Duncan research files of |
1900 Klamath Co. OR Census (partial)
Langell Valley Precinct, 22 June 1900
S.D. 96, Sheet 8A, ED 24
#148-148 DUNCAN, Henry, head, w/m, [born] May 1836, age 64, M(arried) 34 [years], PA PA PA farmer
Mary A., wife, w/f, July 1847, age 52, M(arried) 34y, mother of 3 ch., 3 living, OH PA OH
William A., son, w/m, May 1867, age 33 s(ingle) OR PA OH farmer
Alfred C., son, w/m, May 1869, age 31 s(ingle) OR PA OH farmer
Henry E., son, w/m, April 1874, age 26 s(ingle) OR PA OH farmer
1904 "Portrait & Biographical Record of Western OR" pub. by Chapman Pub. Co. (from C.T. Duncan 7/2006 from IN State Library)
Pg.920-921: Henry C. Duncan. In tracing the ancestry of the Duncan family, we find the grandfather, William A. Duncan, to have been a native of Scotland and prior to that time the family name was CORNFORD. During the Revolutionary war, on account of a difference of opinion in sympathy with the British cause, the grandfather changed his name to DUNCAN, his mother's maiden name. He was a sea-faring man and finally died at sea, leaving an only son, William A. Jr., the father of Henry C. Born in 1802 near Philadelphia, PA, he early learned the blacksmith's trade and many useful years of his life were spent in the pursuits of that occupation, but his later years were passed in that peaceful and independent calling, farming. He was united in marriage with Elizabeth Liechty, of German descent, born in Lancaster Co. PA about 1810. She bore her husband the following six children: Alexander, deceased; Henry C.; Matilda, deceased; Sarah, the widow of the late William Himilwright, of Shelby Co. OH; William A. who died at Camp Nelson during the Civil war while serving as a private in the Fourth Indiana Volunteer Cavalry; and Eliza, also deceased. Removing to Ohio about 1850, the parents of these children located in Independence, Defiance Co., and soon after their removal to that section both passed to their eternal rest, the year 1850 marking the date of their demise.
Near the city of Mexico, in Juniata Co., PA, May 16, 1836, Henry C. Duncan first saw the light of day, and his boyhood days were spent in attending school in this vicinity and later in Ohio, after the removal of the family to that state. Deprived of both parents early in life, he started out to make his way in the world at the early age of fifteen years, being scantily fitted for the battle of life. His first manual labor was performed in the capacity of laborer on the Wabash and Miami canal, and for six years he was employed in canal work. Thirsting for adventure, in the spring of 1858 he joined a military company in Ohio and started for Utah to engage in an active campaign against the Mormons but before reaching their destination the order was revoked and Mr. Duncan proceeded on to Kansas and for a brief time thereafter he followed teaming in the government service, driving a six-mule team in the transfer of government supplies to Camp Floyd, Utah. In the fall of the same year he determined to proceed to California and while upon the Sierra Nevada mountains he was caught in a snow storm and was obliged to leave everything, being thankful to escape with his life, and finally succeeded in reaching Marysville, where he spent the winter.
As the mining camps appeared to offer great inducements to the fortune seeker, in the spring of 1859 he went into Shasta county, and followed mining in that section but was not successful. Removing in 1860 to Jackson county, Ore., he persevered in his efforts and continued to work in the mines near Jacksonville, with little or no success until 1871, and realizing that he could not make a fortune in that way he discontinued that line of work and turned his attention to other things.
Mr. Duncan first became identified with Klamath county in 1871, by taking up a pre-emption claim in Langells valley and for two years thereafter he followed stock-raising there, but on account of the Modoc war was forced to leave his place and seek safety in Klamath Falls during the winter of 1873. He subsequently established what is known as Parker's station and remained there until 1877. The two years following were spent at Ashland and he then returned to Langells valley with a herd of cattle which he had bought, but the severe winter which followed caused him to lose everything, and once more he found himself at the bottom of the ladder. Undaunted, he returned to Ashland and secured employment in various capacities and by industry and thrift accumulated his small savings and in 1881 went to Montana, once more investing his money in stock. For several years thereafter he followed farm pursuits and stock-raising in that section, but in 1884 he disposed of his interest there and again took up his residence in Oregon. Purchasing a farm in Klamath county three miles north of Langells Valley post-office, he has continued to follow the stock business there ever since. His farm of eighty acres is finely improved and he gives especial attention to the raising of cattle, horses and mules, having about one hundred and eighty head of cattle.
The marriage of Mr. Duncan, June 25, 1866 in Jackson county, united him with Mary A. Kilgore, a daughter of James Kilgore; Mrs. Duncan was born July 20, 1847, and she and her husband now have three sons, William A., Alfred C. and Henry E., all at home. Politically Mr. Duncan is allied with the Republican party in national issues, but believes in voting for the best man in local affairs. He can not be termed an active politician, having devoted his energies to his business interest, which has also caused him to refrain from joining many fraternal orders. He is a member of but one secret society, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having passed all the chairs of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10. Through his whole life he has been a hard worker and to this fact, and to his honesty, he attributes his success. He stands well in his community.
1922 "History of Oregon" by Charles Henry Carey, pub. by Pioneer Hist. Pub. Co., v.1-3 (FHL fiche 6,046,590; SLC book 979.5 H2cc)
Pg.665-6: William Mason Duncan. Scion of honored and prominent southern ancestors in both paternal and maternal line is William Mason Duncan, born Nashville [Davidson Co.], TN, in April 1881. On his father's side his ancestry dates back to the earliest days of VA colonization, from which state the Duncans removed to KY, taking an active part in its development. It was in KY that Amos Russell Duncan met and mar. Betty Edwards, she a descendant of ... Jonathan Edwards, and they became the parents of William Mason Duncan. ... The Edwards family of KY is famous in that state ... Ninian Edwards, a granduncle of Betty Edwards Duncan, was chief justice of KY, later governor of IL and the first US senator from that state after its admission to the union. His son, Ninian W. Edwards, mar. the sister of Mary Todd who became wife of Abraham Lincoln ... Amos R. Duncan, like the other members of his family, made a name for himself in TN, where he removed from his native state. There in association with a brother he established a brokerage and banking business inwhich he continued until his death. ... William Mason Duncan ... attended primary schools of Nashville, TN, for early education, then Bethel College at Russellville, KY ... legal profession ... admitted to the bar in 1909; in 1910 visited coast, removed to Klamath Falls [Klamath Co.] in 1911; in 1915 Mr. Duncan returned to KY and mar. Miss Eva Booker of Franklin, that state, dau. of Dr. W.G. Booker, one child: George Edwards. ...
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