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1870 Iroquois Co. IL Census
Ash Grove Twp. (first names first)
Pg.218, #69-65, Newal DUNCAN 40 IL farmer $4800-$800
Mary J. 33 IL housekeeper
Harry (m) 16, Cring (f) 13 IL
Alva (m) 11, Frank 8 IL
Mary 4, Asa 2 IL
Liza 5/12 IL b.March
George 10, Thomas 6 IL
(MAD: 1860 Vermilion Co. IL census; Cring 13 was Christian 4 in 1860)
Onarga Twp., Town of Onarga (households have two sets of numbers)
Pg.424, #446-442, (written above)
#346-342, (on line, in same handwriting as rest of text)
SMITH, George 24 MD farmer $0-$600
DUNCAN, Ben 34 IL farmer $0-$650
"Matha" (f) 22 IN keeps house
Edward 3, Jessee (m) 2 IL
1870 Jackson Co. IL Census
Bradley Precinct
Pg.4, #49-49, WARD, Benj. 44 AR farmer $2300-$250
William 17, Eliza 15, Sarah 12 IL
Martha 11 IL
DUNCAN, Lucretia 34 IL keeps house
(MAD: Eliza, Sarah & Martha had surname Duncan in 1860)
DeSoto Precinct
Pg.84, #261-260, DUNCAN, Wm. 61 MO farmer $1600-$500
Susan 29 IN keeps house
Jessee 23 IN works on farm
Darris (m) 17 IN
Catharine 14 IL
Wm. 8 AR
Candas (f) 8 IL
Joseph 6 IL
Edward 9/12 IL b. Sept.
(MAD: William was guardian of Mary, Darius, Catharine & William Duncan Jr. who were due money from estate of Soloman Shuford 1871 in Catawba Co. NC Deed 2-380; ? 1850 Morgan Co. IN census)
Elk Prairie Precinct
Pg.93, #126-126, DAVIS, Phillip 37 KY farmer $2000-$1000
Margaret 35 IL keeps house
Hordy (m) 14, Edgar 12, Clarra (f) 10 IL
Victora (f) 7, William 4, George 2 IL
DUNCAN, Frances (f) 25 IL school teacher
Killiam Precinct
Pg.135, #103-103, DUNCAN, Leander? (Lecu?don) 28 KY farmer $250-$50
Harriet 27 KY
Sarah 7, John 3 IL
Kincaid Precinct
Pg.152, #171-163, MORGAN, Sarah 56 OH keepshouse $1400-$200
DUNCAN, Leonard (m) 26 IL farmer
DUNCAN, Martin (m) 19 IL (blank)
Pg.153, #179-171, DUNCAN, Wm. 53 SC farmer $4000-$1000
Marilla 33 TN keeps house
Henry 17, George 12 IL
Charles 11, Albert 3 IL
Pierson 33 IL idiotic
HOBS, John J. 18 IL
Peter 16, Rachiel 14 IL
Clemsidia? (m) 12, Arselmia (f) 9 IL
MURDEN, Harriet 25 IL
DUNCAN, Robt. 32 IL works on farm
Pg.153, #181-173, EDWARD, Joseph 53 NC works on farm $0-$100
Nancy 33 IL keeps house
Thomas 11 IL
DUNCAN, Izabelle (f) 13 IL
Berbra (f) 11, Sarah 9, Margret 2 IL
Makanda Precinct
Pg.177, #67-67, DUNCAN, Wm. 32 KY farmer $800-$50
Harriet? (f) 30 IL keeping house
Mary 10, Barbara?? (f) 3 IL
Nancy 7/12 IL b.Nov.
ANDERSON, Chas??? (m) 5 IL
Murphysboro Precinct
Pg.194, #24-24, DUNCAN, Jane 38 KY keeps house $500-$0
William 15, Dora 11 IL
& 4 coal miners from Ireland
Pg.231, #566-568, DUNCAN, Cornelius 26 IL coal miner $0-$200
Lucy 20 IL keeps house
William 3 IL
1870 Jasper Co. IL Census
Wade Twp.
Pg.355, #51-49, BICKENS, Samuel T. 42 KY township Constable $800-$100
Rachael 41 IN keeping house
Charles U. 20 IN at home
Samuel H. 8, Nancy 6 IL at home
DUNCAN, Cinthia 62 IN at home
1870 Jefferson Co. IL Census (pg.555 from Deone Penquite 1989)
Twp.2S Range 3E
Pg.517, #123-123, DUNCAN, Russell 52 TN farmer $0-$175
Mary L. 46 TN housekeeper
Mary S. 25, Charles P. 23, John A. 22 TN
Vesta E. (f) 18, Hiram H. 14, Sarah M. 12 TN
William A. 9, Adaline S. 8, Ellen E. 5 TN
Pg.517, #124-124, DUNCAN, Hiram 61 TN farmer $0-$1200
Nancy 51 TN
Barbara 25, Lydia 20, Isaac S. 17 IL
(MAD: Russell & Hiram were sons of William, grsons of Charles of Knob Creek, Washington Co. TN)
Twp.3 Range 3E
Pg.552, #157-160, DUNCAN, Stephen 53 OH farmer $0-$0
Mary A. 45 OH housekeeping
Oscar 18 IL workman Larn?
Araminta (f) 16, Haphare (f) 14 IL
Walter 12, Charles 10 IL
Twp.4 Range 3E, Spring Garden Twp.
Pg.555, #2-#2, DUNCAN, James 43 OH farmer $1400-$1600
Mary 39 OH housekeeping
Mary E. 14, Temperance 12, Nancy 10 IL
Thomas 8, James 2 IL
Pg.563, #115-116, DUNCAN, Martin 60 VA farmer $0-$0
Ann 62 VA
FLINT, Ruth A. 12 IL domestic servant
Twp.4 Range 4E
Pg.625, #205-208, DUNCAN, William 33 AL farmer $0-$0
Minerva 24 IL keeps house
STRINGER, Mary 15 IL domestic
1870 Jersey Co. IL Census
Jerseyville PO, Twp.8N R11
Pg.698, #20-20, DUNCAN, John 30 IL farmer $5,000-$1,020
Catherine 28 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Mary 7, Susan 5, William 4 IL, mother of foreign birth
Catherine 2, John 1 IL, mother of foreign birth
Pg.705, #116-116, DUNCAN, Delila 50 MO keeping house $8,000-$500
William 17, Joseph 17 IL, attending school
(MAD: brackets in front of William & Joseph)
Otter Creek P.O., Twp.7 R13
Pg.805, #44-44, DUNCAN, Clark (m) 24 MO farmer $0-$450
Frances W. (f) 19 IL keeping house
Dora? (Ana?) C. (f) 1 IL
(MAD: Issiah C. in 1880 census, dau. Dora)
1870 Jo Daviess Co. IL Census
Berryman Twp.
Pg.19, #65-65, DUNCAN, Jones (m) 30 IL (white) day laborer $0-$0
Debora 23 IL keep house
Arthur (m) 2, Willie (m) 2 IL
City of Galena
Pg.139, #353-364, DUNCAN, Michael 52 IRE plasterer $1500-$300, parents of foreign birth
Ann 46 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Mary 9 IL (not parents of foreign birth)
CARROL, Patrick 86 IRE (blank), parents of foreign birth
Pg.196, #1234-1317, DUNCAN, Anna 46 ENG keeping h. $0-$100, parents of foreign birth
Samuel 19 IL farm hand, mother of foreign birth
Mary V. 18 IL dom. servant, mother of foreign birth
Henry 14 IL laborer, mother of foreign birth
Charles 5 IL, mother of foreign birth
1870 Johnson Co. IL Census
Twp.11 Range 4 East, Reynoldsburg P.O.
Pg.399, #34-34, DUNCAN, Carol (m) 40 KY farmer $1000-$200
Jane 37 KY keeping house
Sarah J. 18 IL at home
James 16 IL
Margret 10, John L. 8, William R. 6 IL
Martha B. 4, Dora A. 1 IL
(MAD: William C. Duncan in 1860 Johnson Co. IL census)
Pg.403, #87-87, DUNCAN, David 47 KY farmer $1600-$600
Rebecca 44 IL
Mary 19, William 15, Permelia 8 (18?) IL
James M. 6 IL
Twp.13 Range 3 East, P.O. Vienna
Pg.486, #155-155, DUNCAN, Marshall 30 AR farmer $0-$0 (white)
Luticia 26 IL keeping house
Wm. C. 7 IL
Nathan 2/12 IL b.Mar.
HARDIN, James 17 AR works on farm
(MAD: 1860 Independence Co. AR census)
1870 Kane Co. IL Census
Aurora, Ward 7
Pg.96, #116-116, DUNCAN, Arad (m) 56 VT machinist $0-$0
Alice 50 SCT house keeper, parents of foreign birth
Hattie 16 CAN, mother of foreign birth
Fred 15, Ella (f) 10 MI, mother of foreign birth
JOHNSON, Robt. 22 IL clerk
(MAD: Erhardt Duncan, 1860 Wayne Co. MI census)
Pg.490, #109-105, KEEFE, Patrick 70 IRE farmer $2400-$0, parents of foreign birth
Pg.490, #110-(blank), KEEFE, John C. 33 New Brunswick farmer $7206-1191, parents of foreign birth
KEEFE, Cullen (m) 29 New Brunswick farmer $7206-1191, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 21 WI works on farm, father of foreign birth
BURNS, Mary 40 IRE housekeeper, parents of foreign birth
KEEFE, Ella J. 23 ME keeping house (not par. of for. birth)
1870 Kankakee Co. IL Census (partial; #13 also from Inez Burns 4/2001)
Town of Limestone, taken 8/11/1870
Pg.140, #2-2, DUNCAN, Albert 32 NY blacksmith $0-$200
Elizabeth 27 NY keeping house
Lucius (m) 9, Albert 7, John 5 IL
(MAD: 1860 Cayuga Co. NY census, wife? Carrie 18 NY)
Pg.140, #13-13, DUNCAN, Philander (m) 37 NY farmer $1600-$750
Harriet 37 NY keeping house
Wesley (m) 10 IL
Susan 18 NY works out
John 6, George 3, Charles 1 IL
(MAD: ages and order of children as given; 1860 DeKalb Co. IL census includes Lucius 1/12 IL, Susan TUCKER 9 NY; 1850 Cayuga Co. NY census)
1870 Knox Co. IL Census
City of Galesburg
Pg.146, #1001-1008, TREMBLE, Eliza (f) 29 IL keeping house $75-$0
Maria 14 MO domestic servt.
John 10 MO farm hand at school
Maryland (f) 9 MO at school
Charles 6 MO at school
Addie (f) 4 IL
DUNCAN, William 25 IL laborer (white)
Levi 24 IL laborer (white)
Pg.192, #168-1716, SWANSON, Charles 34 SWEeden laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Tilda 27 SWE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Charles 11 SWE at home, parents of foreign birth
Hannah 9, Charlotte 9 SWE at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 24 KY BLACK laborer
Indian Point Twp.
Pg.252, #133-135, DUNCAN, Andrew J. 28 OH farmer $0-$470
Emma J. 24 OH keeping house
Myrtle V. (f) 1 IL at home
ADAMS, William 17 IL works on farm
Pg.301, #315-311, DUNCAN, Mary E. 51 PA keeping house $350-$150
Thadeus? (m) 19 IL work in hoster? Fact?
Oscar 10 IL (ditto)
Hattie (f) 10 IL at home
1870 LaSalle Co. IL Census
Town of Dimmick
Pg.110, #188-185, O'RILEY, James 43 IRE farmer $3200-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Mary 39 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Vincent (m) 11 IL, parents of foreign birth
John J. 9, Mary A. 6 IL, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Mary 9 IL, parents of foreign birth
John 11 IL, parents of foreign birth
LaSalle (town)
Pg.276, #206-192, SHELTON, John 50 ENG coal mine boss $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Ann 48 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 18 ENG at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 32 ENG coal miner, parents of foreign birth
Pg.288, #408-383, DUNCAN, James 39 L.CANada tinner? $0-$150, parents of foreign birth
Eliza 36 NY keeping house
James 13 IL at home, father of foreign birth
Wm. 11, Jennie (f) 10 IL at home, father of foreign birth
Charles 7 IL at home, father of foreign birth
Thomas 3, John 3 IL at home twins, father of foreign birth
Harry 1/12 IL b.May at home, father of foreign birth
BARI? (BART) Willa (f) 18 ENG at home orphan (not marked parents of foreign birth)
ALDASON, Thos. 40 ENG house carpenter, parents of foreign birth
BOLLMAN, Luther (m) 25 PA saddler
SMITH, Evans (m) 33 KY house carpenter
Pg.313, #842-797, COLLINS, Thos. 48 IRE retired mason $7000-$2000, parents of foreign birth
Mary 50 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
TARNEY, Mary 10 IRE at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Mary 8 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Pg.313-314, #843-798, DUNCAN, Nicholas 53 IRE magistrate, mar.Jan., parents of foreign birth
Bridget 46 IRE keeping house, mar.Jan., parents of foreign birth
Mary 15 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Nicholas 13 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Peter K. 8 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
HALLIGAN, Bellinda (f) 14 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Frances (m) 12 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
ARCHIBALD, Moses 45 IRE teamster, parents of foreign birth
NORMAN, Margaret 28 IRE dom. servt., parents of foreign birth
Manlius Twp.
Pg.342, #127-124, FLEMING, Isaac H?. 41 PA farmer $8000-$0
Harriet 37 VA keeping house
Elenore (f) 13 IL
Medora (f) 11 IL at school
Burr (m) 9 IL
Nash (m) 6 IL
Mary 7/12 IL b.Dec.
DUNCAN, Dennis (m) 21 NY ("N.York") (white) farm lab.
(MAD: Dennis indexed as born NJ)
Town of Meriden
Pg.439, #195-189, EAGER, Thomas 52 NY farmer $9600-$2100
Sarah 43 NY keeping house
John 20 IL work on farm
George 15 IL work on farm
DUNCAN, Mary L. 20 MA MULATTO domestic servant
EAGER, Benjamin 47 NY retired farmer $0-$5000
City of Ottawa
Pg.523, #208-196, DUNCAN, Bridget 60 IRE keeping house $0-$250, parents of foreign birth
James 32 IRE laborer, parents of foreign birth
Pg.541, #502-471, WHITE, Michael 60 IRE "no business" $0-$3000, parents of foreign birth
Mary 55 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
George 21 CAN clerk in store, parents of foreign birth
Mary A. 22 CAN at home, parents of foreign birth
Catherine 20 CAN at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Robert 70 SCT "with daughter", parents of foreign birth
1870 Lawrence Co. IL Census
Pg.51, #32-32, DUNCAN, Wm. 42 OH boat maker $1200-$500
Narcisa 33 OH keeping house
Rosetta (f) 19 OH teacher
Alice 13, Joseph 10 IL
Sarah 8, Emma 6 IL
(MAD: 1860 Calhoun Co. IL census)
1870 Lee Co. IL Census
Dixon Twp.
Pg.302, #12-13, DUNCAN, Jomek? (Joinek?) (m) 56 SCT farmer $200-$100, parents of foreign birth (alone)
4th Ward Dixon
Pg.359, #174-177, DUNCAN, Jennette (f) 17 NY keeping house $0-$0
Jennett (f) 38 NY (blank)
Persey (m) 21 NY
Frank 10 NY
MOLEY, Catharine (f) 10 IL
(MAD: 1860 New York NY census, Wd.19 Dist.1, pg.633)
1870 Livingston Co. IL Census
Fairbury Town
Pg.162, #117-117, DUNCAN, Chas. M. 51 PA physician $8000-$8000
Jane 50 NY keeping house
(no children)
(MAD: 1860 Putnam Co. IL census)
Reading Twp.
Pg.316, #69-69, SAMUELS, John 36 ENG coal miner $0-$00, parents of foreign birth
Ann 30 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 9, Jemima 6 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Thomas 29 ENG coal miner $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
1870 Logan Co. IL Census
Mt.Pulaski Twp.
Pg.90, #26-26, DUNCAN, John D. 50 OH laborer $200-$300
Tobitha 45 OH keeps house
Mary E. 18 OH
William 15, Thomas 10 IL
Joseph 8, Tobitha 4 IL
HAWKS, Eunice (f) 24 OH
Ralph 4, Anna 8/12 b.Oct. IL
(MAD: 1850 Jackson Co. OH census; mar. Tobitha Hunt 9/1/1842 Jackson Co. OH)
East Lincoln Twp.
Pg.153, #174-174, LUCH, David 42 PA boot & Shoe maker $0-$400
Hellen 30 SCT keeps house
May 6 IA at home, parents of foreign birth
WOLF, Jacob 20 GER clerk clothing store $0-$0, mother of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Amy 40 KY keeps house, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: parents birthplaces as marked)
Oran Twp.
Pg.208, #57-57, DUNCAN, Rosella 56 IL housekeeper $3000-$400
Thomas 19 IN farmer $0-$0
Marietta 17 IL at home
SHIELD, Andrew 30 NY teaching school $1200-$300
Pg.209, #57-57, DUNCAN, Melinda 15 IL at home
Malilda 18 IL at home
Morgan (m) 11 IL at home
Lydia 7 IL at home
(MAD: Malilda was Madeline 3 IL in 1860)
Pg.209, #58-58, DUNCAN, Zechariah 23 IL farmer $0-$300
Anna 18 IL keeping house
James 1 IL at home
Pg.212, #112-112, ESTES, Wm. 35 IN farmer $6400-$750
Delphia (f) 34 IL housekeeper
Nancy 15 IL at home
BAN, Wm. A. 13 IL at home
ESTES, Geo. W. 13, Lavinia 11 IL at home
James 9, Olive (f) 7 IL at home
Charles 4, Elliott (m) 1 IL at home
DUNCAN, Thomas 30 IL works on farm
(MAD: ?? 1850-1860 Clinton Co. IL census)
Pg.213, #121-121, DUNCAN, Geo. W. 26 IN farming $0-$350
Kezial (f) 23 IN keeping house
William 9, Rachel 7 IN at home
(MAD: one G.W. Duncan mar. Kisia Jones 12/22/1868 DeWitt Co. IL)
Pg.214, #139-139, DUNCAN, Green F. (m) 26 MO farmer $0-$250
Martha 25 MO keeping house
Isaac 6/12 MO b.Dec. at home
James 24 MO works on farm
SUMPTER, Wm. D. 19 MO works on farm
W. Lincoln Twp.
Pg.265, #94-97, REEVES, D.B. (m) 59 NJ keeper of poor farm
and family
Pg.265, Paupers, (several)
FOLLIS, Wm. 45 OH pauper
Mary 40 OH pauper
Clinton 7, Ida 5 IL paupers
DUNCAN, John 91 OH pauper
CLAYTON, John 75 OH pauper
CONNELLY, Mike 65 IRE pauper, parents of foreign birth
(and 8 more paupers)
(MAD: ?? 1850 Jackson Co. OH census)
Pg.265, #95-98, (continues with another family)
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