Duncan research files of |
1790 Orangeburg Dist. SC Census, South Part (MAD: later Barnwell Co. SC) Pg. 99 William Tomson, George Davis, John O'Bannon, Elisha Morris, Joseph Duncan 331x4 Edward Nix, Anna Collins, Hannah Clark, Charles Nix, Lucey Wood ... 100 Lewis Youngblood, Josiah Pemberton, John Hooker, Jesse Reader, Amos Duncan 152xx (MAD: ? the Amos Duncan d.1805 Newberry Co. SC ?) James Futch, Levi Peacock, Thomas Turner, Timothy Pucket ... 1800 Barnwell Co. SC Census Pg. 47 Joseph Duncan 03010 - 30010 (MAD: from Fauquier Co. VA) 1810 Barnwell Co. SC Census Pg. 69 Hansford D. Duncan 30100 - 00100 97 Joseph Duncan 10201 - 01101 1820 Barnwell Co. SC Census; semi-alphabetic Pg. 8 Willis J. Duncan 000100 - 00100 Joseph Duncan 000201 - 20001 2 names H. D. Duncan 310211 - 21110 1830 Barnwell Co. SC Census Pg.137 Willis L. Duncan 0100,001 - 2120,1 157 H. D. Duncan 1157,101 - 0331,01 190 H. D. Duncan free colored 1840 Barnwell Co. SC Census Pg.206 H. D. Duncan 2000,001 - 1002,0001 (MAD: Hansford Dade Duncan) 221 J.G.W. Duncan free colored W. J. Duncan free colored 225 W. J. Duncan 0201,1001 - 2112,01 (MAD: Willis Jennings Duncan) H. W. Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,0000,01 (MAD: Hannah W. Duncan) J. G. Duncan 0200,01 - 1000,1 (MAD: Joseph George Duncan) 231 Stephen Duncan 2010,01 - 0300,1 (MAD: ? 1830 Lexington Co. SC census; ? 1850 Campbell Co. GA census)
1850 Barnwell Co. SC Census (and from Vivian Biddle 7/1983)
No twp. given
Pg.327, #18-18, J.G.W. DUNCAN (m) 49 SC planter $15,000
Pinkney (m) 17 SC student
Joseph 15, Ann 12 SC
(MAD: Joseph George Washington Duncan)
Pg.327, #22-22, Ellen B. DUNCAN 40 SC (blank) $2500
Julia 20, Francis (f) 12 SC
Pauline 10, William 16 SC
Pg.328, #45-45, James E. PATTERSON 39 NC lawyer $8000
Martha 30 SC
Mary 10, Aujur? (Angus?) (m) 8 SC
Darling (m) 6, Eujenia (Eugenia) (f) 4 SC
Joseph 2, James 6/12 SC
(MAD: Martha A/P. Duncan, wife of James Patterson, per deeds GG-17, HH-89, and II/JJ-74, per "Barnwell Co. SC Mar. implied in Deeds")
Pg.426, #1132-1132, Julia DUPUE 50 SC schoolmistress $2000
Henry BONETLEWIR? 45 SC (blank)
Sarah HUDSON 40 SC (blank)
Cynthia PRICHARD 16 SC
Henrietta HARDEN 14 SC
Ann SANTIGURA? 12, Fanny 8 SC
Felicia CAMFIELD 18 SC
Pg.474, #2416-2416, H.D. DUNCAN (m) 60 SC Bapt. preacher $5,400
Sarah 34 SC
Darling (m) 14 SC
1860 Barnwell Co. SC Census
P.O. Barnwell C.H.
Pg.404, #995, H.D. DUNCAN (m) 73 SC Bapt. Clergyman $20,000-$46,800
Lavinna 56 SC
Darling P. (m) 23 SC farming $5000-$35,000
(MAD: Darling Duncan 36 SC physician in 1870 Burke Co. GA census; "Hareford D. Duncan" 80 GA Bapt. minister in 1870 Washington Co. GA census)
P.O. Aiken
Pg.460, #882, H.A. DUNCAN (m) 43 SC "clergyman (B)" $0-$2000
E.J. (f) 17, M.L. (f) 15 SC
H.A. (m) 13, E.S. (f) 12 SC
M.A. McLEAN (f) 50? SC
J.D. TRACY (f) 35 SC
(MAD: Hansford A. Duncan in 1870 Richmond Co. GA census)
P.O. Barnwell C.H.
Pg.467, #22, W.H. DUNCAN (m) 25 SC planter $15,000-$25,000
H.M. (f) 23 SC
Willis J. 2 SC
Pg.467, #25, J.G.W. DUNCAN (m) 58 SC planter $56,000-$125,000
Pg.467, #26, W.P. DUNCAN (m) 24 SC lawyer $0-$0
James DIMEND? 21 SC overseer
Pg.469, #48, S.B. GRAHAM (m) 36 SC "M.D." $2,000-$1,000
Emily C. 34 SC
Micheal W. 12, Saml. J. 10 SC
John W. 3 SC
Ellen B. DUNCAN 53 SC
Frances (f) 21 SC -- $0-$1500
Pauline (f) 19 SC -- $0-$1500
Go to the Barnwell Co. SC 1870 Census
Index to SC Land Grants, Class 2 (FHL film 22,531)
Index 1822-1824, Vol.77-86:
Hansford Duncan, James Erwin? and Stephen Moss, 1000 acres Barnwell Co., 7 Oct. 1811, 56-204?
Hansford A. Duncan, 375 acres Barnwell Co., 1 Sept. 1817, 61-22?
Hansford D. Duncan, 118 acres Barnwell, 2 March 1829, 79-434
H.D. Duncan, 1861 acres Barnwell, 2 March 1829, 81-425
William Duncan & John Sanders, 854 acres Barnwell, Toby's Creek, 5 April 1813, 57-408
William Duncan & Thomas Morris and Clark Sanders and John Sanders, 810 acres Barnwell, Hercules Creek, 5 April 1813, 57-409
Index to Misc. Grants v.86-90, 1842-1874:
William H. Duncan, 15 acres Barnwell, Turkey Creek, July 27, 1855?, 89-84
Will of Joseph Duncan, Barnwell Dist. SC; Barnwell Co. SC Will Book B, pg.176; dated 1 June 1820; proved 29 Aug. 1823 (handwritten copy from Nancy Reba Roy's loose files; MAD's extract; this will has also been indexed as recorded in Vol.1, 1787-1826, Book D, pg.104)
Joseph Duncan of Barnwell District, SC:
Imprimus ... to my son Joseph G.W. Duncan the dwelling, store house and kitchen now in the occupation of Doctor Tuel and Daniel Tobin, the house now occupied by Leven M. Noble as a sadler's shop and the land whereon the said houses stand, and the small garden to them attached situate and being in the Village of Barnwell, and also the lot of land whereon my stables at present stand ... during the term of his natural life, and from and after the decease of my said son, then to his issue forever.
Item, ... to my daughter Eliza Brown a lot or parcel of land containing four acres to be laid off by my executors hereinafter named on the east side and adjoining a lot or parcel of land by me heretofore given to my son Willis J. Duncan, to have and to hold the same for and during the term of her natural life and from and after the decease of my said daughter Eliza Brown, then ... to the issue of her body who shall be living at the time of her death forever.
Item, ... to my executors hereinafter named, their executors heirs and administrators forever, a lot or parcel of land containing four acres to be by them laid off, on the east side and adjoining a lot heretofore given by me to my son Hansford D. Duncan, also a negro girl slave named Sally and her future issue, in trust for the sale and separate use behoff and benefit of my daughter Frances Dunbar for and during the term of her natural life, ... without and independent of the control, power or interference of the present or any future husband and upon and from the decease of my said daughter Frances Dunbar, ...(the lot to her heirs and the negro to the executors).
Item, ... to my grandson Joseph Allan a lot or parcel of land containing four acres, to be laid off by my executors hereinafter named, on the east side of the lot or parcel of land hereinafter given ... to my daughter Eliza Brown and adjoining thereto, ... but should my said grandson Joseph Allan depart this life leaving no issue of his body then living, in such case I give ... to my children and their issue who may be living, the issue of any deceased child or children taking the part of share which his, her or their respective parent or parents would if alive be entitled thereto.
Item: if my said grandson shall attain the age of twenty one years, or leave issue of [sic] living at the time he would have attained that age, then ... to my said grandson, or to his said issue (he having departed this life) the sum of one thousand dollars, to be paid by my wife Hannah Duncan (should my said wife be then living) out of the rents and profits of the estate ... to my said wife ...
Item ... to my wife Hannah J. Duncan all my houses, lands and tenements not herein and hereby otherwise disposed of ... [also furniture, slaves, stock, etc.] during the term of her natural live, and upon and immediately after the decease of my said wife, I give ... the same to my children Hansford D. Duncan, Willis J. Duncan, Joseph G.W. Duncan, Frances Dunbar and Eliza Brown equally share and share alike for ... their natural lives, [or if deceased, to their issue or else to Joseph's other children or their issue].
... And my will and intention is that the several devises and bequeaths hereinbefore made to my daughter Frances Dunbar was and is made to and for her sole and separate use and benefit, and upon this condition and no other, that my executors hereinafter named do have and hold the same upon trust for the only ... benefit of my said daughter Frances Duncan for ... natural life [without intereference of her present or any future husband].
Having given to my daughter, the mother of my grandson Joseph Allen in her life time what will (if he receives the same place ... or an equality with my other children ...) ... it is not my intention that he shall take any part of my estate except the several devises and bequests to him herein and hereby before made ...
And lastly I do hereby ... appoint my sons Hansford D. Duncan, Willis J. Duncan, and Joseph G.W. Duncan executors ...
First day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty. /s/ Joseph Duncan (SS). (witnesses) L. O'Bannon, Daniel Tobin, William Hewlette. Recorded August 29, 1823. Bundle 41, Package 12.
Barnwell Co. SC Probate Records (Index on FHL film 192,268)
Pkg. 8, bundle 79: 8 May 1841, will of Willis J. Duncan; all real estate & personal etc. to my present wife Ellen and my children by her share and share alike; to the two children of my daughter Lucia Tobias $150 each; appoint John J. Ryan and Joseph Lance Washington Duncan my executors. Wit. Jas. O. Haygood, G. O'Riley, Tws? A. Gautt. Prob. 4 Aug. 1841. 1845, "The following amts. have been advanced to the following heirs for their support to at various times since Mr. Duncan's death by the Exor" to Langdon C. Duncan, Emily C. Duncan, Angelia J. Duncan, Julia C. Duncan, Wm. H. Duncan, Hannah F. Duncan, E. Pauline Duncan. (FHL film 192,282) (MAD: Langdon C. Duncan mar. Mary A. Guedron 10/1/1840 Richmond Co. GA; L.C. Duncan in 1850 Charleston Co. SC, St.Phillips Par., pg.265, in hotel, and Langdon C. Duncan in 1880 Washington, DC census pg.242A)
C-216: 9 Aug. 1837, will of William Freeman; dau. Massey Freeman; her two illigitimate children Harriet & John Freeman; son George. Exec. friends Willis P. Duncan and Joseph G.W. Duncan. Wit. S/L.H. Butler, Samuel Williams, Dreury Hodges. Prob. 18 Oct. 1838. (FHL film 23,295)
E-293: 14 Oct. 1861, will of William P. Duncan; father Joseph G.W. Duncan for life, then to brother Joseph A. Duncan; exec. father Joseph G.W. Duncan. Wit. W.M. Hunter, J.T. Aldrich, John S. Brown. Prob. 6 Aug. 1863. (FHL film 23,295)
Barnwell Co. SC Equity Court Records; Box 18, Group 36: Mary E. Robinson vs. James D. Erwin Jr., et al, 1858. (FHL film 192,324)
1843, William R. Erwin, uncle of oratrix Mary E. Robinson, and her guardian; Dr. James D. Erwin exec.; her brother was William D. Robinson, petition to divide estate. Frame 522: Answer of William D. Robinson, a minor under 21; he has been living with his grandfather the Rev. Hansford D. Duncan and his father James E. Robinson while his uncle W.R. Erwin was his guardian, 20 Jan. 1859. Accounts due 1843 & later, some due from estate of Richard Maness? and from Miss E.M. Dart.
MAD: Court of Equity Records (box and group unknown) in the following case about the same people was extracted and published in the "Huxford Gen. Society Magazine" Vol.12, 1985 (from Evelyn Sigler 3/1986) and are also in the Barnwell Dist. SC Records in the files of Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist (FHL film 954,248, from Louis Boone 9/1984)
James E. Robinson Vs. H.D. Duncan and wife. Discovery and relief. Filed April 28, 1826. David Robinson, late of Barnwell Dist., died ---- and left a will which has never been probated. James Erwin became admr. and he is now decd. Erwin left a will naming Hansford D. Duncan Exr. Plaintiff charges Erwin with having the will and keeping it from being probated and that Duncan now has the will. Duncan married the mother of the petitioner, Mrs. Mary Robinson, and in 1819 became guardian for petitioner, than a minor. David Robinson left as his sole heirs his wife, Mary and two sons, the petitioner, James E. and John D. Robinson who has died under age without issue and unmarried.
The answers of the defendants say that Duncan and his wife (who was the widow of David Robinson) were married May 29, 1809 and that they had never heard of a will of Robinson until after the marriage in 1809, and that he, Duncan, had at first refused to take over the admr. of the estate from James Erwin (who was his father-in-law) on account of his (Duncan's) young age and inexperience until Erwin had assured him as to his liability etc. Mrs. Mary Robinson-Duncan says her first husband, David Robinson, at his death owned about 680 acres in Orangeburg Dist and about 250 acres on Lemons Swamp in Barnwell Dist on which he resided, also 6 slaves etc. She admits destroying the will, believing it of no value.
Barnwell Co. SC Equity Court Records; Box 26, Group 51: John L. Bellinger, exec. of John Kenney, vs. Catherine Kenney et al, 1822. (FHL film 192,332)
Frames 171-173: Petition by John S. Bellinger of Barnwell Dist. SC, that John Kinney late of St.Lukes Parish, SC, owning considerable estate, on 21 Sept. 1807 made his will appointing Belinger an executor, and disposing of most of his property: the residue of my personal property and remaining 4/5 of money received from the sale of my plantation, 1/4 to my two grandchildren William H. Hay and Eliza M. Hay, but if they die before age 21 leaving no issue, then that share equally divided between my other heirs; 1/4 to my son-in-law John S. Bellinger; 1/4 to my son-in-law Chesley J. Jenkins; remaining 1/4 to my executors in trust for benefit of my son John, not to be at his disposal or liable for his debts, engagements or other contracts; they to purchase negroes and hire them out or plant with them, together with the other bequests in this will, at their discretion paying to my son John the net proceeds. Shortly after, the testator died, and the will was proved before the Ordinary of Beaufort Dist. That (blank date) John Kenney the younger died intestate leaving a widow, Catharine Kenney, Charles Jenkins, a nephew son of a deceased sister, William H. Hay and Eliza M. Calcock, wife of ?Henry J. Calcock, his nephew and niece children of another deceased sister Ellen B. Duncan wife of Willis J. Duncan, John Bellinger, Lucious Bellinger and Edmund Bellinger also a niece and nephews children of another deceased sister, between and among whom the estate of John Kenney the younger became and is distributable. Petitioner wants to distribute the estate, but Catharine Kinney resides without the limits of this state and has not communicated on the subject, some of the nephews of John Kenney are infants and unable to receive their parts, while other nephews of John Kenney the younger who are of age contend that Catharine Kenney under the will is entitled to no part or share of the estate, insisting the distribution be among the nephews and nieces of John Kenney the younger to the exclusion of Catharine Kenney. To the end that Catharine Kenney, Charles Jenkins, William H. Hays, Thomas H. Calcock & Eliza M. Calcock his wife, Willis J. Duncan and Ellen B. Duncan his wife, John Bellinger, Lucius Bellinger and Edmund Bellinger may (answer) and petitioner be discharged from the trust, petition the court to summon the defendants to come forward and either personally or by guardian receive their share that the court thinks proper. (No date; some commas may be missing between names)
Frames 175-176: Answer of William Henry Hay, Thomas H. Colcock and Eliza M. Colcock formerly Hay his wife to the Bill of Complaint of John S. Bellinger exec. of John Kenny decd. ... They deny that Catharine Henry who is called widow of John M?. Henny decd is entitled to any share of the trust estate of John M. Kenny because they say that by will of their late grandfather, the father of the late John M. Kenny decd., no legal estate was ever properly vested in him the said John M. Kenny but it was vested in the trustees for his rise? only, and therefore Catherine Kenny was not legally entitled to any dower. Because the trust estate was created with an express reservation of the same from all his debts, engagements or any other contracts whatsoever ... They admit that the children of the complainant and Charles Jenkins the son of Charles J. Jenkins together with these defendants are entitled to the estate of John M. Henry decd, and that the estate is distributable among the parties per stirpes and not per capita. (MAD: by share of their parents, not by each grandchild individually). Sworn to 31 Jan. 1820. Filed Dec. 4, 1822.
Frames 177-178: Brief of the Bill: The bill states that John Kinney the testator on 21 Sept. 1807 made his will (quotes complaint), and that some of the parties are infants and others who are of age differ among themselves as to the manner of distribution, some insisting for a division per stirpes, and others per capita. The bill prays the direction & sanction of the court. Some of the parties also insist that the widow is not entitled to a share.
Go to the Barnwell Co. SC Court of Appeals Records
SC Secretary of State, Misc. Records; bonds, mortgages, bills of sale incl. slaves, manumissions, Powers of attorney, other misc. records [Charleston Co. SC]
B-537: 2 Jan. 1808, H.D. Duncan, treasurer's bond (from index only, FHL film 22,662) (MAD: see Barnwell Co. SC)
I-478: 25 Nov. 1836, Jos. G.W. Duncan, John T. O'Bannon, Jesse Rice and Joseph Nielson, bond for $2,000; Jos. G.W. Duncan appointed to the office of Escheator for the trustees for establishing the female academy of Barnwell; wit. Thos. S. Ransom. (FHL film 22,670)
K-121: 17 Feb. 1838, Cornelius F. Tobin (1), Lucia C. Tobin formerly Lucia C. Duncan (2), and Joseph G.W. Duncan (3), all of Barnwell Dist. SC; Lucia is entitled to negro slaves as a gift from Willis J. Duncan her father, and other slaves as a part of her sister Mary C. Duncan's estate, and another negro a gift from Georgiana Bellinger wife of Joseph Bellinger now decd; all slaves to Joseph G.W. Duncan in trust; if Lucia dies with no living children, they go to Cornelius Tobin, otherwise he and the children share alike; if Cornelius Tobin dies leaving children, the children and Lucia share alike; if Joseph G.W. Duncan dies, a new trustee to be appointed. All signed. Wit. B.H. Brown, Joseph Nation. (FHL film 22,670)
3R-268: 1 March 1802, Joseph Duncan et al to State Treas., bond; Barnwell Dist. (FHL film 22,688, looked at, not copied)
MAD: Joseph Duncan Capt., Darling Peeples, and others of Barnwell Co. SC recommended a passport be issued for James Jackson to travel to Mississippi Territory, 7 Oct. 1803; the passport was granted 18 Nov. 1803 ("Passports of Southeastern pioneers, 1770-1823 : Indian, Spanish and other land passports for Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, North and South Carolina" by Dorothy Williams Potter; FHL book 975 W4p; from Evelyn Sigler)
Bedford Co. TN Deed (FHL film 476,365)
EEE-414: 20 Nov. 1860, Jas. Allen Duncan to Samuel D. Morgan, house and lot, 1/10 interest, 2 lots corner Presbyterian church, being the lot on which C.J. Houston Junr. now resides, #26 and #27. This property was conveyed to Morgan and Co. of which firm I was a member by William F. Stamps. Deed registered in Barnwell District, SC., July, 1866. (MAD: see 1860 Davidson Co. TN census, Joseph A. Duncan & fam. with Samuel D. Morgan)
Marion Co. FL Deeds (SLC 9/2007)
F-683: Thomas Co. GA. 28 Dec. 1853, Lyttleton Wyche of afsd and wife Mary Elizabeth to Hansford A. Duncan of Barnwell Dist. SC, for $5,200, lots in Marion Co. FL: E 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15S Range 20E; S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.18, and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.19, Twp.15S Range 20E; SE 1/4 SW (MAD: 1/4) Sec.18 Twp.15 Range 20; NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15 Range 20S and E (blank) and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.15S Range 20E; SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15 Range 20S & E in District of land subject to sale at Neunansville, FL, containing 480 acres. /s/ Littleton Wyche, Mary E. Wyche. Wit. Michael Young, John W. Jordan, E. Lewis. Release by Mary Elisabeth Wyche. (FHL film 956,967)
G-157: State of South Carolina. I, H. Augustine Duncan of Barnwell Dist. state afsd, "mister" of the Gospel, for $4,500 paid by Marion W. Sams of same, sell to him land in Marion Co. FL known as the McIntosh Homemark?, 560 acres: E 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.19, Twp.15S Range 20 E; S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.18 and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15S Range 20E; and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.15 Range 20E; and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15 Range 20 S & E; and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.15S Range 20E; and SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.15 Range 20S & E; and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.15 Range 20 S & E; and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.18, and farm animals and personal property of said H.A. Duncan remaining in the said plantation. (MAD: no wife mentioned or dower release) Wit. A.P. Aldrich, J.J. (I.I.?) Ryon. (FHL film 956,968)
Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During War of 1812; National Archives Roll 62, Microcopy 602 (FHL film 882,580, Dun to Duq; copied all Duncan and variant spellings)
All entered service as privates and were discharged as privates unless otherwise listed. Vols = Volunteers; Mil = Militia
William W. Duncan, 2 Regt. (2nd Battalion, Oswald's) SC State Troops; Ensign - Ensign (Compiled Rec.) (Barnwell Co. SC, per Jennings Genealogy)
Mexican War service 1846-1847, cards A-L; men from AL (FHL film 1,462,788 item 3)
Volunteers - Dr. Duncan - letter to Gov. Martin from N.M. Hentz, dated May 7, 1846, Tuskegee, AL.
AL Volunteers - Dr. L.C. Duncan, Tuskegee [Macon Co.], AL, recom. for commission as Surgeon by A.V. Brumley, May 6, 1846.
L.C. Duncan, surgeon, concerning service record of L.C. Duncan, dated Oct. 1, 1906, Barnwell, SC. (MAD: see Langdon Cheves Duncan)
Capt. Elmore's Relief Volunteers, L.C. Duncan, Surgeon, enlisted May 12, 1846, from muster roll, Relief Volunteers, Montgomery [Montgomery Co.], AL, from Cert. of Rush Elmore, Capt; A.M. Cook, 1st Lt.; Thos. Miller, 2nd Lt.
MAD: Langdon C. Duncan applied for a pension SA-25489 on 10 Aug. 1906 in New York for his service in Elmore's Co 5th LA Vols as a Surgeon; from "Index to Mexican War Pension Files" by Virgil D. White (FHL book 973 M22mw)
"SC Troops in Confederate Service" Vol.I (1st Regiment, S.C.V.), by A.S. Salley, pub. by R.L. Bryan 1913-1930 (FHL film 982,339; MAD: the record of each company is given, including location and battles during the war)
First (Hagood's) Regiment, S.C.V.
Pg.429-431: Two companies from Barnwell District under Captains Duncan and Brabham, mustered into Confederate service Aug. 22, 1861. Just before the expiration of term of enlistment of 1st Regiment, the companies were reorganized -- Company G under Duncan was divided.
Pg.432: Under an order dated May 12, 1862, the regiment then proceeded to the vicinity of Binnaker's Camp Ground. Such troops thereof as had re-enlisted for the war were furloughed until May 14, 1862. Ten or 12 days later, the regiment was recalled into service, whence it was transferred to Charleston where four new companies were received and its complement of companies filled. Glover was reelected Lieutenant Colonel and O'Kane declining to continue in service, Captain Duncan was elected Major.
Pg.434: Colonel: Duncan, William H., acted as Colonel from Sept. 1, 1862, to Jan. 10, 1863, under an order from Brigadier General Jenkins promoting him to Colonel, but the War Department did not act upon the promotion; resigned his commission as Lieutenant Colonel Jan. 10, 1863.
Lieutenant Colonel: Duncan, William H., promoted from Major, July 12, 1862; resigned Jan. 10, 1863.
Pg.435: Major: Duncan, William H., elected May 16, 1862, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel July 12, 1862.
Pg.572: Company E, after the Reorganization (1862-1865). Upon the withdrawal of Pressley's Company from the Regiment at the reorganization, Duncan's Company, which had theretofore been Company G, became Company E. The following muster rolls of the company from the reorganization to Feb. 28, 1865, are available and from them, the succeeding roster of the company has been compiled: Jan. 1, May 1, July 1, Aug. 31 and Dec. 31, 1863; June 30, Aug. 31, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31, 1864; and Feb. 28, 1865.
Pg.572: Captain: Duncan, W.H., re-elected at the reorganization, April 12, 1862; elected Major, May 16, 1862.
Pg.620: Company G, before the Reorganization (1861-1862). Company G of Barnwell District volunteered for Confederate service at Barnwell Sept. 7, 1861, supplying the place in the regiment as organized for state service formerly held by a company from Barnwell District under Captain E.J. Frederic which had declined to volunteer for Confederate service. It was mustered into Confederate service at Fort Johnson, Sept. 18, 1861, by P.K. Molony, Adjutant, 1st Regiment S.C.V., Mustering Officer. At the reorganization April 12, 1862, the company was divided into two companies, one of which under Captain F.J. Sanders went to the 2nd Regiment (Artillery) and the other under Captain Duncan became Company E of this regiment as already shown. The following muster rolls of the company from its enlistment to the reorganization are available, and from them, the succeeding roster of the company has been compiled: Sept. 18 and Nov. 1, 1861; Jan. 1, Feb. 28 and April 11, 1862.
Pg.620: Captain: Duncan, W.H., commenced service at Barnwell, Sept. 7, 1861, reported on muster roll of Jan. 1, 1862, as on furlough since Dec. 31, 1861; reported on muster roll of Feb. 28, 1862, as present; on muster roll of April 11, 1862, as present.
MAD: William Handsford Duncan was listed as a Field Officer of the Army of Northern VA; b. Barnwell, SC, Aug. 22, 1835. Capt. Company G, 1st SC (Hagood's), Dec. 7, 1861. Capt. Company E, April 12, 1862, Major - May 16, 1862. Lt. Col. - July 12, 1862. Acted as Colonel from Sept. 1862 to Jan. 1863 under orders from Genl. Micah Jenkins, but the War Dept. rejected this, and Duncan resigned his commission as Lt. Col., Jan. 10, 1863, mar. Harriet M. Hurley, d. Dec. 14, 1889. (from pg.107, "Lee's Colonels, Biographical Register of Field Officers of Army of Northern VA" by Robert K. Krick, 2nd Ed. Revised, 1984; FHL book 973 D36kca)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Willis Jennings, widow Duncan, May D. (MAD: not Mary); 1st Lt L 1 SC Inf.; 1920 June 26, Invalid(S) Appl. #1434231, Cert. #1181791, SC; 1929 Feb. 12, Widow(S) Appl. #1635355, Cert. #A-4-3-29, SC; no remarks (MAD: ? 1860 Barnwell Co. SC census, b.1858)
1920 "History of SC" by Yates Snowden, Vol.V (FHL book 975.7 H2s; typed by Evelyn Sigler)
Pg.10-11: Col. William Handsford Duncan. Barnwell Co. has had the good fortune and distinction of claiming the citizenship of a William Handsford Duncan in each of three successive generations. The first of them was the late Col. William Handsford Duncan, an able soldier, successful business man and public spirited citizen, whose life was a constant influence affecting the advancement and welfare of his community and his state. His death in 1889 removed from SC a substantial and highly esteemed citizen and the many tributes at that time to his high standing in the world of affairs and as a man and citizen attested to the abiding place he had in the hearts and affections of those who knew him and of his work and accomplishment. His career was not a path of roses, but he fought against and conquered adverse conditions that would have utterly discouraged one of less sterling mettle. His military record was marked by courage and ability of a high order, his business record showed that he possessed industry, energy and integrity to a pronounced degree, while his interest in public affairs was of that practical kind that is of real permanent value to the community and state.
He was born in Barnwell Co. SC, Aug. 22, 1835, and died Dec. 14, 1889. He was of old Scotch stock and displayed those solid elements of character typical of that race. His father Willis Jennings Duncan was born and reared in Fauquier Co. VA, and came to SC with his father Joseph Duncan who was a soldier of the War of the Revolution.
William H. Duncan was a resident of Barnwell practically all his life, secured his education in the public schools and began his business career in that community, though his interest later embraced other sections of the state. He applied himself with energy and sound judgment to his varied enterprises, and his progressive attitude made him a factor in various projects for the public good. He constructed and owned the railroad line from Barnwell to Blackville, this being the second railroad chartered in SC. The completion of the road was stopped by the war between the states, much of the material being confiscated and taken to Morris Island where is was used in the construction of breastworks.
At the outbreak of the war Colonel Duncan promptly enlisted as a private but was soon commissioned as captain of Company E of the First SC Regiment, subsequently becoming colonel of that regiment. He proved a valiant and able soldier and served under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston with distinguished gallantry. After the war Col. Duncan retired to his home farm called "Duncannon," where he spent most of his time, though he did not by any means shut himself away from the activities about him, maintaining a deep interest in all public affairs and giving his active support to public movements and measure promising permanent value to the welfare of the people and state. He was especially active in the Baptist Sunday School work, to which he gave hearty support with his times and means. In his career no word of suspicion was ever breathed against him. His activities were the result of careful and conscientious thought and when once convinced that he was right no suggestion of policy or personal profit swerved him from the course he had decided upon. His career was complete and rounded in its beautiful simplicity, he did his full duty in all the relations of life, and he died beloved by those near to him and respected and esteemed by his fellow citizens.
Col. Duncan married Harriet M. Harley, who was born and reared in Barnwell, daughter of Jacob R. Harley, a prominent planter and slave owner of that place. She survived her husband a number of years, her death occurring June 22, 1896. The four children of that union were: Willis J. Duncan, now in business at Edgefield, SC; William Handsford II; Daisy, wife of P.M. Buckingham, whose career is elsewhere sketched in this publication; and Maude a resident of Barnwell and widow of W.F. Holmes.
In every respect the late William Handsford Duncan, second, was well qualified to adorn the name he bore. He was born at Duncannon, SC, July 14, 1860. For many years he pursued his business as a farmer and planter, and at the same time took an active part in county politics. In 1904 he was elected county auditor of Barnwell Co, filling that office until 1910. In 1912 he was elected clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions, and gave an earnest and dignified performance of the duties of that office until his death on Jan. 7, 1920. He lived not quite sixty years, but years alone would hardly offer a proper measure for his influence and achievement. During the World war he was chairman of the local exemption board. From early youth until the end of his career he conducted a farm of several hundred acres, with crops of cotton, corn and garden truck, and also owned landed and other interests at Barnwell. Fraternally he was affiliated with the Knights of Pythias.
June 4, 1888, at Barnwell he married Miss Cornelia Aldrich, a native of Barnwell and daughter of Judge A.P. Aldrich, one of South Carolina's notable figures. Mrs. Duncan died Jan. 4, 1920, just three days before her husband. Her death occurred at Conway, SC, where she was visiting at the home of her daughter Nell, wife of W.A. Freeman. W.H. Duncan II and his wife had six children, two of whom died in infancy, Langdon Chevis and Mary Allen Duncan. The four surviving are: Nell Aldrich, wife of W.A. Freeman; William Handsford Duncan III; Martha Ayer, wife of James C. Patterson, a mechanical engineer now living at Kansas City, MO; and Miss Louise Chevis Duncan of Barnwell.
The third William Handsford Duncan had to his credit an interesting military and patriotic record and a place of prominence in the affairs of Barnwell County. He was born Oct. 24, 1890, near Barnwell, was educated in the common and high schools of his native town and began his career in railroad construction work, a line he followed until America entered the war with Germany. He volunteered in Troop A of the SC Cavalry, and was in service altogether twenty-seven months, eighteen months overseas. He went overseas with the Thirtieth Division, and was with that famous organization comprising many SC troops when it broke the Hindenburg line on the Somme River. He was with the Thirtieth in all its terrific engagements, but came through without injury. He went in as a private and wore the stripes of sergeant first class, when discharged in November, 1919.
Upon the death of his honored father he was appointed by Governor R.A. Cooper to fill the unexpired term as Clerk of Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of Barnwell Co., and has given a splendid administration of the office. At the same time he is the active manager of the extensive planting and farming interests left by his father.
1881 "History of the Baptist Denomination in GA" compiled for Christian index; J.P. Harrison & Co. (FHL film 896,565 item 1; from surname index by Jane Prather Potter, FHL book 975.8 K2h index 1982)
Pg.461: Marion W. Sams, born 10 Feb. 1822 Beaufort, SC, (died Aug. 2, 1899 in Decatur Co. GA) married Mary Lucia Duncan, youngest dau. of Rev. Hansford D. Duncan, near Barnwell Courthouse, SC, 2 Dec. 1847, 7 children. Was ordained at Smyrna by Revs. H.D. Duncan, Isaac Nichols, Joseph A. Lawton and H.A. Duncan.
MAD: There is more on the Sams family in Vol.3, pg.176, of "SC Genealogies" and in Vol.64, pg.107, of "SC Historical Magazine."
1888 "Sketches of Prominent Tennesseans: containing biographies and records of many of the families who have attained prominence in Tennessee" compiled and edited by William S. Speer (from Evelyn Sigler 11/1982)
Duncan Eve, AM, MD Nashville. Duncan Eve was born Augusta GA May 1, 1852. Father was Paul Eve. Paul Eve m. (2) Sarah A. Duncan, b. Barnwell Dist. SC, daughter of Rev. Hansford Dale Duncan, distinguished Baptist divine. Rev. Duncan was a lineal and most direct heir of the "Jennings Estate." His mother being a Miss Jennings of England. His father was a Scotchman, a lineal descendant of Lord Duncan (King Duncan).
MAD: This family is also included in "The Carmichael Clan, Westbrook and Allied Families" compiled by Mrs. Opal Carmichael Phoenix, 1963 (FHL book 929.273 C212p) and on pages 188-190 in "TN Records: Bible Records & Marriage Bonds" by Jeannette Tillotson Acklen, ca 1933 (FHL book 976.8 D2aj and FHL films 823,813 item 4 and 164,696)
"Inventory of the Church Archives of VA" by VA Conservation Commission 1940 (from Evelyn Sigler 1/1986)
Obit notices in the Religious Herald, Richmond, VA, with dates of publication (a Baptist Journal):
Hansford Dade Duncan (Rev.), June 17, 1875. (MAD: Barnwell Co. SC)
According to Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist, in his "Counties in SC" (FHL film 954,248, and from Louis Boone)
Extinct counties after the Revolution included:
Winton County. After 1790 it was reformed and named Barnwell County. Records in Barnwell.
Marriage and death notices from newspapers have been abstracted and published in the following books and periodicals:
"SC Historical Magazine" Vol.41, 1940, pg.131, and Vol.42, 1941, pg.78, from City Gazette of Charleston, SC (FHL book 975.7 B2s)
"Marriage and Death Notices from Columbia SC Newspapers 1792-1839" by Brent H. Holcomb, 1982 (FHL book 975.771 V2h)
"Marriages and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer, 1827-1845" by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.7915 V29h)
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" Vol.V, pg.253 (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983; FHL book 975.7 B2sc)
"AL Records; Newspapers" Vol.148, Southern Advocate, Huntsville, AL, by Pauline Gandrud (FHL book 976.1 D29ja)
"GA Gene. Magazine" #22, July 1966 (from Evelyn Sigler 1984)
"Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Patriot [Charleston, SC], 1815-1830" Vol.I, by Theresa E. Wilson & Janice L. Grimes, 1982 (FHL book 975.7915 V2w)
"Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of SC, 1835-1865" by Brent H. Holcomb, 1981 (FHL book 975.7 V2hbm)
"SC Marriages from DAR Lineages" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,235)
"SC Marriage Records, Ann Pamela Cuningham Chapter" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,225)
"SC Misc. Records" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,234)
Published genealogies on Duncan families in Barnwell Co. SC include:
"Documented Notes on Jennings and Allied Families" by Beatrice Mackey Doughtie, 1961. This book lists many decendants of Joseph Duncan who married Hannah Jennings in Fauquier Co. VA and moved to Barnwell Co. SC, and includes extracts of source documents. (FHL book 929.273 J441d)
"Our Family Circle" by Annie Elizabeth Miller, pub. by J.W. Burke Co., 1931; pg.431, Rev. Hansford Duncan (from Brenda Furches 8/1986) (FHL fiche 6,104,948)
"SC DAR Records" SC DAR, pgs.78-80, Bellinger-Bull-Duncan families (FHL film 928,527 item 9)
"Kirkland Source Book of Records" by Mae Ruth Green; Vol.1, pt.2; Vol.2, pt.3; does not include a genealogy of Duncans but includes source documents on the Kirkland family, some of which mention a Duncan. (FHL book 929.273 K635b and also on film)
Many Barnwell Co. SC records have been abstracted by the SC DAR and microfilmed; the index to these records is on FHL fiche 6,052,835.
"Winton (Barnwell) Co. SC, Minutes of the County Court and Will Book 1, 1785-1791" by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas Jr. 1978, copyright assigned to Brent H. Holcomb 1989 (FHL book 975.776 P2ha)
This volume includes references to Joseph Duncan in the County Court Minutes from 1788 to 1790.
"Biographical Directory of the SC House of Representatives" Vol.V, 1816-1828; ed. by Alexander Moore, 1992 (FHL book 975.7 D34b v.5)
MAD: Pages 75-76 give an extensive biography, with sources, for Willis Jennings Duncan, (born 5 June 1788 in Fauquier Co. VA, son of Captain Joseph Duncan and Hannah Jennings, died 1841), brother of Joseph George Washington Duncan and William M. Duncan. This source gives his first and second marriage and names his ten children.
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