Duncan research files of |
1850 McHenry Co. IL Census
Pg.461, #27, Thomas DUNCAN 50 SCT farmer $1000
Almira 34 NY
Azuba (f) 10, Agnes 7, Jane 5 CAN
Jenett 1 IL
Otis DAGGETT 21 NY, Elizabeth 18 NY
1860 McHenry Co. IL Census
Pg.232, #1748-1680, Abijah THOMAS 35 NY farmer
Louisa 33 NY
Ann 9, John 6, ? 2 NY
Jean DUNCAN (f) 15 CT domestic
Pg.236, #1773-1707, Thomas DUNCAN 60 SCT farmer $3000-$600
Almira 44 NY
Erada? (f) 30, Agnes 17, Jane 13 CT
Jeanette 11, Marian (f) 9 IL
Peter GRIFFITH 25 IRE farm laborer
(MAD: Thomas Duncan mar. Almena Thomas 1829 in SCT, per info of Mary Anna Underhill; 1870 Cerro Gordo Co. IA; one Agnes Duncan mar. George E. Ehle 9/29/1863)
Pg.239, #1790-1723, Martin DUNCAN 63 Nova Scotia blacksmith $200
Lucy 54 CT
Franklin 15, Mary 13 NY
Robert LENSON 28 NY farm laborer
1870 McHenry Co. IL Census
No Duncan indexed
McHenry Co. IL Deed Indexes (copied by CVD in SLC 5/9/2013)
Grantor index, v.1, 1841-1851 (FHL film 1,468,339 item 1)
I/J?-467: Duncan, Delamorex? to Fellows, T.H., W.D., dated 1 May 1847, $500, E 1/2 SE 1-46-7 & NW fr 6 & NW SW 5-46-8, filed 14 Mar. 1848
K-430: Duncan, J. & J.G. to Tower, S.N., W.D., 26 Feb. 1848, $225, N 1/2 W 1/2 SW 17-46-7, 26 Oct. 1848
1-33: Duncan, Thomas to McGregor, Peter, W.D., 13 Aug. 18--, $100, NW SW 11-46-7, 2 March 1850
1-393: Duncan, Thomas to Scott, R.E., W.D., 7 March 1850, $100, E 1/2 E 1/2 SW SW 11-46-7, 8 June 1850
2-403: Duncan, Delamore to Sibley, Charles, W.D., 29 Jany 1847, $1250, N 1/2 SE 3/4 and N 1/2 SW 35 T1 R18 Wisconsin & SW SW 5-46-8 McHenry Co., 24 Jany 1851
Grantor index, v.2, 1851-1860 (FHL film 1,468,339 item 2)
No Duncan
Grantee index, v.1, 1841-1867 (FHL film 1,468,342 item 4)
D-206: Duncan, D. from Fellows, T.H., W.D., 11 Jany. 1844, $400, E 1/2 SE 1-46-74 W 1/2 SW 5-4-8 and und. 1/2 NW fr 6-46-8, filed 10 June 1844
H-15: Duncan, J. & J.G. from Nourse, Ira, W.D., 8 Dec. 1845, $200, N 1/2 W 1/2 SW 17-46-7, filed 15 March 1848
Grantee index, v.2, 1851-1860 (FHL film 1,468,343 Item 1)
9-456: Duncan, Almenia from Hopkins, Pasley?, W.D., 30 Sept. 1846, $350, NW NW 14-46-7, filed 29 March 1854
9-453: Duncan, Almenia, from Seach, Geo. M., W.D., 20 Oct. 1846, $80, SW SW 11-46-7, filed 29 March 1854
10-339: Duncan, Thomas from Brand, Alexander, Deed, 1 March 1849, $500, NW SW 11-46-7, filed 21 Nov. 1854
13-322: Duncan, Thomas from Bentley, Geo. W., Shf deed, 18 Sept. 1855, --, NW SW 14-46-7, filed 20 Sept. 1855
16-547: Duncan, Thomas from Nelson, Sumner, W.D., 1 Feb. 1855, $250, 10 off E 1/2 Lot 1 SW 1/4 2-46-8, 16 Mar. 1857
McHenry Co. IL Deeds (SLC 9/12/2013)
D-206/207: 11 Jan. 1844, Timothy H. Fellows and his wife Eliza Ann of Walworth, WI, to Delamore Duncan of Kalamazoo Co. MI, for $400 paid, sell parcel of land, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.1? Twp.46N Range 7E containing by survey 80 acres more or less, also W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.46N Range 8E containing 80 acres by survey, also undivided 1/2 NW fract. 1/4 Sec.6 Twp. & Range last above mentioned containing about 15 acres, the above lands are in McHenry Co. IL, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Timothy H. Fellows, Eliza A. Fellows. Ack. Jan. 11, 1844, before Ephraim Perkins, Jr., J.P., McHenry Co. IL. Recorded 11 Jan. 1844. (FHL film 1,468,347)
I-467/468: 1 May 1847, Delamore Duncan and Parmelia his wife of "Kallamazoo" Co. MI to Timothy H. Fellows of Walworth Co. WI, for $500 paid, sell tract of land in McHenry Co. IL, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.46N Range 7E containing 80 acres, also NW frac. 1/4 Sec.6 containing about 15 acres, also NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.5 containing 50 acres in Twp.46N Range 8E, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Delamore Duncan, Parmelia Duncan. Wit. Chas. W. Tibley, Rushel? Fuller. Ack. 3 May 1847, before George Field, J.P., Walworth Co. WI. Cert. by LeGrund Rockwell, Clerk of Walworth Co., WI, District Court, for George Field. Recorded March 14, 1848. (FHL film 1,468,348)
K-15/17: 8 Dec. 1845, Ira Nourse of McHenry Co. IL to James and James G. Duncan of Walworth Co. WI, for $200 paid, sell parcel of land, N 1/2 W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.46 Range 7E in District of lands subject to sale in the Chicago Land District, in McHenry Co. IL, containing 40 acres by survey, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Ira Nourse. Wit. Bela H. Tryon, Chas. W.H. Tryon. Ack. 8 Dec. 1845 before Bela H. Tryon, J.P. of McHenry Co. IL. Recorded March 15, 1848. (FHL film 1,468,755)
K-430/431: 26 Feb. 1848, James Duncan and James G. Duncan and Elizabeth R. his wife of Lyons, Walworth Co., WI, to S. Nelson Tower of same place, for $225 paid, sell premises in McHenry Co. IL, S 1/2 W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.46N Range 7E, in the Chicago Land District, in McHenry Co. IL, containing 40 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ James Duncan, James G. Duncan, Elizabeth R. Duncan. Wit. T.B. Wakeman. Ack. 28 Feb. 1848 before T.B. Wakeman, J.P. McHenry Co. IL. Recorded Oct. 26, 1848. (FHL film 1,468,755)
1-33/34: 13 Aug. 18(blank), Thomas Duncan and Almina Duncan his wife, both of McHenry Co. IL, to Peter McGregor of same place, for $100 paid, sell parcel of land, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.46N Range 7E containing 40 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Almina Duncan. Wit. Amos Cogswell. Ack. 13 Aug. 1849 before Amos Cogswell, N.P., McHenry Co. IL. Recorded May 3, 1850. (FHL film 1,468,756)
1-393/394: 7 March 1850, Thomas Duncan and Almina Duncan his wife of McHenry Co. IL, to Robert E. Scott of same place, for $100 paid, sell parcel of land, E 1/2 E 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.11W Twp.46N Range 7E containing 10 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Almina L. Duncan, Thomas Duncan. Wit. Amos Cogswell, Abner Clark. Ack. 7 March 1850 before Amos Cogswell, N.P. McHenry Co. IL. Recorded July 29, 1850. (FHL film 1,468,756)
2-403/404: 29 Jan. 1847, Delamore Duncan and Pamela his wife of Kalamazoo Co. MI to Charles Sibley of Walworth Co. WI, for $1250 paid, sell tracts of land in Walworth Co. WI Territory, N 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 containing 80 acres and N 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.35 containing 80 acres, by US survey, and in Twp.1N Range 18E, also one other piece of land in McHenry Co. IL, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.46N Range 8E containing 40 acres by US survey, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Delamore Duncan, Parmela Duncan. Wit. Wm. Bassett, Alanson Wood. Ack. 1 Feb. 1847 before Alanson Wood, J.P., Kalamazoo Co. MI. Cert. 5 Feb. 1847 by M.D. Cobb, Clerk of Kalamozoo Co. MI Circuit Court, for Alanson Wood. Recorded Feb. 27, 1851. (FHL film 1,468,756)
9-453/454: 20 Oct. 1846, George M. Leach and Diana Leach his wife of Peoria Co. IL, to Miss Alminia Duncan of McHenry Co. IL, for $80 paid, sell parcel of land in McHenry Co. IL, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.46N Range 7E, containing 40 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ George M. Leach, Diana Leach. Ack. 20 Oct. 1846 before Dennis Blakeley, J.P. Peoria Co. IL. Cer. 20 Oct. 1846 by William Mitchell, Clerk of Peoria Co. IL County Commissioners Court, for Dennis Blakeley. Recorded June 27, 1854. (FHL film 1,468,760)
9-456/457: 30 Sept. 1846, Parley Hopkins and Nancy Hopkins wife of Parley Hopkins of McHenry Co. IL, to Almenia Duncan of afsd, for $350 paid, sell premises in McHenry Co. IL, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.46N Range 7E, containing 40 acres by US survey, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Parley Hopkins, Nancy Hopkins. Wit. Bela H. Tryon, Alfred Thomas. Ack. 30 Sept. 1846 before Bela H. Tryon, J.P. McHenry Co. IL. Recorded June 27, 1854. (FHL film 1,468,760)
10-339/340: 1 March 1849, Alexander Brand of City of Chicago, Cook Co. IL, and Harriette his wife, to Thomas Duncan of McHenry Co., for $50 paid, sell parcel of land in McHenry Co., NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.46N Range 7E, in Certificate from land office No.24,197 dated 19? Oct. 1846 at Chicago, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Alex Brand, Henriette Brand. Wit. Henry Brown??, O. Davidson. Ack. 21 Jan. 1849 before Andrew J. Browerd??, N.P., of Cook Co. IL, that Orlando Davidson appeared as witness, and the said witness resides in Chicago. Recorded Dec. 28, 1854. (FHL film 1,468,760)
Black Hawk Co. IA Deeds (SLC 7/23/2014)
B-652/653: Ebenezer L. Dow and Catherine E. Dow of Black Hawk Co. IA for $275 paid by Robert Duncan of McHenry Co. IL, sell to said Robert Duncan, the E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.89 and 3/8 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.25, bounded on the East by William Walker and on the west by Abram Long in Twp.90, both pieces in Range 11W in the Dubuque Land District, and warrant title, and Catherine E. Dow relinquishes her right of dower. 21 Sept. 1855. /s/ Ebenezer L. Dow, Catharine E. Dow. Wit. Phillip A. Merrill, James Barklay. Ack. 21 Sept. 1855 by Thomas Smith attorney of the grantors before James Barklay, J.P. (FHL film 1,034,549)
F-208/209: Ebeneizer L. Dow and Catherine E. Dow of Dubuque Co. IA for $650 paid by William Walker and Robert Duncan of McHenry Co. IL, sell to said William Walker and Robert Duncan, the SW 1/4 Sec.25 and SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.89 Range 11W and the East 3/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.90 Range 11W of 5th P.Md. in Dubuque Land District, warrant title, Catherine E. Dow relinquishes her right of dower. 7 June 1856. /s/ Ebeneizer L. Dow, Catherine E. Dow. Wit. W.S. Hall, W.C. Taylor. Ack. 17 June 1856 before W.S. Hall, Notary Public, Dubuque Co. IA. (FHL film 1,034,551)
"History of McHenry County, Illinois" by special authors and contributors; pub. Chicago: Munsell Pub. Co., 1922, 1076 pgs. (LH12098, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 1,000,504)
Chapter IV, Land Titles, by George W. Lemmers. ... Pg.38-43:
About 4,000 acres of land in McHenry County and also in Boone and Winnebago, just over the county lines. William Taylor was sent to the country from Scotland to buy land and died here after many peculiar experiences. The language of the documents left in the recorder's office of McHenry County .... The first document bares no date of execution, but is a power-of-attorney given by David Chalmers, William Littlejohn, George Yeates, Robert Catto, Peter Williamson, Alex Fonlerton, Alexander Smith, Charles Chalmers, and Nathaniel Farquhar to one Alexander Ferguson to act as the agent for what was known as the North American Investment and Loan Company, of which they were the directors.
The power of attorney (MAD's extract) that by contract dated 8th and 10th of May 1839, between parties of the first part as named above, and William Taylor who has since deceased, it was agreed that the directors of the company having engaged the said William Taylor as Manager of the Company's business in America for five years, Taylor to go to North America, and invest Two Thousand Pounds Sterling in the original Capital Stock of the company, and Taylor makes over to the company for the time being the whole property of whatever description which he may afterwards acquire in North America, ... that Taylor did go to the United States and purchased sundry tracts or parcels of land in the State of Illinois, and that titles to the land were taken by William Taylor in his own name and so remain of record, and that the said William Taylor has since departed this life; therefore this indenture made and entered into in 1844 between the parties of the first part and Alexander Ferguson, all the title to lands not already conveyed by deed from William Taylor to the parties above. And the parties direct that the executors, administrators or heirs at law of the said William Taylor, deceased, to convey to the said Alexander Ferguson whatever legal title they acquired to the lands. The parties appoint Alexander Ferguson their agent and attorney in fact. ... Document was acknowledged December 31, 1844, in City of Aberdeen, Kingdom of Great Britain.
Conveyance by commissioner's deed which indicates that some litigation followed William Taylor ... (MAD's extract) Deed recites that, whereas David Chalmers, William Littlejohn, George Yeats, Robert Catto, Peter Williamson, Alexander Fonlerton, Alexander Smith, Charles Chalmers and Nathan Farquhar, as Directors of the Aberdeen North American Investment and Loan Company, on the 8th of February 1845 filed their bill of Complaint on the Chancery side of the said Circuit Court of Winnebago County against Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, William Primrose, and Elizabeth Primrose, his wife, George Porter and Elspet, his wife, Alexander Ferguson and the unknown heirs and devisees of James Duncan, deceased, therein setting forth, among other things, that one William Taylor, late of the City of St. Louis, deceased, as agent of the Complainant in the Bill of Complaint named, ... but in his own name, purchased all the tracts and parcels of land ... described. That after the purchase of the land, William Taylor died seized of the legal title, but as Trustee for the said Complainant, leaving as his heirs at law Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, Elizabeth Primrose, wife of William Primrose, Elspet Porter, wife of George Porter; that William Taylor in his (pg.42) last Will and Testament, devised all his real estate to Alexander Ferguson aforesaid and to James Duncan, now deceased, but then of the City of New Orleans, in said State of Louisiana; that after the admission of said Will to Probate the said James Duncan had died and that the names of his heirs and devisees were unknown to said Complainants; that the said Complainants also therein praying that the said Court of Chancery would decree the said Isabella Taylor, Geogre (MAD: sic) Taylor, William Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife; George Porter and Elspet, his wife; Alexander Ferguson and the unknown Heirs and Devisees of James Duncan, deceased, that each and every of them to convey and release by Deed the said several tracts of land to Alexander Ferguson, or to such other person or persons as the said Complainants might ... On the 21st day of April at the April term of said Court in the said year 1845, such proceedings were had that the said Court... fully established the said trusts in the said William Taylor in his life time and after his death in the said Isabella Taylor, George Taylor, William Primrose and Elizabeth, his wife, George Porter and Elspet, his wife, and the unknown Heirs and Devisees of James Duncan, deceased, by the 24th of April, aforesaid, by good and sufficient Deeds of Conveyance, to convey and release to the said Alexander Ferguson ... On the 26th day of April, by further order and decree of said Court ... appointed a Special Commissioner to make the deed. (MAD: see Winnebago and LaSalle Co. IL court case)
Pg.412. The first burying place within Hebron Township was set apart in 1844, two miles northwest of the village of Hebron, at the Presbyterian Church, and a Mr. Duncan, a Scotchman, was the first person to be buried in it.
"Recollections of the pioneers of the Lee County" by Jas. Whitcomb Riley; pub. Dixon, Ill.: I.A. Kennedy, 1893, 581 pgs. (LH5430, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 825,584 and 934,998 item 6)
Pg.220-221: The township of China. E.C. THOMAS, of Franklin Grove, Illinois, was born at Batavia, New York, November 9, 1813. His mother was Rebecca Campbell, of Scotch descent. His father, Silas Thomas, was of Puritan stock. When yet a babe, he moved with his parents to East and West Bloomfield, New York. In 1823 he moved to Porter, Niagara county, New York, and in 1835 married Mary Ann Nichols, of Wilson, Niagara county, New York. In 1836, with his wife, he started for Michigan going via canal ... settling in Oakland county, Michigan. They remained here three years, ... during this time they were visited by John Nichols, father of Mr. Thomas, who went to Illinois and reported so favorably ... Mr. Thomas and wife concluded to move there, they, with their two children, Mary and William Henry, started for Illinois in 1839. ... In August, 1842, Mary Ann Thomas, wife of E.C. Thomas, died leaving a babe, Ruby Thomas, and the two children before mentioned. Soon after her death Mary Duncan, sister of Mr. Thomas, took the three children to McHenry county, Illinois, and cared for them. ... In October, 1845, Mr. Thomas married Harriet A. Whitmore, ... ten children. /s/ Mary C. Thomas.
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