Duncan research files of |
1860 Jefferson Co. KS Census
Grasshopper Falls
Pg.342, #98-91, Edward M. HUTCHINS 36 VT farmer $1000-$200
Polly 28 NY
Ida (f) 2 KS
Joseph OUSTER 35 GERmany laborer
John HUTCHINS 50 VT shoemaker
Wm. A. COY 26 OH peddler medicine
Hugh DUNCAN 40 SCT well digger
1870 Jefferson Co. KS Census (part also from William C. Mills 1988)
Oskaloosa Twp.
Pg.436, #129-133, DUNCAN, Elijah 30 MO farmer $0-$200
M. Ellen (f) 24 OH keeping house
WILEY?, John 26 OH farmer $0-$500
BILLSON, Oliver 24 MI farm laborer
???, John 22 NC farm laborer
DUNCAN, Catherine 69 KY lives with son
Rock Creek Twp.
Pg.472, #54-58, DUNCAN, Richard J. 27 SCT farmer $3000-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 34 KY keeping house
Mary J. 11, William H. 9 KS, father of foreign birth
George S. 4, Lewis C. 2 KS, father of foreign birth
DIX, Thomas Neuton 22 IN farm laborer $0-$800
Sarcoxie Twp.
Pg.481, #95-96, DUNCAN, Jered 53 KY farmer $800-400
Sarah 50 KY keeping house
Zerual (m) 23 KY works on farm
Lucretia 16, James 13 MO
(MAD: 1860 Buchanan Co. MO census, Seymour instead of Zerual; 1850 Platte Co. MO census, Zemalya? instead of Zerual)
Pg.494-495, #290-298, ROTHWELL, John 52 MO farmer $2500-800
Sallie 40 TN keeping house
Jacob 28 MO works on farm
Margaret 27, Mary J. 25 MO
Jerome 23 MO works on farm
Thomas B. 20, George 16 MO
Samuel 13 KS
Lidia (f) 11, Millie 9 KS
Frances (f) 6, Laranshe? (f) 4 KS
DUNCAN, Mary Ann 6 KS
Pg.495, #291-299, PADDY, Louisa 42 OH keeping house $0-$0
Henry 18 IL works on farm
Charles 12, Frank 8 KS
ROTHWELL, Ira (m) 50 MO (blank) $0-$0
1875 Jefferson Co. KS state census (from William C. Mills 8/1988)
Rock Creek Twp.
Pg.4, E. DUNCAN (f) 39 KY, from IN to KS
M.J. (f) 16 KS farmer (sic)
Wm. H. 14, George 9, Louis? (m) 7, Ida 3 KS
R.J. (m) 44 SCT farmer from IL to KS
Osawkie Twp.
Pg.6, Jno. MILLS 23 IL farmer from MO to KS
U. Norton Twp.
Pg.8, Frank DUNCAN 36 TN framer from OH to KS
Delaware Twp.
Pg.9, J.F. DUNCAN 41 PA farmer from IA to KS
Sarah 37 IL farmer from IA to KS
C.W. (m?) 18 IL farmer from IA to KS
Albert 16 IL farmer from IA to KS
Almer? (m) 13 IL from IA to KS
Rural Twp (WCM: Sarcoxie Twp)
Pg.12, John DUNCAN 70 KY preacher from KY to KS
M.C.B. (f) 48 KY from KY to KS
Benj. F. MILLS 24 KY farmer from KY to KS
Mary L. 20 MO from MO to KS
Sarah L. 1 KS
Charles 24 KY stone mason from KY to MO
Hannah 21 MO from IL to MO
Pg.18, Jered DUNCAN 55 KY farmer from MO to KS
Sarah 51 KY from MO to KS
Y. (m) 28 KY from MO to KS
J.A. (m) 18 MO from MO to KS
1880 Jefferson Co. KS Census (from William C. Mills 8/1988)
Pg.309, #27-28, Benjamin F. MILLS 29 KY KY KY farmer
Mary L. 24 MO KY KY wife
Sarah L. 6 KS KY MO dau.
Marriage License, Jefferson Co. KS (from William C. Mills 11/1988 with permission to share)
30 Dec. 1872 Application B.F. Mills 21 to marry Mary L. Duncan 18, signed before J.F. Bliss, probate judge. License No. 601, signed Josepth F. Bliss PJ. Return: I, John Duncan, a Baptist Minister in said county do hereby certify that on the 2nd day of January A.D. 1873, at Jarret W. Duncan's in said County, I joined in marriage Mr. Ben. F. Mills and Miss Mary L. Duncan, given under my hand the 2nd day of January A.D. 1873. ss John Duncan, attest. J.F. Bliss, Judge.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, James F., widow Duncan, Louisa; C 112 Ill Inf.; 1890 July 28, Invalid Appl. #884261, Cert. #742854, Kans.; 1921 Aug. 6, Widow Appl. #1180363, Cert. #917104, Okla. (MAD: 1900-1910 Lincoln, Oklahoma Co. OK, James F. b.1835 PA, Louisa b.1854 OH; 1880 Jefferson Co. KS)
1890 "Portrait and biographical album of Jackson, Jefferson and Pottawatomie counties, Kansas : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county" pub. by Chapman Bros. (FHL film 823,814 item 1 and 1,000,035 item 4; Los Angeles Public Library book 978.1 P852.5)
No Duncan biographical sketch indexed
1883 "History of the State of Kansas : containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state; of its early settlements; a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns and villages, their advantages, industries and commerce, to which are added biographical sketches and portraits of prominent men and early settlers" ed. by William G. Cutler, A.T. Andreas; pub. Chicago : A.T. Andreas (FHL book 978.1 H2hi 1976 & v.2; FHL film 982,248 items 1-2)
Pg.508: Jefferson Co., Valley Falls, Delaware Twp. JAMES F. DUNCAN, farmer, Section 3, P.O. Valley Falls, is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Perry County, September 17, 1834. When two years of age removed with parents to Maryland, afterwards to West Virginia, and eventually to Illinois. In after years was a resident of Iowa for a time, agricultural pursuits being his vocation in life. August 9, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; participated in twenty-four open field engagements; among these were Franklin, Nashville, Atlanta, Lost Mountain and Rocky Face. Served until June 20, 1865, and was honorably discharged. Mr. Duncan came to Kansas in 1872. He is one among the substantial farmers of Jefferson County. He was married in Illinois to Miss Sarah J. Miller, a native of that State. By the union they have three children -- C.W., A.F. and E.E. (MAD: married Henry Co. IL; 1870 Greene Co. IA census)
"The Herald Despatch" Decatur, Ill., Wednesday, August 31, 1898 (transcription by and from Kathy Cawley 5/2004; MAD: ? Jefferson Co. KS 1880)
Washington, Aug. 29 - Captain L.C. Duncan, surgeon of the 22nd Kansas regiment, is held by the sheriff of Fairfax county, Virginia, to answer an indictment charging him with the desecration of confederate graves at Bull Run, near Manassas.
It appears that Duncan was not sentenced to five years imprisonment, as reported from Camp Mead, Pa., but sentenced much more lightly, there being a lack of evidence to prove that he actually took part in despoiling the graves.
The finding of the court martial, approved by General Davis, was that Duncan be deprived of his rank for two months, be continued in regimental camp, and forfeit half his pay for the same length of time, and that he be reprimanded by the commanding general.
How Duncan is to be continued in the regimental camp for two months when he is now a prisoner of the sheriff of Fairfax county, is difficult to understand. His regiment has moved from Thoroughfare Gaps to Camp Meade, Pa. It is understood when the sheriff presented his warrant for him under the state indictment, Duncan voluntarily surrendered. A clash between the state authorities and the war department may develop.
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