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1870 Adams Co. IL Census
Ellington Twp.
Pg.114, #16-16, DUNCAN, Ferdinand M. 33 IL farmer $3000-$1000
Villeta? E. (f) 28 IL keeping house
Mary E. 1 IL
Pg.114-115, #17-17, DUNCAN, Javen B. 68 KY retired farmer $30,000-$2,000
Eliza F. 62 KY keeping house
DUNCAN, Willard F. (m) 20 IL (blank)
(MAD: Javen B. indexed as James B.)
Pg.115, #19-19, DUNCAN, William F. 38 IL farmer $3,000-$1,000
Elizabeth 34 IL keeping house
Rufuse? E. (m) 13 IL (blank)
Mary E. 9 IL
(MAD: Rufuse? E. 13 was Edgar 24 in 1880 census)
Pg.115, #21-21, DUNCAN, William H. 27 IL farmer $15000-$1000
Louisa F. 24 IL keeping house
Maggie G. (f) 2 IL
HOWLAND, William H. 20 IL farm laborer
O'BRIEN, Katie 16 Wales domestic servant
McKee Twp
Pg.270, #58-56, DURBEN, James 70 MD farmer $1200-$1000
Rachel 65 MD keeping house
James 34 OH laborer $1020-$0
Frances (f) 24 OH at home
Sarah 12 IL at school
DUNCAN, Lewis (m) 9 IL at home
Washington (m) 8 IL
Quincy, Ward 1
Pg.405, #410-434, DUNCAN, Martha E. 42 KY keeping house $0-$0
William A. 17 IN blacksmith
Charles R. 14, Henry E. 13 IN
Thomas J. 7, Sarah E. 6 IN
(MAD: widow of Alfred Duncan, 1860 Hendricks Co. IN census)
Quincy, Ward 3
Pg.468, #27-36, DUNCAN, Robert 40 MO BLACK porter at hotel $0-$0
Jane 32 MO BLACK keeps house
Emirra (f) 11 MO BLACK
Edward 4 IL BLACK
Pg.508, #577-696, WOOD, Samuel 39 PA Fowder? Proprietor $6000-$4000
Emma S. 37 ENG keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Frank 3, Elinda B. 1 IL, mother of foreign birth
DUNCAN, Lewis J. (m) 13 MO, parents of foreign birth
Almira (f) 9 MO, parents of foreign birth
Pg.519, #741-880, City workhouse - many people, including
DUNCAN, William 18 IN (blank)
(MAD: William indexed age 12)
Ursa Twp.
Pg.703, #27-29, DUNCAN, James M. 31 IL physician $0-$250
Mary J. 23 IL keeping house
Arthur L. 4 TX
Mollie 1/12 IL b.May
NICHOLSON, Mary A. 35 KY domestic servant $200-$0
(MAD: 1880 McDonough Co. IL census)
Pg.714, #207-210, DUNCAN, Cynthia 57 KY keeping house $8100-$1200
Nancy A. 25 KY
Pendleton C. (m) 23 IL farming $0-$350
Josephine 21 IL
FORSYTHE, Emma 14 MO MULATTO domestic servant
1870 Alexander Co. IL Census
S. Cairo Prct
Pg.5, #58-58, WINTER, Henry 46 ENG Wh. Lqr. Dealer $5,000-$1,000, parents of foreign birth
and family
DUNCAN, Chas. 22 NC BLACK dom. servt.
Pg.13, #175-176, HILL, Isaac 38 MS BLACK (blank occupation)
Addaline (f) 25 MO BLACK
LEE, Madison (m) 25 LA MULATTO laborer
N. Cairo Prct
Pg.67, #485-488, GALAGHER, Chas. 44 OH miller $5000-$2500
A.A. (f) 35 OH
Frank 14 OH
A. (m) 8, F. (m) 2 IL
GRAHAM, R.A. (f) 35 OH (blank occupation)
DUNCAN, Mary 35 IRE (blank) parents of foreign birth
& others
Clear Creek Prct.
Pg.128-9, #120-120, DAVIS, Nias (m) 55 TN farmer $0-$800
Sophia 53 NC
Thos. N. 23 IL
Fannie 20 IL
N.E. (f) 2 IL
A.J. (m) 4/12 IL b. Apr.
Louisa (f) 24 IL
Lavina 19 IL
DUNCAN, Robt. 10 IL
Geo. (m) 8 IL
1870 Bond Co. IL Census
LaGrange Twp.6N Range 3W
Pg.199, #102-102, DUNCAN, Joseph 43 IL farmer $0-$150
Mary 45 IL keeping house
Ellis (f) 5 IL at home
Okaw Twp.4N Range 2W
Pg.248, #28-28, DUNCAN, Riley 39 IL farmer $1670-$450
Jane 27 IL keeping house
William 10, John F. 7 IL at home
Marie? (f) 5, Robert 2 IL at home
Pg.251, #75-75, DUNCAN, Mary J. 32 KY keeping house $3,000-$1,500
Jno. W. 19 MO farmer
Martha 16 MO at home
BECKLER, Martin 9 IL at home
1870 Boone Co. IL Census
Corporation of Belvidere
Pg.343, #291-401, DUNCAN, Mary 48 NY dressmaker $0-$100
LENING?, Florence 21? IL --?-- at dressmaking
Manchester town
Pg.458, #176-177, ELLIS, Gilbert 48 ME farmer $4500-$1500
Phebe N. 51 ME keeping house
Edward 22 ME works on farm?
Frank R. 19 ME travelling agt. for sewing? machine
Agusta L. (f) 11 IL goes to school
DUNCAN, Eunice R. (f) 21 NY teaching school
ELLIS, Geo. R. 13 IL goes to school
(MAD: 1860 Rock Co. WI census)
1870 Brown Co. IL Census
Mt. Sterling (town)
Pg.106, #69-69, DUNCAN, Alexander 57 SCT Pres? Minister $0-$2500, parents of foreign birth
Frances (f) 54 OH keeps house
Agnes A. (f) 25 OH at home, father of foreign birth
(MAD: 1860 Licking Co. OH census)
1870 Bureau Co. IL Census
Pg.177, #30-30, ELLIS, M.W. (m) 27 IL farmer $4000-$1400
Mary 27 IL keeping house
Sarah 8, Frances (f) 4, Frank 2 IL
DUNCAN, Dollie (f) 12 IL
Pg.232, #135-135, DUNCAN, John 26 NY coal miner $0-$0
Honora (f) 21 MA ("Mass") keeping house
Catherin (f) 4/12 IL b.March at home
Pg.232, #148-147, DUNCAN, Peter 52 IRE coal miner $800-$0, parents of foreign birth
Mary 47 IRE keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Catherine 18 PA at home, parents of foreign birth
Mathew 16 PA in mine, parents of foreign birth
Bridget 14, Alice 11 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Thomas 9, Peter 6 IL at home, parents of foreign birth
Indiantown (page faint)
Pg.313, #35-35, POWERS, Cyrus? (m) 55 NY farmer $25,000-$6,300
Nancy 52 NY keeps house
James 23 NY on farm
Mary 20 NY at home
Cyrus? (m) 16 NY on farm
Nathan?? (m) 12 IL
DUNCAN, Betsy 25 NY domestic servant
Harriet 18 NY
HENDERSON, Jackson? 25 SWEden farm hand, parents of foreign birth
Pg.395, #18-18, DUNCAN, James 30 SCT coal miner $0-$300, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 31 SCT keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Ellen 6 SCT home, parents of foreign birth
Joseph 5, Jennet (f) 2 IL, parents of foreign birth
William 6/12 IL b.Nov, parents of foreign birth
William 34 SCT coal miner, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: 1880 LaSalle Co. IL census; Ellen's age written as a 3, crossed out, then 6)
Pg.395, #27-27, DUNCAN?, Mungo (m) 19 SCT coal miner $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Jennet 65 SCT keep house $200-$0, parents of foreign birth
Pg.395, #28-28, DUNCAN, John 28 SCT coal miner $500-$300, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 24 SCT keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Margaret 1 IL, parents of foreign birth
Pg.399, #87-88, DUNCAN, Peter 50 IRE coal miner $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Catherine 38 IRE keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Mary 19 PA house work, parents of foreign birth
Mathew 18 PA coal miner, parents of foreign birth
Bridget (f) 13 IA ("Iowa") at home, parents of for.birth
Alice 11, Thomas 9, Peter 4 IL, parents of foreign birth
Pg.420, #199-196, DUNCAN, Jason 33 IL optician $0-$200
Elisabeth H. 28 IL keeps house
Eda (f) 7, John 5 IL at home
PRICE, Joseph 25 OH optician $0-$150
Getta (f) 18 IL keeps house
(MAD: 1860 Knox Co. IL census)
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