Duncans in Marshall Co. IL


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised July 31, 2008

Formed 1839 from Putnam


1840-1850 Marshall Co. Census
      No Duncan indexed

1860 Marshall Co. IL Census
Pg.279, #2003-1946, Job DUNCAN 37 PA laborer 0-$100
                  Em. (f) 37 PA
                  John 12, Mary 8, Eliz. 6, Geo. 4 VA
                  Julia 8/12 IL
                  (MAD: 1850 Marshall Co. (W)VA census)
Pg.279, #2005-1948, Kate DUNCAN 58 PA lady 0-0
                  Jas. 28 PA mar. in year
                  Kate 20 PA (not m/in/yr)
                  Eliza 30 PA insane from infancy
                  Sarah ENVIN 36 PA, Charlotte 17 PA
                  (MAD: Kate the widow of Joseph Duncan; 1830-1840 Bedford Co. PA; 1850 Marshall Co. WV census; James and Eliza in 1870 Marshall Co. WV census)

1870 Marshall Co. IL Census
City of Lacon
Pg.376, #87-87, DUNCAN, John 47 PA laborer $0-$200
                  Emily 47 VA keeping house
                  John 22 VA laborer
                  Elizabeth 15, George W. 14 PA
                  Julia D. 11, Sarah E. 6 IL
                  (MAD: plainly "John"; see as Job Duncan in 1860 census)
Pg.389-390, #303-298, GARRIGUS, Jacob E. 41 NJ hotel keeper
                  and family and servants, including
                  DUNCAN, Mary 17 IL domestic servant
Steuben (Twp.), P.O. Henry
Pg.463, #126-122, DUNCAN, William J. 50 PA farmer $10,000-$2,000
                  Martha 44 PA keeping house
                  George 20, Samuel 18, Anna 16 PA
                  Estep (m) 13, Watson (m) 11, Mary 8 PA
                  Maggie (f) 4 IL
                  (MAD: 1860 Indiana Co. PA census, #2250)
Pg.463, #127-123, DUNCAN, John J. 44 PA farmer $10,000-$600
                  Ann 42 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
                  Thomas 15, Anna 14 PA, mother of foreign birth
                  Robert 12, John 11 PA, mother of foreign birth
                  Maggie 9, James 6 PA, mother of foreign birth
                  William 3 PA, mother of foreign birth
                  Dorothey (f) 1 IA, mother of foreign birth
                  Anna 75 PA
                  (MAD: 1860 Indiana Co. PA census, #2248; Anna (Graham), d. ca 1881, the widow of John d.12/14/1849, mar. 12/21/1819 Indiana Co. PA per War of 1812 pension application WC-20798)


Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
      Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
      Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
      The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
      Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
      Duncan, George W., widow Duncan, Mary E.; F 21 PA Cav.; 1865 Aug. 28, Invalid Appl. #85122, Cert. #56818; 1928 Sept. 26, Widow Appl. #1624463, Cert. #A-1-30-29 Ill. (MAD: 1910 Marshall Co. IL census, b.1850 PA, wife Mary)

HISTORIES before 1923

1880 "Records of the olden time, or, Fifty years on the prairies : embracing sketches of the discovery, exploration and settlement of the country, the organization of the counties of Putnam and Marshall, incidents and reminiscences connected therewith, biographies of citizens, portraits and illustrations" by Spencer Ellsworth; pub. Lacon, Ill.: Home Journal Steam Printing Establishment, 1880 (HeritageQuest image 3/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 4479; FHL film 1,000,510 item 4)
      Pg.752, Steuben Township: JOHN J. DUNCAN. Mr. Duncan was born in Indiana county, PA, in 1825, his father being a soldier in the war of 1812. He came to Marshall county in October, 1869. His wife was a Miss Eliza A. Davidson, whom he married in April, 1863. Their children are Thomas, Annie, Robert, John, Agnes, James, William, Dollie and George. They are members of the U.P. church. He owns 158 acres of very choice land, beautifully located, with fine improvements. Mr. Duncan desires to sell his elegant home, with a view to purchasing a larger place, as he has a large family for whom he wishes to provide.
      Pg.753, Steuben Township: WILLIAM J. DUNCAN. Mr. Duncan is a farmer, living on section 6, who was born in Indiana county, PA, in 1820. He entered the service of the US during the war of the rebellion, and served until disabled in the Signal Corps. On one occasion he got within the rebel lines and encountered a "gray back," who presented his shooting-iron and told him to "come in." Suspecting the Dutchman couldn't read, he told him he was a spy going through the lines, and showed an old letter as his authority. The intelligent soldier turned it upside down, looked it carefully over, "hefted" it, and drawling out, "Yas, dat ish goot," allowed him to pass on. In 1842 he married Elizabeth Clark, and there was born to him A. Jackson, George, Matilda, Sampson, Annie, Estep, Watson and Mary. Jackson enlisted in a Pennsylvania regiment when 15, and was killed at the battle of Bull Run. George also enlisted and lost a leg in the service. His wife having died, he married Martha Parks in 1864, by whom he has one child, Maggie.

"The Biographical record of Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, Illinois" (anonymous); pub. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1896, 728 pgs. (LH11280, HeritageQuest images 3/2007 and 4/2007; FHL book 977.3 D3bb and film 934,971 item 2 and 962,512 item 2)
      Pg.368: Henson D. Bonham ... Marshall County ... on the 14th of October, 1852, Mr. Bonham and Miss Luana Swift were united in marriage. Six children ... Carrie M., wife of Frank E. Duncan, of Des Moines, Iowa; .... (MAD: city of Des Moines, Polk Co. IA)
      Pg.420-421: William Smith, Marshall Co. since 1840, ... On the 18th of February, 1859, Mr. Smith was united in marriage with Miss Ottilia Fostbinder, of German ancestry, and birth, ... eight children ... Lottie is the wife of Estep Duncan, of Sparland, ....

"History of Indiana County, Penn'a." by Celoron; pub. Newark, Ohio: J.A. Caldwell, 1880, 548 pgs. (LH11364, HeritageQuest images 6/2007; FHL book 974.889 H2h v.1&2 and film 908,661 items 1-2)
      Pg.542: JOHN DUNCAN was born in Dauphin county, Pa., in 1790, and migrated to Indiana county, prior to the war of 1812, and served several months in the war. He followed farming and wagoning as his vocation. He wagoned for fourteen years, between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and farmed during the remainder of his days. He was married in 1817, to Miss Ann Graham, born in 1794, daughter of John and Ann Graham. They settled in Buffington township, and lived in same township until he deceased, in 1857. His wife is in Marshall county, Illinois, and is eighty-six years of age. Their children were: William J.; James J.; John J.; Joseph J.; Jane, d.; Margaret; and David, d.
            JAMES J. DUNCAN, son of John and Ann Duncan, was born March 27th, 1823, in Indiana county. He married Eliza Bracken, in 1844, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bracken. They settled near the Black Lick furnace, and remained until 1868, when they moved on the farm in Buffington township, where he is now living. His wife deceased, May 8th, 1878. They reared a family of eight children, three sons and five daughters. His son John, served nearly three years in the 13th Pennsylvania volunteers, in the war of 1861 - came home at the close of the war, went west, and deceased in 1868.


"Western PA Gen. Society Quarterly" Vol.3, 1976-1977 (copy of page from Deone Penquite 9/1991; to her 11/1982 from Western PA Gen. Society)
      Pg.63: This issue of the periodical includes information from the Bible of Joseph Duncan born PA 1790, d. 1860, married 1817 to Catherine; children include Job Duncan, b. Dec. 21, 1822. (MAD: 1830-1840 Bedford Co. PA census; 1850 Marshall Co. (W)VA census; 1860 Marshall Co. IL census)


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