Duncan research files of |
1790 Talbot Co. MD Census Pg.111 Duncan, John 134xx 1800 Talbot Co. MD Census Pg. 78 John Duncan 01001 - 00100 1810-1860 Talbot Co. MD Census No Duncans indexed
1870 Talbot Co. MD Census
District 1, Easton P.O.
Pg.4, #50-50, DUNCAN, Joshua 62 PA farmer $5,500-$1,270
Kiturah 51 NJ keeping house
William 28 PA works on farm
George 24 DE works on farm
Mary J. 21 PA school teacher
Ann E. 17 DE attg. school
Lydia 13 DE attg. school
SMITH Abram 24 MD BLACK farm laborer
HARRIS, Saml. 14 MD BLACK farm laborer
Kate 10 MD BLACK domestic
CUFF, Martha 19 MD BLACK domestic
(MAD: 1860 Kent Co. DE census)
Talbot Co. MD Wills 1668-1900; index 1668-1900 (FHL film 14,457 item 3)
No Duncan until after 1850
Talbot Co. MD Distribution of Estates 1788-1857; each volume indexed
Vol.A, 1783-1795 - no Duncan (FHL film 14,472)
Vol.B, 1796-1813 (FHL film 14,472)
B-123: Talbot Co., Andrew Duncan, admr. of all and singular the goods and chattels of John Duncan late of Talbot Co. MD, decd; balance of final account exhibited to Registry of Orphans Court of Talbot Co. on 3 Nov. 1803, £92.62-1/2, to be distributed as follows, to wit, to Andrew John Margaret Susan and Soloman Duncan (no commas) children of decd, the whole balance to be equally divided among them which is to each the sum of £18.9.2-3/4.
Vol.C, 1817-1821 - no Duncan (FHL film 14,472)
Vol.D, 1825-1845 - no Duncan (FHL film 14,473)
Vol.E, 1845-1857 - no Duncan (FHL film 14,473)
Talbot Co. MD Orphans Court Index, 1668-1800 (FHL film 14,478 item 1)
No Duncan in index to Inventories.
Talbot Co. MD Deed Indexes
Index 1662-1800 (no.1-40) (FHL film 14,491)
3-283: 1678, John & Elizabeth Duncombe to William Combes
23-335: 1788, John Duncan from Jeremiah Banning
24-117: 1790, John Duncan & wife to Robert Moore
25-248: 1793, John Duncan from John Stevens, license
Index 1800-1817 (FHL film 14,491)
30-355: 1803, Andrew Duncan to James Lambdin, lease
Index 1817-1832 - no Duncan (no.40-61) (FHL film 14,492)
Index 1833-1850 (FHL film 14,492)
53-261: 1837, James D. Duncan from Nicholas Stitchberry, deed of trust
Talbot Co. MD Deeds
3-282(3): 5 Jan. 1678, John Duncombe now of Talbott Co. MD but late of VA, planter, to William Combes of same county & province, merchant, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heir of Edward Foe, late of same county, Gent., decd; that said Edward Foe in his will among other bequests devised to Thomas Duncombe late of same county, sithenod? also deceased one of the sons of Mary late wife of the said Edward by Thomas Duncombe decd, being the former husband and brother of the said John and his heirs a certene plantation & lands thereto belonging lying on or near a certene Creek called Islands Creek in said county, and the said Thomas Duncombe died a minor and under age of one & twenty years without issue of his body lawfully begotten and being not capable in gomt.? of law either by deed or his last will & testament to make any firme sale, conveyance or disposition of the lands, but by means of such, his death without such issue, the same legally came onto & passed? in him the said John Duncombe as crole? & heir in collatorall lyne of the said Thomas the son; Now this indenture witnesseth that the sd. John Duncombe as well for & in consideration of the said William Combes has by articles of agreement of equal date, made between the said William Combes of the one part and him the said John Duncombe of the other part, ... for the maintenance of said John for his life and for 1 sh. sterling paid to said John by said William, and likewise for love and affection John has; John leases to William Combes and Elizabeth his said wife for their lives and the life of the longest liver of them, ... after the death of the survivor of them the said William & Elizabeth, or the heirs of their body begotten or to be begotten and in default of said heirs begotten between them, and in case of default of such heirs, then to their heirs or assigns for evermore; and (?to and for? none other also? on behoofe no joebsen?) and said John Duncombe for him and his heirs execs. or admins. doth covent. & miss? & grant to & with the said William Combes & Elizabeth his wife & either of them ... that the said John is the right heir at law of the said Thomas the son as before described, and if? (ye?) he the said John has not already nor has his heirs or assigns (warrants) shall or will for ?? to come into ?? cause ... or consent or to any let deed thing? or ?? whereby the fource & effect of this ... according to the terms? and true meaning hereof is onaro? or shall or may be defeated, ... in any manner, but if said John Duncombe, his heirs & assigns (John will uphold his part of the bargain.) /s/ John Duncombe; wit. Wm. Crosser, Joshua Atkins, William (X) Abanner? (FHL film 14,522; page numbers duplicated) (MAD: believe Edward Foe should be Roe, but the first letter really doesn't look like an "R"; see Lancaster Co. VA)
23-335: 15 April 1788, Jeremiah Banning of Talbot Co. MD Esq. to John Duncan of same, wheelwright, £25, "Barmeston", containing 4-1/2 acres 30 perches; wit. Richd. Johns, Peter Webb; no wife. (FHL film 14,500)
24-117: 5 June 1790, John Duncan of Talbot Co. MD, wheelwright, to Robert Moore of same, Doctor of Physic, £52.10, the easternmost angle of a tract called Barmeston, 4-1/2 acres 30 perches; wit. James Thomas, Peter Webb; release by wife Margery Duncan. (FHL film 14,500)
25-248: Court 6 Aug. 1793, John Duncan was granted a license to keep a tabern at the trapp until Nov. court. (FHL film 14,501)
30-355: 11 Nov. 1803, Andrew Duncan of Talbot Co. MD, admin. of John Duncan late of same, decd, to James Lambert of same, house carpenter; that James Earle the younger on 23 July 1799 leased a farm to John Duncan in northern limits of Town of Easton, being part of "Londonderry" from 1st June of that year for 99 years at £18 a year, which was recorded (MAD: not found in index); Andrew Duncan per order of orphans court sold at public sale to said James Lambert for £89.1.3, highest bidder, lease for 99 years; /s/ Andrew Duncan, James Lambert; wit. Thomas Bowie, McK?. Hauntmond?. (FHL film 14,503)
53-261: 7 Oct. 1837, James P. Duncan of Talbot Co. MD and Nicholas Stitchberry of same; Stitchberry an insolvent debtor, named James D. Duncan his trustee. (FHL film 14,514)
Talbot Co. MD Church Records, St. Peters Parish, 1681-1855 (FHL film 1,002,753; from Iris Grimmett 10/1986)
John Duncan mar. Margery Corner 25 May 1776
Andrew born 12 April 1777 son of John and Margery
John born 7 Nov. 1778 son of John and Margery
Noah born 10 June 1780 son of John and Margery
Margaret born 5 Feb. 1782 dau of John and Margery
Elizabeth born 29 May 1785 dau of John and Margery
Susannah born 19 Feb. 1788 dau of John and Margery
Solomon born 20 Mar 1790 son of John and Margery
Mary born 5 Feb. 1793 dau of John and Margery
Tred Avon Monthly Meeting [Talbot Co.], Maryland (FHL film 14,524 item 5; from Iris Grimmett 2/1992)
George Dunkin and James Kelly from Chester Meeting
Keturah (Gardner) Duncan widow of Joshua Duncan born NJ 7-16-1819, died at Los Angeles, CA, 5-21-1899; cremated at L.A. Calif, buried in Third Haven Monthly graveyard 7-4-1899. (MAD: see 1850 Montgomery Co. PA census; 1860 Kent Co. DE census)
Mary Jane Duncan died 12-14-1877, 28 yrs, dau. of Joshua and Keturah Duncan
Lydia Frances Duncan, died 6-30-1890, 34 yrs, dau. of Joshua and Keturah Duncan
MAD: more information on the family of Joshua and Keturah Duncan, is given on pg.233 and 238 of "Quakerism on the Eastern Shore" by Kenneth Carroll, MD Historical Society, 1970 (FHL book 975.2 K21c; from Louis Boone and Evelyn Sigler 1984)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, George W.; F 7 Del. Inf.; 1925 Oct. 1, Invalid Appl. #1525475, no cert., Calif; remarks C2330357. (MAD: ? 1850 Montgomery Co. PA, 1860 Kent Co. MD, 1870 Talbot Co. MD; 1910 Imperial Co. CA b.1846 DE)
MD Patent Series of MD Land Office (from index in "Early Settlers of MD" by Gust Skordas)
MAD: index was to land patents 1633-1680 in first 24 volumes; patent records continue to 1852, but no overall index; indexes in many orig. volumes, some in front & some at back. The index by Skordas was to Liber and folio (page); a separate list in Skordas' book gave information about the Libers. The FHL catalog was by Vol. number.
Patents Liber 9 (Vol.11), transcript, completed 1726; Folios 1-516 copied from Liber EE (1665-66) folios 1-518.
Duncoms, Thomas, 9-333, Transported 1666
Vol.11 Liber 9 folio 333: X 69th. Edward Roe demands land for the transportation of Francis Fansell, Edward Roper, John Blower, John Larsens, Thomas Morris, John Kirke, Thomas Duncoms, Miles Doncoms, Mary Roe, Elizabeth Roe, Elizabeth Gemons, John Lerafeild (Lereifeild?), Edward Roe, Henry Vincent, William Travers, Elizabeth Travers, being 16 in number. Warrant granted to said Edward Roe for 800 acres dated 7 April 1666, returnable 7 Sept. next. Lib.FF 537, Cald? 100, 300 acres. (FHL film 13,067)
Early Duncans in Talbot Co. MD:
Thomas Duncan, 4 March 1675, to inherit "Bachelor's Plantation on Island Creek in the will of Edward Roe of Talbot Co. MD, proved 3 July 1676; other heirs were Edward Roe's wife Mary, his daughter Eliza, and Anne Gorsuch and the rest of Richard Gorsuch's children; execs. wife Mary, Capt. Philemon Lloyd, Capt. Peter Sayer, and Richard Gorsuch; wit. Thos. Alexander, Wm. Phelps, Thos. Morris, Jos. Hicks; recorded in Will Book 5, pg.59. (pg.173-174, Vol.1, 1635-1685, "The Maryland calendar of wills" Vol.1-8 by Jane Baldwin Cotton 1904-1928, FHL book 975.2 P28c).
MAD: comment by Kay D. Hampton was that Thomas Duncan's mother was Mary Phelps, but no source was given. A reference elsewhere in her material was to Mary Phelps, widow of Thomas Duncombe who made a will 9 Sept. 1659, proved 30 Nov. 1959, in Lancaster Co. VA, leaving his estate of his wife Mary, executrix, inventory by William Tignor.
There is discussion of the Gorsuch and Lovelace families on pg.319, Vol.24, "VA Historical Magazine" and also pg.256, Vol.III, "Genealogies of VA Families" from VA Magazine of History & Biography. The "VA Historical Magazine" sites Edward Roe's will as "Annap. Wills 5; 59" and adds that Richard Gorsuch died intestate and his estate was administered upon Apr. 2, 1677 by his widow Elizabeth, "Annap. Test. Proc. 9, 23".
Thomas Duncombe, 23 Nov. 1676, of Talbot Co. MD, left will proved 14 April 1677 naming his sister-in-law Eliza. Row, mother Mary Row exec. and residuary legatee; wit. Fra. Bridge, Jno. Haywood, Wm. Coombes; recorded in Will Book 5, pg.291. (pg.196, Vol.1, 1635-1685, "The Maryland calendar of wills" Vol.1-8 by Jane Baldwin Cotton 1904-1928, FHL book 975.2 P28c)
Philip Dunkam (Dunkum), 26 Dec. 1732, planter of Talbot Co. MD, left will proved 7 Feb. 1732 (1733) leaving personal estate to Minikin Freeman, executrix, and her heirs; wit. Edward Harding Jr., Edward Harding, and John Harding; recorded in Will Book 20, pg.721. (pg.27, Vol.7, 1732-1738, "The Maryland calendar of wills" Vol.1-8 by Jane Baldwin Cotton 1904-1928, FHL book 975.2 P28c)
1950 "The Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia" Vol.III, Personal and Family Records" by Charles B. Clark (FHL book 975 H2cc)
Pg.296 of this book contains a biography of Lewis Jackson Duncan, born Tilghman [Talbot Co. MD] on 3 June 1888, son of James Duncan and Jennie Cummings, also natives of Tilghman.
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