Duncan research files of |
1850-1860 Bienville Par. LA Census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Bienville Par. LA Census
Ward 1, P.O. Arcadia
Pg.1, #7-7, DANKINS? (DAWKINS?), Jack 25 LA (white) farmer $3000-$500
Francis (f) 19 LA
Molly 4/12 LA b.Jan.
Ward 7, P.O. Sparta
Pg.122-123, #50-50, CREMSHAW, Wm. (m) 41 SC (white) farmer $1200-$800
Nancy 40 GA
Permelia (f) 22, John H. 20 GA
Martha J. 18, Nora S. (m) 16 GA
Wm. B. 10 GA
DUNCAN, Eliz (f) 47 GA (white)
GODFREY?, Jane (f) 32 LA (white)
(MAD: also indexed Elen Duncan)
Bienville Par. LA Conveyance Ordinance Book (extract from Jim Perrin, Historian of Ponchatoula, LA, from his trip to the Amite, Tangipahoa Par. LA, courthouse, 11/2005)
Conveyance Ordinance Book 53, pp. 667-668: T. D. Stewart of Bienville Parish sells to Mrs. Ella D. Stewart, widow, also of Bienville Parish, all of his interest in land in Section 31, Township six south, Range eight east with all improvements thereon, for the sum of $1 and other valuable considerations. {JMP: This land is northeast of Ponchatoula and was part of the land left by Margaret S. Duncan to her grandson Tom D. Stewart in her will of 1860} Signed at Arcadia, Bienville Parish, LA, 22 July 1908, and recorded shortly thereafter in Tangipahoa Parish.
The next page {p. 668}. Tom D. Stewart stated that he is a son of Mrs. Ella D. Stewart and a nephew of Robert T. Duncan, deceased. Robert T. Duncan was the son of Mrs. Margaret J. Duncan, late of Livingston Parish, who died in 1861. In her will, Mrs. Ella D. Stewart, Robert T. Duncan, and T. D. Stewart were named to share equally in her property. "Robert T. Duncan was never married but died without issue in the year 1869." My mother Ella D. Stewart was the sister and only heir of Robert T. Duncan and through him became the owner of all his interest in the estate of Margaret J. Duncan.
Livingston Par. LA information from Jim Perrin, Historian of Ponchatoula, LA, about Ella Duncan Stewart, daughter of Thomas A. Duncan (d.1829) and Margaret Stothart (d.1861) (10/2005)
Ella Duncan Stewart (b. Oct. 1827-d. post 1910 census). She seems to have lived near Ponchatoula for a time and went back and forth to Arcadia, LA, in Bienville Parish in the northern part of the state. She appears on the 1880 census in Bienville Parish (p. 542) living with her son Thomas Duncan Stewart (May 1852-30 April 1934) and his family, whom she appears to have lived with for the rest of her life. Thomas D. Stewart, who is sometimes listed as Tom and sometimes as Duncan, married about 1875 to Sarah B. Caskey (b. ca. May 1854 in LA, d. 18 Aug. 1925 at age 71 in Bienville Parish. They had eight children: James D., b. ca. 1877; Elizabeth "Bessie" b. Dec. 1878, m. a banker named Will Deas; Ella, b. Dec. 1879; Mary Bell, b. Feb. 1882; Roberta "Bertie" W., b. March 1884; Eva D., b. April 1886; Roderick D., b. June 1888; Malcomb, b. June 1891.
By 1900, the Tom D. Stewart family, including Ella, had returned to Tangipahoa Parish and was farming out from Ponchatoula (p. 317). They went back to Arcadia by 1910 and apparently stayed there for many years as they are listed in Bienville Parish on the 1910 census (p. 11), which is the last schedule on which I found Ella; 1920 (p. 37-B); and 1930 (Sheet 2-B). Tom D. Stewart worked as mailman for many years.
Lafayette Co. MS Will Record Vol.1, 1843-1918 (FHL film 893,622 item 2; SLC 6/21/2008)
1-343 (Packet #2135), Isaac A. Duncan, proved 6/8/1885 - have abstract, want complete copy; did he have other children already provided for? - Will Records, 1843-1918 (FHL film 893,622)
1-343: Last Will and Testament of Isaac A. Duncan decd. Char? Creek, Lafayette Co. MS, in the year of our Lord 1881 Feb. 3. I, Isaac A. Duncan of afsd, knowing the uncertainty of life and feeling fully in my mind and competent to make my last will and testament; to my son Richard Edgar Duncan for love and for his labor and care for me for the last five years, during which time I been so much by rheumatism affected that I was not able to attend to the cultivation of my farm and all the trouble and labor necessary for my support devolved upon said sun thereby preventing him from receiving such an education as he should have had, now I give and bequeath as before said all my right and title both in law and equity I have to the West half section of land on which I reside, to wit: Sec.28 Twp.8 Range 4W, lying and being in said county & state afsd, to said Richard Edgar Duncan and his heirs and assigns forever, the said half section being the N 1/2 Sec.28 Twp.8 Range 4W and all apurtenances attached to the same. And I further appoint said Richard Edgar Duncan my sole exec. of this my last will and testament and do not require him to give security for I am satisfied that he is honest and capable. I also will and bequeath to son Richard Edgar Duncan and my daughter Margaret Price, Lewaella J. McCullough and Allice Dale Buford and their heirs and assigns all my title and interest to lands in Louisiana jointly with A.B. Hudson of Lafayette Co. MS, towit, Sec.21 Sec.22 Twp.15 Range 9, E 1/2 Sec.21 Twp.16 Raane 9, all in Bienville Parish I think and I authorize said executor Richard Edgar Duncan to make all deeds to said lands or any other lands I may have in the State of Louisiana as legal and full as if I could myself if living and to sell the same and when payment is made to divide the proceeds equally between himself and my said daughters named or to settle on the lands and divide the same in four shares equally as near as may be, the papers & deeds is now in the hands of J.A.W. Loury attorney of Bellview Bosier Parish Louisiana and is to half the lands or proceeds of the said Louisiana lands for attending to the said lands & redeeming the same if need be and I appoint my said son and my executor my agent to sell said lands and make titles to the named heirs or others ... and I will that all my personal property and effects be sold on a credit of twelve months or for cash as my executor may think best and after paying for my funeral and burial expenses ... and my just debts, divide the proceeds of my said personal between my said daughter (sic) and himself. ... 14 June 1881, /s/ Isaac A. Duncan. Wit. W.E. Andrews, J.M. Plant, J.W. McLeod. Proved June 8, 1885.
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