Duncan research files of |
1870 Union Co. OR Census
Union P.O.
Pg.405, #402-404, DUNCAN, J.G. (m) 39 GA carpenter $0-$0 (white, alone)
Cove P.O.
Pg.406, #420-422, DUNCAN, F.W. (m) 54 VA farmer $1000-$1000
E. (f) 49 MO keeping house
J.M. (m) 27 MO clerk in store $0-$300
W.G. (m) 21 MO mining
W.H. (m) 18, C.H?. (m) 16 MO farm hands
E. (m) 14, R.M. (m) 10 MO at home
F.P. (m) 7 MO at home
GIBSON, E. (m) 26 NJ farmer $0-$0
(MAD: Frederick W. Duncan, 1850 Callaway Co. MO census)
1893 "Illustrated History of State of OR, Containing History of OR from Earliest Period ..." by Harvey K. Hines, pub. by Lewis Pub. Co. (FHL book 979.5 H2hh)
Pg.337-8: Charles H. Duncan. Business man of Baker City [Baker Co.], OR, whose long residence there ought to place him in the ranks of the pioneers of the State; probably he would be so reckoned but for the fact that he is a young man. He was born in Galawa (MAD: Callaway) Co. MO March 9, 1854, his father, Frederick Duncan, having been born in KY in 1815. The ancestors of our subject were Virginians. His father married Miss Annie Gibson (MAD: Elizabeth Gibson, 1839 Callaway Co. MO) and then removed to MO and in 1864, when our subject was but ten years old, crossed the plains and found a home in Union Co. OR, farmed, died in 1878 at age 63 years, his wife having died in 1866; she born her husband ten children, of whom our subject was the fifth. ... Charles H. Duncan ... shareholder in the Sanger mine, one of the best in the county, he sold opportunely and realized $40,000 for it. With his brother he was owner of a large flouring mill in Baker City, which burned down and entailed a loss of $7,000, but this did not cast him down in any way. Our subject married May 6, 1891, to Miss Bertha, dau. of Edward Reynolds, one of the forty-niners, he being on one of the first steamboats to run up the Columbia River. Mr. Reynolds is a native of NY, and has a large family of fine sons and daus. in Baker City where he resides. Mrs. Duncan is a native of Baker City, having been born there in 1872. Mr. Duncan is a prominent member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, ... Republican party, having received the nomination of that party for the Legislature and was elected in 1892. ...
1902 "An Illustrated History of Union and Wallowa Cos., With a Brief Outline of the Early History of the State of OR" pub. by Western Historical Pub. Co. (FHL film 1,597,664 item 7; HeritageQuest image 2/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 10579)
Pg.398-9: RICHARD M. DUNCAN. A representative man of Union county, and an agriculturist who has wrought for the general advancement and interest of the county since his residence here, which dates back to a very early pioneer period, the subject of this sketch is richly deserving a place in this volume that purports to accord a review to the leading men of this section.
In Callaway county, Missouri, Richard M. was born to Frederick and Elizabeth (Gibson) Duncan, on August 25, 1859. In 1864 the parents gathered their substance together and essayed the long journey across the wild plains to the fertile region of the Grand Ronde valley. Ox teams were utilized in the pilgrimage and six months were consumed in it. Weary and travel worn the little company drew up in the Cove and there sought out a location, settling on raw land and working out their home from the resources of the country. Government land was taken and there our subject passed the days of his minority, gaining the education that fortified him in the race of life. There, also, on June 9, 1879, he married Miss Julia, daughter of David and Lydia Goble. Mr. and Mrs. Goble live near the Medical Springs and they came across the plains in 1864 from the state of Iowa, settling here on the place where they now reside. Our subject and his wife moved to the vicinity of Huntington, in 1879, and in 1881, they returned to Union county, settling on their present place, one-half mile north of Medical Springs, where they own a fine farm of one-quarter section. The land is well improved, being largely under cultivation and embellished with comfortable residence, large barn, and substantial outbuildings, and well selected orchards. General farming and stock raising occupy the attention of Mr. Duncan and he has made a good success of these undertakings.
To our subject and his estimable wife there have been born the following children: Jessie, Claudia, May, Winthrop, George, Guy, Leslie and Virgil. Mr. Duncan's mother died in 1878 and the father departed this life in 1881.
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