Duncan research files of |
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.12, Sept. 1844-Apr. 1845 (FHL film 1,321,731; SLC 9/11/2012 and earlier)
12-34: 20 Sept. 1844, Silas Jones of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN, for $1,000 paid, sell parcels of land, viz, all the real estate belonging to and of which Reisen Dunkin late of said County died seized of, being in said Fountain Co., and of which I have any interest in, which I sell and quit-claim all my interest, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Silas Jones. Wit. Jo. Poole, James Weider?. He appeared 21 Sept. 1844 before Jo. Poole. Recorded Oct. 2, 1844. (FHL film 1,321,731)
12-252/253: 25 Jan. 1845, John H. Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to Isaac C. Lutz of same, $75, Lot No.238 in Green's & Colman's Addition to Town of Attica. Both signed. Wit. Chester Tuttle, Andrew Hixson. Recorded April 1, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,731; SLC 9/11/2010)
12-255/257: 15 March 1845 Thomas H. Dunkin and wife Margaret Dunkin, Joseph Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin, Joshua Dunkin Junior and wife Barbara, all of Fountain Co. IN, to John H. Dunkin of same, for $600, an undivided interest to 3/6 part of following lands which Hercules Dunkin late of said County decd. died siezed of in fee simple, to wit, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 T22N R6W, also lands being a part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.6 T21N R7W beg. at E. end of Short Street in the addition to the Town of Attica and on the N side of said street, then N 58 deg. W 24 poles and 2 links to a stake, (more n/c) to the beginning containing one acre and one quarter of an acre out of said last described parcel is exempt and reserved from the operation of this deed, the following part which was conveyed to Thomas H. Dunkin by said Hercules Dunkin during his life, described as beg. at W. corner of said Hercules Dunkin's lot, then east 10 rods to a stake, (more n/c) containing 28 square perches, all of said lands lying and being in the District of US lands sold at Crawfordsville, IN, the aforesaid undivided 3/6 parts of said premises hereby conveyed are the shares and interests inherited by the said Thomas H. Dunkin, Joseph Dunkin and Joshua Dunkin Junior in their own right as heirs of and to said Hercules Dunkin decd, said Hercules Dunkin died intestate and at his death left as sole and surviving heirs to the premises aforesaid, Samuel Dunkin, Amos Dunkin, John H. Dunkin, Joseph Dunkin, Thomas H. Dunkin and Joshua Dunkin junior, six lawful children and legal heirs of said deceased; the aforesaid parties of the first part ack. the $600 as full and complete payment of and for their whole interest in the estate of Hercules Dunkin decd. either in or to lands, moneys, notes, accounts, dues, or demands of any kind ... and the said Margaret Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin and Barbara Dunkin hereby relinquish their right of dower in said premises. /s/ Thomas H. Dunkin, Margaret Dunkin, Joseph Dunkin, Elizabeth (X) Dunkin, Joshua Dunkin Jr., Barbara Dunkin. Wit. Martin S. Morrison. Release of dower before Jos. Poole JP. Recorded April 1, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,731; SLC 9/11/2010)
Fountain Deed records v.12, Apr. 1845-Apr. 1846; Deed records v.13, Apr. 1846-Nov. 1847 (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2012 and earlier)
12-389/390: 31 July 1845, Joseph Dunkin & Elizabeth his wife of Fountain Co. IN to Rachel Picken now Rachel Poole, Hunter Picken, America Picken, Virginia Picken, Richard Picken, Caroline Picken, Robert Picken, and Mary Picken, heirs and legal representatives of Robert Picken deceased, for $4,000 paid, sell all that parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, S 1/2 E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W, also E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W, also W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W, with the exception & reservation of 11 acres off the named piece of land commencing at the half mile stake on the north side of Sec.8 in Twp.21N Range 6W, then south ... containing the said 11 and 1/2 acres, also the S frac. NW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.21N Range 6W with the 2nd exception of 1/2 acre of land which is donated and deeded for a schoolhouse from and off the next last named piece of land or half 1/4 Sec. and 1/3 of an acre off and from the NE corner of the above 1/4 Sec. where the graveyard now is, all in District of land subject to sale at Crawfordsville, IN, warrant title. Release of dower right by Elizabeth Dunkin. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Elizabeth (X) Dunkin. Wit. Jos. Poole, "Georg" Weston. They appeared 31 July 1845 before Joseph Poole, J.P. Recorded Aug. 11, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732)
12-402/403: 18 Aug. 1845, John H. Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to James D. McDonald of afsd, for $300 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.17 in Town of Attica, warrant title, release of dower by Elizabeth Dunkin. (MAD: no signatures or witnesses shown) They appeared 18 Aug. 1845 before Andrew Hixson, J.P. Recorded Aug. 19, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732)
12-416/418: 30 Aug. 1845, George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN, to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, that at the March term of Fountain Circuit Court for 18xx, The State Bank of Indiana by judgment against Thomas H. Dunkin and John Yundt in an action of case on promises, prosecuted by said State Bank of Indiana against said defendants, the sum of $534 in damages, making in all the sum of (MAD: no amount given) together with costs and charges by said Bank in said suit, and afterwards on 7 April 1845 the State Bank sued out of the office of the Clerk of said Court a certain writ of execution of Venditiona and Fieri Facias tested by said Clerk and authenticated with the seal of said court, directed to the Sheriff of said county, commanding him to levy on the lands of said defendants and make return of said writ. The Sheriff on 23 June 1845 levied said writ upon E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.22N Range 6W and also tract beginning at N side of E end of Short Street in Town of Attica, then north ... excepting a piece of land beginning at W corner of said last tract, then ..., levied upon as the property of said defendants, and on 23 July 1845 advertised the lands for sale ... in Davis & Logan Townships and in the "People's Friend" a weekly newspaper pub. at Covington, and on 19 Aug. 1845 sold at public auction the rents and profits of said lands for 7 years, but receiving no bids, then offered for sale, and John H. Dunkin bid $132, and that being the highest bid, the lands were sold to said John H. Dunkin for the sum afsd. Now, the said George Ridge, Sheriff, for $132 paid, deed to John H. Dunkin the said land, the interest of said Thomas H. Dunkin & John Yundt. /s/ George Ridge. He appeared 30 Aug. 1845 before George W. Lawson, Notary Public. Recorded Sept. 1, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732)
12-418/421: 19 Aug. 1845, George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN, to Peter Neff of City of Cincinnati, OH, that on 20 March 1840? in the Circuit Court of Fountain Co. by judgment of said Court, the State Bank of IN recovered against said defendants in said judgment, Thomas H. Dunkin & John Yount, a judgment for $534.27 in damages and further sum of $10.12 cost of suit & for the payment of which, Samuel Dunkin by his recognizance dated 9 May 1840 became security & subject to execution, and on 28 April 1841 a writ of fiere facias was issued to John Bowman, then Sheriff, commanding him to make the damages and costs afsd and to have those monies at the office of the Clerk of said Court on 14 June 1841 to be paid to said plaintiff on which said writ said Sheriff made return he had levied on property, Lot 207 in Hollingsworth's addition to town of Attica, the property of Thomas H. Dunkin, one of the defendants, which remained unsold, and on 7 April 1845 a writ of venditiona exponas & fieri facias was issued that the sheriff after advertisement should sell the lot and the money after one year be paid to the plaintiff, and if it not sell for sufficient sum to pay the said sum of $534.27 damages and $10.12 costs and costs of increase, then the Sheriff should cause to be made of the other goods and chattels of the defendants the residue, within one year to be paid to the plaintiff, which on 14 April 1845 came to the hands of George Ridge, then Sheriff, who advertised the property on 10 May 1845 and received no bid, and it appeared upon examination there was no such property in existence and no such property owned by said defendant Dunkin as described in the writ, afterward the Sheriff on 23 June 1845 levied on real property, Lot No.207 in Grant's Addition to Town of Attica with privilege of taking as much water out of Lot No.206 in same addition as mill run through a 3/4 of an inch auger hole, with 2 feet head thereon, to water a atan yard, Lot No. 21 in Hollingsworth's Addition to Attica, the N 1/2 of E 1/2 Lot No.1 of subdivision of fractional section No.32 in Twp.22N Range 7W containing 13-25/100 acres, Lots No. 204 & 248 in Green & Colman's Addition to said Town of Attica, also piece of land beg. at W corner of tract of land next below described, then E 10 rods to a stake, then S 5 deg. West 5 rods & 15 links to a stake, then N 58 deg. W 10 rods to beginning, also the interest of Thomas H. Dunkin as one of the devisees of Hercules Dunkin in tract of land beg. at N side of E end of Short Street in Town of Attica, then (not copied) to the beginning, except the piece last above described. Also Thomas H. Dunkin's like interest in W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.21N Range 6W containing 80 acres, also Thomas H. Dunkin's like interest in E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.22N Range 6W, all in Fountain Co. and levied upon as the property of said Thomas H. Dunkin, and after advertising, said Ridge, Sheriff, on 19 Aug. 1845 offered to sale, first offered the rents, issues & profits of said property for 7 years & no person bidding, then the Sheriff offered the fee simple of each piece or parcel separately, and said Peter Neff, party of second part, became the purchaser of the pieces or parcels hereinafter described, ... no person bidding more for any of the pieces so sold, ... Lot No.207 in Grant's Addition in Town of Attica with privilege of taking as much water out of Lot No.206 ... sold for $400, Lot No.21 in Hollingsworth's Addition to town of Attica sold for $25, N 1/2 E 1/2 Lot No.1 of subdivision of fractional section No.32 in Twp.22N Range 7W containing 15-25/100 acres sold for $25, Lot No.204 in Green & Colman's Addition to Town of Attica sold for $20, Lot No.248 in Green & Colman's Addition to town of Attica sold for $20, also following parcels of land, beg. at W corner of tract of land in said levy hereinabove described, being the first piece mentioned, the whole of which is not levied upon but only said Defendant Dunkin's interest therein as one of the devisees of Hercules Dunkin, then E 2 rods to a stake, then ... (not copied) sold for $25, and said defendant Dunkin's interest as one of the devisees of Hercules Dunkin in W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.21N Range 6W sold for $5, now for sum of $520 paid by Neff to Ridge, sell the above parcels of land. /s/ George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. Wit. Wm. Hoffman, Wm. Piatt. Recorded 1 Sept. 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2012 and 4/29/2013)
12-498: 2 Oct. 1841, Power of attorney, from Joseph Dunkin, Samuel Dunkin, Amos Dunkin, Joshua Dunkin Junr., and Thomas H. Dunkin, appoint John H. Duncan of Fountain Co. IN our attorney to sell all the real estate or property belonging to the estate of Hercules Dunkin decd. late of county and state aforesaid, and make deeds. Wit. Jos. Poole, Joseph Morrison. Rec. Nov. 12, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 6/10/2008)
12-528/529: 25 Aug. 1845, Joshua Dunkin Senr. and wife Mercy of Fountain Co. IN to Owen Timmons of afsd, for $30 paid, sell tract of land in Fountain Co. IN, commencing at half mile stake on E side Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W, then north ... containing one acre more or less, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr., Mercy Dunkin. Wit. Jos. Poole, John Oliver. They appeared 25 Aug. 1845 before Jos. Poole, J.P. Recorded Dec. 15, 1845. (FHL film 1,321,732)
Fountain Deed records v.12, Apr. 1845-Apr. 1846; Deed records v.13, Apr. 1846-Nov. 1847 (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2012 and earlier)
13-116: 15 July 1846, Joseph D. Masterson and Ann Augusta Masterson his wife of Montgomery Co. IN to John A. Duncan of Fountain Co. IN, for $150 paid, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.317 in Addition to Town of Covington as laid off by William Piatt, John Piatt and Laban Lodge, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joseph D. Masterson, Ann A. Masterson. Wit. James Heaton. They appeared 19 Aug. 1846 before James Heaton, Recorder, Montgomery Co. IN. Recorded Aug. 20, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732)
13-136/137: 23 July 1838, Samuel Dunkin and wife Susannah of Fountain Co. IN to Peter R. Timmons of afsd, for $500 paid, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, E 1/2 W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.22N Range 7W supposed to contain 40 acres more or less, warrant title. /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Susanna Dunkin. Wit. Wm. V. Powell, T.A. Powell. They appeared 23 July 1842 before William V. Powell, J.P. Recorded Oct. 2, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732)
13-192/193: 22 April 1845, Joseph Dunkin and wife Elizabeth of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of same, for $300.10, all that tract of land in Fountain Co. IN, beg. at half mile stake on west side of Sec.8 in Twp21N R6W, then north 14 chains and 78 links, then north 83 deg. east 19 chains & 87 links, then south 15 chains & 43 links, then west 19 chains and 90 links to the beg. containing 30 acres and 1/100 of an acre according to the survey. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Elizabeth (X) Dunkin, wit. Jos. Poole, J. Poole. Appeared before Joseph Poole, acting JP. Recorded Nov. 17, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-193/195: 14 Aug. 1845, Samuel Carter admin. of estate of Robert Picken decd, late of Fountain Co. IN, to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of same, that Robert Picken decd. was in his lifetime and at the time of his death possessed of a title bond from one Joseph Dunkin to said deceased, upon payment of a portion of the purchase money unpaid at the death of said Picken, of the following parcels of land: E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 T21N R6W, and also S 1/2 & E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.31 T22N R6W in Fountain Co. besides other lands, and at a Probate Court on 10 Feb. 1845 on the petition of said Samuel Carter that the personal estate of said intestate was insufficient to pay his debts, and Joseph Poole on behalf of himself and wife Rachel (formerly Rachel Picken) and as guardian at law of Hunter Picken, America Picken, Virginia Picken, Richard Picken, Carolina Picken, Robert Picken & Mary Picken, infant heirs of said Robert Picken decd., appeared in Court and waived notice, and Samuel Carter having given bond, the Court at the Feb. term 1845 made an order that Samuel Carter, admin, should sell at private sale at not less than the appraised value, the interest of said decedent in the lands: not exceeding 12 acres off from the north end of E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.8 T21N R6W and W 1/2 S 1/2 E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec.31 T22 R6W, afterwards Samuel Carter previous to the May term for 1845, offered at private sale and sold to Joseph Dunkin the interest of said decedent to 11-1/2 acres of N end of E 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.8 T21N R6W for $228, being the full appraised value, and being the amount still due said Joseph Dunkin for the lands he had sold to said Robert Picken decd ... the purchase money was applied to payment of said debt, Joseph Dunkin made a deed in fee simple to the heirs of said decedent for all the lands described in the Title bond except the 11-1/2 acres sold back to said Dunkin, which was confirmed by the Probate Court at its May term 1845. The court ordered Samuel Carter to sell the remainder of the land at private sale, and it was sold to Joshua Dunkin Sr., W 1/2 S 1/2 E 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.31 T22N R6W for $140 cash, being more than the full appraised value, the sale was confirmed by the Probate Court Aug. term 1845, and Samuel Carter was directed to make a deed. Now Samuel Carter makes a deed, in consideration of $140, the W 1/2 of S 1/4 of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.31 T22N R6W, supposed to be 20 acres. /s/ Samuel Carter, Administrator &c. Wit. John Oliver, Henry Young. Recorded Nov. 17, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-195/196: 8 April 1846, George Ridge Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN, that at the Sept. term of Fountain Circuit Court for 1840, the State Bank of IN by judgment of said court recovered against Samuel Dunkin, Thomas H. Dunkin and John Yount in a suit for damages prosecuted by said plaintiff against said defendants the sum of $627 in damages together with costs and charges by said plaintiff in her suit in that behalf, and afterwards on 14 Dec. 1841 the said plaintiff sued out of the office of the Clerk of said Court a certain writ of execution called a fieri facias ... directed to the Sheriff commanding him to levy the damages and costs and make return of said writ, and the Sheriff levied the writ upon lands belonging to defendants amongst other tracts, to wit, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 T22N R7W except so much as is covered by the recorded plat of the Town of Maysville, Fountain Co. IN, and advertised the land for sale and returned the writ no sale by order of plaintiff and a vendition of & alias fifa was thereupon issued April 7, 1845, and the Sheiff advertised the lands for sale, and on 30 March 1846 sold at public auction the rents and profits of said lands for seven years, but receiving no bids, the Sheriff offered in manner and form the fee simple of said lands for sale and Joshua Dunkin Senr. bid the sum of $100, that being the highest and best price bid, the said lands were sold to said Joshua Dunkin Senr. for that sum. Now to confirm to said Joshua Dunkin Senr, the said George Ridge Sheriff for $100 paid by Joshua Dunkin Senr, has sold etc. the said tract. /s/ George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN. Recorded Nov. 17, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-197/198: 27 Oct. 1846, Edward Hemphill and wife Sarah Hemphill of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of same, for $5,000 paid, sell tract in Fountain Co. IN, being part of W and E halves of NE and NW quarters, Sec.25 T22N R7W, beg. at a post the SW corner of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of said Sec.25, from then North 6 deg. W with the line of Samuel Dunkin's land 102 poles and 12 links to a post, the SE corner of the addition to the town of Maysville, then S 82-3/4 deg. W with the line of said town 71 poles to a post, then N 34 deg. W 8 poles to a stake, (MAD: more not copied) ... S 40 deg. E 33 poles & 20 links to a sugar tree in Edward Hemphill's line, and from thence with said line 15 poles and 8 links to the beginning, containing 31 acres and 84 poles more or less; also part of the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 T22N R7W beg. at a stake (etc.) containing 3 acres and 60 poles; also the W 1/2 SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.25 T22N R7W containing 160 acres according to the original survey, all in the District of lands subject to sale at Crawfordsville Indiana, but it is understood by and between the parties that the privilege which said Edward Hemphill assigned and conveyed to Joseph Dunkin are not to be molested, interrupted or conveyed to the said Joshua Dunkin Senr, but those water privileges that Hemphill conveyed to Joseph Dunkin in on & through the lot contained in the E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.25 are hereby reserved as aforesaid for the use of the said Joseph Dunkin. /s Edward Hemphill, Sarah Hemphill. Wit. Jos. Poole, Thomas Hemphill. Joseph Poole, an acting Justice of the Peace. Recorded Nov. 17, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-245: 20 Jan. 1844, Isaac Colman and Samuel Colman, Commissioners appointed by Legislature to sell Ormsby Green's interest in certain lots in Green & Colman's addition to Town of Attica, all of Fountain Co. IN, to Joshua Dunkin, for $35 paid, sell tract of land in Fountain Co. IN on plat of Green's & Colman's Addition to Town of Attica, Lot 192, warrant title. /s/ Isaac Colman, Sam'l Colman. Wit. Andrew Hixson. They appeared 25 May 1844 before Andrew Hixson, J.P. Recorded Dec. 28, 1846. (FHL film 1,321,732)
13-310: 16 Feb. 1847, William Smally and wife Sarah Smally of Benton Co. IN to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $300, sell parcel of land, known as 44-1/2 feet on Perry Street extending 10 rods back, being the NE part of Lot 217 in Grants addition to the Town of Attica, Fountain Co. IN. Wit. Andrew Hixson JP, Daniel C. Anderson. Recorded Feb. 24, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-311/313: 8 Dec. 1846, Amos Dunkin and wife Keziah of Adams Co. OH to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $200, parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, being an undivided interest thereof, 1/6 the part of the following lands and tenements which Hercules Dunkin late of said County deceased, died siezed of in fee simple: E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 T22N R6W, also lands being a part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.6 T21N R7W beg. at east end of Short Street in the addition to the Town of Attica and on the North side of said Street, then north 58 deg. west 24 poles and 2 links to a stake, then E 30 poles & 7 links to a stake, then south 37 deg. west 16 poles and 12 links to a stake, then N 58 deg. west 3 links to the beg. containing one acre and one quarter of an acre; out of last described parcel is exempt and reserved from the operation of this deed the piece which was conveyed to Thomas H. Dunkin by said Hercules Dunkin during his life described as beg. at W corner of said Hercules Dunkin's lot, then East 10 rods to a stake, (etc.) containing 28 square perches, all the said lands in the District of US lands sold at Crawfordsville, Ind. The aforesaid undivided 1/6 part of the premises is the "shear" and interest inherited by the said Amos Dunkin in his own right as heir of and to said Hercules Dunkin decd, said Hercules Dunkin died intestate and at his death left as sole surviving heirs to the premises aforesaid Samuel Dunkin, John H. Dunkin, Joseph Dunkin, Thomas H. Dunkin, Joshua Dunkin Junior, and the said Amos Dunkin, six lawful children and legal heirs of said deceased; they ack. the $200 as full and complete payment for their whole interest in the estate of Hercules Dunkin deceased ... in any form. /s/ Amos Dunkin, Kezia Dunkin. Wit. Abraham Dunkin, R.N. Edgington (acting JP of Adams Co. OH), State of Ohio, Adams Co. Dunkins appeared 8 Dec. 1846. Recorded Feb. 24, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-313/314: 8 April 1846, George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN, to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, that at the Sept. term of the Fountain Circuit Court for 1840, the State Bank of Indiana by judgment of said court recovered against Samuel Dunkin, Thomas H. Dunkin, & John Yount in a suit for damages, the sum of $627 together with costs and charges, and afterwards on 14 Dec. 1841 a writ of execution called a fieri facias directed the Sheriff to levy on the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of the defendants, the damages and costs, and the Sheriff (seized) the South fraction of the SE 1/4 Sec.24 T22 R7W in Fountain Co. IN, and an alias fifa was issued on 7 April 1845, and the Sheriff on 24 Feb. 1846 advertised the land for sale, and on 30 March 1846 offered for sale the land, but received no bids, and then offered the land for fee simple and John H. Dunkin bid for the same $100, that being the highest and best, the lands were sold to said John H. Dunkin for the sum aforesaid. /s/ George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN. Recorded Feb. 24, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-314/315: 8 April 1846, George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain Co. IN, to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, (same as above deed) the Sheriff levied upon the interest of Samuel Dunkin as one of the devisees of Hercules Dunkin decd. in the lands: beg. at the N side of the E end of Short Street in Attica Ia, then N 58 deg. W 24 poles (etc.) except the following piece out of said lot, beg. at the W corner of the last described tract, then E 10 rods ...; also Samuel Dunkin's like interest in the E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 T22N R6W all in Fountain Co. Ia. which writ was returned no sale ... Sheriff advertised for sale ... no bids ... sold in fee simple to John H. Dunkin for $50. /s/ George Ridge, Sheriff of Fountain County Indiana. Recorded Feb. 24, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-432/433: 11 May 1847, Archibald S. Ward of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of afsd, for $1200 paid, sell N part of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.21N Range 6W, beg. at center corner of said section, then with E line of said lot south ... containing 39 acres and 96/100 of an acre more or less, also E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.21N Range 6W, warrant title. /s/ Archibald S. Ward. Wit. Jos. Poole, Edward Wilson. He appeared 11 May 1847 before Edward Wilson J.P. Recorded May 14, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732)
13-520/521: 24 May 1847, Samuel Dunkin and wife Susana Dunkin of Moultrie Co. IL to Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN, for $100, land with all the appurtenances in Fountain Co. IN known as the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 T22N R7W excepting the town platt of the Town of Maysville laid out on said half quarter section. /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Susanna Dunkin, Moultrie Co. IL, before John Perryman, Clerk of the Circuit Court, 24 May 1847. Recorded July 13, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-543: 24 May 1847, Samuel Dunkin and wife Susana Dunkin of Moultrie Co. IL to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $50, the S fraction of SE 1/4 Sec.24 T22N R7W, be the same more or less, in Fountain Co. IN. /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Susanna Dunkin. Appeared in Moultrie Co. IL before John Perryman, Clerk of the Circuit Court. Recorded Aug. 2, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-737/738: 1 April 1839, Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Junr., for $2400, sell tracts of land in Fountain Co. IN: to wit, SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.1 T21N R7W containing 40 acres according to survey; also NW 1/4 Sec.7 T21N R6W containing 145 acres and 4/100 of an acre, both of the above tracts of land are in the District of lands sold at Crawfordsville Indiana. /s/ Joshua Dunkin. Wit. Robert Hilditch, William Worthington JP. Recorded Nov. 29, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
13-738/739: 10 March 1847, Joshua Dunkin Senr. and wife Mercy Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Junr., for $6,500, sell parcel in Fountain Co. IN, SE 1/4 Sec.6 T21N R6W, also NE 1/4 Sec.7 T21N R6W, the South line of said land to run to the centre of the State road leading from Attica to Lafayette Ind., said center of said State road being some south of the Section line of said land and making that much more land than is within the bounds of said half section with the following reservations: one rod square where Martin Spar and his wife are buried and to include their graves, also one acre bounded ... commencing at the half mile stake on the E side of Sec.7 T21N R6W, then running N. on said section line 19 rods to a stone then W 8 and a half rods (etc.) containing the said one acre. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Senr, Mercy Dunkin. Wit. Jos. Poole JP, Alexander Rawlstin. Recorded Nov. 29, 1847. (FHL film 1,321,732; SLC 9/11/2010)
Fountain Deed records v.14, Nov. 1847-May 1849; Deed records v.15, May 1849-Aug. 1850 (FHL film 1,321,733; SLC 9/11/2012 and earlier)
14-101/103: 27 Jan. 1847, Samuel Dunkin and wife Susanna Dunkin of Moultrie Co. IL to John H. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $200, sell land in Fountain Co. IN, being an undivided interest, 1/6 part of lands which Hercules Dunkin late of said County deceased died siezed of in fee simple, the E 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.30 T22N R6W, also part of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.6 T21N R7W beg. at E end of Short Street in the Addition to the Town of Attica and on the North side of said Street, then N 58 degrees (etc.) containing one acre and 1/4 of an acre, and out of the last mentioned parcel is exempt and reserved from the operation of this deed is the piece which was conveyed to Thomas H. Dunkin by Hercules Dunkin during his life, beg. at W corner of said Hercules Dunkin's lot, then E (etc.) containing 28 square perches ... The afsd undivided 1/6 part of said land is the shear and interest inherited by the said Samuel Dunkin in his own right as heir of and to said Hercules Dunkin, that Hercules Dunkin died intestate and at his death left as sole heirs Joseph Dunkin, John H. Dunkin, Thomas Dunkin, Joshua Dunkin Junior, Amos Dunkin, and the said Samuel Dunkin, six lawful children and legal heirs ... (the deed conveys the entire share of Hercules Dunkin's estate that Samuel Dunkin was entitled to). /s/ Samuel Dunkin, Susanna Dunkin, in Moultrie Co. IL before John A. Freeland, Clerk of County Commissioners Court. Recorded Feb. 14, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733; SLC 9/11/2010)
14-143: 24 Oct. 1846, Amos Dunkin and Kisiah his wife of Adams Co. OH to R.N. Edgington and Margaret Edgington of afsd, for $310 paid, sell land in part of Town of Attica in Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.66, also two lots in addition of said Town of Attica, Lots 188 and 189 in James Coleman's Addition to Town of Attica, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Amos Dunkin, Kezia Dunkin. Wit. Philip L. Howell. They appeared before R.N. Edgington, J.P., Adams Co. OH. Recorded March 7, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733)
14-195: 15 Feb. 1848, Joshua Dunkin and Mercy Dunkin his wife of Fountain Co. IN to Hiram Brown of Fountain Co. IN, for $310? paid, sell land in Fountain Co. IN, N 1/2 W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W containing 39 acres and 42 and 1/2 hundredths, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr., Mercy Dunkin. Wit. John Gillfillan, Richard Funk. They appeared 15 Feb. 1848 before John Gilfillan, J.P. Recorded April 26, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733)
14-305/306: 26 Feb. 1848, John H. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Fountain Co. IN to James Hemphill and John Hemphill of Fountain Co. IN, for $300 paid, sell parcel of land, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.30 Twp.22N Range 6W, containing 80 acres, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Wit. Wm. W. Ennis, Samuel Coleman. They appeared 26 Feb. 1848 before Samuel Coleman, J.P. Recorded July 29, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733)
14-340/341: 8 Aug. 1848, John H. Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to John Young of Fountain Co. IN, for $200, sell Lot Number (in fold) in the resurvey to the Town of Attica. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Wit. Samuel Coleman JP, L.W. Knight. Recorded Sept. 2, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733; SLC 9/11/2010)
14-341/342: 12 April 1848, That David Duncan and wife Mary (X) Duncan of Fountain Co. IN for $300 paid by David D. Duncan of same, sell to David D. Duncan real estate in Fountain Co. IN, SW 1/4 ??E quarter Sec.34 T21N R7W?? containing 40 acres. Appeared before R. Hunnings, JP, 12 April 1848. Recorded Sept. 2, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733; SLC 9/11/2010)
14-342: 12 April 1848. That David (X) Stephens and wife Susannah (X) Stephens for $400 paid by David D. Duncan, the following real estate in Fountain Co. IN, 30 acres on South end of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 T21N R7W. They appeared before R. Hunning, JP. (MAD: a line saying they sold and conveyed the real estate appears to be missing from the text recorded in the deed book) Recorded Sept. 2, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733; SLC 9/11/2010)
14-364: 17 April 1848, Joshua Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to Samuel Warrick of Fountain Co. IN, for $75 paid, sell land in afsd, in Green and Colemans Addition to Town of Attica, the remaining parts of lots which have not been destroyed by the canal, so much as yet remaining of No.175 and also of 176, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin, Mercy Dunkin. Wit. John Gilfillan. They appeared 17 April 1848 before John Gillfillan, J.P. Recorded Oct. 5, 1848. (FHL film 1,321,733)
14-536: 7 March 1848, Joshua Dunkin Jr. and wife Barbara Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN to John Buck of Fountain Co. IN, for $300 paid, sell land, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.21N range 7W containing 40 acres by the original survey, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Jr., Barbara Dunkin. Wit. William Worthington, Sarah Ann (X) McFarling. They appeared 7 March 1848 before William Worthington, J.P. Recorded Feb. 13, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,733)
14-559/560: 1 Sept. 1848, Joshua Dunkin and Mary Dunkin his wife of Fountain Co. IN to Zachariah Pyle of Fountain Co. IN, for $1600 paid, sell N part of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.21N Range 6W, beg. at Center corner ... east line of said lot, ... containing 39 acres and 96/100 of an acre more or less, also E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.21N Range 6W, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Jr., Mary Dunkin. Wit. John Gillfillan. They appeared 1 Sept. 1848 before John Gillfillan, J.P. Recorded March 3, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,733)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.15, May 1849-Aug. 1850 cont.; Deed records v.16, Aug. 1850-Dec. 1851; Deed records v.17, Dec. 1851-Apr. 1853 cont. (FHL film 1,321,734; SLC 9/11/2012)
15-69: 20 June 1849, Thomas Hemphill and Elizabeth M. Hemphill for $1450 paid by Joseph Dunkin, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, S 1/2 W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W and also W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Thomas Hemphill and Elizabeth M. Hemphill his wife who relinquishes her dower. /s/ Thomas Hemphill, Elizabeth M. Hemphill. No witnesses. They appeared 20 June 1849 before Samuel Colman, J.P. Recorded July 19, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-70: 26 April 1849, Joshua Dunkin Sen. and Mercey Dunkin his wife of Fountain Co. IN to Joseph Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $3,000 paid, sell parcel of land, NW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W containing 145 acres and 4/100 of an acre, also N end of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W beg. at stone in center of a state road from Attica to Lafayette, then ... containing 4 acres and 1/100 of an acre, also a piece of land beg. at the half mile stake in W end of Sec.7 in Twp.21N Range 6W, then ... containing 5 acres & 13/100 more or less, together with appurtenances, warrent title, Mercey Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Joshua Dunkin, Mercey Dunkin. Wit. William Worthington. They appeared 26 April 1849 before William Worthington, J.P. Recorded July 19, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-225: 26 April 1849, Joseph Dunkin and Sarah Ann Dunkin his wife of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Dunkin Sr. of Fountain Co. IN, for $5,000 paid, sell parcel of land, S fraction NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.21N Range 6W, also W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W with the exception or reservation of 30 acres off South end of last tract which was heretofore deeded to Joshua Dunkin Senr., also SW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.21N Range 6W, also 11 acre and 50/100 of an acre off North end of E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W, all the tracts supposed to contain 301 acres and 50/100 of an acre, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Sarah Ann Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Sarah Ann (X) Dunkin. Wit. William Worthington. They appeared 26 April 1849 before William Worthington, J.P. Recorded Nov. 20, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-243/244: Title Bond. Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN bond to Norman S. Brown of afsd for $600, /s/ 4 Oct. 1847. The condition is that Joseph Dunkin Sr. has this day sold to Norman S. Brown a lot or piece of land in or near the Town of Attica in afsd, beg. at a post from NW corner of Lot 45, land of E. Hemphill, Casey Emmons lot ..., for $300 by note to be paid within 2 years from this date with 6% interest annually, if Norman S. Brown pays this within the two years, Joshua Dunkin Sr. is to deliver a warranty deed of conveyance, but if Norman S. Brown fails to make payment, this obligation is void. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr. Wit. Jos. Poole. Recorded Dec. 3, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-244/245: 9 Dec. 1847, Joshua Dunkin Senr. of Fountain Co. IN to Norman S. Brown of afsd, for $300 paid, sell parcels of land, beg. at a post from NW corner of Lot 42 in original town of Attica, then ..., being in and near the Town of Attica, Fountain Co. IN; it is understood between the parties that the north line of above lot is to run as to leave 50 feet between the north line and the land or lot of land of Casey Emmons, said 50 feet of land being the land of Edward Hemphill, sold to him by above Joshua Dunkin Senr, and the NW line to be the line between the land of Martin Grant decd and above land, warrant title, Mercy Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr., Mercy Dunkin. Wit. Wm. Worthington, Clarinda Powell. They appeared 9 Dec. 1847 before William Worthington, J.P. Recorded Dec. 3, 1849. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-390: 23 Jan. 1850, John A. Duncan and wife Harriet Duncan for $150 paid by Samuel J. Weldon, sell real estate in Town of Covington, Fountain Co. IN, together with appurtenances, Lot 317 in Addition to Town of Covington as laid off by William Piatt, John Piatt and Laban Lodge, warrant title. They appeared 23 Jan. 1850 before John Fields, J.P. Recorded Jan. 26, 1850. (FHL film 1,321,734)
15-691/692: 6 June 1850, Joseph Dunkin and Sarah Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, for $4,000 paid by James Cooley of Tippecanoe Co. IN, sell to James Cooley real estate in Fountain Co. IN, S 1/2 W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W and also W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W, also NW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W containing 145 acres and 4/100 of an acre, also N end of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W beg. at center of the state road from Attica to Lafayette, ... containing 4 acres and 1/100, also a piece of land beg. at the half mile stake on the W side of Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W, ... containing 5 acres and 13/100 of an acre more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Sarah Dunkin relinquishes her right of dower. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Sarah (X) Dunkin. They appeared 6 June 1850 before Samuel Colman, J.P. Recorded July 16, 1850. (FHL film 1,321,734)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.15, May 1849-Aug. 1850 cont.; Deed records v.16, Aug. 1850-Dec. 1851; Deed records v.17, Dec. 1851-Apr. 1853 cont. (FHL film 1,321,734; SLC 9/11/2012)
16-25/26: 17 Aug. 1850, James D. McDonald and wife Lucinda, and James D. McDonald attorney in fact for James Spears and Julia A. Spears of Fountain Co. IN, for $1500 paid by Joseph Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.21N Range 7W, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Lucinda McDonald and Julia A. Spears relinquish right of dower. /s/ James D. McDonald, Lucinda McDonald, James D. McDonald Attorney in fact for James Spears & Julia A. Spears, James Spears, Julia A. Spears. James D. McDonald and Lucinda McDonald appeared 17 Aug. 1850 before Jasper J. Eldridge, J.P., Fountain Co. IN. Recorded Sept. 7, 1850. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-35: 13 Sept. 1850, Joseph Dunkin and Sarah A. Dunkin his wife for $1500 paid by Harrison Vanmeter, sell to said Harrison Vanmeter real estate in Fountain Co. IN, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.21N Range 7W, containing 80 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Sarah A. (X) Dunkin. Wit. D. Newell. They appeared 13 Sept. 1850 before Davis Newell, Notary Public, Fountain Co. IN. Recorded Sept. 16, 1850. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-36: Title Bond, Herbert Furguson of Vermillian Co. IN am bound to Joseph Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN for $12,000 to be paid to said Joseph Dunkin, 10 Sept. 1850; that Herbert Ferguson this day sold Joseph Dunkin land, NE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.21N Range 7W, also E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.21N Range 7W, also W fraction SW 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W, also NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.21N Range 6W, the last named fraction of land being a fraction of a section and containing 146 acres according to the original survey and the West fraction above containing 66-4/100 acres according to survey, also the South end of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 50 acres to be measured and taken from the south end of said lot, the west line of said 50 acres to run to a certain mill race on said lot and the east line to be of such a length as to make said 50 acres, all of the lands in Fountain Co. IN; and whereas said Herbert Ferguson has sold said lands to said Joseph Dunkin for $6,000, $3,000 of which is paid by said Dunkin to said Herbert Ferguson and the other $3,000 said Dunkin has executed his 3 promisory notes of $1,000 each, one payable 1 year from date, one payable 2 years from date, and the third payable 3 years from date, NOW this obligation is such that if Herbert Ferguson by 10 Sept. 1853 or upon full payment of said notes and interest shall upon request of said Joseph Dunkin make a deed to convey title and from the first of March next until the deed shall be executed, shall allow Joseph Dunkin his heirs and assigns to hold the land, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in effect. /s/ Herbert Ferguson. Wit. Curtis Newell, D. Newell. Rec. Sept. 16, 1850. (FHL film 1,321,734; SLC 9/11/2012 and 4/29/2013)
16-218/219: 7 Sept. 1850, John H. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife for $400 paid by William L. Slaughter, sell to William L. Slaughter real estate in Fountain Co. IN, Town Lot 225 and 226 in Green & Colman's Addition to Town of Attica, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. They appeared 7 Sept. 1850 before Davis Newell, Notary Public. Recorded Jan. 3, 1851. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-450/451: 11 June 1850, John H. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife for $850 paid by Joseph Dunkin, sell to said Joseph Dunkin real estate in Fountain Co. IN, part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.21N Range 7W, beg. at East end of Short Street in the Addition to Town of Attica and on the North side of said Street, ... containing 1-1/4 acres, reserving from the operation of this deed that part of above 1-1/4 acres bounded ... W corner of said tract of land ... containing square perches, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Wit. (blank) They appeared 11 June 1850 before Davis Newell, Notary Public. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-451/452: 17 Aug. 1850, Joseph Dunkin and Sarah Ann Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN for $800 paid by James D. McDonald of Fountain Co. IN and James Spear of Tippecanoe Co. IN, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, being a part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.21N Range 7W, begin. at East end of Short Street in Addition to Town of Attica, then North ... containing 1-1/4 acres, reserving from the portion of this deed that part of above 1-1/4 acres bounded beg. at West corner of said tract, then east ... containing 28 square perches, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Sarah Ann (X) Dunkin. Wit. Jasper J. Eldridge. They appeared 17 Aug. 1850 before Jasper J. Eldridge, J.P., and Sarah Ann Dunkin, wife of Joseph Dunkin, and ack. she signed the deed. Recorded June 11, 1851. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-517/518: 15 March 1851, James Cooley and wife Susanna of Fountain Co. IN for $20 paid by Joseph Dunkin of afsd, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W in Fountain Co. which land was conveyed by said Joseph Dunkin and Sarah A. Dunkin his wife to said James Cooley through mistake in the fall of 1850, the said Joseph Dunkin having received no consideration whatever for the same and to correct this mistake, this indenture is made, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Cooley, Susan Cooley. Wit. Jesse Marvin, Joshua Dunkin. They appeared 15 March 1851 before Jesse Marvin, J.P. Recorded August 18, 1851. (FHL film 1,321,734)
16-667/668: 22 Nov. 1851, John Arn and wife Elizabeth Arn of Parke Co. IN to John R. Duncan of Fountain Co. IN, for $300 paid, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.121 in Addition to Town of Covington laid off by Isaac B. Vance, Israel T. Canby and others, known as "Vance's Addition to Covington", warrant title. /s/ John Arn, Elizabeth Arn. Wit. (blank). They appeared 22 Nov. 1851 before Arthur Horner, Notary Public, residing in Montezuma in Parke Co. IN. Recorded Nov. 22, 1851. (FHL film 1,321,734)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.17, Dec. 1851-Apr. 1853 cont.; Deed records v.18, Apr. 1853-July 1854 (FHL film 1,321,735; SLC 9/11/2012)
17-146/147: 8 March 1852, John R. Duncan of Fountain Co. IN to Alfred R. Heath of afsd, for $350 paid, sell tract of land in Fountain Co. IN, Lot 121 in Addition to Town of Covington laid off by Isaac B. Vance, Israel T. Canby and others, known as "Vance's Addition to Covington", warrant title. /s/ John R. Duncan. Wit. Wm. Hoffman. He appeared 8 March 1852 before Wm. Hoffman, Recorder, Fountain Co. IN. Recorded March 9, 1852. (FHL film 1,321,735)
17-178: 7 Feb. 1852, John L. Dungan of Fountain Co. IN for $600 paid by Ansel Beach of afsd, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, Lots 15 and 16 in Hollroy's Addition to Town of Attica, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John L. Dungan. He appeared 7 Feb. 1852 before Samuel Colman, J.P. Recorded March 30, 1852. (FHL film 1,321,735)
17-606: 21 Jan. 1851, Herbert Furguson and Elizabeth Furguson of Vermilion Co. IN for $5,000 paid by Joseph Duncan of Fountain Co. IN, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, NE 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 160 acres more or less, also E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 80 acres more or less, also W fraction SW 1/4 Sec.31 Twp.22N Range 6W containing according to the original survey 66 acres & 4/100 more or less, also S end of E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 50 acres to be measured and taken from the south end of said last described lot, the West line of said 50 acres to run to a certain mill race on said lot and the east line to be of such length as to make said 50 acres, ... together with appurtenances, warrant title, Elizabeth Ferguson his wife relinquishes her dower. /s/ Herbert Furguson, Elizabeth Furguson. Wit. Wm. Hoffman. Herbert Ferguson and Elizabeth Furguson appeared 21 Jan. 1853 before William Hoffman, Recorder. Recorded Jan. 21, 1853. (Ferguson and Furguson as spelled) (FHL film 1,321,735)
17-630: 28 Jan. 1853, James Longmire and wife Vivinda Longmire of Fountain Co. IN for $2,500 paid by Joseph Dunkin of afsd, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.24 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 80 acres more or less, also W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp. & Range afsd containing 80 acres more or less, together with appurtenances. /s/ James Longmire, Vivinda (X) Longmire. They appeared 28 Jan. 1853 before Marshall M. Milford, Notary Public. Recorded Feb. 2, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,735)
17-687/688: 16 Sept. 1852, John H. Dunkin and Elizabeth Dunkin his wife of Clayton Co. IA to Henry Miller of Fountain Co. IN, for $750 paid, sell tract of land and premises in Town of Attica, Fountain Co. IN, known as 44-1/2 feet on P?erry Street extending 2 rods back, it being the NE part of Lot 217 in Grants Addition to Town of Attica, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Wit. Reuben Noble, Robert R. Read. They appeared 16 Sept. 1852 before Robert C. Drips?, J.P., Clayton Co. IA. Certification by F. Andros, Clk, Dist. Court, and P?. Granger, Deputy, for Robert C. Drips?, 16 Sept. 1852, in Garnavillo. Recorded Feb. 24, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,735)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.18, Apr. 1853-July 1854 cont.; Deed records v.19, July 1854-Aug. 1855; Deed records v.20, Aug. 1855-Dec. 1856 (FHL film 1,321,736; SLC 9/11/2012)
18-20/21: 14 Oct. 1845, Joshua Dunkin Sen. of Fountain Co. IN to Edward Hemphill of afsd, for $500 paid, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, 50 feet off and from N side of lot, beg. at Rock bearing North from NW corner of Lot 42 in Town of Attica, ... containing 57/100 of an acre, said 50 feet of parcel begin. at described rock, then NW corner of lot 42 in town of Attica; warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr., Mercy Dunkin. Wit. Jos. Poole, B.M. Oliver. They appeared 14 Oct. 1845 before Joseph Poole, J.P., and Mercey Dunkin, wife of Joshua Dunkin, ack. her signing the deed. Recorded April 14, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-217: 9 Feb. 1852, George W. Guthrie and wife Sarah F. Guthrie, of Fountain Co. IN, to Thomas Duncan of Fountain Co. IN, for $200 paid, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 80 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ G.W. Guthrie, Sarah F. Guthrie. Wit. Thos. E. McPherrens, J.D. Griffith. They appeared 9 Feb. 1852 before Thos. E. McPherrens, J.P. Recorded Sept. 10, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-218: 9 Feb. 1852, Ann J. Bodley of Fountain Co. IN to Thomas Duncan of Fountain Co. IN, for $100, sell parcel of land in Fountain Co. IN, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.21N Range 7W containing 80 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Ann J. Bodley. Wit. Thos. E. McPherren, J.D. Griffith. She appeared 9 Feb. 1852 before Thos. E. McPherren, J.P. Recorded Sept. 10, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-219: 9 Sept. 1853, Thomas Duncan and Elizabeth H. Duncan his wife of Fountain Co. IN sell and warrant unto George W. Guthrie of afsd, all their interest to 20 acres off NW corner of W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.21N Range 7W, for $250. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Elizabeth H. (X) Duncan. Wit. Thos. E. McPherren, George S. Fleming. They appeared 9 Sept. 1853 before Thos. E. McPherren, J.P. Recorded Sept. 10, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-337/338: 20 April 1853, John H. Dunkin and wife Elizabeth Dunkin of Clayton Co. IA to Patrick Fielding of Fountain Co. IN, for $25 paid, sell lot of land in Town of Attica, Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.173 in Green and Colman's addition to Town of Attica, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ John H. Dunkin, Elizabeth Dunkin. Wit. Wm. H. Ballows, Robert C. Drips. They appeared 20 April 1853 before Robert C. Drips, J.P. of Clayton Co. IA. Certification by J.F. Andrew, Clerk of District Court of Clayton Co. IA, for Robert C. Drips, 20 April 1853. Recorded Dec. 2, 1853. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-635: 9 March 1838, Joshua Dunkin Junr. and wife Barbary Duncan, of Fountain Co. IN, to John J. Dunkin of afsd, for $100 paid, sell parcels in Fountain Co. IN, one in-lot in Town of Maysville Lot No.22, also lot No.36, and appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin, Barbara Dunkin. Wit. William Worthington, Joseph Morrison. They appeared 9 March 1838 before William Worthington, J.P. Recorded April 6, 1854. (Dunkin and Duncan as spelled) (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-636: 18 Feb. 1854, John J. Dunkin and wife Ann Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN convey and warrant to Elizabeth Ann, Mary and Joann Gilfillan, heirs of John Gilfillan decd, and their heirs and assigns, all their interest to property, Lot No.6 in Olde Plat of Town of Maysville, for $75. /s/ John Dunkin, Ann Dunkin. They appeared 18 Feb. 1854 before Jesse Marvin, J.P., Fountain Co. IN. Recorded April 6, 1854. (FHL film 1,321,736)
18-660: 4 Sept. 1851, Joshua Dunkin and wife Barbara Dunkin, for $15 paid by John Young, sell real estate in Fountain Co. IN, Town Lot No.46 in Town of Maysville, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin, Barbara Dunkin. They appeared 4 Sept. 1851 before J.W. Newlin, J.P. Recorded April 18, 1854. (FHL film 1,321,736)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.18, Apr. 1853-July 1854 cont.; Deed records v.19, July 1854-Aug. 1855; Deed records v.20, Aug. 1855-Dec. 1856 (FHL film 1,321,736; SLC 9/11/2012)
19-175: 30 Sept. 1854, Joseph Dunkin and wife Sarah A. Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN for $1300 paid, sell, convey and warrant to Joshua Dunkin of afsd, the W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.21N Range 6W in Fountain Co. IN. /s/ Joseph Dunkin, Sarah Ann Dunkin. They appeared 30 Sept. 1854 before Joseph Poole, J.P. Recorded Oct. 19, 1854. (FHL film 1,321,736)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.18, Apr. 1853-July 1854 cont.; Deed records v.19, July 1854-Aug. 1855; Deed records v.20, Aug. 1855-Dec. 1856 (FHL film 1,321,736; SLC 9/11/2012 and earlier)
20-194: 18 March 1841, Joshua Dunkin Sen. of Fountain Co. IN for $2400 paid by John J. Dunkin of afsd, sell premises in Fountain Co. IN, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W, also E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.21N Range 6W, these two lots extending to the middle of the State road running east & west, said road considered the north line of said lots, and also South fraction of NW fraction of Sec.6 Twp.21N Range 6W containing 74-44/100 acres according to original survey. [Side note: See Com?. Rec. page 404 Clerk's office for correction of desc. changing E 1/2 SE 1/4 7-21-6 to W 1/2 SE 1/4 7-21-6] Warrant title. /s/ Joshua Dunkin Sr. Wit. Jos. Poole, Joseph Morrison. He appeared 18 March 1841 before Jos. Poole, J.P. Recorded Jan. 16, 1856. (FHL film 1,321,736)
20-214: 28 Jan. 1856, Ann J. Bodley of Fountain Co. IN convey and warrant to Thomas Duncan of Fountain Co. IN for $700 the following real estate in Fountain Co. IN: Being Share No.2 in the estate of David Duncan decd. as laid off and as signed by commissioners appointed to partition said estate by the Fountain Court of Common Pleas, as follows: commencing at SE corner of W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.21N Range 7W, thence North to the North line of said section about 160 rods, thence west 29 rods then south about 155 rods then east 20 rods thence south about 4 rods then east to the place of beginning, supposed to contain 28 acres and 60 rods. Also 11 acres on the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.20 Range 7 situate west & adjoining Thomas Duncan's share of said lot ... /s/ Ann J. Bodley. Rec. Jan. 28 1856. (FHL film 1,321,736; SLC 6/10/2008)
20-370: 9 April 1855, Margaret Dunkin of Jefferson Co. KY for $50 sell to Lewis D. Lyons of Fountain Co. IN all her interest to Lot No.21 in Hollingsworth's addition to Town of Attica, Fountain Co. IN. /s/ Margaret Duncan. She appeared before Joseph Poole, J.P., Fountain Co. IN. Recorded April 8, 1856. (FHL film 1,321,737; MAD: wife of Thomas H. Duncan per 1841 Fountain Co. IN deed 10-428)
Fountain Co. IN Deed records v.20, Aug. 1855-Dec. 1856 cont.; Deed records v.21, Jan. 1857-Apr. 1858 (FHL film 1,321,737; SLC 9/11/2012)
21-35: 4 Nov. 1856, John J. Henderson and wife Jane S. Henderson of Fountain Co. IN convey and warrant to James M. Duncan of Fountain Co. IN for $2500, real estate in Fountain Co. IN, Lot No.252, 253, 254, and 255 in Piatt's addition to town of Covington. /s/ John J. Henderson, Jane S. Henderson. Wit. G.S. Shanklin, J.O. Patterson. They appeared 4 Nov. 1856 before G.S. Shanklin, County Surveyor of Fountain Co. IN. Recorded Jan. 14, 1857. (FHL film 1,321,737)
21-472/473: 27 Feb. 1857, Thomas Duncan and wife Elizabeth of Fountain Co. IN convey and warrant to Samuel Moffitt of said county, Share? No.2 in estate of David Duncan decd. as lain off and assigned by Commissioners appointed to partition said estate by Fountain Court of Common Pleas, described as follows, commencing at SE corner of W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.21N Range 7W, then ... supposed to contain 28 acres and 70 rods more or less, and also 11 acres on E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.20 Range 7 Situated west and adj. Thomas Duncan's share of said lot being West and adj. a north & south line 19 rods west of the east line of last named 1/4 sec., for $700. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan. They appeared 27 Feb. 1857 before Readick Hannings, J.P. Recorded Oct. 17, 1857. (FHL film 1,321,737)
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