Duncan research files of |
Allegheny Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/3/2011 and 9/28-29/2011)
5-70/71: Andrew McClure of Allegheny Co. PA, storekeeper, for $335.20 at the execution hereof by Robert Barges merchant and William Duncan broker of the City of Philadelphia, sell to said Robert Barges and William Duncan the said Andrew McClure's right, title, interest, (etc.) to three tracts of pieces of land in District No.3 on the waters of Scrub Grass Creek on the NW side of the Allegheny River in Allegheny Co., one of them bounded by lands surveyed in the names of Robert Johnston, Nathanial Points and William Foreman containing 303 acres and 151 perches and allowance surveyed in the name of James Cummings in pursuance of an improvement made on the tract and the said James Cummings by deed 16 Jan. 1796 conveyed the same to said Andrew McClure; another of said tracts bounded by lands of said Robert Johnston and Nathaniel Points and William Points containing 400 acres and allowance surveyed in the name of Luke Points in pursuance of an improvement made on the same tract and the said Luke Points by deed 6 May 1795 conveyed the same to William McMillan who by assignment endorsed on the deed dated 16 Jan. 1796 signed the same to said Andrew McClure; and the other of the tracts bounded by the said Nathaniel Points and William Foremans land containing 200 acres and allowance surveyed in the name of John Barker in pursuance of an improvement and the said John Barker by deed 16 Jan. 1796 conveyed the same to the said Andrew McClure, together with all appurtenances, the 3 tracts granted to said Robert Bargis and William Duncan in "moitties" as tenants in common and not as joint tenants subject to the payment of the purchase money, the said Andrew McClure promises that 3/4 parts of the above tracts are tillable and the whole thereof well watered and timbered and that no survey or improvement has been made on any of the tracts prior or since the above improvements and surveys made by and for the said John Barker, James Cummings and Luke Points nor have any warrants been granted, warrant title. /s/ Andrew McClure. Wit. Penns? McBradley, Haream Mapur. Robert Burges and William Duncan paid $335. 1 March 1796, Andrew McClure appeared before Tho. McKean. Recorded June 14, 1796. (FHL film 1,497,864; SLC 6/3/2011)
6-169: 15 Aug. 1796, William Alexander the patentee within named for $220 PA money paid by William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Merchant, sell to William Duncan the tract of land in the Third District of Donation land and the lot marked in the plans numbered 24, formerly in Westmoreland Co. now in Allegheny Co. PA, containing 300 acres by the within patent ... /s/ Wm. Alexander, wit. Fredk. Shult, Wm. Marshall Jr. Wm. Alexander appeared 15 Aug. 1796 before Keynold Keen, one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia Co. Recorded 18 Oct. 1796. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 6/3/2011)
6-170/171: 20 Aug. 1796, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, merchant, and Mary his wife, to Wilson Hunt of said City of Philadelphia, merchant, for 90 pounds PA money paid, sell all the tract of land in Third District of Donation land and the lot marked in the plan thereof number 24 formerly in Westmoreland Co. now in Allegheny Co., beginning ... lot 25, lot 647, lot 23, lot 27, containing 300 acres by patent (etc.) /s/ Wm. Duncan, Mary Duncan. Wit. Thos. E. Wilson, Isaac Howell. They appeared before Isaac Howell 20 Aug. 1796. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 6/3/2011)
7-118: 5 April 1797, We, Peter Sowerman and Margery his wife and Martin Sowerman and Rosina his wife, they the said Peter and Martin being the only children and issue of Philip Sowerman and the within named patentee Mary Sowerman his wife who since died intestate, for the sum of $100 paid by William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, have sold to said William Duncan the tract of land formerly in Westmoreland Co. now in Allegheny Co. in the first district of Donation Lands, being lot marked in the general plan thereof No.96 containing 200 acres granted said Mary Sowerman in trust, warrant title. /s/ Martin Sowerman, Rosannah Sowerman, Peter Sowerman, (blank for 4th signature), wit. Frederick Becker, Geo. Ihrie. Peter Sowerman and Martin Sowerman and Rosina his wife appeared 5 April 1797 before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 6/3/2011)
7-121/122: 16 March 1797, Allexander Power of City of Philadelphia, Broker, and wife Margaret, to William Duncan of said City of Philadelphia, Broker, for $135 paid, land in Allegheny Co. formerly in Westmoreland Co. PA in First District of Donation lands, beg. at a post & black oak the numbered corner, then South by Lot No.172 170 perches to a post and sugar then east by lot No.174 261-1/2 perches to a post and hickory, then north by lot No.170 170 perches to a post and white oak then west by lot No.1760 (sic) 261-1/2 perches to the beginnng, containing 250 acres and allowance of 6 percent for roads &c, numbered CLXXI (MAD: 171), being the same tract patent 12 Oct. 1786 to Mary Kaighn widow of Michael Kaighn and the said Mary with Nicholas Fitzpatrick her husband assigned to afsd Allexander Power in fee, together with all improvements, etc., (warrant title) /s/ Allexander Power, Margaret Power. Wit. John McDonald, Danl. Grant. Receipt of moneys, wit. Martha Knight. Allexander and Margaret Power appeared before Isaac Howell, 18 March 1797. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-125/126: 1 June 1796, John Thome Jr. of Lebanon, Dauphin Co. PA, for 5 shillings paid by William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, sell to said William Duncan the parcel of land in Allegheny Co. late within Westmoreland in state of PA being in third district of Donation lands numbered No.455, corner Lot No.454, 44, 456, and 447, containing 200 acres, No.455 which was granted to Andrew Snider in fee simple by patent 24 May 1787 who endorsed the patent 5 May 1796 and conveyed it to said John Thome in fee, (sell) to William Duncan, warrant title. /s/ John Thome. Wit. Wm. P. Beaty, Geo. Buckler. John Thome Junr. appeared 1 June 1796 before Isaac Howell, one of the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for Philadelphia Co. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-129/130: 21 March 1797, Alexander Power of City of Philadelphia, PA, broker and Margaret his wife, to William Duncan of said City, Broker, for $112, paid, sell land situate at present in Allegheny Co. formerly in Westmoreland Co., in third district of donation Lands, beg. numbered corner, then east by district No.4 130 perches to a white oak, then south by Lot No.4, ... Lot No.470, Lot No.468, to the beginning, containing 200 acres, numbered CCCCLXXI patented 24 March 1787 to Catherine Acterman who granted to Abraham Cornile in fee who deeded 11 May 1796 to John Stoy in fee who on 17 Feb. last granted same to above Allexander Power in fee, ... warrant title. /s/ Allexander Power, Margaret Power. Wit. John McDonald, Daniel Grant. Receipt for $112 /s/ Alexander Power, wit. Jno. Duncan. Alexander Power appeared 18 March 1797 before Isaac Howell Esq. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797.
George Taylor, the grantee in the within written indenture, for 5 shillings paid by William Duncan of the City of Philadelphia, merchant, sell the tract of land in Allegheny Co., PA, Lot 663 in the fourth District of Donation Lands, containing 200 acres, warrant title, 27 Sept. 1796. /s/ George Taylor. Wit. James Biddle, John Smith. Receipt for payment wit. Left. Thos. Jones. George Taylor appeared 29 Sept. 1796 before James Biddle, Esq., Pres. of Court of Common Pleas of first district. Rec. Aug. 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-137/138: 18 March 1797, Aron Van Cleve Junr, the grantee within named, and Elizabeth his wife, for $150 paid, sell to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia land formerly in Westmoreland now in Allegheny Co. in 4th district of Donation lands, being lot No.750 containing 200 acres, which William Bonham granted to said Aron Van Cleve. Warrant title. /s/ A.V.CLEVE Jr., Elizabeth Van Cleve. Wit. Joseph Scott, Ebenr. Clary? (Ceary?). Aron Van Cleve Junr. and wife Elizabeth appeared 20 March 1797 before James Biddle. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-140/142: 18 March 1796, Aron Van Cleve Junior of City of Philadelphia, Gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, to William Duncan of same place, Merchant, for $300 paid, sell two tracts in formerly Westmoreland Co. now Allegheny Co. PA, in 4th District of Donation Lands, Lot No.834, adj. No.48, 33, 842, and 695, containing 200 acres, and Lot No.249? (949?) adj. No.844?, 848?, vacant, and 850, containing 200 acres, two tracts were patented 24 Sept. 1787 to Moses Van Campen 18 April 1796 who conveyed to Aron Van Cleve; warrant title. /s/ A.V. CLEVE Jr., Elizabeth Van Cleve. Wit. Jos. Scott, Ebenr. Cary. They appeared 20 March 1797 before James Biddle. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-145/146: 19 Nov. 1796, Samuel Rickey of City of Philadelphia, Broker, and wife Mary, to William Dunkin of said city, merchant, for $254 milled dollars paid, sell land late in Westmoreland now in Allegheny Co. PA in 5th district of Donation lands, adj. Lot No.952, Lot No.46, Lot No.932, Lot No.4, containing 500 acres, numbered LXXXVII, granted 29 Sept. 1787 to Jacob Bunner Captain in late Army of US who with wife Elizabeth endorsed 13 May 1788 to Carpanus Weiberg late of said City Clerk decd who died seized thereof and intestate whereupon the land became vested in his two sons and only heirs at law John Weiberg and Samuel Weiburg subject to the dower or thirds of his widow Mary Weiberg during her lifetime and said Mary Weiberg deeded 9 Nov. instant her interest to her two sons the said John and Samuel Weiberg who 11 Nov. instant 1796 granted same to said Samuel Rickey, now Samuel Rickey and Mary his wife grant to said William Dunkin the premises, warrant title. /s/ Saml. Rickey, Mary Rickey. Wit. Jeremh. Crepan, Danl. Bupier. Samuel Rickey and wife Mary appeared 21 Nov. 1796 before Isaac Howell. Recorded August 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-146/147: 13 Oct. 1786, In consideration of services rendered by John Baker a soldier in the late Army of the US, there is granted to Benjamin Say assignee of said John Baker a parcel of land in Westmoreland Co. in 5th District of Donation lands, adj. Lot No.916, No.906, No.910, No.44, containing 200 acres, numbered DCOCCXVII, reserving 1/5 part of all gold and silver ore for use of the Commonwealth to be delivered at the Pitts month clear of all charges. /s/ Charles Biddle. Wit. John Armstrong, Junr, Secty. Enrolled in Patent Book No.6, page 518. 30 Oct. 1786.
7-147/148: 21 March 1797, Benjamin Say of City of Philadelphia, Doctor of Physic, the patentee within named, for $100 paid, sell to William Duncan of the City of Philadelphia, Merchant, land formerly in Westmoreland now in Allegheny Co. PA in 5th District of Donation lands, Lot No.917, containing 200 acres, and by within patent recorded Patent Book 6, page 518, granted to Benjamin Say, warrant title. /s/ Benjm. Say. Wit. Freadk. Beates, Philip L. Dunn. Benjamin Say appeared 21 March 1797 before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-150/151: (do not have pg.149) 21 (blank) 1797, Benjamin Say for $100 paid, sell to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, tract of land formerly in Westmoreland now in Allegheny Co. PA in 5th district of donation land, Lot No.951, containing 200 acres, warrant title. /s/ Benjamin Say. Wit. Fredk. Bates, Philip L. Dunn. 21 March 1797, Benjn. Say appeared before Isaac Howell, Associate Judge of Court of Common Pleas. Recorded August 9, 1797.
7-151/152: 3 March 1797, Allexander Power of City of Philadelphia, PA, broker, and Margret his wife, to William Duncan of said city, Broker, for $100 of gold and silver money paid, sell land at present in County of Allegheny formerly in Westmoreland Co. PA afsd in 5th district of donation lands, adj. Lot No.1081, 105, 1083, vacant land, containing 200 acres, numbered MLXXXII, which was granted 13 Sept. 1787 to John Bostwick who on 15 Nov. last past granted same to Allexander Power, warrant title. /s/ Alexr. Power, Margaret Power. Wit. Joseph Beck, Wm. Leonard. Receipt of money wit. by John McDonald. Alexander Power and wife Margaret appeared 3 March 1797 before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797.
7-158/159: 10 Nov. 1796, Frederick Shell of City of Philadelphia, Gentleman, to William Duncan of same place, Broker, for 50 pounds paid, sell to said William Duncan a parcel of land in Westmoreland Co. PA adj. Lot No.1094, No.1125, No.1127, containing two hundred acres, being numbered MCXXVI in the 6th District of Donation Lands which Jacob Lydy by the name of Jacob Leidi and wife Barbara by deed 20 Sept. 1793 granted to Andrew Reed who with Mary his wife on 27 Oct. 1796 conveyed to said Frederick Shill, Frederick Shull warrants title. /s/ Frederick Shull. Wit. Henry Huber, Jacob Fuget. Frederick Shull appeared 11 Nov. 1796 before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-161/163: (pg.160/161 was deed from Abraham Cohen to Samuel Rickey, not copied) 20 Feb. 1797, Samuel Rickey of City of Philadelphia, Broker, and wife Mary, to William Duncan of said city, merchant, for $160 milled silver dollars paid, sell to William Duncan land in Allegheny late Westmoreland Co., PA, in 6th District of Donation Lands, adj. Lots 1126 and 1141, containing 200 acres, numbered MCXXVII which PA patented 18 Oct. 1786 to Martin Freeze Soldier in the late Army of the US who on 21 Nov. 1796 granted to Abraham Cohen of City of Philadelphia, Broker who on 30 Nov. 1796 granted to Samuel Rickey, now Samuel Rickey and Mary his wife ... /s/ Saml. Rickey, Mary Rickey. Wit. Daniel Bussier, Richard C. Cresson. 24 Feb. 1794, Saml. Rickey and Mary Rickey appeared before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-165/166: (do not have pg.164), patent 14 June 1787 to Casper Schneider, who with wife Marry Elizabeth Schneider sold the land 14 March 1796 to James Trimble, wit. Isaac Howell, Joshua Lysan.
6 March 1797, James Trimble of Township of Northern Liberties, Philadelphia Co., Scrivener, and wife Clarrissa, for $100, sold to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Broker, the within mentioned land in 6th district No.1199 containing said quantity of acres. /s/ James Trimble, Clarissa Trimble. Wit. Isaac Howell, John Hastings. James Trimble and wife Clarissa appeared 6 March before Isaac Howell. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-167/169: 27 March 1797, William Lane, merchant of the City of Philadelphia, and wife Mary, to William Duncan, merchant of said city, for $100 paid, sell to said William Duncan land formerly in Westmoreland now in Allegheny County in the first district of donation lands, adj. Lot No.1269, Lot No.1271, Lot No.1279, Lot No.1273, containing 200 acres, which was granted to John Killon Matrass and by said Killons conveyed to Michael Barichman 18 May 1789, indorsed on the patent recorded in Book C page 48 and conveyed by said Micheal Barrckman 7 Feb. 1791 by deed recorded Book C page 48 and 49 to Thomas B. Patterson who 25 May 1795 conveyed to William Lane. /s/ William Lane, Mary Lane. Wit. ? Shaw, Mary Smith. Receipt for money wit. by John Shaw. 28 March 1797 they appeared before Isaac Howell. Recorded Aug. 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-174/175: 6 March 1797, James Trimble of Northern Liberties Twp, Philadelphia Co., Scrivner, and wife Clarissa, to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Broker, for $100, 200 acres, 7th district, numbered MCCCLX. /s/ James Trimble, Clarissa Trimble. Wit. Isaac Howell, Jno. Hastings. They appeared 6 March 1797. Recorded Aug. 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7/175/176: 5 Oct. 1786, Grant to Benjamin Say, assignee of Philip Henry, soldier in the late Army, land in 7th district, adj. Lot No.1398, No.1362, No.1396, No.1334, containing 200 acres, numbered MCCCXCVII, reserving 1/5 part of all gold and silver ore ..., Recorded August 9, 1797.
7-176/177: 21 March 1797, Benjamin Say of City of Philadelphia, Doctor of Physics, the patentee within named, for $100 sold to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, land formerly in Westmoreland now in Allegheny Co. in 7th district of donation lands, being lot No.1397, containing 200 acres. /s/ Benjamin Say, wit. Fred Beates, Philip L. Dunn. Benj. Say appeared 21 March 1797. Recorded Aug. 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-177/178: 17 March 1797, John Young of City of Philadelphia, Gentleman, and wife Mary, to William Duncan of said City, merchant, for $250 paid, land formerly in Westmoreland now Allegheny Co. in 8th district of donation lands, being Lot No.141, adj. Lot No.1592, vacant lands, Lot No.1537, containing 500 acres, which was patented 4 Oct. 1786, recorded Patent Book 10, page 113, granted to said John Young. Warrant title. /s/ John Young, Mary Young. Wit. Saml. Tolwell, Fras. Young. They appeared 25 March 1797. Recorded 9 Aug. 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
7-181/183: 15 Aug. 1796, Frederick Shull of City of Philadelphia, to William Duncan, merchant, of said city, for $130 paid, sell land in Allegheny Co. in 10th district of donation lands, adj. Lot No.?159, 3161?, No.9, No.2133, containing 200 acres, which was granted by patent 26 Aug. 1789 to Peter Berry who on 1 Oct. 1789 granted to Balster Wineberger who in 1796 granted to Frederick Shull, which said Frederick Shull now grants to William Duncan. /s/ Frederick Shull. Wit. Thos. E. Wilson, Wm. Dean Jr. He appeared 17 Aug. 1796 before Reynold Keen. Recorded August 9, 1797. (FHL film 1,497,865; SLC 9/28/2011)
9-120/121: 13 Nov. 1786, Grant to Andrew Irwin, Captain in late Army of US, land in Westmoreland Co. in second District of Donation Lands, adj. Lot No.22, Lot No.342, Lot No.360, 359 and 358, containing 500 acres, numbered XXI. /s/ Chas. Biddle, wit. John Armstrong Jr., Sy.
William Irwin of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, Esq., eldest brother and heir at law of Andrew Irwin the patentee within who died intestate unmarried and without leaving issue, for $250 paid, deed to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Merchant, the land in Westmoreland now Allegheny Co. in second district of Donation Lands, being lot No.21, containing 500 acres. /s/ Wm. Irvine. Wit. Jno. Duncan, Jos. Moulder. He appeared 20 April 1797 before Reynold Reen?, Court of Common Pleas for Philadelphia. Recorded 10 Aug. 1799. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
9-122/123: 27 June 1797, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Merchant, and wife Maria, to Thomas Blackledge of Northern Liberties of City of Philadelphia afsd, Cordwainer, for $1,500 paid, sell Lot in Westmoreland now Allegheny Co., second district of donation lands, Lot marked 21 adj. Lot 22, 342, 360, 359 and 358, containing 500 acres patented 13 Nov. 1786 to Andrew Irwin in fee and William Irwin of Carlisle in Cumberland Co. eldest brother (etc.) sold to William Duncan; warrant title. /s/ Wm. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. James Flamand, Isaac Howell. They appeared 27 June 1797 before Isaac Howell, Philadelphia Co. Recorded 10 Aug. 1799. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
10-339/340: 23 March 1801, John Duncan merchant of the City of Philadelphia to Matthew Duncan farmer of Franklin Co., for 50 pounds paid, sell to said Matthew Duncan or assign all my right ... to a tract of Donation Land in the First District ... containing 200 acres, lot CLXXXIII with all its appurtenances to Matthew Duncan, which tract was granted 6 Aug. 1787 to Michael Kurt who conveyed to John Duncan 16 Aug. 1787, and I the said John Duncan by this indenture convey to said Matthew Duncan, warrant title. /s/ Jno. Duncan. Wit. Wm. D. Nicholson, Arabella Duncan. John Duncan appeared 23 March 1801 before David Jackson, Associate Judge of Court of Common Pleas for County of Philadelphia. Recorded 23 Sept. 1801. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 6/3/2011)
11-371/372: 9 March 1803, William Duncan of City & County of Philadelphia, PA, broker, and Maria his wife, to John Hunter of South Huntington in Westmoreland Co. PA, yeoman, for $500 paid, sell all that tract formerly in Westmoreland Co. and since in the bounds of Allegheny Co. in the first District of Donation Lands in PA, Lot No.171, (boundaries not copied) containing 250 acres, being the same tract by patent 12 Oct. 1786 granted to Mary Kaighn widow of Michael Kaighn deceased in fee which the said Mary with Nicholas Fitzpatrick her husband by deed poll indorsed 7 March 1797, recorded at Pittsburgh in Allegheny Co. in Book G pg.119 & 120 granted to Alexander Power in fee simple which Alesander Power and Margaret his wife on 17 March then next following recorded Book G pg.121 granted to said William Duncan in fee simple, together with ... appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ William Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. Robert Whitehead, Benjn. Browning. They appeared 11 March 1803 in Philadelphia Co. Recorded 2 August 1803. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 6/3/2011)
10-483/484: 5 Aug. 1800, John Duncan, Merchant of the City of Philadelphia, to John Carlisle Stewart of Mercer Co. late Allegheny, for $200 paid, sell to said John Carlisle Stewart a parcel of land in Allegheny Co. granted 6 July 1787 by PA to Christian Hentges: a private in the late Army of the US who on 18 Jan. 1798 conveyed same to Robert Ross who on 12 March 1798 conveyed to George Taylor Junior who on 17 March 1800 conveyed to John Duncan, being in the first district of donation land, adj. Lots No.65, No.67, No.59, containing 200 acres, numbered LXVI, warrant title. /s/ Jno. Duncan. Wit. John Gilmore, John McCluney. John Duncan appeared 7 Aug. 1800 before W. Hoge of Washington Co. (MAD: Deed 10-485/486 is from John Carlisle Stewart and wife Agness of Crawford Co. PA to Benamin Kuykendell dated 26 May 1801 for this land, not copied) (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
10-484/485: 17 March 1800, George Taylor Junr. of City of Philadelphia, Merchant, to John Duncan, Broker, of same place, for $200 paid, sell to said John Duncan a parcel of land in Allegheny Co. formerly Westmoreland granted by patent from PA 26 July 1787 to Christian Hentges a Private in the late army of the US, being in first district of donation lands, adj. Lots No.65, No.67, No.59, containing 200 acres, numbered LXVI, who on 18 Jan. 1798 conveyed to Robert Ross who on 12 March 1798 conveyed to George Taylor Junr, warrant title. /s/ Geo. Taylor Jr. Wit. Benjm. Crohen, Reynold Keen. George Taylor Jr. appeared 17 March 1800 before Reynold Keen of Philadelphia Co. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
11-429/431: 11th day 12th month (December) 1800, Rachel Richards of Northern Liberties of City of Philadelphia, Widow and only surviving executrix of will of Daniel Richards late of said Liberties, Lumber Merchant, deceased, to John Duncan of City of Philadelphia afsd, Merchant, that said Daniel Richards died seized and possessed of messuage in land and tenaments having first made and published his last will dated 11 Oct. 1793, and therein nominated his wife the said Rachel Richards and his friends John Biddle, Richard Whitehead, Nathan Shippard and Samuel Clark executors and authorized them to sell his lands and make deed, and John Biddle, Richard Whitehouse and Samuel Clark all immediately renounced so the executorship devolved on her the said Rachel Richards, and he the said Nathan Shippard is since dead, now this indenture ... the said Rachel Richards for 70 pounds paid by John Duncan, sold to said John Duncan all those 11 tracts or parcels of land late in Westmoreland Co. now Allegheny in PA, one of them No.1509 in 7th district of donation lands adj. Lots No.1508, 66, 1510 and 1476, containing 200 acres granted by patent 26 Dec. 1786 to John Peter Blonden who endorsed it on 2 Jan. 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another lot No.2162 in the 10th district adj. Lots No.2159, 2163, 2004, and 2161, containing 200 acres granted 9 Oct. 1786 to James Doran who endorsed on 26 May 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another No.372 in 2nd district adj. Lot No.373, No.30, No.18 & 19, and Lot 371, containing 200 acres granted 7 June 1787 to Christian Keelen who endorsed on 9 June 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another No.1417 in 7th district adj. Lot No.1418, No.1416, by District 6, and Lot No.1454, containing 200 acres granted 19 May 1787 to James Hudson who on 9 June 1787 endorsed to said Daniel Richards; another No.1027 in 5th district adj. Lot No.1026, No.1021, No.1028, and No.1041, containing 200 acres granted 21 Nov. 1786 to Michael McDonnell who endorsed on 13 July 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another No.1410 in 7th district adj. lot No.1409, No.1346, No.1411, and 1423, containing 200 acres granted 31 Oct. 1786 to John McGuire who endorsed on 3 Nov. 1787 to James Mahaffy who deeded on 13 July 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another of them No.77 in the 4th district adj. Lot No.75, No.73, No.797 and No.78, containing 200 acres granted on 18 Sept. 1787 to James Moore who endorsed on 20 Sept. 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another of them No.1859 in 2nd district adj. lot No.1852, No.1953, No.1952, No.1825, containing 200 acres granted 18 Sept. 1787 to Jesse Moore who endorsed on 20 Sept. 1787 to said Daniel Richards; another No.739 in 4th district adj. Lot No.747, No.740, No.730, and District 5, containing 200 acres; another No.99 in 1st district adj. Lot No.97, No.100, No.113, No.108, containing 200 acres; and [another] No.1939 in 2nd Dist. adj. Lot No.168, No.1940, vacant land, containing 200 acres, which three tracts were granted on 14 (blank month) 1796 in place of three other tracts of donation land belonging to said Daniel Richards which were found to lay within boundaries of the State of NY granted to said Rachel Richards and Nathan Sheppard; and the said Nathan Sheppard having died, said Rachel Richards the sole executor; sell the said 11 tracts to John Duncan, warrant title. /s/ Rachel Richards. Wit. Robert Whitehead, Benjn. Brownst. She appeared 31 Dec. 1800 before David Jackson of Philadelphia Co. Recorded 3 Nov. 1803. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
11-432: 2 Nov. 1803, John Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, to Thomas Caldoo of Mifflin Twp, Allegheny Co. PA, that PA by patent 14 Jan. 1796 granted Rachel Richards and Nathan Sheppard Executrix and executor of the will of Daniel Richards decd a tract of land in then Allegheny Co. now Beaver Co. on West side Allegheny River in first district of donation lands, adj. Lot No.97, Lot No.100, Lot No.113, and Lot No.108, containing 200 acres, numbered XCIX, and said Rachel Richards on 11 Dec. 1800, she being authorized by the will of said Daniel Richards decd for that purpose, and said Nathan Sheppard being then dead, conveyed the land "(intralia)" to said John Duncan in fee, as by the deed recorded in Deeds &c for Crawford in Book A, pg.415; now the said John Duncan for $350 paid by said Thomas Caldoo sell to said Thomas Caldoo the afsd tract of land, together with the buildings, improvements, woods, etc., warrant title. /s/ Jno. Duncan. Wit. Wm. Jones, L. Stewart. John Duncan appeared 2 Nov. 1803 before Geo. Wallace of Allegheny Co. Recorded 3 Nov. 1803. (FHL film 1,497,866; SLC 9/28/2011)
45-202/204: 6 May 1833, Collins Stevenson Esq. of Wilmington, Delaware, attorney at law, of first part, Eliza Duncan of City of Philadelphia single woman of second part, and John S. Riddle merchant of City of Philadelphia of third part; whereas a marriage is intended between said Collins Stevenson and Eliza Duncan, and Eliza is possessed of certain property, more particularly $8000 bequeathed to her by the will of her decd. mother Jane Duncan, and it has been agreed to settle the estate of Eliza Duncan with the consent of Collin Stevenson; Now Eliza Duncan in consideration of the intended marriage and $1 paid by John S. Riddle, transfer to said John S. Riddle all the estate of said Eliza Duncan real and personal and mixed whatsoever to the said John S. Riddle in trust, he to pay the rents etc. to the said Eliza Duncan while sole and after her marriage shall pay the same to Eliza Duncan during her coverture, and if Eliza Duncan shall survive her intended husband then John S. Riddle shall convey the real and personal estate to said Eliza Duncan, and if Eliza Duncan shall not survive her intended husband, then John S. Riddle shall convey the said real and personal estate to the child or children of said Collin Stevenson and Eliza his wife in equal proportion, but in default of children, then convey the real and personal estate to whomever Eliza Duncan named in her will, or to whoever would be entitled if she died intestate. /s/ Collin Stevenson, Eliza Duncan, Jno. S. Riddle. Wit. John Beans, Paul Rielly for Jno. S. Riddle; Margaret Higgins, Richd. H. Bayard for Collin Stevenson and Eliza Duncan. 6 May 1833, Collins Stevens and Eliza Duncan appeared before Richard H. Bayard, Mayor of City of Wilmington; 6 May 1833, John S. Riddle appeared before John Binns, Alderman of City of Philadelphia. Recorded July 30, 1833. (MAD: Wilmington, New Castle Co. DE) (FHL film 1,497,878; SLC 9/29/2011)
Armstrong Co. PA Deeds (SLC 9/15/2012)
5-351/352: Mortgage. 10 Jan. 1826, Thomas Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Esq., to George Harrison of said city, Esq.; that Thomas Duncan by obligation this date is bound to said George Harrison for $5,000, payment of $2,500 in one year with interest to be paid half yearly, mortgage two parcels of land in Kittanning Twp, Armstrong Co. PA, adj. lands of Jonathan Smith Esq. on the bank of the Allegheny River, on the back line of Appleby Manor, allotted to Ellen Duncan and Mary Duncan, containing 651 acres and 21 perches, and the other tract on the bank of the Allegheny River on the upper line of said manor, containing 583 acres 57 perches. /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. G?. Mitchell, J. Wilson Mitchell. Paid in full, 16 May 1826. (FHL film 861,226)
Beaver Co. PA Deed (FHL film 863,659; SLC 9/15/2012)
H-358/360: 27 June 1828, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, and Sarah his wife for $170 paid, sell to John R. Shannon Esqr. attorney at law of Beaver Co. PA, parcel of land in first district of donation lands numbered 96 containing 200 acres, being the patent from PA 13 Oct. 1786 recorded Book G pg.118 granted to Mary Sowarman widow of Philip Sowerman in trust for Mary Sowerman and the children of said Phillip Sowerman decd, and sold to William Duncan on the back of the patent 5 April 1797 delivered by Martin Rosana Sowerman and Peter Sowerman being the only children, and afsd patentee Mary Sowerman his wife who since died intestate, in Beaver Co. PA, adj. lot No.101, lot No.95, containing 200 acres, with appurtenances. /s/ Wm. Duncan, Sarah Duncan. Wit. Arthur Dracher?, George W. Duncan. Recorded 19 Nov. 1828.
Bedford Co. PA Deeds (from Rose McElfish 4/1993; also FHL film 331,400)
D3-145/6, #23795, 16 April 1878, John Collins Duncan of City of Philadelphia, Gent., appoint my father John W. Duncan of said city, my attorney to demand all money, rents, etc., due me within the Cos. of Allegheny, Blair and Bedford in PA, and to sell or dispose of on credit, etc., all my real estate which I now have or may hereafter become seized, in either or all of those counties and make deeds in my name. /s/ J. Collins Duncan; wit. Angelo T. Freedly?, George T?. Findlay. John Collins Duncan appeared before Notary in Philadelphia on 16 April 1878 to ack. the power of attorney. Rec. 6 June 1878.
AX-3, #21574, 5 Jan. 1874, John Collins Duncan, Peter S. Duncan and John W. Duncan guardian of Sarah F.S. Duncan of City of Philadelphia in State of PA who became seized of the interest of Joseph Strayer, Mrs. Joseph Clapper?, Michael Strayer and John Strayer, children of Nicholas Strayer late of Middle Woodbury Twp in Bedford Co. PA, decd, in the real estate of their father the said Nicholas Strayer decd sold by James Madora? admin. de bonis non sum testamento annexo (administrator with will attached), hereby ack. that we have today received from the said James Madara? admin. $1,015.99-1/5 as our part of the real estate of said Nicholas Strayer. No wit. Ack. in City of Philadelphia before Robert R. Smith, Alderman. Rec. 13 March 1874. (FHL film 331,397)
Bedford Co. PA Deeds (SLC 12/2008)
D-566: #1910, 19 March 1796, Derry Ryan of St.Clair Twp., Bedford Co. PA, innkeeper, for 9 lbs, 1 sh., 6 p, to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, one equal 1/2 part in tract in Bedford Twp., Bedford Co., both sides Jones's Run N. of the Glade road and south of Raystown branch of Juniata and about 12 miles from Bedford containing 300 acres (more not copied). Wit. Fredk. Beates, P?.T?. Dunn. Rec. 6/22/1796. (FHL film 33,371)
Berks Co. PA Deeds from index (SLC 12/2008)
15-236: 14 May 1796, John Hunter to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for $400, tract called "Bowery" in Brunswick Twp. in Berks Co. PA in and by the within indenture by the within named Conrad Fegar and wife Elizabeth to said John Hunter, 149 acres 31 perches and allowance of 6 acres for roads, etc.; wit. Fredk. Beates, Phil T. Dunn. (FHL film 20,769)
15-347: 14 May 1796, John Hunter to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for $400, tract in Brunswick Twp. in Berks Co. PA in and by the within indenture by the within named Conrad Fegar and wife Elizabeth to said John Hunter, 504 acres; wit. Fredk. Beates, Phil T. Dunn. (FHL film 20,769)
16-492: 2 Feb. 1798, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, and Maria his wife, to Richard Robinson of same city, house carpenter, that Commonwealth of PA by two separate and distinct patents this day granted said William Duncan 2 tracts in Manheim Twp, Berks Co. PA, one called "Richland" on the River Schuylkill containing by survey 376 acres 76 perches and the other called "Addition" adj. the above, by survey 123 acres, now for $1,120, sell to said Richard Robinson the two parcels. /s/ Wm. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. Wm. Moulder? Meneder? Mowair? Jur, Tos. Moulder. (FHL film 20,770)
20-305: 6 Feb. 1798, William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Maria, to Richard Robinson of same City, house carpenter, for $800, tract called "Bowery" in Brunswick Twp, Berks Co. PA, adj. land of Conrad Snyder, land of Ulrich Heiser, containing 149 acres 31 perches; PA patent 13 March 1790, Book 16, pg.206, granted Jacob Bower Esq. who conveyed to Ulrich Heiser who sold to ... (chain of title not copied) to John Hunter who on 14 May 1796 conveyed to William Duncan, party hereto. /s/ Wm. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. Wm. Meneder, Thos. Duncan. (FHL film 20,771)
Bucks Co. PA Misc. Books (FHL film 927,215)
1-702: 19 April 1792, James Renwick, Saml. Delaphaine, Alexr. Stewart of City of NY, merchants; that William Goforth of City of NY, shopkeeper, owes us and others by indenture of miliage? 3 Aug. 1787 ... appoint Robert Henry Duncan of City of Philadelphia our attorney to sell the estate of William Goforth.
Bucks Co. PA Deeds
19-233: 20 Aug. 1779, Benjamin Fell and Thomas Wright of Plumsted Twp, Bucks Co., to Matthew Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for 3,200 lbs, land in Tinnicum Twp in Bucks Co. adj. Arthur Irwin, Nicholas Pattersen & others, 257+ acres, late the estate of James Patterson who conveyed to Fell & Wright. Wit. David Duncan, L. Weiss. 1 Nov. 1779, Matthew Duncan assign above for 4000 lbs to said Thomas Wright. Wit. David Duncan, Isaac Duncan. (FHL film 172,881)
26-597: 8 Dec. 1792, Alexander Stewart etc. of New York, by their attorney Robert Henry Dunkin of Phila., ... not copied (FHL film 172,884)
26-632: 22 Dec. 1783, Bucks Co. sheriff deed; goods of Joseph Hoare and James Duncan, late of Phila., Gent., exors of will of Ann Durden in my bailiwick ... (FHL film 172,884)
53-469: 29 May 1827, Strickland Foster of Lower Dublin Twp, Philadelphia Co., M.D., and wife Mary; by William Duncan of City of Phila., merchant, her trustee, to David Donance of Borough of Bristol, Bucks Co. PA, for $300, convey house and lot in Bristol which Garret H. Vanzant and wife Tacy conveyed to William Duncan on 14 Aug. 1822 in trust for Mary Foster. not copied. Wit. L?. Badger. (FHL film 859,681)
Butler Co. PA Deeds (SLC 9/17/2012)
A-134/137: 24 Feb. 1804, Francis Johnston of City of Philadelphia, PA, Esq., and wife Alice, to John Duncan of afsd, Gentleman, that PA by patent or grant 19 Oct. 1786 granted to Philip Cook a parcel of land in Westmoreland Co. in 2nd District of Donation lands, adj. Lots No.401, No.385, No.403, No.409, containing 200 acres, with appurtenances, and Philip Cook by deed on 5 Dec. 1783 appointed William Smith his attorney to receive the lands, and sold to William Smith, and William Smith by indenture 19 Jan. 1804 confirmed to Francis Johnston the 200 acres with appurtenances, NOW Francis Johnston and wife Alice for $500 paid, sell to John Duncan the tract of 200 acres together with houses, buildings, barns, ways, woods, waters, watercourses, .... warrant title. /s/ Francis Johnston, Alice Johnston. Wit. Rich. Renshaw, Mary Ervin Renshaw. They appeared before Mabr? Lawler, Mayor of City of Philadelphia, 27 Feb. 1804. Recorded May 30, 1805. (FHL film 1,434,214)
C-184/185: 5 Aug. 1800, John Duncan, Merchant of City of Philadelphia, to John Carlisle, Stewart, of Mercer Co. late Alleghany, that by patent 29 Aug. 1787 granted to Martha Barr admrx. Captain Leutenent decd, late in army of the US, a tract or parcel of land in Westmoreland Co. in 2nd District of Donation Land, adj. Lot No.421, Lot No.405, vacant land, Lot No.429, being 200 acres, and Martha Barr decd. by will 26 Jan. 1795 appointed Laurince Justice and Isaac Warrell Executors to sell the land, proven among the records of Co. & City of Philadelphia, and Laurence Justice and Isaac Worrell by deed 9 April 1795 conveyed to Joseph R. Batim? Merchant of City of Philadelphia, who for $100 sold to John Duncan Merchant of Philadelphia as by conditions of a power of attorney from Joseph R. Tatem to John Duncan 25 Nov. 1799, NOW John Duncan sells his claim to the land for $222.22 paid by John Carlisle, Stewart, warrant title. /s/ Jno. Duncan. Wit. John Gilmore, John McCluney?. He ack. deed 7 Aug. 1800 before W. Moge?, Associate Judge of Washington Co. Recorded Dec. 18, 1813. (FHL film 1,434,215)
Clarion Co. PA Deeds (SLC 7/25/2014)
1-28/29: Power of Attorney, Dr. Stephen Duncan & wife to John Duncan. We, Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan his wife of Adams Co. MS but now sojourning in City of Philadelphia, PA, appoint John Duncan of Southampton Twp, Cumberland Co., PA, our attorney to sell our lands in Cos. of Cumberland, Perry, Venango, Indiana, and Jefferson in state of PA, and make deeds etc. and receive money ... and pay debts ... or recover possession ... /s/ 1 Oct. 1839 at City of Philadelphia, Stephen Duncan, Catharine A. Duncan. Ack. before one of the Alderman for city of Philadelphia, John Brimsall?, 2 Oct. 1839. Recorded 16 Jan. 1845. (FHL film 1,315,441 part 2)
Crawford Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/12/2008)
A-8: 24 March 1800, William Duncan of city of Philadelphia, broker, and wife Maria, to Thomas R. Kennedy of Allegheny Co., physician, $110, land in Crawford Co. late Allegheny, PA, in 5th Dist. of Donation Lands, 200 acres, granted 30 Sept. 1787 to John Bostwick who assigned on 15 Nov. 1796 to Alexander Fee who with wife Margaret on 3 March 1797 assigned to William Duncan. Wit. R.A. Porter, Henry Huber. (FHL film 864,174)
A-10: 26 March 1800, William Duncan of city of Philadelphia, broker, to Thomas R. Kennedy, physician, $110, 200 acres in Crawford late Allegheny Co., Patent 24 May 1787 to Andrew Snyder who conveyed 5 May 1796 to John Thomas who deeded 1 June 1796 to William Duncan. Wit. James Flomand, Hannah Dillses. (no wife) (FHL film 864,174)
A-61: 14 May 1796, Lucinda Piper, Robert Piper, Jane Brookins, Mary Piper, Sarah Piper, all Shippensburgh, Cumberland Co. PA, by William Brookins of same, husband of Jane Brookins, their attorney, and William Piper of Franklin Co. (Robert, Jane Brookins, Mary, Sarah and William being children and only issue of James Piper decd.) for 5 shillings, to William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, 250 acres, lot 98 in 5th Dist. of Donation Land. (FHL film 864,174)
A-63: 6 June 1796, Wm. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, for 5 shillings, to George Taylor of City of Philadelphia, Gent., lot 98 in 5th Dist. of Donation Land for $250. Wit. Edward Robinson, Andw. Epple. (FHL film 864,174)
A-415: 11th day twelfth month 1800, Rachel Richards of Northern Liberties of City of Philadelphia, widow and only surv. extrx of will dated 11 Oct. 1793 of Daniel Richards late of said Liberties, Lumber merchant, decd, to John Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant; will appointed wife and friends John Biddle, Richard Whitehead, Nathan Sheppard and Samuel Clark execs; Nathan Sheppard is since dead, the others renounced; now Rachel Richards sell for 20 lbs to John Duncan, 11 tracts in Westmoreland now Alleghany Co. PA:
Lot 1509 in 7th Dist. of 200 acres patented 26 Dec. 1786 to John Peter Blonden who deeded 2 Jan. 1787 to Daniel Richards.
Lot 2162 in 10th Dist., 200 acres, patented to James Doran.
Lot 372 in 2nd Dist., 200 acres patented to Christian Kuhn.
Lot 1417 in 7th Dist., 200 acres, patented to James Hudson
Lot 1027 in 5th Dist., patented to Michael McDonnell
Lot 1410 in 7th Dist. patented to John McGuire
Lot 77 in 4th Dist. patented to James Moore
Lot 1859 in 2nd Dist. patented to Jesse Moore
Lot 739 in 4th Dist. patented to Daniel Richards
Lot 99 in 1st Dist. patented to Daniel Richards
Lot 1939 in 2nd Dist. patented to Daniel Richards (FHL film 864,174)
B-101: 3 Oct. 1803, John Duncan of City of Philadelphia, trader, to James Herrington, Esq. of Crawford Co. PA, farmer, $600, 200 acres in 5th Dist., numbered MXXVII (MAD: 1027) (etc.) Recorded in Book A, pg.415. (no wife) Wit. Thomas Robb, John (X) Penrod. (FHL film 864,175)
B-111: 23 March 1801, William Duncan and wife Maria of City of Philadelphia to Matthew Duncan, farmer of Franklin Co. PA, 50 lbs, 200 acres in Allegheny Co., lot MCCCXLI (MAD: 1341) granted 2 May 1787 to Elijah Hunt who 1 Dec. 1787 conveyed to William Bonham who on 18 April 1796 conveyed to Aaron Vanclave who 23 July 1796 conveyed to James Trimble who 17 March 1797 assigned to William Duncan; now they convey to Matthew Duncan. Wit. Wm. D. Nicholson, J.H. (Jno?.) Duncan. Affidavit in Franklin Co. PA, John Duncan appeared and said he saw the signing of William Duncan Nicholson as a witness. (FHL film 864,175)
C-468: 7 March 1801, John Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, to Mathew Duncan, farmer of county of Franklin, PA, for 50 lbs, land in 8th Dist. Westmoreland Co. PA, grant to Mary Busby, MDCXCIII?. No wife. Wit. Wm. D. Nicholson, Arabella "Ducan." (FHL film 864,175)
I-179: 23 Nov. 1821, William Duncan of Philadelphia, merchant, and wife Sarah to John R. Shatton and Joseph G. Shatten, both of Newbern in Glencastle? Co. on ?? of New Jersey, $6,500?, land formerly in Westmoreland in the County of Allegheny and now in Crawford Co., 8th District, lot #14. Wit. Samuel Biddle, William Moulder. (FHL film 864,177)
Cumberland Co. PA Deeds
N-140: 28 Feb. 1799, Robert Henry Dunkin of City of Philadelphia, Esqr., to Jonas Symonds Esq. of same place, for $160, tract of land in Rye Twp. in Cumberland Co. PA, adjoining land of Humphrey Williams, land of James Starr and vacant hill, land of James McFarlane; also one other tract in afsd, adj. vacant Hill, land of James McFarlane, land of Humphrey Williams, land of John Wiley, a vacant ridge; containing 307 acres 61 perches. /s/ Robert Henry Dunkin. Wit. Saml. Holmes, William H. Henry. (FHL film 21,052; Placerville FHC 7/22/2008 to 7/29/2008, on loan; negative image)
EE-2: 4 Sept. 18??, Whereas James Gustine, Sarah E. Blaine, and Andrew Carothers are entitled to one share in a purchase of Alabama lands made or to be made in the names of said James Gustine and Sarah E. Blaine by Col. Arthur P. Hayne and which share in the following proportions, viz, James Gustine two equal undivided fourth part and Andrew Caruthers the remaining one equal and undivided fourth part, but by contract with said Arthur P. Haynes, the lands are to be divided by "lot," among the different share holders or on default thereof by such other mode of division ... after a division among the different share holders, the lands which will fall to said James Gustine, Sarah E. Blaine and Andrew Carothers should be in like manner partitioned and divided among them according to their several interests ...; now James Gustine and wife Mary Ann, Sarah E. Blaine, Andrew Carothers and wife Catharine, appoint Stephen Duncan of the city of Philadelphia, James Duncan and George Lyon of the borough of Carlisle or either of them to attend and draw lots for the said lands ... and to divide the lands which may happen to fall to our shares according to our several proportions, James Gustine two equal undivided fourth parts, Sarah E. Blaine one equal undivided fourth part and Andrew Carothers the remaining one equal and undivided fourth part ... agreement to be carried out notwithstanding the death of all or either of them .... /s/ James Gustine and Mary Anne his wife in presence of George Pattison. (FHL film 21,059; SLC 9/9/2010; rechecked 6/2/2011)
KK-68/69: 30 Sept. 1826, James Duncan of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to Thomas Duncan of City of Philadelphia in same state, for $6000, sell tavern house and part of a lot of ground on the SE corner of public square now in the tenure of Nicholas Ulerich, bounded on North by Main Street, on East by part of a lot of the late Thomas Hagan, on the South by an alley, and on the West by the Public Square, together with the benefits and privileges of an agreement made with Thomas Hagan, subject to a proportional part of the quit rents due and ... subject also to the payment of $500 to the devisees or legatees under the will of my deceased sister Mary Duncan. /s/ James Duncan, wit. John D. Mahon, D.N. Mahon. Recorded 6 Nov. 1826. (FHL film 21,061; SLC 9/9/2010)
KK-69/71: 30 Sept. 1826, James Duncan of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to Thomas Duncan of Borough of Philadelphia in same state, for $7500, sell tract of land in Southampton Township, Cumberland Co., adj. lands of Dr. Stephen Duncan and other lands of the said Thomas Duncan, containing 350 acres more or less, being the ballance of land which fell to the share of the said James Duncan on a division of the lands of his father the late Stephen Duncan, as made by John McClay Esquire and others, after deducting 250 acres conveyed to Dr. Stephen Duncan. Also an undivided moiety of a tract of land in said township near the South mountain and containing in the whole about 120 acres and at present in the possession of Joseph Hibbesteil. Together with all improvements, etc. Also all the estate, rights, etc., of James Duncan to the same. /s/ James Duncan. Wit. John D. Mahon, D.N. Mahon. Recorded 6 Nov. 1826. (FHL film 21,061; SLC 9/9/2010)
Dauphin Co. PA Deeds from index (SLC 12/2008)
C1-76/79: 19 Sept. 1787; Anthony Kelker, High Sheriff, appointed by Court of Common Pleas to sell goods and chattels etc. of Michael Deebler late of my county, yeoman, for a debt of £635, which Elizabeth Duncan, Joseph Yarkes and Thomas Norton executor of the will of John Duncan decd. lately recovered against him and 52 sh. 3 pence damages; I seized a plantation of 500 acres adj. lands of Michael Shadel, Jacob Herman, George Herake? and others in Upper Paxton Township late the property of the said Michl. Deebler, ... which remained unsold, the debt unpaid, sold at public sale to the highest bidder, Elizabeth Duncan of the City of Philadelphia widow for £150. /s/ Anthony Kelker, Sheriff; wit. Andw. Graydon, Jno. Foubly? (Fenbly?). Recorded Sept. 20, 1787. (FHL film 21,262)
Q1-212: 30 Aug. 1808, William Duncan of Philadelphia Co. appoint Thomas Elder Esq. of Dauphin Co. attorney to enter disatisfaction on a mortgage from Henry Hockley Esq. of county afsd. on a lot of ground in Heidelberg Twp., Dauphin Co, for payment of £30 to me. /s/ Wm. Duncan. Wit. Abm. Scholfeild, Jaac?? Boileau? (Bailean?). (FHL film 21,268)
S1-181: 19 Jan. 1790, Elizabeth Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, widow, to William Bardner of Upper Paxton Twp, Dauphin Co. PA, yeoman; grant 16 Nov. 168 to Michael Tibler and Chas. Diebler, land called Foxes Civer, in Wiconisco Valley then in Lancaster Co. but now in Dauphine Co., corner to Samuel Scott's land, 219-1/4 acres, patent book AA vol.10 pg.461, and grant 26 Aug. 1773 to Michael Diebler land called Cock Fight, in Weconisco Valley afsd corner to Albrigh Deibler's land, 333-3/4 acres, patent book AA v.13 pg.576; that said Elizabeth Duncan, Joseph Yerkes and Thomas Norton, execs. of will of John Duncan late of City of Philadelphia, afsd, Feltemaher, decd, debt of Michael Diebler of £635 and 52 shillings 3 pence damages; lot was sold 19 Sept. 1787 by High Sheriff to pay debt, deed to Elizabeth Duncan of 550 acres; now Elizabeth Duncan for £300 deed to William Bordner the two tracts in Paxton Twp., in the whole 550 acres. /s/ Elizabeth Duncan. Wit. Peter Miller, Abram Sheridan. (mention of heirs of John Duncan but not named). Recorded Aug. 6, 1812. (FHL film 21,269)
V1-518/520: Matthew Duncan's Exor to Nicholas Strow. 18 Dec. 1816, Letitia Duncan surviving executrix and the Reverend James Gray surviving executor of the will of Mathew Duncan late of the City of Philadelphia to Nicholas Straw of town of Halifax, County of Dauphin, farmer of the other part; by patent dated 4 August 1773 granted to Margaret Duncan land called the Convention containing 217 and 1/2 acres more or less in Upper Paxton township then in Lancaster now in Dauphin Co. which was surveyed on 20 May 1773 on a warrant dated 29 Oct. 1772 as by said patent recorded in Patent Book AA Vol.14th page 19th, and the said Margaret Duncan by will recorded in the City of Philadelphia authorise the afsd Mathew Duncan as her executor to dispose of said tract of land, and that said Mathew by his will also in the said office authorized his executors of whom the said Latitia and James are the only survivors to sell the tract of land; NOW the said Letitia Duncan and James Gray for $1,850 paid by Nicholas Straw, sell to him the above tract of land, bounded ... corner of Alexander Scott's land, by Wiconesho Mountain, by Samuel Rankin's land occupied by Metchard Montgomery, containing 270 acres and a half and allowance. /s/ James Gray, Letitia Duncan. Wit. Danl. J. Desmond, Samuel Badger. Appeared in City of Philadelphia Dec. 18, 1816, Letitia Duncan and James Gray. Recorded June 29, 1815. (FHL film 21,270; SLC 12/2008 & 2009)
B2-159/163: 1829, Honorable Thomas Duncan Esq. Exers to Stephen Duncan Esq. (blank day) March 1828, Martha Duncan Executrix and Edward S. Stiles and John D. Mahon Executors of the will of Thomas Duncan Esq. late of the City of Philadelphia deceased, to Stephen Duncan Esq. of last mentioned city, that the said Martha Duncan, Edward S. Stiles and John D. Mahon for seventeen thousand, one hundred and fifty six dollars and sixty five cents, ($17,156.65), paid, by the authority given them by the will of Thomas Duncan decd, grant to said Stephen Duncan all that messuage, plantation and tract of land situate at the junction of the Rivers Susquehanna and Juniatta in Halifax Township in Dauphin County known by the name of Duncan's Little Island containing 306 acres 59 perches neat measure, being the same Island called No.1 which per warrant dated 13 Oct. 1760 was with one other Island called No.2 on 10 and 11 December 1764 surveyed and accordingly returned on 7 April 1768 by indenture 30 April 1805 granted to John Reed the younger of the City of Philadelphia, who with Martha his wife on 28 January 1806 granted the said Island to the said Thomas Duncan Esquire by deed recorded at Harrisburg in Dauphin Co. in Book P page 375 &c; that Thomas Duncan afterwards made his will dated 7 June 1827 wherein, among other things, he directed the Island be disposed of as follows ... My Island bought of John Reed at the mouth of Juniatta I direct to be appraised by three persons to be selected by my executors, and if my son Stephen will accept of the same at the valuation then it is to be conveyed to him in fee simple, he securing the purchase money by mortgage, which is to be considered part of my residuary estate, (MAD's simplified language) ... if he refuses to take it, then it is to be sold by my executors ... his will made his wife the said Martha Duncan executrix his son Stephen Duncan and his sons in law Edward S. Stiles and John D. Mahon executors, ... will remaining at Carlisle in Cumberland Co. ... by agreement at Carlisle 11 Jan. 1828, they selected John Forster, Esquire of Borough of Harrisburg, William Clark of Dauphin Co., and Thomas Fisher of Cumberland Co. to value the premises, they reported 28 Feb. 1828 the land was worth $56 for each acre amounting to $17,156.65; that Stephen Duncan Esq. by agreement that date, ... accepted the valuation; deed the Island and its houses, outhouses, buildings, barns, etc. to the said Stephen Duncan Esquire; and the said Martha Duncan, Edward S. Stiles and John D. Mahon severally but not jointly ... /s/ Martha Duncan, Edward S. Stiles, John D. Mahon, executrix & executors of the estate of Thomas Duncan Esq.; wit. John Agneal?, Archibald Ramsey. Receipt for the $17,156.65. Edward S. Stiles and John D. Mahon ack. in Cumberland Co.; Martha Duncan ack. in City of Philadelphia, 26 March 1828. Recorded April 18, 1828. (FHL film 21,273)
Erie Co. PA Deeds
B-526: 2 March 1801, William Duncan late of the City of Philadelphia now of the Borough of Lancaster in Lancaster Co. PA, Esq., and wife Maria, for $60?, sell to James Trimble of said Borough, Senior? (Scrivenor?), lots of ground in town of Erie at Presgisle in Erie Co. PA, that is, two of the said lots number 3303 and 3306 being in the first division of the said Town on Front Street fronting Presqisle Bay at the distance of 82 feet 6 inches from the NE sides of Holland Street, containing in breath both together on front street 160 feet, that is, 82 feet 6 inches one lot and in length or depth 165 feet to the lot numbered 330(in fold) and 3305 bounded by said Front Street, and by the lots numbered 3302, 33??, 3305 and 3307, and the other two of the said lots numbered 3305 and 3308 in the same division at the corner of Second Street and Holland Street, containing in front both together on Second Street 165 feet, that is to say 82 feet 6 inches in each lot, and in length or depth along Holland Street from Second Street to lots No. 3306 and 3307 165 feet, bounded by Second Street by Holland Street and by lots No. 3304, 3306, and 3307, being the same lots by two patents 28 Feb. 1801 to said William Duncan. /s/ Wm. Duncan, Maria Duncan. Wit. William Birrell, Benjamin Rogers. Statement 9 May 1801 by witnesses. Recorded 4 Nov. 1826. (FHL film 870,357; SLC 9/10/2010)
Franklin Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/3/2011)
2-241: 2 Dec. 1790, Matthew Duncan of York Co. PA, hatter, and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth Nicholson, daughter of William Nicholson decd late of Franklin Co., to James Dunkin of City of Philadelphia and state afsd, gentleman, that said William Nicholson decd. by will bequeathed 1/3 part of his real estate to his wife for life, and if she wanted to live apart from her children, then the right of the dwelling house in which said William Nicholson lived should be vested in her during her life. And also gave to his children John, Samuel and Elizabeth to have their respective undivided equal shares in the remaining 2/3 of his real estate and in like manner three equal shares out of the remaining part after the death of his wife, and that said John, Samuel and Elizabeth should hold the same as tenants in common. Now the said Matthew Duncan and Elizabeth his wife for 400 pounds PA money paid, release to the said James Duncan the right ... of Matthew Duncan and Elizabeth his wife which they had or were entitled to under the will of the said William Nicholson decd to all that tract of 275 acres or land more or less on Canawchiage? Creek in PA bounded by John Jinle?, lands of Thomas Saxton, lands belonging to Samuel Nicholson, lands now or late of Thomas Puter?, and lands late of Thomas Lindsay ... /s/ Matthew Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan. Wit. George Kemp, John? Masuky? They appeared 2 Dec. 1790 before Edward Shippen Esq. of County of Philadelphia. Copy taken from the original 17 Dec. 1790. (FHL film 323,795; SLC 6/3/2011)
10-640: Agreement, 16 February 1795, between William Duncan of Philadelphia Co. and Samuel Nicholson of Franklin Co., that William Duncan do give to said Samuel Nicholson 152 pounds 1 shilling and 1 pence the computed costs of warranting and taking up excepting surveying and returning 20 warrants of 400 acres of land each being double this sum warranting at 50 shillings the hundred acres and the office fees counted at 31 shillings 6 pence & surveying legal fees at 50 shillings per tract, and I, Samuel Nicholson, having obtained sundry warrants in the names of different persons for land in the South Mountain & County of Franklin lying and being within the bounds of a survey there made the Quoit? of which is now with the said William Duncan, I do hereby for and in consideration of the sum of money afsd agree for the my? heirs of and that he the said William shall have one whole equall half share of 20 of the afsd surveys made or to be made within the large survey of which he has the affsd drafts or plots, the ?? setting the Pre? Deeds or the same? to be done 1/2 by each of sd parties & if the fees are greater than affxd or the quantity of land returned on any warrant greater or more than 400 acres the additional expense to be discharged equally by both parties ... /s/ Wm. Duncan, Saml. Nicholson. Wit. Charles Parrish, Mattw. Duncan. Ack. before William Moulder, Associate Judge. Copy taken from the original 29 March 1817. (FHL film 323,800; SLC 6/3/2011)
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