Duncan research files of |
1820-1830 Muskingum Co. OH Census No Duncan indexed 1840 Muskingum Co. OH Census Newton Twp. Pg.330 David Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1 Brush Creek Twp. Pg.346 James Duncan 2000,1 - 0000,1
1850 Muskingum Co. OH Census
Zanesville Ward 1
Pg.181, #2651, Mrs. Danl. DUNCAN 37 OH -- $5000
Ellen 12, Mary C. 9 OH
Charles C. 7, Alice 4 OH
(MAD: Charles C. Duncan in ?? 1860 Franklin Co. OH census, 1870 Pottawatomie Co. KS census)
Licking Twp.
Pg.340, #238, John MONTGOMERY 48 VA farmer $3500
Catharine 42 PA
Elizabeth 16, John 12 OH
Ellen 9, Loretta 7 OH
Alexander 5, Mary A. 3 OH
Ann B. 1 OH
Isabella DUNCAN 85 SCT
(MAD: Isabella McCloud, widow of Alexander Duncan who died in PA in 1824, Isabella died Nashport, [Muskingum Co.] OH in 1856, from info of Lisa Grove.)
1860 Muskingum Co. OH Census (film faint on these pages)
Zanesville Ward 1
Pg.178, #707-707, C.B. GODDARD (m) 63? PA attorney at law
& family & others
Allace DUNCAN 14 OH attended school
Zanesville Ward 4
Pg.240, #???8-1568?, Rebecca SETTER?? 48? (78?) (f) VA
Julia DUNCAN 19 OH
1870 Muskingum Co. OH Census
No Duncan indexed
Muskingum Co. OH Probate Records
Index to Wills & Guardians, 1804-1901 (FHL film 317,458)
1804-1814 - no Duncan
1814-1831 - no Duncan
1832-1843 - no Duncan
1843-1854 - no Duncan
Will Record 1804-1814 - no Duncan (FHL film 847,941)
Administration Docket, 1830+ - starts page 229 - no index (FHL film 865,159)
(MAD: page 223 not on this film, no film number found for first part of book)
Muskingum Co. Record of Wills, Guardians, Administrations, etc.
Vol.A, 1804-1814 - no Duncan (FHL film 317,300)
Vol.B-C, 1814-1843 - no Duncan (FHL film 317,300)
Vol.D, wills 1843-1854 - no Duncan (FHL film 317,301)
Administration Docket A-223, James Duncan, 1830 not on film
Muskingum Co. OH General Index to Complete Record to 1852 (FHL film 928,487)
M-178: David Duncan vs. E.A. Whipple; execution docket H-567
M-394: Gilvert? Duncan vs. J? Reese & al; execution docket J-52
O-345: David Duncan vs. Miles H. Nadham, K-572
N-140: Duncan? adm. vs. ??
Q-157: Danl. Duncan vs. Jno. Hord?, M-447
Q-514: Duncan & Munro vs. Loyd Dillon
Quit Book R, 1840-1841
(MAD: Unable to find these books on film; film 928,714, minutes of common pleas court was not the above)
Muskingum Co. OH General Index to Chancery Record, 1824-1852 (FHL film 928,492)
E-530: Buckingham & Sturges vs. Duncan, Columbia M., John T., Florida C., and Dorsey, John and Prudence; execution book S-457 (MAD: 1850 Harrison Co. (W)VA census)
Muskingum Co. OH Will (extract from images 143 & 144, will 1-207/208 and 209/210, Ohio, Probate Records, 1789-1996, Muskingum Wills 1854-1869 vol 1-2; FamilySearch.org webpages 7/10/2013)
1-208/210: Probate Court, Jan. 5, 1857, will of Mrs. Mary M. Duncan resident of our county was produced and proved by oaths of Howard Stanbery and Daniel C. Convers and duly filed. .... recorded. WILL: The last will & testament of Mary M. Duncan: I, Mary M. Duncan of Muskingum Co. OH, my will; First, I give subject to the provisions hereafter to my children Ellen A. Duncan, Henry C. Duncan, Charles C. Duncan and Alice G. Duncan, all my estate to be equally divided among them; that portion to my daughters shall be for their separate use; Second, appoint brother Theodore Convers executor; Third, appoint brother Theodore Convers guardian of my children until they reach their full ages, and appoint him trustee for them; Fourth, no bond required; Fifth, authorize Theodore Convers to appoint a successor in writing. /s/ Mary M. Duncan. Wit. Howard Stanbery, Daniel C. Convers. Produced in court 30 Jan. 1857, by Daniel C. Converse and Howard Stanbery, recorded.
Muskingum Co. OH Deeds (FHL film 907,760 grantor index A-L to 1859; FHL film 911,606 grantee A-Z 1803-1838; FHL film 911,607 grantee A-Z 1839-1859)
N-254: 3 Nov. 1832, Daniel Convers of Muskingum Co. OH to Daniel Duncan of Licking Co. OH, $2000, 160 acres of my undivided moiety of land in Muskingum Co. OH in 3rd quarter of Twp.1, Range 8 of US Military land, adj. tract sold to Thomas Williams by Sylvanus Laurance, containing 833-1/3 acres, being same land conveyed by Sylvanus Laurence to Joseph Butler 30 Dec. 1801 who conveyed to Munroe & Converse 29 Feb. 1808, rec. in Muskingum Co. OH Book C, pg.78; wit. W.A. Adams, Charles C. Converse. (FHL film 900,185 item 2)
O-295: 4 Dec. 1833, Daniel Convers of Muskingum Co. OH to Daniel Duncan of Licking Co. OH, $3,000, 556.66 acres of an undivided moiety, being all my remaining interest, in a tract in Muskingum Co. in 3rd Quarter of Twp.1 R8, adj. tract sold to Thomas Williams by Sylvenus Lawrence contianing 833-1/3 acres, being same land conveyed by Sylvanus Laurence to Joseph Butler 30 Dec. 1801 who conveyed to Munroe & Converse 29 Feb. 1808, rec. in Muskingum Co. OH Book C, pg.78; wit. Chas. B. Goddard, Charles Mathews. (FHL film 900,186; indexed 256 acres)
P-519: Plat showing 18 lots adj. each other in Falls Twp, no names, no dates. (FHL film 900,186 item 2; see Deeds Q-568 and R-148)
Q-568: 1 Feb. 1836, Joseph F. Munro of Wakatomaka, Muskingum Co. OH, and Daniel Duncan of Licking Co. OH, appoint Charles B. Goddard and Charles C. Converse attorneys to sell land in Falls Twp which was subdivided into 18 lots, recorded Book P, pg. 519. (FHL film 900,187)
R-102: 9 July 1836, John Dillon and wife Edith of Muskingum Co. OH to Stephen Duncan of Natches, MS, $2600, part of E fraction of Sec. 6, Twp. 12, Range 13 on Muskingum River, 43.87 acres. Wit. Isaac Dillon, Saml. Thompson JP. (FHL film 900,187)
R-103: 9 July 1836, Charles B. Goddard of Zanesville, Muskingum Co. OH, to Stephen Duncan of Natchez, MS, quit claim for $1 (deed of trust). (FHL film 900,187)
R-148: 5 May 1836, James F. Munroe and wife Mary G. of Muskingum Co. OH and Daniel Duncan and wife Mary M. of Licking Co. OH, to James J. Babcock of Muskingum Co. OH, $400, Lot #8 in Munroe & Duncans land rec. Book P, pg. 519, 50 acres, R8 T1. Wit. Caroline Brice, Elizabeth J. Bancroft for Munroe; Stephen McDougal and L. Smith for Duncan. (FHL film 900,187)
S2-682 (typed): 10 Aug. 1837; Whereas, at April term 1837 of Chancery Court, lots 12 and 13 in 5th Square of Zanesville were sold on 31 July to highest bidder, Daniel Duncan, lot 12 for $1605 and lot 13 for $1700, this a deed to convey title from Master Commissioner William A. Adams to said Daniel Duncan, for said lots; wit. Chas. B. Goddard, Wyllys Buell. (FHL film 900,188)
S2-685 (typed): 29 Aug. 1837, Daniel Duncan and wife Mary "C." Duncan of Newark, Licking Co. OH, to Timothy Kirby of Cincinnati, agent of Bank of US, for $1, assign lots 12 and 13 in 5th Square of town of Zanesville, mortgage; Duncan made 3 notes on 31st July last, $734 payable in one year, $734 payable in two years, and "$735" payable in three years; /s/ Daniel Duncan, Mary "M." Duncan; wit. William Breedom, John Moore; Mary M. Duncan examined. (FHL film 900,188)
U-511: 9 Aug. 1838, Daniel Duncan et al
Later Daniel Duncan grantor deeds not copied
No David Duncan grantor
V-81: (no date, 1839-1859) Wm. Shaffer to Daniel Duncan, Sec.? 5, lot 12, Zanesville. (FHL film 900,190; not found)
No other grantee Duncan 1839-1859
3-461: 9 Jan. 1843, James A. Duncan and wife Columbia M., and John L. Duncan and wife Florida C. to Michael D. Gittings, all of Harrison Co. VA; Duncan wives are 2 heirs of John G. Jackson decd, who were 5 in number; not copied. Rec. Harrison Co. VA. (FHL film 900,194)
10-384: 29 March 1847, Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. of Adams Co. MS to Francis R. Potts of Muskingum Co. OH, $800, part of E. fraction of Sec. 6, Twp. 12, Range 13 on Muskingum River, sold to Stephen Duncan by John Dillon, rec. in Book R, pg. 102 & 103. Rec. Adams Co. MS. (FHL film 910,351)
12-516: 21 May 1844, Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. of Adams Co. MS to John C. Howard, for $1, R13 T12 Sec 6, 43.87 acres, recorded Book R, pg. 102 & 103. (FHL film 910,352; faint)
13-366: 14 Aug. 1848, James Duncan of Muskingum Co. OH to James Granger of same, $400, mortgage (paid 18 Jan. 1854) of lot 7 in Twp 11, Range 13, land formerly owned by one John Bright, now deceased, 66 acres. Wit. Franklin Gale, F.A. Sebone. (FHL film 910,353)
Fairfield Co. OH Will Book 4, 1849-1858 (FHL film 295,273)
4-78/80: 16 Sept. 1851 court; will of Daniel Duncan produced by Charles C. Emory? and John Grimes? the witnesses, on 16 Oct. 1849 in Licking Co. OH who certified to it; will dated 14 April 1849, of Licking Co. OH; my executrix may sell part of my estate to pay debts; to my wife Mary M. Duncan all of my estate of every kind; appoint wife Mary M. Duncan sole executrix; no inventory or appraisement of my estate shall be required. Wit. Charles C. Convers, D.C. Goddard, John Greiner. (MAD: from Cumberland Co. PA)
4-437/440: 14 March 1857; will of Mary M. Duncan of Muskingum Co. OH produced together with certificates of probate court of said Muskingum Co.; dated 17 July 1852; subject to provisions hereinafter, to my children Ellen A. Duncan, Henry C. Duncan, Charles C. Duncan and Alice G. Duncan, all my estate to be equally divided among them; that portion to my daughters shall be for their separate use; appoint brother Theodore Convers executor; appoint brother Theodore Convers guardian of my children until they reach their full ages, and appoint him trustee for them; no bond required; authorize Theodore Convers to appoint a successor in writing. Wit. Howard Stanbery, David C. Convers. The court found that Theodore Convers was dead and appointed Charles B. Goddard admr under bond of $2000 with E.B. Eastman and Daniel C. Convers securities.
Hardin Co. OH Will Book (FHL film 914,856; indexed as A-367 & 639)
1-463: 21 April 1866 court; will of Daniel Duncan produced by Charles C. Emory? and John Grimes? the witnesses, on 16 Oct. 1849 in Licking Co. OH, certification by Licking Co. court; will dated 14 April 1849, of Licking Co. OH; my executrix may sell part of my estate to pay debts; to my wife Mary M. Duncan all of my estate of every kind; appoint wife Mary M. Duncan sole executrix; no inventory or appraisement of my estate shall be required. Wit. Charles C. Convers, D.C. Goddard, John Greiner.
1-465: 21 April 1866 court; will of Mary M. Duncan of Muskingum Co. OH produced together with certificates of probate court of said Muskingum Co.; dated 17 July 1852; subject to provisions hereinafter, to my children Ellen A. Duncan, Henry C. Duncan, Charles C. Duncan and Alice G. Duncan, all my estate to be equally divided among them; that portion to my daughters shall be for their separate use; appoint brother Theodore Convers executor; appoint brother Theodore Convers guardian of my children until they reach their full ages, and appoint him trustee for them; no bond required; authorize Theodore Convers to appoint a successor in writing. Wit. Howard Stanbery, David C. Convers. The court found that Theodore Convers was dead and appointed Charles B. Goddard admr under bond of $2000 with E.B. Eastman and Daniel C. Convers securities.
Hardin Co. OH Deeds (SLC 9/12/2012)
27-155/156: That Mary M. Duncan, late of Muskingum Co. OH decd, on 17 July 1852, made her will in writing which was after her death, on 5 Jan. 1857, produced in the Probate Court of Muskingum Co., and in her will nominated Theodore Convers as executor and to sell any part of the real estate belonging to her, and said Theodore Convers having died without in any way taking upon himself the duty of executing said trust, the Probate Court on motion ordered Charles B. Goddard appointed administrator of the estate of Mary M. Duncan decd., and he appeared and gave bond and accepted the trust, and whereas the said Charles B. Goddard having departed this life without having fully administered the said estate, the Probate Court on 11 July 1865 appointed John A. Hunter Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of Mary M. Duncan, and he gave bond and accepted the trust, all of which will appear by the will and the journal entries and record of said court, and John A. Hunter Administrator had an authenticated copy of the will and probate thereof recorded in the Probate Court for Hardin Co. OH, sold the lands to Perry B. Owen, Freeman Owen and William H. Monser for $2,400; NOW John A. Hunter as administrator de bonis non with will annexed of Mary M. Duncan decd. for $2,400 paid and secured to be paid, sell to said Perry B. Owen, Freeman Owen and William H. Monser, lands in Hardin Co. OH, SE 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.3S Range 12, together with appurtenances, 26 April 1866. /s/ John A. Hunter, Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of Mary M. Duncan deceased. Wit. John Garaghty, J.R. Muniaugh. John A. Hunter appeared 26 April 1866 before John Garaghty, Notary Public of Fairfield Co. OH. Recorded May 17, 1866. (FHL film 914,217)
32-479/480: That Mary M. Duncan, late of Muskingum Co. OH decd, on 17 July 1852, made her will in writing which was after her death, on 5 Jan. 1857, produced in the Probate Court of Muskingum Co., and in her will nominated Theodore Convers as executor and to sell any part of the real estate belonging to her, and said Theodore Convers having died without in any way taking upon himself the duty of executing said trust, the Probate Court on motion ordered Charles B. Goddard appointed administrator of the estate of Mary M. Duncan decd., and he appeared and gave bond and accepted the trust, and whereas the said Charles B. Goddard having departed this life without having fully administered the said estate, the Probate Court on 11 July 1865 appointed John A. Hunter Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of Mary M. Duncan, and he gave bond and accepted the trust, all of which will appear by the will and the journal entries and record of said court, and John A. Hunter Administrator had an authenticated copy of the will and probate thereof recorded in the Probate Court for Hardin Co. OH, sold the lands to Henry Hester for $600; NOW John A. Hunter as administrator de bonis non with will annexed of Mary M. Duncan decd. for $2,400 paid and secured to be paid, sell to said Henry Hester, lands in Hardin Co. OH, SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.3S Range 12, together with appurtenances, 26 April 1866. /s/ John A. Hunter, Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of Mary M. Duncan deceased. Wit. John Garaghty, J.R. Muniaugh. John A. Hunter appeared 26 April 1866 before John Garaghty, Notary Public of Fairfield Co. OH. Recorded May 5, 1870. (FHL film 914,220)
Licking Co. OH Deed (FHL film 476,842)
UU/48-310: 9 Jan. 1843, James A. Duncan and wife Columbia M. and John S. Duncan and wife Floride C., to Michael D. Gitting, all of Harrison Co. VA; that Columbia M. and Floride C. Duncan are two of the heirs of the late John G. Jackson decd who are five in number, and as such are entitled to 1/5 the real estate of John G. Jackson in the state of OH; sell their interest to Michael A. Gitting for $2000, land part in Muskingum Co., part in Licking Co. and part in Knox. Reg. in Harrison Co. VA, then in Licking Co. OH.
Sandusky Co. OH Probate Records
Case #1067: Mary M. Duncan will 17 July 1852 of Muskingum Co. OH (not copied) (FHL film 497,305)
Van Wert Co. OH Deed Record v.X, Jan. 1868-Nov. 1868 (FHL film 504,492 item 2; SLC 9/13/2012)
X-448: 29 July 1868, that Mary M. Duncan late of Muskingum Co. OH decd. on 17 July 1852, executed her will in writing, after her death, to wit, on 5 Jan. 1857, produced to probate court for said county, and was admitted to record, and she nominated Theadore Conyers as executor to sell her real estate, and the said Theadore Conyers departed this life without having taken upon himself the duty of executing the trust, the Probate Court ordered Charles B?. Goddard appointed admin. with will annexed, and he appeared and gave bond and took upon himself the duties, the said Charles B. Goddard departed this life without having fully administered the estate, the Probate Court on 11 July 1865 appointed John A. Hunter administrator de bonis non with will annexed of Mary M. Duncan, and he appeared and accepted the trust and sold the lands herein to John H. Jones for $1,440 cash in hand, now this a deed to John H. Jones of Jackson Co. OH, lands in Van Wert Co. OH, W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.3S Range 3E in District of lands subject to sale at Lima, OH, containing 120 acres more or less. /s/ John A. Hunter, Administrator ... Wit. M.A. Daugherty, H.J. Blaire. He appeared before H.J. Blair, Notary Public, Fairfield Co. OH, 29 July 1868. Recorded Aug. 24, 1868. (FHL film 504,492)
Harford Co. MD Deeds (FHL film 14,107)
HD 10-1: 21 June 1826, John Day, Charlotte S. Day, Edward Morgan and wife Sarah, of City of Baltimore, MD, and James Caldwell (sic) and wife Harriott (sic) formerly Harriet Day, and Lucinda S. Young of State of OH by John Day their attorney, to John Duncan of Harford Co. MD, $150, their undivided interest to part of land "Abotts Forrest", being part of a lot called "Hansons Lot", the conveyed land being 60 acres, which John, Charlotte, Sarah, Harriett and Lucinda took by descent from their decd. mother Sarah Day formerly Han... (in binding) late wife of Joshua Day of Harford Co. decd; wit. Henry W. Gay, N.G. Bryson.
HD 10-3: 1 Feb. 1826, Power of Attorney, Harriet Cadwell (sic) and James Cadwell of Zanesville, Muskingum Co. OH, as heirs of Joshua Day and Sarah Day decd, undivided 1/5 of land "Abbotts Forest" about 60 acres, ... Caldwell (sic) appoint John Day their attorney.
HD 10-4: 9 Feb. 1826, Trumble Co. OH, Power of Attorney of Lucinda S. Young, widow of Robert Young, to John Day ... (not copied further)
1882 "History of Muskingum County, Ohio : with illustrations and biographical sketches of prominent men and pioneers" by J.F. Everhart (FHL book 977.191 H2e and film 962,323 item 2)
Pg.396: The following recital appeared in the "Times" of Zanesville ... that before the Trading Post was inaugurated in 1794, ... about the year 1790, there came from VA a man by the name of Duncan, whose occupation was to hunt wild game, either with a gun or traps. He was a man who desired to be secluded and alone, ... came to the vicinity of the falls of the Muskingum river, nine miles below Zanesville, before that locality was inhabited by any white people. The Indians had one or two villages near by, and for a time Duncan carried on a little trade or barter with them, and was friendly. This continued for perhaps 4 years, when he discovered his traps had been meddled with and some of his game stolen. (he kept watch, discovered an Indian taking game from his traps, shot him, shot other Indians who meddled with his rights; they were enraged and shot at him with arrows but did not seem to injure him.) Duncan's place of abode was unknown to them, (discovered how he crossed the river and where). On the fatal night, Indian warriors lay in ambush, when he was half across, the Indians struck him and he fell dead in the middle of the river; next day his body was found about 1/2 mile below on a gravelly ripple. This point was given the name of "Dead Man's Ripple" from the fact that the dead body of Duncan was found on it, and the falls of the river at that point were called "Duncan's Falls," because it was there that Duncan fell. After the death of Duncan, his habitation was discovered to be a cave or dugout ... about 1/2 mile below the falls. ... his gun found, a new stock, now owned by Col. Z.M. Chandler. ... (no first name given for Duncan).
"Ohio annals : historic events in the Tuscarawas and Muskingum Valleys, and in other portions of the state of Ohio : adventures of Post, Heckewelder and Zeisberger, legends and traditions of the Kophs, Mound Builders, red and white men : adventures of Putnam and Heckewelder, founders of the state : local history, growth of Ohio in population, political power, wealth and intelligence" by Charles Whittlesy, Lachlan McIntose; ed. by Charles Hollowell Mitchener; pub. Dayton, Ohio: T.W. Odell, 1876, 364 pgs. (LH10310, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 977.1 H2mi and film 928,153 item 7)
Pg.294: Zanesville was laid out in 1799, ... among other early settlers were ... James Duncan. (MAD: Zanesville, Muskingum Co. OH)
1889-1890 "Portrait and Biographical Album of Vermilion Co. IL, containing ... portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county" pub. by Chapman Bros. (FHL book 977.365 D3p; FHL film 215,556 and 1,000,518 item 2)
Pg.708-709: ROBERT ELLIOTT, owns and lives on a farm in Ross Twp situated on Sec.7 Twp 23, Ranges 10 & 11, which has been his home since 1868. He was born in Muskingum Co. OH, about 14 miles east of Zanesville, on Sept. 8, 1826, his parents being Francis and Jane (Hunter) Elliott. His grandparents on both sides came from the north of Ireland, and were of the excellent old Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock, ... The paternal grandfather of the subject of this biography also named Robert, emigrated from Ireland many years ago, and after landing in America came direct to Muskingum Co. OH, then considered the Far West. He and his wife settled, years afterward Robert Elliott and one of his sons removed to Licking Co. OH, to a farm near site of present Newark, and there the elder Elliott spent remainder of his days.
Francis Elliott, father of subject, born in Ireland, a year old when his parents brought him to America. He did not accompany his father to Licking Co., remaining in Muskingum Co. until his death in 1837, in the prime of life; he was married in Muskingum Co. to Miss Jane Hunter, b. Westmoreland Co. PA, her parents also from north of Ireland; after her husband's untimely death she devoted herself to rearing her family, saw them all happily married and settled, and then she herself mar. James Howell, an old friend and neighbor; she died in 1879 aged about 67 years. Francis and Jane Elliott had 8 children. The eldest, Eliza, mar. James Herdman, a civil engineer, died in Zanesville, OH where her husband is still living; William mar. Ethelinda Carter, he a blacksmith in Hamilton, MO. Next is Robert (sketch); (then) James who mar. Electa St.Clair, a farmer when he died; John a farmer in OR mar. Nancy Owensbey who died in that state; Mary Jane the wife of Johnson Morgan a carpenter of Danville, IL; Margaret Catherine died in girlhood, and Esther mar. Edward Dunkin, farmer of Middle Fork Twp, this county. Robert E., subject of the sketch, spent boyhood in Muskingum Co. OH, lived with parents until 21, then married and bought 80 acres about a mile from his old home where he lived until his removal to Vermilion Co. IL in 1863. Making a visit to this county in 1861 to his sister Mrs. Dunkin, who with her husband had settled here some years before, he determined to make (this) his future home. ... Mr. (Robert) Elliott mar. on 14 Sept. 1848 to Miss Nancy Morgan, dau. of Morgan Morgan and Nancy (Sisly) ... (MAD: Edward Duncan mar. Esther H. Elliott 1856 Muskingum Co. OH)
"History of the Minnesota Valley, including the Explorers and pioneers of Minnesota" by Edward D. Neill, Charles S. Bryant; pub. Minneapolis: North Star Pub. Co., 1882, 1021 pgs. (LH9118, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL film 1,000,253 item 2)
Pg.738: Brown County. William Duncan was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, January 21, 1846. When five years of age accompanied his parents to Bartholemew (MAD: sic) county, Indiana, and twelve years later went to Clay county, Illinois. In 1866 came to Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, and engaged in farming until 1870 since which time has been in the machine trade. Married in 1876, Miss Cornelia Hatch, a native of Vermont, who bore him four children; three are living. Mrs. Duncan died in 1876.
Pg.748: Brown County. [town of] Stark. Jacob Duncan, Jr., was born in Bartholomew county, Indiana, in 1850. At the age of seven years he accompanied his parents to Clay county, Illinois. On coming to Brown county with his father in 1866 he made a claim of eighty acres on section 27 of Stark, where his son Jacob still lives. Married in 1875 Mary C. Somerville, of Indiana, who has borne him three children.
Some early Duncans in Muskingum Co. OH:
James Duncan, 1830, estate indexed as Admin. docket A, pg.223, Case #906 ("OH Wills & Estates to 1850; an Index" by Carol Willsey Bell, FHL book 977.1 P22b; from Evelyn Sigler 12/1983)
Gilbert Duncan, 2 Dec. 1830, mar. Nancy Reese
Daniel D. Duncan, 18 Oct. 1832, mar. Mary Converse
James Duncan, 18 Dec. 1834, of Brush Creek Twp, mar. Phebe Woodruff
Martha Duncan, 11 April 1839, mar. Nicholas Teterick
Jacob Duncan, 18 Jan. 1844, mar. Elizabeth Ann Coy
Joseph Duncan, 29 May 1845, mar. Mary Newton; Dr. Joseph Duncan of Winchester [Clark Co.], KY, mar. Miss Mary Ellen, dau. of Isaac N. Renton of Zanesville [Muskingum Co.] OH, 29 May 1845; from (Lexington) "Observer & Reporter" of 11 June 1845. (pg.112, "KY Marriages, 1797-1865" by G. Glenn Clift, FHL book 976.9 V28cg or film 1,320,550 item 11)
Asa Duncan, 29 June 1848, mar. Nancy Clark
Jacob Duncan, 21 Oct. 1848, mar. Providence Edwards (MAD: 1850 Bartholomew Co. IN census; 1860 Clay Co. IL census; Jacob Duncan d. 9/28/1886 Sleepy Eye [Brown Co.], MN, wife Providence d. there 12/10/1887, from pg.48-49, Vol.14#5, 6/1990, "The Muskingum" (Co. OH) periodical, FHL book 977.191 D25m)
Martha Duncan, 18 Feb. 1851, mar. George F. Hamm; Martha Duncan mar. 18 Feb. 1851 to George Franklin Hammond b. Dec. 1828 (pg.275, Vol.1, 1970, "Anne Arundel (MD) Gentry" by Newman (TN Gen. Society Library #167 from Evelyn Sigler 11/1984)
Edward Duncan, 7 Oct. 1856, mar. Esther H. Elliott
Ellen A. Duncan, 11 Jan. 1860, mar. William C. Graham
Mary C. Duncan, 3 Dec. 1861, mar. John A. Hunter
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