Duncan research files of |
1850 Saline Co. IL Census
Summersett, taken 9/25/1850
Pg.8, #112, William DUNCAN 32 KY laborer $0
Elizabeth 30 IL
Delilah 11, John 9, Margaret E. 7 IL
Thomas 5, Elizabeth 9/12 IL
(MAD: 1840 Gallatin Co. IL census; John Duncan, 33 IL son of William Duncan and Elizabeth Womble, mar. Martha J. Wiley 10/6/1881)
Pg.8, #113, Stephen C. DUNCAN 72 VA laborer $0
Robert 11 IL
(MAD: Stephen C. Duncan mar. Peggy S. Hayes 3/16/1812 Garrard Co. KY; 1840 Gallatin Co. IL census; one Robert Duncan mar. Elizabeth A. Whiteaker 7/5/1868, of 1870 Pope Co. IL census, Robert Duncan 48 of Pope Co. IL, son of Stephen Duncan and Margaret Hays, mar. 4th to Catherine Stiff Pearson 46, 1/2/1888)
Stone Fort, taken 9/26/1850
Pg.9, #6, Mary HILL 50 NC (blank) $0
William 22 laborer, Delila 12 IL
Stephen DUNCAN 35 KY carpenter $0
Mary 12, James 8, Margaret 5 IL
(MAD: Stephen Duncan mar. Maria Hill 2/20/1836 Gallatin Co. IL, 1840 Gallatin Co. IL census, mar. Polly (Womble) Ewell 12/21/1856 Saline Co. IL, 1860 Pulaski Co. IL census; Stephen Duncan, widow Polly, applied for Mexican War Pension WA-577, 30 March 1887 in IL, served Co.G 3rd IL Volunteers)
Monroe, taken 9/30/1850
Pg.20, #25, Berry OWENS 27 TN laborer $0
Elizabeth 26 KY
Elizabeth 6, Robert 5 IL
Lewis 3, Evaline 9/12 IL
Valentine DUNCAN (m) 17 IL laborer $0
Coleman (m) 20 IL laborer $0
(MAD: Voluntine Duncan mar. Rebecca Ann Barnett 9/29/1860 Pope Co. IL; Valentine Duncan mar. Mary Burnett 4/15/1869)
1860 Saline Co. IL Census
Twp.10 Range 6E, P.O. Mitchellsville
Pg.1002, #1470-1470, Wm. DUNCAN 42 KY farmer $800-$400
Elizabeth 41 IL
John 19, Thomas 15 IL
Elizabeth 10, William 4/12 IL
Pg.1002, #1472-1472, Thomas DUNCAN 46 KY farmer $750-$300
Margaret 22 IL
Delila 43? (45?) IL
Stephen C. 20 IL (blank) $0-$100
Elizabeth 18, Nancy A. 16, James H. 14 IL
Mary 12, Sarah 10 MO
Thomas J. 5, John F. 8 IL
(MAD: 1840 Gallatin Co. IL census; 1850 Cape Girardeau Co. MO census; Thomas Duncan, widow Deliah, applied for pension WC-1341 IL 13 Sept. 1892 for Black Hawk War service; James H. Duncan, 35 b.Saline Co. IL, son of Thos. Duncan and Delia Wambel, mar. Nancy J. Reed 10/17/1880; John F. Duncan 24 b. Alexander Co. IL, son of Thos. Duncan and Miss Womble, mar. Nancy B. Welch 4/21/1881)
Pg.1003, #1473-1473, Coleman DUNCAN 30 IL farmer $0-$200
Anna A. 20 OH
Margaret 2, Sarah C. 1/12 IL
(MAD: Coleman Duncan mar. Amy Ann Conly 7/30/1857)
1870 Saline Co. IL Census
Twp.9 Range 5E, P.O. Bankston
Pg.496, #205-205, BARNETT, Sarah 40 TN keeping house $0-$0
Mary L. 16, Josephine (f) 14 IL
Joseph (m) 14, Martha A. 11 IL
ELKINS, Emaline 9 IL
DUNCAN, Amanda 4 IL
Twp.10 Range 5E, P.O. Harrisburg
Pg.526, #32-32, LANDS, Wm. B. 30 IL farmer $400-$400
Amanda 21 IL keeping house
Eliza J. 3 IL
Mary E. 1/12 IL b.May
DUNCAN, Henderson 18 IL farmer
HENDERSON, Peter 22 IL farmer
(MAD: one T.H. Land mar. Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan 12/23/1860; not identified on census)
Pg.534, #150-150, DUNCAN, Jas. K. 24 IL farmer $500-$300
Jarnshey (f) 23 KY keeping house
Stephen 4, Luley E. (f) 1 IL
Pg.534, #151-151, DUNCAN, Thos. 57 KY farmer $1200-$500
Delila 54 IL keeping house
Sarah A. 20, Thos. J. 16, Jno. F. 13 IL
DORSEY, Jas. 13 MO
Alexander 11 MO
Pg.534, #152-152, DUNCAN, Jno. 29 IL farmer $800-$300
Francis J. (f) 23 KY keeping house
Alice D. 4, Olive E. 2 IL
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Frances J. Wilson 3/12/1865 Pope Co. IL, parents of John Edgar Duncan)
Pg.534, #153-153, DUNCAN, Elizabeth 51 IL keeping house $800-$300
Thos. 25 IL at home
United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management documents (Researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission)
"THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CERTIFICATE No. 22146} To all whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, Stephen C. Duncan of Saline County Illinois has deposited in the GENERAL LAND OFFICE of the United States, a Certificate of the REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE at Shawneetown whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Stephen C. Duncan according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An Act making furthur provision for the sale of Public Lands," for the East half of the North West quarter, of Section Twenty nine, in Township Ten, South of Range Six. Each, in the District of Lands formerly subject to Sale at Shawneetown, now Springfield, Illinois, containing Eighty Acres according according to the official plat of the survey of said Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the SURVEYOR GENERAL, which said tract has been purchased by the said Stephen C. Duncan. KNOW NOW YE, That the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress in such case made and provided, HAVE GIVEN AND GRANTED, and by these presents DO GIVE AND GRANT, unto the said Stephen C. Duncan and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To have and to hold the same, together with all rights, privileges, immunities, and appurtenances of whatever nature, thereunto belonging, unto the said Stephen C. Duncan and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimony Whereof, I, James Buchanan PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have caused these Letters to be made PATENT, and this SEAL of the GENERAL LAND OFFICE to be hereunto affixed. GIVEN under my hand, at the CITY OF WASHINGTON, the third day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and of the INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES the Eighty first. BY THE PRESIDENT: James Buchanan. By G.H. Jones Secretary. J.A. Granger Recorder of the Land Office."
Saline Co. IL Deed Index, Grantors, Vol.A, 1847-1859 (FHL film 0965749; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard and posted with his permission 11/2004; additions by MAD; note: original handwriting very difficult to read, some pages very faint; deeds themselves should be checked if in doubt; first date is date of instrument, 2nd date when given is date recorded or filed)
Duncan, Stephen C. to Daniel W. Turner, Apr. 16, 1849, filed Nov. 5, 1849, Book A, pg.318 (328?), bond [for] deed, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.10 T10S Range 6?E, 40 acres.
Duncan, Stephen C. to Bennet B. Blackman, June 15, 1850, Book A, pg.404, chattel mortgage.
Duncan, Joseph to David Wood, Dec? 31, 1835, filed June 25, 1853, Book B, pg.271, deed, NE NE Sec.15 Twp.9S Range 7E.
Duncan, Joseph Govn. &c to Richard Bibb, Dec. 16, 1836, filed June 23, 1857, Book D, pg.668, deed, W 1/2 & SE 1/4 Sec.3 Twp.9S Range 7E, 430? acres.
Duncan, Thomas to Jas. McFarlan, December 11, 1858, recorded December 21, 1858, Book E pg.473, Chattel Mortgage (GDV: Cas. McFarlin)
Duncan, William to Daniel W. Turner, August 15, 1859, filed September 23, 1859, Book E, pg 544, deed, E 1/2 NW Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6 (GDV: August 5, 1859)
Duncan, Valentine to Daniel W. Turner, July 12, 1859, filed September 23, 1859, Book G, pg.315, deed, Lot 39 in Mitchellsville Addition to Harrisburg.
Duncan, Stephen to William Duncan, February 8, 1859, filed May 17, 1860, Book G, pg.545, Mortgage, E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6.
Duncan, Thomas to William Duncan, June 13, 1859, recorded May 17, 1860, Book G/6, pg.546, Mortgage E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6
Saline Co. IL Deed Index, Grantors, Vol.B, 1836-1872 (FHL film 0965749; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard and posted with his permission 11/2004; additions by MAD; note: original handwriting very difficult to read, some pages very faint; deeds themselves should be checked if in doubt; first date is date of instrument, 2nd date when given is date recorded or filed)
Duncan, Robert to William Duncan, deed, October 6, 1865, $25, Book I, pg.133, E pt. NW, Sec.29, Twp.11, Range 6, recorded October 28, 1860 @ 10 AM (GDV: Book K)
Duncan, Coleman to Josiah Blackman, Deed, November 3, 1859, $150, Book I, pg.313, NW, NW, Sec.20, Twp.11, Range 6, recorded April 6, 1864 @ 5 PM (GDV: Book F)
Duncan, Elizabeth to S.C. Golden, Deed, March 27, 1865, $150, Book H, pg.484, E 1/2 N of NW, Sec.21, Twp.11, Range 6, recorded April 1, 1865 @ 10 AM
Duncan, John to Thomas Duncan, Deed, February 22, 1867, $140, Book P, pg.432, NW SE, Sec.29, Twp.10S, Range 6E, & SW NE Sec.29, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded April 30, 1863 @ 2 PM
Duncan, Thomas to J.H. Duncan, deed, August 24, 1867, $200, Book L, pg.510, SW NE, Sec.20, Twp.10S, Range 6, recorded April 30, 1868 @ 1 PM (GDV: Book P)
Duncan, J.H. to J.J. Conley, deed, August 24, 1867, $500, Book L, pg.511. NW SE, Sec.20, Twp.10S, Range 6E & SW NE, Sec.20, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded April 30, 1868 @ 1 PM (GDV: Book P or L, SW of E)
Duncan, John to Benj. Sisk, deed, March 1, 1868, $50, Book P, pg.510 (MAD: or pg.578), SW NW, Sec.7, Twp.10S, Range 6E (GDV: Bay Sisk)
Duncan, John to Stockwell & Co., Mortgage, February 16, 1871, $176, Book O, pg.252, NW SE & SW NE & E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6, recorded April 13, 1871 @ 2 PM
Duncan, John to Thos. Duncan, Q(uit) C(laim) Deed, May 30, 1872, $60, Book R, pg.181, NE NW, Sec.20, Twp.10, Range 6, recorded October 5, 1872 @ 10 AM
Saline Co. IL Deed Index, Grantees, Vol.A, 1844-1859 (FHL film 0965749, 12/2004; note: original handwriting very difficult to read, some pages very faint; deeds themselves should be checked if in doubt; first date is date of instrument; "D" names continued on several groups of pages)
Duncan, Stephen C. from John Lane et al, admrs., April 10, 1849, filed Nov. 5, 1849, Book A, pg.326, bill of sale to SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.10S Range 6E.
After "P" names:
Duncan, Thomas from John J. Conly, Dec. 11, 1858, filed Feb. 15, 1869, Book G, pg.88, deed, W 1/2 NE 1/4, S 1/2 SE [1/4], & E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.20 Twp.10S Range 6E.
After "W" names:
Duncan, William from Stevin Duncan, Feb. 8, 1859?, filed May 17, 1860, Book G, pg.545, Deed, E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6.
Duncan, William from Thomas Duncan, June 13, 1859, recorded May 17, 1860, Book G/6, pg.546, Mortgage E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10, Range 6.
Duncan, William from Elizabeth Conley, Oct. 1, 1859, May 17, 1860, Book G, pg.547, E 1/2 NW Sec.29 Twp.10 Range 6.
Saline Co. IL Deed Index, Grantees, Vol.B, 1854-1872 (FHL film 0965749; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard and posted with his permission 11/2004; additions by MAD; note: original handwriting very difficult to read, some pages very faint; deeds themselves should be checked if in doubt; first date is date of instrument, second date is date recorded or filed)
Duncan, William from Robert Duncan, deed, October 6, 1860, $25, Book P, pg.133, E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.11, Range 6, recorded October 11, 1860 (no time recorded)
Duncan, William from Sheriff, deed, Oct. 17, 1864, $17.45, Book K, pg.565, SW NW Sec.7 Twp.10 Range 6 & SW SW Sec.13 Twp.10 Range 5, filed Nov. 28, 1864, 3 PM
Duncan, James H. from John W. Mitchell, deed, December 31, 1869, $150, Book K, pg.613, NW 1/4 SE, Sec.20, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded December 31, 1869 @ 1 PM (GDV: Book J)
Duncin, Elizabeth from B.W. Man, deed, April 21, 1864, $100, Book H, pg.468, E 1/2 NE of NW Sec.29, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded March 27, 1865 @ 9 AM (GDV: Duncan from B.W. Alan; MAD: listed as William W. Man in grantor index)
Duncan, John from Stephen C. Golden, deed, March 18, 1865, $500, Book Q, Pg.26, E 1/2 NW, Sec.29, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded April 6, 1867 @ 1 PM (GDV: Book 2)
Duncan, John from Thomas Duncan, deed, February 22, 1867, $140, Book P, pg.432, NW SE, Sec.29, Twp.10S Range 6E & SW NE, Sec.29, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded April 30, 1868 @ 10 AM
Dunkin, J.H. from Thomas Duncan, deed, August 22, 1867, $200, Book S, pg.510, SW NE, Sec.20, Twp.10S, Range 6E, recorded April 20, 1868 @ 1 PM (GDV: Book S, pg.10)
Duncan, Thos. from John Duncan, Q(uit) C(laim) deed, May 1, 1872, $60, Book R, pg.181, NE NW, Sec.20, Twp.10, Range 6, recorded October 5, 1872 @ 1 PM
Duncan, John from A.G. Cloud, Q C deed, Decr. 6, 1871, $60, Book W, pg.299, NE NW Sec.20 Twp.10 Range 6, recorded July 19, 1872, 1 PM
County Court Records, Saline County, IL Probate Journal, Vol.B, pg.376, February 20, 1860, (FHL film 0965065; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission)
"Ordered that the Report of Daniel W. Turner administrator of the Estate of Stephen Duncan deceased on final settlement be and the same approved."
Saline County, Illinois Probate Wills Vol.1-3 1847-1922 (FHL film 0965064; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission)
Book VI page 260 - Will of Thomas Duncan. "In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Duncan of the Town of Independence, ss the County of Saline and State of Illinois of the age of seventy eight 78 years, and being of sound mind and necessary do make and publish this my last will and testament in the manner following that is to say. First I give and bequeth unto my wife Deliah Duncan a dower in all my possessions personnel will seal as directed by him in care of widows dower, and to my Sons James Henry Duncan, Thomas Jefferson Duncan, John Franklin Duncan and to my Daughter Sarah Adaline Brandon an equal share in and to all my remaining property both personnel and seal except twenty dollars in cash and my shotgun, and I also bequith the twenty dollars above excepted to my grandchildren George Albert Brandon and Franky Brandon ten dollars each. And also my grandchild Jesse H. Duncan my shotgun as above exception. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16th day of September in the year of our Lord (1890) one thousand eight hundred and ninety. Thomas (his x mark) Duncan." "The above instrument consisting of two sheets at the date thereof declared to be as by the said Thomas Duncan, the testor herein mentioned to his last will and testament and we therefore at his request and in the presence and in the resance of each other signed our names there is as attesting witness. Wm. M. Dunn of Saline County, James H. Dunn " " " ". The above was signed and acknowledged before me this 16th day of September 1890." " State of Illinois, Saline Co.} ss L.J. Pickering, JP In the County Court of said County. In probate, January Term AD 1891 personally appeared William M. Duncan and James H. Duncan subscribing witnesses to the annexed instrument of writing to be the last will and testament of Thomas Duncan late of the said county deceased, who, being duly sworn according to law do depose and say, each for himself that they were present and saw the said Thomas Duncan sign said will in their presence and that they believe that the said testator was of sound mind and memory of lawful age and under no constrant when he signed said will. J.H. Duncan, William M. Duncan. Subscribed and sworn to in open court this 22nd Day of January AD 1891. James H. Peace, County Clerk."
Saline County, Illinois, Probate Journal (FHL film 0965067; researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission)
Vol.F: Pg.325-326, June 16, 1891 -"Now comes John Duncan and presents and make public his claim against the Estate of Thomas Duncan decd. against the account of said Estate. And the court having heard the proof and duly considered the sum orders that John Duncan have judgement against the estate of Thomas Duncan for the sum of one hundred thirty one and 50/100 ($131.50) dollars to be paid in due. Covers of administration fee of $6.00 of the first claim, $125.50 of the 7th Class."
Pope Co. IL Deeds (SLC 6/20/2008)
R-33: 25 March 1869, Caleb Baldwin and wife Margaret of Pope Co. IL to "Coleman" Duncan of Saline Co. IL, $90, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.11S Range 6E, 80 acres. (FHL film 964,522 item 2)
R-56: 15 Dec. 1869, Lewis Conley and wife Melvina (X) of Pope Co. IL to James H. Duncan of Saline Co. IL, $25, NW (does not say quarter or 1/4) of SE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.11S Range 7E, 40 acres. (FHL film 964,522 item 2)
S-50: 19 Oct. 1869, Lewis Conley and wife Melvina (X) of Pope Co. IL to James H. Dunkin of Saline Co. IL, $300, NE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.11S Range 7E, 40 acres. (FHL film 964,522 item 3)
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (to Dunh.. names on FHL film 840,458)
These are large cards, with printed areas for the following information: Numbers ("Wid. Orig." WO; "Wid. Ctf." WC; "Sur. Orig." SO; "Sur. Ctf." SC); Soldier, Widow, Service, Enlisted, Discharged; Bounty Land (warrant numbers, acres, and year, for a total of 160 acres); Remarks; Residence of soldier, residence of widow, maiden name of widow, marriage of soldier and widow, death of soldier, death of widow. They are in strict alphabetic order. Copied most Duncan and variant spellings; did not copy NY, MD, MA, PA, etc.)
Duncan, Stephen; no pension claim; BL Reg. 43418-50; alleged Capt. John Yantes Co. KY Mil. (MAD: perhaps the Stephen C. Duncan, b. 7 April 1777 "Patrick" [Pittsylvania] Co. VA; d. 19 Nov. 1854 Saline Co. IL; from info of Ruth Carnahan Cavender 1984)
Duncan, Thomas C., 1812 "Old War" Invalid, file #8368; Private in Capt. Yates KY Mil; Bundle 5, Can No. 39 (sic).
Go to the transcript of the Military Records for:
Indian Wars Pension Record, Thomas Duncan
Indian Wars Pension Record, Delilah Duncan, widow of Thomas Duncan
Mexican War Pension Application of Polly Womble Duncan for Service of Stephen Duncan
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Coleman; F 29 Ill. Inf.; 1882 Aug. 28, Invalid Appl. #458346, Cert. #270997, Ill. (MAD: 1850 Clark or Saline Co. IL; see Pope Co. IL)
Duncan, James H., widow Duncan, Nancy; K 56 Ill. Inf.; 1866 Sept. 8, Invalid Appl. #115308, Cert. #106023; 1928 June 14, Widow Appl. #1616802, Cert. #A-9-21-28, Ill. (MAD: of Saline Co. IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, John, minor Duncan, Thomas J., Gdn.; B 31 Ill. Inf.; 1880 May 14, Invalid Appl. #365307, Cert. #315998; 1892 Sept. 13, Minor Appl. #559248, Cert. #408345, Ill. (MAD: of Mitchellsville [Saline Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, John R.; C 15 KY Cav.; 1890 July 18, Invalid Appl. #818298, Cert. #574131, Ill. (MAD: 1850 Caldwell Co. KY census; 1860 Lyon Co. KY census; mustered in at Paducah, McCracken Co. KY; to Pope Co. IL, d. Saline Co. IL)
Duncan, Robert, widow Duncan, Catherine; F 29 Ill. Inf.; 1880 July 6, Invalid Appl. #407370, Cert. #230704, Ill.; 1889 March 1, Widow Appl. #389952, Cert. #257662, Ill. (MAD: of Saline Co. IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, Thomas; K 56 Ill. Inf.; 1889 Feb. 27, Invalid Appl. #691122, no cert., Ill. (MAD: Saline Co. IL where James H. Duncan enlisted in same unit)
Civil War Record, Stephen C. Duncan (Researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission, his comments)
Received from Jesse White, Secretary of State, Illinois State Archives, dated February 7, 2002. Illinois Civil War Muster Roll. Muster and Descriptive Roll of Company "B" Thirty First Infantry, Regiment of Illinois Volunteers. Page 10 Line 11. - Names, Duncan, Stephen, Rank Private, Age 22; DESCRIPTION 5 feet 9 1/2 inch. Hair, black. Eyes, gray. Complexion fair. Married or single, single; Occupation, farmer. NATIVITY. Town _, County, Gallatin, State, Illinois. JOINED FOR SERVICE AND ENROLLED. When. Aug. 10, 1861, Where _, By Whom _, Period 3 yrs., When Sept. 18, 61, Where Cairo, Ills., By whom Capt. Pitcher. Residence, Town. Harrisburg, County. Saline, State. Ills. Remarks. Deserted Feb. 20, 1863 at Memphis, Tenn."
Go to the transcript of the Civil War Military Records for:
Civil War Records, John B. Duncan, son of William Duncan, of Pope and Saline Co. IL; Part 1
Civil War Records, John B. Duncan, son of William Duncan, of Pope and Saline Co. IL; Part 2
Civil War Records, Claim for Violet Duncan, minor survivor of John B. Duncan, son of William Duncan, of Pope and Saline Co. IL
Civil War Records, James Coleman Duncan of Pope, Gallatin, Saline, and Hardin Co. IL; Part 1
Civil War Records, James Coleman Duncan of Pope, Gallatin, Saline, and Hardin Co. IL; Part 2
Civil War Records, James Coleman Duncan of Pope, Gallatin, Saline, and Hardin Co. IL; Part 3
Civil War Records, Robert Duncan of Saline, Pope, Hardin, Jackson, and Gallatin Co. IL
Civil War Records, Catharine Duncan, widow of Robert Duncan, of Saline Co. IL
Civil War Records, Ezra Duncan, minor child of Robert Duncan, of Saline and Hardin Co. IL
Civil War Record, Margaret Harner, widow of George B. Harner, of Pope and Saline Co. IL
Civil War Record, John Brandon, husband of Nancy Ann Duncan and Sarah Adeline Duncan, of Saline Co. IL; Part 1
Civil War Record, John Brandon, husband of Nancy Ann Duncan and Sarah Adeline Duncan, of Saline Co. IL; Part 2
Civil War Record, John Brandon, husband of Nancy Ann Duncan and Sarah Adeline Duncan, of Saline Co. IL; Part 3
Civil War Record, Sarah A. Brandon, widow of John Brandon, of Saline Co. IL
Civil War Record, James Henry Duncan, of Saline and Gallatin Co. IL and Cape Girardeau Co. MO
Civil War Record, Nancy Duncan, widow of James Henry Duncan, of Saline Co. IL
1912 "(History of) Southeast Missouri, a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests" 2 Vols., by Robert Sidney Douglass; pub. by Lewis Pub. Co. (Los Angeles Public Library book 977.8 D737; FHL book 977.89 H2d and film 1,000,278 items 1-2)
Pg.1058-9: (Pemiscot Co.) JOHN EDGAR DUNCAN is a lawyer in Caruthersville ... John Edgar Duncan was born in Pope Co. IL, August 11, 1874. His father, John Duncan, Sr., was a native of the same place. He enlisted in the Union army during the Civil war, serving 3 years, one month and a half in the 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry. ... later moved to a farm in Saline Co. IL ... until 1889, when his demise occurred; he was buried in Walnut Grove cemetery. When a young man, Mr. Duncan was united in marriage to Miss Frances Wilson, a native of KY. Her family moved to IL, locating in Pope county, near Mr. Duncan's home; ... later married in Pope Co. IL. Mrs. Duncan's death took place in Saline Co. IL, and five of her seven children survived her, the remaining two having died in infancy. The names of those who grew to maturity are as follows: Alice, who married Sherman Shufflebarger and lived in Pope county, IL, where her death occurred; Olive E., the wife of William J. Hutchinson, residing at Darrisville, IL; Cordelia, married to H.N. Finney, of Carrier Mills, IL, where Mrs. Finney's demise occurred; J.E., the lawyer who is the subject of this biography; and Violet V., who is married to Lewis Pattinson and resides in IL. ....
The first 17 years of John Edgar Duncan's life were spent on his father's farm, ... When he was seventeen years of age his father died ... admitted to the bar in 1899 ... Mr. Duncan had taken up his residence in Caruthersville in 1898 .... Mr. Duncan has been twice married. He was united to Miss Robbie McGaugh, daughter of William McGaugh, and she died in the month of March, 1905. On the 21st day of June, 1906, Mr. Duncan married Miss Myrtle Crowe, who was born July 17, 1884, a daughter of Dr. B.D. Crowe and Emma (Kirkpatrick) Crowe. By this 2nd marriage Mr. Duncan became the parent of three children, one of whom is dead; the names of the two living are -- Madge Lee, born April 16, 1908, and John Sterling, whose birth occurred June 29, 1910.
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