Duncan research files of |
Bates Co. MO Deed (FHL film 945,151)
D-278: 29 Sept. 1856, Wm. A. Duncan and wife Eleanor T. of Henry Co. MO to James Powell of Johnson Co. MO, $240, N 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 21, Twp. 39, R32, 80 acres.
Lincoln Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/18/2014; have JPG images)
M-259/261: 1 Jan. 1856, Wm. A. Duncan of Henry Co. MO and Elenor T. his wife to George Scheer of Lincoln Co. MO, for $280 paid, sell parcel of land in Lincoln Co. MO, W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.32 Twp.48N Range 1W containing 80 acres more or less which was patented to Thompson Blanton by US Government on 11 Feb. 1832, upon a division of the real estate among the heirs of Thompson Blanton after his death, the tract above distributed by deed from other heirs came into possession of Eleanor T. Blanton now the wife of Wm. A. Duncan, recorded in Lincoln Co. on 10 May 1847 in Book H pg.29 & following, this being the tract hereby intended to be conveyed, with appurtenances, ... warrant title. /s/ Wm. A. Duncan, E.L. Duncan. Ack. before Lewis H. Whitt, Clerk of Henry Co. MO Circuit Court, 28 Jan. 1858. Filed for record 11 Feb. 1856. (FHL film 973,672)
N-567/568: 28 Sept. 1857, Wm. A. Duncan of Henry Co. MO and Eleanor T. his wife to Gotfried Gartermann of Warren Co. MO, for $538.61 paid, grant and convey that parcel of land in Lincoln Co. MO known as NW fractional 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.48 Range 1W containing 153-89/100 acres more or less, said tract of land was inherited by E.T. Duncan, one of the parties of first part, from her father Thompson Blanton decd. late of Lincoln Co. MO, and is hereby sold and conveyed to party of second part together with appurtenances and interest of said parties of first part, who will warrant premises. 28 Sept. 1857, /s/ Wm. A. Duncan, E.T. Duncan. Ack. before John M. Vanhoy, Justice of Henry Co. Court, 28 Sept. 1857. Cert. for John M. Vanhoy by Lewis H. Tull, Clerk of Henry Co. MO Court, 5 Oct. 1857. Filed for record 25 March 1858. (FHL film 973,672)
Fauquier Co. VA Deeds (from Phyllis Duncan 3/1987)
63-41: 5 Sept. 1870, Rebecca E. Duncan of Henry Co. MO appoints Elzie B. Duncan of Henry Co. MO as lawful attorney any real estate in State of VA from estate of Charles Duncan of VA. Henry Co. MO certification.
63-43: (MAD: no date) Edwin C. Duncan of Pettis Co. MO appoints Elzie B. Duncan of Henry Co. MO as lawful attorney any real estate in State of VA from estate of Charles Duncan of VA.
63-44: (MAD: no date) Charles P. Duncan, Sarah E. Parks by her husband F.J. Parks, and Bird D. Parks for Harriet H. Duncan (a minor), all of Henry Co., appoint Elzie B. Duncan as lawful attorney for any monies due us.
64-18: 17 Dec. 1870, A.H. Baughman and wife J.E. of Vernon Co. MO, E.J. Parks and wife Sarah E. of Henry Co. MO, Elzie B. Duncan of Henry Co. MO as attorney for Charles P. Duncan of Henry Co. MO and Rebecca E. Duncan of Henry Co. MO and Edwin C. Duncan of Pettis Co. MO, and said Elzie B. Duncan in his own right, heirs at law of Charles Duncan decd; to William H. Davis of Fauquier Co. VA, $100, all rights, title and interest in lot No. 26 in village of Salem containing 1/2 acre.
64-471: 6 Nov. 1872, Elzie B. Duncan in his own right and as attorney in fact for Edwin C. Duncan of Pettis Co. MO and Charles P. Duncan and wife Mary J., F.J. Parks and wife Sarah E. of Henry Co. MO, and William B. Porter (signed W.B.) and wife Rebecca E. of Pettis Co. MO, A.H. Boughman (signed Alexander H.) and wife Juliette E. of Vernon Co. MO, and Harriet A. Duncan of Vernon Co. MO; to Harriet H. Duncan of Fauquier Co. VA; for $156, Lot No. 4, about 13 acres, it being all the interest of the parties of the first part to the tract belonging to the estate of Nancy Duncan decd, adj. Burr Van Horn, Elzie Duncan & others. Certification in Vernon Co. MO re H.A. Duncan (declared herself single & unmarried) and Alexander H. Boughman & wife Juliette E. Certification in Henry Co. MO re Charles P. Duncan and wife Mary J., and F.J. Parks and wife Sarah E. Certification in Pettis Co. MO re W.B. Porter and wife Rebecca E.
St.Louis [MO] Probate Court Digitization Project, 1802-1900; Case Number #1716, Filed 1842, Microfilm Reel C 27526 (98 collections of 5 documents each) (Internet images, 12/2004; MAD's extract)
http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/stlprobate/ A collaborative project of the Missouri State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, and the St. Louis Probate Court.
#1716. DUNCAN, ROBERT (estate property)
A lot in the City of St.Louis in Block No. 53 containing 32 feet french measure (34 feet two & two thirds inches English measure) in from on Plum Street, by 120 feet french measure (128 feet 10-2/3 inches) English measure in depth, bounded North by lot formerly belonging to the estate of Henry Batler? decd, east by a lot of Baptist Roy, South by Plum Street and West by lots formerly belonging to Esther Walsh and also by lot of Margaret Walsh, it being the same lot bought by the deceased of Louis Du Brenil? & wife by deed dated May 29th 1839, said lot has a small two story brick house upon it.
Also a lot of ground in the City of St. Louis in Block No. 53 commencing at a point in the south edge of Poplar Street, distant 100 feet french measure from the northeast East Corner of said Block, then west 20 feet french measure (21 feet 4-2/3 inches English measure) on said Poplar Street, by a depth southwardly of 62 feet & two inches, bounded North by Poplar Street, east by lot of Edmund & wife Walsh, south by lot of C. Walters, and west by lot belonging to the estate of Joseph W. Walker, on which lot there is a good two story brick house, it being the same lot conveyed to the said deceased by Patrick Walsh & wife by deed dated December 17th 1841 & recorded in Book U No.2 page 83.
Also a lot on the west and adjoining the above last described lot, containing 28 feet 4 inches french measure (30 feet 3-3/5 inches Enlish measure) in front on Poplar Street and running back southwardly 62 feet two inches; bounded north by Poplar Street, east by estate of Joseph W. Walsh, south by C. Walters and west by Hilaire Semont.
And also, the western half of a tract of land lying in the County of St.Louis & State of Missouri, near Bellefontaine on the Missouri River, which tract contains 111 acres more or less, and is bounded (blank)
(division of amounts among heirs)
Robert Duncan, $250.53
(three columns, headed:) In their own right, in right of Jno? Duncan, in right of James Duncan, blank column
1. John Duncan, in their own right: $50.10-1/2; other columns blank
2. James Duncan, in their own right: $50.10-1/2; in right of Jno. Duncan, $12.52-1/2 in $62.63; third and fourth column blank
3. William Duncan, in their own right: $50.10-1/2; in right of Jno. Duncan, $12.52-1/2; in right of James Duncan, (crossed out: $?15.66) $20.84; untitled column, (several amounts crossed out) $83.47 (MAD: apparently a total of amounts in other columns)
1. Robert Duncan, in their own right $5.86-3/4; in right of Jno. Duncan $(crossed out) $1.39-1/4; in right of James Duncan $1.87; (last column) $.03?, total $250.45
2. Matilda wife of Jefferson Galloway, in their own right (line drawn partway down first column, $50.10-1/2 written partway down, apparently a total of 9 heirs times $5.56-3/4 should equal $50.10-1/2); in right of Jno. Duncan $1.29-1/2.
3. Jane wife of James Bishop.
4. Mahala wife of (James Bishop crossed out) Hamilton Brasier
5. Tennessee wife Jno. Collins.
6. Missouri wife Shadrack Collins
7. James Duncan
8. Martha Duncan
9. William Duncan
4. Mary Metcalf, in their own right, $50.10-1/2; in right of Jno. Duncan $12.52-1/2; in right of James Duncan, $20.37? ($20.87?); (last column) $79.47.
5. Janes Duncan (columns blank)
Nancy wife James Armstrong, in their own right, $12.52-3/4; in right of Jno. Duncan, $3.13; in right of James Duncan (blank); (last column) $79.47
Mary Ann wife of (blank) Sissell, in their own right, $12.52-3/4; in right of Jno. Duncan, $3.13.
James Monroe Duncan, in their own right, $12.52-3/4; in right of Jno. Duncan, $3.13.
John Duncan, in their own right, $12.52-3/4; in right of Jno. Duncan, $3.13.
(Total of last column:) $233.41
(another paper) Distribution of the balance in the hands of the administrator of Robert Duncan deceased, $250.53. (columns headed: In own right, in right of John Duncan, in right of James Duncan, Total)
John Duncan, dead unmarried without issue & intestate, in own right $50.10-1/2.
James Duncan, dead same, in own right $50.10-1/2, in right of John Duncan $12.52-1/2.
William Duncan, dead, D B. Fremon Admr, in own right $50.10-1/2, in right of John Duncan, $12.52-1/2, in right of James Duncan $20.87, total $83.50.
Mary Metcalf, in own right $50.10-1/2, in right of John Duncan $12.52-1/2, in right of James Duncan $20.87, total $83.50.
Jane Duncan dead leaving children, viz,
Nancy wife of James Armstrong, in own right $12.52-1/2, in right of John Duncan "$3.137", in right of James Duncan, $5.22, total $20.87-1/2.
Mary Ann wife of (blank) Sissell, in own right $12.52-1/2, in right of John Duncan $3.13, in right of James Duncan, $5.22, total $20.87-1/2.
James Monroe Duncan, in own right $12.52-1/2, in right of John Duncan $3.13, in right of James Duncan, $5.22, total $20.87-1/2.
John Duncan, in own right $12.52-1/2, in right of John Duncan $3.13, in right of James Duncan, $5.22, total $20.87-1/2.
(Total of total column) $250.50.
Entered in Book P page 251, 29 December 1852.
(5th paper - cover, marked 1716, Robert Duncan, Proof of heirs & distribution. Filed 29 December 1852, Peter Ferguson, Judge of Probate.
State of Missouri, County of St.Louis, affidavit of Mary Metcalf, that Robert Duncan her brother died in the City of St.Louis leaving as his only heirs three brothers and two sisters, to wit, William Duncan, James Duncan, John Duncan, Mary Metcalf & Jane Duncan. James and John Duncan have both died since the said Robert without ever having been married and without issue and intestate. Jane Duncan died after James & John Duncan leaving four children as her only heirs, to wit, Nancy wife of James Armstrong, Mary Ann wife of Sissel, James Monroe Duncan & John Duncan. That William Duncan died before the said John and James Duncan leaving nine children as his only heirs to wit: Robert, Matilda wife Jefferson Galloway, Jane wife of James Bishop, Mahala wife Hamilton Brazier, Tennessee wife of John Collins, Missouri wife of Shadrack Collins, James Duncan, Martha Duncan, William Duncan. /s/ Mary (X) Metcalf, 15 December 1852, before William F. Ferguson.
(receipt) DuBouffay Fremon Public Administrator who administers the estate of Robert Duncan deceased. To Peter Ferguson Judge of Probate of the County of Saint Louis, Dr. 3 July 1850, filing notice 5 (March 1851 term), appearance 5, settlement 30 entering account 45 filing papers 25, $1.10. Received payment, Peter Ferguson.
(receipt) Receipt for payment of taxes for 1851 on real estate, $76.32, on lot in: (MAD: cannot always read numbers or names)
Block 39, First Street, 58x172, bounded N by Fines?, E by First, S by Poplar, W by Fink, value $2,100.
Block 39, Alley, 33x33, bounded N by Davis, E by Alley, S by Harbor, W by Dias?, Value $160
Block 39, Alley, 45x24, bounded N by Wainright, E by Gabriel (Catrilliac?), S by self, W by Alley, value $300
Block 39, Alley, 80x18, bounded N by self, E by Gabriel (Catrilliac?), S by Koplain, W by Alley, value $160
Block 1, First Street, 732x226, bounded N by Ewing, E by Front, S by Plum, W by First, value $10,000
(Another list)
Heirs & Legal Representatives of Robert Duncan decd.
1. Mary Metcalf (a sister of decd)
2. William Duncan decd (D.B. Fremon admr.)
3. Heirs of Jane Duncan, viz: 1. William Duncan, 2. Harrison Duncan, 3. Monroe Duncan, 4. Jesse Duncan, 5. John Duncan, 6. Nancy Duncan wife of James Armstrong, 7. Mary Duncan wife of Sissle.
4. Legal representatives of "Benjamin Duncan" deceased was a brother of deceased. (following in very small handwriting)
1. William Duncan, brother, Hopkins Co. KY.
2. John Duncan, do, do.
3. Mary Metcalf, sister, do.
4. Jane Duncan, wife of Ben Duncan (sister) Rives
5. James Duncan, brother, Madison Ills.
(another document) Land Office, St. Louis, MO. Registers Office, Nov. 10th, 18(torn). Robert Duncan of St.Louis County, Mo., on the 5th December 1835, entered at this office under the preemption act of 1834, as per certificate of Purchase, No. 5812, the Fractional section 24; the Northwest fractional quarter and the North half of Southwest quarter of section 25; and the Northeast frac. quarter & north half of southeast quarter of Section No.26, on land in Mississippi River, all situate in Township No.45 N. Range 7 East of 3? Prin. Meridian containing 160 acres. /s/ W.L. Allen, Regr.
(another document) Statement of Isaac A. Letcher, 15 Feb. 1842, to Peter Ferguson, Judge of Probate, that to the best of his knowledge there are the following heirs of Robert Duncan deceased now in being; William Duncan and John Duncan brothers and Mary Metcalf a sister of deceased who reside in Hopkins County, Kentucky; Jane Duncan wife of Benjamin Duncan, a sister of deceased who resides in the County of Rives in the State of Missouri, and James Duncan a brother of deceased who resides in the County of Madison in the State of Illinois. And that he will administer the estate ... /s/ Isaac A. Letcher.
(another document) Inventory of all the real and personal estate of Robert Duncan late of the County of St.Louis deceased, describing the quantity, situation and title of the real estate, the books and papers, the debts due or to become due to the deceased, the names of the debtors, the date of the contract, the amount of interest due and the rate of interest thereon, made by Isaac A. Letcher, administrator of said deceased, and William C. Manuel & Samuel McCullough witnesses appointed to aid in making the same. St.Louis, March 7th 1842. (MAD: & more)
Petition of Augustus H. Evans of St. Louis Co., that on 20 Dec. 1834, Robert Duncan entered into a contract in writing with petitioner for conveyance of certain real estate, that Duncan had proved a preemption right on the strip of land between Choutian, Loullard and Mackay claims under the act of Congress of 1813, agreed to let your petiltioner have one half of said preemption which lay between the Little Creek Souland? & Mackay by your petitioners paying the US for the whole preemption be the quantity of land more or less, and Duncan agreed to let petitioner have one half of another preemption of 160 acres obtained if a less quantity was obtained or 80 acres was obtained then 20 acres was to be your petitioners and that proportion between them as settled under the act of Congress of 1828 and 1834 giving to settlers on public land the right of preemption, said preeumption being land on an Island and the settlement on the Northeast quarter of Section 26, Twp.46 North Range 7 East in City of St.Louis by petitioner paying to the US all the consideration money for said preemption, said agreement duly signed by said Duncan & petitioner (next page) and recorded in Book W page 526. That Robert Duncan did about 2nd May 1836 purchase and obtain of the US and cause entry thereof to be made in his name in the Office of Register of Public Lands at St.Louis MO, the tract first above mentioned, described as fractional section 26 in Twp.45 of Range 7 East, containing 35 acres & 49 hundredths. And said Robert Duncan did about 5th Dec. 1835 purchased and obtained from the US ... 160 acres being on the Island and a part of the tract above mentioned, described as the fractional section 24, Northwest fractional quarter & North half Southwest quarter Section 25 and Northeast fractional quarter North half Southeast quarter of section 26 on Island (nothing else)
(MAD: documents detailing debt owed by Robert Duncan to James Duncan, ca April 4, 1828, and a statement 1 Aug. 1844 by James Adams about the debt)
(MAD: documents about slave Sarah)
(document about Note allowed against William Duncan's estate in favor of Robert Duncan's estate, including interest, $111.50.)
(another document) $100. June 30th 1842. Twelve months after date I promise to pay Isaac A. Letcher the administrator of Robert Duncan deceased the sum of one hundred dollars for value recd. of him and witness my hand & seal, /w/ William Duncan. (wit.) A?.G. Finiss?, Jane Duncan.
(document) Final settlement, 1849, September. Includes rents ... $654.99, credits, balance in favor of estate in cash: $603.01. Note at bottom:
decd, William Duncan, brother, wife & children in 47?, $120.60
John Duncan, brother, $120.60
Mary Metcalf, sister, $120.60 (MAD: Polly Duncan m. Isaac Metcalf in 1821 in Hopkins Co. KY)
Jane wife of Benjamin Duncan a sister $120.60
decd, James Duncan, brother, $120.60
St. Louis Co. MO Deeds (FHl film 531,560)
C3-80: Whereas Robert Duncan, late of St. Louis Co. MO, died owning land, 90 arpens & 19/100, western part of tract, in part of prairie near town of St. Louis called the Cul de Sac on the waters of Chouteau's Mill Creek, deeded from David Musick to Robert Duncan 19 Jan. 1820; land divided by commissioners between ... and Robert Duncan April 1838; deed from William Duncan of Hopkins Co. KY 24 May 1843 to James Clemins Jr., the undivided 1/5 part allotted to Robert Duncan. Signature of William Duncan proven on oath 24 May 1843 of Benjamin Duncan and Harrison Duncan of Henry Co. MO.
C3-81: Whereas Robert Duncan, late of St. Louis Co. MO, died owning land; being the same tract held under Joseph Motard and confirmed to Calvin Adams by Motard; survey made for representatives of James Mackay; division of land between Benj. W. Ayres, Enock C. March, Elias T. Langham, Joab Toney, Charles Mullikin and Zachariah Wilson's heirs, and Robert Duncan; 189.81 arpens of/and undivided tract of 90.19 arpens; now 24 May 1843 Benjamin (+) Duncan of Henry Co. MO deed to James Clemens Jr. of City of St. Louis, $156, undivided 1/5 part. Rec. on oath of William Duncan of Hopkins Co. KY "near Maddisonville, KY."
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