Duncan research files of |
1830 Floyd Co. IN Census New Albany Pg.327 James Dunkin 0000,1 - 0000,1 (MAD: mar. Sarah Brand 9/16/1826) Pg.329 F.C. Dunhin 1110,01 - 1110,1 not New Albany Pg.361 James T. Duncan 3000,1 - 0000,1 1840 Floyd Co. IN Census Georgetown Pg.164 James F/T. Duncan 2120,11 - 0110,01 (indexed Thomas Duncan)
1850 Floyd Co. IN Census (no William Duncan found near pg.432 or 456)
New Albany City
Pg.385, #9-10, Robert C. DUNCAN 25 KY confectioner in hotel
(MAD: mar. 1850 Lewellyn McCreskey in Jefferson Co. KY; 1860 Daviess Co. KY)
Pg.403 (805), #229-287, Edward C. DUNCAN 51 VA ship carpenter
Matilda 49 VA
John GAVAN 37 IRE diging gold cal.
Ann 27 KY
Ann E. 7, Claud? (m?) 4 IN
Juba 2, John 1/12 IN
(MAD: Edward C. Duncan mar. Matilda Thrift 10/11/1821 Christian Co. KY; Elizabeth Ann Duncan mar. John Gavin 1/28/1840)
Pg.418, #414-503, Edward C. DUNCAN 22 KY ship carpenter $100
Rachael 21 IN
Charles 5/12 IN
(MAD: mar. Rachel Sparks 5/29/1849)
New Albany Twp.
Pg.432, #602-712, Cora Emily Campbell 9 IN (belongs to hh #601-711)
Patsy Ann DUNCAN 25 IN mar/in/year
Thomas DUNCAN 38 IN laborer
(MAD: Thomas Duncan mar. Patsey Milan 4/30/1850)
Pg.456, #954-1086, James T. DUNCAN 45 KY farmer $8100
Margaret 25 IN
Charles 22, Volney (m) 20 KY
Elizabeth 18, George T. 17 IN
Norton B. 14, John H. 12 IN
Spurzhiem (m) 8, Catherine 6 IN
James 3, Rosezettha 1 IN
Samuel M. BASLEY 50 NH carpenter
Henry DUNCAN 17 KY farmer
(MAD: James T. Duncan mar. Margaret (Batman) Brown 1825 Jefferson Co. KY)
(MAD: James T. Duncan mar. Margt. Taylor 5/7/1848)
1860 Floyd Co. IN Census
New Albany, Ward 3
Pg.31, #213-213, Rebecca AILAN? 78 KY (blank) $0-$0
Rebecca DUNCAN 17 KY
Reason WEBB? (m) 25 IN clerk
Pg.49, #357-357, Chas. DUNCAN 32 KY Co.Treasurer $2000-$500
Mary 26 IN
Catherine 16 IN
Simeon NUN 23 IN farmer
(MAD: Charles Duncan mar. Marin Ross 10/6/1853)
Pg.197, #126-119, Spusam DUNCAN (m) 18 KY farmer $800-$100
Elizabeth HULL 27 IN (blank) $800-$200
Theo. (m) 7, Clopatri (f) 3 IN
Pg.197, #127-120, Norton DUNCAN 24 IN farmer $600-$1200
Millisant F. 18 IN
William HINKLEY 3 IN
(MAD: Morton P. Duncan mar. M. Garretson 4/15/1858, per "Marriage Records of Floyd Co. IN 1845-1920" by WPA; Norton B. Duncan mar. Jennie Garrison per pg.81-82 in 1889 "Biographical and Historical Souvenir for the Cos. of Clark, Crawford, Harrison, Floyd, Jefferson, Jennings, Scott and Washington, IN" by Gresham; see 1880 McDonough Co. IL census)
Pg.197, #128-121, George DUNCAN 26 IN farmer $1000-$400
Lucindy (f) 24 IN
Volney (m) 3, Ida (f) 1, Mary 3/12 IN
Rebeca MORRIS 13 IN
(MAD: George T. Duncan mar. Lucinda Harper 10/24/1855; 1870 Crawford Co. IN census)
Pg.198, #137-131, Leonard? (Lemuel?) BROWN 32 KY farmer $3000-$600
Margaret 33 IN
George 5, Henry 2, William 6/12 IN
James DUNCAN 11 IN
Rosantha ANNIS (f) 10 IN
(MAD: Margaret Duncan mar. Lemuel Brown 8/20/1854)
New Albany, Ward 4
Pg.326, #57-60, Elizabeth BERRY 59 KY seamstress $0-$50
Lewis P. 24 IN mechanic? painter
Benjamin 20 IN appr. painter
Sarah K. 18 IN
Martha DUNCAN 15 IN
Pg.364, #323-336, Thomas DUNCAN 38 KY MULATTO (blank) $0-$0
Ann 33 IN MULATTO (occupation:) Siral Minister M.B. $800-0
New Albany, Ward 5
Pg.381, #452-460, Edward C. DUNCAN 31 KY ship carpenter $0-$150
Rachel A. (Ann?) 30 IN
Charles H. 10, Matilda T. 5 IN
Mary E. 2, Edward 8/12 IN
Pg.382, #461-469, Edward C. DUNCAN 61 VA ship carpenter $0-$100
Matilda 59 VA (blank) $250-$0
Betty GAVIN 16 IN
1870 Floyd Co. IN Census (pg.380 from Thomas Weisbach 7/2000)
Georgetown Twp.
Pg.168, #267-272, DUNCAN, James T. 22 IN farmer $1500-$370
Margaret G?. 22 KY keeping house
Zetta B. (f) 2/12 IN b.Apr.
Pg.168, #273-278, DUNCAN, Saurzhine (written over) (m) 28 IN farmer $3500-$540
Martha J. 20 IN keeping house
Talbert (m) 3/12 IN b.Mar.
AYRES, John W. 12 TN
(MAD: indexed Shurzhein Duncan)
Pg.168, #278-283, DUNCAN, Charles 42 KY tanner & currier $6000-$4000
Mary J. 35 IN keeping house
Charles E. 9 IN
CARVER, J. Sussie (f) 20 IN school teaching
MARLON, John 16 IN works on farm
BEERBAUER, Phillip 35 IN tanner & currier
2nd Ward, New Albany
Pg.302, #311-325, HANGARY, Jacob 58 PA banker $33,100-$47,750
Catharine 39 KY keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Edward C. 21 IN without occupation
KEON, Mariss? A. (f) 17 IN house keeper, father of foreign birth
Charlotte 25 IN domestic servant, father of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Henrietta S. 30 IL without occupation
Jennie (f) 33 IL without occupation
4th Ward, New Albany
Pg.345, #114-119, DUNCAN, Matilda 68 VA without occupation
FOX, Catherine 41 IN keeps house $3500-$2500
Isebel (f) 27 IN seamstress
SHERSIT??, Mary A. 28 IN seamstress
Alice F. 7 IN at school
GRASSHOT?, Susana 81 IN seamstress
CHEATHAM, Mary 23 MO BLACK domestic servant
5th Ward, New Albany
Pg.374, #22-22, DUNCAN, Thomas 53 KY MULATTO laborer $900-$0
Patsy A. 42 IN MULATTO keeping house
William 5 IN MULATTO
5th Ward, New Albany, enumerated June 13th, 1870, pg. 15? (Stamped pg.#380)
Pg.380, #106-106, DUNCAN, Elizabeth 51 SC keeping house $0-$0
Lawson 23 TN laborer
Emma 19, Jenette (f) 17 GA at home
Charles 16 TN at home
(TW: Elizabeth Earp, widow of Hartwell Duncan, 1860 Roane Co. TN census)
6th Ward New Albany
Pg.422, #283-288, DUNCAN, Edward C. 42 KY (white) ship carpenter $0-$0
Rachel A. 41 IN keeping house
Matilda T. 15 IN at home
Mary E. 12, Edward C. 10, Merritt G. (m) 6 IN
Floyd Co. IN Marriages, Vol.C, 1845-1853 (FHL film 1,411,883)
James T. Duncan to Margaret Taylor, lic. 15 April 1848, married 7 May by Henry Bonebrake; pg.142
Edward C. Duncan to Rachel A. Sparks, lic. 29 May 1849, married same date by J.E. Noyes; pg.215
Thomas Duncan to Patsey Ann Wilan, lic. 30 April 1850, married same date by Samuel K. Sneed; pg.278
Julia Ann Duncan to Samuel H. Gatewood, lic. 9 June 1849, married 10 June by Absalom Littell; pg.216
Elizabeth J/I. Duncan to John P. Hull, license 28 June 1852, married same date by Henry Bonebrake; pg.434
Floyd Co. IN Deed Indexes
Index to grantors, D-Z, 1819-1865, typed book (FHL film 1,412,110)
Duncan, Wm. et al to Cincinnatus F. Fountain, C-455, June 28, 1828, WD, lots 2&4 lr. Elm St.
Duncan, Henry S. & wf to John Moser, K-168, Feby 26, 1838, WD, lot 2 Upper 2nd St N 1/2 of
Duncan, James T. to Joseph Moore, S-408, July 13, 1846, WD, SW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, James T. & wife to John E. Meyer, U-313, Sept. 9, 1848, D, lot 3 Upper 2nd St. N 25 by 120 ft.
Duncan, James T. & wf to Garrat Maloney, V-475, Sept. 1, 1849, WD, lot 3 3rd St. Galena 60 by 120 ft, lot 61 High St. Galena 60 by 120 ft.
Duncan, James T. & wf to Elias Kelley, W-539, Oct. 22, 1850, WD, 28 A of NW 1/4 & SW 1/4 of 26-2-5
Duncan, Garnett to Francis Banet, X-11, Dec. 2, 1850, WD, 80 A of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 9-2-6
Duncan, Robert C. & wf to Ezekiel R. Day, X-626, Aug. 29, 1851, WD, lot 10 Lr Spring St. Gore Plat N 25 of S 566 ft.
Duncan, Edward C. Jr. to Edward C. Duncan Sr., Y-632, Aug. 2, 1852, WD, lot 33 Lr Spring St N 60 by 84 ft.
Duncan, Robert & wf to Robert Baldwin, 3-166, Aug. 7, 1854, WD, lot 10 Lr Spring St Gore Plat
Duncan, Henry S. & wf to Jacob Jung, 3-368, Nov. 20, 1854, WD, lot 2 Upper Second St. S 25 by 120 ft.
Deaven, James & wf to Frederick Guttman, 4-58, Aug. 23, 1855, $500, WD, 80 A of W 1/2 of SW 1/4 of 3-3-5
Duncan, Edward C. & wf to Ford Stewart & Gregg, 4-275, July 31, 1855, $600, WD, lot 33 Lr Spring St N 60 by 84 ft.
Duncan, Robert C. & wf to Robert Baldwin, 5-28, Aug. 7, 1854, $1200, WD, lot 10 Gore Plat
Duncan, E.C. Sr. & wf to John K. Woodward, 5-716, Aug. 25, 1857, $700, WD, lot 2 of B Lr Market St Insurance Plat E 1/2 of
Duncan, N.B. & wf to Read Crandel, 7-30, Mar. 26, 1859, $720, WD, 24 A of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, J.H. & wf to George T. Duncan, 7-34, Mar. 29, 1859, $630, WD, 21 A of 120 R of Pat n Polt J T Duncan 34-2-5
Duncan, E.C. & wf to John K. Woodward, 7-394, Oct. 24, 1859, $600, D, Lot 2 Lr Market St. Ins. Plat E 1/2 of
Duncan, Henry &w to Wm. Leeson, 7-768, Mar. 14, 1860, $130, WD, lot 11 Georgetown 26-1/2 by 220 ft of
Duncan, George T. &w to Norton B. Duncan, 8-250, July 28, 1860, $1380, WD, lot 3&4 Duncan Par Plat 42A 120R NW 1/4 of 34-2-6
Duncan, Henry & w to George W. Walts, 9-130, Sept. 3, 1859, $60, D, 2-1/2 A of S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec.5 and 1/7 of W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of 4-3-5
Duncan, Edward C. &w to John K. Woodward, 9-400, Jany 2, 1863, $178.87, D, lot 118 Lr 8th St. Plat 56
Duncan, George T. &w to Spurzheim Duncan, 9-581, May 28, 1863, $100, WD, S 10 A of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 27-2-5
Duncan, James T. heirs by aud. to Julius R. Porter, 10-621, Apr. 29, 1864, $1.84, D, lot 67 Main St. Greenville
Duncan, Norton B. &w to Charles Duncan, 12-564, Nov. 29, 1865, $2700, WD, lots 3&4 Duncan Plat NW 1/4 of 34-2-6
Duncan, Spurzheim to Homberger & Ott, 13-102, Nov. 22, 1865, $500, WD, lots 3&5 Duncan Plat Partition
Duncan, James T. Heirs to Spurzheim Duncan, 13-129, Jany. 30, 1866, $5, D, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5 and NW 4 A of NE 1/4 of 2-3-5
Duncan, Norton B. &wf to Conrad Broker, 13-287, Mar. 17, 1866, $775, WD, NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 31-2-6
Duncan, Spurzheim to Charles Duncan, 14-187, Dec. 28, 1866, $1000, WD, lot 5 Duncan St. Partition Plat NW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, Norton B. & wf to Ally Neat, 14-426, Apr. 19, 1867, $800, WD, lots 41&43 Main St. Galena W 10 ft. of 43
Index to grantees, A-L, 1819-1865, typed book (FHL film 1,412,110 item 3)
Duncan, James T. &c from John Rice & wife, D-129, Aug. 31, 1829, WD, 16 acres of NW 1/4 & SW 1/4 of 26-2-5 (Sec.-Twp.-Range)
Duncan, Henry S. from Jno. B. Williamson &c, H-317, Aug. 3, 1836, WD, Lot 2 Upper Second Street
Duncan, James T. from Danl. Dean heirs (Smith), N-219, Aug. 22, 1840, WD, 4 Acres North of Creek in NE 1/4 of 2-3-5 and 81 acres W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Danl. Dean heirs (Haugh), N-220, Aug. 22, 1840, WD, same
Duncan, James T. from Rice Criswell, N-257, Sept. 12, 1840, D, NW 1/2 of SW 1/4 of 36-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Henry I. Morton by Shf, N-496, Dec. 11, 1838, D, lot 3, Upper Second Street Und. 1/2 of
Duncan, James T. from Abedings Sillings & wife, N-551, Feby 17, 1841, WD, Lot 4, acres in NE 1/4 of 2-3-5
Duncan, James T. from Danl. Deal heirs (Miller), O-346, Oct. 10, 1841, WD, 4 acres of NE 1/4 of 2-3-5 and 80 acres W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Danl. Deal heirs (Wilson), P-105, July 24, 1842, WD, same
Duncan, James T. from John Berkshire & wife, P-463, Apl. 8, 1843, WD, 150 acres of NW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Rice Criswell & wife, P-580, Oct. 5, 1843, D, 84 acres of 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Francis Abnet by Atty, R-381, Oct. 10, 1844, D, lot 3 Third Street Galena & lot 61 High street Galena & Lot 2 Main Street Galena
Duncan, James T. from William Engleman & wife, R-382, May 10, 1844, WD, lot 61 High Street Galena
Duncan, James T. from James Hickman & wife, R-613, July 4, 1846, WD, 5 acres of SW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, Garrett from James Orr & wife, S-340, Mar. 5, 1847, WD, 6 acres of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 9-2-6
Duncan, James T. from John Rice & wife, U-347, Jany 23, 1849, WD, 60 acres SW of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5
Duncan, James T. from Jonathan Slythe heirs, V-471, Dec. 8, 1849, WD, lot 7 of Plat 8 A of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, James T. from James M. Slythe, V-472, Dec. 8, 1849, WD, lot 6 of same
Duncan, Edward C. Jr. from Henry H. Edmondson & wife, V-592, Feby. 9, 1850, WD, lot 33 Lower Spring Street N 60 by 84 ft
Duncan, James T. from Geo. W. Compson by Comr, W-20, Sept. 22, 1849, D, lot 56 Main Street Greenville 1/3 of 56 by 132 ft
Duncan, Robert C. from Ezekiel R. Day & wife, X-182, Mar. 15, 1851, WD, lot 10 Spring Street Gore Plat N 25 by -- ft. of S 55 Ft.
Duncan, Robert C. from Ezekiel R. Day & wife, X-559, Aug. 29, 1851, WD, lot 10, Spring street Gore Plat S 30 by 95 ft. of (blank)
Duncan, Edward C. from Thomas L. Hall & wife, Y-563, May, 1852, WD, Lot 2 of B North Lower Market St. E 30 by 110 ft.
Duncan, Thomas from Paul Findley & wife, Y-574, June 30, 1852, WD, lot 55 of Naghel st Eden Vale Plat 50 by 125-10/12 ft
Duncan, Edward C. Sr. from Edward C. Duncan Jr. & wife, Y-632, Aug. 2, 1852, WD, lot 33 Lower Spring Street N 60 by 84 ft
Duncan, Robert C. from Ezekiel R. Day & wife, 3-60, June 22, 1854, WD, lot 9.10 Spring street Gore Plat N 25 by 95 ft. of SW 55 ft.
Duncan, Norton B. from Elizabeth Slythe, 5-782, Oct. 6, 1857, $100, WD, 8 acres of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, Jno. H. from George F. Duncan, 7-34, Mar. 29, 1859, $630, WD, Duncan Part Plat 21 A 120 R
Duncan, E.C. from Jno. K. Woodward, 7-186, Aug. 28, 1857, $850, Bond, lot 2 Lower Market street Ins. Co. Plat E 1/2 of (blank)
Duncan, Matilda from Same (MAD: Jno. K. Woodward) & wife, 7-399, Oct. 22, 1859, $250, WD, lot 118 Lower 8th Street Plat 56
Duncan, Mary E. from D.L. Oakes & wife, 7-611, Jany. 10, 1860, $175, WD, lot 11 Georgetown 26-1/2 by 120 ft.
Duncan, Norton B. from Geo. T. Duncan & wife, 8-250, July 28, 1860, $1380, WD, lot 3.4 Duncans Part Plat 42 A? 120R NW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, Spurzheim from same (MAD: Geo. T. Duncan & wife), 9-581, May 28, 1863, $100, WD, S 10 acres of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 27-2-5
Duncan, Charles from Hamilton Harman & wife, 12-152, Mar. 17, 1865, $865, WD, 19-6/160 acres of W 1/2 of 34-2-5 & 13-1/3 acres of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 27-2-5
Duncan, Charles from Norton B. Duncan & wife, 12-564, Nov. 29, 1865, $2700, WD, lot 3.4 Duncans Plat NW 1/4 of 34-2-6
Duncan, Spurzheim from Margaret Brown, 13-57, Jany. 23, 1866, $3637.70, WD, W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 35-2-5 & NW 4 acres of NE 1/4 of 2-3-5
Duncan, Spurzheim from James T. Duncan heirs, 13-129, Jan. 30, 1866, $5, D, same
Duncan, Norton B. from Wash F. Frederick & wife, 13-161, Feby. 20, 1866, $600, WD, lot 41.43 Main street Galena E10ft of 43
Duncan, Charles from Spurzheim Duncan, 14-187, Dec. 28, 1866, $1000, WD, lot 5 Duncan Part Plat of NW 1/4 of 34-2-5
Duncan, Mary J. from James Montgomery & wife, 14-112, Nov. 28, 1866, $7500, WD, lot 10 State street, und 1/2 of, lots 19,25,26,61,33,34,35,36 Market St Day's, Plat W 10 ft of 36 E 1/2 of 25-1/2 ft/of lot 62/64 Lower Fifth Street Plat 29 Und. 1/4 of lot 27 of 29 Illinois Grant, Und 1/2 of 11-91/200 acres of (blank)
Duncan, Mary J. from Ezekiel R. Day & wife, 14-515, Jany. 30, 1867, $500, WD, lot 26.33.34&61 Plat 19 E 45 ft. of 26 & W 3 ft of 34, and lot 64 of Plat 29 and Lot 19 Washington St. E 27-1/2 ft & 10 ft.L
Floyd Co. IN Deed records, v. A, Dec. 1786-Aug. 1841 (FHL film 1,412,112)
No index; did not look at other volumes
Go to the Floyd Co. IN Deeds
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Spurzhien, widow Duncan, Martha J.; C 81 Ind. Inf.; 1888 Jan. 23, Invalid Appl. #636908, Cert. #423335, Ind.; 1924 March 3, Widow Appl. #1216298, Cert. #947919, Ind. (MAD: 1850 Floyd Co. IN census)
Crawford Co. IN Deed (FHL film 1,377,971 item 2; SLC 10/6/2011)
9-57: 31 July 1860, Marquis D.L. Schoonover and wife Margaret A. Schoonover convey and warrant to George T. Duncan of Floyd Co. IN for $1,000, the northwest 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.2 South of Range 1 East containing 160 acres more or less in Crawford Co. IN. /s/ Marquis D.L. Schoonover, Margaret A. Schoonover. They appeared 31 July 1860 before William J. Miller, JP. Recorded August 14, 1860. (FHL film 1,377,971 item 2; SLC 10/6/2011)
Harrison Co. IN Deeds (SLC 9/2007)
O-300: 15 Dec. 1842, Andrew (X) Groves and Catherine (X) Groves of Harrison Co. IN to James T. Dunkin of Floyd Co. IN, for $150, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.2S Range 4E, 80 acres. Wit. William Henry, Asa Rosenbarger. Release by wife Cathrine. Recorded 4 Feb. 1843. (written sideways in margin:) Deed Delivered to James T. Dunkin Sept. 1, 1845. (FHL film 1,404,882)
R-525: 29 Aug. 1844, James T. Duncan and wife Katharine of Floyd Co. IN to Harrison Sears of Harrison Co. IN, $225, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.2S Range 4E, 80 acres. Both signed. Wit. H.W. Welker, William McLane. (FHL film 1,404,883)
Z-642: 30 Aug. 1854, Robert Baldwin and wife Ruth Baldwin to Robert C. Duncan, W part of SW 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.3S Range 2E, and W part NW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.3S Range 2E, taken off said quarter by a north and south line running through the Spring house ... also the SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.3S Range 2E, for $1,750. No wit. "Original delivered to John Miller March 18, 1855" (FHL film 1,404,887 item 1)
B2-443: 23 Aug. 1856, Robert C. Duncan and wife Lewellyn A. Duncan to John Sivarens (later: Swearings), W part of SW 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.3S Range 2E and W part of NW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.3S Range 2E, (etc.) also SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.3S Range 2E, for $2,142. Both signed before J.P. Rec. 23 Aug. 1856, delivered to John Swearens Jan. 5, 1857. (FHL film 1,404,887 item 3) (MAD: 1850 Floyd Co. IN census, 1860 Daviess Co. KY census)
Scott Co. IN Deed (FHL film 1,305,334; SLC 10/8/2011)
M-285/286: 8 Nov. 1831, Edward C. Duncan Jr. and wife Rachel Ann of Floyd Co. IN for $50 paid by George J.M. Applegate of Scott Co. IN, sell our equal undivided 12th part of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.2 North of Range 6 East and also undivided our equal undivided 12th part of SW fourth of NE 1/4 of Sec.2 Twp.2 North of Range 6 East and also the equal and undivided twelfth part of the northeast 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec.2 in Twp.2 North of Range 6 East of District of lands sold at Jeffersonville, IN, it being the land descended to said Rachel Ann Duncan from her father William Sparks lying in said Scott Co. IN, warrant title. /s/ E.C. Duncan Jr., Rachel Ann Duncan. Wit. Joseph Smith, Rees Morgan. Edward C. Duncan Jr. and Rachel Ann Duncan his wife appeared 8 Nov. 1831 before John Harrod, J.P., Scott Co. IN. Recorded Jan. 16, 1832. (FHL film 1,305,334; SLC 10/8/2011)
Jefferson Co. KY Deeds (extracts from Jeannine Wright 11/1991)
76-367: 20 July 1849, James Triplett Duncan and wife Margaret of Floyd Co. IN, of 1st part; and Coleman Lewis Duncan and wife Asenath of Clark Co. IL of 2nd part; and Henry S. Duncan and Charles R. Duncan of 3rd part; Witnesseth, that J.T. Duncan of Floyd Co. IN has heretofore purchased from C.L. Duncan of Clark Co. IL, his one undivided fifth part of the tract of land in Jefferson Co. KY on the Bardstown Turnpike road and on both sides about ten miles from Louisville, 205 acres more or less, being the farm on which their father Charles Duncan lived at time of his death which by will was ordered sold and was purchased for benefit of the five devisees who were to have the proceeds. Further, that C.L. Duncan has never made a deed conveying said interest of 1/5 of the land to James T.; and that James T. for $2500 to be paid at $200 per year without interest until paid, has agreed to sell to Henry S. & Charles R. Duncan two undivided fifth parts of the land, to wit the one fifth he was entitled to under the will and the other fifth which he purchased from C.L. Duncan as said; that in consideration of these premises, the parties of the 1st and 2nd part sell etc. to the parties of the 3rd part, the two undivided fifth parts of the land. /s/ James L. Duncan, Margaret (X) Duncan, C.L. Duncan, Asenath Duncan.
Henderson Co. NC Deeds (MAD: see also Buncombe Co. NC)
3-167: 10 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floyd Co. IN agent for heirs of Lewis Musick decd. to John Hill of Rutherford Co. NC, for $405 paid Duncan, deed to Hill 100 acres on the NW side of Reedy Fork on a ridge; wit. Asa Edney, Thomas Maury Jurat; proven by Thomas Maury; reg. 1843. (FHL film 19,145)
3-375: 25 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floid Co. IN agent for heirs of Lewis Musick decd to Bird Laughter, $100, 100 acres on N.side Lewis Creek on both sides of path that leads to the ready patch; wit. Asa Edney, L.J. Reese Jurat; reg. on oath of L.J. Reese. (FHL film 19,145)
5-335: 24 Oct. 1838, James T. Duncan of Floid Co. IN to Gabrel Jackson Jr. and John Case of Buncombe Co. NC, $400, 221 acres on Crared? and Green Rivers; /s/ as agent for the heirs of T. Musick; wit. James Blackwell, Wm. Thompson Jurat; reg. on oath of Thompson Dec. 1853. (FHL film 19,146)
Buncombe Co. NC Deed (FHL film 410,554)
20-238: 18 Nov. 1833, Charles Duncan, Jane Duncan and James T. Duncan to John Case, by authority of power of attorney by Charles Duncan and Jannett Duncan his wife of Jefferson Co. KY, 24 Sept. (no year), appoint John Case attorney of said Charles and Jannett Duncan to take into possession and receive any land owned by Lewis Musick in his lifetime and to which the said Jennett (sic) is heir at law and especially land in Buncombe Co. on Reedy Fork, #462 of 100 acres, and another tract #458, and #464 of 220 acres on dividing ridge between Broad & Green Rivers. Wit. Asa Edney.
1889 "Biographical and Historical Souvenir for the Cos. of Clark, Crawford, Harrison, Floyd, Jefferson, Jennings, Scott and Washington, IN" comp. & pub. by John M. Gresham & Co. (FHL book 977.2 H2gj; CA State Library, Sutro Branch, SUTRO microfilm 277, Reel 10, Book 42, and microfilm 71, Reel 7, Book 36)
Pg.81-82: Floyd Co. NORTON B. DUNCAN was born in Floyd Co. IN, on the 23d of November, 1835, and is a son of James T. and Kitty (Bateman) Duncan, the former born in Jefferson Co. KY, and the latter in Indiana. The Duncan family can be traced back to the Duncans of Westmoreland Co. VA. The father of James T. was Charles Duncan, a son of Henry Duncan, born in Virginia, and whose father, Coleman Duncan, was one of the pioneers of Kentucky. He was a zealous Whig when that title was applied to the patriots in contradistinction to the Tories, during our Revolutionary period. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and came to Kentucky about 1793. His father, Henry Duncan, was the first of the family born in America (born 1710, and died in 1790), and from him descended, directly or indirectly, the Braggs, Asburys, Browns, Lewises, Whites, Hutts, etc. His parents came from Scotland, where, as all who are familiar with Scottish history, know the family was not only one of prominence, but noble, with the blood of kings coursing in their veins. Duncans have even occupied the throne of Scotland. The subject of this sketch, Norton B. Duncan, was brought up on the farm, and received his education in the common schools of the county. He learned the tanning business, which he followed until 1866, when he sold out to his brother Charles. He then made a trip west as far as Iowa, where he remained three years; then returned to Indiana. Later he removed to Illinois, but still not satisfied he again came back to Indiana, and accepting the tradition that "a rolling stone gathers no moss," he settled down permanently where he now lives. In April, 1858, he was married to Miss Jennie Garrison, a daughter of Gamaliel and Priscilla (Daily) Garrison, the former a native of New Jersey, and who came to Indiana in a very early day. He was a surveyor and did much surveying in Floyd county, .... Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have never had any children, but have raised two children, viz: ....
1882 "History of the Ohio Falls Cities and Their Counties; history of Jefferson Co. KY, Louisville, Clark & Floyd Cos. IN, New Albany & Floyd Co., Clark Co. & Jeffersonville" pub. by L.A. Williams & Co. (SUTRO microfilm 277 Reel 41 Book 145, CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
Vol.2, pg.276, Floyd Co. IN, Georgetown Twp; Charles Duncan, born in Jefferson Co. KY in the year 1827; his father's name was James T. Duncan who was also born in Jefferson Co. KY in 1804. His avocation was farming and teaming. He was a man of prominence in his community and died in the 53rd year of his age. Charles Duncan, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, moved to KY previous to 1800, and was one of the earliest settlers of this section of country; he was a native of VA. His wife was a Miss Music, born in NC. James T., the father of the subject of this sketch, married Miss Catharine Bateman of Jefferson Co.; they raised a family of 7 children, 4 of whom are residents of Floyd Co.; a son resides in IL, and one in MT, and a dau. in TX. Mr. Charles Duncan was twice married; his first marriage took place in 1852, his wife's name was Miss Maria Ross, a resident of Floyd Co. who lived but a short time. In 1855 he married his second wife, Miss Mary J. Greene, a dau. of Mr. James Greene of Lanesville, IN. They have one son, Charles Edwin. In 1855, Mr. Duncan was elected county commissioner, which office he filled 3 years, was elected treasurer of Floyd Co. in 1859, held the office 4 years. ...
1893 "Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen" (H.H. Hardesty Publisher N.Y., Toledo, Chicago 1893) Vol.II (Indiana Edition?) (from Thomas Weisbach by email 7/2000)
Pg.1221. Corp. Hugh F.L. Smith: Was born in Floyd county, Ind., April 16, 1844, and was a son of Jonathan P. and Lucinda C. (Merriwether) Smith, both deceased; he married Dec. 25, 1870, in New Albany [MAD: Floyd Co.], Ind., Jennie E. Duncan, who was born in Chattanooga [MAD: Hamilton Co.], Tenn., July 3, 1854, of parents, Hartwell S. and Elizabeth (Earp) Duncan, deceased. The union has been blessed with six children: Nina E., Pauline P., Felie T., Hattie B., George J., and Wilbur G. Comrade Smith was previously married Oct., 5, 1865, to Rosa Plice; she passed away in New Albany, Ind., leaving two children: John T. dec. and Carrie B. Comrade Smith was a painter by trade at the time of his enlistment, when a youth of 17 years, Aug. 3, 1863, at New Albany, Ind., for a term of three years he became Corp. of Co. K, 91st Ind. V.I., Army of the Cumberland he was granted an honorable discharge from this enlistment March 23, 1865, at at Washington, D.C., having taken part in the battles of Knoxville, Cumberland Gap, Baptist Gap, Shiloh, Tallahatchee, Chickamauga, Laurel Hill, Lookout Mt., Missionary Ridge, Vicksburg, Raymond, Black River Bridge, Jackson and Atlanta Campaign; he re-enlisted in Co. A, 144th Ind. V.I., as a private; he was injured while in camp at Stevenson Station, Va., in the ankle; he also participated in the March to the Sea, the Carolinas and the Grand Review at Washington, D.C. He was finally honorably discharged Aug. 5, 1865, at Stevenson Station, Va. His brother, Thomas J. served in Co. A, 53 Ind. V.I., and fell at the battle of Tallahatchee for the glorious cause he had upheld. His first wife had four brothers in service; John, Solomon, Philip and Robert; Solomon was wounded in service; his wife's father and two brothers were also in the service, John H. as Capt., was killed near Fredon, Tenn., in March 1865, and Marcus as scout for Gen. Burnside, was killed at Loudon, Tenn., in fall of 1863. Mr. Smith's grandfather, Reuben Smith served in the War of 1812 and fought at New Orleans; he was a minister in the M.E. church for eighty years and died at the good old age of 108. Comrade Smith is P.C. of Sage Port, 581, he is a painter and his address is New Albany, Ind.
1884 "History of Wabash County, Indiana : containing a history of the county; its townships, towns, military records portraits of early settlers and prominent men, personal reminiscences, etc." by Thomas B. Helm, pub. by J. Morris (FHL film 1,428,710)
Pg.455-6: Alexander Duncan. Mr. Duncan was born in PA in 1807, being of Scotch-Irish stock; he emigrated (with his father probably) to OH early in life, married Mary Stevenson in that State and moved afterward to Greenville [Floyd Co.], IN, and still again to Wabash Co. IN in 1839; was the father of nine children, six of whom were raised to maturity and three are still living. He died May 1, 1883, at Dayton [Montgomery Co.], OH, aged 76 years, and was buried at Dayton in one of the cemeteries connected with that city. His vocation was that of blacksmith ... was Justice of Peace, tried skill somewhat at law; residence was sometimes at La Gro and others at Laketon or elsewhere; Democrat, then Republican; for a while was active member of Methodist Episcopal Church.
"Will Book A, 1819-1830 [1836], Floyd Co. IN" by Mrs. M. Arthur Payne
This book contains several wills or estate records naming James T. Duncan in some capacity.
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