Duncan research files of |
1840 Attala Co. MS Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Attala Co. MS Census
Pg.116, #328, William R. RAINEY 22 AL farmer
Mary A. 19 MS
Saml. 11/12 MS
(MAD: Chart #18 of Mrs. John Bryan in Vol.3, TN "Ancestor Charts" by TN Valley Gen. Society, 1979, shows William R. Rainey b. 1793 NC and Mary Duncan b. 1793 NC as parents of Wm. Rufus Rainey b. 1/17/1828)
(MAD: Other Rainey families indexed pg. 100, 101, 110, 116, 128; these households do not have a William Rainey old enough to be father of Wm.R. b. 1828; one William R. Rainey indexed in 1850 Haywood Co. TN; pg. 76, John H. Hicks 25 VA blacksmith, Mary C. 20 VA, and others including William R. Rainey 41 VA tailor)
District 13, Range 9E
Pg.173, #1234, John T. DUNCAN 50 GA farmer $50
Bosh (f) 38 GA
Julia A. 12 GA
1860 Attala Co. MS Census (part from Dianne Ladd 1993)
Burkettesville, Twp.15 Range 7E
Pg.291/31, #180-201, John DUNCAN 59 SC farmer $700-$1500
Ann 52 SC
Robert 22 GA laborer on farm $0-$400
Martha C. 14 GA
Mahalia A. HUETT 21 GA (blank) $0-$150
Robert 3, Newton 1 MS
(MAD: 1850, 1870 Cobb Co. GA census)
Pg.295/35, #203-218, Elijah DUNCAN 35 SC farmer $700-$300
Amanda 27 GA
Robert B. 11, Liza A. 8 GA
Henry W. 6, James R. 4 GA
John M. 2, Bethana C. (f) 1/12 MS
(MAD: wife Amanda Church; 1880 Yell Co. AR census)
Twp.16 Range 7
Pg.384/124, #757-840, Riley DUNCAN 25 GA farming $400-$300
Ann 20 GA
Ida 2, Henrietta (f) 8/12 MS
"Unable to Get in Time"
Pg.499/239, #1510-1667, John T. DUNCAN 55 GA farmer $800-$500
Bershaba (f) 50 GA
Tabitha BARNET 10 UNK
(MAD: 1870 Henderson Co. TX census)
1870 Attala Co. MS Census
Twp.16 Range 17, P.O. Kosciusko
Pg.90, #5-5, GALAWAY, F.A. (m) 36 MS (white) farmer $700-$1000
L.A. (f) 33 GA keeping house
T.W. (f) 2, B.L. (m) 1 MS
DUNKIN, I?.A. (f) 12 MS (white) at school
H.J. (f) 10 MS at school
M.L. (f) 8, A.B. (m) 6 MS
(MAD: indexed as G.A. Dunkin, but not a "G"; probably an "I" because nothing else fits; children of Riley & Ann Duncan on 1860 census)
Attala Co. MS Probate Records, Wills, Vol.C, B, 1866-1887 (FHL film 877,890 and from Dianne Ladd 1995)
B-107/8: Will of John Duncan of City of Jackson, MS, 11 Dec. 1865; It having pleased Almighty God to disolve my earthly household by taking to himself all my worldly treasures, Walker my first born; Lucy the young the bright and intellectual the beloved wife of my bosom; Mary my peerless daughter, and Garnett the last and youngest of them all, and being myself in good health of both mind and body yet far distant from my home and constantly exposed to perils and dangers of travel, I do hereby make ... last will. I give in her own right and free from all incumbrances to my niece Mary Jane Duncan, hereafter if she chooses, to be called Mary McFarlan Duncan, in memory of my deceased mother, my residence at Jackson, MS, known as Casamia with the furniture therein and everything thereto appertaining. The entire residue of my property real and personal to my three sisters and the aforesaid niece Mary to be equally divided; that is, to my sister Mary, the widow of Charles Stewart, 1/4 of said residue; to my unmarried sister Jane A. residing in New York, 1/4 of said residue; to my sister Louisa Brodie the wife of George Payne Quackenbros, 1/4 of said residue, and to my aforesaid niece Mary the daughter of my deceased brother William the remaining 1/4 of said residue of my estate. Appoint as my executrix and executor my niece the aforesaid Mary J. or Mary McFarlan Duncan and her brother my nephew L. Alex Duncan of the State of MS, and my brother in law George P. Quackenbros of the City of New York; no security of any kind to be required from either of them. Signed 11 Dec. 1865, John Duncan of MS. Wit. Fred. J. Stanton, Washington DC, and Duncan S. Walker, Washington DC. John Duncan of City of Jackson, being in feeble health, codicil to my will dated at the City of Washington on 11 Dec. 1865, which will was wholly written by me in my own handwriting, that the aforesaid will 11 Dec. 1865 ... that my niece Mary J. Duncan shall have my residence in Jackson MS known as Casa Mia with the furniture etc. and my jewelry and momentos, my watch, pictures, and everything else, leaving it to the pleasure of my niece to take the name of Mary McFarlin Duncan instead of Mary Jane Duncan as she may choose. Dated 26 Jan. 1872. Also make my aforesaid niece Mary McFarlan Duncan as my sole executrix, recoumenting? to her my nephew L. Alex Duncan and my brother-in-law. Wit. 26 Jan. 1872 by James R. Yerger, Wm. C. Crane, Elliott F. Ash. George R. Quackenbros as safe and reliable councellors but revoking the clause in my will of Dec. 11, 1865, as far as the same makes them executors. This 26 Jan. 1872. John Duncan. First Dist., Hinds Co., State of MS, Chancery Court in vacation, Feb. 23, 1872; last will and testament of John Duncan deceased of Hinds Co., First District, on 23 Feb. 1872 appeared W.C?. Crane and Matt F. Ash and James R. Yerger, witnesses to will of John Duncan decd ... proved on their oaths; filed for record 23 Feb. 1872; certification 4 March 1772 in Hinds Co. that will was recorded; Filed for record 2 Oct. 1872, recorded 3 Oct. 1872 (in Attala Co. MS) (same document filed in Hinds, Carrol, and Winston Cos. MS)
Monroe Co. MS Deeds (SLC 6/21/2008)
10-225: 3 April 1837, Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. of Adams Co. MS to Francis Surgett of county & state aforesaid, $29,828.78, land in counties of Monroe, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Chickasaw, Pontotoc, Winston, Attalla, Pontotoc, & others. Duncans appeared in Adams Co. MS. (FHL film 878,385)
Pontotoc Co. MS Deed (FHL film 897,521 item 2)
4-110: 3 April 1837, Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. of Adams Co. MS to Francis Surget of afsd, $29,828.78:
Sec.16 and 21, T15 R7E, 1280 acres in Monroe Co.
N 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.4 T14N R16E, 79.26 acres in Noxubee Co.
E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.28, and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.27, and W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.22, all T17N R13E, 399.53 acres in Oktibbee [Oktibbeha] Co.
SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 Sec.14 T13 R3E, 320.88 acres in Chickasaw Co.
SW 1/4 Sec.4 T7 R3E, 159.78a and SE 1/4 Sec.36 T11 R3E, 165.66 acres, in Pontotoc Co.
E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.28 T15N R13E, 82.23 acres in Winston Co.
W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.26 T14N R6E, 80.62 acres in Attalla Co.
SE 1/4 Sec.11 T11 R3E, 160.22 acres in Pontotoc Co.
and land on which the Indian reserve granted to Susan Colbert by the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek may be located to contain one section of land; all in State of MS; no wit.; they appeared in Adams Co. MS.
Winston Co. MS Deed (FHL film 897,902)
G-195: 3 April 1837, Stephen Duncan & wife Catharine A. of Adams Co. MS to Francis Surget of same, $29,878.78, land in Sec.16 and 21, Township 15, Range 7E, 1,208 acres in Monroe Co. MS; W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.4 T14N R17E, 79.24 acres in Noxubee Co.; E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.28, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.27, W 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 Sec.22 T17N R13E, 399.53 acres in Oktibbena Co.; SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 Sec.14 T13 R3E, 320.88 acres in Chickasaw Co.; SW 1/4 Sec.4 T7 R3E, 159.78 acres, and SE 1/4 Sec.36 T11 R3E, 165.66 acres, in Pontotoc Co.; and E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.28 T15N R13E, 82.23 acres in Winston Co.; and W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.36 T14N R6E, 80.62 acres in Attala Co.; and SE 1/4 Sec.11 T11 R3E, 160.22 acres in Pontotoc Co.; and land on which the Indian reserve granted to Susan Colbert by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek may be located to contain one section of land. Both signed, appeared in Adams Co. MS, 4/4/1837.
Winston Co. MS Deed (FHL film 897,905)
M-537: 4 Jan. 1853, William A. Haddin of City of New York and wife Frances S. (/s/ Frances Sunderson Hadden) to John Duncan of Yalbusha Co. MS, $1, following land:
Number of Patent, Section, Twp, Range, Acres, Fractions
Nashoba Co.
29560, S 1/2, 36-10N-12E, 138.08a
29561, S 1/2, 27-10-12, 320.86a
29562, E 1/2 SW 1/4, 30-10-12, 80.61a
29563, S 1/2 W 1/2 NW 1/4 & S 1/2 NE 1/4, 2-9-12, 539.27a
29564, E 1/2 NE 1/4, 34-10-12, 80.11a
29565, N 1/2 1-9-12, 154.49a
29566, E 1/2 NW 1/4 31-10-12, 80.20a
29568, E 1/2 NW 1/4 3-9-12, 355.62a
30648, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 28-10-11, 159.28a
30649, W 1/2 NW 1/4 27-10-11, 79.29a
30650, S 1/2 & W 1/2 of NW 1/4 9-10-11, 400.85a
30651, E 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/4 & E 1/2 SW 1/4 8-10-11, 319.32a
30652, E 1/2 NE 1/4 33-10-11, 80.05a
28802, W 1/2 NE 1/4 17-9-12, 79.97a
28803, NW 1/4 28-9-12, 159.80a
29571, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 3-9-12, 44.45a
29572, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 31-10-12, 40.16a
Newton Co.
28801, W 1/2 NE 1/4 36-8N-11, 75.88a
Atala Co.
29567, E 1/2 SE 1/4 23-13N-7E, 80.94a
29569, W 1/2 NW 1/4 19-13-8, 79.85a
29570, N 1/2 & W 1/2 SE1/4 & SW 1/4 36-13-7, 516.22a
29573, whole section, 24-13-7, 586.56a
Winston Co.
28764, N 1/2 & W 1/2 of SE 1/4 & SW 1/4 18-14-11, 559.03a
28766, NW 1/4 8-14-11, 161.33a
23247, E 1/2 NE 1/4 20-14-10, 80.51a
23248, SW 1/4 20-14-10 161.52a?
23249, S 1/2 21-14-10, 321.80a
23250, NE 1/4 25-14-10, 160.40a
23251, W 1/2 NW 1/4 21-14-10, 80.11a
23252, W 1/2 SW 1/4 22-14-10, 80.11a
28765, E 1/2 NE 1/4, NW 1/4 ofNE 1/4 & W 1/2 SE 1/4 7-14-11, 600.25a
Carroll Co.
30743, N 1/2 SE 1/4 & E 1/2 SW 1/4 3-18-4, 517.17a
30744, NE 1/4 7-19-5, 154.10a
30746, E 1/2 and E 1/2 of NW 1/4 6-19-5, 380.92a
total 7,775 acres, more or less. Wit. William Martin (Mastin?), Moses B. Maclay. Ack. in New York City & Co.
Death Certificate, Delta Co. CO (extract from Dianne M. Ladd 9/1993)
Martha Clarinda Steen, Filed Nov. 2, 1903, Delta Co. CO; married, female, white, born Oct. 27, 1845, Georgia, age 58 yrs 0 months 2 days, housewife; died Oct. 29, 1903; father John Duncan b. SC, mother Hall b. TN, informant C.R. Steen, Delta, CO; burial Delta Cem., 11/1/1903, undertaker Geer & Clack, Delta, CO. (DML: mar. 1865 Attala Co. MS; 1870 Attala Co. MS census, 1880 Callahan Co. TX census, 1900 Montrose Co. CO census)
1891 "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Western AR" by Goodspeed; Yell, Pope, Johnson, Logan, Scott, Polk, Montgomery & Conway Cos. (FHL book 976.7 H2bw)
Pg.140: Yell Co. Henry W. Duncan, a citizen and mill-owner, of Dutch Creek Valley, born Cherokee Co. GA, July 30, 1852, son of Elijah and Amanda (Church) Duncan, also of GA who had a family of 11 children. Henry W. raised on farm, received slight education; when of age came to Arkansas, and located in this county, and pre-empted 160 acres of land on Dutch Creek, in what is now known as Danville. Had 50a under cultivation, house and barn; Increased original 160 acres to 209 acres; in 1885 built a sawmill and cotton-gin, now has milling plant. He married Oct. 18, 1874, to Etta, dau. of Isaac Hutchinson, formerly of AL, but now a resident of Scott Co.; 5 children: William Elijah, Charles H., Emerine, Robert W. and Francis M. Democrat. (MAD: 1860 Attala Co. MS census)
"Early Attala [Co. MS] Records" by Joyce Williams Sanders (FHL book 976.2644 V2se and fiche 6,049,773)
This book contains on pgs.8-10 abstracts from the "Central Journal" 1844-1845, including a notice on 12 Nov. 1844, of a Divorce Bill, Elisa A. Duncan vs. Abraham Duncan who is out of state. (MAD: 1840 Kemper Co. MS census, 1840-1842 Sumter Co. AL husband of Eliza A. Thompson; ?? she perhaps mar. 5/18/1845 James Teer in Winston Co. MS; ?? one Abram Duncan mar. 1/11/1848 E.Carroll Par. LA to Elizabeth Ann Hannegan, G.A. Duncan in 1850 Concordia Par. LA census)
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