Duncan research files of |
1840-1850 Huntington Co. IN Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Huntington Co. IN Census
Dallas Twp.
Pg.65, #630-642, William DUNCAN 38 OH farmer $600-$200?
Martha A?. 31 OH
Emily 13, Alice 7, George 3 IN
(MAD: 1850 Wabash Co. IN census)
Wayne Twp.
Pg.113, #757-766, John J. COOK 31 IN farmer $600?-$200
Rachel 31 OH
Margaret A. 7 OH
Leah A. DUNCAN 17 IN (f)
Thomas 8 IN
(MAD: John Cook mar. Ann Dunman 5/27/1847)
1870 Huntington Co. IN Census
Dallas Township
Pg.27, #65-65, DUNCAN, Martha 43 OH keeping house $3400-$250
Allice 17, George 13 IN attending school
Allen? G. 4 IN
Wayne Township
Pg.243, #87-87?, DUNCAN, James 25 IN farmer $800-$325
Matilda 22 IN keeping house
(no children, not mar. in year)
Pg.246, #136-136, DUNCAN, Delilah 50 OH keeping house $600-$0
Rachel 38? IN
Thomas 17 IN at home
George 15 IN
Penfrench??? (m) 11 IN
Huntington Co. IN General index to deeds, v.1 1834-1854 (books 1, A-I), v.2 1854-1860 (books I-O) (FHL film 2,295,390)
Dungan not copied
Dunkin, Joshua from Peter Bare, W (Warranty), 21 Mar. 1856, $1000, E part lots 2&3&4, 14-27-8 (Sec-Twp-Range), 80 acres, 21 March 1856, L-41
Dunkin, John from John Replogle, W, 28 March 1856, $1800, part fr NE qr (W end) 14-27-8, 100 acres, 29 March 1856, L-51
Duncan, William from Thomas Maxwell, W, 7 June 1857, $600, W 1/2 NE 1/4 10-28-8, 80 acres, 5 June 1857, M-64
Dunkin, John to Joshua Dunkin; Dunkin, Joshua from John Dunkin; W, 5 Aug. 1857, $275, 20 acres of NE 1/4 frl. 14-27-8, 20 acres, 25 Jan. 1858, M-342
Dunkin, Joshua to D.L. Shearer, W, 25 May (1858?), $1800, East part lots 3&4&c, 14-27-8, 100 acres, 28 May 1858, M-520
Dunkin, John to D.L. Shearer, W, 25 May (1858?), $1500, pt fr NE 1/4 14-27-8, 80 acres, 28 May 1858, M-521
Dunkin, John to Otho E. Harris, W, 7 Feb. 1856, $800, lots 15-16 Wintrods, in ? Antioch, 4 Oct. 1859, N-570
Did not look at 1860+
Huntington Co. IN Deeds
L-41: 21 March 1856, Peter Bare and Eliza Jane Bare of Huntington Co. IN convey & warrant to Joshua Dunkin of Adams Co. OH, real estate in Huntington Co. IN, 80 acres more or less being E part of lots 3 and 4 in Sec.14 Twp.27N Range 8E, being all of said lots except that part heretofore conveyed by said Peter Bare to Alexander Brannan, for $1,000 paid by said Joshua Dunkin to said Bare. /s/ Peter (X) Bare, Eliza Jane (X) Bare. Peter Bare and Eliza Jane Bare ack. deed 21 March 1856 before M.B. Brandt R.H.C. [Recorder Huntington Co.] by J. Roche, Depty. Recorded March 21, 1856. (FHL film 2,296,550)
L-51: 28 March 1856, John Replogle and wife Elizabeth Replogle of Huntington Co. IN to John Dunkin of afsd, for $1800 paid, sell land, 100 acres of the W end of fractional NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.27 Range 8 East, commencing at NW corner of said 1/4 section, ... containing 100 acres more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John Replogle, Elizabeth (X) Replogle. They ack. deed before Daniel Kitch, J.P., 28 March 1856. Recorded March 29, 1856. (FHL film 2,296,550)
M-64: 7 June 1857, Thomas Maxwell of Miami Co. OH convey and warrant to William Duncan of Huntington Co. IN for $600 real estate in Huntington Co. IN, to wit, W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.28N Range 8E containing 80 acres more or less. /s/ Thomas Maxwell, Anna Maxwell. 7 June 1857, Thomas Maxwell and Anna Maxwell ack. deed before George W. Holms, J.P. Recorded June 6, 1857. (FHL film 2,296,550)
M-342: 5 Aug. 1857, John Dunkin and wife Esther Dunkin of Huntington Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin of afsd, for $275 paid, sell land, 20 acres of NE fractional 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.27 Range 8, commencing at SW corner of said fractional quarter, ... containing 20 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John Dunkin, Esther Dunkin. Wit. Cyrus Hull, W.C. Watson. John Dunkin and Esther Dunkin ack. deed 5 Aug. 1857 before Wm. C. Watson, J.P. Recorded Jan. 25, 1858. (FHL film 2,296,550)
M-520: 25 May 1858, Joshua Dunkin and wife Ann Dunkin of Huntington Co. IN convey and warrant to David L. Shearer of Huntington Co. IN for $1800, real estate in Huntington Co. IN, 80 acres more or less, being the E part of Lots No.3 and 4 in Sec.14 Twp.27N Range 8 East, being all of said lots except that part heretofore conveyed by Peter Bare to Alexander Brannan, and also NE fractional 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.27 Range 8 commencing at SW corner of said fractional quarter, then ... containing 20 acres and all the appurtenances. /s/ Joshua Dunkin, Ann Dunkin. 26 May 1858, Joshua Dunkin and wife Ann ack. deed before William C. Watson, J.P. Recorded May 28, 1858. (FHL film 2,296,550)
M-521: 25 May 1858, John Dunkin of Huntington Co. IN convey and warrant to David L. Shearer of Huntington Co. IN for $1500, real estate in Huntington Co. IN, 100 acres off the W end of fractional NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.27 Range 8 East, commencing at NW corner of said quarter section, ... containing 100 acres more or less excepting 20 acres thereof heretofore deeded by said John Dunkin and wife Esther Dunkin to Joshua Dunkin, with all appurtenances. /s/ John Dunkin. 27 May 1858, John Dunkin ack. deed before Isaac DeLong, Notary Public for Huntington Co. IN. Recorded May 28, 1858. (FHL film 2,296,550)
N-570: 7 Feb. 1856, John Dunkin and Esther Dunkin of Huntington Co. IN convey and warrant to Otho E. Harris of Huntington Co. IN for $800, real estate in Huntington Co. IN, In lots No.15 and 16 on Jacob Wintrodes addition to town of Antioch in Huntington Co. IN. /s/ John Dunkin, Esther Dunkin. 7 Feb. 1856, John Dunkin and Esther Dunkin ack. deed before John B. Collins, J.P. Recorded Oct. 4, 1859. (FHL film 2,296,551)
Allegan Co. MI Wills and Estates 1835-1872; not indexed (FHL film 927,679; from Charles A. Duncan 5/1987)
File #337: Filing of will, John Duncan of Otsego, d. Otsego Twp, Monday, Aug. 17, 1863. Heirs at law: James G. Duncan, John Duncan Jr., Simeon Duncan, Perry Duncan, Elizabeth Wilch, all of Otsego, and William Duncan of Huntington, Huntington Co. IN.
James G. Duncan petitioned Aug. 26, 1863, to be appointed administrator and was on Oct. 14, 1863, with C.D. Hopkins & S.V. Bourne, sureties.
Emily Duncan of Northfield, Summit Co. OH, an heir at law of John Duncan, on Sept. 4, 1871, petitioned that James G. Duncan be cited to settle the estate.
1914 "History of Huntington Co. IN" comp. by Frank Sumner Bash, pub. by Lewis Pub. (FHL book 977.271 H2h; SLC 9/2007)
Vol.2, pg.610-611: GEORGE W. DUNCAN. Many of the progressive agriculturists of Huntington township are devoting a large part of their attention to the breeding of stock, for the prosecution of which industry the farms of this section are remarkably well adapted. One of the well-appointed tracts devoted to this line of activity is the Cedar Grove Stock Farm, consisting of eighty acres of good land, located in Wayne township at the forks of the Banquo and the Huntington and Marion gravel roads, seventeen miles from Huntington and seven miles from Marion. The proprietor of this property, George W. Duncan, is not only a progressive farmer, but a citizen ...
Mr. Duncan is a native of Wayne township and was born October 25, 1854, a son of John and Delilah (Bodkin) Duncan. His father, a native of Scotland, emigrated to the United States when a young man, settling in Shelby county, Ohio. Following his marriage to Delilah Bodkin, who was a native of that county, he came, in 1842, to Huntington county, Indiana, located in Wayne township, and here passed away in 1855 after some years spent in agricultural pursuits. The mother, who was born March 23, 1822, died August 25, 1874. They were the parents of seven children, of whom four are now living: Elizabeth, who is the widow of Archibald Moore; Leann, who is deceased; James, who is a resident of Polk township; Louisa, the widow of William Benson, of Grant county; Rachael, deceased, who was the wife of George Roberts; Thomas, who is deceased; and George W.
George W. Duncan was reared in the vicinity of Banquo, and his education was received in the district school located at that place. He was brought up to follow the pursuits of agriculture, and when not attending school was engaged in assisting his father in his farm work, remaining under the parental roof until reaching the age of twenty-two years. He was married October 2, 1886, to Miss Martha C. Robbins, who was born near Richmond, Indiana, August 24, 1855, was brought to Huntington county by her parents when she was seven years old, and was educated in the Hann school north of Banquo. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan: Rhoda, who was the wife of John Carl, a resident of Marion, Indiana, and has six children. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are members of the Missionary Baptist church, and attend services at the Second Salem church of that faith. He is interested in fraternal matters, being a member of Mount Etna Lodge No.304, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, past grand thereof and a member of the Grand Lodge of the state. In politics he is a democrat but has not been particularly active in public affairs ...
1908 "Historical encyclopedia of Illinois [McLean Co. IL]" edited by Newton Bateman & Paul Selby; pub. Chicago: Munsell Pub. Co., 1908 (HeritageQuest image 3/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 4492; FHL book 977.359 H2m and films 908,777 item 1 and 908,778 item 1)
Pg.1117-1118, W.C. JONES, who, after a long period of successful farming in Arrowsmith Township, McLean County, Ill., has withdrawn from active pursuits and now lives in comfortable retirement, is one of the most prominent men of his locality ... Mr. Jones was born in Preble Co. Ohio, November 5, 1844, and is a son of Newton and Mary A. (Brown) Jones. His paternal grandparents were Joseph and Abigail (Fowler) Brown. Newton and Ann (Mote) Jones, the paternal grandfather and grandmother, were natives of the State of Georgia, and moved to Ohio in 1805, crossing the Ohio River at Cincinnati and locating in Preble Co. where the father of W.C. Jones was born January 23, 1814. (more on the Jones ancestry.) ... Newton Jones in 1856 moved with his family from Ohio to Huntington Co. Ind., where they remained twelve years, and in 1869 came to Illinois ... Old Town Township where he lived 4 years. In 1873 he established his residence in Arrowsmith Township. In religious belief he is a Quaker, as was also his wife, who died June 2, 1899, when 81 years old. Two children were born to them: W.C. and Lerton D. The latter conducts a tea and coffee store at Lincoln, Ill. ... W.C. Jones ... accompanied his parents to Illinois and in 1874 purchased 45 acres adjoining his father's farm, and lived on this place until January 1, 1882 ... Mr. Jones has been twice married. On December 24, 1868, he was united in marriage with Emma Duncan, who died November 20, 1885. This union resulted in two children: Lillian Myrtella, who was married December 21, 1892, to W.L. Fawcett ...; and Lerta Blaine, who married December 24, 1902, to Emma Hatch ... Mr. Jones was again married March 14, 1888, wedding Martha Hoshaw, of Crown Point, Ind., a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Day) Hoshaw, both of whom are now deceased.
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