Duncan research files of |
1840 Yalobusha Co. MS Census Pg.277 William Duncan 0011,01 - 1001,1 1845 Yalobusha Co. MS State Census (FHL film 899,870) Pg. 3 William Duncon 2 males, 3 females 5 B.W. Duncan 1 male, 0 females
1850 Yalobusha Co. MS Census
North of Yall. River
Pg.410, #480, T.P. DUNCAN (m) 27 AL teacher
Sarah 21 AL, mar/in/year
(MAD: Thomas P. Duncan mar. Sarah S. Tabb 7/25/1850; indexed ? 1870 Titus Co. TX census, 1880 Delta Co. TX census)
South of Yall. River
Pg.467, #68, George DONKIN 27 ENG tailor $1000
Catherine 29 MS (not mar/in/year)
(MAD: George Donkin mar. Catharine Sawyer 9/2/1847)
1860 Yalobusha Co. MS Census
Pg.810, #464-497, George DUNKIN 39 ENG tailor $5000-$1800
Catharine 40 MA
(MAD: 1870 Grenada Co. MS census)
1870 Yalobusha Co. MS Census
Twp.11, P.O. Water Valley
Pg.27, #413-433, DUNCAN, Alice 37 AL BLACK domestic servt. $0-$0
Twp.26 Range 4E, P.O. Oakland
Pg.165, #34-36, MOORE, Dicey 51 AL BLACK keeping house $0-$0
Mary E. 30 AL BLACK keeping house
Alice 20 MS BLACK at home
Nancy J. 16 MS BLACK at home
Ada S. 13 MS BLACK at home
George 10 MS BLACK at home
William 8 MS BLACK at home
Pg.165, #35-37, DUNCAN, Mary 4 MS BLACK
Sarah E. 6/12 MS BLACK b.Dec.
Carroll Co. MS Deeds
N-696: 6 Oct. 1858, John Duncan and wife Lucy D. of Yellowbusha Co. to John A. Binford of Carroll Co. MS, $417, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 36 T21 R5E, and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 31 T21 R6E, the land having once belonged to Walker Barnard and then to the State and by the State by deed 12 May 1857 to John Duncan. /s/ John Duncan of Yellowbisha, Lucy Duncan Duncan (sic). Wit. Charles A. Sullivan, Geo. Payne Quackenbos. Quackenbos testified in City/County of New York. (FHL film 893,228)
O-267: 28 March 1857, John Duncan of Yallobusha and wife Lucy Duncan and Robert J. Walker and wife Mary B., to George A. Townsend of Carroll Co. MS, $606.52, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 21 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 27, both T21 R3E. Jno. Duncan attorney for Robert J. Walker. John and Lucy D. Duncan appeared before Quackenbos in New York City; Walkers appeared before Charles DeSelding in Dist. of Columbia, City and County of Washington. (FHL film 893,229)
(MAD: 1860 Hinds Co. MS census; John Duncan of Yalobusha mar. Lucy Duncan Howell of Natchez [Adams Co. MS] on 10/16/1856 Washington DC at residence of bride's uncle Hon. Robert J. Walker, from "Tri-Weekly Citizen" pub. 11/7/1856 in Canton, MS, from pg.204, "Marriages and Deaths from MS Newspapers, 1837-1863" Vol.1, by Betty Couch Wiltshire, FHL book 976.2 V2w; also published other newspapers; his mother Mary & sisters in 1850 New York City census pg.373, Ward 9, Dist.3)
Bolivar Co. MS Deeds
F-23, 28 July 1855, Robert J. Walker power of attorney to John Duncan of Yallobusha Co. MS, signed in New York. (pg.115, "Early MS Records; Bolivar Co., Vol.I, 1836-1861" by Katherine Branton & Alice Wade, 1988, Memphis Public Library book 929.3625 B689b9, from Georgie Cooper 1988)
G-29, 17 Mar. 1857, Robert J. Walker & wife Mary B. of Washington City and Wm. Cook and W. Martha E. of NY quit claim to John Duncan of Yallabusha Co. MS for $1, land in Bolivar Co. MS in Twp.20 Range 6W and Twp.20 Range 8W and Twp.21 Range 8W and Twp.22 Range 9W, 3086 acres. There is another Deed G-317, 1 May 1858, John Duncan and wife Lucy Duncan Duncan of Yallabusha Co. MS to James C. and Alexander Newman of Warren Co. MS. (pgs.123 and 129, "Early MS Records; Bolivar Co., Vol.I, 1836-1861" by Katherine Branton & Alice Wade, 1988, Memphis Public Library book 929.3625 B689b9, from Georgie Cooper 1988)
Winston Co. MS Deed (FHL film 897,905)
M-537: 4 Jan. 1853, William A. Haddin of City of New York and wife Frances S. (/s/ Frances Sunderson Hadden) to John Duncan of Yalbusha Co. MS, $1, following land:
Number of Patent, Section, Twp, Range, Acres, Fractions
Nashoba Co.
29560, S 1/2, 36-10N-12E, 138.08a
29561, S 1/2, 27-10-12, 320.86a
29562, E 1/2 SW 1/4, 30-10-12, 80.61a
29563, S 1/2 W 1/2 NW 1/4 & S 1/2 NE 1/4, 2-9-12, 539.27a
29564, E 1/2 NE 1/4, 34-10-12, 80.11a
29565, N 1/2 1-9-12, 154.49a
29566, E 1/2 NW 1/4 31-10-12, 80.20a
29568, E 1/2 NW 1/4 3-9-12, 355.62a
30648, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 28-10-11, 159.28a
30649, W 1/2 NW 1/4 27-10-11, 79.29a
30650, S 1/2 & W 1/2 of NW 1/4 9-10-11, 400.85a
30651, E 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 & E 1/2 SW 1/4 8-10-11, 319.32a
30652, E 1/2 NE 1/4 33-10-11, 80.05a
28802, W 1/2 NE 1/4 17-9-12, 79.97a
28803, NW 1/4 28-9-12, 159.80a
29571, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 3-9-12, 44.45a
29572, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 31-10-12, 40.16a
Newton Co.
28801, W 1/2 NE 1/4 36-8N-11, 75.88a
Atala Co.
29567, E 1/2 SE 1/4 23-13N-7E, 80.94a
29569, W 1/2 NW 1/4 19-13-8, 79.85a
29570, N 1/2 & W 1/2 SE1/4 & SW 1/4 36-13-7, 516.22a
29573, whole section, 24-13-7, 586.56a
Winston Co.
28764, N 1/2 & W 1/2 of SE 1/4 & SW 1/4 18-14-11, 559.03a
28766, NW 1/4 8-14-11, 161.33a
23247, E 1/2 NE 1/4 20-14-10, 80.51a
23248, SW 1/4 20-14-10 161.52a?
23249, S 1/2 21-14-10, 321.80a
23250, NE 1/4 25-14-10, 160.40a
23251, W 1/2 NW 1/4 21-14-10, 80.11a
23252, W 1/2 SW 1/4 22-14-10, 80.11a
28765, E 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 ofNE 1/4 & W 1/2 SE 1/4 7-14-11, 600.25a
Carroll Co.
30743, N 1/2 SE 1/4 & E 1/2 SW 1/4 3-18-4, 517.17a
30744, NE 1/4 7-19-5, 154.10a
30746, E 1/2 and E 1/2 of NW 1/4 6-19-5, 380.92a
total 7,775a, more or less. Wit. William Martin (Mastin?), Moses B. Maclay. Ack. in New York City & Co.
Sumter Co. AL Deeds
I-287: Noxubee Co. MS, 4 April 1846, Unity Mosely of Noxubee Co. MS to John Duncan of City of New York, $3,000:
W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.35 T20 R4W, 79.8 acres
SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.35 T20 R4W, 39.92 acres
Subdivision C of Sec.34 T20 R4W, 55.18 acres
E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.36 T20 R4W, 79.9 acres
W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.36 T20 R4W, 79.9 acres
E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.35 T20 R4W, 79.9 acres
E 1/2 NW [1/4] Sec.11 T19 R4W, 80.24? acres
S 1/2 Sec.1 T19 R4W, 320.38 acres
NW 1/4 Sec.1 T19 R4W, 160.13 acres
NE 1/4 Sec.2 T19 R4W, 161.25 acres
NE 1/4 Sec.12 T19 R4W, 160.25 acres
E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.12 T19 R4W, 80.18 acres
E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.12 T19 R4W, 80.18 acres
E [1/2] NW 1/4 Sec.12 T19 R4W, 80.18 acres
E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.6 T19 R3W, 80.14 acres
SW 1/4 Sec.5 T19 R3W, 159.36 acres
E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.35 T20 R4W, 79.83 acres
NE 1/4 Sec.35 T20 R4W, 159.72 acres
in Demopolis land District, Sumter Co. AL; wit. James Murray, Charles Buck. (FHL film 1,787,412)
N-238: 4 Oct. 1854, Pierpoint Phillips of City of New York to John Duncan of Yalabusha Co. MS, $1, several lots, not copied. (FHL film 1,787,414, faded book)
N-666: 10 April 1856, John Duncan of Yelabusha Co. MS to Francis B. Moore of Sumter Co. AL, $365, not copied. (FHL film 1,787,414)
N-749: 10 April 1856, John Duncan of Yalobusha Co. MS to Elnathan Tartt of Sumter Co. AL, ... (no wife) (FHL film 1,787,414)
Henry McRaven correspondence; in MS Dept. of Archives & History, Manuscript Collection, Acc. No. Z-913 (from Carolyn Cole to John A. Duncan to MAD 6/1988; actual title of this file at MS Archives is not given; there is also a file at the TN Archives about the same family)
JAD: Lucy Duncan Howell who married John Duncan is apparently #388, page 59, in Kate D. Smith's book "Thomas Duncan and His Six Sons."
Letters from Henry McRaven of Nashville, TN, to Mrs. W.A. Geisenberger, President, Natchez Historical Society, in 1963. His letters have information on his great-uncle, John Duncan, and John Duncan's daily diary for 1868, in the possession of Mr. McRaven's cousin Lucy Moore of Danville, VA. Mr. McRaven said that John Duncan's niece "Mab" was Mary Jane Duncan, dau. of John Duncan's brother William Duncan born 5 Aug. 1800 in Glasgow, Scotland. Mary Jane Duncan changed her name to Mary McFarlane Duncan as requested in John Duncan's will, in memory of John Duncan's mother, and after John Duncan died, Mary married Judge P.P. Bailey of Jackson. From information handed down in the family, Mr. McRaven said his ancestors were Alexander Duncan and Mary McFarlane. Mr. McRaven's great grandfather William Duncan was reared and educated in New York, where he married in the early 1820s, was in New Orleans in Feb. 1830, in the fall of 1830 moved to AL, then to Grenada (MAD: probably Yalobusha Co. MS at that time), MS, in 1836, then to New Orleans in the late 1840's, died in New York in 1863 on a business trip. (MAD: see the will of John Duncan in Winston Co. MS and elsewhere; Mary M. Duncan mar. Peter P. Bailey 6/29/1874 or 6/30/1874 Hinds Co. MS)
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