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1870 Calhoun Co. IL Census
Precinct of Point, Deer Plain
Pg.54, #25-20, DUNCAN, Mary 40 MO housekeeping $0-$250
Louisa J. 6 IL
FREEMAN, Mary P. 18 IL
Catharine 17 IL
1870 Carroll Co. IL Census
Cherry Grove Twp., P.O. Lanark, 23 June 1870, pg.22
Pg.97, #147-147, BOWMAN, Jacob 53 PA farmer $3000-$400
Elizabeth 47 PA keeping house
Jacob J.M. 6, Adam D.L. 4 PA
MICKLE, Barbara 70 PA
DUNCAN, Isaac 24 IN farm laborer $0-$200
Salem Twp., P.O. Mount Carroll, 18 July 1870, pg.13
Pg.213, #98-98, VAN BUSKIRK, Jesse 68 VA farmer $1700-$1800
Clara 43 OH
Frank 10/12 IL b.Aug.
DUNCAN, Lydia 21 ME ("Maine")
Savanna Twp., P.O. Savanna, Savanna Boro, 18 June 1870, pg.14
Pg.228, #116-116, DUNCAN, James 60 SCT farmer $1500-$200, parents of foreign birth
Jane 45 IL, parents of foreign birth
Charles 18 IL, parents of foreign birth
Margaret I. 14 IL, parents of foreign birth
Isabel C. 10 IL, parents of foreign birth
Shannon Twp., P.O. Shannon, pg.4
Pg.236, #24-24, GETTENRY, Henry H. 39 PA farmer $4000-$1145
May (Mary?) 27 PA keeping house (written over)
Lizzie 6, John L. 4, Wm. 3 IL
DUNCAN, Albert 20 CAN (blank occupation)
Washington Twp., P.O. Savanna, 28 June 1870, pg.3
Pg.250, #14-14, DUNCAN, Patrick 55 IRE farmer $1500-$900, parents of foreign birth
Ellen 42 IRE, parents of foreign birth
William 15 IRE, parents of foreign birth
Mary 14 IL, parents of foreign birth
James 11, Katie (f) 9 IL, parents of foreign birth
Ellie (f) 8, Maggie (f) 6 IL, parents of foreign birth
Clarissa 4 IL, parents of foreign birth
Woodland Twp., P.O. Savanna, 7 July 1870, pg.3
Pg.258, #17-17, JOHNSON, Elijah 33 ENG farmer $2700-$1300, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 28 FRAnce, parents of foreign birth
William 9 IL, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Julia 18 IL school teacher
York Twp., P.O. Mount Carroll, 1 June 1870, pg.2
Pg.286, #12-12, CARROLL, James 56 TN farmer $6000-$500
Robert 13, Frank 9 IL
DUNCAN, Mary E. 33 PA housekeeper $300-$0
Mordecai (m) 12, Daniel 9 IL
1870 Champaign Co. IL Census
Champaign Twp
Pg.9, #16-18, LAMPKIN, John 28 NY farmer $300-$515
Pauline 27 IL keeping house
Julia 3, Charles 1 IL
Laura 1/12 IL b.Apr.
DUNCAN, Kate 20 IL at home
CUMMINGS, Wm. 29? IN farm laborer
Pg.28-29, #143-141, BUCKLEY, Micheal 60 IRE Rail Reading $1000-$200, parents of foreign birth
Kate 50 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
James 22 IRE rail reading, parents of foreign birth
Ann 21 IRE at home, parents of foreign birth
Kitty 5 IRE at home, parents of foreign birth
DUNKIN, Marry (f) 13 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
DALEY, Micheal (m) 25 IRE day laborer, parents of foreign birth
BUCKLEY, Elizabeth 20 IRE at home, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: Marry indexed age 29, but age 13 plainly written; indexed as pg.30)
Pg.74, #829-813, SCOTT, Amos S. 45 VT house carpenter $0-$2000
Rebecca A. 39 VT keeping house
Charles T/F. 21 VT dentist
MURRAY, Mary 21 NY domestic servant, parents of foreign birth
DUNKEN, Eliza 25 OH (ditto?)
HELMER, Matilda 17 SWEden (ditto?) parents of foreign birth
Rantoul Twp.
Pg.239, #161-156, McGROSTY, Winn? (m) 19 IRE RR.Employee $0-$200, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, James 20 IRE RR. employee $0-$100, parents of foreign birth
MOORE, Andrew 30 IRE RR employee $0-$100, parents of foreign birth
BLAIN, James 40 IRE RR employee $0-$100, parents of foreign birth
Raymond Twp.
Pg.251, #29-29, DUNCAN, Thomas 27 IRE farmer $400-$100, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 27 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Rachael 2 IL parents of foreign birth
(MAD: Thomas indexed age 29; slashes through ages make it difficult to read but not age 24 or 29)
Sidney Twp.
Pg.287, #40-41, DUNCAN, Henrietta 57 NY keeping house $32000-$300
Stephen 22 IN farmer $0-$200
Samuel 5 IN at home
Eviline (f) 9 IL (blank)
Somers Twp.
Pg.314, #110-110, DUNCAN, Ira 30 IL laborer $0-$50
Martha 17 KY house keeper
(MAD: not marked married in year)
Stanton Twp.
Pg.342, #40-38, DUNKIN, Calvin 34 IL farmer $0-$0
Emaline 22 OH keeping house
Tolono Twp.
Pg.384, #72-72, HARRING, Isabell 30 OH keeping h. $2000-$700
John 11 IL, parents of foreign birth
Cora B. 6 IL, parents of foreign birth
Charles? (m) 2 IL, father of foreign birth
EVANS, Rebecca 60 OH at home
DUNCAN, Jane 45 OH at home
1870 Christian Co. IL Census
Ricks Twp.
Pg.70, #56-53, RANDALL, W.S. (m) 43 NC farmer $8,000-$1,000
Sarah 42 KY k.h.
Edward 17 IL farm L.
Rebecca 15, Julia 12 IL "w.ocp."
Charles 12, Belle (f) 9 IL
Martha 8, Eva 4 IL
DUNCAN, Wallace (m) 17 CAN farm L., parents of foreign birth
HARRISBARNES?, Hen. (m) 14 VA farm L.
Pg.112, #193-201, VANDARSES? (VANDEVERE?), Joel 78 NC retired farmer, $6,000-$1,000
Rebecca 82 OH keeping house $10,000-$0
DUNCAN, Douglas 14 OH at school
(MAD: one Joel Vandevere mar. Rebecca Duncan 10/19/1860, she perhaps the widow of Nathaniel Duncan)
Pg.114, #227-238, McDANIEL, C. (m) 38 VA working harness & horse? $0-$0
Telara (f) 26 OH keeping house
Charles 10, Estella 8 IL at school
DUNCAN, Amanda 19 IL domestic svt.
Taylorville PO, Twp.13N R1W
Pg.141, #54-54, DUNCAN, D.S. (m) 24 OH farmer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
David 50 IRE farmer $8,000-$2,500, parents of foreign birth
Jane 44 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
MEHONY, William 35 IRE works on farm, parents of foreign birth
Taylorville PO, Twp.13N R2W
Pg.160, #197-197, DUNCAN, Tempy (f) 57 TN keeping house $2,000-$200
T.M?.V?. (m) 30 IL teamster $0-$500
M.T. (f) 27 IL
Amanda 18 IL
Lizzie 14, Lucy 12 IL attending school
Angeline 5 IL
Blueville PO, Twp.14N R3W
Pg.220, #3-3, SWAN??, Andrew 42 VT farmer $5,000-$1,300
Rachel 43 IL keeping house
CURTIS, William 14 IL f.h?.
DUNCAN, John 37 IL working on farm
Randallville PO, Twp.15N R1W
Pg.235, #45-45, DUNCAN, D. (m) 41 KY farmer $3,200-$700?
Ann 34 KY keeping house
William 15 KY works on farm
Lilian (f) 13 KY
(MAD: ? Daniel Duncan, ? 1860 Montgomery Co. KY census, wife Amelia)
Mt.Auburn PO, Twp.15N R1W
Pg.238, #80-80, DRENAN, John 43 KY farmer $8,400-$2,000
Henrietta 37 KY keeping house
Alferd 18, Franklin 17, John 15 KY
Delia (f) 14, E.A. (f) 12, Emma 10 KY
Henry 9, George 7 KY
Adelia 5, Corne? (f) 3, James 1 IL
E.W. (m) 27 KY works on farm
(MAD: indexed as John Duncan)
1870 Clark Co. IL Census
Marshall Twp.
Pg.387, #458-451, DUNCAN, Jane 48 VA keeping house $1500-$800
Woodford (m) 19 IL clerk in store
HUGHS, Edward 26 IN clerk in store
Emma 21 IL house keeper
Charles 1 IL
SCHUANEKE, H.A. (m) 30 HANOVER civil engineer, parents of foreign birth
Martinville Twp.
Pg.393, #74-69, DUNCAN, Charles 40 IN dry goods merchant $4000-$9000
KNOTTS, Catharine 25 IN house keeper
Alice 16 IL at home
Franklin 11 IL
Ephrin (m) 9 IL
DUNCAN, John 70 OH farmer $0-$0
(MAD: ? 1850 Vigo Co. IN census ?)
Pg.393, #75-70, DUNCAN, George 43 IN dry goods mercht. $5000-$9000
Mary 30 OH keeping house
John 16 IN at home
Rachel 14, Amanda 14, Charles 8 IN
ASHLEY, Mary 34 IN domestic servant
(MAD: 1860 Sullivan Co. IN census)
Westfield Twp.
Pg.483, #9-9, DUNCAN, Coleman (m) 67 KY farmer $4000-$1000
Aseneth 67 KY keeping house
Anna 23 IL at home
1870 Clay Co. IL Census
Bible Grove Twp
Pg.2, #21-21, DUNCAN, W.W. 40 KY physician $1600-$460
Mary E. 28 IL keeps house
Wm. C. 7 IL
Anna J. 2 IL
MAGGIE?, Siler? 16 IN (white) housekeeper
(MAD: 1860 & 1880 Effingham Co. IL census)
1870 Clinton Co. IL Census
Twp.1N R5W Carlyle P.O.
Pg.374, #127-132, CARPENTER, Simon 33 KY farm laborer $7200-$600
Eliz. (f) 45 IL manages farm
Riley (m) 20 IL (blank)
Sidney (m) 15 IL (blank)
Richard 13 IL
Melissa A. 11 IL
DUNCAN, Nathaniel 33 IL farm laborer
Twp.1S R5W, P.O. New Memphis
Pg.386, #51-54, DUNCAN, Elias 35 IL farmer $250-$0, father of foreign birth
JONES, John 33 MO farmer $0-$500, father of foreign birth
Malinda 30 MO house keeper
James W. 7, Nancy Jane 4 IL
(MAD: Elias indexed as Alias)
Pg.389, #88-93, WILLIAMS, M.B. (m) 46 TN farmer $2400-$400
Melissa 36 IL house keeper
DUNCAN, John 11 IL
FARRINGTON, John 64 ENG machinist, parents of foreign birth
Pg.389, #89-94, BORN, John 36 PRUSSIA farmer $2880-$600, parents of foreign birth
Eliza 25 IL house keeper
Nany J. (f) IL, father of foreign birth
John N. 4 IL, father of foreign birth
Sarah E. 1 IL, father of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Elias 13 IL
VIRGUS, A.J. (m) 11 IL
1870 Coles Co. IL Census
Mattoon Twp.
Pg.230, #634-617, DUNCAN, William 32 KY insurance agent $2000-$500
Maggie 30 KY keeping house
Georgie (m) 6, Leona (f) 4 IL
William 5/12 IL b.Mar
CLARK, Mary 10 (13?) IN
Pg.239, #758-736, DUNCAN, Morning (f) 52 KY boarding house $5000-$800
Margaret 20 KY at home
Hester 16 KY at home
ORAM, Walter 40 OH map pedlar
Kate 35 OH
Nettie 12, Harary 8 OH
Minnie 1 IL
SAWYER, Horatio 30 OH grain dealer
EDGARTON, William 25 NY faith doctor
(MAD: 1850 Meade Co. KY census, wife of Peter Duncan)
Pg.239, #760-738, WORTHAM, Robert 31 KY farmer $0-$5000
Esther 22 MO keeping house
Marcus (m) 1 IL
DUNCAN, Sarah 45 KY (blank)
Emma 9 MO
Harvey (m) 13 MO
Pg.239, #761-739, DUNCAN, James 27 KY grocer $2000-$2000
Julia 24 KY keeping house
Carrie (f) 6 IL
DUNCAN, Ida (f) 4 IL
Flora 1 IL
RHODES, Roramma (f) 54 NY
Pg.246, #856-830, CHAMPION, William 24 IL farmer $8000-$5000
Nannie 28 IL keeping house
George 3, Mary 2 IL
Martha 5/12 IL b.March
Edward 10 IL
KILMUR, Letitia 18 TN
DUNCAN, Logan (m) 20 KY farm laborer
Tomore? (Tomose?) (m) 15 MO
PULISTER, William 20 ENG teacher parents of foreign birth
(MAD: 1860 Atchison Co. MO census, Logan 8, Fonrose 5)
N. Okaw Twp.
Pg.276, #52-48, DUNCAN, David 29 IL farmer $2500-$600
Elizabeth 23 IN keeping house
William 4, James 2 IL
Amelia 1/12 b.July IL - line crossed out
John 26 IL (blank)
1870 Cook Co. IL Census (Wd.4 pg.110 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002)
Chicago, Ward 1
Pg.39-40, #479-775, GANGHAN, Henry 26 IRE clerk in store $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
WILLIAMS, George G. 29 KY clerk in store
MURRAY, Jerry 22 MA clerk in store
SOPER, Utley (m) 18 NY clerk in store
WALTON, Frederick 23 ENG clerk in store parents of foreign birth
BARTH, Charles 22 KY clerk in store
EDWARDS, Leander 28 IL clerk in store
GREELEY, Plummer (m) 25 NH clerk in store
SLOAN, Thomas D. 35 SCT clerk in store, parents of foreign birth
SMITH, Benjamin P. 30 CAN clerk in store, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Hector 22 NY clerk in store $1000-$0, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: 1860 Iroquois Co. IL census)
Pg.40, #480-776, JOHNSON, John F. 30 MI bookkeeper $0-$0 (alone)
Chicago, Ward 2
Pg.88, #33-34, HUMPHREY, C. (f) 40 NY keeping house $0-$4000
(Boarding house written in margin)
U.A. (f) 20 NY at home
M.R. (f) 15 NY at home
BALLARD, O.W. (m) 38 NY real estate agt. $3000-$0
E.P. (f) 23 PA at home
WESTLAKE, W. (m) 39 ENG hardware mcht, parents of foreign birth
A. (f) 21 NY at home $12000-$0
CLARK, F.R. (m) 66 VA at home $12000-$0
C. (f) 55 PA at home
McPHERSON, W. (m) 20 NY clk in store
JENKINS, J. (m) 25 OH clk in store
J.R. (m) 30 OH clk grcy
PORTER, J.R. (m) 27 OH clk store
DINARD, F?.L. (m) 28 NY clk in store
DUNCAN, E.C. (m) 32 IL clk in store
(& more people in the boarding house)
(MAD: Edwin C. Duncan, 1850 Jo Daviess Co. IL census)
Pg.112, #225-227, HASTINGS, P.J. (m) 27 IRE printer $0-$800, parents of foreign birth
Kate 26 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
John 3 IL, parents of foreign birth
Mary 5 IRE, parents of foreign birth
RILEY, Alice 17 IRE dom. servant, parents of foreign birth
DWYER, Ellen 17 IRE dom. servant, parents of foreign birth
BENDY, J.W. (m) 24 IL printer
DUNCAN, H.G. (m) 24 IL printer, parents of foreign birth
MOORE, Will 3 IN printer
& more printers, etc.
Chicago, Ward 3
Pg.283, #208-270, DUNCAN, Joseph 39 MO BLACK janitor $0-$0
Sophia 39 MO MULATTO keeping house
Henry 10 MI BLACK
Pg.381, #1216-1783, DUNCAN, Thomas 48 IRE carrier? $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Elititia (f) 44 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Cornelius (m) 14 IRE at home, parents of foreign birth
Elititia (f) 8 IRE, parents of foreign birth
Chicago, Ward 4
Pg.67, #802-1665, WHEELER, John N. 60 CT retired manuf. $300,000-$16,000
Louisa L. 46 NY keepig. house
WALES, Nellie? W. (f) 25 NY at home
HAMILTON, Hattie (f) 23 MI at home
WHEELR, Pery L. (S?.) (f) 20 MI at home
DUNCAN, Frank 20 MI D.G. clerk
OCONNER, Hannah 25 IRE dom. servt., parents of foreign birth
(MAD: ? 1860 Wayne Co. MI census, Detroit Wd.1)
Pg.99, #1204-1266, JAY, Milton (m) 37 IN Physician $5000-$2000
Enretta J. (f) 29 IN keeping house
Nellie (f) 8, Frankie (m) 1 IN at home
DUNCAN, Mary Ann 50 IRE dom. servant, parents of foreign birth
Pg.104, #1383-1536, DUNCAN, Sylvester 29 IL grain broker $0-$5000
Elizabeth 23 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Ida (f) 3 IL at home, mother of foreign birth
Grace 1 IL at home, mother of foreign birth
ROADNEY, Emily 19 ENG at home, parents of foreign birth
KELLY, Maria 27 IRE dom. servt., parents of foreign birth
Pg.110, #1464-1615, KNIGHTS, Darius (m) 55 VT Sewerage Sup't $15,000-$3,000
Eliza 42 CANada Keeping House
DUNCAN, John D. 29 CANada, Sadlery Hardware Mer Wh, $0-$25,000, father of foreign birth
Julia F. 25 IL House Keeping, mother of foreign birth
Darius K. (m) 5/12 IL b.Jan., at home, father of foreign birth
Dora E. 23 IL at home, mother of foreign birth
ENFECK, Katie 25 SWEden Dom Servant, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: Darius & Eliza Knights do not indicate parents of foreign birth)
Chicago, Ward 6
Pg.340, DUNSON, Christian 65 HANover with others, not DUNCAN, not copied
Pg.459, DUNSON, Patrick 25 IRE and young family, not DUNCAN, not copied
Chicago, Ward 7
Pg.18, DUNSEN, Henry 32 PRU - looked at, not DUNCAN, not copied
Chicago, Ward 8
Pg.288-289, #1126-1907, THARLKILL, Thos. 77 KY BLACK whitewasher $0-$0
Polly 58 KY BLACK keeping house
DUNKIN, Ellen 18 KY MULATTO washerwoman
Pg.290, #1148-1937, DURKIN, James 36 IRE R.R. laborer, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 25 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Anna 3 IN at home, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: indexed James DUNKIN)
Chicago, Ward 9
Pg.235, #3034-3947, DUNCAN? (DUNSAN?), Frank 31 VT iron moulder $0-$1000, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 30 NY keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Georgiana (f) 3 WI, parents of foreign birth
Pg.275-276, #3545-4594, MORAN, Joseph 56 FRAnce carpenter $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Josephine 46 FRA keep house, parents of foreign birth
Mary 14 IL (blank), parents of foreign birth
MORAN, Paul 10 IL school, parents of foreign birth
Angela 8 IL school, parents of foreign birth
Gustav (m) 6 IL, parents of foreign birth
Joseph 2 IL, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Anton (m) 22 CAN laborer, parents of foreign birth
Chicago, Ward 10
Pg.383, DONSEN, Charlotte - looked at, not DUNCAN, not copied
Pg.414, #738-979, FRENCH, S.M. (m) 43 CT "no occupation" $0-$800
Emily 32 NY school teacher
MORTON, Florence B. (f) 22 NY portrait painter
HORNE, L. Florence (f) 21 OH school teacher
KILACKEY, Patrick 27 IRE livery clerk at depot, parents of foreign birth
LALLY, Michael 28 IRE teamster, parents of foreign birth
CONNEL, John 23 ILL machinist, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Thomas J. 35 PA bridge carpenter, parents of foreign birth
Pg.425, #855-1137, DUNCAN, Ann 46 OH keeping house $0-$300 (alone)
Chicago, Ward 11
Pg.32, #314-408, DUNCUN, T.C. (m) 28 SCT physician $0-$5000, parents of foreign birth
Emma 30 NY keeps house
FLUGG, Mary? 45 WALes at home, parents of foreign birth
Jenney 22 WI cashier book store mother of foreign birth
Elin? (f) 19 WI teacher pub. school, mother of foreign birth
Elis (m) 26 WI R.W. P.O. Mail Clerk, mother of foreign birth
JONES, R.E. (m) 27 NY (dash in occpation line)
JOS, Wm. 30 NY tinsmith
Ruhining (f) 26 PA keeps house
Pg.54, #580-703, PELICA, James 45 SCT boarding house $10,000-$5,000, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 41 ENG keeps house, parents of foreign birth
(& children & others, incl.)
DUNCAN, M. (m) 41 SCT clerk dry goods, parents of foreign birth
Pg.119, #1190-1575, DUNCAN, Wm. 50 SCT day laborer $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Anna 42 SCT keep house, parents of foreign birth
Mary 10 MN, parents of foreign birth
Ellen 2 IL, parents of foreign birth
Chicago, Ward 13
Pg.377, #147-155, DUNLAP, William 25 IRE house mover $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Elisabeth 25 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Pg.377, #147-156, DUNCAN, Robert 40 IRE saloon keeper $6000-0, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 40 IRE keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Bella (f) 14 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Maggie 12 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Pg.421, #827-802, DUNCAN, Harry 57 CT carpenter $0-$0
Mary G. 60 CT keeping house
Francis (f) 34 NY at home
Mary E. 30 OH at home
Julia 21 IL at home
(MAD: indexed Henry; 1860 Winnebago Co. IL census)
Chicago, Ward 14
Pg.526, #620-746, DUNCAN, Francis (m) 23 KY BLACK hostler $0-$0
Frances (f) 23 TN BLACK keeping house
WILLIAMS, Frances (f) 22 KY BLACK domestic servt
ROBINSON, Henry 25 VA BLACK hostler $0-$150
Rena (f) 28 VA BLACK keeping house
Pg.584, #1481-1689, DUNCAN, William 29 SCT book keeper $0-$4000, parents of foreign birth
Mary 24 SCT keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Chicago, Ward 20
Pg.374, #528-686, GROSS?, John 37 GER saloon keeper $1,000-$800, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 38 GER keeps house, parents of foreign birth
& many others; "boarding house"
DUNCAN, Thos. 30 GERM carpenter, parents of foreign birth
Pg.416, #981-1262, WINDETT, Arthur W. 42 ENG lawyer $50,000-$5,000, parents of foreign birth
Eliza D. 30 OH keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Arthur E. (m) 11 IL father of foreign birth
WINDETT, Mary R. 9 IL father of foreign birth
Emily P. 5 IL father of foreign birth
Victor 4 IL father of foreign birth
COSGROVE, Mary 22 IRE dom. servant, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Eliza D. 76 OH (blank)
Pg.461, #1455-1753, BAKER, William R. 47 VT foreman factory
Kate J. 35 NJ keeps house
& family; boarding house
DUNCAN, Robert 35 LA actor
Kate 22 MD actress
Maggie (f) 4/12 LA b.Feb.
& others
Barrington Twp.
Pg.8, #101-101, CHURCH?, M. (m) 47 MA farmer $20000-$3000
CHURCH, C. (f) 46 NY keeping house
Mary 23 IL home
K?elos (m) 21 IL home
Jennie 19, Charlie (m) 17, George 13, Sarah 11 IL
Morris (m) 1 IL
DUNCON, J. (m) 22 VT farm laborer
E. Barrington
Pg.14, #192-192, DUNKIN, L. (m) 64 VT farmer $6500-$1000
Almeda (Alonide?) (f) 55 VT keeping house
DUNKLE, C. (m) 32 NY farmer
Mahala 9 IL home
Henry 21 WI farm laborer $0-$1000
Cicero Twp.
Pg.79, #134-138, DUNCAN, Alexander 23 TN painter $0-$0
Mary 18 IL keeping house
Frankie (m) 3/12 IL b.Mar
Maine Twp.
Pg.393, #74-73, FULSONS, Nathan 33 NH farmer $0-$0
DUNCAN, Charles 30 IRE servant, parents of foreign birth
1870 Crawford Co. IL Census
Honey Creek Twp.
Pg.22, #297-297, DUNCAN, John 21 TN farmer $5700-$700
Martha 21 OH keeping house
Wade (m) 1 IL
Mary 62 TN
SHEDDON, Robert 42 TN farmer $4350-$894
Jane 39 TN keeping house
Anna 13, Martha 11, Melvina (f) 9 IL
COUGHEY, Harry 19 PA farm hand $800-$250
Montgomery Twp.
Pg.88, #38-37, DUNCAN, William 24 TN farmer $1600-$900
Mary 22 IL keeping house
Effie (f) 3, James 1 IL
Pg.88, #39-38, DUNCAN, James 58 TN farmer $3200-$1000
Sarah 60 TN keeping house
James 34 TN farmer
Samuel 17 TN farmer
Pg.88, #40-39, DUNCAN, George 21 TN farmer $1040-$630
Sarah 20 IL keeping house
Francis (m) 10/12 IL b.Sept.
Pg.88, #41-40, DUNCAN, Andrew 29 TN farmer $440-$200
Sarah 30 TN keeping house
Alice 4 IL
Pg.91, #80-79, DUNCAN John 31 TN farmer $3000-$1095
Sarah 32 TN keeping house
Belle (f) 7, David 3, Mary 1 IL
1870 Cumberland Co. IL Census
Union Twp, P.O. Diona
Pg.325, #324-330, DUNKEN, Henry 22 IN farm laborer $0-$250 (white)
Lucy A. 20 IL keeping house
Franklin 1 IL
George M. 25 IL farm laborer $0-$500
William H. 4 IL
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