Duncan research files of |
1818 White Co. IL State Census (males over 21; other free whites) #198 Mark Duncan 1 - 5 1820 White Co. IL Census Pg.394 Susanna Walden 100000 - 11110 1830 White Co. IL Census Pg. 9 Thomas Black 0110,01 - 0111,1 13 John Matlock 1110,1010,1 - 1112,101 20 Isaiah Duncan 2010,001 - 0201,1 (MAD: 1840-1850 Clay Co. IN census; from Newberry Co. SC) 23 Tamsey Walden 111 - 0110,001 38 John Duncan 0000,01 - 1110,01 (MAD: One Green Berry Duncan mar. Sarah Lindsay 1/15/1867, was admin? of estate of John Duncon, or vice versa, 1869, A-404, Box 115, from "Early Land Grants of White Co. IL 1814-1854; and Probate Index 1818-1976" by Vaught, FHL book 977.396 R2v; not identified yet) 1840 White Co. IL Census No Duncan Pg.287 James Medlock 1001,01 - 1001,1 295 Thomas Black 0001,101 - 0000,101
1850 White Co. IL Census
Pg.295, #422, James MADLOCK 44 TN farmer $500
Caroline 36 KY
Clinton 17, Narcissa A. 13, Elizabeth 8 IL
Henry C. 6, John 3 IL
(MAD: James Matlock mar. Caroline Dickin 11/12/1831)
Pg.355, #1280, M.L. BROWN 43 NC physician $4000
Martha A. 34 VA
Sarah J. 19 OH, Hulda M. 17 OH
Samuel A. 15, Marcus 12, Margaret 10 TN
Edward 8, James 6, Oscar 4, Wallace 1 TN
James B. ALLEN 29 TN carpenter
George MALONE 21 TN printer
Pg.356, #1281, Nathaniel BROCKETT 39 TN farmer $5000
Emily 33 IL
James R. 10, Benj. J. 8, Mary E. 3, Nathaniel 1 IL
Martha S. 29 IL
(MAD: James R. Brockett b. 11/19/1840 listed in "Ancestor Hunting" from Shreveport Journal; record includes John A. Duncan family)
Pg.371, #1516 Thomas BLACK 53 TN farmer $150
Sarah 54 TN
Elizabeth NELSON 8 IL
1860 White Co. IL Census
P.O. Carmi
Pg.465, #1072-1062, Wm. DUNKIN 36 VA BLACK barber $1400-$50
Julia 35 IN BLACK
Wm. 9, Louisa 10 IN BLACK
Twp.5S Range 10E, P.O. Phillipstown
Pg.531, #1527-1517, William DUNCAN 23 KY farmer $0-$30
Elizabeth 18 KY (not mar. in year)
Twp.6S Range 10E, P.O. Carmi
Pg.623, #2132-2122, John A. DUNCAN 26 TN farming $0-$350
Elizabeth 27 NC
Mary 1 IL
James M. DOUGHERTY 23 TN saddler $1000-$50
(MAD: John Alexander Duncan, son of Joseph Duncan & Susan Norwood of 1850 Blount Co. TN census pg.45, mar. Elizabeth P. Brown 4/23/1857 Crawford Co. IL; 1870 Bates Co. MO census)
1870 White Co. IL Census (pg.341 also from June Ricketts 11/1985)
Carmi Precinct
Pg.325, #570-553, TANQUARY, Mary 23 TN keeping house $0-$0
Oscar 2 TN
DUNCAN, James 22 VA farm laborer
Enfield Precinct, P.O. Enfield, 7/18/1870
Pg.341, #64-63, DUNCAN, Jefferson 33 IL physician $0-0
Winifred 33 NC keeping house
Malissa 10, John 8, Anna 5, Mary 1 IL
(MAD: Jefferson M. Duncan mar. Winefred Ferges 12/23/1857 Williamson Co. IL; Marion Duncan & fam. in 1860 Williamson Co. IL)
Grayville Precinct
Pg.399, #100-96, CLARK, Elias 64 OH physician $0-$110
Elizabeth 54 IN keeping house
WIGGINSON, James D. 44 IL carpenter
Julia 42 TN keeping house $4000-$125
DUNCAN, Elizabeth 10 IL BLACK domestic servant
Prairie Precinct (almost too faint to read)
Pg.476, #237-244, WILSON, ...son? (m) 34 IN farmer $?-$120
(wife ??) 32 VA keeping house
DUNCAN, Eliza 14 OH
WILSON, William 11 IN
(one name next page) (m) 2 IL
1880 White Co. IL Census (also from Dale O. Duncan 2/1986)
Carmi Twp., pg.73, SD 8, ED 152
Pg.373B, #180-167, DUNCAN, John 46 TN mar. farmer TN TN
Elizabeth 47 NC wife keeping house NC NC
John A. 17 IL son farm laborer TN NC
Joseph 13 IL son farm laborer TN NC
Elizabeth 11 MO dau. attends school TN NC
David B. 4 IL son at home TN NC
(MAD: "Ancestor Hunting" Reprint Columns from the Shreveport Journal, 1963-1968, by Mildred S. Watkins, 1969, on pg.170, issue of 8/18/1964, includes a booklet started by Hugh Brockett in 1860, listing births and deaths of the Brocket family, the Brown family and the John A. Duncan Sr. family)
Hawthorne Twp, pg.37, SD 8, ED 153
Pg.398A, #333-334, DRAPER, Brice M. 50 TN mar. farmer TN TN
Artemsia 49 TN wife house keeping VA VA
Minerva? (Miriam?) J. 18 TN dau., "without occupation" TN TN
Mary E. 11 IL dau. attends school TN TN
DUNCAN, Charles E. 1 IL grandson at home IN TN
DUNCAN, Martha 20 TN dau. mar. house keeping TN TN
COFFIN, James 36 TN brother-in-law widowed farmer TN TN
(MAD: DRAPER indexed as DONPEA, Minerva as Miriem; James W. Duncan mar. Martha Draper 9/3/1877)
Norris City, Indian Creek Twp, pg.8, SD 8, ED 154
Pg.403D, #74-80, JENNINGS, W.E. (m) 30? IL mar. clerk SCT IRE
Mary L. 17 IL wife (blank) ENG IL
DUNCAN, Louisa 40 TN (blank relat.) widow, keeping house SC OH
Pg.403D, #75-81, EMERSON, Orilla 14 IL dau. IL TN
Oliva 12 IL dau IL TN
Henry M. 9 IL son IL TN
DUNCAN, Erastus 1 IL son IL TN
Harolds Prairie Twp., pg.34, SD 8, ED 155
Pg.446B, #303-312, DUNCAN, William J. 39 MO divorced teamster TN TN
Willis 12 IL son at home MO KY
Nancy J. 10 IL dau at home MO KY
John A. 8 MN son MO KY
HARBIN, Anna 40 IL (blank) divorced housekeeper KY KY
(MAD & Alta Sue Duncan: 1850-1860 Monroe Co. AR census; William J. mar. 1st 12/30/1866 Margarett E. Sanders, mar. 2nd Mrs. Louiza C. Watson (age 36) 11/19/1877; son of Willis Duncan who div. 1883 in Watonwan Co. MN)
White Co. IL Deed Indexes (copied by CVD in SLC 5/11/2013 and MAD in SLC 9/13/2013)
Grantee index, Vol.A, 1816-1861 (FHL film 977,523, item 1)
No Duncan found, some not legible
Grantor index, Vol.A, 1816-1861 (FHL film 977,525, item 1)
No Duncan found, some not legible
Additional indexes at beginning of some volumes
Deeds v. A-B 1816-1826 (FHL film 977,527)
No index in deed book
Deeds v. C 1836-1839 (FHL film 977,528)
No Duncan
Deeds v. D-E 1835-1842 (FHL film 977,529)
No Duncan indexed in Book D, no index in Book E
Deeds v. F 1842-1845 (FHL film 977,530)
No Index
Deeds v. G-H 1845-1849 (FHL film 977,692)
No index
"Reports of cases at law and in chancery argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois" by Norman L. Freeman, Vol.L, containing the remaining cases decided at the January term, 1869, a portion of those decided at the June term, 1869, and an omitted case decided at the April term 1864; "Illinois Reports" Vol.50, pgs.475 to 477 (California State Law Library, Sacramento, 3/2004)
WILLIAM J. DUNCAN et al. v. ALIVA U. SANDERS et al; Supreme Court of Illinois, First Grand Division; 50 Ill. 475; June, 1869, Decided.
APPEAL from the Circuit Court of White county; the Hon. JAMES M. POLLOCK, Judge, presiding.
The facts in this case are presented in the opinion.
Mr. JUSTICE WALKER delivered the opinion of the Court:
This was a proceeding to obtain partition and the assignment of dower in certain lands held in common by the parties. The commissioners having reported that the lands were not susceptible of partition, a sale was ordered. The sale having been made, on the coming in of the master's report, exceptions were taken, and a motion was made to set aside the sale. On hearing the evidence in the court below, the motion was allowed and the sale set aside, and another sale ordered.
To reverse that order, the case is brought to this court on appeal, and errors assigned on the record.
It appears that the master first offered the several tracts together, for which he received a bid of $1,200, and no one offering more, the bystanders demanded that the property should be offered in separate tracts, and when so offered, the several pieces were struck off to the highest bidders and sold in the aggregate for $1,900. After all of the tracts had been struck off, Duncan, who had bid $1,200, offered to give $1,950 for all of the lands.
It is urged that the land was sold at such a sacrifice as to require the sale to be set aside and the property again offered, and that the master stated, when he determined to offer the tracts separately, that he would return to the bid of $1,200 for the whole, and would sell it in which ever mode he could obtain the most money, and failing to do so, bidders were deceived, and the property was thus sacrificed.
On the question of the value of the property, there is great contrariety of opinion. Some witnesses fix its value at $2,500, and one or two even as high as $3,000. Many, and perhaps the larger number, say the property sold for its full value, and some that it brought more than it was worth. When all of the evidence is considered, we fail to see that there has been, if at all, any great sacrifice. For such a sale, it seems to have brought a fair price; it may not be its full value, but as near that sum as is usually obtained at similar sales. The weight of evidence would seem to prove that it sold for its value.
It is a well established doctrine of this court, that judicial sales will not be disturbed for mere inadequacy of price, unless so gross as to amount to a fraud. If it can be said that there is inadequacy of price in this sale, it is so slight that no one could say it was so gross that it amounted to an implied fraud in conducting the sale. But we do not see that there was any loss beyond the $50 advance offered by Duncan after the sale was closed. The property, when offered in a body, had been cried for such a length of time that several supposed it was about to be struck off at $1,200. No one seemed disposed to advance on that bid, and this being so, we cannot conclude that had the master again put up the property in a body at $1,950, any one would have advanced upon that offer. We find no one stating that he would have over-bid Duncan. It is true, he says he would have given $2,500 for the property, but he did not bid that sum.
After carefully examining the evidence, we fail to find that the master stated he would return to the $1,200 bid. But we think it proves that he said if the property did not bring more when offered separately, he would then return to it. The master states that such was what he said, and others so understood him. It may be that some understood him differently, but even if they did, it fails to prove any fraud or misconduct on the part of the master. We, therefore, must conclude that the sale was fair, well attended, with spirited biddings when offered in parcels, and that the property sold for a fair price, and confidence in the stability of judicial sales requires that the sale be affirmed.
The decree of the court below, in setting aside the sale, is reversed and the cause remanded.
Decree reversed.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, John A.; I 87 Ill. Inf.; 1886 Sept. 18, Invalid Appl. #585367, Cert. #362566. (MAD: of White Co. IL per IL Civil War database)
Washington Co. TN Deeds (FHL film 825,528)
19-82: 6 Feb. 1830, heirs of Sarah Waldren, decd, vis, John Medlock, Thomas Black, Barbary Waldren, Lidia Waldren, Solomon Waldren, John Waldren and Malinda Waldren, all of White Co. IL, to Henry Bashor, $50, 16 (sic) acres, on the line of No. 2, in Washington Co. TN. Signed John Matlock (sic), and others. Wit. Alexander Logan, Allen May. Heirs appeared in White Co. IL, court 6 Feb. 1830, Reg. Washington Co. TN, 5 Jan. 1831. (no Walden or Waldren or Waldon in White or Gallatin Co. IL 1840)
19-119: 5 Feb. 1830, William Waldren and Suzan his wife of Gallaten Co. IL, to Henry Bashor of Washington Co. TN, $50, 60 (sic) acres in Washington Co. TN, No. 3, "bequeathed by Robert Duncan to Sarah Waldren," (same land bounds as Deed 19-82). /s/ William Waldren, Susan (X) Waldren; Susan examined 5 Feb. 1830 in White Co.; reg. Washington Co. TN, 9 March 1831.
1909 "A history of Clay County, Indiana : closing of the first century's history of the county, and showing the growth of its people, institutions, industries and wealth" by William Travis, pub. by Lewis Pub. Co., Vol.I (FHL book 977.327 D3k)
Pg.619-621: The Duncan Settlement. ... Isaiah Duncan, a native of South Carolina, born October 15, 1785, ... came to Indiana in 1831, ... About the same time also came three brothers from the Carolinas, John, Joshua, and Eli Duncan, who, for a time, lived in Clay county, but later on settled elsewhere, whose descendants are not now found here.
Isaiah Duncan did not come directly to Indiana on leaving Carolina, but when first to Tennessee, thence to Ohio, thence to Illinois, where he retraced his course, coming to Clay Co. IN. (MAD: Newberry Co. SC, Greene Co. TN, Miami Co. OH, White Co. IL) ... A few years later on he was joined by his nephews, George W. Duncan and Giles W. Duncan, who walked all the way through from the Carolinas, whose father, George Duncan, did not leave his native state. Giles W. Duncan afterward went to Iowa, where he died, February 6, 1879, aged 82 years. (MAD: ?? Giles Duncan in 1850 Greene Co. IN census b. 1815 ?; no Giles b. 1797 found in 1850.) George W. Duncan acquired land and continued to reside in Clay County, ... where he resided until his death, April 20, 1860, aged 42 years, 8 months and 19 days, survived by his wife, Lovina Duncan, who died March 7, 1877, aged 59 years, 3 months and 18 days. .... (see Clay Co. IN for more)
1884 "Counties of Clay and Owen, Indiana, historical and biographical" ed. by Charles Blanchard, pub. by F.A. Battey (SUTRO microfilm 277 reel 15 book 56, CA State Library, Sutro Branch, and SUTRO book F532 C6 B6 1884 & microfilm 71 reel 8; FHL book 977.243 H2o; also FHL book 977.244 H2c, Clay Co.)
Pg.540: Lewis Twp. John M. Majors, farmer and stock-raiser, is the only son of Wright and Atha R. (Duncan) Majors, both of English descent, the former a native of Tennessee, the latter of South Carolina. John was born in White Co. IL, Feb. 1, 1831, whence his parents removed to this State in 1843, and settled in Owen Co. ... (MAD: dau. of Isaiah Duncan; see Clay Co. IN for more; Rachael Majors in 1850 Owen Co. IN census; 1860 Moultrie Co. IL census)
1887 "Portrait and Biographical Album of Coles Co. IL" by Chapman Bros. (FHL film 825,562)
Pg.561: SAMUEL R. DUNCAN., of Humboldt Twp, born in (MAD: Blount Co.) Tennessee, Nov. 30, 1837, son of Joseph and Susan (Norwood) Duncan of the same State. They were the parents of eleven children, five boys and six girls. Joseph Duncan came to IL in 1844, locating in Crawford Co. where he lived the remainder of his life, died May 6, 1863; date is memorable because, though late in the season, snow fell steadily during the day. Mrs. Duncan still resides in Arcola, as do also her daughters, Mrs. Mary Todd and Mrs. Minerva Ritchey. Joseph and William are residents of Iowa; James of Kansas; John is in Carmi [White Co.], IL; and Mrs. Mattie Burton resides in Danville, IL.
Samuel R. Duncan was reared to farming, ... log cabin common schools in Southern IL 40 years ago. Sept. 6, 1860, he married Miss Margaret, daughter of Jesse and Charity (McMichael) Kellam, at the home of the bride's parents in Richland Co. this state. Rented land for farming for two years, then moved to Crawford Co. for 5 years, then to Arcola, where after 3 years, he rented land in Humbolt Twp for 11 years, then purchased 400 acre farm; in 1881 raised ... Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are the parents of 12 children, named as follows: Joseph; Harper married Miss Elizabeth Grishom and resides in Humboldt Twp; Charles married Miss Fannie Ashbrook and they reside in Kansas; William, Frank, Jennie, Minnie, Alice, Lavin, Nellie, Nettie, and Samuel Jr. Mr. Duncan a Democrat.
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