Duncan research files of |
1830 Boone Co. MO Census Pg.113 Nathaniel Dunkan 1100,01 - 1100,1 (MAD: Nathaniel A. Duncan, over 21, mar. Amelia Garland 5/2/1821 Warren Co. KY) 1840 Boone Co. MO Census Pg. 87 Nathaniel Duncan 1111,001 - 1011,0100,001 Porter Dunkam 2110,01 - 0110,001 94 Alex Duncan 0100,01 - 1010,01 (MAD: Alexander Duncan and son Martin Duncan in 1850 El Dorado Co. CA census) 99 Samuel Duncan 1000,01 - 1100,1 110 W.A. Duncan 0000,01 - 0100,01 125 James Duncan 1000,1 - 1000,1
1850 Boone Co. MO Census
District 8
Pg.344, #240-240, Garnett DUNCAN (m) 47 VA farmer $540
Elizabeth 14, Sarah E.J. 12 VA
Mary E. 9, James M. 6 VA
Pg.379, #744-744, William H. DUNCAN 47 VA physician $2500
Susan W. 42 KY
Margaret 18 MO
James S. 9, Martha J. 7 MO
William 4, Ann E. 1 MO
Catherine E. CHILD 21 NY
Pg.381, #765-765, James DUNCAN 35 KY plasterer $0
Margaret 31 KY
Alexander 12, Pamelia 10, Emily 6 MO
Alonzo T. 4, James F. 2 MO
Pg.403, #1045-1045, Nathaniel A. DUNCAN 51 VA farmer $800
Sarah A. 34 KY
Thomas G. 24 KY farmer $0
John 20, Benjamin F. 18 MO farmers
Caroline 16, George W. 12 MO
Elizabeth LYNCH 10, John B. 8 MO
Alice A. DUNCAN 8, Catharine 7 MO
David 4, Nathaniel 9/12 MO
(MAD: Nathaniel Duncan mar. 1st Amelia Garland 5/2/1821 Warren Co. KY; mar. 2nd Sarah Lynch; died 1856; Ann Dumkin 18 MO and Catharine Dumkin 16 MO with Alexander Gooch in 1860 Linn Co. MO)
Pg.407, #1099-1099, James B. WATSON 25 MO farmer $700
Mary C. 23 KY
Margaret P. DUNCAN 13 MO
Benjamin F. NORRIS 19 MO farmer $0
Pg.420, #1261-1261, Samuel DUNCAN 49 SC farmer $3000
Parilee (f) 34 MO
Elizabeth 17, Nancy C. 15 MO
Wm. L. 12 MO
Amanda S. 9, Margaret 6 MO
(MAD: to Fayette Co. KY, then 1860 Henry Co. MO census; mar. Paralee Bass 1831)
Pg.441, #1571-1571, Eli E. BASS 44 TN farmer $80,000
Margaret M. 38 KY
Mary F. 17, Sarah R. 16 MO
Wm. H. 14, John S. 12 MO
Robert T. 10, Felix G. 6, Everet M. 3 MO
Spicy DUNCAN (f) 51 VA
Robert F. JOHNSTON 21 KY farmer $1500
(MAD: from Amherst Co. VA; Spicy unmarried?)
Pg.459, #1833-1833, Beverly A. SHEPHERD (m) 52 VA tavernkeeper $0
Amanda 31 MO
Orian (f) 12, Hamden H. (m) 9, Sidney (m) 7 MO
Wm. DUNCAN 24 MO tavernkeeper $0
John REYNARD 33 ENG laborer $0
George GILMAND 32 IRE laborer
Wm. ANDERS 22 IRE stagedriver
Adam HOLT 23 IN stagedriver
1860 Boone Co. MO Census
Cedar Twp.
Pg.682, #330-321, Thos. B. SANSBERRY 25 MO farmer $0-$400
Mary E. 22 KY
John J. 10/12 IL
Jas. SELBY Jr. 25 MO farmer $1000-$500
Mary R. DUNCAN 13 MO
Pg.709, #527-510, Eli E. BASS 53 TN farmer $130,000-$74,000
Margaret M. 47 KY
John L. 23, Philix G. (m) 15 MO
Robert 19, Evart M. (m) 13 MO
Maygie (f) 8 MO
Pg.709, #528-511, Wm. D. BLAGG 30 TN overseer $0-$800
Lucy A. 26 MO
Elizbeth E. 5, Margaret 1 MO
Spicy DUNCAN 61 VA
Edward BARBER 23 ENG (blank occupation)
Pg.822, #1286, Jas. DUNCAN 45 KY plasterer $800-$500
Margaret T. 42 KY
Permelia 20, Emma A. 16 MO
Alonza F. (m) 14, Charles B. 8 MO
Pg.830, #1394-1347, William H. DUNCAN 57 VA physician $5000-$10,000
Susan W. 52 KY
Margaret 27, Jas. S. 19 MO
Martha J. 16 MO
Wm. 14, John 7 MO
Pg.839, #1462-1414, F.L. RUSSEL (m) 39 MO lawyer $13000-$12000
Caroline 35 MO
Marion (m) 13, Louisa 11 MO
Frank 8, Eva 6 MO
Julia 4, Walter 2 MO
Oliver S. 23 MO student
J.G. STRODE (m) 22 MO clerk $0-$1000
Wm. C. LITTLE 22 MO clerk
A.M. DUNCAN (m) 23 MO clerk
Henry McCONATHEY 30 MO merchant $0-$2000
(MAD: ?? one A.W. Duncan of Columbia mar. Hattie Duncan of Cooper Co. MO in Cooper Co. on 27 Dec. 1858; from pg.23, Vol.7, 3/1979, "MO Miscellany" FHL book 977.8 D2w, from Denzil Mauldin 12/1984)
Missouri Twp.
Pg.873, #212-232, George W. DUNCAN 22 MO blacksmith $0-$100
Elizabeth 18 MO mar/in/year
Pg.890, #337-372, Thomas THURSTON 60 VA farmer $3900-$4378
Elizabeth 61 VA
George T. 21 VA farmer
Pg.890, #337-373, John THURSTON 30 VA farmer $0-$350
Frances (f) 23 MO
Sarah B. DUNCAN (f) 42 KY farmer $600-$150
John B. LYNCH 18 MO
David C. DUNCAN 13 MO
Nathaniel 10, Lysander E. 7 MO
(MAD: Lysander E. Duncan was in the 1880 Linn Co. MO census as Tandy E. Duncan, from info of Leroy Duncan 6/2005)
Perche Twp.
Pg.962, #960-937, Garnett DUNCAN 57 VA farmer $4224-$4000
Mary E. 17 VA
James M. 16 VA student
(MAD: said by descendants to be "Thomas Garnett Duncan")
1870 Boone Co. MO Census
Cedar Twp.
Pg.37, #589-681, DUNCAN, W.O. (m) 22 MO stonecutter (alone)
Pg.53, #869-21, DUNCAN, John 34 MO BLACK farmer $0-$150
Caroline 30 MO BLACK keeps house
Mollie (f) 3 MO BLACK
Frances (f) 6/12 Feby. MO BLACK
Columbia Twp.
Pg.79, #165-190, DUNCAN, James 55 KY plasterer $0-$15
Margaret 51 KY keeps house
Alonzo (m) 24 MO carpenter $1500-$100
Pg.88, #779-335, DUNCAN, W.H. (m) 67 VA physician $0-$0
Susan 60 KY keeps house
James 25 MO druggist $0-$500
William 23 MO stare? maker $0-$500
John 18 MO (blank)
Pg.94, #365-454, DUNCAN, Jerry 34 MO BLACK laborer $0-$0
Malinda 26 MO BLACK keeps house
John 5, Addie (f) 3, Clary (f) 1 MO MULATTOS
Missouri Twp.
Pg.129, #90-119, Poor house, includes
DUNCAN, Price (m) 4 KY BLACK
Pg.130, #105-140, DUNCAN, G.W. (m) 28 MO farmer $0-$0
Elizabeth 25 MO keeps house
Florance (f) 7 MO
Hanah? (Winah?) (f) 5 MO
Georgia (f) 2, James N. 1 MO
Twp.49 (MAD: all households this township are #1-1)
Pg.188, #1-1, DUNCAN, Wm. W. 22 MO miller $0-$0
Julia 22 MO keeps house
Pearce 1/12 May MO
(MAD: Wm. Walter Duncan of Boone Co. MO mar. Julia Jones of Howard Co. 6/24/1869 in Howard Co. MO; from pg.68, Vol.9, 3/1980, "MO Miscellany" FHL book 977.8 D2w, from Denzil Mauldin 12/1984)
Pg.192, #1-1, DUNCAN, James 31 KY farmer $200-$300
Sallie L. 27 "do"
Thos. E. 4, Walter B. 2 "do"
Maggie (f) 8/12 Decr. "do"
(MAD: looked like "Ky" for birthplace, but James mar. Sallie Crutcher in 1864 in Boone Co. MO)
Sturgeon P.O., Twp.50; all households #1-1; Twp.pg.36, line 15
Pg.211, #1-1, DUNCAN, Garnett 67 VA farmer $3000-$900
Molino (f) 29? VA keeps house
James M. 25 VA crippled
Wm. 11 MO
Luther 10, Harrison 8 MO BLACK
Barbary 5 MO BLACK
Boone Co. MO Marriage Records (FHL film 909,125)
Book A, 1821-1849
A-78: Doct. William H. Duncan of Callaway Co. MO, to Susan W. Harris of Boone Co., mar. 6 Oct. 1831 by Anderson Woods.
A-80: Samuel Duncan to Miss Paralu (Paralee) Bass, both Boone Co., mar. 15 Dec. 1831 by Danl. Doyle.
A-108: Eli E. Bass to Margaret Johnson, 26 Feb. 1829 (MAD: Spicey Duncan living with him in 1850)
A-123: Johnson Hawthorn to Francis Duncan, 1833 (no month, day), mar. by Robert Thomas.
A-123: (no first name) Clasty to Sarah Duncan, 2 Oct. 1834, return by Robert S. Thomas Sept. 10, 1835.
A-142: James Duncan of lawful age and Margaret Bulus? (Barnes?) (MAD: Margaret Hulen from other sources, see deed J-232), her parents being present gave consent, mar. 14 April 1837, by William B. Woodruff.
A-??: William T. Davis and Helen Duncan, mar. Jan. 25, 1844, by F. Wilhite.
A-304: Nathaniel Duncan and Sary Lynch, mar. 31 May 1844 by James S. Loving, J.P.
A-??: James R?. Watson to Mary Catherine Duncan, 7 Oct. 1847 by Z.N. Roberts JP (Marilyn Michaels info: James had uncertain middle initial; Mary Catherine believed to be sister of Margaret Duncan who mar. William Morgan 1857 since Margaret was living with Watsons in 1850.)
A-367: James Kelly and Susanna Duncan, both of age, mar. 12 Oct. 1848 by Peter Kemper, M.G. Baptist Church.
Book B, 1849-1872
B-42: Mr. Hezekiah F. Major to Elizabeth K. Dunkin, mar. 21 Jan. 1832 (sic), return 10 March 1852
B-55: Ruben W. Mayors and Miss Nancy C. Duncan, mar. 24 Nov. 1852 by B.H. Spencer, Methodist M.G.
B-87: Samuel Kelley and Miss Elizabeth Duncan, mar. 22 Dec. 1853 by Peter Kemper, Baptist M.G.
B-??: Henry Clay Kelly and Isabella Duncan, mar. Feb. 5, 1857 by William R. Wigginton.
B-166: William Morgan and Margaret Duncan, mar. 10/12 March 1857 by Tyson Dines.
B-218, 235: George W. Duncan and Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, mar. 3 Jan. 1860 by James W. Daley, return dated 6 Feb. 1860, recorded 9 Feb. 1861.
B-239: Calvin J. Austin to Pamelia Duncan, he of lawful age, her father giving consent, mar. 23 May 1861 by J. Mallen (T.M. Allen from other sources), Church of Christ.
B-239: Mr. T.T. Allen of Liberty and Miss Maggie A. Duncan of Calvin?, MO, mar. 21 May 1861 by J.T. Williams, Baptist M.G. (MAD: Col. Trigg T. Allen of Liberty, MO, mar. 21st inst. to Miss Mag. F. Duncan, dau. of Dr. William Duncan of Columbia, Boone Co. MO; from May 31, 1861, issue of "Liberty Tribune," Clay Co. MO, from pg.37, Vol.2, "Genealogical Notes from 'Liberty Tribune'" Vol.2, 1858-1868, by Nadine Hodges and Audrey Lee Wagner Woodruff, FHL book 977.816 D28h)
B-262: David L. Duncan of Perche? Twp and Miss Chritian (sic) Allspoon, dau. of Henry Allspoon, mar. 3 (illeg.) 1863 by J.B. Little, J.P. (tight binding)
B-282: James Duncan and Miss Sallie Crutcher, consent of parties present, mar. 6 Dec. 1864 by W.R. Higginton, M.G.
B-291: John Deware of Montgomery Co. IL, to Harriet W?. Duncan of Columbus, MO, both of age, mar. 29 Oct. 1865 by F.M. Albert, M.G.
B-501: Joseph W. Duncan to Miss Mary S. Haden, 15 May 1872.
B-358: Hamilton N?/W.. Pulliam to Miss Eirima? (Euima?) (Emma?) A. Duncan, of age, mar. 6 Aug. 1868 by Isaac Jones, Presbyterian M.G.
B-338: George W. Trimble and Martha W. Duncan, mar. 12 Nov. 1867 by J.A. Hollis, Baptist M.G. (MAD: Mr. George W. Trimble mar. on Nov. 12th to Miss Martha W. Duncan, dau. of Dr. William H. Duncan, all of Columbia [Boone Co. MO], at the Baptist Church; from the Nov. 22, 1867, issue of "Liberty Tribune," Clay Co. MO, from pg.119, Vol.2, "Genealogical Notes from 'Liberty Tribune'" Vol.2, 1858-1868, by Nadine Hodges and Audrey Lee Wagner Woodruff, FHL book 977.816 D28h)
B-302: John Eagly to Sallie Duncan, mar. 29 March 1866 by James W. Daly J.P.
Marriage indexed pg. 45x or 46x, checked pages 450-469, no marriage found
Boone Co. MO Circuit Court Records
Book A, 1821-1831 (FHL film 981,754)
No Duncan in Plaintiff index; no Duncan listed as defendant in remainder of Plaintiff index
Book B, 1831-1838 (FHL film 981,755)
No Duncan Plaintiff, did not check remainder of index
Book C, 1839-1841 (FHL film 981,755)
No Duncan Plaintiff
Book D, 1842-1846 (FHL film 981,756)
Pg.202: John D. Duncan appeared as attorney in a suit 7 Feb. 1844.
Book E, 1847-1852 (FHL film 981,756)
Pg.322: William H. Duncan and Mary Smith vs. John Van Horn and Nany Van Horn; petition to amend deed 30 Aug. 1849. (pg.340) Case dismissed at cost of plaintiffs, 1 Jan. 1850.
Pg.348: William H. Duncan, exec. of Edmund Smith, decd.; petition to amend deed of George Jolly and Louisa Williams Jolly his wife, Sarah Catherine Smith, Richard Samuel Smith, Frances Elizabeth Smith, Edward Tazewell Smith, Mary Virginia Smith, Thomas Wist? and his wife Mary Wist, defendants, 19 Feb. 1850. More on later pages, not copied.
Book F, 1852-1856 - No Duncan (FHL film 981,757)
Book G, 1856-1859 (FHL film 981,757)
Pgs.58 & others: 5 March 1856: Thomas G. Duncan, Thomas Johnson, Nancy Johnson, petitioners for division of land. John Duncan, Sarah Duncan, Benjamin Duncan, David Duncan, Nathaniel Duncan, Tandy E. Duncan, John Cato, Caroline Cato, George W. Duncan, Alice S?. Duncan, Catharine Duncan, John Johnson, Sarah Johnson, defendants. That Thomas G., John, Benjamin, David, Nathaniel, Tandy E., George W., Alice A. and Catherine Duncan and said Nancy Johnson, Caroline Cato and Sarah Johnson are seized of the SW quarter of the SE quarter of the SW quarter of Sec. 12, and the West 1/2 of the NE quarter of Sec. 13, Twp 8, Range 14?. John Duncan and Benjamin Duncan are non-residents of the State of Missouri.
Pg.97-98: 23 Aug. 1856; petitioners were appointed guardian ad litum of the infant defendants George W., Alice A., Catharine, David, Nathaniel, Tandy E. Duncan. (MAD: Linn Co. MO Bond Book pg.141, Nathaniel Duncan, late of Boone Co. MO, decd; Thomas G. Duncan appointed G.&C. of George, W., Allicia A., and Catharine Duncan, minor heirs of decd., 1 May 1856, sec. E. Johnson. pg.174-5, Same, 2 Nov. 1858, sec. John B. Smith. From pg.6, "MO Pioneers" Vol.30, 3/1976, FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Denzil Mauldin 12/1984)
Pg.121: 27 Aug. 1856; land divided, each entitled to undivided twelfth part.
Pg.121: 17 Aug. 1856; Thomas G. Duncan, Thomas Johnson, Frances? Johnson, petitioners, vs Sarah Duncan dft. Deft. entitled to be endowed with one third part of the land during her natural life.
Pg.189-190: 24 Feb. 1857; Thomas G. Duncan, Thomas Johnson, Nancy Johnson, pet., vs. Sarah Duncan deft. Sarah entitled to the dower in and to the lands of her husband Nathaniel Duncan decd. Plot of land shown.
Index to Book H, 1859-1885; looked at, did not copy (FHL film 981,758)
Book H, 1859-1863 (FHL film 981,762)
Pg.159 - Garnet Duncan plaintiff.
Did not copy other references
Boone Co. MO Index to Probate Packets (FHL film 909,215)
Duncan, Benjamin; Adm. Geo. W. Duncan; #2029. Duncan, Benjamine F.; gr. July 6, 1864. Heirs - Thomas G. Duncan Linn Co. MO; Nancy Johnson, Holt Co. MO; Sarah Johnson Boone Co. MO; Benjamine F. & Nancy Jane Cato ch. of Caroline Cato formerly Duncan; A.A. Duncan Linn Co. MO; Catherine Jacobs Linn Co. MO; David C. Duncan, Tandy Edward Duncan, Nathanal (sic) A. Duncan, & George W. Duncan of Boone Co. (from pg.85, "Wills & Administrations of Boone Co. MO, 1821-1870" by Mrs. E.E. Evans and Mrs. J. Frank Thompson, FHL film 1,036,508 item 1)
Duncan, Alonzo T.; Adm. D.B. Duncan; #6182
Duncan, David C. et al; Gdn. Sarah B. Duncan; #1454
Duncan, John; Adm. Geo. W. Duncan; #2030 Gr. July 6, 1864. Heirs - Thomas G. Duncan Linn Co. MO; Nancy Johnson Holt Co. MO; Sarah Johnson Boone Co. MO; Benjamine F. & Nancy Jane Cato ch. of Caroline Cato formerly Duncan, A.A. Duncan, Linn Co. MO; Catherine Jacobs, Linn Co. MO; David C. Duncan; Tandy Edward Duncan, Nathanal A. Duncan & George W. Duncan of Boone Co. MO. (from pg.85, "Wills & Administrations of Boone Co. MO, 1821-1870" by Mrs. E.E. Evans and Mrs. J. Frank Thompson, FHL film 1,036,508 item 1)
Duncan, Mary; Adm. Chas. T. Hardin; #1078
Duncan, Susan W.; Adm. Jno. H. Duncan and Geo. W. Trimble; #4411
Duncan, Nathaniel; #1169; Adm. Thomas G. Duncan, Admr. Gr. Feb. 5, 1853. Aug. 4, 1857. Heirs - Sarah Duncan, w., Nancy Johnson, George Duncan, Eliza Ann Duncan, Catherine Duncan, David Duncan, Nathaniel A. Duncan, Caroline Coffe?, Sarah Johnson, Linn Co., John Duncan of CA., Benj. T. Duncan of CA, Thos. G. Duncan. (from pg.52-3, "Wills & Administrations of Boone Co. MO, 1821-1870" by Mrs. E.E. Evans and Mrs. J. Frank Thompson, FHL film 1,036,508 item 1)
Boone Co. MO Will Book C, 1850-1864 (FHL film 909,211)
C-68/71: 9 July 1842, Mary Duncan of Boone Co. MO; to John H? Field of Boone Co. MO in trust for use of my daughter Eliza Jenkins and her children, three tracts of land: 40 acres, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 16, Twp. 47, Range 12; 40 acres, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 16, Twp. 47, Range 12; and 40 acres NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 16, Twp. 47, Range 12. To John H?. Field in trust for my daughter Eliza Jenkins and her children a cash note of $350 payable by my son Henry T. Duncan of KY. To John H?. Field in trust for my daughter Eliza Jenkins and her children my servant girl Mariam. To John H?. Field in trust for my daughter Eliza Jenkins during her natural life my servant girl Martha, and after the death of said Eliza, Martha to go to my granddaughter Mary B. Jenkins. Appoint John H. Field executor. Wit. Oliver Cunningham, John H. Field. Codicil 30 Aug. 1847, if my granddaughter Mary B. Jenkins now Mrs. Hardin dies without issue or natural heirs, the servant girl Martha shall return to my daughter Eliza Jenkins and her children; wit. John H. Field, D. (later called Daniel) Grope. Codicil 31 July 1848, that a note by Daniel D. Jenkins some months ago payable to Mary Duncan 4 years after date for $450, when due, the proceeds to be paid to my granddaughters Catharine and Caroline Jenkins; that the note on my son Henry Duncan for $350 be given to my "G.Daughter" Cornelia Porter Jenkins and in case of her death in minority to my Grandson Robert Jenkins and that Mr. Henry Hardin manage the above gift for my "G.Daughter" Cornelia P. Jenkins; wit. John H. Field. Notice to any J.P. in Clay Co. to summon Oliver Cunningham as witness to the will of Mary Duncan to question him about the manner of execution of the will and the mental ability of the testatrix at the time, dated 4 Dec. 1851. Oliver Cunningham appeared in Clay Co. MO 20 Dec. 1851, and said that Mary Duncan signed the will in his presence and declared it to be her last will, and that Mary was over the age of 21 years and of sound and disposing mind. John H. Field testified to the codicils; James R. Royce testified to the handwriting of Daniel Grope (Grosse?). Recorded 20 Feb. 1852.
Go to the Boone Co. MO Land Records
Cemetery Records have been published in "Cemetery Records of Boone Co. MO" by Elizabeth Prather Ellsberry, Vol. 1-8 (FHL book 977.829 V3e).
These records include Martin F. Duncan b.1832 d.1857 in the Rocheport Cemetery in Vol.1 pg.24, William Henley Duncan M.D. b.1803 Amherst Co. VA d.1892 and his family in the Columbia Cemetery in Vol.2 pg.56, Garnet Duncan b.1803 VA d.1880 in the Dripping Springs Cemetery in Vol.4 pg.26 (MAD: Garnet Duncan in 1830 Buckingham Co. VA census, 1840 Nelson Co. VA census); Spicy Duncan b.1799 VA d.1865 in the New Salem Cemetery in Vol.5 pg.9; and Mary Duncan relict of Daniel, b.1776 d.1849, and some of the Jenkins family in the Little Bonne Femme Cemetery in Vol.5 pg.49.
The obituary of Mrs. Mary Duncan d.1849 (from Bourbon Co. KY) and of Eliza Jenkins, were extracted from the "Millenial Harbinger" of the Christian Church, and published in "MO Pioneers" Vol.6, 12/1969 (FHL book 977.8 D2h, from Evelyn Sigler and Denzil Mauldin 1984)
An obituary for Elder William Duncan is indexed as being published on 19 Nov. 1846 in the "Religious Herald," Richmond, VA, from "Inventory of the Church Archives of VA" by VA Conservation Commission 1940 (from Evelyn Sigler 1986). An obituary published in "Missouri Democrat" of 21 Oct. 1846 and 9 Dec. 1846 said Elder William Duncan died 9 Oct., leaving a widow Sally and family, he was a minister of the Baptist Church at Huntsville, from "Death Records of MO Men from Newspapers, 1808-1854" by George P. Wilson (FHL book 977.8 V4w, pg.49 from Vivian Ruegge 1984)
"Tombstone Records of Boone Co. MO" author not given lists James Duncan b.1815 Mason Co. KY d.1889 and his wife Margaret Hulen as buried in the Columbia Cemetery. This book also lists William Henry Duncan M.D., b.1803 Amherst Co. VA d.1892, and his wife Susannah Woods Harris Duncan, mar. Callaway Co. MO 1831, as buried in the Columbia Cemetery. (?Tulsa OK library book P472 B62 E9F, from Marilyn Michaels 2/1983)
Obituary, Columbia, MO (? from Mildred Kemper by way of Kathy Zehner 11/1993)
In Columbia Statesman- 23 Jan. 1880 page 4 column 6
DUNCAN- At his residence, Dripping Springs, Boone Co. MO, died of congestion of the stomach, on Wed. Jan. 14, 1880. Colonel Garnett Duncan, postmaster at Dripping Springs, age 77 years. Colonel Duncan, born in Buckingham Co. VA, March 17, 1803 and while a young man moved with his father to Nelson Co. VA from which, after marriage he moved in 1844 to Boone Co, MO and settled on the farm on which he died. His wife died of measles some twenty years ago, after which time he remained a widower. He was a member of the Christian Church. Five children- four daughters and one son survive him, namely James M. (Poke) Duncan who is unmarried, residing at Dripping Springs; Mrs. Mollie, wife of Mr. Joseph Robinson of Chapel Grove, Randolph Co.; Mrs. Elizabeth; wife of Samuel Kelly, Stephens Store, Callaway Co.; Mrs. Isabelle, wife of Clay Kelly and Mrs. Susan, wife of James Kelly, both of Middletown, Boone Co.- the latter Daughter an invalid for many years.
Obituary in "Windsor Review" Thursday, Feb. 21, 1918, pg.7, col.4 [Henry Co. MO] (from Shirley Minor 2/1995)
Elizabeth Kellah Duncan was born Nov. 19, 1833, in Boone Co. MO. She was the daughter of Samuel and Paralee Duncan. She spent her childhood days near the place of her birth. Later she moved with her parents to Henry Co. MO, when, on Jan. 21, 1851, she was united in marriage to Hezekiah F. Major, who departed this life ten years ago. To this union were born seven sons and one daughter. The oldest sons and the daughter died when quite young. The five sons who survive are; A.S. Major, Calhoun; W.T. Major, St.Joseph; L.B. Major, Kansas City, MO; and C.J. Major, Butler, MO. She is also survived by fourteen grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. A.S. Neale, Clinton and Mrs. J.M. Burress, Windsor. .... On Jan. 24, 1918, 1:30 p.m., she fell asleep in Jesus at the home of her son, L.B. Major, 622 S. Feree St., Kansas City, KS. ...
Phillips Co. AR Deed (FHL film 1,018,960)
F-459: 21 March 1842, James (X) Duncan of Phillips Co. AR to William G. Kavanaugh of New Madrid Co. MO, $2500, all the land located for him and in his name by virtue of what is usually called in the State of MO a New Madrid certificate granted in the then Territory now State of MO, #491, to said Duncan, certificate located in Twp. 49 North of Range 14 West in Boone Co. MO. Wit. John T. Horner, Robert Thaleny (Thalong?).
Bourbon Co. KY marriages and wills have been published by Julia Hoge Spencer Ardery in her book "The Duncans of Bourbon Co. KY" (FHL fiche 6,018,102 and other sources)
The book includes deeds of Barsheba Duncan, late Barsheba Hughes, widow of Elias Duncan, in 1837, Book 36, pg.89, and also in 1847, Book 2, pg.304, when she lived in Boone Co. MO.
Bourbon Co. KY Deed, Vols.34-35 1833-1837 (FHL film 183,121; SLC 10/3/2011)
35-32/33: 25 Nov. 1835, Mary Duncan widow and relict of Daniel Duncan decd, Henry T. Duncan and wife Eliza, Robert S. Barr and wife Mary M. late Mary M. Duncan, Theodorick Jenkins and wife Eliza, heirs of Daniel Duncan decd, the said Barr and Jenkins of Boon Co. MO and the others of Bourbon Co. KY, to Henry F. Wilson of last afsd, for $6,000 paid, sell inn lot No.7 on Main Street in town of Paris, Bourbon Co. KY, and a part of what was originally main cross street and in one inclusive boundary, beg. on Main Street, corner building owned by A.H. Wright, ... Pleasant Street, Wm. Burr's lot, to include the brick dwelling and improvement now in said Wilson's possession, also all that part of out lot No.1, beg. south side of main cross street, [near] corner of Robert Taliaferros in Lot 114, together with all improvements etc., warrant title. /s/ H.T. Duncan, Eliza Duncan, Th. Jenkins, Robert S. Barr, Mary M. Barr, Eliza Jenkins, Mary Duncan. Robert S. Barr and wife Mary, Theodorick Jenkins and wife Eliza, ack. in Boon Co. MO, the wives examined separately, 18 Feb. 1835. Henry T. Duncan and wife Eliza and Mary Duncan ack. in Bourbon Co. KY 23 July 1836. (FHL film 183,121)
Madison Co. KY Deed (FHL film 183,294)
Y-391: 2 Oct. 1840, William H. Duncan and wife Susan W. of Boone Co. MO to Christopher Harris of Madison Co. KY, $78, their interest in tract on waters of Muddy Creek, one undivided eighth part, land adj. SE corner of Margaret Harris' dower, William Harris' line (no acres). Ack. in Boone Co. MO.
Callaway Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/18/2014)
E-55/56: 12 Sept. 1836, William H. Duncan and Susan his wife of Boone Co. MO to Harvey W. Pemberton of said county & state, for $300 paid, sell two lots or parcels of ground with appurtenances in town Millersburg, Callaway Co., state afsd, running by the original plat of said town, Lot No.1 in Block No.2 and Lot No.2 in Block No.2, warrant title. /s/ Wm. H. Duncan, Susan W. Duncan. Wit. Jas. Baskett. Ack. 12 Sept. 1835 by William H. Duncan and Susan W. Duncan before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Circuit Court. Recorded 10 Oct. 1834. (FHL film 901,324)
E-547/548: 4 July 1837, William H. Duncan and Susan his wife of Boone Co. MO to Robert M. Nevins of Callaway Co. state afsd, for $80 paid, sell parcel of ground in Callaway Co. state afsd adj. town of Millersburg, running according to survey beg. 16 feet opposite NW corner of Lot No.3 in Block No.11, then South 49 deg. east 13 poles to a stone, then north 40 deg. east 50 poles to then Thomas Miller's line, then north 8-1/2 deg. west 18 poles along said line, then south 40 deg. west 62 poles to the beginning, supposed to contain 4-25/160 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Wm. H. Duncan, Susan H. Duncan. Ack. 12 July 1837 before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. Circuit Court. Recorded Callaway Co. MO 22 Feb. 1838. (FHL film 901,324)
E-594: 12 July 1837, William H. Duncan, Samuel J. Duncan and Susan W. Duncan the wife of said William H. Duncan of Boone Co. MO to Willis Hughes and James Hughes of Callaway Co. state afsd, for $350 paid to said William H. & Samuel J. Duncan and Susan W. Duncan by said Willis and James Hughes, sell 2 lots or parcels of ground in town of Millersburg, Callaway Co. MO, running by the original plat of said town, Lots No.3 and 4 in Block No.2, warrant title. /s/ William H. Duncan, Samuel J. Duncan, Susan W. Duncan. Ack. 12 July 1837 by William H. Duncan and Susan Duncan his wife and Samuel Duncan before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. Circuit Court. Recorded 6 April 1838 in Callaway Co. MO. (FHL film 901,324)
F-71/72: William H. Duncan and Susan W. his wife of Boone Co. MO to John J. Duncan of Callaway Co. MO, for $130 paid, sell piece of ground in Callaway Co. known by US patent as being W 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.48 Range 11W in district of lands subject to sale at Franklin, MO, containing 80 acres, warrant title. 13 Sept. 1837. /s/ William H. Duncan, Susan W. Duncan. Ack. 30 Sept. 1837 before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. Circuit Court. Recorded 27 July 1838 in Callaway Co. MO. (FHL film 901,325)
F-319/320: 12 Dec. 1836, William H. Duncan and Susan his wife of Boone Co. MO to Benjamin B. Taylor of Callaway Co. state afsd, for $700 paid, sell tract or parcel of land with appurtenances in Callaway Co. MO, being NW 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.48 Range 11 containing 160 acres, warrant title. /s/ Wm. H. Duncan, Susan Duncan. Ack. 12 Oct. 1836 before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. MO. Recorded 24 June 1839. (FHL film 901,325)
G-112/113: 6 Aug. 1840, William H. Duncan and Susan his wife and Samuel J. Duncan of Boone Co. MO to Mary Pogue? of Callaway Co., for $300 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Callaway Co. MO adj. town of Millersburg, known by its number on the plats of the land office, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.48 Range 11, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Wm. H. Duncan, Susan W. Duncan, Saml. J. Duncan. Ack. 15 Sept. 1840 before Roger M. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. Circuit Court. Recorded 16 Nov. 1840. (FHL film 901,325)
L-95/97: William H. Duncan of Boone Co. MO was appointed executor of the will and testament of Edward Smith decd. late of Callaway Co. MO and Mary Smith the wife of said Edward Smith decd. of afsd was appointed administratrix under said will with power under said will to dispose of all the estate, both real and personal, of said Edward Smith decd, in conformity with said will the said Will H. Duncan and Mary Smith as executor and executrix have entered into a covenant in writing to convey to Benjamin Payton by deed of warranty a certain tract or parcel of land, and since making the covenant afsd the said Mary Smith, widow of Edward Smith decd, has intermarried with Thomas West of Callaway Co. MO, for the purpose of enabling the said executor and executrix to execute the deed of general warranty according to the agreement and for no other purpose whatsoever, it is agreed and understood between all the parties to the conveyance that the said Thomas West will neither warrant nor defend the title to the said tract of land to the said Benjamin Payton, but as far as the said West is concerned the conveyance shall operate only as a quit claim of his right in said land; now we, William H. Duncan, executor of estate of Edward Smith decd., and Thomas West and Mary West his wife formerly Mary Smith executors of estate of Edward Smith decd, for $800 paid to said William H. Duncan and Mary Smith execs. as afsd by Benjamin Payton, sell and convey to Benjamin Payton all that tract or parcel of land in Callaway Co. MO, the E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.48 Range 10W, also W 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.48 Range 10W, to be laid off by a line running due north and south through said quarter, the whole containing 120 acres more or less, to said Benjamin Peyton forever, and William H. Duncan and Mary West formerly Mary Smith by powers vested in us by will of Edward Smith decd as executor and executrix of said will and testament will warrant title. 19 Nov. 1849. /s/ W.H. Duncan executor, Thomas West, Mary West Exor. Ack. 19 Nov. 1849 before Geo. W. Morris, J.P. Filed for record 21 Jan. 1850. (FHL film 901,358)
L-384/385: 15 Dec. 1838, William H. Duncan and Susan his wife and Samuel J. Duncan of Boone Co. MO to Mary Payne of Callaway Co. MO, for $300 paid by said Mary Payne, sell trct or parcel of ground in Callaway Co., the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.48 Range 11W containing 80 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Wm. H. Duncan, Susan W. Duncan, Samuel J. Duncan. Ack. 2 Jan. 1839 before Roger N. Todd, Clerk of Boone Circuit Court. Filed and recorded 31 Jan. 1851. (FHL film 901,358)
L-434/435: 10 Dec. 1850, William H. Duncan of Columbia, Boone Co. as acting executor of will of Edward Smith decd, late of Callaway Co. MO, to Thomas B. Nesbit of Callaway Co. MO, that the said Edward Smith decd. by will in writing dated 14 Sept. 1839 of record in Callaway Co. MO directed his executors as they thought advisable to sell his lands and other property, and to use the proceeds for the use of his family and to distribute the same according to the will and appointed William H. Duncan and Mary Smith wife of said decd. executor and executrix, and the said Mary Smith having married and said William H. Duncan having thereby become sole executor of said will, and the County Court of Callaway Co. ordered him to sell and dispose of all remaining estate ... now for $150 paid by Thomas B. Nesbit of Callaway Co., I sell and convey to said Thomas B. Nesbit a certain parcel or tract of land in Callaway Co. MO, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.48 Range 10 containing in all 80 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ William H. Duncan, executor of will of Edward Smith decd. Ack. 11 Dec. 1850 before Robert S. Todd, Clerk of Boone Co. MO Court. Filed for record and recorded 28 March 1851. (FHL film 901,358)
Linn Co. MO Deed (SLC 7/16/2014; have JPG images)
E-444/445: 6 April 1853, Joseph Auberry and Mary his wife of Linn Co. MO to Thomas G. Duncan of Boon Co. MO, for $500 paid, sell real estate in Linn Co. MO, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.58 Range 21 and E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.58 Range 21 containing in all 110 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Joseph (X) Auberry, Mary (X) Auberry. Ack. 6 April 1853 before T.T. Woodruff, Clerk of County Court. Filed for record April 6, 1853, recorded 18 of same month. (FHL film 1,009,306)
1894 "History of the Baptists in VA" by Robert B. Semple, Revised and expanded by G.W. Beale; originally published 1810 (FHL book 975.5 K2s)
Pg.226: Amherst Co. Albemarle Association Buffaloe Church. Mr. William Duncan, a preacher of useful gifts, is a member of this church and has been ordained to the ministry. (Buffaloe church stood in the vicinity of Amherst courthouse.) Footnote: William Duncan served various churches in the Albemarle Assn. as pastor until 1830, when he removed to Calaway Co., MO. He subsequently located in Boone Co., where he acted as a domestic missionary. He died in 1846.
"MO Baptist Biography" by J.C. Maple & R.P. Rider, Vol.IV (ca 1914; date not given on title page) (from Donald Duncan 5/1991)
Pgs.94-99, Rev. WILLIAM DUNCAN, 1776-1846; religious activity in MO 1830-1846.
We are fortunate in finding a sketch of the life of this very useful man, written by his son, Dr. W.H. Duncan. The MO Baptist Historical Society, as the custodian of all obtainable records of Baptist history in MO, has furnished the material for this sketch.
Rev. William Duncan was born in Amherst Co., VA, 22 Feb. 1776. His father, Rev. John Duncan, was a Baptist preacher and contributed largely to the overthrow of the union of church and state in America. When about twenty years of age, William was truly converted and united with the local Baptist Church. Very soon thereafter he entered upon his life work as a minister of the gospel. ... He became pastor of Ebenezer, Mount Moriah and Pedlar Churches in Amherst Co., and of Rock Fish, once Jonesborough in Nelson Co. Some of these churches he served continuously for 37 years. He was married to Miss Sally Henly while quite a young man. This union was blessed with eight children, two sons and six daughters. The children had sought homes in the then new state of MO. That the parents might be still in close contact with their children, the father, in 1830, resigned the pastorate of the churches ... and moved to Callaway Co. MO. After eight years of service in Callaway Co., he moved to Howard Co. and secured a home two miles south of Fayette, the county seat. During the time of his residence in Howard Co., he served five churches at various times. ... In October, 1846, he was present at the meeting of the Mount Pleasant Association at Ebenezer Church in Randolph Co. While preaching to a large congregation, he was attached by a congestive chill; he was able to ride to his home some twenty miles distant, but was then placed on his dying bed, where he died about 48 hours later. He had been pastor of the church in Huntsville, Randolph Co., for eight years.
MAD: The obituary in the "Missouri Democrat" of 21 Oct. 1846 and 9 Dec. 1846 stated that Elder William Duncan died 9 Oct., Minister of Baptist Church at Huntsville, a minister nearly 50 years, left widow Sally and family; from "Death Records of MO Men from Newspapers, 1808-1854" by George P. Wilson (pg.49, FHL book 977.8 V4w; from Vivian Ruegge 2/1984)
(MAD: one Sarah Duncan died 1849 Moniteau Co. MO leaving heirs Louisa Smith, Wm. Duncan, Elizabeth L. Smith, Mary Smith, Sarah M. Clasby, Samuel J. Duncan, Frances J. Howard, Letters Testamentary granted John S. Howard 3/16/1849, Francis J. Howard admix. 10/18/1851. Frances J. Duncan mar. John L. Howard 9/1/1840 Howard Co. MO; Sarah Duncan mar. Mr. Clasty 10/2/1834 Boone Co. MO; Dr. William H. Duncan, b.1803 VA, of Callaway Co. MO mar. Susan W. Harris 10/6/1831 Boone Co. MO, and with Mary Smith, widow of Edmund Smith, were execs. of estate of Edmund Smith in 1849-1850 Boone Co. MO; Samuel I/J. Duncan mar. Elizabeth Price 10/16/1844 Howard Co. MO, b. Amherst Co. VA per 1883 "History of Howard & Cooper Cos. MO")
1914 "History of Mendocino and Lake Cos. CA" by Aurelius O. Carpenter and Percy H. Millberry (qc979.415 C2; CA State Library book, Sacramento)
GEORGE W. DUNCAN, born Boone Co. MO, 23 March 1838, son of Nathaniel and Amelia (Garland) Duncan, farmers. Amelia died when George age 6. Nathaniel died when George 15. Apprenticed as blacksmith, in Confederate Army under Gen. Stirling (Pop) Price and later under Gen. Shelby as farrier for brigade. To Trinity Co. CA 1875 where brother in cattle business. ...
1882 "History of Boone County, Missouri ... : including a history of its townships, towns and villages, together with a condensed history of Missouri, the city of St. Louis ... biographical sketches and portraits" pub. by Western Historical Co. (FHL book 977.829 H2h and film 1,000,282 item 2, and from Marilyn Michaels 3/1982)
Pg.361-362: California Emigrants. The following list, alphabetically arranged, embraces the names, as far as known to us, of all the Boone County emigrants to California in 1850. No doubt there were others whose names we were unable to obtain: Alex. Duncan, Martin Duncan.
Pg.833-834: CALVIN J. AUSTIN. Calvin J. Austin, son of Ransom S. and Agnes (Gregory) Austin, was born in Halifax county, Virginia, October 1st, 1823. When six years old, his parents removed to Pearson county, North Carolina. For the next sixteen years they lived in this and the adjoining county (Caswell), during which time ... In 1845 he came to Prairieville, Pike County, Missouri, ... until 1847, when he enlisted in the Mexican War .... In the spring of 1850 he came to Columbia, Missouri, .... Mr. Austin was married, May 3d, 1861, to Miss Parmelia, daughter of James and Martha (Hulen) Duncan.
Pg.856: ALONZO T. DUNCAN. Alonzo T. Duncan was born in Boone Co. MO, December 18, 1845. Was educated at the common schools of Columbia and at the State University. Served an apprenticeship of three years at the cabinet maker's trade under T.E. Powers and followed the business for four years, then went to Litchfield, Illinois, in 1864, and remained there one year. Came back to Columbia ... In 1874 he went to St. Louis ... remaining with this firm one year. Came back to Columbia in 1875 ... Mr. Duncan was married, June 30, 1875, to Miss Annie, daughter of Frederick Scragg. They have one son and one daughter, Permelia and Frederick.
Pg.962. G.W. TRIMBLE. George W. Trimble was born in Randolph county, Missouri, July 21, 1839. His father was Maj. Robert Trimble, of Kentucky; his mother, Elizabeth (Young) Trimble, also of Kentucky. ... At the age of sixteen he came to Columbia, Missouri, ... He was married, November 12, 1867, to Miss Martha, daughter of Dr. W.H. Duncan, an old citizen of Columbia. They have two living children, Susie and Margaret. ....
1883 "The History of Henry and St. Clair Counties, Missouri : containing a history of these counties, their cities, towns ... biographical sketches ... statistics ..." pub. by National Historical Co. (FHL book 977.84 H2hh and films 908,587 item 2 and 1,000,291 item 3)
Also see the Internet website https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mohenry/henryco.html
and the biographies at:https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mohenry/biography/bioD3.html
Pg.569-70: Henry Co., Windsor Twp: WILLIAM L. DUNCAN was born February 18, 1828, in Boone Co. MO, twelve miles south of Columbia. His father, Samuel Duncan, a farmer by calling, was born in South Carolina, October 23, 1801, while his mother, formerly Parilee Bass, was born September 10, 1816, in Nashville, TN. They had four daughters and two sons, of whom there are living three daughters and two sons. When a child Samuel Duncan emigrated from his native state with his parents to Kentucky, locating near Lexington [Fayette Co.]. His wife had gone from Tennessee to Boone County, Kentucky, while yet quite young, and there they were married. (MAD: married 1831 in Boone Co. Missouri, not KY) In an early day he was engaged in distilling in Boone Co. for several years ... until 1853. Then he disposed of his farm and came to Henry Co. MO ... until his death, October 30, 1882. His widow is still a resident of that place (village of Windsor). William L. Duncan ... in 1853 came to Henry County with his parents ... enlisted as one of the Windsor Guards under Captain Gibbons (Civil War) ... He was at that time discharged on account of disability and went to Bloomfield, Nelson Co. KY, where he stayed until January, 1866. He was married January 3, 1866, to Miss Sarah A. McClaskey, of Nelson Co. KY. They have had two sons and a daughter, only one of whom, a son, is living and now residing with his parents. On coming to Henry County Mr. Duncan commenced farming with his father and continued with him for several years, when he returned to Kentucky and engaged in milling with the father-in-law. After a few years he returned to Windsor and again resumed farming. ... to Texas one year, returned to MO ca 1874. M.E. Church South, Democrat.
1912 "Compendium of History and Biography of Linn Co. MO" pub. by H. Taylor (FHL book 977.824 D3c and film 1,000,297 item 2, and from Louis Boone 10/1984)
Pg.621-2: JOSEPH T. DUNCAN was born Oct. 7, 1871. He is a brother of John H. Duncan, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume in which the history of the family is briefly told .... On April 18, 1894, Mr. Duncan married Susie A. Curtis, a daughter of Ashbill S. and Sarah (Thorne) Curtis .... Mr. and Mrs. Duncan had 5 children, 4 of whom are living, their sons Thomas G., Donnie A., Joseph L. and Morgan R.
Pg.622-3: JOHN H. DUNCAN was born in this county on Jan. 13, 1858, and is a son of Thomas Garland and Mildred (Gooch) Duncan, the former a native of KY and the latter of this state. The father was brought to Boone Co. MO by his parents in 1837 when he was but 4 years old. His parents cleared and improved a farm from the wilderness in Boone Co. and died on it well advanced in years. On Nov. 9, 1879, Mr. Duncan married Miss Mary Howell, a daughter of Lilburn L. Howell, one of the pioneers of Linn Co. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have one child, their daughter, Ethel, who is now the wife of Brainard Howery and resides on the home farm ....
1912 "The Book of St.Louisans : A Biographical Dictionary of Leading Living Men of the City of St.Louis" Second Edition, 1912. Revised, Enlarged and Brought Down to date. Edited by Albert Nelson Marquis. Pub. Chicago, A.N. Marquis & Company, 1912. (Google Books 8/6/2009; from New York Public Library book; pgs.169-170 from Vivian Ruegge 2/25/1984)
Pg.169-170: DUNCAN, John Harris, dermatologist; born, Columbia, Mo., Aug. 16, 1852; son of William H. and Susan W. (Harris) Duncan; student University of Missouri, 1865-69; A.M., William Jewell College, Missouri, 1872; M.D., University of Missouri, 1874; M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College (New York University), 1875; (L.L.D., William Jewell College, 1904); married S. Belle Dulany, of Hannibal, Mo., Dec. 21, 1881. Began practice at Columbia, Mo., 1875; professor physiology, University of Missouri, 1875-83; professor physiology and dermatology, University Medical College of Kansas City, 1883-93, St.Louis College Physicians and Surgeons, 1893-4; professor physiology, Barnes Medical College, St.Louis, 1898-1901; professor diseases of the skin and syphilis, Marion-Sims-Beaumont Medical College (St.Louis University), 1901 to 1908, Member American Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Society (president 1896-1907), St.Louis Medical Society, St.Louis Medical Library Association (vice president since 1898); president Academy of Medicine, Kansas City, 1892. Democrat. Baptist. Club: Glen Echo. Office: Humboldt Bldg. Residence: Buckingham Hotel. (MAD: Columbia, Boone Co. MO)
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