Duncan research files of |
1860 Knox Co. ME Census
Pg.25, #164-173, Daniel DUNCAN 25 NS fisherman $0-$0
Charity 23 ME
Henry D. 2, Sarah J. 11/12 ME
Pg.643, #42-27, James DUNCAN 49 ME day laborer $700-$100
Jane 27 ME
Lavinia 22 ME house work
Susan 20 ME house work
James E. (C?.) 17 ME sailor
Willis 7, Lucretia 4 ME
Ann Frances 1 ME
Pg.652, #99-106, Hannah DUNCAN 50 ME widow $300-$100
George J. (m) 29 ME sailor
Ellen O. 19 ME house work
Freeman S. 17 ME sailor
Agnes G. 14 ME
(MAD: widow of George W. Duncan, 1850 Lincoln Co. ME census; definitely George J. not George T.)
Pg.691, #398-431, Ingraham DUNCAN 64 ME caulker $4000-$700
Rebecca N. 50 ME
Alphonzo A. (m) 22 ME caulker
Ferdinand P. (m) 14 ME
Lorana L. (f) 11 ME
(Charles C. DUNCAN 30 ME caulker $0-$3300
( Hattie P. 21 ME
( Hattie P. 1/12 ME
(MAD: brackets for Charles C. Duncan & family, "boarders" written in left margin)
Pg.691, #398-432, George M. DUNCAN 26 ME caulker $0-$600 m/in/year
Ellen 19 ME m/in/year
(MAD: 1850 Waldo Co. ME census)
Pg.790, #1203-1265, Ephraim BARRETT 49 ME dry goods merchant $5000-$10,000
Emily A. 3 ME (MAD: age as given)
Edith HOLT 65 ME widow
Fred SUMNER (m) 17 ME clerk in dry goods store
George W. THOMAS 17 ME clerk in dry goods store
Susan DUNCAN 19 ME house keeper
1870 Knox Co. ME Census
Town of Camden
Pg.44, #416-418, KIDDER, Isaac 35 ME jobber $0-$400
Ellen 29 ME keeping house $0-$150
Charles L. 5 ME
DUNCAN, Ellen 16 ME domestic
North Haven
Pg.132, #132-135, DUNCAN, Daniel 36 Nova Scotia fisherman $500-$100, mother of foreign birth
Charity C. 33 ME keeping house
Henry T. 12 ME at home, father of foreign birth
Sarah J. 10 ME at home, father of foreign birth
Hiram W. 9 ME, father of foreign birth
Lucy E. 7 ME, father of foreign birth
Maggie B. 4 ME, father of foreign birth
Hanford (m) 2 ME, father of foreign birth
Ward 1 in City of Rockland
Pg.140, #100-108, DUNCAN, George M. 35 ME calker $600-$300
Ellen 29 ME keeping house
Nellie 8 ME attending school
THOMAS, Susan M. 28 ME school teacher
Pg.144, #166-184, DUNCAN, John W. 40 ME corker $0-$300
Louisa 39 ME keeping house
Charles A. 16? (written over) ME attending school
Everett J. (m) 9 ME attending school
Orrin C. (m) 5 ME attending school
Ward 3 in City of Rockland
Pg.159, #36-40, KEENE, Horatio N. 43 ME dealer in boots shoes &c, $3,000-$2,000
Albert A. 16 ME attending school
Estella E. 14 ME attending school
Annie 10 ME attending school
DUNCAN, Rose 25 ME house keeper
Pg.160, #44-49, DUNCAN, Ingraham (m) 74 ME calker $1500-$200
Rebecca N. 59 ME keeping house
Ferdinand 23 ME seaman
Lorania L. (f) 21 ME milliner
Rockland, Ward 6
Pg.208, #67-81, DUNCAN, George J. 39 MA mariner $0-$0
Lorania (f) 29 ME
Carry L. (f) 6, Frances A. (f) 2 ME
SIMENTON?, Samuel 22 ME mariner
Abraham 28 ME
DUNCAN, Charles F. 5 ME
Pg.210, #95-114, DUNCAN, James 58 ME works in lime kiln $600-$0
Jane 37 ME keeping house
DUNCAN, Nathen W. 16 ME works in lime kiln
Lucrecia (f) 13 ME
Mary F. 11 ME
Simeon 3 ME
Pg.313, #483-505, Convicts in Maine State Prison (starts pg.312R)
DUNCAN, Ruben 23 ME
"History of Camden and Rockport, Maine" (Knox Co.) by Reuel Robinson; pub. Camden, Me.: Camden Pub. Co., 1907, 655 pgs. (LH10601; HeritageQuest 5/2007; FHL book 974.153 H2r and film 1,320,824 item 4)
Pg.185-187: Visit of the Furieuse. One of the [adventures] came near resulting in the destruction of Camden harbor village. ... In the latter part of October of this year, Maj. Noah Miller left Northport in a "reach-boat" with the following armed crew: West Drinkwater, Kingsbury Duncan, Jonathan Clark, Samuel Duncan and John Duncan, to cruise in Belfast Bay and vicinity for the purpose of preventing supplies being carried to the British at Castine. Although they cruised all night between Belfast and Castine, they captured nothing. In the morning (Nov. 1, 1814) they saw a British sloop at the northern end of Long Island, making for Castine, and started in pursuit, overtaking her at Turtle Head. ... Our people were very apprehensive of trouble with the enemy on account of the seizing of the sloop and its valuable cargo and the selectmen would not allow the vessel to remain in our harbor after the cargo had been removed. Anxious to get rid of it, before the British authorities should learn of its disposition, the town officers hired Jonathan Clark, Samuel Duncan and Kingsbury Duncan, to take the vessel around to the St.Georges river and hide it, paying them $5.00 each for the service. ...
1865 "History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston, [Knox Co.] Maine : from their first exploration, A.D. 1605 : with family genealogies" by Cyrus Eaton, pub. Hallowell Me.: Masters, Smith & Co., printers (HeritageQuest image 2/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 7560)
Vol.II, pg.206: DUNCAN, John, m. r. & d. in Northport [Waldo Co.], Me. Of his ch. 1,Ingraham, b. ab. 1796, in Northport; m. Rebecca N. Perry, r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 2,Samuel, m., r. & d. Northport. 3,Capt. George W., b. Feb., 1802; m. Hannah Simonton, Jan. 26,'30; r. Rock. and died Dec. 7, 1851.
Ingraham's ch. 1,John W., m. Louisa Rooks of Linc. 2,Capt. Charles C., b.ab. 1830; m. Hattie P. Farrow of Belfast; r. Rock. & d. April,'61, drowned at the stranding of his vessel on Squam Beach. 3,George Merrill, b. ab.'33; m. Ellen Thomas, Nov. 1,'59, r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 4,Alphonso A., b.ab.'37; r. Rock., a caulker, &c. 5,Hudson, b.March 15,'43, d. July 11,'56. 6,Ferdinand P., b.ab.'46. 7 & 8, twins, b.ab.'49, Lorana L., r. Rock., Eldora, d.young.
Of Samuel's ch. Capt. Samuel, m. Lucinda Achorn, Sept.24,'40; r. Rock., rem. New York.
Capt. George W.'s ch. 1,George I., b.ab. 1831; m. Sarah E. Knowles, Jan.11,'53, 2d, Loraine Simonton, July 22,'62; r. Rock., a mariner. 2,Albion K.P., b.Feb. 28,'36, died, lost at sea, June 20,'58. 3,Hazen Franklin, b. April 26,'38. 4,Delora E.L., b.Nov.16,'40; m. Frank T. Coombs; r. S.Th. 3,Freeman S., b ab.'43; r. Rock. 4,Mary A., b.ab.'46. 5,Isaac S., b.May,'51, d March 31, 1852. (MAD: children's numbers as given)
Capt. Charles C.'s ch. Hattie P., b.ab. 1860.
Capt. Samuel's ch. b. in Rockland. Orrin C., b. July 2, 1842.
George I.'s ch. by 1st wife. Etta E., b. May, and d. Oct. 18, 1855.
DUNCAN, James, of a different family, b.ab.1811, in Deer Isle [Hancock Co.], Me.; m. 1st, Lucretia Lane, 2d, Jane E. Low, Feb. 7,'56; r. Rock. His ch. by 1st wife. 1,Lavinia E., b. ab. 1832; m. Greenleaf Childs, March 28,'62; r. Rock. 2,Susan, b.ab.'40. 3,James E., b.ab.'43; r. Rock., a mariner. 4,Willis, b.ab.'53. The mother d. May 12, 1854. By 2d wife. 5,Lucretia, b.ab.'56. 6,Mary F., b.'58. 7,Vesta, b.Aug.24,'60, d. Sept. 11,'61. 8,Simon L., b.June 20,'62, d. Aug.20,'64.
"Annals of the town of Warren in Knox County, Maine : with the early history of St. George's, Broad Bay, and the neighboring settlements on the Waldo Patent" by Cyrus Eaton; pub. Hallowell Me.: Masters & Livermore, 1877, 702 pgs. (LH8785; HeritageQuest 4/2007)
Pg. 305: Warren Academy ... list of preceptors in this institution from its commencement to the present time ... Wm. P. Duncan, 1855.
"An historical sketch of the town of Deer Isle, Maine : with notices of its settlers and early inhabitants" (Hancock Co.) by George Lawrence Hosmer; pub. Boston, Mass.: Fort Hill Press, S. Usher, c1905, 290 pgs. (LH9178; HeritageQuest 5/2007 & 7/2007; FHL book 974.145/D1 H2h 1976 and film 1,036,749 item 4 and FHL film 1,033,801 item 12)
Pg.155-156: JAMES DUNCAN came here as early as 1800, or not long after. He was a native of Massachusetts, and was born in 1779. His wife was the eldest daughter of Captain Benjamin Stockbridge, whom we have noticed (MAD: not copied), and he settled at what is now known as Green's Landing. There had been but one person who had lived there, who was named Grover, who had left shortly after Mr. Duncan went there, so that we may consider the latter as its first permanent settler, .... He was engaged for a while in the manufacture of salt from sea-water, ... and was engaged in chopping wood and probably did more of that than any other man in the town ever did. He took up quite an extensive tract of land and afterward built another house about two hundred rods from the shore, where he spent nearly all the rest of his life. His wife dying, he, after her death, resided with his children, and died in the family of his son in Rockland, when nearly ninety years of age. The children of the family were: James, the son just referred to, now dead; Mary, the wife of Mr. Robert Barter, who resided on what is known as Wreck Island, within the limits of the town as established in 1868; Elizabeth, the wife of Captain John Barter, of Isle au Haut; Abigail, who was first the wife of Mr. John Sellers, who was lost in Chaleur Bay with Captain David Colby, in the schooner Georgiana of Castine, in 1839: afterward she was the wife of Mr. Stephen Colby; and Sarah, the wife of Mr. Levi Weed, who several years ago removed to Rockland, and afterward to South Thomaston, where he died not many years ago. All the daughters are living except the wife of Mr. Colby. Mr. Duncan was for several years before his death afflicted with shaking palsy and was always a hard-working man. (MAD: text in books published in 1886 and 1905 is identical, although paging is different) (MAD: Rockland, Knox Co. ME)
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