K-239/40: 10 Aug. 1817, James Dunkin to John Knox, $15, 2-1/2 acres, part of a tract of land granted to Peter Dunkin, corner tract of land originally granted to John Deven? (Duncan?), bounding west on James Dunkin land, North on John Knoxs land. Wit. Munrow Peach. (FHL film 24,047)
M-513: 7/8 Jan. 1833, James Duncan bought 2 slaves for $900 at public sale from estate of Eli Miller, decd; reference to suit in equity on Miller's estate. (FHL film 24,047)
Lancaster Co. SC Deeds
N-435: 6 April 1839, John Harris of Lancaster Dist. SC recd from William Duncan of Kershaw Dist., $50; Harris mortgages all his land to said William Dunking in order to secure payment, 400 acres where I now live adj. John Rude, Wiley Bell, Michael Johnson, Baswell Mobly, Reuben Bennett and James Rude, due 1 Jan. next; wit. J.P. Thompson, Thos. D. Collins. Mortgage satisfied 12 March 1843. (FHL film 24,057)
O-172: 5 March 1842, Charles J. Shannon of town of Camden, Kershaw Dist., to William Duncan also of Kershaw Dist., for $4,500, 1511 acres resurveyed 2 Feb. 1842 by James D. McIlwaine, late the property of Jackey Piny? (Terry?), in Lancaster Dist. on both sides Camp Creek adj. on the S. by L?. Ingram, Thos. Addison and Isaac Caston's lands, NW ? West by Jas. W. Perry? and H. Joynor land, S. by Middleton Joyner & Geo. Cauthing land, and E. by Parkers, B?odhams and Douglass land according to Plat; wit. W? D. McDowell, J. Cooper. Reg. on oath of J. Cooper 30 March 1842, and H?.L?. Shannion wife of C.J. Shannon released dower, 13 March 1842.
Plat shows neighbors Geo. Cauthins land, road to Jno. As??, Middleton Joyner land, Hiram Joiners lands, Isaac Caston & Mr. Vaughan land, road to Isaac Caston, Jas. W. Perry land, Thos. Addisons land, McDonalds Ferry Road or Cain Creek Road, Douglas lands, road to Wm. Castons, A. Beckhams land, Parker Douglas land, road to Camden, Geo. Cauthens land; incl. part of the Charles Mackey grant; Statement by surveyor, I have resurveyed & laid out to C.J. Shanner? a tract of land containing 1511 acres lying on both sides of Camp Creek bounded by lands of Midn. Jyner, Geo. Cauthen and others having such shape form & marks ... as the above plat represents, there being part of four grants inclosed in the above plat; Surveyed 2 Feb. 1842, /s/ James D. McIlwaine, Dpy. Surveyor. (FHL film 24,057; could not read all names on plat)
R-503: Agreement & Terms of Settlement, John B. Stover?, Rebecca Stover?, Jas. R. Hunter, S.L. Hunter, C.L. Duncan, N.E. Duncan & others; that Thomas Cauthen by ?? April 1825 gave to his dau. Matilda? West then the wife of Joseph West, a negro woman named Jensey "(see deed)" & whereas Joseph West afterwards died about (blank) intestate leaving as his distributees & heirs at law the said ??? West his widow & an infant daughter Louisa West now the wife of James R. Hunter, the said West died in Kershaw Dist. & admin. of his estate was granted to said Matilda West & from all that appears or is believed & ascertained, the said negro Jinsey & increase was kept & retained by said Matilda West as her own separate estate under the deed of gift & did not enter into or was taken into the admin. of said West neither accounted for in the Settlement of Estate of said West with James? R. Hunter & wife Louisa, who were entitled to the two-thirds of said negro Jenney & increase & value thereof, all the admin. papers of said West having been destroyed and lost from the ordinary office of Kershaw Dist. & whereas John Trusdell & the said Matilda West afterwards about (blank) intermarried, the said Matilda at the intermarriage being in possession of said negro Jenney & her increase, and the said John Trusdell by virtue of his marital rights took possession of said negro Jenney & increase & retained & kept possession thereof until his death which occurred on 2 Feb. 1858, having died intestate & it was then ascertained by Hunter & wife that said negro Jenney & her increase had not been accounted for as the estate of Joseph West (decd) and whereas said negro Jenney has since the deed from Thos. Cauthern had the following issue & increase, viz, Phill, Charity, Jack, Mose, Sarah, Peter, Essix, Ellen, Lenina?, and the said Charity (child of Jenney) has had the following children, Jane, Mary, Mariah, Milley & Amanda; & Sarah (another child of Jenney) has had a child named Martha, all of which said negroes were in the possession of said John Trusedell at his death except Jenney the original & stirps who had died & Ellen given & advanced by said Truesdell to his daughter Nainsie? wife of C.L. Duncan and Lavinia advanced by said Truesdell to his dau. Mary wife of Wm. Stover, and whereas John Truesdell died intestate leaving as his distributees & heirs at law his widow Matilda formerly Matilda West and the following children, viz, Rebecca wife of John Stover by a former marriage, Narissee wife of C.L. Duncan, Mary wife of William Stover, James Truesdell, John Truesdell, Nancy Truesdell & Drussilla Truesdell, the last named four being under age; and whereas James R. Hunter & wife Louisa have agreed to compromise and arrange the partition and division of said negroes by the said Hunter & wife taking the 1/7 of the 2/3 of the value of all said negroes & increase at the death of John Truesdell, and hire of said negroes increase? thern that is H?? & wife Louisa to take & hold absolutely the 1/7 of the 2/3 of said negroes & value at death of John Truesdell, negroes names as follows: Phill, Charity, Jack, Mose, Sarah, Peter, Essex, Jane, Mary, Mariah, Milly, Amanda, Martha & Ellen & Lou? (the two last given off as aforesaid) & increase since if any and also the 1/7 of 2/3 of hire of said negroes since death of Jno. Truesdell & said Hunter & wife Louisa upon taking the 1/7 of the 2/3 afsd agree to relinquish, release, etc. to Matilda Truesdell widow & to Nanisie? Duncan wife of C.L. Duncan, Mary wife of Wm. Stover, James Truesdell, John Truesdell, Nancy Truesdell & Drussilla Truesdell, children of said John Truesdell by his wife Matilda, agreeable to act of legislature for distribution of estates of intestates, all their right as heir at law of Joseph West to said negroes & increase after said Hunter & wife have received 1/7 of 2/3 aforesaid, of said Matilda & her six children aforesaid; and in order to protect Lewis M. Cauthen admin. of John Trusedell & also promote & further compromise & agreement John Stover & wife Rebecca, the said Rebecca a daughter by a former marriage, who if said negroes was the property of John Truesdell would be entitled to the 1/7 of the 2/3 of said negroes & also of estate of John Truesdell, the said John Stover & wife Rebecca agree that James R. Hunter & wife Louisa shall take 1/7 of 2/3 which they the said John Stover & Rebecca are entitled to or would be entitled to in said negroes & increase, that is, Hunter & wife to take & John Stover & wife Rebecca to take no part or share of said negroes Phill, Charity, Jack, Mose, Sarah, Peter, Essex, Ellen, Lavinia, Jane, Mary, Mariah, Milly, Amanda, & Martha & increase; John Stover & wife Rebecca give up all claim to said negroes in favor of Hunter & wife, and they release to Hunter & wife their 1/7 of 2/3; John C. Stover, Rebecca Stover, James Hunter, Louisa Hunter, Matilda Truesdell widow, C.L. Duncan & wife Nassie?, Wm. Stover & wife Mary, James Truesdell, John Truesdell, Nancy Truesdell, ?? Truesdell the last four not of age, and James M. Cauthen admin. of John Truesdell decd; /s/ John C. Stover, Rebecca Stover, J.R. Hunter, S.L. Hunter, C.L. Duncan, N.E. Duncan, W?.J. Stover, P.Q. Stover, M.M. Truesdell (X), J.T. Truesdell, John C. Truesdell, Nancy Truesdell, E.D. Truesdell (X), L.M. Cauthen. 23 May 1858; wit. John M?. Ingram. (FHL film 24,058)
York Co. SC Wills and Administrations (FHL film 229,665)
55-2470: James Duncan decd, Joseph Ratchford admr, 1782: (MAD: see will in Kershaw Co. SC)
Inventory of estate Nov. 21, 1783; Robert Duncan's act. £139.65. Includes bed, spinning wheel, table, farm animals & tools.
19 Sept. 1783, court order for appraisal of estate of James Duncan. (can't read handwriting)
2 Oct. 1806?, Joseph Ratchford settlement of estate of James Duncan. Paid Joseph Jewel, James Risk?, Joseph Gebie, tax, McCummins, John ??, etc. £26.37 dollars in hand.
Fairfield Co. SC Deeds (FHL film 23,999)
EE-274: 21 Oct. 1823, John (X) Dunkin and Susanah (X) Dunkin of Kershaw Dist. to Daniel Perry of Kershaw Dist., $120, land which fell to us by the death of my wife Susannah Dunkin's former husband William Willson decd, being 1/3 grant to Benjamin Mitchell, to James Seal, to Wm. Wells (sic) now decd, the former husband of the present Susanah Dunkin, in Fairfield Dist., on both sides Bear Creek, line of John Wilson's land. Wit. Archabald Watkins, Richard L. Whitaker. John and Susannah Dunkin appeared in Fairfield Co. 30 Oct. 1823.
JAMES AYRES, "son of Daniel Ayers", Rev. Pension Appl. R334, SC-VA (FHL film 970,098) (MAD: see Pickens Co. SC for more)
Declaration, Pickens Dist. SC, 6 Oct. 1834, of James Ayres, aged 73; that when he was age 20 as well as he recollects?, his father entered him in what was called the minute service called to guard the frontier of Georgia, his enlistment was as he believes for 18 months; he served out his tour of 18 months under Capt. William Ayres, Col. John Stewart and ... (in crease of page) ... most of the time on the frontier of Georgia and South Carolina against the Indians? and was discharged in Augusta Georgia in the year 1775 as well as he recollects. Soon after his arival? home to Kershaw, he turned out volunteer under Capt. William Nettler? under Col. John Marshall, was marched toward Savannah in the lower part of SC and discharged at Granby? at the end of his tour, he is positive he served at this time not less than two months. Afterwards in the year 1778 he went from Kershaw Co. SC where he then lived into Henry Co. VA where he had moved from and on Smiths River, said county, he enlisted with James Kelly and was taken to Brunswick C.H. NC, there the recruits were formed into companies. He was under Capt. James Dunkin of the 4th VA (he believes) Regiment commanded by William Drennon, from there went to headquarters at Hico where we joined the main army under the command of Gen. Nathaniel Green, marched to Petersburg and to Norfolk River? ... under General Green to the south and under Col. Drennan at the Battle at Eutaw the town of his enlistment ... he was discharged at Cheraw SC about the time of the Battle at the Cowpens by Col. Drennan and Genl. Green; he then returned home to Kershaw Co. and afterward turned out volunteer in Kershaw Co. under Capt. G?? Col. John Marshall and Gen. Marion? and was with those officers at the Battle of Orangeburg SC ... Interrogatories from War Department: He was born in Cumberland Co. VA on 6 Jan. 1761. He has a record in his Bible at home taken from his father's Family Bible. He was living in Kershaw Co. SC when he entered the service; when he was very young his father moved to Henry Co. VA; he was about 4 years old when his father moved into Kershaw Co. SC where he lived at the time he entered the service; when he enlisted in VA he was on a visit to see his friends there; he lived in Kershaw till 1792; he moved into Greenville SC, lived there 6 years, moved to Buncomb NC, lived there 6 years, moved to Greenville, lived there one year in 1805 and he moved to Pendleton now Pickens and has lived in the same district ever since; he enlisted twice in volunteer army; he recollects Gen. Green, Col. Drennan and Capt. James Dunkin; he got only two discharges, by Capt. Ayres and Col. Stewart, and one by Col. Drennan and Genl. Greene, he lost the other? discharges; he believes all who knew him would testify to his veracity ...
Declaration 21 Feb. 1835 by Robert Ashley of Macon Co. NC, that he knew James Ayres now of Pickens Dist. SC, applicant for a pension, enlisting as a Regular Soldier under Capt. Wm. Ayres all under the command of Col. John Steward?, to guard the frontiers of Georgia in a tower (sic) of one year and six months; he personally knew the applicant was a regular soldier in Gen. Greens Army Landcaster Co. SC in another 18 month tower under Capt. Wm. Dunkin and Colo. Wm. Drennon and after his tower with Gen. Green he knew the applicant volunteered his service in the militia under Capt. Wm. Greson.
"Camden Journal" newspaper published at Camden, Kershaw Co. SC, August 25, 1832 (from a microfilm copy at the Camden Co. SC Museum, copied by Jane Clancy Debenport 7/2007)
"Married on Tuesday Evening 7th inst. at Mr. George M'Kinney's by the Rev. Mr. Campbell, Mr. James Duncan to Miss Margaret Miller, all of this district."
MAD: this agrees with the extracts published by Brent Holcomb and corrects the extracts by Janie Revill.
Some Kershaw Co. SC records have been abstracted and published:
"Kirkland Source Book of Records" by Mae Ruth Green; Vol.1, pt.2; Vol.2, pt.3; does not include a genealogy of Duncans but includes source documents on the Kirkland family, some of which mention a Duncan, including Kershaw Co. SC Deed H-114, 25 Dec. 1815, Joseph Kirkland to John Ezell, land on the Camden Road, witnessed by Peter Dunkin. (FHL book 929.273 K635b and also on film)
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" Vol.VII#2, Spring 1979 includes early settlers on Fishing Creek, including John and Joseph Gebby whose 65 acres was situate as supposed when run out to be in Mecklenburg Co. NC, but now in Craven Co. SC, S.side of the Catawba river on fishing creek, joining and between Wm. Watson and Patrick Duncan's land, originally granted 25 April 1767 to Francis Travers who conveyed 10 April 1768, from Memorial Book. (MAD: see Camden/Kershaw Cos. SC) (FHL book 975.7 B2sc; and from Lucille Mehrkam 3/1984)
"Kershaw Co. SC Minutes of the County Court, 1791-1799" by Brent H. Holcomb, which includes mention of Peter Duncan in 1794 and 1798 and David Duncan in 1796. (FHL book 975.761 P2h)
"Marriage and Death Notices from Camden, SC, Newspapers 1816-1865" by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.761 V2h; and from Evelyn Sigler 12/1984)
"Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Patriot, 1815-1830" Vol.I, by Theresa E. Wilson & Janice L. Grimes, 1982 (FHL book 975.7915 V2w; from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984)
"Marriages & Death Notices Abstracted from Newspapers Pub. in Camden, SC, 1822-1842" by Janie Revill (FHL booklet 975.7 A1 #32) (MAD: this booklet includes a marriage of "George Duncan" to Margaret Miller on 7 Aug. 1832; the groom is listed in "Marriage and Death Notices from Camden, SC, Newspapers 1816-1865" by Brent H. Holcomb, as "James Duncan"; the newspapers are not on microfilm)
"SC Marriages in Newspapers of Camden, 1822-1838" by Janie Revill, 1936 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,225)
"Marriage & Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate" Vol.1, 1837-1860; Vol.3, 1867-1878; by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975 B38h; SUTRO book F208 H62? 1993, and H63 1994, CA State Library, Sutro Branch; and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984 and Marion H. Duncan 3/1983)
"Camden (SC) Churches With Genealogist Records 1758-1900" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,213)
"The VA Gazette - Genealogy" March 4, 1960; pg.19 #5682 mentions Donald R. Duncan from Kershaw District as a subscriber to a road petition dated 14 Nov. 1823 concerning Tillers Ferry, SC. (from Evelyn Sigler and Donna Little)
"Old southern bible records : transcriptions of births, deaths and marriages from family Bibles, chiefly of the 18th and 19th centuries" by Memory Aldridge Lester, 1974; includes the John Summerville Bible, whose daughter Margaret A. mar. first to J.R. Westley Connerly and 2nd on 20 May 1856 to James Duncan (MAD: see Pickens Co. AL) (FHL book 976 V29L and from Evelyn Sigler and Kit Smith; alphabetic by first name in Bible)
1905 "Historic Camden" by Thomas J. Kirkland and Robert M. Kennedy, Part I, Colonial & Revolutionary - no Duncan (FHL book 975.761/C1 H2k, and from Evelyn Sigler)
"Leonardo Andrea SC Records" Folder 2, Bible Records; includes the bible of Larkin T. Dinkins, son of Mary Ann Jennings and Asa Dinkins, of Sumter Co. SC who mar. 17 Jan. 1833 to Frances M. McLauchlin of Richland Co. SC; and the bible of William Dinkins born Craven Co. SC 18 May 1746, died Sumter Co. SC 26 Feb. 1818, mar. 14 June 1768 to Sarah Wright, and lists their children (FHL film 954,247)
"The Cauthen Family History, with notes on Cawthornes, Cauthorns, Cawthons, Cothrans, etc." by Maryline Cauthen Westenhaver, 1981; this book has a lot of information on the area. (FHL film 1,033,898 item 12; from Brenda Furches and from J. Leon Vanlandingham)
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