Duncan research files of |
1860 Alleghany Co. NC Census
P.O. Glade Creek
Pg.212, #573-452, Allen EDWARDS 64 NC farmer $2000-1600
Sarah 56 NC
Granville 24 NC
P.O. Gap Civil
Pg.407, #442-354, F. DENKEN (m) 41 NC farmer $300-$125
Senia (f) 28 NC
Washington 18, Allen 16 NC
Wesley 11, Juliann (f) 6 NC
Mary J. 4, Margaret 2 NC
Christena 1, David 8/12 NC
(MAD: Senia should be age 38; 1850 Ashe Co. NC census)
1870 Alleghany Co. NC Census
Cherry Lane
Pg.252, #46-#46, DUNCAN, Allen 28 NC farmer $500-$246
Mary 24 NC
John 3, Schylor (m) 1 NC
Piney Creek
Pg.286, #9-9, HATSEY?, Franklin 31 NC farmer $600-$600
Polly 25 NC
Virginia 3, Fanny 1 NC
DUNCAN, George (m) 17 NC (white) domestic servant
Pg.287, #108-108, WYATT, Eli 52 VA farmer $1000-$447
Elirrey (f) 45 VA
Evandine? 14 VA, Landen? (m) 13 NC
DUNCAN, Kesiah (f) 18 VA (white) domestic servant
1880 Alleghany Co. NC Census (partial; from soundex for #111)
Vol.1 ED11 Sheet 13 Line 44, Gap Civil Twp
#111, John W. DUNCAN 32 NC farmer NC NC NC
Rosann 27 wife NC NC NC
Enice 9 dau, Tyrh 6 son NC NC NC
Calvin 14 brother NC NC NC
(MAD: J.W. Duncan died 1884, leaving will)
Sheet 14 line 17
#116, George W. DUNCAN 38 farmer NC NC NC
Catherine 39 wife NC NC NC
Franklin 13, Columbus 12, Cyrus 8, Walter 9 sons NC NC NC
Sheet 15 line 8
#122, Franklin DUNCAN 60 farmer NC NC NC
Seni 60 wife NC NC NC
David 20 son, Ransey 18 dau., Oliver 10 son NC NC NC
Alleghany Co. NC marriages 1861-1881 (marriages start 1861) (FHL film 847,894)
No index, loose pages, did not go through
Alleghany Co. NC inventories, marriages, wills 1862-1869 (FHL film 847,893)
No index; faded pages; did not look through page by page
Alleghany Co. NC will A-65, 1884, J.W. Duncan (FHL film 847,890)
A-65: Will of J.W. Duncan of Allegheny Co. NC, 8 Jan. 1884; feeble health; to my wife Ann Duncan all my property both real and personal under the terms and conditions hereafter set forth. She take the care, custody & control of all my property and have the use and benefit for the maintenance and support of herself and my children and the education of my children after she first pays my debts and collects all my debts coming to me; she not hold any public or private sale of my personal property except at her own discretion or if she has to in order to pay my debts; for her life or widowhood; if she marry or behave herself improperly then the care, custody and control of my property shall cease and she have a child's portion both of my real and personal property; she have the care of my children, and shall occupy my property for her life subject to the previous exceptions. (at her death) my property both real and personal divided equally between all of my children with the exception of my little crippled boy J/T.M. Duncan should then be living and still crippled I want him first paid $200 in cash and the residue then divided equally among all my children. Should a division of my property and estate under my will as hereinabove set forth become necessary before the death of my wife among my heirs then I leave my son T?.M. Duncan $200 if still a cripple and the residue equally among my wife and all my children then alive (faint). Wit. J?.B. Witherow, W.C. Fields; proved April 7, 1884.
Alleghany Co. NC Original Probate Records (FHL film 1,651,918)
FRANKLIN DUNCAN, 1898 (not all documents extracted).
Received of D.R. Duncan, admin. of F. Duncan, $15 on my distribution share in the estate of my grandfather the said Franklin Duncan; Jan. 31, 1901, /s/ Ems L. Edwards.
Received of D.R. Duncan, admin. of F. Duncan, $15 on my distribution share in the estate of Franklin Duncan; Feb. 28, 1901, /s/ H.A. Duncan. (note at top of paper: "David Duncan")
Received by D.R. Duncan, recd. of D.R. Duncan, admin. of Franklin Duncan, $32.50, my distribution share, Oct. 4, 1901.
Received ... my father, Franklin Duncan, $15; March 25, 1901, Tena Jennings per Wm. Jennings.
Account for distribution among heirs at law, 1/10 each to following: H.A. Duncan, C.A. Duncan, D.R. Duncan, G.W. Duncan, Jane Hampton, Julia Kirby, Tena Jennings, Rosa Wagoner, Peggy Wagomer. 1/12 each to Eunice Edward, T.M. Duncan.
Application for administration by David R. Duncan, 17 Aug. 1898; heirs are H.A. Duncan, Julia Kirby, Jane Hampton, Peggy Wagoner, Tena Jennings, Rosa Wagoner, D.R. Duncan, C.A. Duncan, G.W. Duncan, O.A. Duncan, Tyre Duncan and Eunice Edwards.
18 Jan. 1889, deed from David R. Duncan and wife Roseann Duncan of Alleghany Co. NC to Franklin Duncan of same, $300, 30 acres adj. land of H.P?. Woodruff, the poor house land, Jacob Lyon and others; court cert. 9 Feb. 1889.
Petition to Superior Court, D.R. Duncan admin. of Franklin Duncan decd, vs. H.A. Duncan, Calvin Duncan, Oliver Duncan, G.W. Duncan, Isam B. Waganer and wife Rosa Waganer, Dobson Waganer and wife Peggy Waganer, Wm. Jennings and wife Teny Jennings, J.J. Hampton and wife Jane (last name not given), Bryson Kirby and wife Julia Kirby, Tyre Duncan, Richard Edwards and wife Eunice Edwards; that Franklin Duncan died in 1898; petitioner qualified as administrator in 1898, he died owing money, no personal estate but owned two tracts of land, one known as "Susan Wolf" lands adj. David Richardson, M. Hudson and Martha J. Wolf (acres not given), and the other adj. poor house lands, 30 acres; Franklin Duncan left ten children: petitioner and H.A. Duncan, Calvin Duncan, Oliver Duncan, G.W. Duncan, Rosa Waganer, Peggy Waganer, Teny Jennings, Jane Hampton, Julia Kirby, and two grandchildren, Tyra Duncan and Eunice Edwards, being children of Wesley Duncan, a decd son of Franklin Duncan; all heirs live in Alleghany Co. except Jane Hampton and Julia Kirby who live in Grayson Co. VA, and Tyra Duncan and G.W. Duncan who live in the State of Missouri; petition to sell land.
(MAD: lands were sold, the first purchaser of one tract failed to comply with the conditions, so the tract was sold again; documents not copied.)
J.W. DUNCAN, 1884 (not all documents extracted).
Receipt to Rosan Duncan, $3.00 for the old book account; Dec. 10, 1884.
Note by J.W. Duncan, 3 Aug. 1882, to D.R. Duncan, $63.57.
Receipt of Rose Ann Duncan formerly extrix of J.W. Duncan decd, one yoke oxen, waggon, lot of carpenter tools, notes; 21 Oct. 1885, /s/ David R. Duncan, admin. de bonis non cum testamento annexo of J.W. Duncan decd.
Receipt by John L. Smith, of Rosan Duncan, $4 to be applied on the loan I hold against Wesley Duncan decd; 13 Feb. 1885.
Summons for relief, 5 Oct. 1885, David R. Dunkin and Rose Ann Duncan vs. Eunice Dunkin and others, heirs of J.W. Duncan; summon Eunice L. Duncan, Biddie L. Duncan and Tyre M. Duncan and guardian ad litum to said Eunice L. Duncan, Biddie L. Duncan and Tyre M. Duncan.
J.W. Dunkin had 80 acres land, (& personal property); Ennice Dunkin, Tyrace Dunkin, Biddie Dunkin.
Petition 5 Oct. 1885; J.W. Dunkin left Eunice L. Duncan now 15 years old, Tyre W. Duncan now 12 years old, and Biddie L. Duncan now 3 years old; that in May 1885 petitioner David R. Duncan married with petitioner Rose Ann Duncan, David R. Duncan now administrator; Rose Ann and children are tenants in common to the estimated 58 acres adj. W.A. Woodruff, H.A. Duncan, D.R. Duncan, and Allen Edwards, being the land owned by J.W. Duncan on both sides Little River near John Niles house. (land sold, purchaser was David R. Duncan)
Franklin Duncan, their grandfather, guardian ad litum for the children, agrees to the sale.
Bill for Wesley Duncan by T.B. Witherow? M.D. Dec. 9, 1883, medicine, visits, etc., through Jan. 12, 1884. July 7, 1884, medicine for boy's leg. Sept. 5, visit and setting son's leg. Sept. 10, visit to son. Nov. 19, medicine for eyes; total $5.
24 Jany. 1889, H.A. Duncan, guardian of T.M. and E.L. Duncan.
Jan. 12, 1889, H.A. Duncan statement that Biddie L. Duncan died an infant and her share divided equally between Eunice L. and Tyre M. Duncan.
O.F. DUNCAN, 1899 (not all documents extracted).
Receipt for Oliver Duncan, admin. J.D. Wagoner.
Receipts Jan. 9, 1901, as collateral relatives, by H.A. Duncan, D.R. Duncan, Ennis R. Edwards, Tena Jennings, Julia A. Kirby, Jane Hampton, Rosa E. Wagoner, C.A. Duncan, Margaret Wagoner, Tyre M. Duncan and Geo. W. Duncan.
Land records, North Carolina and Tennessee; indexes, 1600-1959; by NC Secretary of State, Land Grant Office (Placerville FHC on loan 1/4-5/2012)
Land warrants are documents issued at local land offices to purchasers of public lands. When these warrants are surrendered, the buyers are issued conveyances (deeds). The land warrants (and other miscellaneous records) are organized by file numbers in alphabetical sequences of counties. Some of the counties are now Tennessee counties. These records are in packets. On each packet cover are spaces for the following information: file number, county, purchaser's name(s), number of acres, grant number, date issued, entry number, date entered, book number, page number & location. ... The key to finding the related packets are the file numbers.
Land grant index cards, 1693-1959, Archibald Caddell (Richmond) - William Durram (Buncombe Co.) (FHL Film 1,942,614)
Dunkin, Franklin, File No.48, Alleghany Co., 5-1/2 acres, Grant No.50 issued Dec. 11, 1872, Entry No.219 entered Feb. 23, 1871, Book No.166, page no.284, Location: On West side of Little River.
Duncan, H.A., File No.127, Alleghany Co., 16 acres, Grant No.130 issued October 28, 1878, Entry No.199 entered March 17, 1876, Book No.169, page no.457, Location: On Little River.
Duncan, H.A., File No.251, Alleghany Co., 10 acres, Grant No.10094 issued June 16, 1890, Entry No.4 entered March 5, 1890, Book No.182, page no.102, Location: On Little River.
Duncan, H.A., File No.250, Alleghany Co., 18 acres, Grant No.10093 issued June 16, 1890, Entry No.7 entered March 17, 1890, Book No.182, page no.101, Location: On Little River.
Alleghany Co. NC - Jacob Wagoner Cemetery - Gap Civil (from Brenda Furches 8/1985; MAD: see 1850 Ashe Co. NC census)
Franklin Duncan, 09/22/1820 - 06/12/1898
Sena Wolfe Duncan, 1824 -1902
O. F. Duncan, 02/22/1867 - 11/03/1899
Alice Duncan, 05/13/1868 - 01/15/1907 wf of Calvin
Calvin Duncan, 07/07/1862 - 02/19/1937 sp. of Alice
TN Civil War Questionnaire, Federal Soldiers (FHL film 975,591; only one Duncan)
These questionnaires were sent by TN Historical Committee to all living Civil War Veterans about 1914-1915, and vary a little in format. Not all were returned by the veterans. They are about four pages long, a printed form to fill in the blanks. A name index was printed in Ansearchin News, Vol. 25, sent by Evelyn Sigler; the TN State Library & Archives has either the originals or a copy.
This questionnaire contains 46 questions, many about his parents' home and work, many about his own home and work as a boy, some about servants and the feeling in his area about slaves and slave-holders, his schools, and his service in the War, such as experiences in battles, and the names & addresses of other men in his company.
Duncan, William Franklin, Co. M, 4th TN Cavalry.
TN Historical Committee Questionnaire, filled in by William Franklin Duncan, of Tasso, [Bradley Co.] TN, age 80 years and 4 months, born in Ashe now Alleghany Co. NC, a Federal Soldier in Civil War in Co. M, 4th TN Cavalry, 4th Regiment TN Cavalry Volunteers; credited to Washington Co. TN. (MAD: see also Carroll Co. TN)
7. Father: a farmer, George Washington Duncan, born at Sparta, Ashe now Alleghaney Co., NC; lived in Ashe Co. NC and Washington Co. TN; he was a farmer and ex Mexican Volunteer.
8. Mother: Jane Elizabeth Edwards, daughter of William Edwards and his wife Nancy Edwards, who lived near Gap Civil Ashe Co. NC.
9. Remarks on Ancestry: John Duncan, great grand father, a soldier of Revolutionary War 1776, John Duncan grand father soldier of 1812, George W. Duncan father volunteer Mexican War. William Edwards great grand father an Englishman first lived? in NY, William Edwards grand father first settled in Penn and then in NC. Nancy Edwards and Duncan was from Ireland.
Father owned a farm; did not own slaves; owned about 100 acres, value $500; occupied common country log house. Father George W. Duncan was a farmer owned land and mill, worked the farm and ran the mill at times. Mother done house work, cooking, spring? and weaving, making own wearing apparel. No slaves, only domestic white girls.
William F. Duncan enlisted for Co. M, 4th Regt. TN Cavalry, US Army, May 6, 1864, and credited to Washington Co. TN; was offered $750 to be credited to NY City as substitute for NY; after enlistment Co. sent first to Nashville, TN, to Camp Catlett (more on battles); discharged July 12, 1865 at Nashville, TN; landed at home in Jonesborro, Washington Co. TN, in July 1865.
Others in Company: William F. Duncan, John Duncan, ...
Added letter: 1/1 (?) 1923, to Honorable John Trotswood Moore, Director, Nashville, TN: In reply to yours of March? date I give you further history of myself. After the Civil War I was 1st Lieut. of Co. E, 2nd Regt. NC State Troops and ?? of the Regt. and was elected Lieut. Colonel of same. I married Martha Jane Hensley Sept. 28, 1865. She was mother of one son, David Washington Duncan, borned March 24th 1867. He was a member of lower house of Tennessee Legislature. He was killed by Rail Road train near Cleveland, Tennessee, March 24, 1922. On his birth day on a crossing. He was stock inspector for Tennessee appointed by Capt. Peck and Governor A.A. Taylor?. /s/ William F. Duncan, Tasso, TN.
Second added letter: 1/1 (?) 1923, same address: On March the 12th 1871 I was married to Malissa Christina Briggs. She was the mother of Martha E. Duncan borned 8-13 1873 now living, John Thomas Duncan born Janay (sic) 21 1877 living, William L. Duncan 1-17-1879 living, Marvin D. Duncan 11-22-1881 dead 7-6-1903, Isham F. Duncan 1-1-1884 living, Oscar L. Duncan 2-16-1886 died at Donelson Tenn 3-31-1921, Fredric R. Duncan April 8-1889 dead 6-8-1890, Evan P. Duncan 2-12-1892 now living. My wife Malissa Chistina (sic) Duncan died Nov. 5 1921 members of the Christian Church. I am yours William F. Duncan, Tasso Tennessee.
1899 "The Ministerial Directory of the Baptist Churches" by George W. Lasher, D.D.; pub. by Ministerial Directory Co., Oxford, OH (pgs.225-226 from Margo Thiel 1/1986)
(MAD: Name, city & State; Place of birth; Place and date licensed and ordained; Preached; other abbreviations: Preached; Studied; Church; Institute; College)
DUNCAN, Gaston Walter, Bryant, MO - Born Allegheny Co. NC; Stud. Nor. and S.W. Bap. C., MO; Lic. June 1897, Ord. Jan. 1898, Rockhouse Ch. MO; S. Rockhouse, MO.
1889 "Biographical Souvenier of State of TX" by F. Battey (FHL book 976.4 D3bs; Houston, TX library book 920B-1889 from Lucille Mehrkam 10/1984; Memphis Public Library book 976.400992 B615, from Evelyn Sigler 9/1984; sketches alphabetical, good index)
Pg.274: J.T. Edwards, general merchant of Howe [Grayson Co.], TX, b. NC 10 Nov. 1837; parents were J.S. and Nancy M. (Duncan) Edwards, natives of NC. J.S. Edwards is a son of William Edwards, a native of Orange Co. NC, born Aug. 18, 1812, still living. Mrs. Nancy Duncan was a daughter of John Duncan, and died in 1853. Six children still living, the subject (J.T.) the third in order of birth, the others being named Sarah M., David A., Jennie, Nannie and Oliver F. J.T. Edwards to TX Oct. 4, 1859, to Hunt Co. ... Conf. army ... married 1861 to Miss J.L. Moore, dau. of James? Moore of TX, 7 children (not copied here). (MAD: see 1850 Ashe Co. NC census for Joshua Edwards; see 1983 "Alleghany Co. (NC) Heritage" by Alleghany Co. Historical-Gen. Society)
"The Landmark" Statesville, North Carolina, Friday, September 25, 1896 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Calvin and Oliver Duncan, members of one of the "best" families in Alleghany County, have been arrested for complicity in the murder of Scott McCraw, in Alleghany, several weeks ago. They were taken to Winston jail for safe keeping. It is said that they could have given $50,000 bond but Judge Hoke refused them bail.
"The Landmark" Statesville, North Carolina, Friday, April 9, 1897 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 2/2004)
Calvin and Oliver Duncan were tried at Alleghany court last week for the murder of Scott McCraw, last spring. The jury was out only fifteen minutes and brought in a verdict of acquittal. Joshua Holloway, the main State's witness, mysteriously disappeared some weeks ago and was not present at the trial.
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