Duncan research files of |
1790-1830 Providence Co. RI Census No Duncan indexed 1840 Providence Co. RI Census Cranston Pg. 81 William Duncan Free colored Providence Pg.391 Alexander Duncan 0110,11 - 1200,5100,01
1850 Providence Co. RI Census
Pg.213, #553-554, William DUNCAN 40 RI (blank) $400 BLACK
Dorcas 49 RI BLACK
Pg.34, #150, John D. CRANSTON & family & others
Margaret DUNCAN 25 IRE
Providence Ward 1
Pg.70, #1208, Alexander DUNCAN 44 SCT manufacturer
Sarah 44 RI
William B. 20 RI
Sarah 17, David 14 RI
& others
(MAD: Alexander Duncan was naturalized 3/2/1827 in City of New York, was also in records of Ontario Co. NY and New Haven Co. CT; mar. Sarah Butler 10/11/1827 New Haven Co. CT; lived Providence, RI; from pgs.211-218 of "New England Historic & Genealogical Register" by New England Hist. Gen. Society" Vol.CXL, July, 1986, from Mary Louise Craven 12/1986; this source should be consulted about their family. Their son William Butler Duncan mar. Jane Percy Sargent 11/22/1853 in New Orleans, LA, and was involved in land transactions in several states.)
Pg.121, #131-224, Ann DENCAN 47 IRE
Ann 15, Patrick 12 IRE
Providence Ward 5
Pg.325, #545, Michael DUNCAN 23 IRE laborer
Catherine 20 IRE
Martin F. 5/12 RI
Michael McCORMICK 30 IRE laborer
Pg.356, #1086, David PARMANTER 41 RI (blank)
Maria 38 RI
Providence Ward 6
Pg.495, #2043, Charles P. DUNKAM 24 RI livery stable
Harriet 28 RI
1860 Providence Co. RI Census
Pg.225, #112-135, Michael DUNKIN 35 IRE day laborer $0-$100
Catharine 25 IRE
Ann M. 8, Charles 3 RI
Frank J. 2, Joseph H. 3/12 RI
Pg.261, #616-694, Wm. DUNCAN 58 GA ("Georgia") MULATTO (blank) $500-$1000
Dorcas 60 CT MULATTO
No. Providence
Pg.370, #639-1014, Charles DUNCAN 25 SCT dyer $0-$0
Catherine 25 SCT
Benja. PALLETSON? 35 IRE farmer
Mary 31 IRE
Samuel 7, James 5 NY
William 3, Robert 1 RI
Smithfield 2nd & 3rd
Pg.410, #334-645, John MACAN 47 IRE weaver & family
& many others including
William DUNCAN 59 SCT farmer
Providence Ward 3
Pg.234, #201-324, William H. DUNCAN 42 ME jeweller $0-$200
Josephine L. 26 RI
Mary Anna 4, Eudora J.(f) 2 RI
Pg.255, #393-639, John F. DELAMORE 23 IRE gardener $0-$300 m/in/year
Mary E. 25 IRE m/in/year
Catharine DUNCAN 12 MA
Pg.282 - indexed Catharine DUNCAN, actually Catharine DUNN, not copied
Providence Ward 1
Pg.183, #543?-915, Walter DUNCAN 30 ENG farmer $0-$0
Ellen (f) 19 IRE operative
Owen WELSH 21 IRE laborer
Pg.231, #1069-1734, John WORSLEY 57 ENG machinest $0-$0
Lydia 50 RI
Benjamin F. 21 MA druggist
Charles 18 RI clerk
Lydia J. 27 MA (MAD: age as given)
Clara B. 16 RI
Catherine DUNCAN 23 MA
Stittinan WHITE 27 RI brass moulder $0-$300
Pg.240, #1175-1876, Alexander DUNCAN 55 SCT banker $47,700-$1,150,000
Sarah B. 55 RI
Alexander L. 9, Adele G. 8 SCT
servants, governess, etc.
Pg.240, #1176-1877, Friends Boarding School, incl.
Robert H. DUNCAN 25 NH teacher
(MAD: 1870 Orange Co. VT census)
Providence Ward 2
Pg.32, #342-402, Thomas DUNCAN 40 IRE gardener $0-$0
Julia 30 IRE
Michael ROUKE 25 IRE jeweler
Timothy 20 IRE gardener
Patrick SULLIVAN 25 IRE clerk
Providence Ward 5
Pg.147c, #917-1313, Edward DRENEN? 18 PA laborer
& other laborers
1870 Providence Co. RI Census
N. Providence, 1st Voting District
Pg.388, #838-137, Boarding school under charge of the Sisters of Mercy
adults include
DEUNAN?, Augusta (f) 39 New BRunswick, parents of foreign birth
N. Providence, 2nd Voting District
Pg.484-485, #755-1367, Boarding house, includes many men
DUNSON, William 27 ENG wool weaver, parents of foreign birth
Pg.502, #956-1624, SWAN, Stephen B. 46 RI (white) farmer $10,000-$6,500?
Anne J. 44 RI keeps house
Olivia V?. (f) 21 RI at home
Laura G. 18 RI at home
Zachariah A. (m) 15 RI at home
EDDY, George E. 32 RI (white) teamster
GILES, Moses 31 ME (white) teamster
ARNOLD, Edwin 15 RI (white) works on farm
DUNCAN, Gabriel 25 AL BLACK farm laborer
MOORE, John 40 AL BLACK farm laborer
DOHERTY, William 25 IRE (white) farm laborer, parents of foreign birth
Smithfield, Districts 2 and 3
Pg.731, #469-689, DUGAL, James 59 ENG works in machine shop $5000-$0, parents of foreign birth
Susanna 62? ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Susanna 24 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
EDMUNDSON, Thos. 40 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
DANSON, Abbie (f) 28 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
THOMAS, William 56 ENG at home, parents of foreign birth
MILLS, Henry 26 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
GALAGAN?, William 20 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
BRURLY, Charles 30 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
WRIGHT, Mark 30 ENG works in cotton mill, parents of foreign birth
Pg.19, #180-313, HAGGERTEY, Jane 26 IRE keeping house $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Joseph 4 MA parents of foreign birth
CLARK, William 23 IRE shoe maker, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Kate 28 IRE (blank), parents of foreign birth
Pg.42, #364-758, DUNKAN, Joseph 33 ENG machinist $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 33 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Anna 11, James 9 ENG parents of foreign birth
Joseph J. 5, Charles W. 3 RI, parents of foreign birth
John A. 1 RI, parents of foreign birth
Providence City, Ward 1
Pg.173, #944-1611, DUNCAN, Gabriel 24 VA BLACK laborer $0-$0
Frances (f) 20 VA BLACK keeping house
William 3 MA BLACK
Amanda 1 RI BLACK
HARRIS?, Beverly (m) 32 VA BLACK laborer
Pg.217, #1382-2388, DUNCAN, David 32 RI (white) banker $0-$275,000, father of foreign birth
Fanny 31 RI keeping house
Sarah 10 RI
William B. 8 RI
BLOODGOOD, Karry (m) 32 RI cotton broker $0-$1300
O'GARRA, Delia 26 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
McMAHON, Eliza 48 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
SCOTT, Grace 29 SCT domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
ARMSTRONG, Jane 38 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
ROBINSON, Duncan (m) 30 ENG domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
DARWEN, James 23 SCT domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
McLAUGHLIN, Thomas 20 RI domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
REDDING, Mary 29 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
LYONS, Bridget 25 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
Pg.231, #1411-2580, State Prison (starts pg.229)
County Jail (starts pg.230, no new household number)
DUNCAN, John 61 SCT works on shoes, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: many prisoners "works on shoes")
Providence City, Ward 3
Pg.375, #735-1436, DUNCAN, Wm. H. 52 ME laborer $0-$0
Josephine L. 36 RI keeping house
Marianna (f) 14 RI at school
Eudora I. (f) 12 RI at school
Lizzie C. (f) 9 RI
Providence City, Ward 5
Pg.22, #267-382, REYNOLDS, Gean? (m) 43? MA (white) cigar manfctr. $0-$5000
Ellen 37 RI keeping house
DUNCAN, Mary A. 40 Nova Scotia keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pg.30, #380-521, JONES, Francis M. (f) 56 NY keeping house $0-$0
DOYLE, Sarah E. 41? (42?) RI (blank) $0-$150, parents of foreign birth
Charlotte D?. (f) 34 RI (blank) $0-$150, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Margt. 26 IRE servant, parents of foreign birth
Providence City, Ward 7
Pg.254, #923-1363, DENKEN, Eugene (m) 49 IRE carpenter $2500-$150, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 49 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Eugene Jr. (m) 19 RI app. photographer, parents of foreign birth
Ellen 20 RI at home, parents of foreign birth
Mary 13 RI at school, parents of foreign birth
Providence City, Ward 9
Pg.403, #396-540, DUNCAN, Dorcas 74 RI MULATTO keeping house $3000-$0
NASON?, Samuel T. 53 RI MULATTO teamster
Louisa 39 RI MULATTO at home
Pg.464, #1127-1589, DUNCAN, William 40 IRE machinist $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Nancy 26 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, William, widow Duncan, Nancy; I 14 R.I. H.A., I 11 US C. H.A.; 1868 Oct. 30, Invalid Appl. #136616, Cert. #361409; 1898 Sept. 15, Widow Appl. #682957, no cert., NJ. (MAD: ?? 1870 Providence Co. RI, age 40 IRE, she age 26 IRE)
Duncan, William Butler; Lieutenant, 1878-1884, 1898-1898, 1917-1919; 1926 Sept. 30, Invalid Appl. #1556472, Law M/26?, Cert. #A-3-25-27, NY; remarks died Mar. 30, 1932, New York, NY. (dark card) (MAD: 1850 Providence Co. RI census)
Duncan, William H.; E 5 R.I. Inf.; 1863 March 14, Invalid Appl. #13573, no cert. (MAD: "Resided in Providence")
Go to the Providence Co. RI References from other Localities
"The early records of the town of Providence [Rhode Island]" by Henry Lane2, John Whipple Jun, Francis Brinley; pub. Providence: Snow & Farnham, city printers, 1892-1915, 6346 pgs. (PS309, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 974.52 N2pr and film 1,697,639 item 11; and FHL film 418,109 and 481,073 item 1 and 496,573 & later)
Vol.9, pg.98: Subscribers, Officers, Seamen and those who have purchased shares, together with the owners of the sloop Reprisal, ... appoint John Andrews agent to settle the money ... 9th February 22nd year of the Reign of our Soverign Lord George the Second King of Great Brittain &c A.D. 1748, /s/ ... Robt. Duncan for Richard Bland, 1 Sh. (Seal) ... (MAD: many others)
Vol.18, pg.189: June 12, 1865, resolved, that the gift of Alexander Duncan to the Commissioners of the North Burying Ground of the sum of $1000 in trust, the income thereof to be applied ... to the preservation and care of the lots of said Duncan in the North Burying Ground be and the same is hereby accepted by the City Council. Passed June 12, 1865. (City Council Records No.5, page 279) (MAD: pg.399, list of "gifts" of many people, and "resolution accepting" - index)
Vol.19, pg.311: December 27, 1899. No. 481. Resolution accepting the gift of Sarah M.F. Duncan of $230 to the North Burial Ground Fund. (Approved December 27, 1899) Resolved, that the gift of Sarah M.F. Duncan of the sum of $230 to the Commissioners of the North Burial Ground, in trust, the income thereof to be applied ... to the preservation and care of the burial lot standing in the name of Elizabeth Greene in said ground, be and the same is hereby accepted under the name of the Elizabeth Greene fund. (Resolutions of the City Council No. 481, 1899.) (MAD: list of gifts of many people, pg.402)
"An account of the churches in Rhode Island" by Henry Jackson; pub. Providence: G.H. Whitney, 1854, 135 pgs.; FHL title: "An account of the churches in Rhode Island : presented at an adjourned session of the twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Rhode Island Baptist State Convention, Providence, November 8, 1853" (LH4265, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL fiche 6,071,198)
Pg.77: The following gentlemen constitute the government of Brown University, 1853-4. Board of Fellows: ... Hon. James H. Duncan, A.M. Alexander Duncan, A.M. ...
"The history of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" by Thomas Williams Bicknell; pub. New York: American Historical Society, 1920, 3211 pgs. (LH9955, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL film 1,000,579)
Vol.4 pg.190-191: George Holmes Brayton, son of Francis Brayton and Agnes Lake, was born at Fall River, Mass., July 18, 1838, now a retired resident of Providence, R.I. ... Mr. Brayton married, in Providence, in 1872, Maria Louise Crowell, born in Providence, daughter of Anthony and Hannah (Duncan) Crowell. Mrs. Brayton died in March, 1893. Anthony Crowell was a member of the firm, Nichols & Crowell, shipping merchants of Providence, he coming to that city at the age of 17 and there residing until his death in 1899 at the age of 77. Anthony and Hannah (Duncan) Crowell were the parents of children: Freeman W., who died in 1917 ...; Maria Louise, married George Holmes Brayton; Modena F., married Charles Bradford Baird, ...
Vol.6 pg.3-4: ALBERT GALLATIN SPRAGUE, son of Ebenezer and Dinah (Williams) Sprague, was born July 20, 1804, in Johnston, R.I. Early in life he removed to Providence, ... On November 22, 1859, Dr. Sprague married Ellen T. Duncan, daughter of Charles and Tryphosa (Lakin) Duncan, of North Brookfield, Mass. ... Dr. Albert Gallatin Sprague died at his home, August 1, 1908. (MAD: North Brookfield, Worcester Co. MA)
Vol.6, pg.4-5: The DUNCAN Line. Arms - Gules on a chevron between two cinquefoils argent in chief and a hunting horn of the same in base, viruled and stringed azure three buckles of the last. Crest - A greyhound issuant proper, collared or. Motto - Vivat veritas. (Let truth endure).
The Duncan family for several centuries has been one of the foremost in Scotland, and is believed to be of ancient Norse origin. Centuries before the adoption of surnames, Duncan was popular with the Scotch as a baptismal name, and Scottish history records two kings of the name in the eleventh century, Duncan I and Duncan II. Duncan I is chiefly known through his connection with Macbeth, which has been immortalized by Shakespeare. The feud between these two princes originated probably over succession to the throne; its details, however, are obscure, and the only fact which can be ascertained with any authenticity is that Duncan was slain by Macbeth in 1040. The family has long been prominent in Forfareshire, Scotland, and holds the earldoms of Camperdown, Gleneagles and Lundie, the viscountcy of Duncan and the barony of Lundie. Numerous families of the tide of emigration to the North of Ireland in the seventeenth century, and their descendants dissatisfied with conditions civil and religious in Ulster and the northern counties in the beginning and middle decades of the eighteenth century, sought the American Colonies, and became the founders here of families which have figured prominently in New England history. William Duncan, founder of the family herein under consideration, was a Scotchman of family, and of education. The exact circumstances attending his coming to New England are not known. He became the progenitor of a numerous family, whose sons have represented the highest type of useful manhood, and have figured prominently in the affairs of the communities in which they have resided.
(I) William Duncan, first of the direct line of whom we have definite information, was born in Dudley, Mass., June 4, 1784. He married Annice Morse, at Charlton, Mass., May 3, 1808. She was born there on January 30, 1789, and died at North Brookfield, Mass., November 15, 1857. William and Annice (Morse) Duncan were the parents of the following children: 1. William, born in Worcester, Mass., Jan. 10, 1810, died at Paxton, Mass., July 23, 1811. 2. Charles, mentioned below. 3. William (2), born in Paxton, Mass., Dec. 14, 1812; married Nancy Prouty, May 10, 1838; died April 24, 1873. 4. Angeline, born in Paxton, April 6, 1815; married Pliny Knight Howe, Nov. 30, 1837; died Jan. 22, 1875. 5. James, born in Paxton, July 21, 1818; married Hannah Augusta Newton, April 15, 1841; died Jan. 12, 1890. 6. Almira, born Feb. 8, 1820; married John Prouty, April 15, 1841; died May 2, 1842. 7. Timothy Mason, born in Paxton, Nov. 10, 1821; married Mary Ann Cary, April 13, 1843. 8. Caroline, born Dec. 6, 1824; married Edward Marshall Wheeler, M.D., Oct. 11, 1842. 9. Emily, born April 2, 1827; married Leonard Lincoln Pierce, April 18, 1850; died Jan. 18, 1876. 10. Annice Louisa, born Sept. 2, 1829; married Ivory L. Ellis, June 28, 1848; died April 8, 1849. 11. Sarah Clarke, born March 14, 1832; married Ivory L. Ellis, as his second wife, at Thompson, Conn., June 12, 1850. 12. Leonard Clarke, born June 5, 1834; married Mary Amanda Brewer, Oct. 4, 1855. William Duncan died at his home in North Brookfield, Mass., July 13, 1857.
(II) Charles Duncan, son of William and Annice (Morse) Duncan, was born in the town of Paxton, Mass., July 27, 1811. He married, at Paxton, Mass., May 11, 1836, Tryphosa Lakin, who was born in Paxton, July 15, 1811, and died at Worcester, Mass., December 31, 1874, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (Shipley) Lakin. (See Lakin IV). They were the parents of the following children: 1. Harlan Page, born in North Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 31, 1837; married Huldah Ann Strong, April 13, 1859. 2. Ellen Tryphosa, mentioned below. 3. Charles Henry, born Aug. 10, 1842, died Sept. 20, 1842. 4. Emma Frances, mentioned below.
(III) Ellen Tryphosa Duncan, daughter of Charles and Tryphosa (Lakin) Duncan, was born in North Brookfield, Mass., March 2, 1840. She married Dr. Albert Gallatin Sprague, Jr., at North Brookfield, November 22, 1859. (See Sprague VIII). Mrs. Sprague, who survives her husband, resides at the beautiful Sprague home at River Point, R.I.
(III) Emma Frances Duncan, daughter of Charles and Tryphosa (Lakin) Duncan, was born in North Brookfield, Mass., March 11, 1845. She married Theodore Cornelius Bates, at North Brookfield, December 24, 1868. Mrs. Bates now makes her home in Worcester, Mass. She is widely known and for many years has been a prominent figure in the Society of Daughters of the American Revolution in Massachusetts.
Pg.5: The LAKIN Line. ... The first entry of the name Lakin in American Colonial registers occurs in the year 1747, in the records of the town of Pepperell, Mass., Book "B," page 61. Robertson Lakin, the first of the name to emigrate to America, settled in Pepperell, at a date unknown, and became the founder there of a family which has since figured prominently in local affairs. Tryphosa Lakin, who became the wife of Charles Duncan, and mother of Mrs. Albert Gallatin Sprague, Jr., and Mrs. Theodore C. Bates, was a descendant in the fourth generation of Robertson Lakin, founder of the family in America. .... (IV) Tryphosa Lakin, daughter of Nathaniel and Hannah (Shipley) Lakin, was born in Paxton, Mass., July 15, 1811. She married Charles Duncan, at Paxton, Mass., May 11, 1836, and died in Worcester, Mass., December 31, 1874. (See Duncan II)
"History of Providence County, Rhode Island" by David Jefferies; ed. by Richard M. Bayles; pub. New York: W.W. Preston & Co., 1891, 1620 pgs. (LH10693, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 974.51 H2b and film 1,697,535 items 1-2)
Vol.1, pg.423-424: ... Ray Hall (part of hospital) was completed in 1875, being the joint gift of Alexander Duncan and Robert H. Ives, and was named in honor of Doctor Isaac Ray, ... About 1876 late additions were made to the north wing, ... the greater part of this expense was met by the generous gift made by Alexander Duncan, Esq., as a memorial to his son, who had recently died. In recognition of this generous gift, the name David Duncan Ward was given to the new building.
Vol.2, pg.400-401: Benoni Hawkins, son of Elisha and Rhody C. (Comstock) Hawkins, was born in 1844 in Coventry, R.I., ... came to Woonsocket in 1870, ... He married for his first wife Lillie G., daughter of Leander Duncan, of Stafford, Conn. In 1884 he married his present wife, Elizabeth A., daughter of Thomas Mills, of Scotland. (MAD: Stafford, Tolland Co. CT)
"Men of progress : biographical sketches and portraits of leaders in business and professional life in the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations" compiled under supervision of Richard Herndon, ed. by Alfred M. Williams and William F. Blanding; pub. Boston: New England magazine, 1896, 303 pgs. (LH11986, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 974.5 D3m and film 1,033,787 item 5)
Pg.66: SPRAGUE, ALBERT GALLATIN, M.D., ... born in Providence, November 22, 1836, son of Albert G. and Mary (Fiske) Sprague. ... married, November 22, 1859, to Miss Ellen T. Duncan of North Brookfield, Mass.; they had two children; Albert D. and Mary E.D. Sprague, both deceased. (MAD: North Brookfield, Worcester Co. MA)
1881 "The Biographical Cyclopedia of Representative Men of Rhode Island" pub. 1881 Providence, by National Biographical Publishing Co., 2 Vols. (FHL film 1,730,859; SLC 6/18/2008)
Pg.316: DUNCAN, Alexander, born May 26, 1805, youngest son of Alexander Duncan, of Parkhill, Arbroath, Scotland, and Jessie (Scott) Duncan, daughter of Patrick Scott, of Rossie, Scotland. He came to the United States by the packet ship "Amity," from Liverpool in the year 1822. His first residence in the United States was in Canandaigua, New York, with the Hon. John Greig. Mr. Duncan's father, who was in the East India Company's service in 1797, visited America on his way to England from India, and made considerable purchases of lands in the far West. In 1825 the subject of this sketch entered Yale College, and graduated in 1828. Subsequently he studied law in Canandaigua. In 1827 he became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and after a short visit to England was married, October 11, 1827, to Sarah, only daughter of Samuel Butler, and niece of Cyrus Butler, of Providence, Rhode Island. He was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the State of New York as an attorney and subsequently as counsellor. In 1837 he removed to Sodus Bay, on Lake Ontario, a property in which he was interested. In 1839, on the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. William Butler, he removed with his family to Providence, and for about eleven years was associated with Mr. Cyrus Butler. Mr. Duncan always evinced much public spirit, especially in everything that concerned the interest of the city of Providence, and was an active member of many literary societies, and of the fire and military organizations of the City and State. He became soon after its organization President of the Providence & Worcester Railroad Company, in the construction of which he took an active and personal part. At the opening of the Civil War, Mr. Duncan, who then and always has belonged to the Democratic party, hoped for conciliation, and served for this end at the Peace Convention called prior to Mr. Lincoln's becoming President. This attempt, however, was futile, and when the war broke upon the country none was more loyal or faithful to the Union, or more confident in the ultimate results. In 1863 Mr. Duncan, primarily on account of his health, removed to England, where he now resides, having an estate in Leicestershire and a house in London. He annually, however, visits the United States, and continues to evince an interest in the welfare of Rhode Island, as is shown by the liberality with which he has from time to time contributed to its public institutions, notably Butler Asylum, which was itself founded by Mr. Butler in conjunction with Hon. Nicholas Brown, to which institution he has given large sums, and lately has added the important ward known as the "David Duncan Ward," named for his deceased son, which ward has been erected at a cost of $30,000. He has also contributed to the Rhode Island Hospital and to Brown University, as well as to many of the minor charities. In the management of his Rhode Island property and that of his wife and family, he has shown great public spirit in the substantial character of the improvements which he has built thereupon. His present family consists of his son William Butler, his daughter Sarah, married to Sir Robert Hay, Bart.; his son Alexander, and his daughter, Adele Granger, who married Mr. Hamilton Stubber, of Ireland. His son David, whose two children still survive him, died in 1870. Mr. Duncan retired from active business in 1860.
"The early records of the town of Portsmouth" (anonymous); pub. Providence, R.I.: E.L. Freeman & Sons, state printers, 1901, 474 pgs. (PS292, HeritageQuest images 5/2007)
Pg.296-297: William Duncan on coroner's jury, 25 August 1692.
"History of the town of Cornish, New Hampshire : with genealogical record, 1763-1910" (Sullivan Co.) by Wm. H. Child; pub. Concord, N.H.: Rumford Press, 1911?, 905 pgs. (LH8956, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 974.275/C1 H2c v.1&2 and film 1,000,207 items 1-2 and 1,036,486 items 7-8 and book 974.275/C1 H2c 1975)
Vol.2, pg.30: BLANCHARD. Dr. John Sabine Blanchard was the son of Robert and Jemima (Chapman) Blanchard. He was b. Aug. 10, 1805, in Canaan. Having prepared himself for his profession as a physician he located and first began his practice at Cornish Flat in 1829. He continued there until about 1843, when he rem. to Meriden, where he still continued in practice, as his health would permit, until his death Aug. 26, 1861. Nov. 8, 1832, he m. Louisa Jackson of Cornish, dau. of Judge Eleazer and Lois (Corbin) Jackson, b. Jan. 6, 1813, d. May 17, 1872. Children, all b. in Cornish: 1. Evelyn Louisa, b. Oct. 17, 1834. Graduated Kimball Union Academy in 1853. Spent several years teaching in Ill. and Mass. City missionary for three years on the Congregational board in Boston. She m. ---- Duncan of ----. Resides in Pawtucket, R.I. ... (MAD: other children not copied) (MAD: Pawtucket, Providence Co. RI)
"Who's who in New York City and State : a biographical dictionary of contemporaries." (anonymous); pub. New York: W.F. Brainard, 1911, 1035 pgs. (LH11427, HeritageQuest images 6/2007; FHL film 2,055,148 item 9)
DUNCAN, WILLIAM BUTLER : Railway official; b. Edinburgh, Scotland, March 17, 1830; s. Alexander and Sarah (Butler) Duncan, of Providence, R.I.; ed. in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Brown Univ., A.B., 1850; m. New Orleans, Nov. 22, 1853, Jane P. Sargent; children: A. Butler, Jessie Percy (Mrs. Wilton Phipps), Mary (Mrs. Paul Dana). Was pres., 1874-88, and since 1889 has been chm'n B'd of Directors, Mobile & Ohio R.R. Co.; also director Southern & Atlantic Telegraph Co., U.S. Guarantee Co., etc.; vice-prees. Chamber of Commerce; mem. Nat. Acad. Design, Brown Univ. Alumni, Met. Museum of Art, Am. Mus. Nat. History. Clubs: Union, Players, Lawyers, Manhattan, N.Y. Yacht, Racquet, Whist. Residence: 1 Fifth Av. Address: 80 Broadway, N.Y. City.
1867 "Sketches of the alumni of Dartmouth college: from the first graduation in 1771 to the present time, with a brief history of the institution" by George Thomas Chapman; pub. by Riverside press, 1867 (Google book, 8/25/2009)
MAD: "Ms" is "Massachusetts" Dartmouth College, Hanover, Grafton Co. New Hampshire
Appendix. Pg.486. 1857. Robert H. Duncan. He married E. Vining at East Randolph, Ms, Oct. 18, 1864. (MAD: ? see 1860 Providence, RI, and 1870 Orange Co. VT)
"New York Times" New York, New York, 28 Apr 1882 (from Kathy D. Cawley 10/2006)
Obituary. STUBBER.- On Tuesday, the 25th, in London, ADELE GRANGER, wife of ROBERT HAMILTON STUBBER, ESQ., of Moyne, Queens County, Ireland, and youngest daughter of ALEXANDER DUNCAN, ESQ., of Providence, Rhode Island.
"New York Times" New York, New York, 10 Apr 1883 (from Kathy D. Cawley 10/2006)
Obituary. DUNCAN.- Suddenly, at Baltimore, Md., on Sunday, April 8 [1883], SARAH, daughter of the late DAVID DUNCAN and granddaughter of ALEXANDER DUNCAN, of Providence, R.I. Notice of funeral hereafter.
"New York Times" New York, New York, 15 Oct 1889 (from Kathy D. Cawley 10/2006)
OBITUARY NOTES. ALEXANDER DUNCAN, the father of WILLIAM DUNCAN of this city, died yesterday at North House, Putney, near London, England, aged eighty-five years. He was a native of Scotland, but emigrated to this country in 1821, when only sixteen years of age. Soon after he entered Yale College, and after graduating became naturalized and went to reside at Canandaigua, N.Y., where he took up the practice of law. He married in 1827 SARAH BUTLER of Providence, who died Dec. 26, 1888, aged eighty-three years. For the past thirty years most of his time has been spent in England, although he made yearly visits to the United States. He was a Democrat in politics and, although a member of the Peace Conference before the war, was a firm supporter of the war for the preservation of the Union. He leaves three surviving children. (MAD: Providence, RI; New York, NY)
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