Duncan research files of |
1840 Allegan Co. MI Census
Pg.7 Joseph Devine; not Joseph Duncan
1850 Allegan Co. MI Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Allegan Co. MI Census
Ostego Twp.
Pg.306, #364-334, "Lenar" DUNCAN (m) 35 OH farmer $2,000-$700
Arie (f) 21 NY (not m/in/yr)
William DOZENBURG 25 OH farmer
(MAD: name not Simon or Perry)
Pg.307, #370-339, John DUNCAN 80 PA farmer $1000-$500
James 39 OH
Polly 32 OH
Robert 13, Perry 10 OH
Elizabeth 7 MI
James 21 OH farmer
(MAD: 1850 Summit Co. OH census)
Pg.316, #451-413, David HALL 48 VA Ind?? manufacturer $1000-$200
Matilda 38 NY
Caroline 16, Edger 14, Sarah 6 MI
Richard DUNCAN 21 OH carpenter
(MAD: ? 1850 Morrow Co. OH census)
Gun Plains
Pg.342, #656-616, John DUNCAN 56 OH farmer $1000-$250
Jennett 45 SCT
John Jr. 17, William M. 15 OH
Mary A. 11, Jesse G. 8 OH
Hannah A. 3, Robert P. 2 MI
(MAD: 1850 Fulton Co. OH census; per Alan Adrianson, Jesse G. should be Josiah G.)
1870 Allegan Co. MI Census (pg.159 & 277 also from Alan Adrianson 4/19/2000)
Gun Plains Twp.
Pg.159, #128-128, DUNCAN, John 67 OH farmer $2000-$948
Jennet 56 SCT keeping house, parents of foreign birth
William 25 OH works on farm $0-$300, mother of foreign birth
Mary 20 OH at home, mother of foreign birth
Josiah 18 OH works on farm, mother of foreign birth
Ann 13 MI at home, mother of foreign birth
Perry (m) 12 MI at home, mother of foreign birth
John 27 OH works on farm $0-$1250, mother of foreign birth
Cath.? (Ruth?) (f) 9 MI at home, mother of foreign birth
(MAD: Alan Adrianson has Ruth instead of Cath., could be either)
Hopkins, P.O. Hopkins Station
Pg.201, #101-102, DUNCAN, James 30 IN RR contractor $0-$0
Elizabeth 26 CANada E., keeps house, (not marked parents of foreign birth)
Jonas O. (m) 1 MI, mother of foreign birth
Otsego Twp.
Pg.277, #12-12, DUNCAN, James G. 48 OH farmer $5000-$1177
Mary 45 OH keeping house
Perry (m) 19 OH works on farm
Elizabeth 17 MI at home
Cassie? (Carrie?) (f) 4 MI at home
John 27 OH works on farm
(MAD: Alan has Carrie age 4, could be Cassie)
Pg.277, #13-13, DUNCAN, Simeon 46 OH farmer $6000-$1632
Achia? (f) 43 VT keeping house
Arthur P. (m) 2 MI at home
BUSETTE?, Effie (f) 15 NY at home
(MAD: Alan read as wife Ashsa)
Allegan Co. MI Wills and Estates 1835-1872; not indexed (FHL film 927,679; from Charles A. Duncan 5/1987)
File #117: John Duncan d. Otsego Twp Aug. 1863.
James G. Duncan, on Dec. 7, 1860, petitioned to be appointed guardian of John Duncan, who will be 82 years of age on the 2nd day of January next, and that he is becoming imbecile from the effects of old age & that he is also an habitual drunkard.
John Duncan of Otsego, age 81, petitioned Oct. 8, 1861, that he has no wife living and has 9 children living, 5 boys and 4 girls, that he is old & infirm & does not know how long he can take care of himself. He also has one son, Perry Duncan, age about 32 or 33 who has always lived with him and has no wife or children & for 6 or 7 years has been affected by desease and is now insane & your petitioner prays he may be admitted to the Kalamazzo Asylum. He was Judged insane Oct. 23, 1861 by Dr. Lenora Foster of Otsego.
James G. Duncan was appointed administrator Oct. 5, 1863 (CAD: ?)
File #337: Filing of will, John Duncan of Otsego, d. Otsego Twp, Monday, Aug. 17, 1863. Heirs at law: James G. Duncan, John Duncan Jr., Simeon Duncan, Perry Duncan, Elizabeth Wilch, all of Otsego, and William Duncan of Huntington, Huntington Co. IN.
James G. Duncan petitioned Aug. 26, 1863, to be appointed administrator and was on Oct. 14, 1863, with C.D. Hopkins & S.V. Bourne, sureties.
Emily Duncan of Northfield, Summit Co. OH, an heir at law of John Duncan, on Sept. 4, 1871, petitioned that James G. Duncan be cited to settle the estate.
Summit Co. OH Deed (FHL film 854,341; deed films negative, faint)
20-219: 5 Sept. 1851, Francis Welch and wife Elizabeth of Otsego, Allegan Co. MI, to John Duncan of Northfield, Summit Co. OH, $65, subdivision 16 of lot 40 in Northfield Twp lately attached from the Twp. of Boston #4, R11 (neighbors not copied). /s/ Francis Welch, C.D. Welch. Wit. P.D. Welch, Orsamus Eaton JP. Reg. Allegan Co. MI.
Newspaper Obituary from the Scottville Enterprise, Mason Co., Michigan (from Alan Adrianson 4/2000)
Scottville Enterprise, dated January 14, 1909.
Josiah G. Duncan Killed
While at work on a job of grading and ditching near Bachellor Josiah G. Duncan, who lived about a mile east of town, was killed by the caving in of an embankment. It seems that with others they were hauling sand from a cut on the road side and filling a low place in the road across a swamp. The bank had been dug under about six feet, a crust formed by freezing. Mr. Duncan went under the crust to roll out a chunk of frozen dirt, the earth gave way without warning and with a cry of "Oh boys" he was caught between the frozen lumps breaking his neck and one leg. Death was instantaneous.
We were startled and our hearts were saddened beyond any degree of expression, when the news was carried from home to home on Saturday last that Josiah G. Duncan had instantly met death. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Mr. Duncan was a man of keen intellect, noble principles, a good provider and a kind husband and father. In Custer grange he was a faithful member and will be greatly missed, as his place was seldom vacant. The community has lost a good neighbor for the motto he lived ut was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Mr. Duncan was born in Fulton county, Ohio, November 7, 1851 and died January 9, 1909, aged 57 years, 2 months, 2 days. He was married in Berrien county, Michigan, May 7, 1878, to Miss Kate Stenn. To this union were born five children, four of whom died in the infancy. The wife and son, Merton, and family are left to mourn the untimely death of husband and father, besides two brothers, William M., of Thompsonville, and Robert P., of Otsego, two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Brundage, of Otsego, and Mrs. Anna Jessup, of Orangeville, Barry county, all but the latter being present at the funeral, which took place at the home of the deceased at twelve o'clock Tuesday, Rev. J.M. Moffet officiating. The body was tenderly borne to its last resting place by the members of the grange and interment was made in the Rickey cemetery in Amber.
(AA: Josiah G. was listed as Jesse G. Duncan on the 1860 census in Allegan Co. MI; family was in 1850 Fulton Co. OH; Josiah Gates Duncan, grandson of John Duncan and Elizabeth McLean)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, John A.; I 3 Ohio Inf.; 1880 Jan. 3, Invalid Appl. #339066, Cert. #479924. (MAD: b. Summitt Co. OH, 1850 Marion Co. OH; to Allegan Co. MI)
Duncan, John W., widow Duncan, Ada C.; E 21 Mich. Inf.; 1888 June 4, Invalid Appl. #657583, Cert. #414508, Mich.; 1922? Nov. 21, Widow Appl. #1197055, Cert. #929551, Mich.; remarks XC2708362. (MAD: 1910 Allegan Co. MI, b.1839 OH; 1880-1900 Ottawa Co. MI)
Duncan, Robert McL., mother Duncan, Mary; L 1 Mich. Cav.; 1882 Nov. 11, Mother Appl. #298371, Cert. #447645. (MAD: Allegan Co. MI)
Civil War Pension File, Mary B. Duncan, mother of Robert ?. Duncan, Certificate #447645 (from Alan Adrianson 3/2003 with comment that Robert McLaine/McLain Duncan was son of James G. Duncan and Mary Beck and granadson of John Duncan and Elizabeth McLean; title page VERY dark; some extracting by MAD)
Pension Office, Dept. of Interior, May 31, 1883, stamped "received June 6, 1883". Request for evidence of enrollment, muster, service, duty and discharge of Robert McLaine Duncan who was private in Company "L", 1 Regiment Mich. Cav. Vols., reported died May - 1864. Claim No. 298371.
War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Nov. 12th, 1883, returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. Robert - Duncan, a Private of Company L, 1st Regiment Mich. Cav. Volunteers, was enrolled on the 6th day of Feby. 1864 at Kalamazoo and is reported on Muster Roll of Co. March and April 1864 present for duty, May and June 1864 absent missing since May 9th 1864. Similar report July and August 1864. Sep. and Oct. 1864 absent a prisoner of war since May 9th 1864. Similar reports to April 30th 1865 inclusive. Co. was in action at Beaver Dam Station May 9th 1864. Roll May and June 1865 Dropped from Rolls by Genl. order. Name is not borne on any later muster rolls of Co. Regimental return for May 1864 reports him missing in action at Bever Dam Station since May 9th 1864. Name Robert McLaine Duncan is not borne. "Captured in action at Beaver Dam Va. May 9. 64. confined at Richmond Va. May 10. 64. and sent to Andersonville Ga. June 8. 64. Died of chronic diarrhoia at Savannah Ga. Sept. 15. 64. while a prisoner of war."
Declaration for an Original Pension of a Mother. State of Michigan, County of Allegan. On 28th Oct. 1882 appeared before me a Clerk of Circuit Court, Mary Duncan, resident of Otsego, County of Allegan, State of Mich., aged 59 years, who declared that she is the (1) wife of Jas. G. Duncan, and mother of Robt. McLain Duncan who (2) enlisted under the name of Robt. McLain Duncan at Mich. on the (blank) day of Sept. 1863 in (3) Co. L 1st Mich. Cav. Vols. in the war of 1861, who (4) died of gangreene I think Annapolis in comming from Andersonville Prison, was slightly wounded when taken prisoner on the (blank) day of May 1864; that said son Robt. McLain Duncan left neither widow nor child under 16 years of age surviving; that she was (5) partly dependent on said son for support; that her husband the aforesaid Jas. G. Duncan aged 61 years (6) (blank); that there were surviving at date of said son's death his brothers and sisters who were under 16 years of age as follows (blank); that she has not heretofore received nor applied for a pension, (7) (blank); that she has not aided or abetted the rebellion; that she hereby appoints N.W. Fitzgerald & Co. of Washington D.C. her attorneys ... her post office address is Otsego, Allegan Co., Mich. /s/ Mary Duncan. Wit. Nahum Gilbert, G.W. Struter.
(marked "duplicate") Declaration for Dependent Mother's Pension, Act of June 27, 1890. State of Michigan, County of Allegan; on this 1st day of June 1896, appeared before Clerk of the Circuit Court, Mary Duncan, age 71 years, resident of Otsego, Co. of Allegan, State of MI, declares she is the mother of Robert M. Duncan who enlisted under the name of Robert (blot) Duncan at Kalamazoo Michigan on 6 Feb. 1864 in Co. L, 1 Regt. Mich. Cav. Vols., was missing in action May 9, 1864 at Beaver Dam Virginia, died at Andersonville on or about 10 Sept. 1864 from the effects of starvation, disease contracted in said service, incurred at Andersonville Ga. on (blank) day of Summer of 1864. That said son left neither widow nor child under 16 surviving; that she is without other present means of support than her own manual labor. That she has applied for a pension through Geo. E. Lemon about 5 years ago, her application is "(don't know ?)"; that she applies to be placed on the pension roll; she hereby appoints William W. Warner of Allegan, Michigan, her attorney, her post office is Otsego, Allegan Co. MI. /s/ Mary Duncan (poor writing), Mary (x her mark) Duncan; wit. Ira Chichister, Elizabeth R. Haines.
Also appeared Ira Chichister residing at Allegan Mich. and Elizabeth R. Haines residing at Plainville Mich., who say they saw Mary Duncan make her mark on the foregoing declaration, acquaintance with her of thirty years and forty years respectively. /s/ Ira Chichester, Elizabeth R. Harris, 1 June 1896. Stamped "received Jun 12 1896"
Declaration for Original Pension of a Mother; stamped: Pension Office Mar 28 1891. State of Michigan, County of Allegan. On this 20 March 1891, appeared before Notary Public of afsd, Mary B. Duncan, age 67 years, resident of Otsego, Allegan Co., Mich., residing about one and a half miles from the post office, who declares ... she is the wife of Jas. G. Duncan and mother of Robt. M. Duncan who was a substitute under name of Robert M. Duncan at Kalamazoo Mich., on - day of February 1864 as a Private in Co. L 1 Mich. Cav. commanded by Gid Custer, War of the Rebellion, who died of gangrene of a wound in one limb on the 10th day of September 1864 at Annapolis, Md.; that said son Robt. M. Duncan left neither widow nor child under 16 years of age surviving; that she is without present means of support other than her own manual labor or the contributions of others not legally bound for her support; that her husband the afsd Jas. G. Duncan aged 70 years is alive but unable on account of his age which is 70 years and the salt rheum in his legs to do but very little and in fact can not do manual labor one half of the time; that she is still the wife of the aforesaid Jas. G. Duncan, ... this is first application for pension except one paper or application made to Fitzgerald about 8 years ago. She hereby appoints George E. Lemon of Washington DC her attorney; her post office is Otsego, Allegan Co. Mich. /s/ Mary B. Duncan. (no witnesses)
Also personally appeared Sidney Brundridge residing at Otsego Mich. and James Gray residing at Otsego Mich., who saw Mary B. Duncan the claimant sign her name; 20 March 1891.
Pensioner Dropped; Sept. 21, 1916; Certificate No. 447645, C.W. Dep., pensioner Mary B. Duncan, soldier Robt. M. Duncan, Service L 1" Mich Cav.; pensioner was last paid at $12 to June 4, 1916; has been dropped from the roll because of death Aug. 28, 1916.
"History of Allegan and Barry Counties, Michigan : with illustrations and biographical sketches of their prominent men and pioneers." by Crisfield Johnson; pub. Philadelphia: D.W. Ensign & Co., 1880, 642 pgs. (LH4582; HeritageQuest 5/2007; FHL film 1,000,079 item 2)
Pg.297: Otsego Township: Village of New Rochester, on Section 21. In 1850 ... Three years later its tax-paying inhabitants were as follows: Duncan, John, section 13; Duncan, Simeon, section 13. (MAD: Allegan Co. MI)
"Civil War Diary, 1861-1865" by John A. Duncan; 16 pages 5-1/2" x 8" (copy from Charles A. Duncan 10/1993; MAD's extract of genealogical data only)
Diary of My Life; John A. Duncan, Company I, Third Ohio Volunteer Infantry. To My Wife and Children.
The Author of this sketch was born in Summit Co. OH February 27th 1836 in a log cabin built by my father, on a tract of land owned by my grandfather, on a road running from Brandywine to Northfield. My father died when I was seven years old. In the year 1845, I moved with my mother, two brothers and one sister, to Mt. Gilead, Morrow Co. OH. Lived with my mother in Mt. Gilead two years. Then my mother placed me in a family on a farm by the name of Mickey, on the road between Mt. Gilead and Iberia. Lived there two years. From there I was placed in the home of Mr. Matthew McKinstry, four miles west of Iberia, to stay until I was 21 years old. I remained with Mr. McKinstry until my time was out, working on the farm, attending the country district school from two to three months during the winters. During that time I got my clothes, and at the expiration of my time I received $150.
In the spring of 1857 I started out for myself, going to Alligan Co. MI where my Grandfather Duncan lived. I stayed there about a month, and then started for IL. Arrived at Thomas McKinstry's, an old acquaintance. In a few days went to work for a farmer by the name of Huste McKinstry to herd cattle. Worked one month. Then hired out to his brother, John, for the summer. That winter drove team for a man by the name of Carruthers.
In the spring of '58 hired to a man by the name of Steve Carruthers, in Delevan, to drive team and work on farm. In the winter of '58, in company with Archie Brownlee, an old schoolmate, I started for our old home in Ohio, (where I) visited around during the winter.
In the spring of '59 went to work again for my old boss, Matthew McKinstry. In the spring of 1860 I was married to Miss Elisabeth Welborne, and moved on a farm owned by an old Quaker by the name of Robert Mosier, one and one-half miles east of Cardington, OH.
In the winter of 1860 I moved to Cardington, and I and my brother James engaged in wood-chopping. During the latter part of the winter I made up my mind that I would emigrate to IL in the spring. I went to the wagon-maker's, George Cunningham by name, and ordered a wagon made especially for the trip. Also ordered a set of harness. About the 1st of April, '61, the War Clouds began to gather. Everybody in our town began to talk War. About the 12th, our Banker, John Beatty (as soon as the President called for 75,000 troops to defend our country) began to call for volunteers, himself heading the list. At that time I was living in part of my mother's house. I and my brother James (he was making his home with me at the time) came home to dinner. I told my Wife and Mother that John Beatty was raising a Company to go to War. My Wife and Mother says, "Is it possible we are to have War?" After dinner, James and I went down town. Soon the fife began to play and the drum began to beat. It made me feel terrible. I went up home again. Mother says, "What is the matter?" I told her all the boys in town were enlisting and I thought I ought to. Wife says, "Oh!" she says, "Don't go!" "How can we get along without you?" she says. "You have ordered your wagon and harness". "Oh!" I says, "I can sell them again", I says. "What if I stay, and then I am drafted? I never could stand that". "Yes," they say, "that is true. We wouldn't want to see you drafted". After we (had) talked a while I went back down town. The boys gathered around me. "John, are you going?" I told them I didn't see how I could. No one to take care of Wife and Mother. The Business Men came to me and told me if I would enlist, they would see that my wife was cared for. I went back home and told the folks what the Citizens (had) told me. They had a good cry over it, and then my Wife and Mother, said, "John, if you feel it is your duty to enlist we will not oppose it". The next morning I went up to McKinstry's to see if he would take care of my stock while I was gone. He says, "Where are you going?" I told him I thought of enlisting in the Army. He says, "Yes". I says, "All right, I will enroll my name tonight, and bring the stock tomorrow. That night I enlisted, thinking that it would only last a few weeks at most.
On the 15th of April, I bid good bye to Wife, Mother and Sisters, and boarded the train for Columbus ...
April 14th [1862] ... reached Fayetville ... At this time our Regiment rested on the Maxville and Perryville road ... the enemy poured a destructive fire at us ... Thus ended the Battle of Perryville. But, Oh! at what a sacrifice. Capt. Cunard of my company, Lieut. James St.John (my step-brother) of my company, Private Al. Fisher, Charlie Merrill, George Merrill, and many more that I cannot recall their names. General Lytle and all of his Staff wounded, many eyes were in tears and many hearts were bleeding for lost comrades and friends. ...
We arrived at Camp Dennison on the 26th of June, were paid off and discharged June 27, 1864. Our Company took cars for Cardington, OH, arriving there in the evening, having served 38 months.
The end.
Note by Charles A. Duncan: Elizabeth Welbourne Duncan died March 18, 1864 of childbirth. John moved to Illinois and married Harried Hammond October 15, 1865. He died December 22, 1928 in Clinton, DeWitt Co. Illinois.
Allegan Co. MI Death Records (from Alan A. Adrianson 8/1998)
Vol.2, page 77: John Duncan died October 24, 1887 from old age, at 82 yrs-10 months, in Gun Plain Twp, born in Ohio, parents were John A. and Elizabeth Duncan both born in Penn.
Newspaper Obituaries from The Plainwell Enterprise, Allegan Co. MI (from Alan A. Adrianson 8/1998; spelling as given in newspaper)
The Plainwell Enterprise dated November 2, 1887, in Gun Marsh.
John Duncan died Oct. 24, and Mrs. Duncan is sick. (AA: John Duncan Jr., wife Jeanette died 2/7/1888)
The Plainwell Enterprise dated February 15, 1888 in Gun Plains.
Mrs. Jeanette Duncan, a long time resident of this place quietly departed this life Tuesday morning, Feb. 7, after a long and painful illness. The funeral was held at the late residence at 2 o'clock Wednesday. Rev. C.P. Bates of Plainwell delivered the discourse.
The Plainwell Enterprise dated February 3, 1909.
Robert Perry Duncan, familiarly known as "Commodore," shot and fatally wounded himself Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ruth Brundage, in Otsego. He went down cellar and a few minutes later two shots were heard from there. He was conscious when found and lived about an hour. He said that he wanted to die but did not give any reason, Duncan has been subject to fits of derangement for years, and was at one time confined in an asylum. He was a son of John Duncan of Duncan's Corner, near Pine lake, was about sixty years of age and unmarried. He was a good worker and had accumulated some property.
The Plainwell Enterprise on February 10, 1909.
The funeral of Robert P. Duncan took place Tuesday, February 2, at the home of his sester, Mrs. Ruth Brundange of Otsego. Internment was made at Hillside cemetery.
The Plainwell Enterprise dated August 19, 1903.
PASSED AWAY---------Simeon Duncan.
Simeon Duncan, a former resident of this place, died Sunday morning at the home of his niece, Mrs. Sidney Brundage, of Otsego, aged 79 years and 7 months. Mr. Duncan was born in Ohio and cane to Michigan, living for many years on a farm north of Otsego. He sold his farm and moved to this village, where he lived for several years. After the death of his wife about about three years ago, he moved to White Pigeon bu later returned and for the past few weeks has been at the home of his neice in Otsego. He leaves one son, Arthur Duncan, whose whereabouts is unknown. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at Otsego. Burial made at Hillside cemetery.
Another obituary found at the Otsego Library.
Simeon Duncan Dead. The death of Simeon Duncan occured at an early hour Sunday morning after and illness of about a week of apoplexy. He was cared for at the home of his neice, Mrs. Sidney Brundage, where the funeral was held Monday afternoon, Rev. H.D. Skinner officiating. The remains were taken to Plainwell for burial beside those of his wife, who died four years ago. Mr. Duncan was born in Northfield, N.Y. [MAD: Northfield, Summit Co. OH, not NY], Dec 25, 1823. He came to Michigan in 1854 and settled near Otsego where he resided for 49 years. His home for many years was the farm now belonging to the Chas. Vaughan estate. He was twice married and was the father of three children only one of whom, Arthur Duncan, is living and his place of residence is not known to his friends.
The Plainwell Enterprise dated March 15, 1899.
Mrs. Simeon Duncan died at her home in this village last Tuesday night after an illness of about two weeks. Mrs. Duncan's before marriage was Achsa Crane. She was born in Vermont Feb. 9, 1827. She was married at Otsego in the year 1858 and for many years lived on a farm in Otsego township about two miles norhteast of the village. She joined the M.E. church at Otsego twenty-two years ago. The funeral was held Friday at 2 p.m. from the home. Deceased leaves her husband and on son to mourn her loss.
The Plainwell Enterprise June 12, 1907.
AT REST--------Mrs. Mary A. Graham
The death of Mrs. Mary A., wife of Seth Graham, occurred Sunday morning last at her home near Pine lake, after a long illness of consumption. The funeral was held from the home at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mary Agnes Duncan was born in Ohio, August 11, 1849. She was married when twenty-four years old to Seth Graham, who survives her. She leaves one son, William Graham, and four daughters, Mrs. Edith Adrianson of Doster and three younger living at home. Another daughter, Mrs. Alice Webster, died about two months ago. She leaves also two sisters, Mrs. Ruth Brundage of Otsego and Ann Jessup of Orangeville, and several brothers, living here and in Ohio.
(AA: According to Mary's obituary she was born on August 11, 1849 in Ohio, and in the birth record for their daughter Blanche Orletta Graham, it stated she was born in Northfield, Summit County, Ohio.)
Newspaper article, August 14, 1895, "The Plainwell Enterprise" Plainwell, Allegan Co. MI (from Alan Adrianson 11/2002)
Simeon Duncan met with a severe accident last Wednesday morning. He had been to his farm for a load of wood and was driving down hill with the load, when the wood slipped and threw him off. A wheel passed over his leg. He escaped further injury by the timely assistance of a boy who was with him. No bones were broken but his leg was very badly bruised.
Obituary, 11 June 1897, "The Otsego Union" Otsego, Allegan Co. MI (from Alan Adrianson 11/2002)
James Duncan, an old resident of this township, died at his home north of the village Wednesday morning. He had been ill for nearly a year with dropsy. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. George Gilbert and Mrs. Dan Gray. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the family residence at two o'clock.
Obituary, 31 August 1916, "The Otsego Union" Otsego, Allegan Co. MI (from Alan Adrianson 11/2002)
DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF SEVERAL WEEKS -- Mrs. Ruth Duncan Brundage Simkins was born in Gun Plains township, August 20, 1860, and died, August 25, 1916, at her home in this village. She was married to Sidney Brundage in March, 1889. To them were born three children. One died in its infancy; the other two died when bu a few years of age. Mr. Brundage died, August 1, 1900. Mrs. Brundage was married to Walter Simkins, April 8, 1909. Besides her husband, she leaves on brother, Maclean Duncan, of Thompsonville, one sister, Mrs. Ann Jessup, of Orangeville, and several nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Jenkins, of Plainwell.
Obituary, 31 August 1916, "The Otsego Union" Otsego, Allegan Co. MI (from Alan Adrianson 11/2002)
DIES AT AGE OF NINETY-TWO -- Aged Otsego Lady Passes Away Monday August 28th. Mary Beck, eldest daughter of Thomas and Mary Beck, was born in Salem township, O., January 9, 1824, and departed this life Monday, Aug. 28, 1916, age 92 years, 7 months, and 19 days. She was united in marriage in 1845, to James G. Duncan of Salem, O., and five years later they came to Otsego, and settled on a farm east of the village, where they resided many years her husband passing away June 9th, 1897. To them were born four children, two boys and two girls: Robert and Perry, decease; Elizabeth M. Gilbert of this place, and Carrie M. Gray of Grand Rapids. The deceased was brought up in the Quaker faith, attending that church until coming to Michigan, when she united with the Methodist church of Gun Plains. Besides the two daughters mentioned, she leaves five grandchildren, James R. and Ernest Gray of Grand Rapids; Merton and Mabelle Gilbert and Mildred Beeman of this place, and three great-grandchildren, Hilda and Margaret Gilbert and Erlene Beeman. Mrs. Duncan was one of our earliest pioneer settlers, and knew well what pioneer life was. She will be long and well remembered for her neighborly kindness, being ever ready to lend a helping hand where needed, for her sympathetic nature and her true Christian character. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Gilbert, Rev. H. L. Potter of Hart, preaching the funeral sermon, and interment in the family lot by the side of her husband, in Mountain Home cemetery.
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