Duncans in Stewart Co. GA


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 17, 2003

Formed 1830 from Randolph
Marion formed 1827 from Lee, Muscogee, Stewart
Kinchafoonee (renamed Webster 1856) formed 1853 from Stewart
Quitman formed 1858 from Randolph, Stewart


1840 Stewart Co. GA Census
Pg.107  John T. Duncan     1000,001     - 0000,01
Pg.110  William Sanders    0000,001     - 0000,0001
          (MAD: see Greene Co. GA almost identical census)
          (MAD: one Margaret Duncan mar. Mordecai McKenney

1850 Stewart Co. GA Census (No Duncan indexed)
Pg.50, #159, Horase JENKINS 40 GA farmer $3800
                  Malinda 38 GA
                  Sarah PRATHER 9 GA
                  Samuel PATTEN 25 GA farmer
Pg.89, #?, Marion JENKINS (m) 22 GA w/others
Pg.91, #?, Jane JENKINS 15 GA w/ John A. TUCKER
                  (MAD: see Jenkins family in Greene Co. GA)

1860 Stewart Co. GA Census
      No Duncan indexed

1870 Stewart Co. GA Census
Lumpkin P.O.
Pg.39, #472-462, DUNCAN, Mariah 50 GA BLACK keeping house $0-$100
                  Joseph 60 GA BLACK works on farm
                  Emily 13, Ellen 11 GA BLACK works on farm
                  Emma 4, Ella 1 GA BLACK
Pg.39, #473-463, DUNCAN, John 22 GA BLACK works on farm $0-$0, mar. May
                  Levisa 25 GA BLACK keeping house, mar. May
                  Carey? (Carry?) (f) 20 GA BLACK works on farm
                  Sarah 19 GA BLACK works on farm
                  Allen 2/12 GA BLACK b.Mch.
Florence P.O.
Pg.89, #1306-1287, DUNCAN, William 72 GA (white) works farm $0-$0
                  Susan 22 GA at home
                  (MAD: ? 1850 Sumter Co. GA census)


Stewart Co. GA Probate Records; Wills & Bonds (FHL film 424,278)
      Vol.A, 1831-1835 - no Duncan deceased
            Pg.21-23: Will of Allen Womble of Stewart Co. GA, dated 3 Jan. 1832, proved by witnesses 15 Oct. 1832 before A.R. Hill JIC, Wm. Duncan JIC.
      Vol.A, 1837-1849 - no Duncan or McKinney
      Vol.B, 1850-1890 - no Duncan or McKinney

Stewart Co. GA Probate Records (FHL film 424,279)
      Letters of Admin. 1856-1862 - no index (item 1)
      Letters of Guardianship, 1856-1861 - no index (item 2)
      Admin. & Guardian Bonds, Book B, 1836-1858 - index at back, no Duncan (item 4)

Stewart Co. GA Probate Records; Inventories, appraisals & sales 1831-1837, 1844-1858 (FHL film 424,281)
      Book A, 1836-1858 - index too faded
      Book B, 1844-1852 - no Duncan
      Book C, 1852-1858 - no Duncan

Stewart Co. GA Probate Records; Returns, 1836-1852 (FHL film 424,284)
      Returns Book C, 136-1846 - no Duncan, no Evans children - quit

Stewart Co. GA Inferior Court Minutes
      Minutes 1829-1836, Ordinary Purposes (probate) - no index (FHL film 408,189)
      Minutes 1827-1839 - index pages A-O missing (FHL film 408,189)
      Minutes 1827-1835 - no index (FHL film 408,189)
      Minutes 1834-1843 - no index (FHL film 408,189)
      Minutes 1827-1844, Ordinary Purposes (FHL film 408,190)
            Pg.1: 16 Nov. 1827, application of William Duncan to be appointed guardian of Columbus Evans, orphan of William Evans; bondsmen William W.D. Main??, Thos. W. Grimes?. (pg.2) Filed accounting, 1828, 1829, 1830, at Jan. term 1831, recorded 8 April 1831. (pg.3), Accounting 1832, filed 17 Feb. 1832, recorded 2 Sept. 1834.
                  MAD: Columbus Evans, orphan of Wm. & Mary of Greene Co., 11/1827, Return filed 9/12/1834, William Duncan guardian in 1827, James Webb guardian in 1835; Source: Stewart Co. Letters of Guardianship (from pg.100, "GA Intestate Records" by Jeannette Holland Austin, 1986; FHL book 975.8 P28a)
      Minutes 1837-1849, Ordinary Purposes - no index (FHL film 408,190)


Stewart Co. GA Deeds; no general index until 1887, index in front of each deed book
      Book A, 1828-1830 (FHL film 424,307)
      A-228: Franklin Co. GA, 28 Jan. 1829, Nathaniel Duncan (X) of afsd to William Bowers of Elbert Co. GA, $100, lot #34 in 7th Dist. Lee Co.; wit. Cassel Tabor, John B. McMillion.
      Book B, 1831-1833 (FHL film 424,307)
      B-4: Indexed Wm. Duncan's mark - pages 4 & 5 missing in deed book
      B-40: Stewart Co. GA, 5 June 1831, Thomas Pate and William Duncan of afsd to Uriah Taylor of afsd, $200, lot #126 in 23rd Dist. formerly Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. Pleasant White, Needham R. Bryan JIC. (MAD: William Duncan mar. Margaret Taylor 9/20/1831)
      B-63: Greene Co. GA, 18 Nov. 1830, William Duncan admin. of Rainey Duncan decd, of afsd, to Joseph Catchings of afsd, for $14, lot #88 of 202-1/2 acres in Lee Co. now Randolph Co. in 23rd Dist., sold per court order in Lee Co. on 1st Tuesday Nov. 1828 to highest bidder, it being all the real estate of the decd; wit. Wm. C. Burton, Matthew Winfield JP.
      B-362: Stewart Co. GA, 6 July 1833, William Duncan of afsd to John Singer of Bibb Co. GA, $400, lot #88 in 3rd Dist. originally Lee Co. now in Co. afsd; wit. Daniel Mathewson, Stephen Parkes JP.
      Book D, 1833-1835 (no Book C) (FHL film 424,308)
      D-43: Hamilton Co. FL Territory, 15 Aug. 1833, James Duncan of afsd Co. & Territory to John Standley of Early Co. GA, for $200, 202-1/2 acre lot #51 granted James Duncan in 20th Dist. Lee Co., the said "Miles Jas. Duncan" (clerk underlined "Miles"); /s/ James Duncan; wit. Silas Overstreet, James Bell JP. (MAD: James Duncan of Tattnal Co. in 1827 Lottery)
      D-147: Greene Co. GA, 15 Nov. 1830, Ezekiel L. Standley of afsd to William Duncan of same, $50, lot #52 of 202-1/2 acres in Randolph Co. in 23rd Dist., (drawn by) granted to Standley on 3rd instant; wit. Andrew McCalpin?, Arden Evans; reg. 5 March 1834.
      D-148: Stewart Co. GA, 9 July 1833, William Duncan of afsd to John Powell of same, $50, lot #52 of 202-1/2 acres in 23rd Dist. Lee Co. when drawn now Stewart Co.; wit. A.R. Hill JIC, P.F. Lapp JP.
      D-443: Jones Co. GA, 3 Jan. 1835, Davis Duncan admin. of estate of Edmund Duncan of afsd, to Francis L. Benton, $30, lot #273 of 202-1/2 acres in 21st Dist. orig. Lee Co., drawn by Edmd. Duncan Senr.; wit. James M. Cole, Harrel Flowers JP.
      D-641: Stewart Co. GA, 2 June 1835, Nathan Duncan (later Nathaniel Duncan) to Wm. W. Ware, both of afsd, $100, lot #62 of 202-1/2 acres in 20th Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. Charles Crocker, R. Gawly?.
      Book E, 1835-1836 - no Duncan (FHL film 424,308)
      Book F, 1836-1837 (FHL film 424,309)
      F-173: Stewart Co. GA, 3 Nov. 1835; per Writ of execution from Pulaski Co. Justice Court at suit of John Rantz against Gideon Arthur, principle, and "Harmon" Bellflower and James H. Warren, securities, a constable of afsd county lately seized the lot of same as property of "Homer" N. Belflower and on 3 Nov. 1835 sold to highest bidder Nathaniel Duncan for $5, now on 3 Nov. 1835, Peyton Reynolds, Sheriff, to Nathaniel Duncan, for $5, lot #95 in 22nd Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. A.B. Pope, Neal McLeved? JP.
      F-174: Stewart Co. GA, 2 June 1835; per writ of execution of Superior Court of Bibb Co. at suit of Warran B. Massey against Jonathan Wilder, seized property of Wilder and sold to highest bidder by Peyton Reynolds, Sheriff, on 1st Tuesday of June, 1835, to Nathaniel Duncan, deed 2 June 1835 for $2.50, lot #62 in 20th Dist. Lee Co. when drawn now Stewart Co.; wit. Darca Delk, W.A. May JP.
      F-230: Stewart Co. GA, 22 Sept. 1835, William L. Ballard to Nathaniel Duncan of afsd, $150, lot #208 of 202-1/2 acres in 23rd Dist. originally Lee Co. now Stewart Co.; wit. Nathan Clifton, W.A. May JP.
      F-231: Stewart Co. GA, 14 Dec. 1835, Nathaniel Duncan to Samuel Tompkins, both of afsd, $100, lot #208 of 202-1/2 acres in 23rd Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. Wm. A. Rawson, W.A. May JP.
      F-396: Stewart Co. GA, 3 Dec. 1836, John Robinson to Nathaniel Duncan, $125, Lot #245 of 202-1/2 acres in 24th Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. W.C. Spies, Robert Gawley JP.
      F-397: Stewart Co. GA, 16 Jan. 1837, Nathaniel Duncan to James S. Lunsford, both afsd, $486, lot #245 of 202-1/2 acres in 24th Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. Blount Trotman, Gustavus DeLannay NP.
      Book H, 1836-1839 (no Book G) (FHL film 424,309)
      H-486: DeKalb Co. GA, 14 July 1837, Awlsey Beavers of afsd to Nathaniel Duncan of Stewart Co. GA, $100, lot #214 of 202-1/2 acres in 24th Dist.; wit. Thomas G. Balker, Nelson Jennings.
      H-487: Stewart Co. GA, 18 May 1838, Nathaniel Duncan of Randolph Co. GA to Willis Janell of Stewart Co. GA, $150, lot #214 in 24th Dist., originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. J.H. Keene, Jas. M. Granbury.
      H-622: Jasper Co. GA, 17 Sept. 1837, James Duncan (X) of afsd to Josiah J. Evans of Muscogee Co. GA, $300, lot #169 of 202-1/2 acres in 22nd Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. James A. Duncan and ... (illeg) JP.
      Book J, 1839-1840 - no Duncan (FHL film 424,310)
      Book K, 1840-1842 (FHL film 424,310)
      K-230: Screven Co. GA, 8 June 1838, Wm. Bryant and Hope Bryant appoint John Hill or any other person that Hill may select to sell lot #97 in 20th Dist.; wit. M.F. Tyson, Thos. Cary. John Hill empowers Lemuel Wilkerson, 5 May 1839.
      K-230: Sumter Co. GA, 13 May 1839, Lemuel Wilkerson attorney in fact for William Bryant and Hope Bryant of Screven Co. GA, to Nathaniel Duncan of State & Co. afsd, $200, lot #97 of 202-1/2 acres in 20th Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. J.T. Tommey, James Ennis.
      K-647: Stewart Co. GA, 10 Oct. 1841; per writ of Fieri Facias of Superior Court of Houston Co. at suit of William Justice and Denisten Traler? against Mathew M. Lockhart of Bibb Co. and George M. Dunkin of Houston Co., Sheriff Robert Reeves seized lot as property of said Matthew M. Lockhart, and on 1st Tuesday of "Dec. 1841" sold to highest bidder, George M. Duncan, for $200, lot #113 of 202-1/2 acres in 32nd Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. Robert H. Croxton?, Wm. Sims JP; reg. 3/29/1842.
      Book L, 1842-1844 (FHL film 424,311)
      L-292: 23 Feb. 1843, Jackson Champion of Stewart Co. GA to Simpson B. Smith, for $125, negro boy James 18 months old; wit. William Bray, Wm. M. Duke.
      L-293: Stewart Co. GA, 1 Sept. 1842, Nathaniel Duncan (X) of Troup Co. GA appoint Simpson B. Smith of Sumter Co. GA attorney to acknowledge and receive from Jackson Champion of Stewart Co. GA, debts, and make title to said Champion for lot #221 in 31st Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co. when Jackson pays the purchase price; wit. Edward Crosby, John M. Shavis JP.
      L-293 (2nd): Sumter Co. GA, 23 Feb. 1843, Jackson Champion of Stewart Co. GA to Simpson B. Smith of Sumter Co. GA, Champion has given Smith his promissory note, promise to pay $224.50 by 25 Dec. next ensuing, now for $5, mortgage to Smith, negro woman Patience 35 years of age.
      L-302: Sumter Co. GA, 22 Feb. 1843, Nathan Duncan of Troup Co. GA to Jackson Champion of Stewart Co. GA, $1000, lot #221 in 31st Dist. originally Lee now Stewart Co.; wit. William Bray, Wm. M. Duke.
      Book P, 1844-1846 - no Duncan (FHL film 424,311)
      Book Q, 1846-1849 - no Duncan (FHL film 424,312)
      Book R, 1849-1851 - no Duncan (FHL film 424,312)
      Book S-T, 1851-1856 - quit (FHL film 424,313)


Stewart Co. GA Inferior Court Minutes 1834-1843 (FHL film 184,822)
      No index

Stewart Co. GA Court of Ordinary Court Minutes (probate) (FHL film 424,298)
      Vol.B, 1850-1861 - no Duncan

Stewart Co. GA Inferior Court minutes, in Superior Court
      1839-1841 - no Duncan (FHL film 454,202)
      1841-1848 - no Duncan
      1842-1861 - not looked at (FHL film 454,203)


Greene Co. GA Inferior and Ordinary Minutes 1828-1836 (FHL film 158,359)
      Pg.135: 20 Jan. 1832, William Duncan, gdn. of Columbus Evans, be permitted to remove his proceedings as guardian aforesaid to the Co. of Stewart, having given bond and security to the court of that county as appears from the certificate of the clerk of said county. (Note in margin: Proceedings drawn out at full length & forwarded to Stewart Co. 19 Feb. 1832.)

Randolph Co. GA Deeds
      A-21: Stewart Co. GA; 16 Aug. 1831, Agnes Duncan to Joseph R. Hill & Co., both of county & state aforesaid, for $58, lot 81 in Dist. 7, formerly Lee now Randolph Co.; wit. Smith R. Cleary, A.B. Pope JP. (FHL film 271,214) (MAD: she of Hall Co. GA when she won the 1827 lottery lot)
      B-248 (1st): Marion Co. GA, 14 Jan. 1837, John Richardson of Marion Co. GA to Nathaniel Duncan of Stewart Co. GA, $250, Lot 74 in Dist. 8, formerly Lee now Randolph Co.; wit. Samuel Holley, Henry Joiner. (FHL film 271,215)
      B-248 (2nd): Randolph Co. GA, 14 June 1837, Nathaniel Duncan of Stewart Co. GA to Richard Foster of Randolph Co. GA, $600, Lot 74 in Dist. 8, formerly Lee now Randolph Co.; wit. Henry Howell, Reuben Tye. (FHL film 271,215)

Sumter Co. GA Deeds (FHL film 255,329)
      K-391 (2nd): Stewart Co. GA, 1 June 1844, Nathaniel Duncan of afsd to James K. Toler of Richmond Co. GA, $200, lot #171 in 27th Dist. of Lee Co. originally now Sumter Co., 202-1/2 acres; wit. J.D. Ponder, G.W. Scott JP.
      K-470: Sumter Co. GA, 7 Nov. 1854; per Fi Fa from Stewart Co. Superior Court, Samuel B. Webb vs. Nathaniel Duncan, Sheriff Sterling Glover seized land of Duncan and sold it 7 Nov. 1854 to highest bidder, Martin Burk, for $450, this deed 7 Nov. 1854 to said Martin Burk for lot #171 in 27th Dist., 202-1/2 acres; wit. Edwin R. Brown, Louis Bruner, Ordinary.


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