Duncan research files of |
1860 Barton Co. MO Census
Pg.25, #211-191, William RANKIN 45 OH farmer $2000-$725
Jane 35 OH
Senate (m) 18, Mary 16, William 14 IL
Arabell (f) 13, Sousan (f) 12 IL
William DUNCAN 24 IL farm laborer
Charles McBEE 22 OH farm laborer
Pg.36, #290-260, R.A. COLWELL (m) 46 KY potter $3000-$200
Mary R. 40 KY
Henry F. 20, James A. 16 MO potters
Martha E. 15, John H. 12 MO
Charles N. 10, America A. (f) 8 MO
Grispellara? (Grispellant?) A. (f) 6 MO
Jeptha DUNCAN 17 MO farm laborer
Pg.40, #344-288, Samuel DUNCAN 34 MO coal miner $0-$250
Elizabeth 30 MO
Sarah 7, Mary D. 5 MO
Martha 2, Bowles W. 3/12 MO
Vinan (m) WISE 16 MO teamster $0-$100
(MAD: 1850 Bates Co. MO census, son of Bowler & Catherine of 1860 Dade Co. MO census; one Samuel Duncan mar. Elizabeth Crow 5/20/1852 Jasper Co. MO; 1870 Barry Co. MO census)
Pg.40, #346-290, R.T. DUNCAN (m) 28 MO coal miner $0-$0
Elizabeth 25 MO
Charles 7, John 5, Martha C. 1 MO
Mikel MAPEY (MASSEY?) 17 MO coal miner
Catharine 15 MO (not mar/in/yr)
(MAD: 1850 Bates Co. MO census, son of Bowler & Catherine of 1860 Dade Co. MO census)
1870 Barton Co. MO Census
Lamar Twp.
Pg.823, #88-88, DUNKIN, Joel C. 27 TN farmer $0-$320
Easter 30 MO
James 3 TX
Mary 1 MO
SKELTON, William 8 TX
(MAD: ? 1860 Newton Co. MO census; one J.C. Duncan age 74 had pension #1825 in Barton Co. MO as ex-Confederate soldier, approved 1 Sept. 1915, P.O. Lamar, died 29 April 1917; from pg.53, Vol.16, 9/1983, "MO Miscellany" FHL book 977.8 D2w, from Denzil Mauldin 12/1984)
Barton Co. MO Deed Index, Vol.A, 1857-1870 (FHL film 941,966; SLC 7/16/2014)
B-133: Duncan, Samuel & wife to George Rose, Feb. 10, 1859, Feb. 24, 1859, W.D. in SW 1/4 Sec.14 T_ R20, 120 acres
C-546: Duncan, Benj. & wife to G.W. Stout?, June 25, 1856, Nov. 6?, 1867, W.D., NE NW Sec.15-33-33
C-543: Duncan, Benj. from Benj. Cotton & wife, Oct. 10, 1854, Nov. 6, 1867, Rev. Stamp 50c, NE & SW ? Sec.15-33-33
Barton Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/17/2014; have JPG images)
Deed records v.B 1858-1861 (FHL film 941,971)
B-133: Deed From Saml .... Know all men by these presents that .... Missouri for and in consideration of .... to my full satisfaction of George .... the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged .... the said George Rose and to his heirs and assign the following described parcel of land viz: the Southwest quarter .... west quarter of section fourteen of Township .... of Range Thirty ... ing one hundred and twenty acres more or less to have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances thereof unto the said George Rose that at and until the sealing of the presents I was well seized of the above granted and bargained premises as a good and indefeasable estate in fee simple that the same are free from all incumbrances and that .... defend the title thereof to the said George Rose his heirs and assigns against all claims and demands whatever. And I Elizabeth .... Samuel Duncan do hereby relinquish .... above and described premises for the .... In Testimony whereof we have .... day of February in the year .... fifty nine. State of Missouri, County of Barton, SS. (MAD: apparently the legible part of a deed was recorded? I used 4 periods instead of long blank spaces. Indexed: Duncan, Samuel & wife to George Rose, Feb. 10, 1859, Feb. 24, 1859, W.D. in SW 1/4 Sec.14 T_ R20, 120 acres) (FHL film 941,971)
Deed records v.C 1860-1867 (FHL film 941,973)
C-543/544: 10 Oct. 1854, Benjamine Cotton and Jane his wife to Benjamin Duncan, for $400 paid, sell NE quarter of NW quarter Sec.15 Twp.33 Range 33 containing 40 acres more or less, being in Jasper Co. MO, warrant title. /s/ Benjamin Cotton, Jane (X) Cotton. Ack. 10 Oct. 1854 before John Gresham, J.P., Jasper Co. MO. Filed for record Nov. 6, 1867. (FHL film 941,973)
C-546/547: 25 June 1856, Benjamine Duncan and Mary Ann Duncan his wife of the State of MO to G.W. Stout of State of Missouri, for $550 paid, sell parcel of land, NE quarter of NW quarter of Sec.15 Twp.33 Range 33 containing 40 acres, warrant title. /s/ Benjamine (X) Duncan, Mary Ann (X) Duncan. Wit. John Wagon, Wm. J.H. Heightery. Ack. 25 June 1856 before John Wagon, J.P. of Barton Co. MO. Filed for record Nov. 6, 1867. (FHL film 941,973)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Allen Y., widow Duncan, Jennie A.; I 122 IL Inf.; 1892 June 9, Invalid Appl. #1115779, Cert. #962311, MO; 1907 May 20, Widow Appl. #869867, Cert. #668335, MO. (MAD: 1860 Montgomery Co. IL; see Macoupin Co. IL; 1880 Barton Co. MO)
1889 "History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade, and Barton counties, Missouri present : from the earliest time to the present, including a department devoted to the preservation of sundry personal, business, professional, and private records; besides a valuable fund of notes, original observations, etc., etc" by Goodspeed (FHL book 977.87 H2h; from Marilyn Michaels 2/1983)
Barton County, Biographical Appendix, pg.884-885. A.Y. Duncan, a farmer and stock-raiser residing five miles north of Golden City, MO, has resided on his present farm since 1881, and has made ... He was born in Macoupin Co. IL, in 1837, and is a son of John and Uly Ann (Killian) Duncan, who were born, reared, and married in the "Old North State," [Lincoln Co. NC] and moved to Indiana in 1829. One year later they went to Macoupin Co. IL, of which they were among the first settlers, and there the father resided, engaged in farming, until his death, in 1851, at the age of sixty-seven years. His wife died in Montgomery Co. IL, at the age of eighty-four years. They reared a family of twelve children, eight of whom are now living: Eliza, who is the widow of Abel Prichard, and resides near Lincoln, Neb.; Charity, widow of John Chapman, resides in Montgomery Co. IL; Andrew, residing at Litchfield, Ill.; Charlotte, the widow of Peter Kinder, also lives at Litchfield, Ill.; Sina, widow of James Trueblood, lives at Butler, Ill.; Martha, the widow of John Kane, lives in Saline Co. IL; Daniel, residing in Montgomery Co. IL; Absalom (deceased), and A. Y.
The parents of these children were earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, ... A.Y. Duncan was fifteen years of age when his father died, and lived with his mother and cared for her until her death. He was first married in 1858, to Jane Corzine, a native of Jersey Co. IL, but his wife died three years later, leaving one child, Frances Bell, now the wife of W.J. Williams, of Clay Co. TX. In 1864, Mr. Duncan wedded Henrietta Kinder, a native of Macoupin Co. IL, and by her became the father of six children, four now living: Jane Ann, wife of William Huskison, of Dade Co. MO; Lizza, wife of Lee Wilson, of Clay Co. TX; Grant and Ollie May, at home. In 1873 his second wife died, and the same year he was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Coiner, who was born in Virginia. On January 26, 1851, (sic) Mr. Duncan moved to Barton Co. MO, where he has since made his home, ... On August 12, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-second Illinois Regular Volunteers, and served three years as corporal, taking part in the battles of Fort Blakely, Nashville, Price's raid of forty-one days, and numerous skirmishes. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Republican in his political views.
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