Duncan research files of |
1850 Wright Co. MO Census (also from Vivian Biddle 1982)
Pg.255, #307, William DUNCAN 65 NC farmer $0
Mary 37 IN ("Ia")
Jane 17, Martha 14 IN
Lucinda 11, William 9 MO
John 7, Isaac 4 MO
Drucillah (f) 1, Serildah (f) 1 MO
(MAD: 1830 Morgan Co. IN census; 1840 Pulaski Co. MO census; Martha Ann Dunkin mar. William P. Kilburn 12/30/1856 Webster Co. MO; Lucinda Dunkin mar. A.T. Cantrill 3/18/1858 Webster Co. MO; 1860 Webster Co. MO census)
1860 Wright Co. MO Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Wright Co. MO Census (pg.481 also from Cheri Mello 4/1998)
P.O. Hartville (no townships given)
Pg.443, #211-211, DUNCAN, Wm. J. 29 MO farmer $2000-$275
Lucinda 26 MO keeping house
Sarah J. 2, Wm. 9/12 b.July MO
McMURTRY, Sam 33 MO farmer $0-$0
GILLAND, Levi 17 MO school boy
(MAD: 1860 Webster Co. MO census; William J. Duncan mar. Lucinda K. Taggard 1/20/1867 Webster Co. MO)
Pg.476, #743-743, CRISP, Adline (f) 39 TN keeping house $0-$100
Caroline 13 TN school girl
Caladonia 3 TN
DUNCANE, George 6 TN
Pg.477, #758-758, NOAH, Bazil C. (m) 61 NC farmer $0-$100
Elizabeth 62 NC keeping house
Salina (f) 36 TN
Levi P. 33 TN farmer
Nancy J. 19 GA school girl
DUNCAN, Nancy 12 TN school girl
James L. 9 TN
BUTLER, Leroy W. 4 MO
Mary E. 2, Missouri J. 5/12 b.Jan. MO
(MAD: surname NOAH but #757 was NEAL family; James Duncan 20 TN GA NC and Georgia Duncan (f) 16 TN GA NC, grandchildren of Baseril NEILL 71 NC NC NC, daus. Salina 40 TN and Nancy 22 GA on 1880 census pg.460D, Elk Creek, Wright Co. MO)
Pg.481, #816-816, DUNCAN, Thos. 66 TN farmer $300-$100
Elisabeth 60 TN keeping house
Thomas N. 18 TN school boy
Morgan Co. IN Deeds
J-6: 15 March 1842, John W. (+) Teague and wife Lucinda (+), dau. of John Eslinger, appoint William Duncan their attorney to receive inheritance. /s/ in Wright Co. MO. Wit. Wm. Moody. (FHL film 1,468,446)
J-6: 15 March 1842, John C. (+) Eslinger "of Morgan Co. IN" appoint William Duncan "of Wright Co. MO" attorney. Wit. Wm. Moody, Grvn. (sic) W. Bowers. Rec. Wright Co. MO. (FHL film 1,468,446)
M-392: 6 Sept. 1845, William Duncan and wife Mary (X) of Wright Co. MO to S.A. Duncan of Morgan Co. IN, $1300, W 1/2 NE 1/4, 80 acres, and W 1/2 SE 1/4, 80 acres, both Sec. 27, T14N, R2W. Wit. G.H. Hopkins, Benjamin Ellis. Rec. Wright Co. MO. (FHL film 1,468,447)
1889 "History of Laclede, Camden, Dallas, Webster, Wright, Texas, Pulaski, Phelps and Dent Cos. MO" by Goodspeed (FHL film 599,833 item 1 & 2)
Pg.1171: Biographical Appendix, Wright Co. MO. Thomas Duncan, blacksmith, of Hartville, MO, was born in East TN Oct. 20, 1839, being the son of Robert and Pollie (Duncan) Duncan, and was reared under the reign of slavery, but was a single man when the emancipation proclamation was issued. He then came to MO and he and Anderson Hogue and Hugh White were the first colored men who located in Wright Co. Thomas Duncan learned the trade of blacksmith in TN, and in 1872 he located in Hartville and purchased an outfit and has been engaged in the business there ever since. ... He was married to Miss Ellen Vernon, dau. of Lill Vernon, who is the son of Col. Vernon, of Laclede Co. MO, she having been the dau. of a slave in that family. By her marriage with Mr. Duncan, she became the mother of five living children: Mary, Clarence, Flora, Toby and Clara. ...
His nephew, Prof. Solomon Gilliam, was born in Marion Co. TN, Sept. 17, 1858, his parents being Solomon Sr. and Margaret (Duncan) Gilliam. Solomon Gilliam was also a native of TN, and died there before the emancipation. He was a slave in the family of Dr. Gilliam, of Jasper, TN. Margaret Duncan (sic; Gilliam) became the mother of four children, of whom Prof. Solomon Gilliam is the youngest and the only one now living. Margaret Gilliam died in TN Oct. 3, 1864, and the subject of this sketch was left in the care of grandparents and uncles, and remained with them in TN until Jan. 1880, when he joined his uncle, Thomas Duncan. He farmed one season here, and then (went back to college).
Pg.1189-91: Biographical Appendix, Wright Co. MO. Hon. Thomas H. Musick, attorney at law and proprietor of the "Southwest Republican" a journal published weekly at Hartville, MO, was born in Pike Co. MO, May 27, 1834. ...
Pg.1191-2: Biographical Appendix, Wright Co. MO. Dr. Lewis E. Musick, physician and surgeon at Mountain Grove, MO, and brother to Thomas H. and William H.H. Musick, born Montgomery Co. MO, Jan. 27, 1836; family origin to George Musick, only survivor of a shipwreck, a child, on coast of Wales, called Musick because of his musical talents; had five sons, Alexis, George, David, Abram and Ephraim, all of whom to US and settled Spottsylvania Co. VA early in 18th Century. Thomas R. Music, son of Ephraim, who married a Roy, born Spottsylvania Co. VA in 1757, united with Baptist Church, entered ministry age 17, soon after to NC, served in Rev., then to KY where married Mary Nevel; about 1801 to MO ... (MAD: ? perhaps connected Jane Musick who married Charles Duncan in 1802)
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