Duncan research files of |
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 24 (FHL film 560,804)
24-60: 2 Dec. 1846, Thomas Jay, Sheriff of Miami Co. OH; that 8 May 1847 John Dunkin of Miami Co. OH filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas of said county against Jesse Dunkin and others demanding partition of certain real estate, ... report approved at July 1847 term of court that the land could not be partitioned without manifest injury, Jesse Dunkin electing to take real estate at valuation of commissioners, and having paid or secured to the several other parties their respective portions, the court at October term 1847 adjudged said estate to Jesse Duncan; now Thomas Jay, Sheriff, makes deed to Jesse Dunkin of N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 2E containing 80-1/2 acres more or less subject to dower estate of Elizabeth Dunkin assigned therein. /s/ Thomas Jay, Sheriff of Miami Co. Examined in presence of Geo. D. Burgess, D. Lindsay. Thomas Jay ack. before Geo. D. Burgess, Notary Public, Miami Co. OH, 10 Feb. 1848. Recorded March 2, 1848.
24-240: 6 Apr. 1848, Cyrus Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $50 paid, sell to Samuel Dunkin, premises in Miami Co. OH, tract or parcel of land undivided, in Monroe Twp, being in SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E, excepting 30 acres in SW corner of said 1/4 he deeded to Jacob Burkit, being of that tract or parcel, being 5 acres more or less out of the SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Cyrus Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, Nathan Hollingsworth. Cyrus Dunkin appeared 5 April 1848 before John Hart, J.P. Recorded July 25, 1848.
24-387: 16 June 1840, Nelson Dunkin of Miami Co. OH to Amos Dunkin of Miami Co. OH, for $400 paid, sell all that lot or tract of land in Miami Co. OH, commencing at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E and running south ... 80 poles more or less to NW corner of Jacob Byrkets 30 acre lot, then ... to NE corner of said lot, then a long course so far as to take in 54 acres, then north to 1/4 section line, then with 1/4 section line to beginning, warrant title. /s/ Nelson Dunkin. Wit. David Patty, Joseph C. Copporll?. Nelson Dunkin appeared before Joseph C. Coppwell? J.P. 16 June 1840. Recorded Nov. 20, 1848.
24-650: 19 March 1849, William W. Covault of Miami Co. OH for $200 paid, sell to Robert Duncan, premises in Miami Co. OH, beginning at SW corner of SE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.1 Range 11 between the Miami Rivers, then North ... containing 10 acres, warrant title. /s/ Wm. W. Covault, Harriet Covault. Wit. Nicholas Walters, W.M. Knoop?. William W. Covault and wife Harriet Covault appeared before W.M. Knoop, J.P., 19 March 1849. Recorded May 15, 1849.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 25 (FHL film 560,805)
25-63: 19 May 1849, Aaron Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $600 paid, sell to Samuel Dunkin, premises in Miami Co. OH in Munrow Twp, 30 acres of E 1/2 of 80 acres of North side of SW 1/4 of Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E, warrant title. /s/ Aaron Duncan. Wit. A.B. Hartman, William Justus. Aaron Dunkin appeared 19 May 1849 before A.B. Hartman, J.P. Recorded July 19, 1849. (MAD: Duncan/Dunkin as spelled)
25-64: 9 Dec. 1848, John Dunkin and wife Nancy Ann of Miami Co. OH for $75 paid, sell to Samuel Dunkin of afsd, premises in Miami Co. OH, all their interest in one undivided eighth part of 1/2 of E 1/2 or 80 acres off the East side of SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E conveyed by Amos Dunkin, William Dunkin and Aaron Dunkin by deed 11 Nov. 1830, and recorded in Book H pg.172, warrant title, Nancy Ann relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ John Dunkin, Nancy Ann (X) Dunkin. Wit. Abel Manes??, David Jenkins. John Dunkin and wife Nancy Ann appeared before David Jenkins, J.P., 9 Dec. 1848. Recorded July 19, 1849. (MAD: Book 8, pg.172, but plainly written Book H)
25-170: 27 Jan. 1846, Isaac Dunkin and wife Elizabeth of Miami Co. OH for $375 paid, sell to Daniel Curtis of same, premises in Miami Co. OH, Union Twp, 40 acres off South part of West 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.6 Range 5E, warrant title, wife Elizabeth Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Isaac Dunkin, Elizabeth (X) Dunkin. Wit. Jacob Frank, Philip Clominger. Isaac Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin appeared 27 Jan. 1846 before Philip Clominger, J.P. Recorded Oct. 10, 1849.
25-334/335: 6 April 1847, Steward McMillen of Miami Co. OH for $15 paid, sell to Michael Dunkin of afsd, premises in Miami Co. OH, Lot 16 in Jay's?? Addition to town of Fletcher, warrant title. /s/ Stewart McMillen, Rebecca Ann McMillen. Wit. J.L. Maloy, J.J. Covault. 6 April 1847, Steward McMillen and wife Rebecca Ann appeared before J.L. Maloy, J.P. Recorded Feb. 4, 1850.
25-335: 24 Oct. 1849, Albert Howland of Miami Co. OH for $240? paid, sell to Michael Duncan of same place, premises in Miami Co. OH, S 1/2 W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.32 Twp.2 Range 12 of Canal Land between the Miami Rivers conveyed to said Howland by Elijah Gorsuch, warrant title; wife Caroline relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Albert Howland, Caroline Howland. Wit. George Throckmorton, William P?. Evans. 24 Oct. 1849, Albert Howland and wife Caroline appeared before George Throckmorton, J.P. Recorded Feb. 5, 1850.
25-399: 15 Jan. 1850, Jesse Dunkin Jr. of Miami Co. OH for $625 paid, sell to William Dunkin of afsd, premises in Miami Co. OH in Union Twp, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E containing 80 acres & 50/100 acre more or less, subject to the dower estate of Elizabeth Dunkin, warrant title. /s/ Jesse Dunkin Jr. Wit. John Hart, Eli Turness?. Jesse Dunkin Jr. appeared 15 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P. Recorded Feb. 28, 1850.
25-414: 1 Jan. 1850, Jesse Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $260 paid, sell to Elizabeth Dunkin of afsd, premises in Miami Co. OH in Union Twp, part of NE 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.6 Range 5E containing 13? acres of which Isaac Dunkin died seized, warrant title, /s/ Jesse Dunkin Jr. Wit. John Hart, Eli Jenny. Jesse Dunkin appeared 18 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P. Recorded March 9, 1850.
25-571: 7 March 1850, John Dunkin and wife Nancy Ann of Miami Co. OH for $1200 paid, sell to Jesse Jay premises in Miami Co. OH, S 1/2 W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E containing 42 & 42/100 acres more or less, and also S 1/2 of a 20 acre lot in SE corner of 1/4 section afsd which was deeded to John and Samuel Dunkin by Amos Dunkin and wife 2 Oct. 1830 and Recorded Book H pg.154 containing 10 acres, the whole containing 52 acres and 42/100 of an acre more or less, warrant title, wife Nancy Ann relinquishes her dower right. (MAD: Recorded Book 8, pg.154) /s/ John Dunkin, Nancy Ann (X) Dunkin. Wit. George Youner, David Jenkins. John Dunkin and wife Nancy Ann appeared before David Jenkins, J.P., 7 March 1850. Recorded June 22, 1850.
25-571/572: 4 June 1850, Samuel Dunkin and wife Catharine of Miami Co. OH for $1060.50 paid, sell to Jesse Jay of afsd, premises in Miami Co. OH, N 1/2 W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E, containing 42 acres and 42/100 of an acre more or less, warrant title, Catharine Dunkin relinquishes her dower right. /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Catharine (X) Dunkin. Wit. Ann Jenkins, David Jenkins. Samuel Dunkin and wife Catharine appeared 4 June 1850 before David Jenkins, J.P. Recorded June 22, 1850.
25-582: 4 June 1850, Samuel Dunkin and wife Catharine of Miami Co. OH for $750 paid, sell to David Curtis of afsd, real estate, 30 acres of the E 1/2 of 80 acres off the North side of SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E in Miami Co. OH, warrant title, Catharine Dunkin releases her right of dower. /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Catharine (X) Dunkin. Wit. Ann Jenkins, David Curtis. Samuel Dunkin and wife Catharine appeared before David Jenkins, J.P., 4 June 1850. Recorded June 27, 1850.
25-582/583: 11 June 1849, Aaron Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $1200 paid, sell to David Curtis of same, premises in Miami Co. OH, 50 acres of South side of NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E, warrant title. /s/ Aaron Dunkin. Wit. A.B. Hartman, David Vanator. Aaron Dunkin appeared 8 June 1849 before A.B. Hartman, J.P. Recorded June 26, 1850. (MAD: dates as given)
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 26 (FHL film 560,806)
26-99: 29 Apr. 1850, Robert Duncan and wife Sarah Duncan of Champaign Co. OH for $25 paid, sell to Mary Chidester of Champaign Co. OH premises in Miami Co. OH in Brown Twp, Inlot No.15 in Mores addition to town of Fletcher in Miami Co. OH, warrant title, Sarah Duncan relinquished her right of dower. /s/ Robert Duncan, Sarah Duncan. Wit. J.H. Spain, J.V. Bates. 29 April 1850, Robert Duncan and wife Sarah Duncan appeared before A.H. Spain, J.P., Champaign Co. OH. Recorded Dec. 2, 1850.
26-100/101: 6 April 1847, Steward McMillen of Miami Co. OH to Robert Duncan Jr. of Miami Co. OH, for $15 paid or secured to be paid, sell Lot 15 in Mores Addition to town of Fletcher in Miami Co. OH, together with improvements and appurtenances, warrant title, wife Rebecca Ann relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Steward McMillen, Rebecca Ann McMillen. Wit. J.T. Moley, J.J. Cavault. Steward McMillen and wife Rebecca Ann appeared before J.L. Maloy, J.P., 6 April 1847. Recorded Dec. 3, 1850.
26-166: 9 Sept. 1850, John S. Penabaker and Presley B. Cordell and Hester E. Cordell his wife by S.S. McKinny their attorney in fact, for $1,030 paid, sell to Samuel Duncan of Miami Co. OH, that John S. Penabaker sells one undivided 1/5 part and also one undivided 1/3 of 1/5 part, and Cordell & wife hereby sell one undivided 1/5 part of premises in Miami Co. OH, beg. at NW corner Sec.26 Twp.1 Range 12 M.R.S., then E 160 poles to a stake in the middle of the North boundary of said Section, then South 108 poles, then west 160 poles, then north to the beginning, containing 108 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ J.S. Penabaker, S.S. McKinny Attorney in fact for Presley B. & Hester E. Cordell. Wit. M.H. Jones, Stephen Johnston. John S. Penabaker and Presley B. Cordell and Hester E. Cordell his wife by S.S. McKinny their attorney appeared before M.H. Jones, Notary Public, Miami Co. OH, 9 Sept. 1850. Recorded Dec. 30, 1850.
26-412/413: 15 Jan. 1851, John Duncan and Michael Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $300 paid, sell to Luke Vaas Clark, real estate in Miami Co. OH, being part of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.2 Range 11 Between the M.R.S., beginning at NE corner of said land, ... a half acre of land, also the privilege of a mill race from the mill on the afsd land, ... Lost Creek, ...also a part of the SE 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.30 in Twp.2 of Range 11 between M.R.S. beginning at SE corner of afsd, ... also water privileges, a head race to the saw mill now owned by said John Duncan and Michael Duncan ..., warrant title, Deborah wife of John Duncan and Lydia wife of Michael Duncan relinquish their right of dower. /s/ John Duncan, Deborah (X) Duncan, Michael Duncan, Lydia C. Duncan. Wit. Cephis Sanders, Andrew Dunn. 15 Jan. 1851, John Duncan and Debrough his wife and Michael Duncan and Lydia his wife appeared before J.A. Dunn, J.P. Recorded June 9, 1851.
26-560: 4 Aug. 1851, Charles B. Penebaker of Miami Co. OH for $620 paid, sell to Samuel Duncan of afsd real estate in Miami Co. OH, Spring Creek Twp, beg. at NW corner Sec.26, Twp.1 Range 12 M.R.S., then East to a stake in the middle of the North boundary, then ... containing 108 acres more or less, the undivided 1/5 part of said tract and parcel of lands, warrant title. /s/ Charles B. Penebaker. Wit. S.S. McKinney, J.F. McKinney. 4 Aug. 1851, Charles B. Penebaker appeared before S.S. McKinney, Notary Public. Recorded Oct. 1, 1851.
26-568: 15 Jan. 1851, Michael Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $16 paid, sell to Martha Manson of afsd, Inlot 16 in Mores Addition to town of Fletcher, Miami Co. OH, warrant title, release by Lydia Duncan, wife of Michael, of her right of dower. /s/ Michael Duncan, Lydia Duncan. Wit. John Duncan, Andrew Dann. Michael Duncan and Lydia his wife appeared 15 Jan. 1851 before Andrew Dann, J.P. Recorded Oct. 6, 1851.
26-603: 25 Sept. 1851, John Dunkin of Miami Co. ON for $205 paid, sell to Valentine Earnest of afsd, real estate in Miami Co. OH, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.8 Range 4E containing 39 acres and 71/100 of an acre more or less, warrant title. /s/ John Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, A.H. Baxter. 25 Sept. 1851, John Dunkin appeared before John Hart, J.P. Recorded Nov. 12, 1851.
26-610: 23 Aug. 1849, Amos Dunkin and wife Permelia of Miami Co. OH for $1130 paid, sell to Nathan Hollingsworth of afsd premises in Miami Co. OH, part of SW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.6 Range 5E beginning at NW corner of said 1/4 section, then with section line ... to James Curtis corner, then with Curtis line ... to David Curtis corner, then to S. Dunkin's line, then ... north boundary of said 1/4 sec, then to the beginning, containing 56 acres and 58/100 of an acre more or less, warrant title, wife Permelia relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Amos Dunkin, Permelia (X) Dunkin. Wit. Ann Jenkins, David Jenkins. Amos Dunkin and wife Permilia appeared before David Jenkins, J.P., 23 Aug. 1849. Recorded Nov. 14, 1851.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 27 (FHL film 560,807)
27-62: 13 July 1845, Jesse Dunkin and wife of Miami Co. OH for $300 paid, sell to Zachariah Miller of same, premises in Miami Co. OH, all that real estate, NE 1/2 E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.6 Range 5E containing 39 acres and 58/100 of an acre, warrant title, wife Elizabeth Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Jesse Dunkin, Elizabeth (X) Dunkin. Wit. Philip Cloninger, Rowland Mulholland. 30 July 1845, Jesse Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin appeared before Philip Cleninger, J.P. Recorded March 15, 1852.
27-259: 5 Aug. 1852, Jeremiah Newman and Rachel S. Newman his wife for $400 paid, sell to Ganor Pierce their interest in premises with appurtenances in Miami Co. OH, the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E also 50 acres in County, Twp. & Range afsd, beg. at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10 running south with section line 100 poles, then east parallel with section line 80 poles, then north to strike the east and west line of said 1/4 section 80 poles from the beginning, then west to the beginning. Also 8 acres more or less in County, Twp. & Range afsd, beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9, then north with the line of said 1/4 to Elizabeth Dunkin corner, then west to the river, then down the river with its meanders to south boundary of said quarter, then east to the beginning. /s/ Jeremiah Newman, Rachel S. Newman. Wit. Joseph Duncan, John Hart. They appeared before John Hart, J.P., 5 Aug. 1852. Recorded Aug. 9, 1852. (FHL film 560,807; SLC 9/11/2012)
27-310: 6 Sept. 1852, Isaac B. Duncan and wife Elizabeth Duncan for $182 paid, sell to Gainer A. Peirce, premises with appurtenances in Union Twp, Miami Co. OH, land contained in the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 range 5E, also 50 acres in Twp. & Range afsd, beg. at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10 running South with section line, then East with section line, ... to beginning, also 80 acres more or less in afsd, beg. at SE corner of NE 1/4 of said Sec.9, running north with line of said quarter, Elizabeth Duncan's line, then West to the river, then down the river with the meanderings thereof to south boundary of said 1/4, then east to the beginning. /s/ Isaac B. Duncan, Elizabeth (X) Duncan. Wit. J.D. Fowler, Charles E. Brown. Isaac B. Duncan and wife Elizabeth Duncan appeared before J.D. Fowler, J.P., 5 Sept. 1852. Recorded Sept. 10, 1852.
27-483: 23 Feb. 1852, Michael Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $700 paid, sell to John Motter real estate in Miami Co. OH, S 1/2 W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.32 Twp.2 Range 12 of the Canal lands between the Miami Rivers, Howland by E. Gasuch, together with appurtenances, warrant title. Wife Lydia relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Michael Duncan, Lydia Duncan. Wit. Isaac Kiser, A. Dunn. 23 Feb. 1852, Michael Duncan and wife Lydia appeared before A. Dunn, J.P. Recorded Dec. 21, 1852. (MAD: do not understand what E. Gasuch has to do with the location of the land)
27-577: 12 Jan. 1853, Henry Duncan and wife Mary Duncan for $300 paid, sell to Ganor A. Peirce, premises with appurtenances in Miami Co. OH, all that land contained in S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also 60 acres in afsd bounded beg. at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, running S with the section line, then east parallel with the line, then ... to the beginning, also 8 acres more or less in afsd, beg. at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9 running North with the line of said quarter to Elizabeth Duncan's corner, then west to the River, then down the river with the meanders to the south boundary of said quarter, then East to the beginning. /s/ Henry Duncan, Polly Duncan. Wit. A. Vorhees, Jeremiah Newman. Henry Duncan and wife Mary Duncan appeared before A. Vorhees 12 Jan. 1853. Recorded Feb. 18, 1853.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 28 (FHL film 560,808)
28-127: 2 May 1853, Elizabeth Duncan, widow and heir at law of Jesse Duncan Senr. decd, for $300 paid, sell to Gainer A. Peirce, all my dower interest and estate to land contained in S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also 50 acres in Miami Co. OH and range afsd beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, running south with section line ..., also 80 acres more or less in Twp. and Range afsd, beginning at SE corner of NW 1/4 Sec.9, running North with the line of said 1/4 to Elizabeth Duncan corner, then west to the river, then down the river to the south boundary, then east to the beginning. /s/ Elizabeth (X) Duncan. Wit. A.H. Davis, J.A. Sharp. 2 May 1853, Elizabeth Duncan appeared before A.H. Davis, J.P. Recorded May 5, 1853.
28-152: 10 Feb. 1838, Jacob Peterbaugh and wife Hannah of Miami Co. OH to Robert Duncan of afsd, for $550 paid, sell land in Miami Co. OH, being part of East 1/2 (too faint) Twp 1, Range 11 M.R.S., begin. with ... then South, ... to the beginning, also all that lot ... NW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.? beginning at NE corner of said 1/4 sec., then West ... north with the centre line of said section ... to the beginning, in first lot containing 40 acres, the second ... and 66/100 of an acre, warrant title; Hannah Peterbaugh relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Jacob Peterbaugh, Hannah Peterbaugh. Wit. John Winca?, John Dunci?. Jacob Peterbaugh and wife Hannah Peterbaugh appeared 10 Feb. 1838 before John Winans, J.P. Recorded May 17, 1853.
28-154: 31 Oct. 1851, John Weatherhead Junior and wife Mary Elizabeth Weatherhead of Miami Co. OH for $150 paid, sell to Robert Duncan, real estate in Miami Co. OH in the Cincinnati Land District, beg. 60 poles north of the west corner of SE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.1 Range ?? between the Miami Rivers and running thence North ..., containing 6 acres and 2/3 of an acre, together with appurtenances, warrant title; Mary Elizabeth Weatherhead relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ John Weatherhead [Junior?], Mary E. Weatherhead. Wit. T.P. Cavalitt, Maria Webb. 31 Oct. 1851, they appeared before John W. H...(in center fold of page). Recorded May 18, 1853.
28-183: 21 May 1853, Jonah Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $325 paid, sell to Ganor Pierce, my interest in premises in Miami Co. OH, the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also 50 acres in Twp. & Range afsd, beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, running south with the section line ..., also 8 acres more or less in Twp. & range afsd beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9, then running north with the line of said quarter to Elizabeth Dunkins corner, then west to the River, then down the river with the meanderings of the river to the south boundary of said 1/4, then east to the beginning. /s/ Jonah Duncan. Wit. John Hart, Patrick H. Hart. Jonah Duncan appeared 21 May 1853 before John Hart, J.P. Recorded May 30, 1853.
28-231/232: 9 June 1853, Samuel Duncan and wife Elizabeth Duncan for $200 paid, quit claim to Jesse Duncan, premises with appurtenances in Union Twp, Miami Co. OH, all that tract and parcel of land in S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also 50 acres in afsd twp. & range, beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, running with the section line 100 poles, then East parallel with the section line ..., also 80 acres more or less in afsd beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9 and running north with the line of said 1/4 to Elizabeth Duncan's corner, then west to the river, then down the river with the meanders to the south boundary of said 1/4, then east to the beginning. /s/ Samuel Duncan, Elizabeth (X) Duncan. Wit. George L. Hooker, Jane M. Hooker. Samuel Duncan and wife Elizabeth Duncan appeared before George L. Hooker, J.P. of Clay Co. IN, 9 June 1853. Certification by George Benkley, Clerk of Circuit Court of Clay Co. IN for George L. Hooker, J.P., 9 June 1853. Recorded June 28, 1853.
28-333/334: 19 Aug. 1853, Ganor Peirce of Miami Co. OH for $325 paid, quit claim to Jesse Duncan the interest conveyed to me by Jonah Duncan in premises with appurtenances in Miami Co. OH, the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also 50 acres in Twp. and range afsd. beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, running South with section line 100 poles, then ..., also 8 acres more or less in Twp. & range afsd, beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9, then running north with the line of said 1/4 to Elizabeth Duncan's corner, then west to the river, then down the river with the meanderings of the river to the south boundary of said 1/4, then east to the beginning. /s/ Gainor A. Peirce. Wit. Joseph Pearson, Jacob Widener. 19 Aug. 1853, Gainor Peirce appeared before Jacob Widener. Recorded Sept. 1, 1853.
28-394/395: 3 Sept. 1853, that on 7 Aug. 1852, Henry Dunkin filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas for Miami Co. OH ... Samuel Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin, Isaac Dunkin, Gainor J. Peirce, Jonah Dunkin, Jesse Dunkin, Mary A. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin, Jesse Dunkin minor heirs of Amos Dunkin decd and the unknown heirs of Littlejohn demanding partition of certain real estate, and after proceedings, at March term 1853 the Sheriff was ordered to sell the real estate at public auction, and after advertisement, on 6 Aug. 1853 sold at auction to Gainer A. Peirce for $1325, which was approved at August term of court, and the Sheriff was ordered to execute a deed, now Joseph Pearson, the Sheriff, conveys to said Gainer A. Peirce the premises in said county, beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.10, Twp.6 Range (in fold), running south with section line 100 poles, ... containing 50 acres, with appurtenances. /s/ Joseph Pearson, Sheriff of Miami Co. Wit. J. Widener, James Nesbitt. 3 Sept. 1853, Joseph Pearson appeared before Jacob Widener, Notary Public. Recorded Sept. 28, 1853.
28-423: 2 Sept. 1853, that on 7 Aug. 1852, Henry Dunkin filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas for Miami Co. OH ... Samuel Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin, Isaac Dunkin, Gainor J. Peirce, Jonah Dunkin, Jesse Dunkin, Mary A. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin, Jesse Dunkin minor heirs of Amos Dunkin decd and the unknown heirs of Littlejohn demanding partition of certain real estate, and after proceedings, at March term 1853 the Sheriff was ordered to sell the real estate at public auction, and after advertisement, on 6 Aug. 1853 sold at auction to Jesse Dunkin for $2410, which was approved at August term of court, and the Sheriff was ordered to execute a deed, now Joseph Pearson, the Sheriff, conveys to said Jesse Dunkin the real estate, the S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E in Miami Co., also tract in afsd, beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.6 Range 5E and running north with the line of 1/4 section to Zachariah Green's corner, then west to the river, then down the river with the meanders to the south boundary of said 1/4 section, then east to the beginning, containing 8 acres more or less, subject to the dower estate of Elizabeth Dunkin widow of Jesse Dunkin decd. /s/ Joseph Pearson, Sheriff of Miami Co. Wit. J. Widener, James Nesbitt. 3 Sept. 1853, Joseph Pearson appeared before Jacob Widener, Notary Public. Recorded Oct. 18, 1853.
28-626: 8 Oct. 1853, Stephen W. Panabaker of Miami Co. OH for $615 paid, sell to Samuel Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH, one undivided fifth part and also one undivided third of one undivided fifth, beginning at NW corner of Sec.26 Twp.1 Range 12 M.Rs. then East to a stake in the middle of the north boundary of said section, then ... to the beginning, containing 108 acres more or less in said undivided tract, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ S.W. Panabaker. Wit. S.S. McKinney, M.H. James. 8 Oct. 1853, Stephen W. Panabaker appeared before S.S. McKinney, Notary Public. Recorded Jan?. 2, 1854.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 30 (FHL film 560,810)
30-12/13: 18 July 1854, Jesse Pearson and Moses M. Pearson and Jesse's wife of Miami Co. OH for $1200 paid, sell to John Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH in Monroe Twp, part of NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.4 Range 6E, beginning at SW corner of 1/4 section, then with west line north ... to corner of state road, ... the lot hereby sold contains 31 acres and 83/100 and lies in the east part of the above described premises, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Jesse's wife relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Jesse Pearson, Julia A. Pearson, M.W. Pearson. Wit. H.H. McCabe, Sarah E. Acton. 18 July 1854, Jesse Pearson and Moses W. Pearson and Jesse's wife appeared before H.H. McCabe, Mayor in Tippecanoe, Miami Co. OH. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854.
30-60/61: 27 July 1854, John Dunkin and wife Hester of Miami Co. OH for $1 paid, sell to George Younce real estate in Miami Co. OH in Monroe Twp, a part of NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.4 Range 6E, beginning at NW corner of said John Dunkin's land in said 1/4 sec, then south with said Dunkin's line to center of the State Road, then eastwardly with said Road to said Dunkin's north line, then west with said line to the beginning corner, containing 2-1/2 acres more or less, warrant title; Hester his wife relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ John Dunkin, Hester Dunkin. Wit. Ann Jenkins, David Jenkins. John Dunkin and Hester his wife appeared 27 July 1854 before David Jenkins, J.P. Recorded Oct. 17, 1854.
30-245: 30 July 1853, Finley Maloy of Miami Co. OH for $210 paid, sell to Michael Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH in town of Fletcher, E 1/2 Lot 28, also parcel of land in SE part of SW 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.2 Range 12 beginning at SW corner of Lot 36 in town of Fletcher, containing 1/8 of an acre more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Harriet his wife relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Finley Maloy, Harriet Maloy. Wit. J.C. Moody, Isaac Kiser. 30 July 1853, Finley Maloy and wife Harriet appeared before Isaac Riser, J.P. Recorded Jan. 2, 1855.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 31 (FHL film 560,811)
31-135/136: 26 Feb. 1853, Michael Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $235 paid, sell to Philip Simmons Jr., real estate in Miami Co. OH in Brown Twp, beginning one pole and 12 feet west of the NW corner of Lot 30 in town of Fletcher, then west ... Thomas Shedelens? land, and another piece beginning 4 rods and 12 west from NW corner of lot 36 in said town of Fletcher, then ..., also one other piece beginning one pole and 12 feet out from SW corner of Lot 30 in said town of Fletcher, then north ..., together with appurtenances, warrant title, Lydia C. Duncan relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Michael Duncan, Lydia C. Duncan. Wit. F. Maloy, G.B. Caven. Michael Duncan and wife Lydia C. Duncan appeared 28 Feb. 1853 before Finley Maloy, Notary Public. Recorded Aug. 13, 1855.
31-151/152: 18 Jan. 1853, George W. Inman for $400 paid, sell to Henry Duncan real estate in Newton Twp, Miami Co. OH, Lot 4 of Longs Addition to town of Newton, together with appurtenances, warrant title. Anna Inman relinquishes right of dower. /s/ George W. Inman, Anna Inman. Wit. Susan W. Drains?, A. Vorhes. 18 Jan. 1853, George W. Inman and wife Anna Inman appeared before A. Voorhes, J.P. Recorded Aug. 27, 1855.
31-316: 27 Nov. 1854, James Weatherhead and wife Margaret Weatherhead of Miami Co. OH for $500 paid, sell to Robert Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH in the Cincinnati Land District, beginning at SE corner of Robert Duncan's lot or tract 26 & 2/3 poles from SW corner of E 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.1 Range 11 between the Miami Rivers, then ... containing 13-1/3 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Margaret Weatherhead wife of James Weatherhead relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ James (X) Weatherhead, Margaret (\) Weatherhead. Wit. Daniel S. Moore, John Webb. 27 Nov. 1854, James Weatherhead and Margaret Weatherhead appeared before John Webb, J.P. Recorded Dec. 4, 1855.
31-419: 26 Feb. 1855, Joseph McNichols and wife Jane McNichols of Miami Co. OH for $2500 paid by Samuel H. Duncan late of Shelby Co. now of Miami Co. OH, sell to said Samuel H. Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH, in Twp. of Newberry, all the E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.8 Range 5E containing 80 acres more or less excepting 3 acres more or less given for the use of the Mohanna? Troy & Greenville Turnpike road company and also for the right of way of the Columbus Piqua & Indiana Rail Road Company, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Jane McNichols relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Joseph McNichols, Jane McNichols. Wit. William Robison, S.N. Caldwell. 26 Feby. 1855, Joseph McNichols and wife Jane McNichols appeared before William Robison, Notary Public. Recorded Jan. 4, 1856.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 32 (FHL film 560,812)
32-252/253: 1 Feb. 1856, Samuel Harris of Miami Co. OH for $150 paid, sell to Henry Duncan, real estate in Miami Co. OH, Inlot 5 in Hills Addition to town of Newton, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Nancy Harris his wife relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Samuel Harris, Nancy Harris. Wit. Israel Bowman, A. Voorhees. 1 Feb. 1856, Samuel Harris and wife Nancy Harris appeared before A. Voorhees, J.P. Recorded Feb. 9, 1857.
32-398/399: 5 Feb. 1857, Henry Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $250 paid, sell to Joseph Reeder, real estate in Miami Co. OH, Newton Twp, inlot No.5 in Hills addition to town of Newton, together with appurtenances, warrant title, wife Mary Duncan relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Henry Duncan, Polly Duncan. Wit. Obed Macy?, A. Voorhees. 5 Feb. 1857, Henry Duncan and wife Mary Duncan appeared before A. Vorhees, J.P. Recorded May 1, 1857.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 33 (FHL film 560,813)
33-67: 24 Aug. 1854, Adam Simmons Jr. of Miami Co. OH for $125 paid, sell to Michael Duncan and Job Throckmorton real estate in Miami Co. OH, E 1/2 Lot 25 in town of Fletcher in Miami Co. together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Adam Simmons Jr. Wit. Isaac Kiser, Leonidas Mitchell. 24 Aug. 1854, Adam Simmons Jr. appeared before Isaac Kiser, J.P. Recorded Dec. 25, 1857.
33-67/68: 15 March 1856, Job Throckmorton and wife Catharine Throckmorton of Miami Co. OH for $400 paid, sell to Michael Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH, the undivided 1/2 of E 1/2 of Lot 25 in town of Fletcher, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Catharine Throckmorton wife of said Job Throckmorton relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Job Throckmorton, Catharine Throckmorton. Wit. Geo. C. Smith, W.R. Smith. 15 March 1856, Job Throckmorton and wife Catharine Throckmorton appeared before Geo. C. Smith, J.P. Recorded Dec. 25, 1857.
33-316: 31 Dec. 1857, one D.W. Landes by judgment of Court of Common Pleas for Miami Co. OH at March term 1855 recovered judgment against George Huffman for $1,104.02 and costs, and in default of payments, it was ordered that S.E. Hustler, Sheriff, should cause the lands to be appraised and sold, ... the Sheriff on 6 Oct. 1856 after notice sold the premises at public auction to Samuel Duncan for $1950, which sale at Oct. term 1856 of court was confirmed, now said S.E. Hustler as Sheriff convey to Samuel Duncan the premises, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.8 Range 5E, containing 80 acres and 28/100, also land in Miami Co. OH, being part of SW 1/4 Sec.33 Twp.9 Range 5E beginning at SW corner of said 1/4 sec, then east ... containing 10 acres more or less, also lot in Miami Co. OH in NE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.8 Range 5E beginning at NE corner and running south ... containing 40 acres, together with appurtenances. /s/ S.E. Hustler, Sheriff. Wit. Jas. Nesbitt, S.S. McKinney. S.E. Hustler appeared 31 Dec. 1857 before J. Nesbitt, Notary Public. Recorded Apr. 23, 1858.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 34 (FHL film 560,814)
34-369/370: 5 March 1859, Andrew Stinchcomb and wife Jane of Miami Co. OH for $900 paid, sell to William Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH in Union Twp, part of NE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, beginning on West boundary of said quarter, ... then parallel with north boundary to NW corner of 20 acre tract in said 1/4 sold by Andrew & Jane Stinchcomb to Benjamin Langston, then ... to SW corner, ... containing 20-12/100 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Jane Stinchcomb relinquishes right of dower. Wit. Charlotte Handley, S.C. McKinney. Andrew Stinchcomb and wife Jane appeared 5 March 1859 before S.S. McKinney, Notary Public. Recorded April 4, 1859.
34-384: 28 March 1859, Jesse Duncan and wife Mary Ann Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $4,050 paid, sell to William Smith of same place, real estate in Miami Co. OH, Union Twp, being S 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.6 Range 5E, also land in county afsd beginning at SE corner of NE 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.6 Range 5E and running North with the line to Zachariah Green's corner, then West to the river, down the river with the meanders to the south boundary of said 1/4, then east to the beginning, containing 8 acres more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Mary Ann Duncan releases her right of dower. /s/ Jesse Duncan, Mary A. Duncan. Wit. G.A. Peirce, John Smith. 28 March 1859, Jesse Duncan and wife Mary Ann Duncan appeared before G.A. Peirce, J.P. Recorded April 7, 1859.
34-523/524: 19 Aug. 1858, That Alexander Patterson by judgment of Court of Common Pleas of Miami Co. OH at March term 1857 recovered judgment against William Hemply, administrator of John Young decd et al, for $278.21, that in default of payment of the judgment, that S.E. Hustler, Sheriff should sell the lands, that on 22 May 1858 after prior notice, S.E. Hustler Sheriff sold at public auction to Aaron Duncan for $1534, which sale was confirmed by the court June 1858, this a deed from S.E. Hustler Sheriff to Aaron Duncan, to 30 acres off North end of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.8 Range 5E, also 30 acres off N end of W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.8 Range 5E, also 20 acres off NE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.8 Range 5E beginning at SE corner of said 1/4, subject to the dower state of Martha Duncan widow of John Young decd. /s/ S.E. Hustler, Sheriff of Miami Co. Wit. James Nesbitt, J.L. Williamson. S.E. Hustler appeared 19 Aug. 1858 before James Nesbitt, Notary Public. Recorded June 14, 1859.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 35 (FHL film 560,815)
35-59/60: 20 Feb. 1856, Henry Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $300 paid, sell to John W. Swisher real estate in Miami Co. OH, Newton Twp, Inlot 4 in Longs addition to town of Newton, together with appurtenances, warrant title, wife Polly Duncan relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Henry Duncan, Polly Duncan. Wit. Christian Long, A. Voorhees. 20 Feb. 1856, Henry Duncan and wife Polly Duncan appeared before A. Voorhees, J.P. Recorded Sept. 9, 1859.
35-316/317: 17 Jan. 1860, David R. Tullis of Miami Co. OH for $6,660 paid by Jesse & Elie Duncan, sell to said Jesse & Eli Duncan real estate in Miami Co. OH, being a part of SE 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.6 Range 5E, beginning at S(in fold) corner of said quarter section, then E with the original survey, to the river, then with the meanderings of the river to the West boundary of said quarter section, then south to the beginning, containing 700 (in fold) acres, also a part of SW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp. (in fold) Range above, beginning at NE corner SW 1/4 of Sec., then West along the line of the quarter section to the middle of the river, then down the river with the meanderings to the east boundary of the quarter section, then N with the line of the quarter section to the beginning, containing 700? acres 25 poles; also another tract beg. at SE corner of SW 1/4 Sec. Twp & Range above named, then ... containing 59? (dark) acres 22 poles conveyed on order of Court of Common Pleas to David Hoover? for which see record; also the tract beginning at NW corner of SW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.6 Range 5 and running south 24 poles to the first branch, then down the branch ... containing 47 acres more or less, together with all privileges and appurtenances, this conveyance being nonetheless subject to the right of way acquired by Louisville & Sandusky R.R. Co. through bonds. /s/ David R. Tullis, Susan Tullis. Wit. J?. T?. Jauvier?, Geo. W. Morris. They appeared 17 Jan. 1860 before J.T. Jauvier, Notary Public. Recorded Feb. 3, 1860. (referred to in deed 37-554/555) (FHL film 560,815; SLC 9/11/2012)
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 36 (FHL film 560,816)
36-54/55: 8 June 1860, that Benjamin Neal now of Howard Co. IA? by deed Jan. 7, 1851, conveyed with other lands a tract containing 7-25/100 acres to David R. Tullis of Miami Co. OH, and upon examination since then, it was ascertained that said Neal did not at the time of conveyance own the said tract, and whereas said David R. Tullis by deed Jan. 17, 1860 conveyed the tract of 7-25/100 acres with other land to Jesse and Eli Duncan of Miami Co. OH, and said Benjamin Neal being advised of his mistake in his deed to Tullis has agreed to pay Jesse & Eli Duncan $304 as the value of said 7-25/100 acres in satisfaction to them and David R. Tullis, therefore Jesse Duncan and wife Mary A. Duncan and Eli Duncan and wife Serena Duncan of Miami Co. for $304 paid by said Benjamin Neal, release and quit claim to Benjamin Neal our interest in real estate with appurtenances, being 7-25/100 acre tract, being part of SW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.6 Range 5E, beg. at NE corner of SW 1/4 of said Section, then West with the line of said 1/4 sec. to the middle of the river, then down the river ... to the west boundary, containing 7-25/100 acres in Miami Co. OH, Union twp. /s/ Jesse Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan, Eli Duncan, Serena Duncan. Wit. R.R. Chase, J.H. Randall. 8 June 1860, Jesse Duncan, Mary A. Duncan, Eli Duncan and Serina Duncan appeared before R.R. Chase, J.P. Recorded July 25, 1860.
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 37 (FHL film 560,817)
37-554/555: 15 Dec. 1862, Jesse Duncan and wife Mary Ann Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $5,440 paid, sell to James B. Smith of Montgomery Co. OH premises in Miami Co. OH, Union Twp, being parts of SW and SE 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.6 Range 5E, beg. at NW corner of SW? 1/4, then to the River, then ... containing 136 acres, being the same lands conveyed by David R. Tullis and wife to Jesse Duncan and Eli Duncan by deed 17 Jan. 1860, recorded Book 35 pages 316 & 317 of Miami Co. OH except about 7 acres quit claimed to Benjamin Neal, being that part of SW 1/4 Sec.4 Twp.6 Range 5E which lies on the east side of Stillwater River and except also 6-80/100 conveyed by Jesse Duncan and wife and Eli Duncan and wife to Sarah Buterbaugbo off SE corner of said tract by deed 18 July 1860, warrant title. /s/ Jesse Duncan, Mary A. Duncan. Wit. R.R. Chase, John S. Boon. 15 Dec. 1862, Jesse Duncan and wife Mary Ann Duncan appeared before R.R. Chase, J.P. Recorded Dec. 18, 1862. (FHL film 560,817; SLC 4/4/2012 and 9/11/2012)
37-562: 15 Apr. 1862, Eli Duncan and Serena his wife of Miami Co. OH for $1,000 paid, sell to Jesse Duncan the premises with appurtenances in Miami Co. OH, being part of SE 1/4 Sec.4 of Twp.6 Range 5E, also part of SW 1/4 of said Sec., Twp. & Range beginning at point N of SW corner of said section, ... to the river, ... containing 135 acres & 98 poles, refer to survey by Benjamin Field April 12, 1860. /s/ Eli Duncan, Serena Duncan. Wit. R.R. Chase, William Duncan. They ack. deed 15 April 1861. Recorded 19 Dec. 1862. (FHL film 560,817; SLC 9/11/2012)
Miami Co. OH Deed Book 38; typed (FHL film 560,818)
38-279/280: 19 Feb. 1863, Michael Duncan and Lydia C. Duncan his wife for $100 paid, sell to Roxanna Baldin, real estate in Miami Co. OH in Town of Fletcher, being E 1/2 Lot 28 in old or original plat of said town of Fletcher, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Lydia wife of Michael Duncan releases her right of dower. /s/ Michael Duncan, Lydia C. Duncan. Wit. Isaac Kiser, Jennie T. Howland. 19 Feb. 1863, Michael Duncan and wife Lydia C. Duncan appeared before Isaac Kiser, Notary Public. Recorded June 1, 1863.
38-566: 5 Mar. 1863, Samuel Duncan and wife Catharine of Miami Co. OH for $3200 paid, sell to Michael Welch, parcel of land in Miami Co. OH, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.4 T6 T5E containing 80 acres & 26/100 of an acre, also part of SW 1/4 Sec.33 Twp.9 Range 5E beginning at SW corner of said 1/4 Sec, then East ..., containing 10 acres more or less, also part of NE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.8 Range 5E beginning at NE corner and running south on the line between Sections 4 & 5 ... containing 40 acres, warrant title, wife Catharine Duncan relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Samuel Duncan, Catharine Duncan. Wit. William Elliott, Mathias O. Shea. On 5 March 1863 Samuel Duncan and wife Catharine Duncan appeared before William Elliott, Notary Public. Recorded Oct. 1, 1863.
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