Duncan research files of |
1790-1810 Wake Co. NC Census
No Duncans indexed
1820 Wake Co. NC Census missing
MAD: ? See Jane Duncan in 1820 Wilkes Co. NC, which was semi-alphabetic by first name
1830 Wake Co. NC Census
Little River District
Pg.425 James Dinkins 0111,01 - 0000,0100,01
1840 Wake Co. NC Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Wake Co. NC Census
Pg.102, #46, Plyer BARBER 57 NC farmer $1200
Luquinny 42 NC
Betsy A. 18, Smithy G. (f) 16 NC
Penny A. (f) 14, George B. 12 NC
(MAD: Suquinna Duncan mar. Plyer Barber 10/15/1842 Johnston Co. NC)
Pg.138, #581, Haywood DINKINS 27 NC
Jane 26 NC
James 7 NC
Marks Ch.
Pg.157, #854, Ruffin DINKINS (m) 24 NC farmer $0
Dilly (f) 22 NC
Eliza 4, Wm. B. 2 NC
1860 Wake Co. NC Census
Pg.182, #283, William DINKINS 38 NC farm laborer
Martha 38 NC
James 15, William 8 NC
Frances (f) 12 NC
Pg.350, #628, Bryant DINKENS 46 NC carpenter $0-$25
Ann 32 NC
Eliza 14, William 12, Susan 11 NC
Annie 4, Louisa 1 NC
1870 Wake Co. NC Census
St.Mary's Twp.
Pg.338, #217-218, POOLE, Calvin 48 NC farming $1000-$500
Elizabeth 38 NC keeping house
Pascal (m) 23 NC "keeping house"
Sion (m) 16 NC farm laborer
Hezekiah (m) 14 NC farm laborer
Christian (f) 13 NC at home
Rosanna 11, Catherine 11 NC at home
Joseph 6, Jeanna (f) 4, Dillia? (f) 3 NC
WHITLEY, Bargie (f) 45 NC BLACK domestic servant
DUNCAN, Berry (m) 16 NC BLACK farm laborer
Elias 12 NC BLACK farm laborer
JONES, Luny (f) 68 NC (white) at home
1900 Wake Co. NC Census (HeritageQuest image 7/4/2010)
St.Mathews Township, SD 4, ED 149, Sheet 10
Pg.191B, #166-166, DINKINS, W.D., head, w/m, Sept. 1851, 48, mar. 24 yr, NC NC NC
DINKINS, Susan, wife, w/f, June 1854, 45, mar. 24 yr, 5 ch, 2 living, NC NC NC
DINKINS, Edward, son, w/m, July 1879, 22, single, NC NC NC
DINKINS, M.G., daughter, w/f, Sept. 1880, 19, single, NC NC NC
Wake Co. NC Record Books of Wills, etc. (cross index 1770-1900; general index to division of land 1770-1946; FHL film 20,021)
8-13 to 14: Will 12 Nov. 1807, Julius D. Bennett of Wake Co. NC, weak of body; that my father and mother have and possess my land and plantation in peace and quietness during their lives; after their decease my land be sold and the money equally divided among Susanna Proctor dau. of Thomas Proctor, Susanna Duncan, (MAD: middle initial "B" not given) and Polly Phipps. My stock of cattle, hogs, and my bay horse be sold and the money be applied as follows, to wit, $9 to my niece Betsey Wright, the balance equally divided between my sisters Susanna Linton (MAD: original had Seaton instead of Linton), Nacey (instead of Nancy) Bennett and Becca Bennett. My bed and the rest of my household property with my crop now on hand be sold and the balance equally divided between Mary Wright and Elizabeth Phipps. My bay mare, bridle and saddle should be sold and the money equally divided between my sisters, to wit, Mary Wright, Susanna Sexton (MAD: sic), Becca Bennett and Nancy Bennett. Appoint this my last will, revoking all former wills. Appoint my father Absalom Bennett and my friend David Justice execs. /s/ Julius D. Bennett. Wit. Benjamin Tarver and Abegail Spain; proved May court 1808 by Benjamin Tarver and ordered recorded. (FHL film 20,007)
35-71: Will of Plyer Barber of Wake Co. NC, considering uncertainty of my earthly existence, 28 Nov. 1868; to my wife Luquinna Barber 267 acres of land more or less whereon I now live for her life in satisfaction for and in lieu of her dower and thirds of and in all my real estate. To the heirs of Betsy Ann Duncan 1/2 of this tract of land whereon I now live and the other half to Penny Ann Penny and her heirs (MAD: sic) except the life estate of my wife. To my wife all my household and kitchen furniture, stock ..., all the crop now on hand, for life and then all the property remaining be sold and equally divided among my three daughters, the heirs of Betsy Ann Duncan, Smithy G. Young and Penny Ann Penny. Appoint my friend Henry Duncan Sr. my executor. Wit. Jno. Q. Adams, James Adams. Probate Court 4 Dec. 1869, will produced by Henry Duncan Sr. the exec, proved by Jno. Q. Adams and James Adams. (FHL film 20,018)
No others through 1900
Wake Co. General index to dowers 1801-1944 (FHL film 236,486; separate dower books start 1868)
No Duncan
Wake Co. Wills & Estate papers, 1663-1978; originals, alphabetic order; Wills, Cameron to Dupree (FHL film 1,602,612)
E.C. Duncan, 1920 (not copied)
John A. Duncan, 1920 (copy from Dorothy Franks 1/1995)
Will of John A. Duncan of Raleigh, NC, 7 Nov. 1914; to my dau. Delia B. Duncan one half interest in my Royal Arcanum? Benefit Certificate and one half interest in policy #134134 in Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. after payment of $1945 borrowed from the company has been paid. I also give her my interest in renewals on Accident, Health, Fire, Bonding &c insurance & my "agensies" for same. To my dau. Annie B. Duncan, one half interest in my Royal Arcanum? Benefit Certificate and one half interest in policy #134134 in Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. after payment of $1945 borrowed from the company has been paid, this being same provision as made in paragraph 2nd as to my dau. Delia. Also my interest in any and all other life, accident or any other kind of insurance I have except as provided in paragraph 2nd. Also any personal property and real estate I may have, I give to her and her heirs forever. Appoint my dau. Annie B. Duncan my sole exec. without bond. (MAD: page does not include witnesses' names nor probate date).
Wake Co. Wills & Estate papers, 1663-1978; originals, alphabetic order; Estate records, Drewry to Dunston (FHL film 1,636,704)
E.C. Duncan, 1920 (not copied)
Wake Co. Wills & Estate papers, 1663-1978; originals, alphabetic order; Wills, including Bennett (no Julius Bennett in estate papers on FHL film 1,630,956)
Will 12 Nov. 1807, Julius D. Bennett of Wake Co. NC, weak of body; that my father and mother have and possess my land and plantation in peace and quietness during their lives; after their decease my land be sold and the money equally divided among Susanna Proctor dau. of Thomas Proctor, Susanna B. Duncan, and Polly Phipps. My stock of cattle, hogs, and my bay horse be sold and the money be applied as follows, to wit, $9 to my niece Betsey Wright, the balance equally divided between my sisters Susanna Seaton, Nancy Bennett and Becca Bennett. My bed and the rest of my household property with my crop now on hand be sold and the balance equally divided between Mary Wright and Elizabeth Phipps. My bay mare, bridle and saddle should be sold and the money equally divided between my sisters, to wit, Mary Wright, Susanna Seaton, Becca Bennett and Nancy Bennett. Appoint this my last will, revoking all former wills. Appoint my father Absalom Bennett and my friend David Justice execs. /s/ Julius D. Bennett. Wit. Benjamin Tarors? and Abegail Spain; proved May court 1808 by Benjamin Tawn? (Taron?) and ordered recorded; rec. Book I page 13, 10 June 1808. (FHL film 1,602,611) (MAD: ?? see Julius Bennett Duncan b.1818 SC in 1850 Lowndes Co. AL census)
Wake Co. NC Court Records, misc. 1820-1839, wills, power of atty, gdn. bonds, annual returns, in NC Archives (not indexed) (FHL film 20,002 item 1)
No Duncan found, no order to items.
Wake Co. NC Deeds (Grantee Index on FHL film 236,278; grantor on FHL film 236,295; from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985)
H-403: 20 Aug. 1789, John Gregory of Wake Co. NC and Thomas Payton of Granville Co. NC to John Dunkin of Granville Co., £300, 500 acres in Wake Co. on both sides of Walnut Creek, bounded by ... David Dorniel's line, Reuben Hunter, part of grant to Isaac Hill 11 April 1780. Wit. Shadrack Cole, Phil. Jones, Henry (X) Dunkin, Seamore Dunkin. Reg. on oath of Phil. Jones. (FHL film 20,022)
Next deed book was Book Q, 1799, X-indexed only (FHL film 20,023)
No other deeds in main indexes until 1869, Amanda Duncan a grantor.
Wake Co. NC Deeds
Q-212: 1 Aug. 1799, Edmond Herndon of Orange Co. NC to John Bennit of Wake Co. NC, £50, 138 acres on waters of North East Creek adj. Herndon's old line, James Herndon's line. Wit. John Scogia, George Roberts. (FHL film 20,023)
R-42: 20 Feb. 1801, James Ray to Julius D. Bennett, both Wake Co. NC, $4400, 100 acres on S.side Neuse River and on both sides Fall Creek adj. Thomas Proctor, John Butter's enclosure and fence, James Ray's line. Wit. Absalom Bennitt, Thomas Proctor, James (X) Phips, A. (X) Sims. (FHL film 20,023)
Note: Early volumes missing
No Bennett grantor before 1853
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Walter J.; A 4 US V. Inf.; 1889 Sept. 25, Invalid Appl. #730624, Cert. #568473, Texas. (MAD: b. Forsyth Co. NC 1842; Confederate 1863 Wake Co. NC, captured, joined U.S.Army 1864; 1870 to Grayson Co. TX; see Vol.IV, pg.169, "TX Under Many Flags" by Clarence Ray Wharton, 1930, on FHL film 1,000,594 item 4; son of John Duncan b.VA d.NC and his widow Kate Jones who went to TX where she lived in Runnels Co.; Walter's grandfather b. Scotland, when young to VA with his father Peter F. Duncan)
Madison Co. TN Deed (FHL film 389,635)
1-598: 9 Nov. 1826, Jane (X) Duncan of Wake Co. NC, being desirous to remove to the westward in the Chickasaw Purchase near Jackson and having no means of obtaining her desire do this day bind herself as a servant for the space of 5 years to Daniel Verser of county and state aforesaid for which purpose the said Daniel Verser is to remove the said Jane Duncan to said place (with goods and chattels) ... and to treat her in a Christian like manner as he the said Verser does his other servants and at the end of 5 years the said Verser is to set her the said Jane Duncan at liberty and she is then to remain a free woman as she has heretofore been. Wit. Sherwood Hanse, James Morphis?. /s/ Jane (x) Duncan, Daniel Verser. Reg. May 1827 Hardeman Co. TN on oath of Sherwood Hanse.
Granville Co. NC Court Records (from Charles O. Duncan 3/1985)
February Court, 1811: On petition of Chloe Duncan, widow of John Duncan decd, Southern Higgs Esq., Lewis Parham, Benjamin Hester & Frances Hester appointed to view the estate and allott to Chloe so much of the crop, stock & provisions belonging to said estate as they may deem necessary for the support of the petitioner and family for one year.
February term, 1811. Petition of Chloe Duncan, widow of John Duncan who died intestate in or about January 1811 (who owned) land in Granville Co. on waters of Tabbs Creek adjoining lands of Robert Hamilton, Lewis Parham, Kimroa Parham, and others, 150a; petition to lay off her dower.
Order by court to Sheriff to lay off the dower, 1st Monday of February 1811
Order by court 1st Monday of August 1811 to summon a jury to lay off the dower in the lands.
Account of the sales of estate of John Dunkin decd., sold at his late dwelling house 12 and 13 March 1811 by Patrick Hamilton, admr. Sales to Sangford Parrina, John Moore, Zackirias Higgs, Abner Hicks, Thomas Harris, Chloe Dunkin, Michael Ellis, John Kittsell, John Barnette, Evesley Parrish, Edward Bryants, Able Hewere?, William Hicks, John Ames, Joshua Hutchison, Frederick Parham, Joseph Rogers, Ivey Harris, John Monticen?, Jonathan Johnson, Jonathan Higgs, Thomas White, Reuben Inscare?, Thomas Thomason Senr, Joseph P. Davis, Willis Harris, George W. Harris, William Summerhill, Thomas Norman, Randolph Ramey, Rowland Bryant, Samuel Kittrell, Jessey Lock, James Cheetham, William Johnson, Thomas Ricks, Samuel Parham, Allen Ramsey, Lewis Parham.
Return September 24, 1811, by jury who laid off the dower to Chloe Moore: land beg. at ... on Tabbs Creek. /s/ Wm. Hicks, Charles (X) Clark?, George (X) Hasel?, Benja. Hester?, Thomas K. Philly?, Oldham (X) Sanima?, Abner Hicks, Jasper Hicks, Rubin (X) Talley?, Chas. Davis, Thomas Rsak?, Lewis Parham, Samuel Hayes, Misael? Wood, Richd. Thompson, Thomas White, John Haye?.
Note 12 March 1811: Pursuant to order ... we meet at the house of John Duncan deceasd. & ... view said estate & has allotted to said widow & family for their support for 1 year 300 lbs of bacon ... /s/ J?. Higgs, Lewis Parham, Benja. Hester, Francis Hester.
Bond 4 Feb. 1813 of Henry (X) Dunkin of Johnson Co., Seamour Dunkin of Orange Co. and William Johnson of Granville Co. ... in case any debt or debts owing by John Duncan decd. shall be hereafter sued for ..., Henry Duncan shall refund and pay his salable? part ... out of the part or share of the personal estate of said deceased allotted & delivered to him. Wit. Robert C. Adams.
Bond 6 March 1813 of Chloe (X) Dunkin, John Moore & (blank) of Granville Co. ... in case any debt oweing by John Dunkin deceased ... Chloe Dunkin shall refund & pay her salable part ... out of the part or share of the personal estate of said deceased allotted & delivered to her. Wit. Sal. S. Mitchel.
Bond 7 May 1813 of John Duncan of (illeg.) county, Henry (X) Dunkin of Johnson Co. & Seamore Duncan of Orange Co. ... in case any debt oweing by John Dunkin deceased ... John Dunkin shall refund ... & pay his salable part ... out of the part or share of the personal estate of said deceased allotted & delivered to him. Wit. Jno. Duncan Jun. (MAD: pencilled note by CD on first page of documents: John Duncan Jr. of Wake Co.)
Johnston Co. NC Will (FHL film 295,182)
3-278: Will of Annie B. Duncan, undated, prob. 14 March 1881; to my brother B.F. Duncan and sister Lew Della Duncan, land in Wake Co. from parents; no exec. Wit. J.H. Duncan, N.G. Gully.
1919 "History of NC" by Lewis Publ. Co., incl. index at back of Vol.1-3 and Vol.6; various authors, Vol.I to VI (FHL fiche 6,052,207)
Vol.I, II, III - no Duncan
Vol.IV, pg.324: SMITH & DUNCAN. One of the rising legal firms of city of Raleigh [Wake Co.] was that of Smith & Duncan, composed of Willis Smith & William Benjamin Duncan, who although members of the younger generation of legists, firmly established a place for themselves ... The firm of Smith & Duncan was dissolved August 18, 1917, at the time Mr. Duncan entered the army, and Mr. Smith continued the practice alone since that time until July, 1918, when he joined the Coast Artillery Corps and is stationed at Fortress Monroe. Willis Smith, senior partner of the firm of Smith & Duncan, was born at Norfolk, VA, Dec. 19, 1887, and is a son of Willis and Mary Shaw (Creecy) Smith ... William Benjamin Duncan, junior member of the firm of Smith & Duncan, was born Jan. 6, 1893, at Beaufort, Carteret Co. NC, a son of E.C. and Carrie (King) Duncan. Mr. Duncan's father is a banker of Raleigh and one of substantial businessmen and citizens of his community. ... (FHL fiche #22)
Vol.V, pg.74: EDWARD CARLTON DUNCAN of Raleigh [Wake Co.] ... one of prominent bankers and citizens of NC. He was born at Beaufort [Careret Co.] in this state, March 28, 1862, son of William Benjamin and Sarah (Ramsey) Duncan, both natives of NC and his father a merchant. Edward C. Duncan was educated in the schools of Beaufort, ... In March 1909 Mr. Duncan organized the Merchants National Bank of Raleigh and has since been its president. ... February 26, 1890, he married Carrie Virginia King of Beaufort, NC, daughter of John F. King, a well-known merchant of that city. By this marriage there are three children living, while one son, Edward C., died at the age of 14. William Benjamin, an attorney at law, is now 1st Lt. in the 113th Field Artillery. Elizabeth S. married T.S. Adams of Sevier, NC; Charles L. is a member of the Coast Artillery Corps. Mr. Duncan's first wife died in 1899 and in 1903 he married Alma Speight of Fremont [Wayne Co.], NC, daughter of William H. Speight, a Methodist minister. (FHL fiche #25)
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