IL Civil War Records - John Brandon


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised November 18, 2004

Illinois Civil War Records - John Brandon; Part 2

Civil War Record, John Brandon, husband of Nancy Ann Duncan and Sarah Adeline Duncan (Researched and transcribed by Garland D. Vinyard, posted with his permission, his comments)
      Another Rate Increase Request: Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension. State of Illinois, County of Saline, SS: ON THIS 7" day of April A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight personally appeared befor me, the undersigned, duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, John Brandon, aged 43 years, who, being duly sworn, according to law, declares that his ia a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the rate of 16 dollars per month, under Pension Certificate No 79.142 by reason of disability resulting from Wound of left side and Lung. Incurred in the service of the United States, while serving as a private in Company G of the 31st Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers. That he believes himself entitled to an increase of pension for disability above stated, and hereby makes application therefor: As he thinks the rates allowed have been unreasonably low, and disproportionate to the rates granted others for similar or equivalent disabilities, he asks that his pension be rerated and more allowed from the beginning, and further increased for future time to correspond with the degree of disability. That he hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, J.W. MORRIS, of Washington, D.C., his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute said claim. His Post Office address is Carrier Mills. County of Saline. John Brandon, Signature of claimant. W.W. Largent. Also personally appeared R.S. Warfield residing at Harrisburg, Ill, and W.W. Largent residing at Harrisburg, Ill to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being by me duly sworn, say that they were present and saw John Brandon, the claimant, sign his name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. [Signed] R.W. Warfield, W.W. Largent, Signatures of witnesses. Sworn to and subscribed before me, on the day first above written; and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c. were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the word Stone Fort, erased, and the words Carrier Mills, added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. James H. Pearce, Signature. Court Clerk, Official character. Certificate No. 79.142 INVALID APPLICATION FOR INCREASE OF PENSION. John Brandon Co. G, 31 Reg't, Ills. Inf. Vols. FILED BY J.W. MORRIS, (Late Principal Examiner U. S. Pension Office) Attorney at Law, WASHINGTON, D.C."
      Medical Examination for Pension Increase: "[Form No.] (3- 111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skelton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, etc. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. Inc. Pension Claim No. 77142. Jno Brandon, Rank Prv. Company G, 31 Reg't Ill. Vol. Shawneetown, Ill. (Postoffice address of the Board) State. Claimant's Post office address Carrier Mills, Saline Co., Ill. Date of Examination July 11th 1888. We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law* we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Wound of left lung and that he receives a pension of Sixteen dollars per month. Pulse rate per minute, 74; respiration, 20; temperature 982; height, 5 feet 9 inches; weight, 122 pounds; age, 43 years. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for: Inc. That at Champion Hill Miss. May 16, 1863 he incurred a gun shot wound of left chest. Fell unconuscious (sic) for several hours and was taken to field hospital remaining three weeks. Thence sent to Memphis where he remained till July when he was sent to Benton Barracks where he remained several months. Then transferred to invalid Corps which he left and rejoined regiment at Vicksburg, where he did light duty until discharged. Since then has pain through chest most all the time with cough and tenaciores. Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: expectoration. Frequently has hemorhages from lungs. Pain seems through shoulder blade and spine and is very servere. Tongue furred and brown. Throat follicular. Voula conjested. There is a large scar on left axilla. Not adherent or very tender. Another two inches to the right of spinal line. Missle probably entered lung and passing out went between spines of vertebrae. Sweeps short expansion less than two inches, mostly on right side. Dullness on percussion with increase of frevities over left lung. Some mucous menche (?) and Honchofhony (?) left upper lobe. Right lemp shows bronchial Vnothing (?) and ajaw noles. Heart normal. Sim Vopleur (?) normal. Stomach and bowls slightly tympauitic. Clt. Smatiated. Sallors. Muscles left ematiated. From the existing condition and the history of the claimant, as stated by himself, it is, in our judgement, _ probable that the disability was incurred in the service as he claims, and that it has not been prolonged or aggravated by vioious habits; He is, in our opinion, entitled to 16/18 rating for disability caused by, G.S.W. left chest, for that caused by _ and _ caused by _. M.S. Jones M.D., Pres. Geo. P. Cassidy, MD, Sec'y. Jacob Fais, M.D., Treas."
      Another rejection for Increase of Pension: "[Form] (3-145) Increase & INVALID PENSION Re-rating. Claimant, John Brandon. P.O., Carrier Mills. County, Saline. State, Ills. Rank, Pvt. Company, G. Regiment, 31 Ill. Vol. Inf. Rate, $ _ per month, comencing_ Disabled by GSW of left side & lung. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name, J.W. Morris. P.O., City. Fee $10. APPROVALS; Submitted for July 23, 1889. Approved for G.S. Wound of left side and lung. Re-rating not considered under coms. Ruling of Aug 15/89. Aug 28, 1889 McMurtue, Legal Reviewer. Carmen, Examiner Approval for No increase. A.B.C. Pierce Q.M.F. Thos. D. Surgram Aug. 31, 1889, Acting Medical Referee. Discharged July 19, 1865. Last paid to _, at $16. Pensioned from (ditto ditto), 1865, at $8, for GSW of left side & lung. Original declaration filed Feb 19, 1866; alleged same. Inc to $12 from July 12/76 to $16 from Nov 18/85. Inc rej. Mch 25/84 & Jany 24/85 & Oct 5/86. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed April 18, 1888 as above."
      Affidavit for Pension Increase: "Affidavit. State of Illinois County of Saline SS: In the Claim of John Brandon G 31" Ills. Inf. ON THIS 28 day of Oct, A.D. 1889, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, D.W. Purdom aged 46 years, a resident of Carrier Mills in the County of Saline and State of Illinois whose Post Office address is Carrier Mills Ills and John C. Dunn aged 47 years, a resident of Carrie (sic) Mills in the County of Saline and State of Illinois whose Post Office is Carrier Mills, Ills, well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows: We are both near neighbors to the above name claimant and intimately acquainted with him. We know from our own personal knowledge being very often in his company that the disability caused by the infliction of gun shot wound in his left side is and will continue to be equal to or worse than the loss of hand or foot. We declare that we have no interest in said claim, and are not concerned in its prosecution. D.W. Purdon, J.C. Dunn (Signatures of Affiants).
      Application for increase in pension: "Declaration for the Increase of an Invalid Pension. State of Illinois, County of Saline, SS: ON THIS 21" day of Nov A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty 9 personally appeared before me, the undersigned, duly authorized to administer oaths within and for the County and State aforesaid, John Brandon (Claimant's name) aged 45 years, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the rate of 16 dollars per month, under Pension Certificate No. 79142 by reason of disability resulting form wound of left side and lung incurred in the service of the United States, while serving as a Private in Company G of the 31" Regiment of Illinois Inf. Volunteers. That he believes himself entitled to an increase of pension for disability above stated, and hereby makes application therefor. On account of an increased disability and his . [five or six words faded out, white] unjustly and unreasonably low and disproportionate to the rate drawn by other pensioners for similar or equivalent disabilities. And some Gun shot would and injury of spinal column causing Rheumatism of Heart and Lungs. That he hereby appoints, with full power of substitution and revocation, J.W. MORRIS, of Washington, D.C., his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute said claim. His Post Office address is Carrier Mills County of Saline State of Illinois. [witnesses] John D. Taylor, Clinton Otey. [signed] John Brandon."
      Medical Examination for Pension Increase: "[Form No.] (3- 111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skelton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, etc. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. Increase. Pension Claim No. 79142. John Brandon, Rank, Private. Company G, 31 Reg't Ill. Vol. Inf. Harrisburg, Ill. (Postoffice address of the Board) State. Claimant's Post office address Carrier Mills, Illinois. Date of Examination July 12th 1890. We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law* we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: Gun shot wd. left side and lung and that he receives a pension of Sixteen dollars per month. Pulse rate per minute, 64; respiration, 20; temperature 98 1/4; height, 5 feet 7 1/2 inches; weight, 140 pounds; age, 44 years. He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for: Increase on act. Increased disability. Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: tongue brown control throat and faces md. Gun shot wound of left side and lung. Scar of entrance 3 in below and 1 in to the left of left axilla - ball entering about the 5th uiter cortal space making its exit 2 inches to the right on line of 4th dorsal vertebrae - passing through the serratus magnus muscle. Thence through the posterior portion of the left lung - in our opinion the ball must have taken an outward course - passing through or near the spinion processes of the 4th or 5th dorsal vertebrae making its exit as stated above. Scar of entrance 1 1/2 in by 1/2 in. tender on pressure. Scar of exit circular about the size of a dime. Chest measurement bilateral shows the left side _ in less than the right side - indicating atrsply of the muscles of the left side - Lungs normal except lower portion of the left lung - which was dull in percussion susicular. From the existing condition and the history of this claimant, as stated by himself, it is our judgement, _ probable that the disability was incurred in the service as he claims, and that it has not been prolonged or aggravated by vicious habits. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 3rd grade rating for disability caused by, G.S. wd. left side and lung, for that caused by _ and _ caused by _. D.B. Grattan, Pres. L.T. Parish, Sec'y. Jno. H. Lee, Treas."
      Application for Increase: "[Form] (3-145.) Increase INVALID PENSION, Claimant, John Brandon P.O. Carrier Mills. County, Saline. State, Ills. Rank, Pvt. Regiment, 31, Ills. Vol. Inf. Rate, $ _ per month, commencing [Stamped Rejected]. Disabled by G.S.W. of left side & lung. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name, J.W. Morris. P.O., City. Fee $10. APPROVALS: Submitted for Apl. 12, 1890. Approved for g.s.w. of left side and lung. Apr - 16, 1890, Thoms, Legal Reviewer. Approved for G.S.W. of left side and lung 16/18. No increase. [signed] Hayes Miles, April 24, 1896 Thos. D. Ingram, Medical Referee. Discharged July 19, 1865 Last paid to _, at $16. Pensioned from [ditto, ditto], 1865 at $8, for as above. Original declaration filed Feb. 19, 1866 alleged same. Inc. to $12 fr. July 12/ and $16 fr. Nov 18/85. Inc. rej. Mar 25/84 & June 24/83, 18/85 Oct 5/86 & Sept 2/89. PRESENT CLAIM: Declaration filed Apr. 18, 1888 as personal."
      Affidavit of M.J. Potts: "GENERAL AFFIDAVIT. State of Illinois, County of White SS: In the matter of Claim for Increase of John Brandon Late member of Co. G 31 Regt. Ills Vol. Certificate 79142. ON THIS 28th day of July, A.D. 1890, personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths Monroe J. Potts aged 49 years, a resident of Norris City, in the County of White, and State Illinois whose Post Office address is Norris City Ills. well known to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to aforesaid case as follows: During the engagement at Champions Hills Miss about the 16th day of May 1863 being close to John Brandon the claimant I, saw him fall forward near to him and saw where the ball lead came out of his body in the back by reason of the next in his coat. I caught him and turned him over upon his back and then seen he was struck by the ball somewhere below the left nipple and passing out as I remember one the right side of this spinal column. When I saw how he was wounded thought it was fatal and so left him lying upon the battle field and I went on with my line which was moving forward at this time upon a charge. I saw no more of him at this time, but I learned in a day or so he was in the hospital and was still alive. Some time late in the fall or early winter following he came to his company, but was not fit for duty by reason of (as he complained weak back and was not required to do any duty during the winter of 1863&4 but was still with the command all the time after he joined at Black River Miss. I was at this time 1st Lieutenant of said Co. "G" 31st Ills Vols and when he came to the Company from hospital was in command of said Co. in said Regiment. I furthur declare that I have no interest in said case and am not concerned in its prosecution. Morse J. Potts (Signature of Affiant) Late Capt. "G" Co. 31st Ills Inf Vols."
      Disability Statement: "Origin of Disability. State of Illinois. County of Saline SS: Personally appeared before me, a Circuit Clerk, in and for the County and State aforesaid, Joseph Tuttle, aged 56 years, whose Residence and Post Office is Harrisburg Saline Co. Ills. well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declares as follows: That I was well acquainted with John Brandon while he belonged to Company G, 31 Reg't, Ills. Inf. Vols. and know that he, while in the line of his duty, at or near Champion Hill Miss, on or about the 16 day of May 1863, incurred disability as follows, viz: That he was Shot on the the (sic) day and date aforesaid that the shot entered the left side just oposit (sic) the left nipple and came out near the right shoulder blade passing through the the (sic) lower part of the Lungs and back bone. That I was a Private of Co. "G" 31st Reg't, Ills. I saw the said Brandon in a field minutes after he received the shot and when I saw him it was my opinion at that time that the shot was fatal. And applicant further states that the claimant frequently complained of his back. And he knows that the claimant was not aloud (sic, allowed) to do any duty after he returned to the Regt. Some time about the 15th of Nov. 1863 on Black River Miss. I further declare that I have no interest in said claim, and am not concerned in its prosecution. [witnesses] Clinton Otey, W.J. Reynolds. [affiant] Jessup his X mark Tuttle. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23rd day of September, A.D. 1890 hereby certify that the contents were fully made known to the affiant before swearing, including the word _ erased, and the words _ added, and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of said claim. Thomas Y. Reynolds (Signature), Circuit Clerk (Official Character). Ct. No. 79142 PENSION CLAIM OF John Brandon Co. "G" 31st Reg't, Illinois Vols. AFFIDAVIT OF Jessup Tuttle. Origin of Diability. FILLED BY J.W. MORRIS, (Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Office) Attorney at Law, WASHINGTON, D.C."
      Medical Examination for Pension Increase: "[Form No.] (3- 111.) Attention is invited to the outlines of the human skelton and figure upon the back of this certificate, and they should be used whenever it is possible to indicate precisely the location of a disease or injury, the entrance and exit of a missile, an amputation, etc. The absence of a member from a session of a board and the reason therefor, if known, and the name of the absentee, must be indorsed upon each certificate. Increase. Pension Claim No. 79.142. John Brandon, Rank, Private. Company "G", 31 Reg't Inf. Ill. Harrisburg, Ill. (Postoffice address of the Board) State. Claimant's Post office address Carrier Mills, Illinois. Date of Examination October 1st 1890. We hereby certify that in compliance with the requirements of the law we have carefully examined this applicant, who states that he is suffering from the following disability, incurred in the service, viz: wound of left side and lung and that he receives a pension of sixteen dollars per month. . He makes the following statement upon which he bases his claim for: Increase on the ground of insufficient rating. Upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate per minute, 80; respiration, 18; temperature 97 3/5; height, 5 feet 8 inches; weight, 134 pounds; age, 45 years. Claimant is fairly nourished but has an expression about this fair that indicates he suffers pain. In, axillary space we find scar of entrance of gun shot wound. Dimensions 1 1/2 x 1 inch. Stender, sunken. No adhesion. No dragging. Exit scar 2 inches to right of spinal column and on a line with 4th dorsal vertebra. In its course ball cut through 5th intercostal space and passed through sematus Mag. Muscle. We cannot, on palpration detect and fracture of spinal column but we cannot see how the column could possibly have escaped considering the entrance and exit wounds and the course the ball took, and the fact that pressure over, the vertebra at this point gives claimant such pain and produces as he states "such a peculiar sensation from one end of the backbone to the other" that we think the bone was injured, though there is no paralysis of lower limbs or symptoms pertaining to the nervous system indicating it. The ball passed through posterior position of lung. He is, in our opinion, entitled to a 3rd grade rating for the disability caused by G.S.Wd left side & lung & results the disability being equivlant to loss of a hand object. D.B. Grattan, Pres. L.T. Parish, Sec'y. Absent, Treas. [Pg. 2 continued] and pleum. Over this region of the lung dull mass is marked and versicular murmur is feeble. Flatness over entire left lung with considerable depression over apex. There is present a dry hacking cough that ever a jar from permission aggravates. Claimant has favored this side until it is natural for him to carry the left shoulder at least 2 inches lower than the right. He states that any manual labor requiring much movement of the chest or upper extremeities or riding in any vehicle that jars the body cause severe pain and constant coughing. This statement we believe to be true. Heart and all other organs normal."
      Rejected Again: "Increase INVALID PENSION. Claimant, John Brandon. P.O. Carrier Mills. County, Saline. State, Ills. Rank, Pvt. Company, G, Regiment, 31 Ills. Vol. Inf. Rate, $ REJECTED per month, commencing. Disabled by gsw of left side and lung. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name, J.W. Morris. P.O., City. Fee $10, Agent _ to pay. Articles filed _, 18_. APPROVALS: Submitted for Jan. 6, 1890. Approved for G.S.Wd. of left side and lung. Ruling 97. H.S.W. Caudlish Jany 8, 1891, Legal Reviewer. Approved for gun shot wound on left side and lung, 16/18 no increase. No claim filed since last objection of increase. J.H. J.B. Bayten, Jany 16, 1891, Led D. Ingra, Medical Referee. Discharged July 19, 1865. Pensioned from [ditto] 19, 1865, at $8, for gsw of left side. Original declaration filed Feb 19, 1866 alleged same. Inc D $12 fr. July 12, 1876 - [ditto] Mch 25, 1884 - [ditto, ditto] June 24, 1885 - D$16 fr. Nov. 18, 1885 - [ditto] by Oct, 5, 1886 - [ditto, ditto] Sept 19, 1889 and May 19, 1890 . PRESENT CLAIM Declaration filed Nov 30, 1889 same, alas gsw injury of spinal column causing herimatized Viedit/lump (?)."
      Another affidavit: "State of Illinois, Williamson County} SS. In the matter of claim for increase and additional pension. Certificate No. 79142 of John Brandon private Co. G" 31st Regiment, Illinois Infantry Volunteers, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, duly authorized to administer oaths, Doctor William G. Osburn, aged 55 years, whose residence and Post Office is Stone Fort, Illinois and who being by me duly sworn upon his oath in relation to the aforesaid claim deposes and says: That he is a regular practicing physician engaged in the general and active practice of medicine and has been so engaged in the practice of medicine since the year 1858; that he is personally and will acquainted with John Brandon, the above named claimant and has been so acquainted with him since the year 1865; that in September (1865) Eighteen hundred and sixty five he was called to treat the said claimant, at which time he made a careful and professional examination of said claimant at which said time he found the said claimant to be suffering with severe pain in Shoulder and extending to the neck and back of head; that at said time he pronounced said pains to be results of an injury purporting to be a gun shot wound entering at left side and making exit near spinal column below and between the shoulders. Said pains seemed to originate from a point near the exit of said wound and extend upward. That he at said time gave said claimant treatment to alleviate said pain; that he was again called some time in the month of October of same year to treat said claimant at which time he found said claimant suffering from pains same as before described at which said time he again gave said claimant treatment for said pains, this being the last time he so treated said claimant. That he unable to give exact dates of above treatment for the reason to give exact dates of above treatment for the reason that he made nor kept any record or memoranda of said testimony; That he dictated the foregoing document , has fully read the same and understands its contents: and that he is in no way interested in the prosecution of this claim. William G. Osburn, M.D. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd November A.D. 1892 and I hereby certify that the foregoing affidavit was dictated and made by affiant before swearing: that affiant is personally known to me to be a practicing physician in good standing and is respectable and fully entitled to credit: and that I have not interest, direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. James H.W. McSparin, Notary Public"
      Rate Increase: "Increase, INVALID PENSION. Claimant, John Brandon. P.O., Carrier Mills, County, Saline. State, Illinois. Rank, Private. Company, G. Regiment, 31 Ill. Vol. Inf. Rate $24 per month, commencing October 1, 1890. Disabled by Gsw of left side & lung. RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY: Name, J.W. Morris. P.O., Washington, D.C. Fee $10, Agent _ to pay. Articles filed, July 8, 1892. APPROVALS: Submitted for Adm. Dec. 2, 1892. Approved for G.S.W. of left side and lung. See slip from Med. Referee. Dec. 7, 1892, Green, Legal Reviewer. Approval for gun-shot would of left-side and lung. Third made from Oct. 1, 1890. Camp M-E, Dec. 10, 1892. Thos. Dlugram, J.Y.R. Jo., Medical Referee. Discharged July 19, 1865. Last paid to _, at $16. Pensioned from July 19, 1865 at $8, for wound left side and lung. [ditto, ditto] July 12, 1876 [ditto] 12 [dittos). Nov. 18, 1865 [ditto] $16 [dittos 3 pl.]. Original declaration filed Feb 19, 1866; alleged same. PRESENT CLAIM Declaration filed Nov, 30, 1889. Gun-shot wound and injury of spinal column causing thermation of heat and lungs."
      Testimony for increase: "Testimony of Employers, Neighbors or Acquaintances of Soldier. (OTHER THAN NEAR RELATIVES). State of Illinois, County of Saline SS: In the PENSION Claim of John Brandon, Co. G 31" Ills. Inf. ON THIS 8th day of Oct, A.D. 1892, before me, a Notary Public, in and for the aforesaid County, duly authorized to administer oaths, personally appeared W.L. Dillard aged 57 years, a resident of Stone Fort Township, in the County of Saline, and State of Illinois, whose Post Office address is _ and J.C. Dunn aged 50 years, a resident of Stone Fort Township, in the County of Saline, and State of Illinois, whose Post Office address is Stone Fort Illinois, well known to me to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being duly sworn, declare in relation to aforesaid case as follows: That we have been well and personally acquainted with John Brandon the said solder, for 30 years, and 30 years, respectively, and we knew from our personal knowledge that after said soldier's discharge from the U.S. service, we first met him in the year 1870, and at that time we noticed he was affected as follows: We have and do live within one fourth of a mile of said soldier the applicant and have visited and been in company with him frequently as neighbors and have heard him complain from time to time of his wound and the effect of it in his back and back of the neck and we kno (sic) that said soldier has at times bin prostate and completely disable to perform manual labor or hardly able to help himself to get up and down, we kno this by visiting him. We further state we believe that the soldier ad applicant is very near totally disable to perform manual labor to any great effort to maintain himself and his family. We further declare that we have no interest in said claim, and are not concerned in its prosecution. W.L. Dilliam, J.C. Dunn (Signatures of affiants).
      Doctor's Report: "Physician's Affidavit. State of Illinois. County of Saline. SS: In the pension Claim of John Brandon late of G 31" Ills. Personally came before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the County and State aforesaid, Doctor Benjamin D. Lewis whose residence and Post Office address is Colorado Pope County Illinois well known to me to reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That he is a Practicing Physician, and has been acquainted with said soldier about 28 years, and I saw him and examined him before his wound had been dressed which in transit from the battle field to field hospital on the 16th day of May 1863 at Champion's Hills in the State of Mississippi and I have known him intimately ever since and the greater part of that time have been his family physician as I now am, and from a knowledge of the nature of his wounds and observation of its effects for both of which I had ample opportunity, I gave it as my opinion that the disability caused by the infliction of said wound in his left side, is now, has been, and will continue to be equal to or worse than the loss of a hand or foot."
      Certificate of Disability: "[Form] (3-428.) Medical Division. BUREAU OF PENSIONS, Washington, D.C. Nov. 21, 1892. No. Claim 79,142. Claimant John Brandon. Soldier Pvt. Co. G 31 Reg't Ill. Vol. Inf. Respectfully returned to Chief of Western Division. With the opinion that the condition of spine and left lung should be admitted as results of pensioned wound. Approved. Rl. Thos. Dubrey & Elstrm, Medical Examiner and Medical Refree."
      Questionnaire: "[Form] 3-402. Certificate No. 79142 Depart of the Interior, BUREAU OF PENSIONS. Washington, D.C., January 15, 1898. SIR: In forwarding to the pension agent the executed voucher for your next quarterly payment please favor me by returning this circular to him with replies to questions enumerated below. Very respectively, H. Clay Edward, Commissioner of Pensions. John Brandon, Carrier Mills, Illinois. First. Are you married? If so, please state your wife's full name and her maiden name. Answer. Yes, to Sarah A. Duncan (now, Brandon). Second. When, where, and by whom were your married? Answer. Sept. 23, 1880. Mitchellsville, Ills. by W.J. Reynolds, J.P. Third. What record of marriage exists? Answer. County Court Record of Saline County, Ills. Fourth. Were you previously married? If so, please state the name of your former wife and the date and place of her death or divorce. Answer. Nancy A. Brandon, Died 21st day of June 1880. Fifth. Have you any children living? If so, please state their names and the dates of their birth. Answer, yes Milo Brandon, Dec. 1st 1882. Julia Brandon, Oct 7th 1884. Walter Brandon, Sept. 22, 1885. Pleas. Brandon Nov. 30, 1886. Leona Brandon, May 7, 1888. B.H. Brandon, March 8, 1890. Clara Brandon, Dec. 3rd 1891. Date of reply June 28, 1898. John Brandon (signature).
      Request for Pension Increase: [Form] 3-003. GENERAL LAW. DECLARATION FOR THE INCREASE OF AN INVALID PENSION. THE PENSION CERTIFICATE SHOULD NOT BE FORWARDED WITH THE APPLICATION. STATE OF Illinois COUNTY OF Saline} ss: On this 13th day of April, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and Seven personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, John Brandon, aged 62 years, a resident of Stone Fort, County of Saline State of Illinois, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is a pensioner of the United States, enrolled at the Chicago Pension Agency at the rate of 24 dollars per month, by reason of disability from "Gun-shot-wound of left side and lung" incurred in the Military service of the United States while a Private in Company "G", 31st Regiment Illinois Vol. Infantry. That he believes himself to be entitled to an increase of pension on account of said gun shot wound injurin (sic) his spinl (sic) and General results of said wound which cause total disability to perform manual labor. That he was not employed in the military or naval service prior to September 2nd 1862. That he has not been employed in the military or naval service since July 19th 1865. That he hereby appoints no one ., his true and lawful attorney, to prosecute his claim. That the number of his pension certificate is 79,142. That his post-office address is Stone Fort, County of Saline, State of Illinois. John Brandon, (Claimant's signature). ATTEST: (1) Pink Denny (2) Ruth Denny. Also personally appeared Pink Denny, residing at Stone Fort, Ill, and Ruth Denny, residing at Stonefort, Ill., persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say they were present and saw John Brandon, claimant, sign his name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him 13 years and 12 years, respectively, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Pink Denny, Ruth Denny (signature of witnesses.) SWORN to and subscribed before me this thirteenth day of April, A.D. 1907 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, etc., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words _, erased, and the words _, added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim. John H. Denny (signature), Notary Public (Official character) P.O. Stonefort, Illinois."
      Medical Affidavit: "PHYSICIAN'S AFFIDAVIT, TAKE NOTICE. - The affidavit should, if possible, be in the handwriting of the affiant. All the facts in the possession of affiant as to the origin and continuance of the disability should be fully set forth, and the dates of treatment should be specifically given. If the affidavit is prepared from memoranda in possession of the physician, that fact should be stated. State of Illinois. County of Saline, SS: In the Matter of Increase Pension Claim Cert. No. 79.142, of John Brandon late Private of Co. G, 31st Ill. Regiment, Infantry. On this 27th day of May, A.D. 1907, personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, within and for the aforesaid County and State, duly authorized to administer oaths, R.V. Grace, M.D., aged 57 years a resident of No. _ Street _ Stonefort, County of Saline, State of Illinois well known to me to be reputable and entitled to credit, and who, being duly sworn, declares in relation to the aforesaid case as follows: That he is a practicing physician and has been acquainted with said John Brandon for about 25 years, and that said affiant has been the family physician of the said solder John Brandon for about twelve years and have visited him a number of times finding him always in about the same condition suffering from a rough, wheezy cough, badly emaciated. All of the above conditions I believe are due to gun shot wound, and iritation of lungs. Affiant further states that the above named soldier John Brandon is not able to perform any manual labor what ever and has not been for some time. He further declares that he has been a practitioner of medicine for more than 20 years and that he has no interest either direct or indirect in the prosecution of this claim. My Post Office address is Stonefort, R.R. No. 2, Saline County, Illinois. R.V. Grace, M.D.
      Physical Exam: "[Form] 3-135. Increase, Pension Claim No. 79142, John Brandon, Company G, 31 Reg't, Ill Inf., Claimant's post office address, Stonefort, Illinois. Address of Board{ Vienna P.O., Illinois, State. June 19th, 1907. Names of disabilities, gun shot wound of left side and lung. He receives a pension of Twenty four dollars per month. He makes the following statement in regard to the origin of his disabilities and date when first discovered by him: I was wounded in side at Champion Hill in 1863. Has troubled me ever since. I am totally unable to perform any manual labor. I cough a great deal. Worse in morning. My side is sore & pains me. Birthplace, Tennessee; age, 62 years; height, 5 ft. 7 1/2; weight, 120 pounds; complexion, Dark; color of eyes, blue; color of hair, black-gray; occupation, Farmer; permanent marks and scars other than described below, _. We hereby certify that upon examination we find the following objective conditions: Pulse rate, 70, 78, 80; respiration, 18, 20, 22; temperature, 99. This man is very much emaciated. Muscles very thin & flabby. Skin inactive & poorly nourished. Tongue brood pale & furred. Shoulders stooped. Coughs a great deal. Hands soft. Gunshot would of left side & lung: There is a wound in left axillary line on a level with lower border of scapula. Entrance Exit is 1 1/2 in. to right of spine & 2 in. above lower border of right scapula. Scar on left side. 1 1/2 x _ in. pitted. Exit 1/2 x _ in. not pitted both tender on pressure. Moist mucous scales all over left lung, sputters thick heavy (?,?) Stands stooped to the left. Chest at rest 34 1/2 Expand 34. Iuspin (?) 35 1/4 - left side 1 in. smaller than right. We rate for wounded left side, Third grade $24. And dis. Of left lung 17/18. Has frequent dyspuora. Heart: Aria normal. Apex Normal. Sounds & action normal & regular but weak & feeble. Bowels: flat & diarrhoes at times. Stomach tender. Kidneys: urine high colored. 1016 acid, no sugar, no albuenice. Habits good: no evidence of syphilis. Debility: This man is very much a debilitated, feeble. We find no furthur disabilities existing in this man. We find this claimant so disabled from gun shot wound of left side and lung & resulting disease of lung with general debility as to be totally in capacitated for the performance of any manual labor. Man is entittled to $30.00 a month. This man will not live long. There is complete dullness over entire left lung. W.R. Mizell, Pres. A.J. Burson, Sec'y. O.P. Martin, Tres. [second page] (This certificate to be filled in and signed by the secretary when the full board is present) "I hereby certify that Dr. W.R. Mizell , Dr. O.P. Martin, and Dr. A.J. Burson, were personally present and actually participated in the examination of John Brandon, the claimant in this case, on 19 day of June 1907." (Signature) A.J. Burson. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE IN CASE OF John Brandon, Co. G, 31 Reg't Ill Inf. APPLICATION FOR Increase No. 79142. DATE OF EXAMINATION: June 19th, 1907. W.R. Mizell, Pres., A.J. Burson, Sec'y, O.P. Martin, Tres.,}BOARD. Post Office Vienna. County, Johnson. State, Illinois."
      Addendum Findings: "[Form] 3-156. SURGEON'S CERTIFICATE. For use when additional space is needed to complete or amend report of examination. Pension Claim No. 79,142, John Brandon, G, Company 31, Reg't Ill. Inf. Address of Board{ Vienna, Ill, June 19, 1907 (Date of examination, not of ammendment) EXAMINATION- Continued. In regard to John Brandon, the above named claimant. We found nothing to indicate any injury to spine. There are no physical signs or any subjection or rational symthoms indicating injury either to spinal, column or cord. No deformity or displacement of vertebra or curvature. Pressure does not cause pain, tenderness or abnormal sensation. No hyperasthesca or parasthesia at any point. Reflexes normal. Also muscular coordination. I suppose finding nothing of the above is the reason for failure to mention it. W.R. Mizell, Pres. R.J. Burson, Sec'y. O.P. Martin, Tres." [ED - this addendum written in response to the letter of V. Warner the Commissioner of the Bureau of Pensions. The addendum is dated June 19, 1907 (date of the examination); the addendum was written about a month later.]
      Pension Increase: "[Form] 3-355. Certificate No. 79.142 Increase INVALID PENSION., Claimant, John Brandon. P.O. Stone Fort. County, Saline. State, Illinois. Rank, Private. Company, G. Regiment, 31 Illinois Vol. Inf. Rate, $30 per month, commencing June 19, 1907. Pensioned for gunshot wound of left side and lung. No RECOGNIZED ATTORNEY . APPROVALS. Submitted for June 28, 1907. Approved for gunshot wound of left side and lung. Increase pendia: (?) injury of spine alleged as a result reference is Medical Report. July 9, 1907 E.H. Holland, Aug. 2, 1907 do Legal Reviewer. (no Re-Review). C. Scott, Examiner. Approved for "gun" shot wound of left side and lung. Second rate from June 19, 1907. Alleged resulting injury of sphine not known. Shirley, Medical Examiner. G. Tolins, Medical Examiner. Aug. 3, 1907 Pam C. Austin, Medical Referee. Enlisted Sept. 1, 1862 Discharged July 19, 1865. Last paid to _, _ . Pensioned at $24 per month for gsw of left side and lung. PRESENT CLAIM. Declaration filed April 18, 1907. Increase & results and injuring his spine. P.J. Chapman, M.C.N."

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