Duncan research files of |
1850 Boone Co. IA Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Boone Co. IA Census
Dodge Twp., P.O. Ridgeport
Pg.168, #175-224, M.J. DANKINS (DAWKINS?) (m) 26 KY farmer $520-$350
Nancy J. (f) 23 IN farmer
John H. 3 IN
Susan J. 7/12 IA
Pg.277, #352-286, Johnson DANKINS 61 KY farmer $3000-$650
Dercus (f) 28 KY farmer $450-$400
Benj. 25 KY farmer $450-$150
Thos. 23 KY farmer $450-$250, mar. in year
Julia 17 IN mar. in year
Elizabeth STUSCH? 5 IN
1870 Boone Co. IA Census
Montana P.O.
Pg.59, #147-148, GRIFFIN, Frederick F. 24 NY Frt.Conductor $0-$110
Ellen 23 PA
Nattie (f) 1 NY
DUNHAM, Jane 56 NY
(MAD: indexed Jane Dunkin)
Dodge Twp.
Pg.95-96, #188-195, GREEN, Robert 36 NC farmer $9200-$3202
Loduska (f) 36 IN keeping house
Jesse C. 21 IA works on farm
H. Willis 20, John 17 IA works on farm
Sevilla (f) 15 at home
LACKEY, Andrew 13 IA at home
Hiram 10 IA at home
GREEN, Hulda (f) 7 IA at home
Lewis M. 2 IA at home
DUNCAN, Charlotte 72 VA no occupation
(MAD: 1860 Marshall Co. IA census)
Pg.96, #196-201, DUNCAN, Chas. 54 SC farm laborer $0-$250
Louisa C. 26 IN keeping house
Mary A. 21 IN dom. servant
Sarah A. 4 IA at home
Julia A. 2 IA
Eliza A. 5/12 IA b.Jan.
(MAD: plainly written "Chas." but was Giles Duncan 45 IN in 1860 Marshall Co. IA census, 1850 Greene Co. IN census; Giles Duncan mar. S/L.C. Arney 3/19/1865 Marshall Co. IA; 1880 Boone Co. IA census as Jiles, wife Caroline)
Yell Twp.
Pg.185, #139-134, DUNKIN, John M. 27 IN farmer $0-$190
Kesiah (f) 23 IN keeps house
Viola (f) 3, Giles (m) 1 IA
(MAD: plainly written John "M." but was plainly written John "W." in 1860 Marshall Co. IA census; John M. Duncan mar. Kisiah Dolason 7/17/1866)
Boone Co. IA Deed Indexes (SLC 6/4/2011)
Index 1855-1865 (FHL film 1,034,330 items 4-5)
H-233: Dankins, Johnson to Bass, Jesse, May 19, 1865, filed May 6, 1865, H-233 deed, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.20 T85 R26N, 80 acres (MAD: probably Dawkins, per grantee deed B-554)
No Duncan
Index 1865-1874, Grantee A-M (FHL film 1,034,330 item 6)
9-403: Duncan, Giles C. from Margaret J. Bostetter, April 19, 1873, March 19, 1873, Warr deed, 9-403, 10 acres off E side of lot 2 fr Sec.2 84-23
13-162: Duncan, Giles from Jesse C. Green, May 25, 1874, April 7, 1874, W.D., 13-162, Con? 32 rods 3 of NW cor of SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.34-85-27 thence S 40 rods E 40 rods N 40 rods to beg, 10 acres
Index 1865-1874, grantor (FHL film 1,034,331)
No Duncan grantor
Boone Co. IA Original index to deeds 1853-1858 (FHL film 1,531,765 item 2; SLC 9/30/2011)
Village index - no Duncan grantor or grantee
Boone Co. IA Deeds (SLC 6/4/2011)
9-403: 29 March 1873, Margaret J. Bostetler of Boone Co. IA for $175 sell to Giles C. Duncan of Boone Co. IA, 10 acres off the East Side of Fractional Lot 2 of Section 2 Township 84 Range 27 West, Boone County Iowa; lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises, they are free from incumbrance except about $10? ($20?) of back taxes, warrant title. /s/ Margaret J. Bostetler. She appeared 29 March 1873 before F.M. Spurrier? JP. Filed for record 19 April 1873. (on printed form; FHL film 1,034,341)
13-162: 7 April 1874, Jesse C. Green, a singleman of Boone Co. IA for $80 sell to Giles Duncan of Boone Co. IA, premises commencing 32 rods South of the NW corner of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec.34 Twp.85N Range 27W, 5 PM Iowa, running south 40 rods, then east 40 rods then north 40 rods then west to the place of beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. Warrant title. /s/ Jesse C. Green. He appeared 7 April 1874 before A.J. Barsiley, Notary Public. Filed for record 25 May 1874. (on printed form; FHL film 1,034,377; MAD's abbreviation for NorthEast, etc.)
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