Duncan research files of |
Revolutionary War Pensions, Bounty Land Warrant Application Files; National Archives Microfilm Publication, Microcopy 804, Roll 863 and 864 and 867
Duncan, Alexander to Duncan, Jesse (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Duncan, John to Dungan, Thomas (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
Dunikin to Dunlap (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
Did not copy envelopes or most requests for copies of documents.
ALEXANDER DUNCAN, S-42187, PA (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Alexander Duncan, of Franklin Co. PA, private in Regt. commanded by Col. Thompson of PA Line, for term of one year; inscribed on roll of PA at rate of $8 per month, commencing on 5 May 1818.
North Judicial District of PA, 2 Oct. 1821, appeared Alexander Duncan, aged about 80 years, who declared in order to obtain provision made by Acts of Congress of 18 March 1818 and 1 May 1820, that he had enlisted for one year on the (blank) day of August 1775 at Lancaster, PA, in the company commanded by Capt. James Ross, in the regiment commanded by Col. William Thompson, in the line of PA; that he continued to serve until July or August 1776, when he was discharged at Flat Bush on Long Island, NY; he was in the skirmish at Leudmore's (?) Point near Boston, and afterward had his ankle sprained and his thigh broken by a fall from a horse while acting as one of the guards of the baggage waggons at Long Island and was rendered incapable of performing duty and lay in the hospital of NY; that he has no other evidence of his services excepting the affidavit of Dr. William Morgan which is now of record.
Sworn statement by Alexander (C) Duncan that he was a resident citizen of the US on 18 March 1818 ...; his property consists of one cow valued at $16, some old household and kitchen furniture valued at $10; dated 2 Oct. 1821.
Second sworn statement by Alexander (O) Duncan, same date, similar wording, (2nd page) and further states that "I am nearly 80 years of age, that I was a hatter by trade but from bodily infirmity am unable to work at it or anything else; that I have a wife who has been blind for many years and we now live with our son who is a labourer, who is very poor and has a wife and 4 children to support" and that on 5 May 1818 he made application to one of the judges of the court for benefit of the act of 1818.
Declaration of William Magaw 21 Aug. 1821 before the Court of Common Pleas, late a surgeon in the Rev. army, who swore that Alexander Duncan the petitioner for a pension was a private soldier in Capt. James Ross's Co. Rifle Regiment commanded by Col. William Thompson, in 1775, and marched from PA to the State of Massachusetts and joined the American army before Boston in the month of August following. Deponent was a surgeon in said regiment and recollects that Alexander Duncan was the first man of the Regiment who was wounded ...
Letter 5 Feb. 1822 from Wm. Clair? Clarke (envelope not copied) enclosing the petition from Alexander Duncan; his petition "was mislaid by mistake in the Clerk's Office and not found untill a few days ago. The Secretarys letter says 'I am satisfied on a due investigation of his claim that he is entitled to a pension.'"
Letter 16 Feb. 1893 from Rukard Hurd, The Washington Life Ins. Co. of NY, requesting a copy of the original affidavit. "I am after an important family link which the affidavit will cline(?) supply."
ANTHONY DUNKIN, S-1808, Invalid, TN (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
Greene Co. TN, 25 Oct. 1832, Affidavit of Anthony Dunkin, aged 88, Entered Militia service; was citizen of Augusta Co. VA, volunteered under Capt. Cunningham and served 12 months at Ford Dinwiddie; does not recollect the year or month in which he entered service; discharge is lost; he again was drafted and served 3 months under Capt. Trigg, Col. Preston, marched from Montgomery Co. VA to NC and fought at Guilford Courthouse and Whitesils? Hill at Shallow Ford of Yadkin, he knew Majors Cloyd and Sawyers; he was born in Lancaster Co. PA 1743 or 4 but has no record of age; moved to Augusta Co. VA, then to Montgomery Co. VA, then after Rev. to Washington Co. TN, then to Greene Co. TN where he has lived for past 30 years.
On the same page is an affidavit dated 25 October 1832 by Edwin Grubs and Azariah Doty (Azariah signed by mark), there being no clergyman resident in Anthony Dunkin's vicinity, who made oath they were well acquainted with Anthony Dunkin and believed him to be 88 years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Revolution and that they concur in that opinion and believe he served as he states. They further said that Anthony Dunkin was so enfeebled and afflicted by age, that he could not, without great danger to his existence, undergo the fatigue of being removed from his residence to the Court House "(a distance of twelve miles)" in order to have his examination taken there. The next page contains an affidavit by Cornelius Smith that in "my opinion that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier" and further certified that Edwin Grubs and Azariah Doty who have subscribed and sworn to the foregoing affidavit are citizens of Greene County and respectable men and that their statement is entitled to credit.
Anthony Dunkin recieved his pension, to commence 4 March 1834, on a certificate issued 20 Feb. 1833.
ARCHIBALD DUNCAN, widow Hannah, W-8679, NC, VA, KY: (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
Hannah Duncan, Kentucky, widow of Archibald Duncan, VA, who was a Private in the Revolution; inscribed on the roll at the rate of $80 per annum to commence 4 March 1843; certificate of pension issued 8 Sept. 1843 and sent to Thos. B. Woodyard, Cynthiana, KY; recorded Book A, Vol. 1, pg. 167.
Hannah Duncan, Kentucky, widow of Archibald Duncan, who was a pensioner under the Act of 1832 and who died on the 13th November 1839 of Harrison Co. KY who was a Private in the Company commanded by Capt. Thomas of the Regt. commanded by Col. Slaughter in the VA Line for 2 years ...
Archibald Duncan, of Harrison Co., KY, who was a Private in Company commanded by Capt. Thomas of ?? commanded by C. Slaughter of VA Line for 2? years; inscribed on roll of KY at rate of $80 per annum to commence 4 March 1831; certificate of pension issued 5 April 1836; recorded Book E2, Vol. 7, page 12.
Affidavit of Archibald Duncan, resident of Harrison Co. KY, 19 Sept. 1832, who made declaration to obtain benefit of act of 7 June 1832; that in 1779 he enlisted as a private soldier in regular service for 3 years in Army of US; he enlisted in Fauquier Co. VA under Capt. Mark Thomas of Col. George Slaughter's Regiment under command of Genl. Clarke; that he thinks Col. Slaughter's Regiment belonged to the VA Line or State establishment; he enlisted as a private soldier but was shortly afterwards employed as a drummer; in spring 1780 Col. Slaughter's Regiment was stationed at Falls of Ohio River in the then Dist. of KY; while there he was taken with the fever and ague and consequently permitted to go home upon furlough and remain there until again called upon; that a large portion of the regiment died and some were killed by Indians at Falls of Ohio whereby Regiment was broken up, in consequence he was never again called into service; therefore he never got any regular discharge. That he served from time of enlistment until he got his furlough; he knows of no living witness by whom he can prove his services. Interrogatories by court: (1) Where & in what year were you born; (2) have you proof of age; (3) where living when entered service, where lived since Rev. War, where now live; (4) how were you called into service, were you drafted or volunteer or a substitute and if substitute, for whom; (5) state names of some of the regular officers who were with the troops where you served ...; (6) did you receive a discharge; (7) state names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood who can testify as to character for veracity and their belief of your services. To the first question he answered that he was born in the year 1763 in Bute County in NC; (2) that he had a record of his age which was copied from a record made by his father; (3) he lived at a place called German Town in Faquier Co. VA when he entered the service; since the Rev. War he lived a while in Culpeper Co. VA, then a while in Fauquier, and from there removed to KY, he now lives in Harrison Co.; (4) he enlisted as a private soldier in Regular Service; (5) Joseph Eaunders? (Saunders?) was the Lieutenant of the company to which he belonged and Robert Green was the Ensign, that Wm. Mitchell & Danl. Greenwood were sergents in said Company, that he recollects Capt. Benjamin Roberts and Ensign Wm. Asher and Lieutenant James Slaughter; (6) he never received any discharge; (7) he is known to Capt. John Whitehead and Robt. Garner. Both John Trumble and Robert H. Garner appeared in court and certified that from their acquaintance with Archibald Duncan, they believe him to be at least 70 years of age and they believe from information he was a soldier of the Revolution.
Statement by Archibald Duncan before JP of Harrison Co. KY 9 Oct. 1835 that he enlisted for 3 years and served about 2 years before he was took sick; he was born 22 May 1763? (blotted).
Declaration of Archible Duncan, 10 Feb. 1836, before Harrison Co. JP. Archible Duncan, a resident of Harrison Co., aged near 73 years old; that he entered the service of the US ... in the fall of 1779 in Oct. or Nov. ... until the fall of 1781; that he enlisted at a place called Germantown in Fauquier Co. VA ... (more on places the unit camped, etc.); that he was born in Bute Co. NC in 1763, 22 May; that he removed from NC to Fauquier Co. VA where he enlisted; he continued there after the close of the Rev. War until 1800 when he removed to KY, and he resided in the counties of Bourbon and Harrison where he now lives ... /s/ Archibald Duncan.
Affidavit of Minor Winn, 9 March 1836, before Harrison Co. KY JP, that some time in 1835 he prepared a declaration of the services of Archibald Duncan of Harrison Co. KY in the Rev. War, which declaration he forwarded to the Hnl. R.M. Johnson? at his residence in Scot Cty. Colo. Johnson (Johnon?) informed this affiant some time afterwards that he had lost or misplaced sd. declaration & that Duncan had better wait while he went to Congress & he would attend to the case & represent the matter to the Department of War in person ...
Letter 18 January 1839 from J.L. Edwards, War Department Pension Office, to Mr. Thomas Parker, Versailles, KY: It does not appear from our books that "Joseph Duncan" is entitled to any gratuity whatever for revolutionary service. If he has any claim to a pension he must proceed according to the instructions contained in the enclosed printed sheet.
Letter 7 Feby. 1839 from Thos. Parker: I have received yours of the 18th last month in which you state that it does not appear on your books that "Joseph Duncan" is entitled to any gratuity and must proceed to get a pension according to the printed instruction enclosed. There was no printed instructions in your letter. I suppose it was forgot. Please enclose to me. And please examine whether Archibald Duncan a pensioner now on your book have drawn his land scrip or any person for him. I wrote this on yours of the 18th so that you may fully understand me.
Deposition of Hannah (X) Duncan, 4 March 1840, aged 63 years ... mention (pension) certificate herewith annexed; she was married to Archibald Duncan in August 1792; that her husband died 13 Nov. 1839; that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to 1 Jan. 1794.
Certification by A.M. Cameron, 4 March 1840 that Archibald Duncan was a pensioner on the roll under the act of 7 June 1832; that I filed several powers of attorney for him to draw his money and he did draw it and that I have known Archibald Duncan and his wife for a great number of years, living together as man and wife, and that Archibald Duncan (died) (blank) November 1839 ...
Deposition of Wiseman (X) Hitch, 4 March 1840, before Harrison Co. KY JP, that he was acquainted with Archibald Duncan and Hannah his wife in Fauquier Co. VA and lived in the neighborhood where they were married but was not at the wedding but some 5 years after they were married became intimately acquainted with them and have lived a near neighbor for about 40 years to them, all of which time they have been living together as man and wife and have raised a family of children ... and that Archibald Duncan was generally reputed in the neighborhood as a pensioner and that he died on (blank) day of November 1839 and that his wife Hannah Duncan has not married since the death of her husband; that Hitch was 63 years on 8 Nov. 1839.
Deposition of Nancy Hitch, 4 March 1840, ... that she was acquainted with Archibald Duncan and Hannah his wife in Fauquier Co. VA and was at the marriage of Archibald Duncan and Hannah his wife, whose maiden name was Williams and which took place in 1792; she has lived near neighbors to Archibald Duncan and Hannah his wife from the time of their marriage to this day, ... until the death of Archibald Duncan which took place 13 Nov. 1839; that Hannah has not remarried; that Archibald Duncan has always been reputed in the neighborhood as a pensioner; that Nancy Hitch was 58 years old on 18 Jan. 1840.
Letter, 18 March 1840 from Thos. Parker of Versailles, KY, to J.L. Edwards Esqr. I enclose you the declaration and other proof of my Aunts claim as the widow of Archibald Duncan who was a Revolutionary Soldier. Please examine the papers and if the proof is not sufficient please rite to me as early as the benefits of your office will permit with such instructions as you may deem nessary in the case. ...
Letter, 30 June 1840 from J.L. Edwards to Thomas Parker. The papers in the case of Mrs. Hannah Duncan, widow of Archibald Duncan, decd. have been examined. Her husband died 13 November 1839. The act of 7 July 1838 does not provide for any widow whose husband died after the passage of that act. The claim has therefore been rejected and the papers filed in this office.
Affidavit of Hannah (+) Duncan, Harrison Co. KY, 3 Feb. 1843, aged 67 years, who made declaration in order to obtain promises of Acts of 7 July 1838 and 23 Aug. 1842 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during War of Rev.; that she is the widow of Archibald Duncan deceased who was a soldier in the War of the Revolution and late a pensioner Act 1837 at the rate of $80 per annum; she was married to Archibald in 1792, August 22, as shown in the papers filed in her late application for benefit of Act 1838; that her husband died 13 Nov. 1839; that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but previous to the 1 January 1794 as above stated; that she has not remarried.
Letter, 7 March 1843 from Alex. Ray to J.L. Edwards. I cover herewith an application made by Hannah Duncan of KY as the widow of the late Archibald Duncan claim on the benefits of the act of 7 July 1838 and 23 Aug. 1842 ...
Small note: Hannah Duncan, of Archibald, KY, Rejected. See let. 30 June 1840 Thos. Parker. Letter recopied & sent Oct. 21, 1840 to A. Ray 3 April 1843. Was not a widow until after passage of act 7 July 1838.
Marriage bond, 18 August 1792, to Gov. of VA, of Archibald Duncan and Joseph Parker for forthcoming marriage between Archibald Duncan and Hannah Williams, wit. O. Gwathmey. Cert. by Alexander J. Marshall, clerk of Fauquier Co. Court, that the above is a true transcript, 15 April 1843.
Affidavit, 14 June 1843, before Harrison Co. KY JP by Hannah (X) Duncan, aged 67 years, in order to obtain benefits of acts 3 March 1843 granting pensions to widows of persons who served during Rev. War; she is the widow of Archibald Duncan who was a private soldier ...
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