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1850 Adams Co. IL Census
Ellington, taken 9/9/1850
Pg.72, #110-112, Gaven DUNCAN 48 KY farmer $7000
Eliza 42 KY
Erasmus D. 21, John W. 20 KY
William L. 18 KY
Hubbard 14 IL
Ferdinand 13, Mary E. 8 IL
(MAD: from Pendleton Co. KY; see also Allen Co. KY; Erasmus D. in 1860 Jasper Co. IA census)
Lima, taken 10/17/1850
Pg.153, #109-111, Charles DUNCAN 40 IL farmer $0
Harriett 38 IL
Helen A. 17, Franklin 14 IL
John 14, Ann E. 12 IL
Ursa, taken 9/29/1850
Pg.302, #72-77, Ambrose DUNCAN 41 KY farmer $1200
Cynthea 36 KY
Jame W. (m) 13, Nancy A. 12 KY
Lamira (f) 10 KY
Orville B. 6, Pendleton C. 4 IL
Margret J. 1 IL
(MAD: 1840 Pendleton Co. KY census; Lamira was not Lavina)
Ursa, taken 9/29/1850
Pg.303, #77-82, Willis DUNCAN 75 VA farmer $4000
Philadelphia 42 KY
Elizabeth 16, William 7 IL
(MAD: son of John Jr. of Fauquier Co. VA; mar. Hancock Co. IL)
1850 Bond Co. IL Census
Pg.422, #908-928, Elisha DUNCAN 28 IL farmer $0
Mary 18 IL
Pg.426, #963-985, Robert DUNCAN 51 SC farmer $0
Nancy 45 TN? (Tennessee written over IL?; not Virginia)
James 25, Riley 20 IL
John 16, Mary J. 15 IL
Nancy 12, Serlina (f) 8 IL
(MAD: Serlina, not Sarah, age 8)
1850 Brown Co. IL Census
Twp.1S Range 2W
Pg.115, #274-281, Sarah DUNCAN 26 KY (blank) $0
William 9 MO
Sarah 2 IL
(MAD: perhaps widow of Jonathan Duncan 33 KY died 1/1850)
1850 Carroll Co. IL Census
Carroll Twp.
Pg.391, #9, Archibd. DUNCAN 26 SCT (blank) $0
Wm. McCLAY 28 IRE farmer $0
1850 Christian Co. IL Census
Pg.128, #90-93, Elijah DUNCAN 51 NC farmer $1500
Temperance 39 KY
Lander J. (m) 18, Martin V. 11 IL
Marcane P. (f) 7 IL
George D. 3, Martha 6/12 IL
(MAD: mar. 1835 Sangamon Co. IL)
Pg.129, #107-110, N.H. DUNCAN (m) 37 NC farmer $200
Rebecca 32 OH
Wm. R. 7, George E. 2 IL
William C. 23 NC farmer
(MAD: Nathaniel, 1840 Sangamon Co. IL census)
1850 Clark Co. IL Census (ornate handwriting)
Pg.165, #32, C. L. DUNCAN (m) 33 VA M.D. $1000
Jane 28 VA
William 7, M. (f) 5, E. (f) 2 IL
G. BLUNDELL (m) 23 OH farmer $0
(MAD: Charles L. Duncan)
Pg.201-2, #518, Coleman B/L. DUNCAN 48 KY farmer $2000
Ascenith 48 KY
Jane 13, Charles 11 IL
Thomas 6, Ann 4 IL
(MAD: initial "B" or "L" written over, should be Coleman Lewis Duncan)
Pg.256, #1311, Joseph DUNCAN 32 KY farmer $0
Margaret 25 KY
Amanda 7, Arachey (m) 3, Mary 1 IL
1850 Clay Co. IL Census
Wayne Richland
Pg.306, #375, Greenberry DUNCAN 36? (76?) TN farmer $300
Rhody 32 KY
Ruderford O. 5, Mary S. 3 IL
Robert 17 IL farmer
(MAD: 1840 Marion Co. IL census; 1860 Wise Co. TX census; age ?? 36, but looks more like 76)
Pg.307, #400, Harden DUNCAN 28 TN "none" $0
Sarah 30 TN
Gillum (m) 7, Greenberry 5, Wm. J. 4 IL
Nancy M. 2, Francis M. 1 IL
(MAD: Supposed to be Hayden Duncan mar. 19 Feb. 1841 to Sarah Luttrell in Marion Co. IL; to Miller Co. MO)
1850 Clinton Co. IL Census
Pg.340, #134, John DUNCAN 22 IL farmer $300
Nancy 20 IL
Martha 4, Adaline 1 IL
Archibald TRAILOR 32 IL farmer $0
(MAD: mar. 1846 St. Clair Co. IL)
Pg.340, #143, James DUNCAN 30 IL farmer $700
William 12 England (sic)
(MAD: 1860 Tehama Co. CA census)
Pg.342, #175, Jefferson DUNCAN 32 IL farmer $450
Herenia (f) 19 IL (written plain)
Pg.342, #180-180, Rosanna DUNCAN 50 IL (blank) $700
Nathaniel 10, Thomas 8 IL
Tabitha SAVAGE (f) 40 IL (blank) $0
James 20 IL (blank) $0
Pg.342, #180-181, Meredith DUNCAN 22 IL laborer $0
Mary 16 IL (not m/in/yr)
Pg.342, #181-182, Elizabeth DUNCAN 55 TN (blank) $0
Meredith 22, Elias 20, Thomas 17 IL
Pg.356, #399-403, Jackson DUNCAN 34 IL farmer $700
Elizabeth 19 IL (sic)
James 13, William 12 IL
Sarah Ann 7, Vina (f) 2 IL
Pg.367, #558, Alexander SHARP 43 IL carpenter $2500
Sarah Ann 26 IL
John D. 18 IL carpenter $0
Thomas J. 14 IL
Mary F. FRENCH 11 IL
Cyrus A. SHARP 9, Alexander A. 7 IL
Anthony W. 5, Andrew J. 3 IL
Joseph SNYDER 23 FRance wheelright $0
John K. SOUTERN 23 FRance blacksmith $0
Herman GEHRS 26 GERMany blacksmith $0
William DUNCAN 19 (blank) farmer $0
1850 Cook Co. IL Census
Chicago, 1st Ward
Pg.140, #260-278, J.W. DUNCAN (m) 40 MD (blank) $0
E.S. (f) 38 DE
J. WOOLSTON (m) 21, A.D. (m) 20 DE
R.B. DUNCAN (m) 16, Chas. 10 DE
Henry 5, E. (f) 2 DE
Sarah MAY 23 IRE, Ann McQUIN 20 IRE
Chicago, 2nd Ward
Pg.180, #768-783, Geo. DUNCAN 31 NY tailor (single)
(MAD: with many others, but does not say hotel)
Pg.186, #847-864, Daniel J. ELY 30 OH merchant $0
Mrs. 20 CT (not m/in/year)
Sarah 10, Mary 1 NH
Jas. DUNCAN 60 OH farmer
Ann WHEELER 14 NY dead of fever
Chicago, 4th Ward
Pg.249, #1835-1857, W. THOMPSON 30 GERM
Catherine BRANER 25 IRE
John KING 23 IRE
& six more single people from IRE, does not say hotel
Page numbers repeat
Chicago, 5th Ward
Pg.269, #4060-4115, Robert DUNCAN 50 ENG tailer
Mrs. 48 ENG
Chicago, 6th Ward
Pg.303, #4605-4670, Mr. DUNCHAN 31 IRE (blank?)
Mrs. 31 IRE
John 5 IL
Canal Boats
Pg.450, #5151-5217, Robt. DUNCAN 50 ENG Canal Capt. & boatmen
Pg.451, #5161-5227, Peter DUNCAN 29 SCT Canal Capt. & 2 boatmen
1850 DeWitt Co. IL Census
Twp.19N Range 2E
Pg.428, #446, Samuel DUNCAN 49 KY farmer $1200
Susan 31 KY
Martha J. 21, James W. 19 KY
Sarah E. 17, John A. 14 KY
Lewis 3, Lucretia 5/12 IL
(MAD: 1st wife Jane McIsaac from Fayette Co. KY)
1850 Edgar Co. IL Census
Pg.156, #565-565, Eli DUNCAN 52 Newberry Co. SC farmer $600
Rebecca 49 Shelby Co. KY
George W. 22 Green Co. IN laborer
Joshua A. 20 Green Co. IN laborer
Eli M. 18 Green Co. IN laborer
Obediah W. 15 Green Co. IN laborer
Louisa J. 13, Elizabeth P. 11 IL
Polly A. 7, Edgar Co. IL
(MAD: Obediah W. in Civil War from Champaign Co. IL)
P.O. Paris
Pg.203, #1176-1199, James HANNAH 31 Schenectady NY tanner $1500
Caroline 25 Schenectady NY
Mary 10/12 Edgar IL
Nancy 69 Princeton NY
Archibald A. 41 Schenectady NY tanner
Sarah J. 17 Delaware NY
Joshua A. DUNCAN 20 IN laborer
1850 Fayette Co. IL Census
Pg.422, #518, Hale T. DUNCAN 40 KY farmer $200
Mary 27 TN
Betsey Ann 9 TN
Nancy 5, Sarah 3, Marilla M. 1 IL
(MAD: ?? 1860 Marion Co. IL census, age 40, new family)
Pg.425, #565, Nimrod DUNCAN 31 KY farmer $250
Mary A. 18 IL
(MAD: not mar. in year)
1850 Franklin Co. IL Census
Pg.24, #336, Henry J. DUNCAN 33 IL farmer $400
Sarah 33 TN
A.D. (m) 10, Amand (f) 4, L.A. (f) 1 IL
(MAD: ? son of Henry & Mary Ann Fulkerson)
1850 Fulton Co. IL Census
Bernadot, 12/11/1850
Pg.129, #67, William GILBERT 58 MD farmer $1200
Magdaline 51 MD
Phebe 24, Sarah 19, George 18 OH
David 16, Sophia 12 OH
William 9 IL
Zippy GILBERT (f) 23 OH
Lorenzo D. SMITH 23 OH farmer
Pg.193, #10, George DUNCAN 62 SCT miller $10,000
Betsy 59 SCT
Thomas 26, Margaret 20 PA
George 8 IL
Samantha LOCK 8 IL
William BRANSON 20 OH farmer
Pg.193, #11, John DUNCAN 33 PA miller $500
Jane 30 PA
Charles 6, Henry 4, William 2 IL
Elizabeth WALLACE 16 PA
David BRANSON 26 PA miller
Equilla BELLOWS (m) 21 IN
Pg.327, #156-165, Solomon DUNCAN 26 KY farmer $3500
Rebecca 24 KY
Mary 2 KY, Paulina 5/12 IL
(MAD: from Madison Co. KY; son of Edward Duncan & Grace Taylor)
1850 Greene Co. IL Census
Between Macoupin & Apple Creeks
Pg.59, #791-795, Jeremiah HIGGINS 31 IL farmer $300
Amelia 28 NY
Mary 1 IL
Joseph P. TYLER 78 ENG tailor $0
John DUNCAN 22 TN laborer $0
1850 Hancock Co. IL Census
Pg.356, #1235, Augustus F. DAVIS 19 IL none $1000
George W. DUNCAN 22 IL none
Benjamin STRICKLAND 35 NY laborer
(MAD: ages as given)
Taken 11/17/1850
Pg.426, #2246-2253, William E. DUNCAN 27 TN farmer
Elizabeth 25 TN
Amelia 7, Henry 6, Jerusha J. (f) 1 IL
(MAD: 1860 Henderson Co. IL census; 1870 Schuyler Co. IL census)
Taken 11/18/1850
Pg.428, #2265, James L. SANFORD 30 NY laborer $500
Mary J. 33 KY
Henry W. 2, George W. 9/12 IL
Sarah A. DUNCAN 8 IL
Taken 11/19/1850
Pg.438, #2422-2429, William E. DUNCAN 29 TN farmer
Elizabeth 28 TN
Amelia 11, Henry C. 8, Jerisha (f) 1 IL
Taken 11/29/1850
Pg.444, #2523, Thomas HEATHERBY 22 KY farmer
William DUNCAN 23 KY
1850 Hardin Co. IL Census
Elizabeth, Taken 8/15/1850
Pg.3, #38, Troutman T. DUNCAN 40 VT shoemaker (in boarding house)
1850 Henderson Co. IL Census
Pg.48, #167-170, S.S. PHELPS (m) 40 NY merchant $20,000
Saloma 35 VT
Laury (f) 18, William 16 IL
Emaly 14, Adaline 12 IL
Phebe A. 9, Henry H. 6, Stephen S. 11/12 IL
Parthena SHORES (f) 21 MA
Margaret DUNCAN 23 (33? written over) PA
(MAD: see 1846 York Co. PA Orphans Court V-44)
William SHORES 24 MA clerk
George 23 MA clerk
Abraham (blank) 35 Unknown BLACK
Pg.49, #179, H. P. HART family
Elisabeth DUNCAN 16 OH
Twp.9N Range 4W, taken 9/19/1850
Pg.71, #509, Charles DUNCAN 44 "PA" farmer $700
Dorcas 33 "PA"
Louisa J. 14, Mary 13 IL
John 12, Elizabeth 9 IL
William 6, Nancy 1 IL
(MAD: Charles b. TN, Dorcas b. KY)
Twp.8N Range 4W, taken 9/25/1850
Pg.77, #584, Cosby M. DUNCAN 25 TN farmer $2100
Nancy A. 22 IN
Samuel R. 2, James G. 6/12 IL
Helen OWENS 9 IL
Pg.77, #587, Elisabeth DUNCAN 49 TN $2000
Minerva 16, Mary J. 9 IL
John COOK 19 TN
Twp.11N Range 4W
Pg.89, #748-763, David RAWHOUSER 30 PA farmer $900
Sarah K. 30 PA
James 7, David 5 IL
Robert 3 PA, Eliza J. 1 IL
Robert DUNCAN 35 PA farmer
James G. STEWART 19 OH farmer
(MAD: see 1846 York Co. PA Orphans Court V-44)
Pg.89, #749-764, George MUNDORFF 33 PA farmer $1,000
Caroline 33 PA
Charlotte 12, Peter W.H. 9, Eli C. 7 PA
Elisabeth 4, Zacary T. 4 twins IL
Isaiah F. 1 IL
Eliza J. DUNCAN 36 PA
(MAD: see James Duncan, d. 1845-46 Chanceford Twp, York Co. PA; Orphans Court V-44)
1850 Jackson Co. IL Census
Northern Dist., taken 10/12/1850
Pg.212, #288, John DUNCAN 22 IL farmer $0
Jane 23 KY
Pg.212, #289, Pearson DUNCAN 27 (sic) SC farmer $0
Sarah A. 35 OH
William ROUSE 12, Jane 9 OH
George 6, James 3 OH
Leonard DUNCAN 3, Sarah E. 2 IL
Pg.213, #300, M.D.L.F. SPRINKLES (m) 22 KY farmer $0
Mary A. 25 TN
James T. DUNCAN 3 IL
(MAD: Mary Ann Starns, widow of Thomas Duncan)
Taken 10/22/1850
Pg.226, #497, William M. DUNCAN 34 GA farmer $1000
Sarah 34 IL
Pearson 14, Robert 12 IL
Mary 11, Jane 8 IL
Cornelius 7, Nancy 5 IL
Eliza 2, Ellen 7/12 IL
1850 Jefferson Co. IL Census
Taken 8/17/1850; see pg.392
Pg.362, #808, Martin S. DUNCAN 59 VA farmer $0
Anna 40 VA
Mary A. 13 VA
Ruth 12 TN
(MAD: Martin and Anna b. VA, not GA; ? see Martin Duncan, died Apr. 8, 1866, age 79y 11m 3d, buried Scott Cem., McDonough Co. IL)
Pg.373, #966, Hiram DUNCAN 41 TN farmer $1000
Nancy 31 TN
Barbara A. "16" IL
Sarah J. 3, Lydia 4/12 IL
William H. HUMPHREY 7 IL
(MAD: ? son of William Duncan of Washington Co. TN; Barbara A. should be age 6)
Pg.379, #1063, James F. DUNCAN 33 IN ("Ia.") merchant $0
Rosalie 33 IN ("do")
Melissa 12, Sarah 10, Elizabeth 9 IN
Green B. 8, Emeline 6 IN
Zacariah 4 IL
John S. LUCAS 25 IN ("Ia") tanner
(MAD: from Gibson Co. IN, not IA; 1860 Logan Co. IL census)
Pg.391, #1236, Sarah DUNCAN 39 MO (blank) $0
Joseph D. 2 IL
James H. 9, William A. 6 IL
(MAD: perhaps widow of William Duncan 40 TN died 11/1849)
Taken 9/28/1850 (see pg.362)
Pg.392, #1240, Martin S. DUNCAN 35 GA farmer $0
Ann 41 GA
Mary A. 15, Ruth 13 TN
(MAD: birthplaces as given, Ann not born "Ia" or "Va")
1850 Jersey Co. IL Census
Twp.6 Range 12
Pg.14, #7, Joshua DOBBS 28 IL laborer $0
Simeon PERKINS 18 IL laborer $0
Benjn. DUNEGAN 19 IL laborer $0
Wiley ROWDEN 20 IL laborer $0
Twp.8 Range 13
Pg.56, #44, James DAVIS 21 TN laborer $0
John 18 TN laborer $0
Jerome DUNCAN 23 NY laborer $0
(MAD: mar. 1852 Sangamon Co. IL; 1860 Christian Co. IL census)
Twp.8 Range 11
Pg.86, #132, Joseph DUNCAN 42 NJ farmer $16,000
Delila 32 IL
Catharine 10, John 8 IL
Mary 5, Elizabeth 2 IL
1850 Jo Daviess Co. IL Census
Pg.267, #2652-2656, John BIRK 35 GERM painter $0
Luchart (f) 29 GERM
William 9 GERM
John 1 IL
Michael DUNCAN 16 CANADA apprentice $0
William TALUM 14 GERM
Pg.267, #2653-2657, John J. DUNCAN 32 PA (blank) $0
Anna 25 ENG
Samuel 3/12 IL
Thomas NEAL 53 ENG laborer $0
Pg.269, #2694-2698, George W. BROWNELL 40 NY? (blank) $0
Joanna 38 PA
Virginia DUNCAN 14, Edwin C. 12 IL
Silvester J. 10, Mary 8 IL
Amelia WILSTADTER 28 Nowary?
(MAD: from Dauphin Co. PA)
Pg.301, #3175-3179, Michael DUNCAN 30 IRE plasterer $0
Ann 28 IRE
Patrick CAROL 60 IRE (blank) $0
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