Duncan research files of |
1810 Franklin Co. KY Census Pg.123 Duncan, Benjamin 33001 - 21010 (MAD: his sons Nimrod Duncan mar. Nancy Parker 9/1/1820, 1822-1830 Howard Co. MO census, 1840 Ray Co. MO census, 1850 Buchanan Co. MO census; and Daniel Duncan mar. Lucinda Parker 12/11/1820, she in 1850 Ray Co. MO census) 1820 Franklin Co. KY Census Pg.142 Benjamin Dunkin 200001 - 33210 ? (MAD: mar. 1st Mary Bennett 2/14/1789 Mercer Co. KY; mar. 2nd Susannah (Hawkins) Kilby 11/2/1816; she in 1830 Anderson Co. KY census) 1830 Franklin Co. KY Census No Duncan indexed 1840 Franklin Co. KY Census Pg.291 A.J. Duncan 1210,01 - 2100,01 (MAD: Augustine Jennings Duncan)
1850 Franklin Co. KY Census
District 2
Pg.56, #63, John HUGHES 52 KY none $30000
Lucy S. 43 KY
Nancy M. 22, George S. 21, John J. 19 KY
Bersheba DUNCAN 85 VA
(MAD: widow of Elias; Elias Duncan mar. Barsheba Hughes 8/21/1813 Bourbon Co. KY)
Pg.90, #552, Augustin DUNCAN 46 KY farmer $1000
Eliza 46 KY
Jennings (m) 23, Martha A. 19 KY
John B. 18, James 16 KY
Elizabeth 14, Sarah J. 13 KY
Daniel 9, Emily 7, Louisianna (f) 5 KY
(MAD: mar. Eliza Comely 4/11/1825 Garrard Co. KY; Jennings in 1860 Denton Co. TX census; son of William Duncan of 1837 will in Garrard Co. KY)
Pg.92, #577, William DUNCAN 24 KY farmer $350
Susan 23 KY
George F. 2, James R. 1/12 KY
(MAD: 1860 Shelby Co. KY census; wife Susan E. Moore per cemetery records)
Pg.102, #707, Lorenzo DUNCAN 18 VA in school teacher's household
1860 Franklin Co. KY Census
District 1
Pg.282, --, Penitentiary, semi-alphabetic order
John DUNCAN 1859 19 KY laborer felony
John DUNCAN 1859 61 IRE laborer G.Larceny
District 2
Pg.367, #578-567, Augustus DUNCAN 56? KY farmer $1200-$200
Eliza 55 KY
John B. 27 KY farm hand $0-$150
Elizabeth 23 KY
Daniel B. 17, Emily 16, Louciana (f) 14 KY
Malinda HILL 6 KY
Pg.377, #653-627, Thomas L. GRAVES 26? KY farmer $800-$400
Elzina 28 KY
John W. 12, Horace 8, Bourbon B. (m) 6 KY
Benjamin F. 4, not named (m) 1/12 KY
John T. DUNCAN 28 KY farm hand $0-$200
1870 Franklin Co. KY Census (pg.7 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002)
Bald Knob Precinct
Pg.7, #112-107, DUNCAN, John T. 37 KY (white) farmer $300-$200
Mary 22 KY keeping house
John W. 9/12 KY b.Sept.
Augustine (m) 66 KY at home
Pg.16, #243-236, DUNCAN, George 22 KY (white) farmer $500-$500
Rebecca 20 KY keeping house
Louisa 10/12 KY b.July
WADE, Martha 11 KY at home
Pg.16, #246-239, RODGERS, Nicholas 65 KY farmer $1000-$1000
Nancy 65 KY keeping house
DUNCAN, Nancy 24 KY at home
James 5 KY
RATCLIF, Henry 17 KY MULATTO domestic servant
Bridgeport Precinct
Pg.56, #239-228, ROBB, William 50 KY (white) farmer $7000-$3000
Leticia 46 KY keeping house
JOHNSON, Ben 45 KY BLACK domestic servant
Martha 35 KY BLACK domestic servant
CALDWELL, George 19 KY BLACK domestic servant
DUNCAN, Jenny (f) 9 KY MULATTO domestic servant
Pg.112, #317-300, BISHOP, Silas 45 VA (white) laborer $0-$150
Rosa A. 43 VA keeping house
William O. 21 KY house painter
Richard A. 18 KY works at printing office
DUNCAN, Charles F. 16 KY (white) works at carriage shop
Pg.129, #(blank), State Penitentiary, many men, semi-alphabetic order
DUNCAN, William 16 KY MULATTO laborer
Franklin County, Kentucky, Marriage Bond Index, 1811-1831; and Appraisement & Inventory Index, Book 1 1795-1823 (site from Robert O. Duncan 8/2000)
Franklin Co. KY web site
Franklin Co. KY Settlements (FHL film 366,187)
Book B, 1828-1851 - no index
Franklin Co. KY Wills (FHL film 366,184)
Book 1, 1795-1823 - no Duncan indexed; pg.210, 221 contain inventory of Benjamin Duncan and widow's dower allotment, 16 Nov. 1820 and 12 Sept. 1820, from other sources.
Book 2, 1824-1854 - no Duncan
Franklin Co. KY Index to Order Books 1795-1834 (FHL film 266,188)
No Duncan indexed Books A-F or H
Book G, 1819-
Duncan, S. Administration granted, 140
Duncan, B. Apprs. appd., admin., 141, 142, 239
Duncan, Benjn. Inventory, 153, 315
Duncan, S. Dower, 154
Duncan, S. Report returned 167
Duncan, Danl. Appd. guardian, 240
Duncan, Benjamin (blank) 247
Duncan, Benjn. Com. to settle with admin., 390
Franklin Co. KY Order Book G, 1819-1823 (FHL film 266,189; no Duncan indexed in Book F; did not check index for Kilby estate)
G-140: Aug. 21, 1820, on motion of Susanna Duncan, letters of administration is granted to her and James Downey Jr. on the estate of Henry Kilby decd, securities Robert Blackwell and David Egbert. Estate to be appraised by Robert Blackwell, George Jourdan, John Lillard and David Egbert or any three of them.
G-141: Aug. 21, 1820, on motion of Susanna Duncan, letters of administration is granted to her and James Downey Jr. on the estate of Henry Kilby decd, securities Robert Blackwell and David Egbert. Estate to be appraised by Robert Blackwell, George Jourdan, John Lillard and David Egbert or any three of them.
A-153: Sept. Court 1820, Inventory and Appraisement of estate of Benjamin Duncan decd. presented to court, ordered recorded.
A-153: Sept. Court 1820, Inventory and Appraisement of estate of Henry Kilby decd. presented to court, ordered recorded.
A-154: Sept. Court 1820, Ephraim Lillard, William Acagires?, David Egbert and John Lillard or any three of them, be appointed to lay off and assign to Sussanna Duncan her dower in the estate of Benjamin Duncan decd.
A-167: Nov. Court 1820, Report to lay off dower for Susanna Duncan in estate of Benjamin Duncan decd returned and ordered to be recorded.
A-239: Sept. 1821, on motion of James Downey Jr., ordered that David Egbert, George Jordan, James Breckanridge, William W. Penny and Robert Blackwell or any three of them be appointed to settle with said James Downey Jr. his administration account of estate of Benjamin Duncan decd and report to next court.
A-240: Sept. 1821, on motion, ordered that Daniel Duncan be appointed guardian to Mary, Joseph, Cloe, Mathew and Mark Duncan, whereupon he entered bond with Jordan H. Walker and Joseph Misner his security for $1000. (MAD: also from Mary Jane Newton Rodgers to Gen Berry by 6/2001)
A-247: Nov. 1821, a settlement with the administrators of Benjn. Duncan decd. was produced, examined and ordered to be recorded.
A-315: Sept. 1822, on motion of James Downey Jr., ordered that Robert Blackwell, Andrew McBrayer, Joseph Woods, James McClure, and John Penny Jr. or any three of them be appointed commissioners to settle with said James Downey Jr. as admin. of Henry Kilby and Benjamin Duncan decd, and make report to next court.
A-390: June Court, 1823, on motion of James Downey Jr., ordered that Robert Blackwell, Andrew McBrayor, John Hackley, James McCuen, Jacob Elliston, John Walker, and Jourdan H. Walker or any three of them, to settle with James Downey Jr. and Susannah Duncan as admr. and admrx. of estate of Henry Kilby and Benjamin Duncan decd and make report to next court.
(MAD: book ends in June 1823, next book H starts Nov. 1823.)
Franklin Co. KY County Court Deeds (general indexes 1795-1840 and 1840-1866 on FHL film 266,163)
B-40: 21 Oct. 1805, Samuel Arbuckle to Benjamin Duncan, both Franklin Co. KY, $1100, 176 acres on Bailie?s River, corner Coffman's preemption, corner Hanah Coffman, Young's line. No wit. Release of dower by Basha Arbuckle 2 Dec. 1809. (FHL film 266,164)
D-381: 15 Aug. 1814, Benjamin Duncan and wife Polly (+) of Franklin Co. KY to Lewis Myars of Garrard Co., $1760, (no acres), land on Baily's Run, corner Gofman, corner Coffman, etc. (above land). Wit. John Mizner, Edward Wall. (FHL film 266,165) (MAD: mar. 2nd 1816 Mrs. Susannah Hawkins Kilby from Fauquier Co. VA; probably not the Benjamin who mar. 1789 Mrs. Sarah Robbins in Nelson Co. KY)
E-208: 25 Dec. 1815, John Lillard to Benjamin Duncan, both Franklin Co., $500, 2 tracts; 66-3/4 acres part of 200 acre "(lower survey)" to James Wood on Salt River, the other a 106 acre grant to William Mars, corner Sarah & Martha Hedges, total 172-3/4 acres. No wit; no wife. (FHL film 266,165)
F-1: 8 Oct. 1815, Ephraim Lillard to Benjamin Duncan, $1000, 207 acres on Salt River, Woods' line, Flournoy's line, McConns line. No wife. Wit. Alex. H. Rennick. (FHL film 266,166)
H-316: 10 June 1820, John F. Hudgins to Benjamin Duncan, both Franklin Co., $1000 in silver, 171-1/4 acres on Salt River, Wood's line, McCouns line; mortgage. (FHL film 266,167)
H-317: 15 May 1820, Benjamin Duncan and wife Susanna to John F. Hudgins, both Franklin Co. KY, $1712, 171-1/4 acres on Salt River. Wit. Ja. McBrayer, John Walker.
R-485: A.J. Duncan from Chas. Rodgers, 1840 (not checked; from index)
3-132: Augustine J. Duncan from Nicholas Rodgers, Jan. 17, 1848
5-26/28: A.J. Duncan from Austin P. Cox & wife, Apr. 21, 1853
8-87: Lewis B. Demance from Lee Tharp & wife, Feb. 3, 1864 (MAD: not Duncan)
8-93: William Duncan from Geo. W?. Roach, Feb. 21, 1863
8-390: William J. Duncan from Augustine J. Duncan, Jan. 19, 1866
Franklin Co. KY County Court Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
R-485: 21 March 1840, Charles Rodgers of Franklin Co. KY to Augustine J. Duncan of same, for $300, 68 acres on Flat Creek. (no wife, no wit.) (FHL film 266,171)
3-132: 17 June 1848, Nicholas Rodgers of Franklin Co. KY to Augustine J. Duncan of same, for $45, 15 acres on waters of Flat Creek, bank of Bowlim? branch, corner to A.J. Duncan, in line of William Lee. No wit. (FHL film 266,173)
5-26: 21 April 1853, Austin P. Cox and wife Rebecca L. of Franklin Co. KY to A.J. Duncan of same, for $66, 26-1/2 acres on waters of "Flath" Creek adj. corner to Davy & Wentworth. Both signed, no wit. (FHL film 266,174)
8-87: Name was Demance, not Duncan, not copied (FHL film 266,175)
8-93: 21 Feb. 1863, George W. Roach to William Duncan, for $95, 2/10 part of 80 acres which was set apart to Mrs. Catherine Thompson widow of John Thompson decd. in Franklin Co. KY, the interest hereby sold is Lewis C. Thompson and Wm. Ellis & wife, subject to said widow's life estate. /s/ G.W. Roach, Sarah Ann (X) Roach. No wit. Ack. 30 June 1864. (FHL film 266,175)
8-390: 19 Jan. 1866, Augustine J. Duncan of Franklin Co. KY to William J. Duncan of Shelby Co. KY, $745.15-5/8, land in Franklin Co. KY on waters of Six Mile Creek beg. Flat Creek, corner to Nicholas Rodgers, ... Franklin and Shelby Co. line, containing 37 acres 17-1/4 poles. no wife. (FHL film 266,175)
Franklin Co. KY Court of Quarter Sessions Deeds, 1795-1807, incl. index (FHL film 259,368; SLC 2/2009)
No Duncan
Franklin Co. KY District Court Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
Vol.A, 1796-1801 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,176)
Vol.B, 1801-1802 - no index found (FHL film 266,177)
Franklin Co. KY General Court Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
Vol.A, 1803-1808 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,178)
Vol.B, 1808-1814 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,178)
Vol.C, 1807-1809 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,179)
Vol.D, 1810-1813 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,179)
Vol.E, 1813-1815 (FHL film 266,180)
E-502/503: 12 Dec. 1814, John Smith and wife China late China Hart of Franklin Co. KY, to John Duncan of Madison Co. KY, for $90, 9 acres in Madison Co. on the waters of Harts Fork of Silver Creek, beg. at a double elm corner to said John Duncan, then N 45 deg. E 154 poles to a stake and a cherry & two walnuts marked pointers, then N 22 deg. W 19-1/2 poles to a mulberry and hickory corner to said John Duncan, then with his line S 37 deg. W 184 poles to the beginning. /s/ John Smith, China Smith, who appeared 13 Feb. 1815 before Willis A. Lee, Clerk of the General Court. Dd. to Geo. Hite June 29, 1815. (FHL film 266,180; SLC 2/7/2009, rechecked 8/30/2010)
E-503/504: 12 Dec. 1814, John Smith and wife China late China Hart of Franklin Co. KY to John Duncan of Madison Co. KY, for $300, 30 acres in Madison Co. on waters of Harts Fork of Silver Creek, beg. at an elm corner to said John Duncan, then with his line N 45 W 18 poles to a black walnut corner to Joseph Hitt, then with his line S 20 poles to a stake and pointers corner to Isaac Shelby, then with his line E 97 poles to a hickory corner to Reuben Humes?, then with his line N 98 poles to a stake and 3 hickories marked as pointers in the said John Duncan's line, then with his line S 45 deg. W 124 poles to the beg. /s/ John Smith, China Smith, who appeared before Willis A. Lee, Clerk of the General Court, 13 Feb. 1815. [delivered] to Geo. Hite 19th June 1815. (FHL film 266,180; SLC 2/7/2009, rechecked 8/30/2010)
Vol.F, 1815-1818 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,180)
Vol.G, 1816-1819 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,181)
Vol.H, 1818-1821 (FHL film 266,181)
H-367: 11 March 1819, William Duncan of Parish of East Batton Rouge in Louisiana, for divers good causes, appoint John H. Hanna and William S. Waller of town of Frankfort, KY, or either of them, my attorneys to grant a release of a mortgage on an estate sold by me to Nicholas Lafond? of Woodford Co. KY, and to grant a release to any other mortgage security in my favor made in KY etc. Wit. James D. Colt. Ack. East Batten Rouge, LA, 11 March 1819. Clerk of General Court of KY, 15 Jan. 1820. (FHL film 266,181)
Vol.I, 1820-1830, 1880 - no index (FHL film 266,182)
Vol.K, 1823-1828 - no Duncan (FHL film 266,182)
Vol.L, 1828-1835 (FHL film 266,183)
L-451: 4 May 1835, John (X) Parrant and wife Elizabeth (X) of Franklin Co. KY to Daniel B. Duncan of Shelby Co. KY, for $350, tract in Shelby Co. on waters of 6 Mile Creek, 100 acres, part of a survey of J. Cambell's 3920 acres, beg. (meets & bounds not copied). Wit. A.H. Rennick, R.C. Mayhall. Pg.565, certification by Alexander H. Rennick, Clerk of General Court, 4 May 1835, and ack. on 28 July 1835 by Elizabeth Parrant. (FHL film 266,183)
Vol.M, 1836-1847 (FHL film 266,183)
M-19: 13 June 1834, Nancy Kay of Fayette Co. KY to William Duncan of Shelby Co. KY, for $79.50, tract in Shelby Co. on waters of Backbone Creek, 53 acres, beg. said Duncan's corner on the line of James Hackett, mouth of the branch on John Samples line, ... Wit. A.H. Rennick. Ack. Franklin Co., Clerk of Court, 13 June 1834. (FHL film 266,183)
Go to the Franklin Co. KY Court Records
"Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky" (Union Soldiers), 1861-1866, Vol.II (from John A. Duncan 4/1995, and FHL film 1,463,600, appendix pages)
Page, Company, Name, Rank, Date enrolled, When and where mustered in, period, when and where mustered out, remarks. Separate groups for Discharged, Transferred, Died, Deserted.
Pg.286, Company A, 30th KY Volunteer Mounted Infantry: William S. Duncan, Private, enr. Dec. 12, 1863; mustered in Feb. 19, 1864, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 1 year; mustered out April 18, 1865, at Frankfort, KY.
Pg.288, Company B, 30th KY Volunteer Mounted Infantry: Lewis Duncan, Private, enr. Sept. 1, 1863; mustered in Feb. 19, 1864, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 1 year; mustered out April 18, 1865, at Frankfort, KY.
Pg.290, Company C, 30th KY Volunteer Mounted Infantry: William Duncan, Private, enr. Nov. 12, 1863; mustered in April 5, 1864 at Camp Burnside, KY, for 1 year; mustered out April 18, 1865, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY.
Pg.290, Company C, 30th KY Volunteer Mounted Infantry: Bailas Duncan, Private, enr. Jan. 8, 1864; mustered in April 5, 1864 at Camp Burnside, KY, for 1 year; mustered out Nov. 17, 1865, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY; Absent without leave from Sept. 17, 1864, to Jan. 15, 1865; absent sick at Somerset, KY, at muster-out of Company.
Pg.754, Field & Staff, 1st Regiment Capital Guards, Post Band: Chas. H.B. Duncan, 3d Class, enr. Jan. 16, 1865; mustered in Feb. 1, 1865, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 6 mos; mustered out March 14, 1865, at Frankfort, KY.
Pg.754, Field & Staff, 1st Regiment Capital Guards, Post Band: Bayles Duncan, 3d Class, enr. Jan. 16, 1865; mustered in Feb. 1, 1865, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 6 mos; mustered out March 14, 1865, at Frankfort, KY. (MAD: apparently two musicians named Duncan)
Pg.759, Company D, 1st Regiment Capital Guards, Frankfort Battalion: Moses B. Duncan, Corporal, enr. June 7, 1864; mustered in July 3, 1864 at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 6 mos; mustered out Jan. 10, 1865, at Frankfort, KY.
Pg.763, Company I, 1st Regiment Capital Guards, Frankfort Battalion: B.W. Dunkin, Private, enr. May 16, 1864; mustered in July 6, 1864, at Frankfort, [Franklin Co.] KY, for 6 mos; mustered out Jan. 26, 1865, at Frankfort, KY.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Barton W.; I Frankfort Battln Cap. Gds KY Inf.; 1890 July 19, Invalid Appl. #837529, no cert., Kans. (MAD: B.W. Duncan mustered in at Frankfort, Franklin Co. KY; 1850 ? Woodford Co. KY census)
Duncan, Baylus W.; C 30 KY Inf.; 1888 May 2, Invalid Appl. #653245, Cert. #480714, KY. (MAD: 1850 Wayne Co. KY census; mustered in at Frankfort, Franklin Co. KY; Pulaski Co. KY 1890)
Duncan, William S., widow Duncan, Mary E.; A 30 KY Inf.; 1890 Sept. 5, Widow Appl. #478788, Cert. #287789, KY. (MAD: mustered in at Frankfort, Franklin Co. KY)
Culpeper Co. VA Deeds (FHL film 30,959)
QQ-455: 31 Jan. 1824, Samuel Hawkins of Franklin Co. KY agent for Susanna Duncan of afsd per power of attorney herewith annexed granted him said Samuel Hawkins by said Susanna Duncan for the purpose of ... selling her title to the lands belonging to her as devisee of the estate of her brother Job Hawkins decd of Culpeper Co. VA, to Aaron House of Madison Co. VA, for $335, tract in Culpeper Co. VA adj. Stone House run, corner to Creel, side of a road on a ridge corner to Creel and Kilby, with the road leading to Madison Court House, corner to Lot #5 belonging to said Aaron House, containing 94-1/2 acres, and also all houses, trees, woods, etc.; wit. Thomas Bally, Aybell Miller, Joel Hill, Edmund Broadus, Jno. Smisher?.
QQ-456: 13 Nov. 1822, power of attorney, Susannah (X) Duncan of Franklin Co., KY, appoint Samuel Hawkins of afsd my attorney to receive etc. all sums of money which may become due me as devisee of the estate of my brother Job Hawkins decd. late of Culpeper Co. VA, and to recover any lands or moneys due me, and to sell lands and receive the money therefor; wit. John Walker JP, William B. Wallace JP. Susannah Duncan appeared in Franklin Co. KY 13 Nov. 1822; recorded Culpeper Co. VA 19 April 1824.
1896 "Biographical cyclopedia of the commonwealth of Kentucky : embracing biographies of many of the prominent men and families of the state" compiled and published by the John M. Gresham Company; pub. Chicago: J.M. Gresham Co. (from Ruth Robertson 4/1985; FHL book 976.9 D36bf; SLC 9/2007)
Pg.291-292: HENRY FIELD DUNCAN, Ex-Commissioner of Insurance, Frankfort, Kentucky -- The reverend William Duncan, who was born in Perthshire, Scotland, January 7, 1630, was the progenitor of the Duncan family that settled in the colony of Virginia in 1690. Reverend William Duncan lost his life for refusing to take the Jacobite oath in the reign of Charles II.; he married in 1657 Sarah Haldane. His oldest child, William Duncan, was born October 1, 1659; Charles, another son, September 6, 1662; Henry, January 11, 1664; Thomas, January 28, 1665; Mary, February 1, 1667. William Duncan, born April 19, 1690, was the grandson of the Reverend William Duncan who left Scotland, accompanied by his two sisters and brothers. He arrived in Culpeper County, Virginia, on January 23, 1722. On February 11 of the same year he took to wife Ruth Raleigh, daughter of Matthew Raleigh, who was born in England of Welsh parentage. Raleigh Duncan, their eldest son, was with General Washington at Braddock's defeat in 1755; also at Point Pleasant in 1774, where he was severely wounded, and was in all attacks made by the colonial troops against the invasion of Virginia by the traitor Arnold in 1781. The old Scotch families thus settled in the northern neck of Virginia were true to the cause of freedom during the great struggle for independence; no family was more true to the American cause than the children and grandchildren of William Duncan, who was the founder of this family in the colony of Virginia and the ancestor of the various branches of the Duncans who have scattered themselves over the South and West within the last seventy years. (MAD: use caution) (MAD: Frankfort, Franklin Co. KY)
Henry F. Duncan is the son of Joseph Dillard and Jane (Covington) Duncan, and was born near Bowling Green, KY, March 13, 1854. Joseph Dillard Duncan was born in Culpeper Court House, VA, and with his father came to KY in 1818. His father was a farmer in Warren Co., and was for a number of years engaged in merchandising in Bowling Green in connection with his other interests. He is a member of the Baptist Church; has served as magistrate, and has always taken an active part in politics, and he is now chairman of the Democratic Committee of his district, although in the eightieth year of his age.
Edmund Duncan (grandfather) was a native of Culpeper Co. VA and made his settlement in Warren Co. KY about the year 1818, where he was a farmer until the time of his death, which occurred in 1859. He had been a Whig in his political tenents in the old days of Whigs and Democrats, and filled the office of magistrate.
Joseph Covington (grandfather) was a native of Raleigh, NC, who came with his father when a child and settled in Warren Co. where his death occurred in 1858, aged seventy years. The Covingtons were of Scotch-Irish extraction.
Henry F. Duncan remained on a farm until he was twelve years old, receiving his education in the public schools, which was supplemented by one year at Georgetown College and one year at the State University of Michigan. After leaving school he commenced the study of law, but in May, 1876, he received an appointment in the State Auditor's office when he relinquished the study of law. He remained in this capacity for three years, at the end of which time he accepted a position in the quartermaster-general's office, and continued there for eight months. On January first, 1880, he was again appointed clerk in the state auditor's office under General Fayette Hewitt, and remained in that capacity for two years and five months. In June, 1882, he received an appointment of clerk in the Insurance Department and held the same until January 1, 1888, when he was appointed deputy insurance commissioner. On November 11, 1889, he received the appointment of insurance commissioner and held that important office until the expiration of his term in January, 1896.
Henry F. Duncan was married in 1876 to Sallie Childs Buford, a daughter of Temple Buford of Georgetown, KY.
1886-1887 "KY, a History of the State" 3rd Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt; and from Evelyn Sigler 7/1982 and Denzil R. Mauldin 2/1984)
Pg.189-90 (pg.654-5), Simpson Co. DR. GEORGE W. DUNCAN was born Jan. 26, 1826, in Simpson Co. KY, and is the tenth of 8 boys and 4 girls born to Sanford and Nancy (Hammond) Duncan. Sanford Duncan was born in Loudoun Co. VA. He was a son of Colman Duncan, who married Mary Lyne, both of Westmoreland Co. VA; was a Revolutionary soldier and immigrated to Nelson Co. KY about 1795. He was born in February, 1742, and died in April, 1823. His wife was born in March, 1749, and died in May, 1814. Colman Duncan was a son of Henry Duncan, who was born in Scotland. He with two brothers came to the United States and settled in Westmoreland Co. VA. Mrs. Nancy (Hammond) Duncan was a daughter of Job Hammond, who married Mary Stone, both of KY and of Welsh origin. He was an officer of the Revolutionary war, and was wounded in both arms in an Indian fight. Sanford Duncan came from Nelson to Logan Co. KY about 1800. In 1818 he located 5 miles south of Franklin, assisted in organizing the county of Simpson, was one of the commissioners appointed to run and locate the State line from Reelfoot Lake to the Mississippi River in 1840; was also appointed one of the commissioners to survey Simpson Co. and lay out school districts. He did all the public business in his own community, and was one of the most influential and valuable citizens in Simpson Co. He farmed extensively ... Masonic fraternity. Dr. G.W. Duncan was reared on a farm and received a good education. In 1840 he entered Cumberland College at Princeton. When the college was transferred to Lebanon he returned to Franklin and finished his education. In 1846 commenced the study of medicine ... in 1848 graduated; located and commenced practice at Mitchellville, TN. In 1859 located in Franklin, KY ... ever since. He married, September 4, 1860, Dorinda Puryar, of Smith Co. TN, a daughter of William and Mary (Pearce) Puryar, both natives of TN, of French and Scotch descent, respectively. William was a son of Daniel Puryar. To Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have been born eight children, four now living: Mary Sanford, Charles A., George H. and William A. Dr. Duncan and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian and Baptist Churches, respectively. ... Masonic fraternity, Knight Templar. ...
1885-1888 "KY, a History of the State" 5th or 6th Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt; and from Evelyn Sigler 7/1982 and Denzil R. Mauldin 2/1984)
Pg.244-5. VAN BUREN SNOOK, native of Franklin Co. KY, born March 1, 1835. His parents, Martin and Jane (White) Snook, born in OH and VA, of German and English descent. Martin Snook was born in 1780, served in war of 1812, from NY to Franklin Co. KY in 1820, farmer, died 1845, married three times; first wife bore him no children, second wife was widow of Geipeth Onan, eight children, seven grew up. George White, maternal grandfather of Van Buren Snook, native of VA, to Benson Creek, Shelby Co. KY, about beginning of present century; his dau., Mrs. Jane Snook, born in 1811, still living. Van Buren Snook, reared on home farm in Franklin Co., moved to present farm 4 miles northwest of Eminence, Shelby Co., in 1857; Mason, Baptist Church. March 19, 1857, he married Miss Sarah Duncan of Franklin Co., six children: Walker, Winifred, Sydney, Jennie, Marion, and Duncan.
1889 "Biographical souvenir of the state of Texas : containing biographical sketches of the representative public, and many early settled families" pub. by F.A. Battey (from Lucille Mehrkam 10/1984, and Lenox D. Baker 5/1984, and FHL book 976.4 D3bs; sketches alphabetical, good index)
Pg.264: Mrs. Martha J. Duncan is a native of Scotland Co. MO, and is the daughter of Israel and Eliz. (Kinder) Cline, the children, respectively of David Kline (sic) and Jacob Kinder. Mrs. Duncan was reared in MO and came to Texas with her parents in 1860. In 1869 she married Jennings Duncan, and to this union was born four children: Boone, Jenning, Edna and Mildred. Jennings Duncan the late husband of Martha J. was a farmer. In 1861 he enlisted in the Conf. Army under Capt. Dougherty and served in the C.W.
"KY Court and Other Records" Vol.II, by Julia Hoge Spencer Ardery (also from Lucille Mehrkam 1985)
Pg.137 in this book includes a Franklin Co. KY Deed D-311, 31 March 1814, from John Strode heirs including James Duncan and Elizabeth his wife formerly Elizabeth Strode, and a note that the family record of Abijah Brooks, a Revolutionary Soldier, includes his daughters Polly who married Mr. Duncan and lived in Clay Co. MO, and Nelie married Thomas Duncan of KY; and on pg.138, a Franklin Co. KY Deposition of James Duncan, aged 55, in Sept. 1805.
"Kentucky Reports," decisions of KY Court of Appeals (from pg.95, "KY Misc. Records" by KY DAR; FHL film 854,852 item 2)
Vol.XV, 1824, pg.12. Duncan's admr. v. Duncan; Benj. Duncan had Nimrod & Dan'l by 1st wife; Susanna Duncan his admx, Jas. Downing his admr. (MAD: "Sarah" Hawkins mar. Armistead Kilby 1794 in Culpeper Co. VA; Nimrod Duncan born 1799 KY, in 1850 Buchanan Co. MO census)
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