Duncan, Jo - Revolutionary War Pensions


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 6, 2003

Revolutionary War
Pension Applications

Revolutionary War Pensions, Bounty Land Warrant Application Files; National Archives Microfilm Publication, Microcopy 804, Roll 863 and 864 and 867
      Duncan, Alexander to Duncan, Jesse (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
      Duncan, John to Dungan, Thomas (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Dunikin to Dunlap (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
      Did not copy envelopes or most requests for copies of documents.

JOHN DUNCAN, widow Lydia, R-3126, VA, KY, TN, IL: (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      John Duncan, Franklin Co. IL, who was a Private in the Co. commanded by Capt. Thuson? of the Regt. commanded by ... in the VA line for 6 mos. & 15 dys; Inscribed on the Roll of IL at the rate of $21.66 per annum to commence on 4 March 1831; Certificate of Pension issued 1 Nov? 1833 and sent to W(alter) B. Scates, Frankfort, IL; Rev. Claim, Act 7 June 1832.
      Lydia Duncan, Rejected, widow of John, Printed List 1852, suspended & rejected claims shows cause of rejection of widows claim "not 6 mos. service"
      Declaration of John (+) Duncan, 5 March 1833, before Franklin Co. IL County Commissioners Court; resident of said Co. and State of IL, aged about 70 years; to obtain benefit of Act 7 June 1833; that he entered the service of the US under the following related? officers and served as herein stated. He was born in Culpeper Co. VA to the best of his recollection, about 1763; there was once a record of his age but his father having been killed by the Indians in 1772 or 3, his sister took the bible containing the record of his age, which has been destroyed. His father moved to Washington Co. on the frontier of VA in 1771 or 2, and was killed in about 12 months after by the Indians. He stated that the whole neighbourhood were forted up at Duncan's fort, his father's residence and after his father was killed they employed one James Green to spy out 2 or 3 times a week 10 or 15 miles toward? the fort, that as he left the fort on one of those excursions he had not proceeded more than a mile until he was fired at by the Indians and returned immediately. When collecting a force and himself among the rest. They pursued the Indians some distance until the scattered so that they could trail them no further. When they returned without effecting anything. His mother married again & moved to Kentucky some time in the year 1780 just before the Battle of the Blue Lick where Cols. Todd, Trigg and Daniel Boones second son were killed. He states he was ordered to the Blue Lick but being tired & just off a long journey in moving he did not go but was immediately ordered out to guard the forts in which service he was employed two months. He had no officer but was employed as a spy in guarding & protecting the forts mostly Englishes station. He then moved to Tennessee about 2 years after & shortly after went back to Kentucky and joined Genl. Clarks expedition against the Indians as a substitute for William Mannyfield. He marched from the Falls of Ohio where he joined the expedition to Fort Vincent, now Vincinnes. They found the post occupied by French & 30 or 40 Indians and took the Indians prisoners. He then returned home and was again employed in a tour of 2 months service as a spy and guard on Red River in Tennessee in which service he had no skirmish or encountre with the Indians. He volunteered again the year he does not now recollect, under Capt. John Rains in an expedition undertaken by him & Capt. Thomas Johnson against the Indians. They raised 80 or 90 men & marched down Elk River for some distance, crossed over and were about (blotted)ring when they discovered Indian sign. They camped however on Duck river that night and next morning, it being thought advisable. He with 8 or 9 others volunteered as spies; while creeping through the thick cain they came upon the Indian encampment and one of the spies fired on & killed one of the Indians; the forces coming up & the Indians being dispersed they returned home. He was again ordered out for 2 months as a spy near Palmyra on Cumberland River; he served 40 days when returning home to look after his family; he hired his brother to serve the remaining 20 days. Subsequently again he was ordered out in a light horse company to Nashvill in TN and there go in pursuit of the Indians under the command of Coln. Robert Hays, under an apprehension from the report of one Durock? and a half breed that the Indians intended attacking & taking Nashville; but the Indians not making the attack at that time, Genl. Robinson ordered the men to return home but to be ready at a minutes warning. A few nights after, he received a summons to repair immediately to Nashville & started next morning, but when he arrived the Indians were gone. They however had attacked Buchanan's Station on Mill Creek, near Nashville. The Indians were about 6 or 700 strong; the Station about 30. The Indians approached in the evening & demanded who commanded the fort & upon being told demanded the gates to be opened & upon refusal commenced firing. They fought all night but no lives were lost in the fort. One Indian rushed up with a torch to fire the fort & was killed, the only one the whites found though they thought from the sign they killed a great many more. The Indians were commanded by Double head. He was again employed in an expedition down Cumberland River for the purpose of burying Col. Montgomery and Evan Shelby who had been killed by the Indians, nothing transpiring worthy of note. He was again ordered down to the mouth of Cumberland to guard up some boats, and in performing this service nothing occurred worthy of note. At another time the Indians came into his neighbourhood, killed a young lady & took some horses, he with others immediately pursued but were unable to overtake them on account of high water. He was engaged in many more similar expeditions and in like service for many years, always being prompt and ready at his country's call, living in a country in a constant state of alarm, and (blotted) to be called on at any moment. He never was regularly mustered into or out of service. He never was discharged regularly. He received some little pay but does not now recollect how much. He is unacquainted with the names of any Regular or Continental Officers or companies, nor ever served with any unless some of the above named may be termed such. He never was regularly enrolled in any company or corps unless it might be Genl. Clarks or Col. Heamp's?. He belonged to none at home. He has no documentary evidence of his service; he knows of no living witness who can testify personally as to his service or as to the events of the period and the history he has related but Col. Thomas M. Domp? & Dempsey (blurred) citizens & his neighbours can testify as to the tradition of his services and the events of the period, and also to the general belief of his services in the neighbourhood. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
         Mr. Dempsey Odum, a clergyman residing in Franklin Co., and Thomas M. Dorris residing in same, certify that we are well acquainted with John Duncan, who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be 70 years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier during the time of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.
         Certificate by County Court that the above applicant was a soldier during the time of the revolution and served as he states; and that Dempsey Odum and Thomas M. Dorris are creditable witnesses.
      Form, 29 April 1833 from War Department Pension Office asking for more information.
      Statement by John (+) Duncan, 23 May 1833, before Thos. M. Dorris, Franklin Co. IL JP; that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service, but according to the best of his recollection, he served not less than the periods mentioned below and in the following grades -- for one month under Capt. Price in the expedition under Genl. Clark to Post Vincent now Vincennes in the year 177- (blotted), Barnett was my Colonel; I served as a private (substitute for William Mannyfield) for two months as a spy & guard on Red River in TN, I had no officer nor was I with any Corps, in the year 17(blotted); for 15 days under Capt. John Rains I served as a private in ???; for 40 days as a spy near Palmyra on Cumberland River in the year 17(blotted) I had no officer nor was I with any Corps; for 2 months under Col. Hays (the Capt's name I do not recollect) at the time Buchanan's station near Nashville was attacked in the year 177(blotted) I served as a private; for one month under Capt. Benjamine McIntosh in the expedition down Cumberland River to bury Col. Montgomery & Evan Shelby in the year 1782? I served as a private; for one month under Capt. Benjamine McIntosh in the expedition down Cumberland River to guard up the boats in the year 178(blotted) I served as a private. And for such service I claim a pension.
      Letter from Walter B. Scates, 23 May 1833. According to your instructions as I understood them, I have amended Mr. Duncan's Declaration. In your polite favour of the 4th inst. inclosed to me with the declaration and accompanying brief, you state "this case is accompanied by a brief. The objections are contained in the negative answers in red ink given to the questions." In looking over the brief & declaration, I perceive no negative answers in red ink to which you refer. Possibly you may have omitted to send me the negative answers so marked. You also refer in this printed letter to .... (MAD: did not copy brief)
      Letter from Martin W. Dorris, Frankfort, IL, 29 July 1833. I herewith return the claim of John Duncan with the amendments as per your last instructions. You required the year and if possible the month in which the applicant served. From his age and consequent loss of memory he is unable to state positively as to the precise time of his service but thinks to the best of his recollection that it was performed in the years mentioned in (interlined) the amended declaration. ...
      Revolutionary claim envelope: Illinois 19920 (same number as John), Joseph Duncan, of Franklin Co. IL, who was a Private in the Co. comanded by Captain Johnston? in the VA line for 6 months 45 days; Inscribed on Roll of IL at rate of $21.66 per annum to commence 4 March 1831; Certificate of Pension issued 25 Sept. 1833 and sent to W.B. Scates.
      Letter from Walter B. Scates, 18 Oct. 1833, from Frankfort IL. Enclosed I send you a certificate of a pension purporting to be allowed to Joseph Duncan of this county (i.e. Franklin). There is clearly a mistake in the given name of Mr. Duncan, his name being John instead of Joseph. There was but one man by the name of Duncan applied from this county and his name was John, being the person whose business was entrusted to my care. You will perceive the mistake by reference to the declaration and papers of Mr. Duncan in the Secretary office. I have no hesitation in believing that you intended allowing the pension to John Duncan whose papers you have on file. If I knew any man by the name of Joseph Duncan who had applied for a pension I would hand over the certificate to him but knowing of none, I herewith enclose it to you for correction.
      Declaration of Lydia (X) Duncan, 7 Sept. 1841, before Williamson Co. IL Court; in order to obtain benefits of Act 7 July 1838; resident of Williamson Co. IL, aged 70; that she is widow of John Duncan decd who was a private with Army of Rev. War and that he is the same person named in a (pension) certificate herewith enclosed dated 1 Nov. 1833; that she has no other proof as to the time he entered service; she has no family Record to refer to having had her house burned and the record in it many years ago; that she was married to John Duncan after he left the service of the US but previous to 1 Jan. 1794, that is to say, on 10 March 1786 in Roberson Co. TN by John Grammer a Clergyman; that she has never been married to any other person but the one above named; she does not know how to get the record of her marriage from TN for they were married by a Clergyman publishing the bans of matrimoney without license; that her husband John Duncan died on 31 Dec. 1834 in Franklin Co. IL but since his deth Franklin Co. has been divided into Franklin and Williamson counties in which latter county she now resides.
         Affidavit of William Spiller Senior, aged 72 years, resident of Williamson Co. IL; he is well acquainted with Lydia Duncan who subscribed the above declaration and do posatively know her to be the widdow of John Duncan deceased who was a private in the army of the Rev. and drew a pention; that Lydia Duncan was lawfully married to John Duncan in his presance in 1786 in Roberson Co. TN and that Lydia Duncan has never been married since the deth of her husband; that Lydia Duncan has been a resident of Williamson Co. formaly Franklin Co. upwards of 20 years; that Lydia Duncan is about 70 years of age and is very feble and inffirm and that John Duncan dyed to the best of his belief in the year 1834 in Franklin Co. but now is Williamson Co.
         Certification by clerk of court that William Spiller is a man of known respectability and has resided where he now resides for upwards of 20 years.
         Statement by F.F. Duncan, Joab Goodall and John N. Calbert, County Commissioners of Williamson Co. about the clerk of Williamson Co.
      Declaration of F.F. Duncan, 7 Sept. 1841; that he is well acquainted with Lydia Duncan and that he knows her to be the widdow of John Duncan deceased who was a private in the Army of the Rev. of the US; that she never has been married since the deth of John Duncan; that according to Act 7 July? 1838? that she is entitled to and of right ought to have a pention.
      Letter from F.F. Duncan, undated. I enclose the dellaration of Lydia Duncan and send to you for the inspection of the department in the matter of a pension. I also enclose the certificate of John Duncan decd. If the declaration is found to be correct I will expect you to send Lydia Duncan a pension certificate. If not please send me a letter stating the defect.
      Letter from Pension Office, 1 Oct. 1841. The papers in the case of Mrs. Lydia Duncan, widow of John Duncan decd, have been examined. Upon referring to her husband's declaration under Act 7 June 1832, it is found that his alleged service was principally after the termination of the Rev. War and was of that character not provided for by Act 7 June 1832. Had the Dept. been in possession of the information which it now has, the claim under that act would not have been allowed. The first tour of two months is alleged to have been performed in 1780 about the time of the Battle of the Blue Licks in KY, and in two years thereafter he again performed a tour of service. The battle of the Blue Licks took place in 1782, consequently the other alleged service was after the termination of the revolutionary war and no provision is made by the pension laws for such service. The claimant is consequently not entitled to a pension.
      Letter from Daniel Has?, undated. A declaration for Mrs. Duncan widow of John Duncan was sent to the Pension office a few years ago by Frederick Duncan Esqr. of Franklin Co. in this State. The pension was not allowed, he says, on account of John Duncan her husband having misstated by 2 years the date of the Battle of the Blue licks. Mr. Duncan says if by a reexamination of the case you can have the pension allowed, you can make your own charge. Did you get my letter from Washington last Feb. in the case of Mrs. Scudder. How far is the department behind with their business. I have had one case there 18 months not yet acted on. I cant say that I am very patient.
      Letter from Pension office, 26 Oct. 1844. The claim of Lydia Duncan has been disallowed on the ground that her husband did not serve as much as six months within the revoy war. He claimed for three tours as Indian spy which he estimated at 6 mo. 15 days and one of those tours was after the revvy. war as is thereon? by his own statement. The better information of the Dept. acquired since his claim was adjusted would shew that he has confounded in all the service claimed, the duties of vigilance & spying with the organized service under the law of the State which entitled him to soldiers pay then & to a pension now.
      Statement by Thomas J. Duncan, 20 July 1854, before Williamson Co. IL JP; of Williamson Co. IL, appoint Charles C. Tucker of Washington City D.C. attorney to prosecute the claim of Lydia Duncan widow of John Duncan for any amount of Rev. Pension or increase of pension that may be due under Act of 3 Feb. 1853 or any other Act; authorize attorney to examine all papers.
         Further statement by Thomas J. Duncan; that he is directly interested in said claim and makes the affidavit to be filed with such additional evidence or arguments as the attorney may use in prosecuting the claim.

JOHN DUNCAN, S-8373, VA (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      John Duncan of Floyd Co. VA, who was a private in the company commanded by Capt. Trigg of the Reg. in the VA Line for 14? months; Inscribed on Roll of VA at rate of $46.66 per annum to commence 4 March 1831; Certificate of Pension issued 31 Aug. 1833 and sent to William Goodson, Floyd C.H. VA; Act of 7 June 1832.
      Declaration of John Duncan (signed) 15 Oct. 1832 before Floyd Co. VA Circuit Superior Court; a resident of said county and state; declaration to obtain benefit of Act 7 June 1832; that he entered service of the US and served under the following named officers as herein stated. He is aged 91; he was drafted in Fauquier in State of VA under Capt. Chinn, there served the term of 1 year and marched through Maryland & PA. His Major was Edmundson the other officers he has forgotten; he has forgotten what Regiment he belonged to having lost all his papers. He next enlisted under Capt. Abram Trigg and Cloyd was his Major in Co. of Montgomery and was marched to the Shallow Ford where we had an engagement with the Tories he has forgotten the names of the other officers; after this he was discharged and returned home and his papers were all burnt so that he has none to show. He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity whatsoever and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state.
         Certification by Henry (X) Bishop and Andrew (X) Reed, residants of Floyd Co.; we are well acquainted with John Duncan who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be 91 years of age and that he is reputed and believed in the neighbourhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and we concur in that opinion.
         Certification by court that they concur in the opinion; and that Henry Bishop and Andrew Reed, resident citizens of Floyd Co., are credible persons.
      Form letter from Pension Office, 13 May 1833, requesting additional information.
      Declaration by John Duncan, 18 June 1833, before Floyd Co. VA Court; for purpose of amending his declaration heretofore made for purpose of obtaining a pension under Act 7 June 1832; his first tour was as stated in his declaration for one year and the applicant cannot recollect the year but thinks it was the second year after the revolution began probably in the year of 1778, but of this he is not certain as his extreme age and consequent loss of memory has obstructed the recollection of the time. He now recollect that his Col. was Chas. Edmunds or Edmundson and the major was of the same name. He was in no action during the time which was as before stated for an entire year; after the applicant returned from this tour he removed the next year to Montgomery Co., now Floyd, and after being here a short time he was called out as a minute man by Col. William Preston and Capts. Cloyd & Brigg; as before stated he was marched to the relief of Col. Wm. Campbell at Kings Mountain but did not arrive until the day after the action and was then marched to the shallow ford of the Yadkin river under the above named officers; Capt. Cloyd having been as he thinks promoted to Major; this tour embraced more than two months but he claims but for two and is certain that it was that long. He then returned to Montgomery Co. and has resided here ever since, the county having been divided and he is now in Floyd.
         Certification by court that there is no clergyman who resides in the neighbourhood of the applicant and is the reason why he did not have the certified? of one to his former declaration.
      Letters to Pension Office requesting information, from Mrs. Justin K. Mead, Omer, Michigan, 9 Oct. 1924, and reply; and from S.D. Settle, 1371 High St., Bowling Green, KY, 23 May 1938, who requested info. on Tilman Hufman, George Settle, William Morgan, and John Duncan, all Culpeper and Fauquier Co. VA. Reply to S.D. Settle indicates no pension claims for any of the men except John Duncan.

JOHN DUNCAN, S-27738, MA, NY (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      (MAD: believe I copied everything in file, but documents seem missing)
      Invalid, file 27738, John Duncan, In Rev. War, Mass. Agct; index Vol. 2, pg. 116
      John Duncan, NY & MA; Private, Co. Capt. Whaler, MA Reg. Col. Doolittle, Capt. A. Wheeler's company of Col. Doolittle's Regt. in the revolution; Rate of disability & date of discharge blank; Subscribed on roll of MA at $2.22 1/6? per month, and increased to $3.55 7/15 by Act 24 April 1816. Transferred to NY 1 May 1827; Formal certificate issued 24 April 1828 and sent to William Covington? Esq. NY.
      Declaration of John Duncan, 21 April 1827, before JP of Madison Co. NY; he is the same person who formily? belonged to the company commanded by Capt. Adam Wheeler in the Regt. commanded by Col. Doolittle in the service of the US; that his name was placed on the pension roll of the State of MA from whence he has lately removed; that he now resides in the State of NY where he intends to remain and wishes his pension to be there payable in future; that his reasons for removing to NY are those, that he is old, decrepid and unable to take care of himself and he has removed to NY to reside with his children who had previously emigrated to NY.
         Statement of Joshua Duncan, 21 April 1827, of Lenox, Madison Co. NY, to JP of Madison Co. NY; that he is well acquainted with above John Duncan and knows him to be same person described in above affidavit.
         Statement by JP that I am well acquainted with above deponent Joshua Duncan and that he is a man of truth and veracity.
      Transmittal letter from J.T?. Spencer, Canastotee?, 26 April 1827. Agreeably to your instructions of 2 instant in the case of John Duncan an invalid pensioner, I herewith transmit the necessary proof to enable him hereafter to obtain his pension in NY. I hope the papers will be deemed sufficient and that I shall be informed of the result.
      Statement by David Champion (did not sign), 15 Sept. 1827, before JP of Herkimer Co. NY; that he is acquainted with John Dunkin and knows him to be the same pensioner therein described; certification by JP that David Champion is a person of truth and veracity.
      Certification by John Duncan, 17 Dec. 1827, before JP of Herkimer Co. NY; that he is the identical John Duncan named in an original certificate in his possession of which the anexed is a true copy:
         This certifies that John Duncan an inhabitant of the Commonwealth of MA who belonged to the Reg. commanded by Col. Doolittle in Adam Whealers Company in Service of USA, aged 36, as appears by Certificates lodged? in the Pension office, having been examined by me, is found to be Disabled by a ball entering the right arm and passing under the collar bone; and I do hereby certify that he is entitled to receive 13 shillings & 4d per month commencing 17th March 1786, agreeably to the resolution of Congress of 7 June 1785 and to an Act of the legislature of the Commonwealth of MA of 17 March 1786, and is now fit for guard or garrison duty. Given under my hand at Boston 6 July 1786, John Lucas Commissioner of Pension.
         that he is entitled to a pension of 13 shillings & 4d or $2.20 per month, on account of wounds and disabilities received as? of services rendered to US during the Rev. War; that he served in Captain Adam Whealers Company in Reg. commanded by Col. Doolittle, that he now resides in the Town of Danuba Herkimer Co. NY, and has resided there for the space of 6 months past and that previous thereto he resided in the town of Lenox, Madison Co. NY.
      Statement by John Duncan, 17 Dec. 1827; before Herkimer Co. NY JP; of town of Danuba, Herkimer Co. NY; a pensioner of US; apoint James Boyd Junior of NY attorney to receive from agency of US for paying pensions in Boston, MA, my pension from 4 March 1827 to 4 Sept. 1827.

JOHN DUNCAN, widow Betsy, H-1841, NH, MA (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      (MAD: did not copy here statements of service or most letters)
      John Duncan, of Sullivan Co. NH, who was a sergeant in the company commanded by Capt. Witherton of Regt. commanded by Col. Ballard? in the NH line for 6 mos 10 days; Inscribed on Roll of NH at $31.66 per annum to commence 4 March 1831; Certificate of Pension issued 1 June 1833 and sent to F.A. Summer, Charlestown; Act 7 June 1832.
      Betsy Duncan, widow of John Duncan, (NH crossed out, MA written above) who served in Rev. war as a Sergeant; Inscribed on Roll at $31.66 per annum to commence 4 March 1848; Cert. of Pension issued 27 Sept. 1849 and sent to John Bryant, Meredian, NH
      Betsy Duncan, Increase, NH, widow of John Duncan who served in Rev. war as a Sergeant, NH, MA, Inscribed on roll at $131.66, to commence 30 Sept. 1865; Cert. of pension issued 31 Aug. 18?? and sent to Ira Colby, Claremont, MD.
      Declaration of John Duncan, 13 May 1833, of Acworth, Sullivan Co. NH, aged 81 years, to obtain benefit of Act 7 June 1832; that on 19 April 1775, then living in Londonderry, NH, news came that the British had left Brittain & were going into the country & that there ... your declarant with David McCrory, Robert Boyde?, and David Brurtes? immediately shouldered our packs and guns & started to meet them, ...; your declarant has no documentary proof of the above service ... he went to Acworth in the then county of Cheshire NH, now county of Sullivan where he now & ever since has lived; ... He was borne at Londonderry aforesd on 29 March 1752; no record of his age only his bible record; living in Londonderry & Ackworth when called into service; ...
         Certification of neighbours Lasel (signed Laxell) Filsby, Saml. Finlay; acquainted with Col. John Duncan ...
      Statement by Robert McClure, 13 May 1833, of Ackworth, Sullivan Co. NH, aged 78, ... I well remember that John Duncan belonged to & was a sargeant in said company ... in 1775 I lived in Londonderry in this State ...
      Statement by Lassell Filsby, 13 May 1833, aged 78 years, ... John Duncan served with him.
      Statement by Jeremiah Willard, aged 85, ... I was in service in 1777 and well remember that John Duncan belonged to the same company ...
      Declaration by Betsey (X) Duncan, 26 Oct. 1848, to obtain benefits of Act 29 July 1848 and Joint Res. of Congress 1 July 1848; resident of Acworth, Sullivan Co. NH, aged 74; she was married to John Duncan as his second wife by Revd. Mr. Fisher of adjoining town of Lempster on 15 May 1794; that her late husband John Duncan died at Acworth 14 June 1834; ...
         Certification of Judge of Probate Court that by reason of age and bodily infirmity she is unable to attend probate court.
      Statement by Thomas Hickey of Acworth, age 47, lived in neighborhood, well acquainted with late John Duncan who was husband of Betsey Duncan, that I was present and witnessed his death on 14 June 1834; I assisted in opening a grave for him and attended his funeral; that I was one of executors of last will and testament of John Duncan and caused the will to be proved in Probate Court for Sullivan Co. on 19th day of month in which he died
      Certification, 26 Oct. 1848, by town clerk, Acworth, NH; upon application to me of record evidence of marriage of John Duncan of Acworth to Betsey Prouty of Spencer [Worcester Co.], MA; no record of marriage but do find record of birth of children of John Duncan by his first and also his second wife: (MAD: following paraphrased)
         William Duncan born Oct. 14, 1778
         John Duncan born March 1, 1780
         Adam Duncan born Jany 21, 1782
         George Duncan born Dec. 26, 1783
         Jane Duncan born Oct. 17, 1785
         Rachel Duncan born Nov. 23, 1787
         Isaac Duncan born July 12, 1789
         James Duncan born July 1, 1791
            Second wife's children:
         Daniel Duncan born Dec. 13, 1794
         Hiram Duncan born June 30, 1796
         Horace Duncan born Jany. 10, 1799
         Fanny Duncan born March 4, 1801
         Cyrus Duncan born May 6, 1803
         Harvey Duncan born Oct. 3, 1805
         Milton Duncan born April 18, 1808
         Solon Duncan born Sept. 5, 1810
         Betsey Duncan born April 26, 1813
         Therone Duncan born Dec. 1, 1815
            Children of John Duncan and Margaret his wife the 8 first, the remainder by Betsey his second wife; and further certify that on the same page of record I find the following addition:
         Mary Duncan born March 5, 1820, child of John Duncan & Betsey his wife.
      Statement by Betsey (X) Duncan, 1 Nov. 1851, before Middlesex Co. MA, JP; she has removed from NH & now resides in Charlestown, MA; for reason ... she would be subject to much less trouble & expense in obtaining her pension money, the agency in Concord NH being at a great distance. Wit. Thomas J. Stevens.
      Statement by Betsey (X) Duncan, 28 March 1855, before JP of Sullivan Co. NH, aged 80 years, resident of Acworth in Sullivan Co.; for purpose of obtaining Bounty Land to which she may be entitled under Act 3 March 1855. Wit. Theron Duncan and Joseph W. Shields. Warrant 206-160-55 issued.
      Letter from Betsey (+) Duncan, 16 April 1855; request to transfer from Charlestown, MA, to Acworth, NH. (no reason given)
      Statement by Betsey (X) Duncan, 14 Nov. 1855, before Sullivan Co. NH JP; moved from MA to New Hampshire; I now reside in Acworth, NH, where my late husband John Duncan resided, with my son where my home and support is.
      Declaration of Betsey (X) Duncan, 19 Aug. 1868; resident of Acworth, Sullivan Co. NH; aged 93 years; to obtain benefits of Joint Resolution of Congress 18 Feb. 1867; that she was married to John Duncan 15 May 1794, a record of which was made by her husband John Duncan in the family Bible; appoint Ira Colby Jr. of Clarimore, NH, attorney. Wit. J.H. Dickey, B.P. Wood.
      Transmittal letter 22 Aug. 1868 by Ira Colby Jr. Please find enclosed application of Betsy Duncan. As she is quite aged and needs the allowance while she lives which may be but a short time, I hope their will be no delay in adjusting the case or calling for any additional proof that you may require.


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