Duncan research files of |
1790 Anson Co. NC Census Pg. 35 Duncan, John 223xx 1800 Anson Co. NC Census Pg.223 Joshua Dunkins 11010 - 51010 227 John Duncan 01101 - 00001 1810 Anson Co. NC Census No Duncan indexed 1820 Anson Co. NC Census Pg. 23 Duncan, James 220001 - 22010 (MAD: from Robeson Co. NC) 1830 Anson Co. NC Census Pg. 65 James Duncan 0011,2001 - 0211,201 1840 Anson Co. NC Census Pg. 53 Jas. R. Duncan 1200,01 - 1000,01 Jas. Duncan Sr. 0010,1000,01 - 0010,1001 John R. Duncan 2100,01 - 1000,1 (MAD: to DeSoto Co. MS)
1850 Anson Co. NC Census
Pg.235, #1137, James DUNCAN 60 NC farmer $400
Nancy 55 NC
Pg.236, #1152, James R. DUNCAN 40 NC farmer $900
Elizabeth 40 NC
Andrew J. 17, William W. 15 NC
Martin P. 12, Mary J. 10, Eliza 8 NC
Thomas E. 3, Elizabeth 6/12 NC
(MAD: William W. buried Union Co. NC; Andrew J. and William W. married in Union Co. NC)
Pg.236, #1153, James DUNCAN 80 NC farmer $700
Nancy 68 NC
William 28, Sarah 28 NC
Elizabeth 2 NC
(MAD: William, Sarah and Elizabeth also in Union Co. NC 1850 census)
1860 Anson Co. NC Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Anson Co. NC Census
Gulledges Twp.
Pg.343, #170-170, DUNCAN Martin 32 NC (white) farmer $850-$1500
Agnes 36 NC keeps house
Marie W. (f) 6/12 NC b.Dec. "no occupation"
HOME, Joel 22 NC (white) shoemaker
(MAD: 1900 Union Co. NC census)
Lanesboro Twp.
Pg.362, #214-188, DUNCAN, James 60 NC (white) farmer $1200-$500
Elizabeth 64 NC keeps house
Mary J. 29 NC at home
Elizabeth 19 NC at home
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (Placerville FHC on loan 1/4-5/2012)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Land grant index cards, 1693-1959, Archibald Caddell (Richmond) - William Durram (Buncombe Co.) (FHL Film 1,942,614)
Duncan, Alexander, File No.092, Anson Co., 250 acres, Grant No.---- issued ----, Entry No.220 entered 14 April 1761, Book No.--, page no.--, Location: On waters of S. fork of Catawba River.
Duncan, Alexander, File No.1573, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 22 October 1762, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.13, page no.354, Location: W. side of Richardsons Creek.
Duncan, Alexander, File No.2068, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 22 October 1762, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.15, page no.432, Location: On the W. side of Richardsons Creek.
Duncan, Alexander, File No.1571, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 10/22/1762, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.13, page no.353, Location: On Richardsons creek.
Duncan, Alexander, File No.2066, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 22 oct. 1762, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.15, page no.431, Location: On Richardson Creek
Duncan, Alexander, File No.1487, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 10 April 1761, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.13, page no.287, Location: On S.W. side of Pee Dee River
Duncan, Alexander, File No.1997, Anson Co., 300 acres, Grant No.---- issued 10 April 1761, Entry No.---- entered ----, Book No.15, page no.360, Location: On the S.W. of Pee Dee River
Duncan, Elijah, File No.5220, Anson Co., 100 acres, Grant No.1355 issued 10 July 1797, Entry No.102 entered 22 Oct. 1794, Book No.94, page no.104, Location: Waters of Jones Creek
Duncan, Elijah, File No.5243, Anson Co., 100 acres, Grant No.1359 issued 9 March 1799, Entry No.299 entered 21 April 1796, Book No.102, page no.2, Location: On the Waters of Jones's Creek
Duncan, James, File No.6850, Anson Co., 50 acres, Grant No.3029 issued 12 Dec. 1831, Entry No.1227 entered 6 Nov. 1829, Book No.139, page no.320, Location: Joining Allen Carpenters etc.
Duncan, James, File No.6666, Anson Co., 118 acres, Grant No.2847 issued 21 Feb. 1827, Entry No.718 entered 2 Jan. 1826, Gook 137, page no.188, Location: Joining Simon Edwards etc.
Duncan, James, File No.6845, Anson Co., 23-1/2 acres, Grant No.3024 issued 12 Dec. 1831, Entry No.1184 entered 14 April 1829, Book No.139, page no.318, Location: Joining Frederick Staton & Hosea Little
Duncon, John, File No.4921, Anson Co., 50 acres, Grant No.979 issued 16 Nov. 1790, Entry No.71 entered 17 March 1787, Book No.74, pg.314, Location: Beg. at a white oak
Anson Co. NC Deeds (1748-1962 index, grantors on FHL film 18,127; grantees on FHL film 18,135)
(MAD: Courthouse fire 1868, some documents survived)
No deed indexed or recorded 13 July 1774, William Dunkin to Robt. Gatewood, per Anson Co. court record; other Gatewood deeds starting 1799, no Robert Gatewood (Grantee Index G-H, FHL film 18,137)
4-317: 8 Jan. 1783, John Duncan of Anson Co. NC, laborer, to Abraham Strickland of same, planter, £100, 200 acres beg. in Abraham Strickland's line, on Williams Creek, being part of 400 acres grant to William Leverett in 1760 as per patent, by him conveyed to Abraham Strickland who conveyed to said Duncan and by him to said Strickland. Wit. John Hill, Morgan Brown, James Gordon. (FHL film 18,144)
7-41: 20 Sept. 1776, Abraham (X) Stricklan of Anson Co. NC, farmer, to John Dunkin of same, farmer, £60, 200 acres on SW side Pee Dee River, adj. Stricklands, Williams Creek, being part of grant to Wm. Leveritt 5 Dec. 1760 who sold to said Strickland 17 Nov. 1775. Wit. Mallachi Watts, William Gulledge. (FHL film 18,145)
B#2(B1)-302 (old 196): 15 Feb. 1785, John Duncan of Anson Co. NC to Malachi Watts of same, £50, 30 acres corner of grant to William Levereth, on William Creek called Little Brown Creek, being part of land that Abraham Strickland lived on, granted to Leverett 8 Dec. 1760. Wit. Morgan Brown, Nathan Falkner, John Lowry. (FHL film 18,143)
B#2(B1)-425: 16 Nov. 1790, NC grant #979 to John Duncan, for £10 every 100 acres, 50 acres adj. land he lives on, home line of old tract. (no entry date). (FHL film 18,143) (not B#2-245)
B#2(B1)-446 (old 306): 6 Jan. 1783, Nathaniel Dabbs to Jno Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, 60 lbs specie, 150 acres, grant to Thomas Huntley by patent 25 July 1774, on said W. side PeeDee River, on branch of Jones Creek. Wit. Stephen Thomkins, Joseph Howell, Wm. May Cor. (FHL film 18,143)
F-19: 9 March 1799, NC Grant #1359 to Elijah Duncan, for 50 sh. every 100 acres, 100 acres in Anson Co. on Jones Creek adj. John Duncan, Meredith Johnson, entered 21 March 1796. (FHL film 18,146)
G-191: 4 July 1800, Meredith Johnson of Anson Co. NC to John Duncan of same, $100, 50 acres beg. his own and Elijah Duncan's corner, persimmon at John Duncan's corner. Wit. Noah Rushing, Wm. Rushing. (FHL film 18,147)
O-447: 5 Oct. 1807, John Duncan of Anson Co. NC to Thomas Gaddy of same, $300, 150 acre grant to Thomas Huntley by patent 21 July 1774, on SW side Peedee River on branch of Jones Creek; and 50 acres adj.; and 50 acres adj. Merewith Johnson and Elijah Duncan's corner and persimmon at John Duncan's corner; and 50 acres; total 300 acres. Wit. Aa. Brooks, Jas. Lanier, Jer. Gaddy. (FHL film 18,149)
V-157: 14 Dec. 1816, Richard C. Pattishall of Anson Co. NC to Travis Duncan of same, $200, 200 acres on Mill Branch of Jone's (sic) Creek adj. Teal's corner, Buchannan's line. Wit. James Chiles, Thomas Huntley. (FHL film 18,152)
V-406: 21 Feb. 1827, NC grant #2847 to James Duncan, for $10 per 100 acres, 118 acres adj. Simon Edwards and Benjamin Teal on Morris's Branch, entered 2 Jan. 1826. (FHL film 18,152)
W-432: 28 Oct. 1828, Burrell Benton of Anson Co. NC to Andrew Watkins, Jonathan Porter Felt, William Duncan, William Brown, Benjamin Blanchard and Judith Bernard, all of State of Massachusetts, town of Salem, $2000, two tracts on Richardsons Creek and Gold mine branch adj. Daniel Jinkins, Ingoe D. Cash, Mullans, 173 acres; and another on Gold Mine Branch adj. grant to Henson, corner land said Benton bought of William Dismukes, 327 acres; total 500 acres. Wit. Allen Carpenter, W. Dismukes. (FHL film 18,152)
Y-212: 12 Dec. 1831, NC grant #3024 to James Duncan, for $10 per 100 acres, 23-1/2 acres adj. Frederick Staton and Thomas Settle on Morris's Branch, beg. Settle's line, Caudle's line, entered 14 April 1829. (FHL film 18,153)
Y-213: 12 Dec. 1831, NC grant #3029 to James Duncan, $10 for 100 acres, 50 acres adj. Allen Carpenter, William Caudle and his own land, on Morises Branch, beg. Richard Caudle's corner, entered 6 Nov. 1829. (FHL film 18,153)
Y-560; 16 May 1834, John R. Duncan of Anson Co. NC to Thomas Robinson of Marlborough Dist. SC, $350, 200 acres on 10 mile branch of Jones Creek adj. Teal's corner, Buchanan's line. Wit. G.W. Settle, John R. Cason. (FHL film 18,153)
Z-25: 7 March 1834, Frederick Staton to James Duncan, both of Anson Co. NC, $450, 100 acres on Jones Creek on the Mains? Branch and 76 acres on W.side Caudle's branch adj. Jesse Caudle's line, Richard Maine's? (Mauer's?) line. Wit. John Broadaway, James B. White. (FHL film 18,154)
Z-30: 12 March 1834, Frederick Staton to James Duncan, both of Anson Co. NC, $100, 100 acres on W.side Jones Creek on Maner's? Branch. Wit. James B. White. (FHL film 18,154)
Z-62: 24 Jan. 1833, Travis Duncan of Anson Co. NC to John R. Duncan of same, $400, 200 acres on Mill Branch of Jones Creek adj. Buchanan's line. Wit. William D. McRae, D.D. McRae. (FHL film 18,154)
Z-82: 25 Oct. 1830, Hosea Little to James R. Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, $154, 55 acres on Hosea Little's line, Harris?'s line, Threadgill's line, Williams survey. Wit. Travice Duncan, Jacob Little. (FHL film 18,154)
Z-311: 11 Dec. 1835, Travice Duncan of Anson Co. NC to James R. Duncan of same, $250, 126-3/4 acres on W.side of Lanes Creek on Manur Branch adj. lands of James Duncan on W., Jesse Caudle on E., and Jefferson Caudle on S., it being the lands said Travice Duncan bought of James Duncan, beg. near the old grave yard ... Wit. William B. Duncan. (FHL film 18,154)
Z-322: 20 Oct. 1835, James (X) Duncan of Anson Co. NC to Travice Duncan of same, $300, 126-3/4 acres on W.side Lanes Creek (land in Z-311), being the land said James Duncan bought of Frederick (blank). Wit. Jas. B. White, Willie Ledbetter. (FHL film 18,154)
13-347: 25 Nov. 1847, John R. Duncan to James R. Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, $455, 237 acres adj. Allen Caudle's corner, on Manesses Branch, adj. Jefferson Caudle. Wit. William R. Duncan. Reservation of 4 acres including meeting house called Mt. Harmony and free access to the water; wit. William R. Duncan. (FHL film 18,156; definitely William "R.", not William "B.")
13-384: 29 March 1838, Jefferson Caudle to James R. Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, $16.25, 13 acres. Wit. Wm. B. Duncan. (FHL film 18,156)
13-389: 24 April 1844, James (x) Duncan to James R. Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, $150, 53 acres on Lanes Creek adj. run of the Manes Branch, Caudle's branch. Wit. Levi Resstar, Wm. B. Duncan. (FHL film 18,156)
15-749; 12 June 1859, John R. Duncan and wife Elizabeth W. (X) of DeSoto Co. MS appoint Wm. G. Teal of Anson Co. NC our attorney to receive our interest in personal estate of Elijah Cason late of Anson Co. NC; "our" decd. father. Ack. in DeSoto Co. MS; no wit. (FHL film 18,157)
16-280: 19 Aug. 1861, John R. Duncan and wife Elizabeth W. of DeSoto Co. MS to Andrew B. Cason of Anson Co. NC, $1837.69, all rights of Elizabeth Duncan as one of heirs at law of Elijah Cason decd. and John R. Duncan in right of his wife, to 420-1/2 acres adj. Lydia Cason's dower, Wadesboro road, William B. Jarman's line, old Child's line, mouth of Liberty branch, Wallar's line, James Moor's line, Jones Creek, mouth of Gum Branch,; also 59 acres adj. Charlotte Road, Duncan McLaurin's corner, William William's corner, and 85 acres adj. Swamp of Jemmice? Creek, Chesterfield Road. No wit; ack. in DeSoto Co. MS. (FHL film 18,157)
16-290: 9 May 1861, James R. Duncan to Martin P. Duncan, both Anson Co. NC, $80, 116 acres on Maness Branch adj. said James R. Duncan's line, Caudle's branch, Andrew Jackson's corner. Wit. Andrew J. Duncan, Wm. W?. Duncan. No wife. (FHL film 18,157)
Anson Co. NC Will Records Index 1-2 1751-1962 (FHL film 18,158)
No Duncan indexed as testator or beneficiary
Anson Co. NC Inventories and Accounts, 1849-1855 (FHL film 296,728)
No Duncan
Anson Co. NC Estate Papers at State Archives, Downer to Forte (FHL film 1,655,014)
No Duncan
"The Colonial and State Records of NC" (FHL books 975.6 N2n from index from Evelyn Sigler 1/1984)
Volumes 1-10 are titled "The Colonial Records of North Carolina, 1662-1776" and volumes 11-26 are titled "The State Records of North Carolina, 1776-1790"; pub. 1886 by William L. Saunders, Secretary of State, index by Stephen B. Weeks (Vol.1-25 on FHL fiche 6,078,231; Vol.27 index, vol.28-30 FHL book 975.6 N2n; Vol.17 missing in microfiche set)
6:766: 22 Oct. 1762, Wilmington, read petition of William Powell and Alex Duncan; Dec. 1760, they obtained warrants for 4 parcels land near Richardson Creek, Anson Co.
6:1008: 1 Jan. 1763, Ordered that Alex Duncan and John Gibbs be added to the Committee of the Peace and Decimus for New Hanover. (indexed Alex Duncan J.P.)
6:1121: 2 March 1764, one of commissioners for regulating pilotage of Cape Fear River: Alex. Duncan.
Union Co. NC Deed (FHL film 590,453)
2-37: 3 May 1844, James R. Duncan of Anson Co. NC to James Duncan of Union Co. NC, $154, 55 acres in Union Co. adj. Hosea Little's line, Horne's line, Tredgill's line, William's line. Wit. Levi Dreslar, Wm. B. Duncan.
1892 "Memorial and Biographical History of Dallas County, Texas ... : containing a history of this importat section of the great state of Texas, from the earliest period of its occupancy to the present time ... and biographical mention of many of its pioneers and also of prominent citizens of today .." pub. by Lewis Publishing Co. (Houston, TX, library book 976.43M533; from Lucille Mehrkam 4/1984)
John R. Duncan, b. 1806 NC, d. 1863; m. ca 1833 Elizabeth Cayson Wilson (both names listed), b. 1813 Anson Co., d. 1863; 1848 moved to DeSoto Co. MS. Ch: (1) Thomas C. Duncan, b. ca 1834, wounded at Denmark TN, in business at Cockrum, MS. (2) Elizabeth J. Duncan, b. ca 1836, d. DeSoto Co. MS. (3) Andrew H. Duncan, b. ca 1838, d. 1863 at Denmark. (4) Annie E. Duncan, b. ca 1840, m. Frank Cummings, d. DeSoto Co. MS. (5) Lydia A. Duncan, b. ca 1842, of DeSoto. (6) John T. Duncan, b. 24 May 1844 Anson Co. NC, m. Mattie A. Terry 12 Jan. 1869. (7) Joseph S. Duncan, b. 25 Sept. 1847 Anson Co. NC, 1867 moved to TX; m. 3 Jan. 1870 Elizabeth Hill, b. Iowa. (8) Robert F. Duncan of Dallas Co. TX, b. ca 1849. (9) William Benjamin Duncan, b. ca 1851, of DeSoto. (10) Mickie Duncan, b. ca 1853, m. William Cockrum of MS.
1890 "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Southern AR" Clark, Miller, Sevier, Howard, Pike, Lafayette, Hempstead, Columbia, Little River, Nevada, Cleveland, Ouachita, Dallas, Bradley, Calhoun, Union, Ashley, Drew, Lincoln, Desha and Chicot Cos.; by Goodspeed (FHL film 266,242; and from Betty Laarveld 5/1987)
Pg.154: Clark Co. Ithey Nash, editor and proprietor of the Gudon Advocate, a Democratic paper, was born in Anson Co. NC, in 1846, the second of five children, four of whom are still living, born to the union of Jesse J. and Dorothy (Duncan) Nash, natives of NC. The family moved from NC to MS in 1856, locating in Monroe Co., where the mother died in 1856. The father is still living in Monroe Co. at the age of 72 years. ... (more on Nash family not copied here.) Jesse J. Nash was the grandson of Michael Nash and son of William Nash, a farmer by occupation, who died in NC. The Duncan family are of Scotch descent, and trace their ancestry back to the Scottish wars. The subject of this sketch was reared and schooled in MS ...; until 1873, then to Pike Co. AR, in 1877 to Clark Co. ... In 1868 he married Miss Annie E. Grissom, a daughter of John M. Grissom, of Itawamba Co. MS, and by this union is the father of 5 children, viz, Ithey Yerger, Lelus McCaulas, Zela Yerger, and Lee Duncan Hubbard and Ledonia Grissom Yerger, twins. The McCaulas and Hubbard are ancestral names. ... (nothing more on family)
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