Duncan research files of |
1860-1870 Sac Co. IA Census
No Duncan indexed
1880 Sac Co. IA Census (partial; from information from Barbara West 11/1999)
MAD: The 1880 census images are available at:
Pg.159A, ED 186, Clinton Township, SD4, pg.1
#7-7, DUNKIN, Oliver (wm) 59 married OH VA VA farmer
Mary J. (wf) 54 wife married VT MA MA keeping house
Frederic (wm) 24 son married IA OH VT farmer
Frank (wm) 22 son single IA OH VT farm laborer
Sarah J. (wf) 18 dau. married IA OH VT keeping house
Wm. (wm) 14 son single IA OH VT at home
George (wm) 7 son single IA OH VT at home
Arinia? (wf) 60 sister single OH VA VA keeping house
SOUTHWICK, Benj. (wm) 27 son-in-law married -- -- -- farm laborer
RHODNER, Frank? (wm) 19 servant single Prussia Prussia Prussia farm laborer
KING, Amos (wm) 22? servant single NY NY NY (tape)? laborer
(MAD: dashes as given for Benj. Southwick, tape over part of last line on page, bottom of page dark)
1910 Sac Co. IA Census (from Kathy Cawley 4/2001)
Pg.28B, Clinton Twp., E.D. 125
#38-38, DUNKIN, Will W., head 43 single IA OH MA Farmer
Mary J., mother 80 widow MA MA MA
George, brother 38 single IA OH MA Farmer
#39-39, DUNKIN, Frank L., head 50 mar. IA OH MA Farmer
Magdeline, wife 44 mar. GER GER GER
Rosie M., dau. 20 single IA IA GER
Annie R., dau. 18 single IA IA GER
Ida M., dau. 15 single IA IA GER
Catherine F., dau. 7 single IA IA GER
Oliver P., son 4 single IA IA GER
Pg.39A, Cook Township, E.D.#126
#111-111, DUNCAN, Everett, head 34 mar. IL IL KY Laborer
Anna, wife 32 mar. IL NY MI
Harry, son 11 single IL IL IL
Mary, dau. 8 single IL IL IL
Grace, dau. 2 single IL IL IL
Richland Township
Page 140B, E.D.#can't read
#50-50, DUNCAN, Robert, head 52 mar. IA PA IN Farmer
Alice, wife 46 mar. IA IRE SCT
Daisy (Inez), dau. 23 single IA IA IA
Olive, dau. 21 single IA IA IA
Earl, son 18 single ID IA IA
Allen, son 16 single IA IA IA
Mildred, dau. 5 single IA IA IA
(MAD & KC: 1900 Buena Vista Co. IA census)
Page 143B, E.D.#can't read
#108-108 DUNCAN, Charles, head 40 mar. IL IL KY Farmer
Ma???, wife 44 mar. IL KY KY laborer
Clem, son 16 single IL IL IL
Myrtle, dau. 11 single IL IL IL
Nettie, dau. 9 single IL IL IL
1893 "Biographical History of Crawford, Ida and Sac Cos. IA: containing portraits of all the presidents of the United States, with accompanying biographies, a condensed history of Iowa, with biographies of the governors, engravings of prominent citizens of the counties, with personal histories of many of the early settlers and leading families" pub. by Lewis Pub. Co. 1893 (Los Angeles Public Library book R977.7 B615)
Pg.291: OLIVER PERRY DUNKIN, one of the leading citizens and pioneer farmers of Clinton township, Sac Co. IA, was born January 21, 1826. His father, Joshua Dunkin, was a native of Virginia and a soldier in the war of 1812. His grandfather, John Dunkin, was a descendant of Scotch ancestry. The maiden name of our subject's mother was Sarah Richardson. She was born in Ohio, a descendant of German ancestry, and was first married to a Mr. Riley, by whom she had four children. She married Mr. Dunkin in Brown Co. OH, and her death occurred in Fulton Co. IL, at the age of sixty. After her death the father came to Clinton Co. IA, where he died at the age of seventy. He voted for Fremont in 1856, but was a Democrat all his life. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and for many years was a Class Leader.
Oliver P. was a lad of fourteen or fifteen years when the family moved to Fulton Co. IL, and on his father's farm in that county he was reared. He then moved to Jackson Co. IA, and some years later went to Clinton Co. and settled near Elwood. From Clinton Co. in 1875, he came to Sac Co. bought 320 acres of land, and on it has since resided. ... Mr. Dunkin was married in Clinton Co. IA, November 12, 1854, to Mary Jane Clark, a native of New Jersey. ...
(MAD: Joshua Duncan mar. Sally Riley 8/31/1809 Adams Co. OH; see 1850 Jackson and Clayton Co. IA censuses)
"Portrait and biographical album of Polk County, Iowa : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with portraits and biographies of all the presidents of the United States and governors of the state." (anonymous); pub. Chicago: Lake City Pub. Co., 1890, 848 pgs. (LH11540, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 934,959 item 3)
Pg.786-787: THOMAS DUNCAN, who is living a retired life in Mitchellville, has been a resident of Polk County for the long period of thirty-five years. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, April 28, 1817, and is a son of William and Margaret (Smith) Duncan, who were also natives of the same country. His father was a representative business man of Glasgow, and in that city engaged in the wholesale grocery trade until 1820, when he bade good-by to his native land and with his family sailed for America. He located near Granby, Shefford County, in the Province of Quebec, where he purchased land and engaged in farming until advanced age forced him to lay aside all business cares, when he removed to Granby and there lived a retired life until his death, which occurred several years ago. His wife, the mother of our subject, died some twenty years previous, after which he was a second time married. By the first union nine children were born, six of whom are living at this writing in 1890 - Margaret, widow of John Parker, resides in Granby, Canada; Thomas is the next younger; John also makes his home in Granby; William is a citizen of Atlantic, Iowa; Janet is the wife of W. Hale of Granby; and James is also living in Atlantic. Our subject spent but three years of his life in his native city when he was brought by his parents to the province of Quebec, then Lower Canada. During his youth he received a common-school education and at the age of 20 years left home ... making his way to Vermont he secured a position as a farm hand, ... continuing to reside a greater part of the time in that State until 1855, he then followed the course of emigration westward and became a resident of Polk County, Iowa. ... He purchased 52 acres of wild land on section 22, Beaver Township, and after erecting a log cabin began the work of developing and improving a farm. After a number of years he sold and purchased a 160 acre tract in the same township, on which he resided until March, 1890, when he leased his land and removing to Mitchelville, retired to private life. In a pleasant home, furnished with the comforts and many of the luxuries of life, he and his wife expect to spend the remainder of their days. The 2nd of May, 1842, witnessed the celebration of the marriage of Thomas Duncan and Sarah Todd, who have now traveled life's journey together for more than 48 years. Mrs. Duncan is the daughter of Simon and Anna (Wood) Todd, the former a native of New York, and the latter of Canada, both of English parentage. By occupation her father was a farmer and followed that business in Shefford County, Canada, until his death. Mrs. Todd survived her husband a number of years, passing to her final rest about 1868. In their family were twelve children, eight of whom are now living - James, Caroline, Peter, Lydia, Sophia, Esther, Robert L. and Sarah.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan are the parents of eight children - Elizabeth, wife of Alexander C. Tigner, a farmer of Howard County, Neb.; Robert, a farmer of Sac County, Iowa; Margaret, wife of J.C. Garret, who is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Camp Township, this county; Mary, deceased; Thomas H. who makes his home in Sac County; Sarah A., at home; William C. a resident of Calhoun County, Iowa; and one child who died in infancy. Mr. Duncan ... owner of a highly improved and valuable farm in Beaver Township besides some property in Mitchellville. Republican, member of the Old Settlers Association of Polk County. His wife holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church and to its support Mr. Duncan contributes liberally, although he himself is not a member. (MAD: Atlantic, Cass Co. IA; 1850 Chittenden Co. VT)
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