Duncan research files of |
1870 St.Louis Co. MO Census
Bonhomme Twp. (each page starts #1-1)
Pg.47, #2-2, DUNKINS, John 49 SC BLACK farmer $0
Phoebi (f) 26 MO BLACK K.house
Annie 8, Mary 3, Martha 1 MO BLACKS at home
Central Twp.
Pg.145, #103-110, RUFUS, Ricketts 48 OH (white) farmer $2500-$300
WILLIAMS, Flora 19 MO MULATTO keeping house
Wm. 40 KY MULATTO farm laborer
Wm. 3/12 MO b.March MULATTO
DUNCAN, Henry 81 VA (white) (blank)
LERNERLING, Wendel (m) 35 NY (white) farm laborer
HOLMES, Thomas 18 VA BLACK farm laborer
Green (m) 35 MO BLACK farm laborer
BRYANT, Claiborne (m) 7 MO MULATTO
Pg.194, #695-728, Insane Asylum, many patients, including
DUNCAN, Wilky (f) 43 MD? (MO? written over) BLACK insane
Meramec Twp.
Pg.265, #122-123, DERNISR? (DEMIOR?), John 62 OH wagon maker $1500-$400
Martha 57 KY keeping house
Cyrus (m) 19 MO bridge builder
DUNCAN, James 24 PA bridge builder
and 6 other men, bridge builders
St.Louis City
[Ward 1] Subdivision No.2
Pg.119, #487-561, SCHILDEHEL, John 40 PRUSSIA watchman $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Mary 40 PRUSSIA keeps house, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Anna 21 PRUSSIA D.Servant, parents of foreign birth
[Ward 2] Subdivision 3 crossed out, written above: 14, Ward 2
Pg.556, #62-90, DUNCAN, Peter 36 HESS Danvsft, laborer, $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Angilin (f) 28 HESS Danvsft, keeps h., parents of foreign birth
Robt. 6, Louisa 4, Bertha 2 MO home, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: see household in Ward 12, pg.691)
Pg.573, #264-381, BUELL, Roswell 38 VA carpet dealer $0-$4000
Annie 26 VA keeps h.
Chs. (m) 5, Wm. 4, Alice 3, Henry 2 MO home
Edwd. (m) 9/12 MO b.Sept. home
WEST, Clara 35 VA BLACK domestic
DUNCAN, Rosa 13 MO BLACK domestic
Pg.579, #320-477, DUNKING, Frede (m) 34 BADEN miller $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 32 BADEN keeps H., parents of foreign birth
Gustav (m) 11 MO school, parents of foreign birth
Henry 7 MO school, parents of foreign birth
Jns? (m) 3 MO, parents of foreign birth
Leura? (Lema?) 67 (f) BADEN home, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: indexed as Lena)
Pg.582, indexed Lizzie DUNCUN 18 MO, but name was Lizzie DUNON, not copied
[Ward 3] Subdivision 6, 3rd Ward
Pg.38, #436-555, Sisters of Charity of Guardian Angel (crossed out)
many women, including
DUNKIN, Anna 16 ENGland at the assylum, parents of foreign birth
Pg.51, #593-751, DUNCAN, Thos. O. 35 SCT R.R. agent at station, parents of foreign birth
Maggie 32 CANada keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Newton O. (m) 5 MO at home, parents of foreign birth
Sidney J. (m) 3 MO at home, parents of foreign birth
[Ward 3] Subdivision 7, 3rd Ward
Pg.77, #117-193, BURCH, John 46 Kur-Hesson, keeps boarding house $2500-$842
& family & men including (many bridge carpenters)
DUNKIN, James 31 IRE bridge carpenter, parents of foreign birth
Pg.85, #180-347, FISHER, Chas. 39 WURtenberg tailor $0-$220, parents of foreign birth
Cath. 56 Hesse Darnstadt (blank), parents of foreign birth
Louis 6 MO, parents of foreign birth
George 18 Hesse Darnstadt printer appren., parents of foreign birth
DUNKIN, John 55 IRE house carpenter, parents of foreign birth
HOFFMAN, John 32 Hesse Darnstadt rag picker $0-$250, parents of foreign birth
HAFFNER, Geo. 22 MO laborer, parents of foreign birth
Pg.188, #1212-2051, Patients within St. Vincent Institution for Insane
DUNCAN, Ann E. 36 NY, parents of foreign birth, Insane
[Ward 4] Subdivision 8, Ward 4
Pg.302, #29-24, DUNCAN, Jemima 75 MO BLACK keeps house
GARNELL, Julia 30 MO BLACK washerwoman
Robert 6 MO BLACK
Sama (f) 1 MO MULATTO
Pg.311, #171-163, KAVANAUGH, Thos. W. 43 IL Candy factory $0-$500
Sarah C. 37 IL keeps house
Thos. W. Jr. 14 MO school
Chas. P. 12 MO school
Dora (f) 9, Victor G. (m) 7 MO
Margaret R. 4, Joseph H. 2 MO
Margaret M. 38 IL
Thos. B. 16 IL clerk
LAMBERT, Laviner (f) 21 MO BLACK D. servant
DUNCAN, Clara 20 MO BLACK D. Servant
Pg.400, #1152-1283, DUNCAN, Peter 28 ENG dry goods clerk $0-$200, parents of foreign birth
Caroline 24 MO keeps h.
Mc Adolph (m) 2 MO, father of foreign birth
Pg.400, #1152-1284, BRIDE, James 40 IRE laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Elisabeth 32 IRE keeps h. parents of foreign birth
Paul (m) 12 IRE at school, parents of foreign birth
Kate 9 MO at school, parents of foreign birth
John 3, Therese (f) 2 MO, parents of foreign birth
Pg.410, #1227-1350, DUNCAN, F. (m) 42 VT jeweller $0-$10,000
Rachel 37 VT keeps house
Joel 13 VT at school
Abraham 11, Annie (f) 7 VT at school
Pg.446, #1488-1756, DUNCAN, Jas. 31 ENGLAND merchant $3000-$10,000, parents of foreign birth
Emma 26 MO keeps house
Hattie 5 MO at home, father of foreign birth
Albert 2 MO at home, father of foreign birth
(MAD: see pg.740)
[Ward 5] Subdivision 2, Ward 5
Pg.740, #299-555, DUNCAN, Jas. 31 ENG merchant $3000-$10,000, parents of foreign birth
Emma 26 MO keeps house
Hattie 5 MO at home, father of foreign birth
Albert 2 MO at home, father of foreign birth
(MAD: see pg.446)
[Ward 5] Subdivision 10, Ward 5
Pg.794, #150-389, MADELLON (MUSILLON?), Joseph 35 FRance saloon keeper, $0-$300, parents of foreign birth
Rosena 29 FRance keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Julia 6, Josephene (f) 5 MO, parents of foreign birth
MUGER (MILGER?) Louis 45 FRance cook in restaurant, parents of foreign birth
DUNNCAN, Henry 35 HOLland waiter in restaurant, parents of foreign birth
MYER, George 27 SWitzerland waiter in restaurant, parents of foreign birth
MUCK???, Mary 40 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
JAVA??, Kate 23 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
Pg.859, #690-1444, COZENS, John H. 50 MO civil engineer $0-$0
Caroline 21 MO at home
Harriet 13 MO at school
Charlotte 11 MO at school
Amanda 6 MO at school
Caroline 70 MO at home $50,000-$300
DUNCAN, Jane 52 CT at home
McNEAL, Kate 19 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
HARRIS, Maria 30 IRE domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
Pg.878, #830-1739, DUNCAN, Archibald 40 SCT works for carpenter $0-$150, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 44 NY keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Susanah 12 IL at school, father of foreign birth
Albert 10 IA (Iowar) at school, father of foreign birth
Delea (f) 8 Colorado at school, father of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Frank 3 MO, father of foreign birth
Archibald 1 MO, father of foreign birth
Pg.889, #858-1883, JANSIA, Rosa 24 MO BLACK washing $0-$0
DUNCAN, Lucy 31 MO BLACK washing
[Ward 5] Subdivision 73, Ward 5
Pg.16, #176-281, DUNCAN, James 27 FL ("Florida") (white) laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 23 GA keeps house
WILLIAMS, Harriet 13 GA works in hemp factory
DUNCAN, George 2 MO
[Ward 6] Ward 6, E. Division
Pg.233, #1429-1703, Boarding house, including
DUNCAN, Har. (m) 40 MO (white) laber $0-$0
[Ward 6] Subdivision 14, Ward 6
Pg.399, laborers & river men starting pg.398 incuding (several pages)
DUNCAN, Benj. 35 MO BLACK laborer
DUNCAN, Wm. 33 KY (white) laborer
Pg.425, #426-760, DEACON, David 36 LA machinist $0-$300 (white)
Phebe 31 VA keeps house
Clara 10 MA (MASS) at school
Joseph 8 Mass. at school
Eddy (m) 6 MO at home
(MAD: indexed as DUNCAN)
[Ward 6] E. Division 6th Ward
Pg.92, #12-16, DUNCAN, Geo. 27 MO MULATTO porter at store $0-$0
Elizabeth 30 AL MULATTO washer
Pg.99, #103-133, GRIFFITH, J.R. (m) 50 NY land Mhat? $12,000-$25,000
Ann E. 38 TN keeping house
Gertrude 11 MO at school
Harold 6, Ellener M. 4 MO at home
HOPKINS, Lucy 15 IL at home
DUNCAN, Anna 25 AL (white) cook
LONDEN, George 22 AL Stable boy
CALDWELL, H.W. (m) 30 OH teacher P.S.
WILSON, Singleton (m) 36 MO clk Com.
Pg.112, #267-311, SCOTT, M.P. (f) 38 PA widow $0-$1000
Mary 17 MO at home
CRAG, Robt 25 OH printer
Ella 15 MO boards
Hiram (m) 3 MO boards
HENK, Libbie (f) 24 OH boards
DUNCAN, Della (f) 23 MO boards
Pg.127, #445-566, ALLEN, Louisa 39 KY (white) Bawdy house K.
STONE, Ella 27 KY inmates do.
BISHOP, Nellie 23 IA do
GREEN, Anna 22 KY do
WOOD, Nellie 20 OH do
DUVALL, Clara 20 IN do
JACKSON, Ida 24 MS do
DUNCAN, Mary 39 KY domestic
HUBBARD Reb (f) 25 MO do
WILLIAMS, Martha 25 RI do
(MAD: Mary indexed as age 30, but plainly age 39)
Pg.144, #628-800, St. Louis Co. Jail, incl.
DUNCAN, James 38 OH machinest, criminal
[Ward 7] Ward 7, 14th Subdivision
Pg.528, #977-976, DUNCOMBE, Wm. 39 NY carpenter $0-$0
Jane 38 OH keeps h.
Florence (f) 14 MI school
Cora 4 MO
Harry 2 MO
Frank 3/12 MO b.Mar.
Pg.590, #1334-1913, DUNCAN, Wm. 35 SCT R.R. agt $3000-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Fannie 30 MO keeps h.
Nettie (f) 5, Mary 3 MO, father of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Nath. 60 SCT (blank) $1000-$0, parents of foreign birth
Robt. 25 SCT clk. R.R. $0-$2000, parents of foreign birth
Pg.614, #1537-2220, LAWTON, Alex 26 TN BLACK foreman $0-$0
Caroline 35 VA BLACK keeps house
Alex 6, William 3, David 10/12 MO b.Aug. BLACK
SPUR, David 28 KY BLACK river man
KELLY, William 28 MO BLACK porter store
DUNCAN, George 26 TN BLACK laborrer
CAMPBELL, Allex (m) 45 VA BLACK laborrer
REED, George 32 MO BLACK laborrer
BRIGHT, William 23 PA BLACK river man
Pg.630, #1655-2444, DUNCAN, Leroy 38 PA school teacher $0-$500
Annie 22 PA keeps house
ELLIOTT, Eliza 35 IL school teacher
STANLEY, Phoebe 28 "New Haven Conn" school teacher
MOORE, Annie 18 PA domestic
[Ward 8] Subdivision No. 15
Pg.86, #799-1592, GREEN, Asa 21 MO BLACK river man
Lizzie 19 MO BLACK keeps house
Emily 21 MO BLACK servant
DUNCAN, Lizzie 35 KY BLACK servant
Pg.103, #925-1860, DUNKIN, Andy 21 BADEN cigar maker $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
TUL, Julias (m) 25 BADEN D.G. Clerk, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 18 BADEN keeps house, parents of foreign birth
GEISLER, Teny (f) 50 PRUSSIA at home, parents of foreign birth
Mary 10 PRUSSIA school, parents of foreign birth
Pg.219, #1683-4096, REPELTO, Frank 39 ITAly saloon keeper $0-$500, parents of foreign birth
Mary 26 ITALY keeps h. parents of foreign birth
Frank 4, Angelo 2 MO home parents of foreign birth
ZIELONA, Wm. 25 SWITZ bartender parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Robt. 28 MO BLACK river man
other river men
Pg.227, #1733-4205, DUNCAN, John 35 IRE roofing agt. $0-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Sarah 35 OH keeps h.
Harriet (f) 14 OH school, father of foreign birth
HART, Frank 19 DE clk. dry goods
[Ward 9] Subdivision 16 of Ward 9
Pg.378, #472-774, DUNCAN, Earnest 29 PRUssia laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Mary 32 PRUssia housekeeping, parents of foreign birth
Anna 2 PRUssia, parents of foreign birth
Eddy (m) 2/12 MO b.Apr., parents of foreign birth
Pg.458, #1326-2149, DUNCAN, John H. 37 KY (white) cook on boat
Nancy 37 MO keeping house
Virginia 1 MO
[Ward 9] 17th Subdivision of City of St.Louis
Pg.594, #771-1509, FLAPPE, Louisa "13" PRUssia, parents of foreign birth
DUNNKING, Thos. 18 MO works for butcher, parents of foreign birth
Anna 44 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
[Ward 10] 18th Subdivision
Pg.3, #58-62, DUNCAN, Squire 48 KY BLACK plasterer $0-$0 (alone)
[Ward 10] Subdivison 18, 4th Ward
Pg.42, #559-772, DUNSON?, Jerry (m) 24 TN MULATTO Steamboat hand $0-$150
Ellen 27 VA MULATTO keeping house
William 4 MO MULATTO
POWERS, Robert 25 LA MULATTO steamboat hand
TERRILL?, William 21 TN MULATTO steamboat hand
WILLIAMS, Alex 29 MO BLACK steamboat hand
BROOKS, John 30 MO BLACK steamboat hand
Pg.126a, #1532-2230, DOUGHERTY, Patk. 40 IRE machinest $0-$500, parents of foreign birth
Ellen 30 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pg.126b, #1532-2231, DOUGHERTY, Geo. J? 6/12 MO b.Dec., parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Emma 8 MO, parents of foreign birth
Gussy J. (m) 3 MO, parents of foreign birth
Ann 35 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pg.202, #2404-503, STAMPS (HUMPS?), Wm. S. 63 TN Brick Manuf. $22500-$1400
Elizabeth 50 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Caroline 27 MO seamstress, mother of foreign birth
Wm. C. 25 MO tinner, mother of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Cassandra (f) 43 TN at home (white)
STIMJAR?, Mary 18 MO domestic servt., parents of foreign birth
[Ward 11] Subdivision 19; W.14 St. City St.Louis
Pg.296, #442-630, DUNKIN, Alfred 31 ENG life ins. agt, $0-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Jane Mary 27 ENG keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Alfred 7/12 MO b.Nov., parents of foreign birth
Pg.405-406, #2015-2335, WILLIAMS, Jno. 50? MO? (MD?) BLACK works in brick yard, $0-$300
Rebecca 45 KY BLACK keeping house
Pg.406, #2016-2336, DUNKIN, Julia 45 VA MULATTO keeping house $0-$0 (alone)
[Ward 11] 11th Ward, Subdivision 84
Pg.536, #525-943, DINKEN, Jno. 26 PRUSSIA works in iron found. $0-$600, parents of foreign birth
Anna 24 PRUSSIA keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Anna 3/12 MO born May, parents of foreign birth
Pg.639, #1575-2776, DUNCAN, Henry 42 IRE works in plow fact. $0-$900, parents of foreign birth
Carline (f) 33 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Emily 11, Wile (m) 7, Sophia 4 MO, parents of foreign birth
Chas. 8/12 MO b.Jan., parents of foreign birth
[Ward 12] Subdivision 15, 12th Ward
Pg.691, #163-272, DUNCAN, Peter 36 HESS Darn, laborer $0-$0
Angeline 28 HESS Darn., keeps H.
Robt 6, Louisa 4, Bertha 2 MO home
(MAD: see household in Ward 2, pg.556)
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